2004/12/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:35440 Activity:nil |
12/26 kate blanchett makes up for any sins committed in lord of the rings by being awesome in "The Aviator" \_ What sins were those, exactly? \_ Check her out in 'Elizabeth'. \_ Sins? I thought her Galadriel was one of the best things about those movies. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. |
2004/12/26 [Uncategorized] UID:35441 Activity:nil |
12/25 Merry Christmas and God bless our troops, may they come home safely! |
2004/12/26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35442 Activity:nil |
12/26 Well, look who's a proponent of affirmative action for religious minorities all of a sudden: http://csua.org/u/ai8 |
2004/12/26-27 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:35443 Activity:nil |
12/26 motd restored. fuck all y'all. |
2004/12/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:35444 Activity:nil |
12/26 mail problems again? anyone know why this keeps happening? Thanks. /dev/da0s1f 992M 918M -4.8M 101% /var \_ I cleaned 400MB of crap out of /var/tmp yesterday; don't know what filled it up so fast. Might have been the 25k odd mail processes throwing junk in the logs. Am looking into things. - jvarga |
2004/12/26-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:35445 Activity:nil |
12/26 Anyone who has written device drivers for Windows and Linux befor? I would like to know your opinions on what are difficulties for mediocre programmers to get started on writing device drivers for Linux. lack of IDE tools? lack of tutrial code segment? thx -kngharv \_ I have written file system drivers for both, and have written some USB/serial filter drivers for Windows. What would you specifically like to know? -williamc \_ cool. I'll email you for things I want to know. for those who are interested in the subject, let me know so i put you in the loop. |
2004/12/26-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35446 Activity:low |
12/26 Blast From The Past: http://www.minimumeffort.com/nutshell.html \_ Reason why we invaded Iraq: Because Bush doesn't like Saddam Hussein. Duh. \_ Here is a better one: http://www.aaiusa.org/news/aainews031803.htm |
2004/12/26-27 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:35447 Activity:high |
12/26 Dear soda Francophones: What is the proper way to pronounce 'Noilly Prat'? \_ approximately "nwaYEE pra". \-bonjour, as with "Moet" as in Moet && Chandon, the t in "Prat" is pronounced. Proper nouns may not follow the usual rules [sometimes for arbitrary reasons, sometimes for "good" reasons, like it isnt originally a French name]. General rule for French is to pronounce these final consonants: CaReFuL. chevaL blanC, pinot noiR, neuF. I am not sure whether "Prat" or "Pratte" would be better (not that anybody could tell), but it is not "Pra". ok merci. --psb I think it is often reasonable to pronounce foreign words in the "natrual" manner of the local language... say with "Paris" in the "natural" manner of the local language... say with "Paris" but not always ... Lyons. ok merci. You may enjoy attempting to pronounce "Reims". --psb \_ You do not pronounce final 'c' or 't'. No Frenchman I have ever met would pronounce 'prat' like that. Otherwise it's 'pratte' (feminine) which doesn't exist. Yes, my dad's a French teacher. Sorry, Partha. Final 't' is only pronounced before a starting vowel in the next word (Moet et Chandon). -John \-The pronounciation of the T in Moet is not the ellision with the "et". I will happily bet you a bottle of moet on this. you can call up the House of Moette and ask them. Your parent will surely know proper nouns commonly have exceptions. you dont pronounce the final c? how do *you* say medoc, languedoc, cognac, listrac, armagnac, pauillac? what is the former french unit of currency? --psb \_ ooooo, John kicks psb's butt! I love John. By the way, I notice that there are similarities between the Swiss yoddlers and the Bavarian country people in those Bavarian festivals, do they speak similarly or something? What's the connection? ok thx. -John #1 fan \-http://www.superbrands.org/242 just google for "pronounce moet". somewhat ironically, "prat" is english slang for a doofus or lamer, as in "john is being a prat". --psb \- There appears to be a WEEB site for Noilly Prat. Maybe somebody can watch the video and settle this ... I have broken Flash on my computer. It does confirm "Prat" is a last name. http://www.noillyprat.com --psb \_ On the video 'Since 1813...' they pronounce the two names seperately. 'Noilly' is nwa-YEE, as others said. 'Prat' is pronounced hard, as in the word 'prattle'. |
2004/12/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:35448 Activity:nil |
12/26 [47] soda //var/>df -h /var Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/da0s1f 992M 915M -2.3M 100% /var trouble. can't send email. \_ Fixed, with jvarga's help. Thanks for reporting it. --mconst \_ thanks, jvarga |
2004/12/26-27 [Recreation/Celebrity/WilliamHung] UID:35449 Activity:kinda low |
12/26 So apparently William Hung is really big in Asia. Has anyone bought a CD of his? I think it's sweet irony that he's become bigger and more famous than anyone on Teen Idol. \_ Does the motd go into reruns over the holidays? \_ My god, that retard is still on the news? \_ milking it for what it's worth. |