2004/12/22 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:35389 Activity:high |
12/21 Jesus of Nazareth, wrong on crime, wrong on defense, wrong choice. http://www.wiseass.org/files/Jesus.swf http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/graphics/bush_jesusad.jpg \_ Yeah, those damn Jews, they're all democrats. \_ I'm surprised ilyas the Russian Jew hasn't said anything yet. \_ I am neither russian nor jewish. -- ilyas \_ How do you describe your ethnicity? \_ Why should I tell you things if i don't even know who you are? Email me if you care. -- ilyas |
2004/12/22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:35390 Activity:low |
12/21 Does anyone know the name/singer of that song in Elf, when Will Ferrell sneaks in on that girl while she showers and sings along with her? thanks. \_ baby, it's cold outside. zooey deschanel \_ I thought Elf was a poorly written movie. \_ She's gonna be Trillian? \_ Elf is terrbile |
2004/12/22 [Uncategorized] UID:35391 Activity:nil |
12/21 Protest the protests, because, let's face it, you can't make a fucking difference anymore (should've figured that one out when your candidate was still running!) |
2004/12/22 [Computer/Theory] UID:35392 Activity:nil |
12/22 Man builds Mech in backyard: http://tinyurl.com/4w6tq |
2004/12/22 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:35393 Activity:high |
12/22 Recruit is dropping, prison is overcrowded... what do you guys think about offer prison inmate an option to serve in the military? Chinese used to do this in the imperial time. \_ Yeah, let's send over a bunch of rapists and murderers to Iraq. That'll make 'em love us. Not that "normal" Americans have done better. That'll make 'em love us. Not that "normal" Americans have done better. \_ Umm...I thought we did that. \_ Actually this is done quite often, esp. when things get desperate. Read some American/English/French war history. Convicts make very poor soldiers, however. \_ In Colonization, they need TWO morale upgrades just to become free colonists! \_ You apparently are unaware on how high-tech the army is these days. The army needs highly motivated people to carry out its sophisticated tactics. Modern day warfare isn't about sending a mass amount of people to go off and die (that's what Al Qaeda does and that's why we have something on the order of 50-to-1 casualty ratios). Anyway, only the truly moronic will let people of questionable morality be trained for large sums of money to wield million dollar weapons. \_ Your entire response is a joke, right? hi-tech army? highly motivated people? your 50:1 casualty ratio? moronic-vs-moral people? surely you're kidding. I think you have a very idealized notion of our military, and I also think you overestimate the intelligence and moral fiber of our military leaders and government. \_ 50:1??? Who are you kidding? Are you adding all the civilians casualties in there? We have lost 1.2k soldiers killed and 10k wounded. Do you think Al Qaeda has lost 60k killed and 500k wounded? Where the hell did they put the 1/2M wounded??? \_ al Qaeda is not sending massive army. not even close. and if anything, al Qaeda members are more motivated than us. high-tech weaponary is not an issue, we know that because we used to *TRAIN* those al Qaeda members in 1980's, remember? |
2004/12/22 [Reference/BayArea, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35394 Activity:nil |
12/22 Just realize Bush's big political gamble. His State of Union address is about a week after Iraqi election... \_ What political gamble? It's his second and final term. He can basically do whatever he wants without worrying about repercussions. It's not like anyone can even recall him. |
2004/12/22 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:35395 Activity:high |
12/22 So, uh, my O'Reilly watching younger brother is thinking about signing up for the National Guard. His interview date is today (moved up a week, and after they called him three times in the space of 15 minutes to make sure he knew where to go). Anything I should say to him? \_ Not that this answers your question, but you should go watch the Beavis and Butthead episode about army recruiting. It's hilarious. "Today's army rocks!!! We're looking for a few good headbangers!!!!" \_ No matter how honest a face the recruiter and 'career counsellor' have, NEVER TRUST A WORD THEY SAY. If it ain't in writing, it's not going to happen. period. Recruiters are NOT your friend, though there are limits to what they can say. If they're not going to give him the job he wants, walk. And sign NOTHING without reading it first. They have quota to fill in certain jobs, and they're VERY VERY good at pressuring you into doing stuff that you don't want. \_ my dad was a recruiter for a while, the above is excellent advice! - danh \_ I second the above advice. My career uscg dad did recruiting. Meeting quota he found irritating; the pathological lying made him give up after a couple weeks. -elizp \_ Thanks guys. -op \_ "Maybe there's a reason they're so desperate to give you a gun." ? \_ Yeah. Why sign up for Nat. Guard when you could be in the Marines? \_ second that. Tell your brother to sign up for the regular instead. National Guards are being treated as a second class personnel, doing all the grun work and take all the blames. \_ Not to mention friendly fire and unarmored vehicles. \_ Wouldn't it be safest to sign up for the Navy or USAF? \_ nothing, if something happens to him there will be one less Reddie |
2004/12/22 [Uncategorized] UID:35396 Activity:high |
12/22 I've finally gotten around to trolling around in craigslist (best of is damn hilareous). WTF does "pnp" and "420" mean? \_ I'm surprised you don't know 420. It means "pot is ok". PnP is a little rarer. It means "Party and Play". Sex while high, usually speed or X. \_ thx!, one more: D&D (drugs & drinking)? \_ Dungeons and Dragons. \_ What's "Tina"? \_ Crystal meth \_ Why is it called Tina? \_ Some people call it 'my friend Chrissy' which becomes 'Christina' and then 'Tina'. |
2004/12/22-23 [Consumer/Camera] UID:35397 Activity:high |
12/22 There hasn't been a camera thread in a bit. I'm lazy, can someone help me decide that a dig SLR is better for me than a "prosumer" one, and if so that the Canon dig. rebel at $770 after rebate is the best deal? It appears to be $500 less than a Nikon D70. \- the +$800 non SLR digitals are for rich morons --psb and if so that the Canon dig. rebel at $770 after rebate is the best deal? It appears to be $500 less than a Nikon D70. \_ It really depends what you want to use it for. I think for most semi-serious photographers, you're probably better off spending less money on a fixed-lens camera than more money on an SLR+lens. A number of prosumer cameras have lenses which are quite acceptable, although there are some compromises to be made. If you don't already have a bunch of lenses, and don't know exactly how much photography you're going to be doing, I'd definitely look at a manual-control prosumer camera with a decent fixed lens. -tom \_ yes, I agree with tom that prosumer lenses have their advantages. I'd say price and portability are the two main ones. Have you seen how bulky those Digital SLRs are with those long lenses? \-nikon d70body is $1k - $100rebate = $900. although unless you have a lot of nice lenses you probably do want to get the kit lens. --psb \_ yea I was comparing basic kits. the canon body is $670. So is the Nikon kit lens worth the extra dough over Canon's? Getting the black body on the Canon amusingly seems to add $40. The Nikon lens is a DX which I recall you bitching about. \- whether the lens is worth it to you obviously depends on what you are sitting on and what you plan to shoot. nobody is saying "oh it is a piece of shit lens" ... independent of how it may fit your needs, the general consensus seems to be "it is fairly priced". i have a nikkor AF-D 18-35 but i bought the kit lens because i have a second body and the pix i care about are often paroramics so i didnt want to keep swapping lenses. BTW, a huge factor in cameras are operational issues that cant be expressed in single number statistics like pixels or flash sync speed etc. if one camera has something 3 deep on a menu and another camera has a button that can immediately control that setting, that kind of thing can make a huge difference. --psb \_ ok, agreed... I'm sitting on nada, I've kind of followed the market for a while now though. I suppose I wonder why the Canon kit with similar specs ends up $500 less than the Nikon. I think I understand the usability concerns with this Canon camera. Are the lenses different in just "general optical quality" or am I missing something else... ok thx. \- there are a lot fo comparisons on http://photo.net, dpreview etc. if you post non-anonymously i would be more inclined to send you the links. \_ if you dont' have any lens at first place, then, go with whatever you want: Canon, Nikon, Sigma, Pentax. All of them are pretty good. the key is control, as post earlier. Make sure the camera you use has easy access (e.g. hardware button) for 1. white balance, and 2. exposure compensation. If you know anything about photography, then, you probably want seperate dial/control for apature and shutter speed as well. Canon Digital Rebel combines apature and shutter speed into one control. For person like me who tend to fiddle with both on every picture, that is some serious usability issue. As for lenses, I would ditch the kit lens and get a better one, and get as wide as you can afford. \- the DX format "G" 18mm lens is going to be much cheaper than anything else which will be an option if he goes with the nikon. otherwise you are talking about a lens with a much more limited range like the 18-35 [an AF-D lens] or you are talking about +$800 lenses. --psb \_ I would go with the Canon 300D (Digital Rebel). Not only is it cheaper (w/ 18-55mm lens) than the D70 (w/o lens), it also uses a CMOS sensor rather than a CCD. The upshot for a non-pro is that the 300D will produce better photos with less fiddling than the D70 (a cmos sensor gets a RGB value at every "pixel" whereas a CCD only gets one value at each "pixel" and then interpolates the others from adjacent pixels). Some of the limitations of the \_ This is SOOOOOO Not true. I hope no one is buying the 300D based on this lie. All sensors, CMOS or CCD, records only one color per pixel. The bayer pattern then merges the colors to form one final pixel. What you get is a slight loss of sharpness. For the record, only the foveon sensor is physically able to record all 3 colors at a single pixel location. 300D are that it takes a while to boot from standby whereas the D70 is instant on, that makes some difference, but I set the standby to 30 mins on my 300D when I need to do quick shooting and this doesn't reduce my battery life noticeably. The 300D also doesn't have some of the pro features that the D70 and 10/20D have, but if you are looking at a pro-sumer camera, then the 300D will be more than sufficient. The other big advantage I find is that Canon lenses are cheaper used than Nikon lenses and also Canon's lower end lenses are of much better optical quality than Nikon's lower end lenses. And you could always get yourself a Canon "L" series lens (generally consider the best lens you can buy from any vendor). \- the canon 20d vs d70 is a serious question if you take out $$$. i think the d70 is pretty clearly a better camera than the 300d. the only justification for the 300d would be large investment in canon lenses in which case you would probably be looking at the 20d anyway. i would take the cmos/ccd stuff above with a grain of salt. --psb \_ The noise levels of the 300D/10D sensor at the same ISO and shutter speed are lower than the D70's: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/nikond70/page14.asp \- focusing [NPI] on a couple of percent difference on laboratory condition, blownup shots is silly. there is a giant difference in noice between physically smaller sensors with same #pixels but suggesting a signficant difference in noise between the d70 and 300 is "noise" ... it's better to look at more significant differences [like camera functionality and interface] than these marginal qualitative ones. d70 vs 300d: 1/500 vs 1/200 flash sync. d70: better metering. 8000th vs 4000th for top shutter speed. much much larger buffer for continuous shooting in d70. better whitebal control. come on. this is not a serious contest. with the 20d it is a serious comparison. --psb \_ Yeah they have a rebate deal where you get extra $100 rebates on lenses bought with the drebel. I have a hard time determining the value to me of some of these though. The 17-40 f/4 L one could be interesting, could get with camera for <$1100. Adding a tele this gets pretty pricey although I suppose the lenses are a better long term investment than the camera. One other thing about the SLR is the sensor size: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos300d/page14.asp \_ I don't remember which lenses qualify for the rebate, but if the 75-300 IS or the 28-135 IS qualify, I would recommend getting one of those. \_ while they are good lenses, don't forget that dSLRs have a cropping factor of 1.3x to 1.6x (some). So that means a 28mm becomes a 44mm (example only) |
2004/12/22-23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:35398 Activity:insanely high |
12/22 I'm considering a job in the south bay that would mean ~2:15 commute by BART + Caltrain with minimal layovers. I'm thinking I can get a new laptop and unlimited cellular-internet and make the commute time a reasonable facsimilie of how I spend many evenings. The big downside is I'll have *much* less time to spend with my (live-in) girlfriend and my non-computer-based hobbies. Am I completely insane for considering this arrangement? \_ I did this for almost a year. The most important thing is to work from home one day a week; I can't describe how much this helps. (And you need to negotiate for it before you accept the job. It'll be way harder otherwise.) It's also nice if there are people you can carpool with occasionally instead of taking BART. Anyway, it's tolerable for at least six months, but don't plan to do it long- term. \_ I did this for almost a year. It really, really helps if you can work from home one day a week. (And you need to negotiate for it before you accept the job -- it'll be way harder otherwise.) It's also nice if there are people you can carpool with occasionally instead of taking BART. Anyway, it's tolerable for at least six months, but don't plan to do it long-term. \_ Where are you commutting from and where are you commutting to? If you tell us someone may be able to offer a quicker route by car. \_ It should be about 1:30 by car but I don't like driving and can't use a laptop while driving. \_ you could become crazy aerobic workout on train guy! \_ The key is to get a co-worker to take the same commute and become the crazy kung fu battle workout on train guys. \_ Why not just move? \_ GF just bought a house right next to BART (good commute for her) \_ I commute ~1 hr each way on daily basis. I really hate it when I get the urge and have to use the bathroom during my commute. \_ Bragging on soda the fact that you have a (live-in) gf? \_ That's bragging? \_ This is soda. \_ he lives at his gf's house, no less. what a man. \_ Pff. I pay rent. \_ What a man! I bet she can't wait until you stop being a sponge. \_ What's that? Oh, that must be the sound of somebody talking out of their own ass. \_ I'm not the pathetic loser with the 2 hour commute paying rent to live in his gf's house. \_ It would be more impressive if she let you live there for free. \_ Oh. \_ I did this once for six months to go work for Taos. I gave it up and took a 15% pay cut to get a reasonable commute and my life back. I guess it depends on what you think your time is worth, but for me, spending 8 hrs (work) + 5 hrs (commute) really was not worth it. I got up at 7AM, didn't get to work until 9:30, left at 5:30 and got home at 8PM. I was too tired and hungry to do anything but order out and then crash. When I switched to a job at HotWired, my life improved immeasurably. Taos even offered me a 30% raise if I would stick around, but I decided against it. -ausman \_ Wait a minute, you gave up a 45% raise so you wouldn't have to waste time commutting? Couldn't you have just rented a nicer place closer to Taos for a 45% raise? Did momma raise a fool here? \_ Right on! I used to commute and life is so much better now that I do not. I recommend the OP find a job closer to home. \_ This was before wireless internet though, so that changes the equation quite a bit. I spent most of my free time surfing the net and it sounds like this guy does, too. -ausman \_ extra hour of free time on daily basis is extremely valuable to me. it will hit you after a while. so, don't do it. \_ Don't be a fool. The commute will ruin your relationship. Even with the laptop, you're burning time better spent doing something you really like. \_ http://partypoker.com \_ the point is that you can do that on the train commute. |
2004/12/22 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW] UID:35399 Activity:nil |
12/22 Is there a way to make cp retain the file time but not the other shit when I do a copy? -p preserves too much information. I just want the file to retain its timestamp. \_ There is if you use GNU cp. |
2004/12/22 [Finance/CC] UID:35400 Activity:nil |
12/22 I just used my free $30 credit from opening up an Amazon credit card. Is there any reason to keep it? -person who hates opening CCs \_ well, if you buy from amazon fairly frequently, when you end up with $600 in amazon purchases, you get a $25 amazon gc. \- if you get an REI VISA, you can get a check instead of REI credit. --psb |
2004/12/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:35401 Activity:high |
12/22 If I buy an 802.11 hub for my company (I'm a new admin), how many nodes/computers can 1 support, and what's the bandwidth? Say I have 200 people in my company, how many hubs do I need? Thanks. \_ Theoretically you can support 223 devices max on each access point. In reality you shouldn't have more than 25-50 devices per AP, depending on what kind of users you have. BTW, it's not technically a "hub" but an "access point". A "hub" usually refers to a dumb hub that broadcasts all packets to all computers on the network. Most of the things you see today are "switching hubs" or "switches" which direct traffic according to IP/MAC address instead of just simply broadcasting it. A wireless unit is usually referred to as an "access point" since there is an additional layer on top of the switch for the WiFi. -oldbie admin. \_ one more jive, the whole motd goes. You've been warned. \_ dun't ilyes zee mutd, y'knoo? Bork Bork Bork! \_ ooooh. scary! |
2004/12/22 [Industry/Startup] UID:35402 Activity:nil |
2004/12/22 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:35403 Activity:very high |
12/22 Dear Religious Democrats (emarkp, jrleek, etc), please help out. I'm trying to find biblical sections like John 12:34, Genesis 56:78, or something like that, which may suggest that Jesus 1) favors more government handouts for welfare 2) is compassionate and is soft on crime 3) prefers raising tax for the rich to support the poor 4) anything else that aligns with the Democratic agenda I'm trying to come up with something cool, but I need actual sections from the bible. ok thx -don't know much about bible \_ Apparently you know even less about the motd and its cast of characters than you do about the bible. \_ I have to wonder what I or jrleek have written which led this person to believe we are Democrats. -emarkp \_ Well, it sounds pretty bizarre to me. Is there *any* issue on which you would consider yourself to be a "liberal?" \_ This has to be the dumbest request of the year. You can't take the bible and start applying 21st century politics to it. Anyway, the Bible as a whole is definitely conservative, especially the Old Testament. You are prohibitted from homosexuality, you can't eat pork, and anyone who isn't part of your group is slain. If you think that Jesus was a liberal, you'd be wrong. He expressly states that although he brings something new, the old ways are by no means to be overthrown. Also, although the Catholic Church has traditionally been aligned with the Democrats, they are firmly against abortion, divorce, and contraception. I'm not quite sure how you could align the strongly traditional message in various parts of the Bible, especially books like Job or Jonah which teach absolute faith in God without reason, to liberal democratic views. \_ look, if Karl Rove can successfully use the Bible to manipulate the not-so-bright mass of people, then it shouldn't be so hard to use his own ammo to manipulate them the other way. If all logic and reasons fail, you have to resort to... Religion, which is proven to work well. \_ Maybe instead of finding a few choice quotes to bend to your agenda you should read the whole bible to get a better idea of what Jesus stood for. You're no better than O'Reily. \_ it takes one OReiley to counter another OReiley. \_ Maybe you should watch Jon Stewart on Crossfire. He seriously disagrees with that approach. \_ Um, I'm most certainly not a Democrat. -emarkp \_ uh, ok. So what are you, a conservative? \_ he's not a Democrat, he's been Visited by the Angel Moroni \_ Yes. And I see very little in the Bible to support government policy of any sort. -emarkp \_ Luke 12:33, Matthew 19:21, Colossians 3:2 \_ None of those have anything to do with public policy. -emarkp \_ so emarkp, would you say that if Jesus were alive today, he would rather support Republican agendas than Democratic agendas? \_ I don't think he'd support any political agenda. -emarkp \_ If you ask me, Jesus is a communist. Just read: Luke 12:33 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Matthew 19:21 "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven." Colossians 3:2 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." \_ Yes, those would be the verses listed above. They are about how you should live your own life, not how you should legislate the lives of others. Note also that in Luke he was speaking to the twelve (slightly different commission) and in Matthew he was responding to the young man who asked how to become perfect. -emarkp \_ "not how you should legislate"? Give me a break, conservatives are trying to legislate religious values all the time. \_ That doesn't mean Jesus would advocate it, or that all conservatives suggest that Jesus would advocate it. -emarkp \_ hi kchang! \_ "As you treat the least of mine, you treat me also". \_ 'Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons! For I was hungry, and you didn't feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn't give me anything to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn't invite me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me no clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't visit me.' Jesus goes on to say Then they will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?' And he will answer, `I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life." -Matthew 25:41 Also look up liberation theology to see how leftists have interpreted these ideals into action. \_ Jesus advocates charity. Leftists advocate charity at the point of a gun. -- ilyas \_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_Theology#Passages_from_the_Bible |
2004/12/22 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35404 Activity:nil |
12/22 "Time Magazine - Hitler - Man of 1938 (January 2, 1939)" on eBay, for $71.00. The seller says "(It is not often we have the privilege to have a leader like our current President Bush ...thank you Mr. President..thank you God!)" http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=280&item=4513674003 |
2004/12/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35405 Activity:very high |
12/22 The Confederate flag is fighting back, the Red is the latest fashion! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,142338,00.html In other news, rural area is expanding and the Conservatives are way out-reproducing the Hippies: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,142320,00.html \_ The Latinos are way outproducing both. \_ true, and they are Conservatives who hate you Hippies. \_ Why do they vote overwhelmingly Democratic then? \_ Depends on their income and generation. They vote more and more Republican the more money they make. Middle-class Latinos tend to be Republican and all are conservative by virtue of their religion. \_ overwhelming? In 2000, they were 25% Rep 74% Dem. In 2004, the were 44% Rep 54% Dem. Go figure. \_ That 44% is a Republican fantasy. Bush got about 40% and that is far better than your average Republican. He also got 35% in 2000, not 25% as you imply. Been listening to Rush Limbaugh again? You really should fact check that guy before repeating his falsehoods. Latinos are over 3:1 currently Democratic. Latinos are currently over 3:1 Democratic. http://www.lif.org/civic/vote_2000.html |
2004/12/22 [Uncategorized] UID:35406 Activity:high |
12/22 Is it my imagination, or has the level of noise about alien abduction sightings, and conspiracies in popular culture gone down over the last four years? \_ Far too much actual conspiracy to deal with the wacko alien shit. Abu Ghraib torture, Gitmo, EPA... even this whole attempt to paint Iraq and Al Quaeda with the same brush. \_ yeah, one of the DU admins has "skinner" as his login \_ Hmm, 2000 seems like the year when X-Files started to suck. Wonder if there is any coincidence? |
2004/12/22-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:35407 Activity:nil |
12/22 Does the airport express have firewall capabilities? Or do I still need to have the base station plugged in somewhere? \_ You mean the express lane at the airport? -troll \_ Ha, ha, you.. are.. so.. funny.. not.. \_ http://www.apple.com/airportexpress/specs.html |
2004/12/22 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:35408 Activity:very high |
12/22 Ferengi are a caricature of Capitalists. Are there any caricatures of socialists/communists in ST? \_ Borg? \_ I was thinking about that. But that Borg are so much cooler than the Ferengi \_ It's true that the Borg are far cooler. I am fascinated by eusociality myself. Capitalism is mundane and boring and banal and ugly. Like the Ferengi. It works though. -- ilyas \_ The Federation == Canada \_ The Federation is Roddenbery's wet socialist fantasy. There's no money in the Federation (because they eliminated scarcity using the matter creation stuff). But then, inter-species trade seems alive and well. This is never really explained. You can't really \_ The Federation's credit in infinite make a medium of exchange of value go away. -- ilyas \_ I thought they used "gold pressed latinum" or something, at least in DS9. I think maybe the star trek universe is just not internally consistent on this subject. \_ no way, Picard has too much balls to be Canadian \_ perhaps he's really Quebecois. \_ Picard has balls? Could have fooled me. \_ Federation ~ EU/UN. I say this b/c each of the worlds/systems in the Federation has its own government and sends ambassadors to the Federation council rather than representatives to the Federation congress/senate/parliament. This is more like the set up of the EU/UN. I agree that the Federation started as some sort of socialist fantasy but the Federation hardly resembles that anymore. It is more like a EU/UN where the US basically calls the shots. Earth seems to get its way all the time is generally the most heavily defended planet. Earth also seems most like the US rather than Canada or Europe in terms of the behavior of its people and leaders. \_ Romulans => Romulus ~ China, Vulcan ~ Japan/Taiwan. Okay the history doesn't quite work out since Romulans fled from Vulcan but the rest is pretty similar. Klingons might work too b/c they were supposed to be equiv. to the Russians. Lots of similarities (ST6 => moon blowing up ~ Chernobyl, Errand of Mercy ~ Russia v US in a small south east asian country, just to name a few). BTW, the Cardassians seem to line up with Germany w/ Bajorans ~ the Jews. Not sure what to make of the Dominion or the Breen (or any of the stupid races on Voyager). \_ it's evident that the Enterprise runs like communism. Everyone there is stuck on the ship for the rest of their lives, and they all have the same uniforms. In fact, it seems that everyone from the future dresses the same. I guess at one time or another someone decided that individualism sucks for one reason or another and made everyone dress the same way. |
2004/12/22-23 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:35409 Activity:high |
12/23 The screen on my 600 series IBM thinkpad no longer seems to work. Is it worth trying to replace the screen? Ebay seems to have reasonably priced screens but I have no idea how difficult it is to replace a screen. Can anyone point me to instructions on replacing the screen or suggest whether this is a good idea? Thanks. \_ Chances are it's not the screen unless you cracked it. Chances are it's the LCD inverter, which costs much less than a whole screen. Laptop parts are fairly hard to replace, but the Thinkpad should be a good model to do it on. Do you have regular or security screws? -williamc \_ I think I have regular screws. The inverter's on ebay are much cheaper than the screens so it would be great if that was the issue. How would I figure this out? Do you know of any websites with instructions on this sort of thing? Thanks. \_ 1) If the backlight is out you will still be able to see your screen function if you look at it close enough in bright lighting. 2) If the invert is out, well, the inverter is out. You can't tell if it's an inverter problem or if it's something inside the screen. If you didn't crack your screen there is an exceedingly high probability it's the inverter because LCD screens will last a long time without damage, in the order of decades. 3) If you damaged one of your cables. Only way to test that is to pop off the hood of your laptop and examine the cables. Also make sure you seat the connectors properly. Maybe you dropped it or somethign and it got loose. 4) If it's the screen, then, well, get a new laptop. It's really not worth it since you can get a faster laptop for not much more money than screen + labor. Obviously you have the hassle of transferring over files. If you feel warry about taking apart a laptop, well, you should be. I've broken the plastic moldings on two laptops I've repaired in the past. It just goes with the territory since they're not exactly designed to be taken apart. Just don't force anything, and sometimes you have to force a small flathead screwdriver into not-so-obvious slotholes to uhnook plastic tabs. Just be aware that screws can hide under rubber caps over holes, so you'l need to be patient before resorting to more than light force in taking apart a case. -williamc \_ If you don't know what's wrong with it, it could be the screen, backlight, cable or motherboard. Typical sales on eBay are only the screen, so if your $2 cable bought it, you're screwed. That being said, I've heard thinkpads are the easiest to work on. \_ Do you know how I could figure this out? Should I take it to CompUSA and ask them to fix it or something like that? Thanks. \_ Take it to whoever would handle the manufacturer's warranty. If it's out of warranty, you might get them to diagnose it at least. Typically, they'll simply replace all the screen components. Doing it yourself will most likely be $1000 or more. \_ if you post your login, I will send you a thinkpad 600 maintainence manual. it will list all the 600 models and give you part numbers. |
2004/12/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:35410 Activity:nil |
12/22 First, the OS dominance, then the browser dominance, and now, media player dominance: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=353887 |
2004/12/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:35411 Activity:nil |
12/22 Most villagers at Bangalore embrace Microsoft over open source. Microsoft is chosen as the networking solution for the state's utilities and services for 55 million people: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/12/21/india.microsoft.support.ap |
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