2004/12/7 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35192 Activity:high |
12/7 I'd like to run a program and save the output to a log file while still seeing the program output on stdout. I tried using the tee command as in "foo.exe | tee mylog.txt" but tee only seems to print to stdout every once in a while instead of when foo.exe generates a line of output. How do I save output to a file while having every new line of output sent to stdout? Thanks. -emin \_ The problem is not in tee, but in foo. By default, the stdio library produces output a line at a time if it's outputting directly to a terminal, but buffers its output in large chunks otherwise (see "man setvbuf"). When you pipe foo's output to another program, it's no longer outputting to a terminal, so it turns on its buffering. The easiest cure is to create a fake terminal for it to run on: ssh -t localhost foo.exe | tee mylog.txt I know, it sucks. The default buffering really ought to be smarter, or at least configurable. --mconst \_ foo and tee BOTH buffer, don't they? \_ Tee actually never buffers its output. Even if it used the default stdio buffering, though, it wouldn't be a problem here since it's outputting directly to a terminal. --mconst \_ what about foo | cat | tee mylog.txt? \_ That won't help anything. foo is still writing to a pipe. \_ The mconst has spoken. Woe to those who will not listen. \_ You have to redirect stderr to stdout. In bourne-like shells, foo.exe 2>&1 | tee log In csh derivatives, I think it's something like foo.exe |& tee log \_ Another possibility you might explore is using 'screen' to run your process, with screen logging to a log file. SCREEN RULES!! \_ "Sounds like a virus. Reformat and start over." \_ Advice like this will destabilize your computer for years to come |
2004/12/7-8 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:35193 Activity:high |
12/7 Elite keyboard link:tinyurl.com/6jnge \_ The pirate keyboard is better. |
2004/12/7-8 [Industry/Startup, Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:35194 Activity:high |
12/7 Anybody here work at Ebay/Paypal or have friends that work there? I'm interested in applying for a position. I've heard rumors that they don't give out a lot of stock options but that their bonus plan is pretty good. How about their base salary? How about working hours? This is for a senior position. Thanks. \_ sign your post? Come on man. \- it seems like this is the kind of post that is reasonably anonymous ... may not want employer to know about application etc. --psb |
2004/12/7-8 [Transportation/Airplane, Transportation/Car] UID:35195 Activity:very high |
12/7 http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.12/traffic.html?tw=wn_tophead_6 Rethinking traditional ideas of road and traffic design (the Dutch model). Has anybody actually seen this work? Does it mean faster trip times overall? I remember always driving down Milvia in preference to Shattuck; the bumps and occasional stop signs were far more pleasant than lane changing and stop lights. \_ Not entirely relevant, but the Dutch are the worst drivers in the world. They're like Italians but without determination. -John \_ I did stuff like that a lot too. The LA version of this is 'stay off the freeways.' -- ilyas \_ ilyas, you seem to hate LA, and you seem to hate UCLA. Why don't you move somewhere you like (better school, better environment, etc) instead of bitching every day? I mean, this is a free country, you can do almost anything you want. \_ The motd will now be nuked in a temper tantrum in 5..4..3.. \_ You seem really smart, can I learn from you? -- ilyas \_ Yeah, I much prefer the Bike Route roads to major thoroughfares. In Inner and Outer Sunset in the City, roads like this have extreme advantages over their more congested, light-regulated cousins. |
2004/12/7-8 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35196 Activity:kinda low |
12/7 http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/shop/html/weasel_poll_results.html Dilbert-reading wage slaves filled with Communists - Weaseliest Country United States 19918 France 12941 North Korea 4915 Israel 2289 Iran 1830 Pakistan 1177 |
2004/12/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:35197 Activity:insanely high |
12/7 Does anyone watch the Chinese-dubbed Korean TV drama on Ch32 10pm weeknights? Is there an English name for that drama? Thanks. \_ I've never seen it, but if you describe it, I might be able to figure out which one it is. Just as a guess, it could be "Autumn Tale" which was very popular in Japan recently. -jrleek \_ Thanks, but "Autumn Tale" is the one running on Ch26 about two years ago, also dubbed in Chinese. It's not the one on Ch32 now. I watched "Autumn Tale" and liked it. The one on Ch32 now is a comedy. A guy M1 and and woman W1 lives together in a hut on a roof of a building. M1 is a jerk. W1 likes M1. M1 likes his good-looking college friend W2. W2 likes her family friend and a corporate manager M2. M2 likes his sub-ordinate W1. \_ While we're at it, what about the one that's the reverse of Autumn Tale? Ie. a guy and a woman are in love, and eventually it turns out that they are half-siblings. Anyone knows the name of that drama? It was also Chinese-dubbed on Ch26 a couple years ago. \_ Man, I didn't realize that Korean dramas were so popular. \_ In Hong Kong, Korean dramas have overtaken Japanese dramas in the past few years. Consider this: in the Bay Area, there are three drama time slots in the Chinese TV hours in the evening, 8-9 and 9-10 on Ch26 and 10-11 on Ch32. Two out of the three slots run Chinese-dubbed Korean dramas, and only one slot runs Chinese-made drama. \_ Korean drama is a lot better than the shit that's produced by Taiwan and HK. Mainland China's produces extremely good historical dramas, but modern day dramas can get a bit sensitive, and therefore not that many are that good. Korean dramas have very good story lines (and they do it pretty well that they are not lame). Most made for teen Taiwan dramas especially those with silly and low class jokes lacks substance. The bar has been raised by historical (especially JinYong) drama from China, and Korean dramas. I hardly see any Taiwan drama playing on the two Chinese stations now, because they just don't produce anything worth watching. \_ You call JinYong "historical drama?" I'd call it wugong action. Not drama. action. Not drama. And definitely not historical. \_ I meant historical, AND JinYong dramas... \_ You may have meant it, but you didn't say it right. Your language implied JinYong is a kind of historical drama. -- random English nazi \_ Hey! I learned all my Chinese history through JinYong! \_ Several years ago there was a historical dramas from Taiwan about Empress Ci Xi, and another one about the old Bao Gong. Both were very good. about Empress Ci Xi, and another one about the old judge Bao Gong. Both were very good. \_ Cat on the Roof, according to http://tv.yahoo.com \_ Thanks! That's the one! |
2004/12/7-8 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35198 Activity:high |
12/7 Economist article on the slide of the dollar http://economist.com/opinion/displayStory.cfm?story_id=3446249 \_ What I got out of it: (1) Dollar falls too far (2) Foreign banks which keep a lot of dollars (as a currency which retains value) will convert to Euro / yen (3) Dollar falls even farther (4) The U.S. government and consumers just can't buy as much with a dollar == Inflation The unmentioned kicker: The U.S. will beat the shit out of any foreign government which wants to sell its dollars. \_ Much as I'd like to see it happen, I don't think the US is going to start nailing most of Asia and Europe. The countries we are capable of "beating the shit out of" are most likely not the ones holding a lot of dollars, or are they? -John \_ Are Dubya and friends working on ways to make it economically/ politically painful for foreign governments to sell their US$? \_ what for? dubya and friends want the US dollar to fall, just not in an uncontrolled panicky way. foreign governments all want the US dollar not to fall too much, but they also don't want to be the one left holding the bag. \_ Isn't low Dollar good for our exports? \_ insofar as imported stuff getting more expensive in the U.S. is good and domestic stuff getting more expensive at a smaller rate -obviously not an economist \_ Yes, but our exports are way out of whack vis a vis imports. \_ true, so what happens to the 90 pct of consumer goods we buy that are made in china when the renminbi increases 50-100 pct over the value of the dollar? \_ at most 20 pct. prc government won't let it float freely but just increase the range where the yuan is allowed to trade. \_ That will not be true if the dollar falls a lot, though. The other plus of a weak dollar is that it makes it less expensive to pay back the debt we are borrowing. The US will raise the dollar once Iraq stabilizes. Right now, we want it weak since we are borrowing a lot for the war. \_ It creates pain for holders of our treasuries, but does it make it less expensive for us? The debt is still in dollars and dollars are what we have. No? It only becomes less expensive for us if there's inflation? \_ If we borrow Euros then we have to borrow fewer of them. A falling dollar is much the same as inflation. \_ don't understand what you are saying. all our debt are denominated in dollars. \_ Yes, US don't export much anyway. The main effect would be inflation since we buy lots and lots of stuff from overseas. stuff from overseas. I mean, what does US export? Mainly like food stuff. But yes, letting dollar slide is the least painful way for US to get out of its fiscal and economic mess. \_ Uhm, the U.S. is the single largest exporting country in terms of dollar value. We are basically the bread basket to the world. We are also the largest importing country in the world. We just simply import more than we export in terms of dollars. \_ the difference isn't that much either, only about 500 billion a year. US economy is like 10 trillion. \_ Try spending 5% more than you make every year and see how long you can get away with it. Then again, the average American consumer is probably doing just that right now. Oh a cold rain is gonna fall! \_ Well, we could just not repay the debt. It's not like this is the first time an industrialized country just reniged on it's debt. Since we're the proverbial 300lb gorilla in the room, you think anyone is really going to mess with us if we just say "sorry, we're just not going to honor all those treasury bonds"? Sure, there would be economic repercussions, but it isn't like we'll be invaded and I doubt that other countries will just stop investing in us. After all, we are the largest market in the world. \_ Do we do that against US based holders of those bonds? If not, how do you tell who is who? In any case, as dire as the current situation is, I don't think we're at the stage where such a drastic and disastrous measure needs to be taken. \_ Nobody invaded Argentina when they defaulted on their debt either, they just suffered mightily economically. As we will if we defualt on our debt. \_ How about software exports? Is it big $ in the big picture of things? \_ what you missed in the last paragraph: "American bond yields (long-term interest rates) would soar, quite likely causing a deep recession." Another article quoted that 50 pct of new mortgages are variable interest rates. In fact, Greenspan himself urged consumers to borrow @ variable interest rates. When bond interest rates start to soar, mortgage interest will soar, and the number of defaults and bankruptcies will be epic. Don't be a home-owner when that happens. Oh, not to mention interest rates for all other debts: equity lines, credit cards, etc. The US consumer is deeply deeply in debt, and when interest rates start to rise, the picture won't be pretty. Oh, the other thing you missed. the US will not do anything to the Asian countries which will do the majority of the dollar reserve sell-off. China which has $515 bn in reserve has already announced a planned sell-off that will likely accelerate as the dollar fars further. \_ Oh look, Mr. Housing Bubble Is Going To Pop is back with a better argument. Are you still bitter that you didn't buy a house in the Bay Area back when you could still afford it? \_ Hmmmm, if nobody can afford to buy a house in the bay area in the future, wouldn't that mean that house prices will FALL in the future?!?!?! \_ This has nothing to do with the housing bubble. This is about overall massive recession of the US economy, which will take housing prices with it. If you have a house, and you're making 5 pct 30 yr fixed mortgage payments on it, more power to you. Just hold on to your job, and weather the storm. \_ US is stuck in Iraq. All our allies hate our guts. Nobody will give a damn about us "beating the shit out of" anyone. \_ Troll. Has the US announced war on China? \_ I like US dollar falling. It makes my parents very rich when they move to the US. |
2004/12/7-8 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:35199 Activity:high |
12/7 I am thinking of buying my own 20" LCD screen and use it at work (I currently have a 19" CRT). I spend 8+ hours a day looking at the computer screen at work and very little at home. The LCD at work would do me more good than one at home. But are there any reasons that I shouldn't? I mean political reasons? Will it give people bad impression? That I am too rich? Paid too high? (not). I am in a medium sized company with my own cubicles. Has anyone done anything similar? \_ I did this before. I bought two 17" ones instead though since 2x 1280x1024 is more pixels than 1x 1600x1200 and costs less, too. Now the company switched over to LCD, so I threatened them that if I don't have company provided LCD monitors on my desk tomorrow, I won't be working tomorrow since I'm taking mine home. Just asking wasn't working, but above method worked like charm. Make sure to fill out "personal property" forms. Now I have 3 LCD monitors at home :p \_ Don't forget to liberally engrave it with "Personal Property of $OP". Seriously. People will get used to seeing it on your desk and when you leave the company you want to make damned sure they don't appropriate it. \_ I can see the Dilbert cartoons already, where people are ranked by the size of their LCD screens. "Dogbert got the 25" Apple Media Display! I'm so mad!" \_ "My LCD is larger and lasts longer than yours." \_ Engineers drive BMWs to work. Why do you worry about a false impression of showing off just because of a 20" LCD? \_ I drive a beat-up '89 Ranger and I might just beat op up for bringing in the monitor just for being a gear geek. \_ gear geek for having a nice screen in a computer job? come on. maybe op will use his superior eyesight to kick your ass in 25 years. \_ Instead of enlarging your LCD screen you should enlarge your penis, if you have one. I have a whole bunch of email that claims that it works. \_ I heard of one company that went bankrupt because some guy decided to get an LCD screen. When that happened all the other engineers needed to one-up him and started demanding better and larger screens. This had a cascading effect which led to things like ergonomically stylized wireless keyboards, really expensive wireless optical mice, corinthian leather chairs, venice marbletop desks, and Le Blanc pens as standard issue. Don't do it, for the sake of the company! \_ The OP says he's thinking about buying his own, not asking the company to buy it. \_ It's called humor. Might want to look into it. Maybe you're like Data, need to buy yourself a humor chip and install it. I heard Best Buy will do the install for a nominal fee. \_ Yes, but this rather assumes that your comment was funny to non-retards. \_ Touche, Mon Crapitan! \_ no no no. FIRST make sure you have the DRM crack on hand so you can make jokes about copyrighted material, THEN get the chip install. \_ I can totally see that happening. At my last university lab job, I got one of the first 20" dell LCDs and suddenly everyone was stopping in the doorway saying, "wow neat". In a few months, the entire floor had LCDs galore, in both our research group and the IT group down the hall. \_ There is nothing wrong with bringing your own stuff like this, and anyone who has a problem with it should get a life. I brought in my own UPS because I was sick of the power outages, so now my Sun has an uptime of > 400 days. The biggest worry I would have is having it stolen. Things like laptops and nice LCD screens are prime targets if you have a problem with stolen stuff at work. \_ Lots of people bring in their own laptops, but I personally think doing this would be seen as eccentric. \_ Did you ask work if they would buy you one? \_ Just bring it, but I think you shouldn't have more important personal crap at work (unless you're self-employed and it's in your own office) than you can quickly shove into a cardboard box and carry out the door. Shit happens. -John \_ keep an expandable backpack in the office! that's how I used to borrow a DLP projector for movie night instead of doing paperwork. ;-) \_ By now I just don't take any more stuff to work than I can drop into my laptop bag in 2 minutes. It's never happened to me, but I've seen people walked out pretty quickly and ruthlessly for the stupidest of reasons. -John \_ wouldn't fluff the boss under his desk? \_ No, violated the company handbook section prohibiting execution style murders of people asking stupid questions. \_ I had a concealed carry permit and everything. Just because I took my Desert Eagle .50 magnum out and started stroking it lovingly was no reason for them to call security and have me thrown out like that! \_ That wasn't your DE you were stroking. \_ Well DUUUH, it was a CONCEALED permit. They couldn't see it. -John \_ I've done it. Just make sure you'll be able to get it out easily if you need to. Check with your manager if you need to fill out any personal equipment forms, etc. Keep your receipt. --jameslin |
2004/12/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:35200 Activity:low |
12/7 Optimization time: gprof shows 310k calls to a certain constructor (a very simple, very important object that is often stack-allocated into large arrays- eg "MyObject msgs[1000];"). Rather than calling the constructor 1000 times, is there a way to have a special array ctor that's called (once) and zeroes out the array en masse? TIA. \_ Geezus, why are you constructing 310k objects? Make a static array of objects at the beginning of runtime. \_ I am, when possible. It's a realtime system (= no dynamic memory allocation) so e.g. several queue objects have to buffer about 15k messages statically. The rest are open to optimization, but a specialized array constructor (if it exists) would be nice. (nb: by "nice" I mean "not at all critical") Oh, and if it helps for those in a similar situation: MyObject contains a couple small arrays; it's much faster to zero these out manually with a for loop than with memset(). -op \_ Man, I hate people like you. Why didn't you give the complete environment information in the first place? What type of RTS system are you using and in what form factor? How much total RAM do you have and what form is it in? And why the hell are you using an OO language for small RTS apps? \_ Sorry, I was just curious if C++ had a specialized ctor for objects created in an array; I didn't realize I was creating a tone of urgency. Anyway, system is not resource- constrained at all (P3 in a VXI chassis, 512M ram, etc) & I'm coming to the conclusion that I can't just define MyObject::MyObject[] (). \_ Yes you can, you can overload new[]. \_ Ok, this might be helpful; can you elaborate? What would the constructor declaration look like? \_ If you want the array zeroed out without any object construction occuring, there are a few things you can do: (1) Create a default constructor which doesn't do anything (2) Overload new[] as suggested above to accomplish this (3) Allocate the space for the array using malloc or calloc instead of new and then use placement new to do the construction. Specifically, placement new lets you construct an object into a memory location you have allocated yourself. The benefit of this is that your program would only need to spend time constructing an object when you want to put it in the array instead of when you allocate the whole array. -emin |
2004/12/7-8 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:35201 Activity:insanely high |
12/7 I want to make a donation to the school. In the past, I have always donated to the Engineering School. Anyone have any other suggestions? http://colt.berkeley.edu/urelgift/index.html \_ I would suggest donating to Professor Dusenberg, unfairly hounded out of his NIH grants by the scientific establishment for daring to challange the orthodoxy on AIDS, but I cannot seem to find him on the campus website anymore. Did he finally get run all the way off campus? What happened to him? \_ Try spelling his name right, troll. -tom \_ Oh, okay! Douchebag! There you go! \_ Could someone give some context to this? \_ prof. duesberg is a MCB prof at ucb who says AIDS is not caused by HIV, AIDS is caused by recreational and other drugs prescribed by doctors to treat HIV. he's got a website, there are plenty of "duesberg is a menace" websites. - danh \_ Dan, use motdedit! you stomped on my post. \_ Duesberg. He is still teaching, good. Dusenberg on google gives many hits. Donate to Prof Duesberg's lab, he is still trying to do science on very limited money, since he is frozen out of the grant process by a vengeful scientific community. \_ I thought the whole Aids-Virus Myth thing has been debunked. You actually believe his theories? \_ No, but I am not really qualified to judge his work in any case, since I am not a biologist. I do think he has been treated poorly by the scientific community. \_ Well, I am, and he's just full of shit. Duesberg deserved what he got. It's like someone insisting that the earth is flat. \_ Duesberg wants smoking gun evidence, with the videotape of WMD stockpiles in multiple Iraqi complexes and a nuclear test. He has against him a massive amount of circumstantial evidence - much more than that from Iraq WMDs, and from those without as much of an agenda as BushCo. The scientific establishment != the CIA, BushCo. \_ yet he touts his drug-induced AIDS theory with much much less than smoking gun evid. \_ So even though he had done great work in the past and continues to do great work, he should be denied funding because he disagrees with the scientific orthodoxy on one small matter? I think you have a really messed up idea of how the scientific process should work. \_ why do you think he did great work? -tom \_ Maybe I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this because he is a tenured Berkeley professor in the sciences? Since you have no CV in anything, maybe you should not be so judgmental. This is why so many people think you are an asshole. \_ How is my comment judgemental? pp made an unfounded assertion; I didn't assert anything. Asshole. -tom \_ He is also a member of the National Academy of Science (found this on his web page) and his work on retroviruses and oncogenes is very well known (I work in immunology). \_ It doesn't really matter anyway. Duesberg agrees that something in the blood of an AIDS patient will give a healthy person AIDS. The scientific community says it's HIV - Duesberg says it's AZT. Whatever - you'll still get AIDS anyway. \_ I don't follow the AIDS 'controversies' very much, but it wouldn't surprise me if some folks classified various nasty diseases and malnutrition syndroms in Africa (which are less 'glamorous' than AIDS) to get AIDS funding. -- ilyas \_ I guess you are saying it's possible but aren't saying whether it's true or not. \_ I don't know, but being familiar with charity fraud, I d say it's pretty likely. -- ilyas \_ So if you have HIV, but you aren't taking any drugs like AZT, feel free and have as much unprotected sex as you want. \_ No. You must wear a condom to protect yourself from that bad AZT in your partner's sexual fluids. \_ Donate to the CSUA for hardware upgrades! |
2004/12/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:35202 Activity:moderate |
12/7 Happy Eight Day Fire Hazard! \_ What fire hazard? It just rained this morning. \_ So, nu? You're not using the smoke detector your mother and I got you? Oh, I get it, your apartment's too good for a smoke-detector. Fine, see if we care. It'll break your mother's heart, but don't let that stop you, Mr. "I'm too sophisticated for Smokey the Bear." \_ Adam Corolla was hilarious tonight, asking about how many mobile homes had burnt down as a result of menorah fires. |
2004/12/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:35203 Activity:moderate |
12/7 This reads kind of hokey: http://rawstory.com/images/pdfs/CC_Affidavit_120604.pdf -John \_ The melodrama of the FDOT IG found dead certainly smacks of delusion, but I'd still like to see this investigated. \_ I was more thinking of the wording..."and then evil Prof. Smithers forced me to use my x-tron ray on the innocent civilians, and I said, 'no Prof. Smithers, you can't do that', and Prof. Smithers said 'ha! ha ha! we'll never take over the world otherwise" yada yada...as you say, melodramatic. |
2004/12/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:35204 Activity:moderate |
12/7 Anyone have experience with FreeBSD on UltraSparc? I have a few of them at work unused and unmaintained gathering dust. I am thinking of putting FreeBSD on it to run bugzilla. Does the Sparc version's /usr/ports as good as the x86 ones? \_ If it's anything like OpenBSD on Sparc, make sure it's nice and cool. Mine hung itself up a lot. -John \_ Other than the geekiness factor, what's the point of running FreeBSD on USparc? Do you need to hack the kernel somehow? \_ FreeBSD is a nice OS, and Suns are nice boxes. -John \_ I guess the point here is that the OP can save himself trouble by running Solaris on them. Bugzilla runs fine on Solaris. Why is he bothering with FreeBSD? \_ No /usr/ports on Solaris, no pf on solaris. Ultrasparc boxes are nice and can be easily jumpstarted w/o all the hassle of pxe. \_ the reason is the IT here knows nothing about Solaris. The design team has moved onto Linux. The IT won't admit they don't know how to admin a Solaris box. And it is probably cheaper to buy a new PC running Linux than paying for Sun support. So a few Blade 1000 are sitting here not even powered-on. IT doesn't care and refuse to care. I have experience and know where to download FreeBSD. I have zero knowledge on Solaris. -op |
2004/12/7-8 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:35205 Activity:low |
12/7 Followup to the hardware problem yesterday: I down-clocked the FSB to 100MHz and the problem went away. The memory went from 266->200 the CPU went from 1466->1100, but the AGP and PCI stayed at 33MHz. Since memtest showed the memory itself is probably OK, and GIMPS showed no CPU problem, that says to me the AMD 761 Northbridge is the problem. Thanks to everyone who helped with this tricky problem. \_ No such thing as a 33MHz AGP (not commercially at least). \_ Did you have it overclocked in the first place??? \_ No, it was all to spec. \_ heh, same with my younger brother's computer. He was mighty pissed he spent ~ 2x on Corsair super-elite CL2 memory and had to go back to CL3 AND reduce his bus frequency. This was on a Pentium 4 2.26 GHz, MSI motherboard, with Intel chipset as well. FYI, my Athlon 64 3200+ Newcastle with an Asus mobo and two sticks of CL3 Kingston 512MB work fine, but it has the same problem with random games in the dynamic frequency-clocking mode (I had to fix it to stay at 2.2 GHz). \_ Where did he buy it from? Or did he assemble it himself? \_ Newegg, both DIMMs are the same - it's probably a flaky mobo that worked fine with 512 MB but had problems going to 1 GB at the spec'd speed \_ maybe your northbridge could benefit from better cooling. |
2004/12/7-8 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35206 Activity:high |
12/7 Whatever happened to all the artists that are suppose to sing anti-war songs like the 70s? \_ Anti war songs question Our President's authority, and who would want to do that? \_ Last March, Joan Baez played at the march in the city. We have a generation gap where music has fallen to something you listen to in the background. If you troll for non-marketplace music, you will find PLENTY of anti-war songs. \_ Wait till we have been fighting in Iraq for five years. They are coming. \_ http://www.lacarte.org/songs/anti-war/updates.html#summary \_ Eminem's Mosh \_ http://protest-records.com/mp3 \_ http://www.countryjoe.com/warsongs.htm |
2004/12/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:35207 Activity:moderate |
12/7 Where does the extra hole come from? http://carcino.gen.nz/images/index.php/00b9a680/17c99443 \_ The hypotenuses of the two big shapes aren't the same. They aren't true triangles. \_ exactly. the top hypotenuse does not go through the point (5,2) whereas the bottom one does. Use the lower left corner as (0,0) \_ Don't pictures like these usually include a "Not drawn to scale" fine print? The correct answer is one of the triangle has a slope of m=2/5 and the other has a slope of m=3/8. \_ It is drawn to scale. If you look closely, you'll notice the long edges of both shapes do not form a straight line. \_ There comes a time in everyone's life, when... uh, go ask your mother... \_ Where does the extra hole come from? http://carcino.gen.nz/images/index.php/00b9a680/382433df \_ "Apollo 11 customs declaration" http://carcino.gen.nz/images/index.php/00b9a680/203000bf Is this real? |
2004/12/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:35208 Activity:nil |
12/7 Hot girl, must get a G4, work safe: http://carcino.gen.nz/images/image.php/610617f5/g4.jpg&cb=20041107232134 172,490c169 |
3/15 |