11/26 Prayer cures advanced rabies case. Riiiiight.
I'm just glad this idiot brought his kid to a hospital instead
of relying simply on prayer.
\_ Oh, come on. I'm an athiest, and I loathe religion in all its forms,
but I think you're being unduly harsh here. They're not claiming
it's faith healing, they're saying that after their kid survived
against massive odds using a totally experimental technique that
somehow their god intervened to push luck in their direction.
Would any religious person do differently?
\_ Oh come on yourself. He explicitly said that "prayer made the
crucial difference". I'm sorry, but that sounds really stupid
to me when no doubt many of the previous dead victims of rabies
have all died despite lots of praying,
but THIS one who got the new medical
treatment lived. Yeah, prayer was really the crucial
difference. If he had said, "thank God for inspiring this new
medical treatment" I would have nothing to say. Tolerating
religion is one thing, tolerating mind numbing stupidity is
something else.
\_ I am filled with Christ Love!
\_ attitude like this is the reason why the Reddies are taking over
\_ New meaning to the phrase "Red-shift."
\_ Have you ever read Memoirs Found In a Bathtub? You should.
\_ The Reds are coming! -- ilyas
\_ The Reds are coming! Above poster's right, btw. Memoirs
rocks. -- ilyas
\_ In Soviet Russian, they ilyas you! |