2004/11/19-21 [Uncategorized] UID:34973 Activity:nil |
11/18 Is Nabolom Bakery still open? If they close I'll really miss their chocolatines and cinnamon twists, but they seem to be incompetant at self-managment. \_ Yes, I was walking to BART after The Big Game and I saw it still there. \_ Go Bears! |
2004/11/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:34974 Activity:nil |
11/18 the new ContraceptiveSpongebob movie is pretty good, though it drags in a few spots overall its got 'phat beats'. |
2004/11/19 [Recreation/Food, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:34975 Activity:very high |
11/19 So, in roughly five years time, when food and travel costs are >2x current costs with little increase in salaries due to fuel cost increases, how will the motd readers continue to live in the Bay Area and pay mortgages? Google "peak oil" if you don't know what I'm talking about. \_ ride bike and tuna over rice \_ some won't. market forces will prevail. \_ perhaps a better question would be how will all folks who've moved to the suburbs get by, where they don't even have a shred of a public transit system, and the people there live even further away from work than those in the bay area. I can ride-bike+BART to work. Someone with a 'cheap house' in say Tracy doesn't ahve that option. \_ Never heard of the train, huh? (ACE train runs from Tracy into the bay area.) \_ If that happens life will change. People will work closer to home and will find ways to make that happen. If food prices double people will stop eating out so damn much and learn how to cook again. People adapt. Life goes on. |
2004/11/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34976 Activity:high |
11/19 The motd readership seems to have an excess of free time and mathematical education. Why doesn't someone here analyze the election data themselves to look for anomalies and put it in /csu/tmp? I'll bet if one of you conservatives can use the numbers to show convincingly that there was *not* a problem, you'll be on a foxnews talkshow faster than you can say "spin." Why not? \_ on a related note, anyone wanna play nettrek later? \_ I think the burden of proof is on folks who say there _is_ a problem. (Who do stupid things like observe some things, and claim VOTING MACHINES CAUSE INCREASE IN BUSH VOTES! W00t!!!!!!!!) \_ And the right wing ignores evidence such as a county in ohio where only 600 votes were cast, yet Bush received over 4000 votes. Nothing wrong there. \_ url-p. Evidence-p. -- evil right-winger fact-checker \_ http://csua.org/u/a1a (Washington Dispatch) \_ More evidence at http://www.votersunite.org/electionproblems.asp \_ Would you like some cheese with that whine? Give it up. You lefties lost this year and you are going to go on loosing because people are finally realizing that you losing because people are finally realizing that you guys have never had a good idea and that its time to take our country back from the New Deal and the Great Society or this great nation will end up a hell hole like Europe. |
2004/11/19 [Finance/Banking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:34977 Activity:high |
11/18 Should cows be tipped? \_ of course. though I (and I think most people) usually just round up to the next dollar, and if that is less than 10%, add a dollar. \_ Why tip them? They are being paid for the services. Who started this kind of tipping system. It so ridiculous. \_ shut up, overpaid software engineer - danh \_ also taxi drivers make like $2.00 an hour. I know it's not your job to make their careers viable but it's something to keep in mind. - danh \_ If your're going to tip taxi drivers, barbers, waiters, etc, you might as well tip other people providing services to you such as garbage collector, postman, cashiers, etc. \_ Well, if all those other jobs had their wages lowered to reflect expected tipping, then sure. Now if you want to question which, if any jobs should be largely paid in tips, that's another matter. \_ Don't forget to tip your local software engineer. \_ Most civilized people give their garbage collector, postal delivery guy, etc a Christmas gift of some kind. \_ You can lament the tipping system all you want, but the fact is that, particularly in the U.S., we've adjusted salaries based on the expectation of tipping, so in a real sense you are only paying for the service if you tip the expected amount. -tom \_ Well I was really asking what's "THE STANDARD". -op \_ http://www.tipping.org/tips/TipsPageTipsUS.html. -tom \_ You need to tip furniture delivery person??? I tip people all the time but never to a delivery person. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=11672 \_ Please tell me you tip your pizza delivery guy at least \_ Oddly topical article from last Friday: http://www.kcrg.com/article.aspx?art_id=92666&cat_id=123 Gist being that driving a cab even in Cedar Rapids is dangerous. \-so is it ok to not tip if the service is seriously bad ... and i mean stuff under the service employee's control. --psb \_ No; you should tip the expected about even if the service is ^ should be a comma. \_ No. It should be a period. \_ A semicolon is perfectly correct, if a little odd, as it is. The sentiment, however, is wrong -phuqm seriously bad, according to Miss Manners. -tom \_ Miss Manners can suck a dick. The whole point of tipping vs. salary is that with tipping the customer can punish the employee for doing a bad job or reward them for a good job. It's basically an economic system of performance evaluation. \_ Wrong. 15% tip for the waiter is part of his salary. You can give more for good service. -tom \_ It's part of their earnings, but not part of their salary. If it was, it wouldn't be a tip. They're not entitled to a tip if they do a terrible job, and that's borne out both in custom and law. I always tip but if someone was really rude or incompetant I would not feel obligated. \_ Yes, of course. The understanding implicit in tips is that your pay is performance-based. Bad performance = less or no tip. --erikred \_ Sure, but some people feel it's OK to withold a tip for things out of a server's control, like bad food or a slow kitchen. \-yeah i dont mean for a minor slight like "my water glass was empty for 5min. i mean something like a seriously fucked up haircut. or a taxi driver who gets lost after you specifically asked do you know where X is. --psb \_ If I ask for more water twice and it doesn't come, that's bad service. \- if the wait person is stupid vs. surley vs. the restaurant is understaffed, those are all different scenarios in my book. there is bad service and then there is stuff that actually will cost you money ... waiter spills liquid on your clothes. it's the latter cases where i think it is not unreasonable to imply "this is coming out of your tip". --psb \_ and of course, you think it's fine for people to withhold your salary based on their own criteria, and never tell you why. -tom \_ I have a legally binding contract governing my salary. I may also receive an additional bonus as an incentive to perform; said bonus may be allotted on purely subjective criteria, so essentially, yes. Service industry employees hold jobs which involve providing service. I pay for this service already. If they are not being paid enough, it is a contractual issue between themselves and their employers. It is not my problem. I am already compromising far more than I feel obliged to by adhering to cultural norms suggesting I pay the service staff extra for making an effort to provide particularly good service. -John \-holube: do you think it is "better" that to you tip a waiter than drops soup on you and then write a letter to management suggesting he/she is a lamer? the analogy to "me and my employer" doesnt work because one relationship is between 2 parties and the other is between 3 parties ... and norms that are sustainable in long term relationship may not work in one-shot cases. it is not feasible for me to tip 15% and then go to the employer and ask for a partial refund because of some problem. again i am talking about cases where something fairly dramatic has gone wrong. also the restaurant case is likely different from others because tip pooling is likely. there are certanly micro- differences in service and tipping is one place to allow for some flexibility [are you a regular who is seated before other people who got there before you? are you seated next to the bathroom etc]. so why arent flight attendants tipped? --psb \_ I can't believe you guys had a whole tipping conversation without once mentioning Mr. White. Philistines! \_ Do you know what this is? It's the world smallest violin, playing just for the waitresses. \_ Yeah! FUCK POOR PEOPLE!! \_ I always forget to leave a tip for the room service people in hotels. Those people make atrocious wages too. |
2004/11/19 [Uncategorized] UID:34978 Activity:nil |
11/19 Seriously John, are you a Russian Jew? I thought you're German... |
2004/11/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:34979 Activity:high |
11/19 I have a set of numerical values, and I want to determine if there is significant variation between the numbers or not. What kind of statistical test would be appropriate? Thanks. \-jacknife^H^H^H^Hass \_ more info please. what exactly do you want to know about the numbers? \_ Does this have something to do with voter fraud? \_ no, it doesn't. -op \_ define variation. If you mean difference, a simple t-test would work. -nivra \_ What kinds of numbers are these? Are they samples from some distribution? Even if not, is it meaningful to assume a distribution (e.g. gaussian)? This kind of question is hard to answer statistically for a set of data if you don't have an idea what process produced the data. -- ilyas |
2004/11/19 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34980 Activity:nil |
11/19 Hey angry voter fraud guy, Bush received more votes than the number of registered voters in several Ohio counties. Where's your outrage??? \_ COOK COUNTY!!!1! KENNEDY WAS A FRAUD!!! YEAAAARGHHHHH!!!!1!! |
2004/11/19 [Uncategorized] UID:34981 Activity:nil |
11/19 [ ok ] |
2004/11/19-20 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:34982 Activity:high |
11/19 [ peak oil idiot deleted. ] \_ ride bike and tuna over rice \_ all seafood contains cancer causing mercury. \_ Get a cat \_ In Soviet Russia (and in the US, for that matter) cat gets you. \_ some won't. market forces will prevail. \_ perhaps a better question would be how will all folks who've moved to the suburbs get by, where they don't even have a shred of a public transit system, and the people there live even further away from work than those in the bay area. I can ride-bike+BART to work. Someone with a 'cheap house' in say Tracy doesn't ahve that option. \_ Never heard of the train, huh? (ACE train runs from Tracy into the bay area.) \_ somehow I doubt that train woud have the capacity to handle even a tiny fraction of the area's drivers. \_ What, are we imagining what would happen if all the oil ran out tomorrow? What makes you think nothing would change? \_ We have a very well-developed, efficient and high- capacity public transit system in Zurich and its suburbs, and there is no chance in hell it could handle all commuters if gas ran out. -John \_ Barring some unforseen disaster, oil's not going to up and 'run out'. What will happen is it will get progressively more expensive. The question is will we be able to adapt to the increasing cost as fast as the cost increases or not. Large infrastructure like public transit systems are notoriously slow to adapt. \_ So... you think that BART could handle all the Bay Area commuters? The poster said people in Tracy have no way to get inside the Bay area besides car. I said that's wrong. (It is) I never claimed ACE train could handle all commuters. That's dumb. \_ If that happens life will change. People will work closer to home and will find ways to make that happen. If food prices double people will stop eating out so damn much and learn how to cook again. People adapt. Life goes on. \_ And the world will always need fat sysadmins, so your complacency is justified. \_ I'm neither fat, a sysadmin, or complacent. I'm just saying things will get solved. 2x transportation cost and food costs will mean things will change. Life will change. \_ Somehow people got by in the 70s. Like many people, if my transportation and food bills doubled it would mean tightening belts, but not economic collapse. \_ The US imported only 30% of oil supplies in the 1970s, it's 60% and growing now. And we are not talking a temporary supply disruption, we're talking long-term depletion -- Why are people who see this called "idiots"? Have you done extensive research in this area, why is there no counter-information except for the "market" will fix the problem? \_ Why can you not read? Who are you responding to? None of you points have been brought up before. (Except the 70s one) \_ Because the market always does, Chicken Little. People like you always show up, in every age, and see a crisis in everything. And somehow the market makes everything work. You d think you people would learn. \_ The market "makes things work," only if you define the term "work" in an insane way. The market can and will destroy lives and countries if it is allowed to, and I think it's fair to say that the USA is in big trouble when oil gets scarce. I am not convinced that this will happen in the next few years, as some of the wingnuts do, but it will few years, as some of the wingnuts are, but it will certainly happen eventually. -tom \_ Don't you know? "Makes things work" means that everyone at least as rich as dubya gets richer, the middle class disappears, and the rest of America suffers. It's eerily close to Ross Perot's vision of America. \_ That's the magic of the invisible hand! \_ By your "destroy lives and countries" standard the industrial revolution and the information revolution were both bad things b/c they put lots of people out of work and destroyed the economies of countries based on agriculture and mass employment in menial labor. In the free world (ie everywhere except for Bezerkely) the industrial revolution is considered a good thing. BTW, it seems as though you don't understand the most basic rule of economics: as a rsrc gets scarce, people start looking for alt. and usually the alt. are MUCH cheaper than the origial product. The trend over time is that things get cheaper, better and more reliable. That is how the real world works, perhaps someday you can visit it. \_ The US can pump more oil if it wants to. There is a huge supply of untapped oil and every argument you make for the US applies just as well to China, Japan, or Europe. The world economy will not collapse without oil. It will adjust. \_ The visigoths were just "free market forces"? \_ Consider them "foreign investors" \_ Why is the peak oil guy an idiot? Don't you think that eventually we will start to run out? Why do you keep deleting this instead of answering it, coward? \_ You are an idiot because you don't understand how 'running out' works. We ll never 'run out.' There will be a gradual decline in cheaply obtainable oil, which will prompt people to move to other sources of energy. Investments are already being made in this direction by big energy companies, and such investments will increase as oil becomes more expensive. You = alarmist fool. \_ "Start to run out" is not the same thing as "run out." You have very poor English comprehension skills. Your theory sounds almost exactly the same as the Peak Oil guys, if you had bothered to read it, instead of of just censoring it. Then again, maybe you did read it and just didn't understand it. |
2004/11/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:34983 Activity:nil |
11/19 I don't want logwatch to tell me that there were "134 messeges sent" but I would still like to have it parse the maillog file. I can comment out the line in the perl script in "scripts" but that doesn't seem clean. Same with it telling me that my user has logged in. I know my user logs in; can I tell it not to watch for me? Is there a way to modify the .conf files in services to tell it not to send this info? I've searched around a lot for this and can't find anything. <DEAD>logwatch.org<DEAD> just has the man page for docs. If anyone knows of some more extensive logwatch docs on-line, it would be appreciated. |
2004/11/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:34984 Activity:very high |
11/19 All discussion of voter fraud censored for The Good Of America. \_ Why do you hate voter fraud? \_ ain't no fraud gonna make up 3million votes \_ but 200k votes is enough to turn the election. \_ republican: good, democrat: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil \_ You go girl! \_ Are you a hoser? Do you have any idea the effect of ilyasing the motd has on the CSUA?? \_ Wear a uniform when ilyasing the motd, or you may be legally shot on sight! \_ You must also act as part of an organized military force while ilyasing the motd, or you may be tortured. \_ You must also hate freedom, America's god given right to rule the world, welfare (except corporate welfare), cute puppies, apple pies, and yermom. |
2004/11/19 [Uncategorized] UID:34985 Activity:nil |
11/19 I read all the voting thing with amusement. Aren't there any sanity checks done in the hardware or something after the voting? ie, make sure that the total number of votes does not exceed the total registered voters by certain amount, some kind of auditing information or record should be produced. This is so fucking messed up. |
2004/11/19-20 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:34986 Activity:very high |
11/19 How I Began to Teach About the Vietnam War http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1284084/posts \_ I love free republic guy. Do you have a family? would you like to come over for Thanksgiving? - danh \_ what do you think of the article? \_ It is well-written, balanced, historically accurate, and insightful. It does not do the author justice to have his article reproduced among the steaming ill-informed monkey-shitpile that is http://freerepublic.com -John \_ So what kind of monkey-shitpile is soda wall, John? \_ article was fine. I do not agree that the US had any clear way of "winning". losing over 1/10 of their population to US explosives didn't phase the Vietnamese at all while they were defending their home turf. - danh \_ No, no, no! You are wrong. The Nixon bombings were effective and broke the stalemate at the Paris Peace talks. If Watergate had not happened we may still have had an effective cease fire. In addition, the Tet offense was a disaster for the North, and they didn't try an invasion like that again for many years. It's a common myth that the VC were invincible. They were not. We were constantly beating them, it's just that we should've invaded the north. We couldn't because of China. The U.S. didn't lose Vietnam, they abandoned it. \_ The article was fundamentally flawed, in that it glossed over the fact that the United States *did* support illegitimate and unpopular regimes after the overthrow of Diem. \_ All of you are missing his fundumental thesis. ie "It was a good idea, but we &*%)ed it up." All of you saying "Yeah, but we did this wrong" should be agreeing with him. Also, by extension, we shouldn't not help anyone else just because we boned it up once. \_ It was a bad idea, AND we $*%)ed it up. See post below for why. \_ I assume you mean the domino theory one? True, the domino theory turned out to be incorrect, but I don't think that made Vietnam a bad idea. Korea didn't turn out perfect either, but I'm dang glad we protected SK. \_ Bad idea, good idea. Let's call it a mistake. Also, Vietnam != Korea. U.S. participation in Korea, Gulf War 1, WW2 were not mistakes. \_ No, his fundamental thesis was that he had been taught three incorrect things by the anti-war movement: 1) that the gov't of SV was illegitimate, 2) that we had no legitimate reason for being in Vietnam and 3) that we couldn't have won anyway. "These are that there was never a legitimate non-communist government in Saigon, that the U.S. had no legitimate reason to be involved in Vietnamese affairs, and that the U.S. could not have won the war under any circumstances." The article is bad because 1 and 3 are correct, imo, and no serious person held #2. I am sure you can find a few Communists and the like who believed #2, but most Americans, even anti-war Americans, believed that the US had a commitment to fight Communism. They just didn't think Vietnam was the right place to do it and they didn't like the way we fought it. The whole line of argument of his that Dinh was legitimate is a red herring, since most of our support came after he was deposed and we supported the coup that deposed since most of our support for the wary came after he was deposed and we supported the coup that deposed him to boot! \_ Ever hear of SEATO? Yea but you are right NATO was a stupid idea too. \_ The three "axioms" he mentioned I don't think are that important. The key issue is the dominoes did not fall after we lost the Vietnam War and expended significant national resources in doing so. \_ Wrong, one significant domino did fall. Ever heard of Cambodia? \_ American ideals and beliefs are one thing, but how many times have US allowed its selfish self-interest to take precedence over these. People around the world like democracy, freedom, rule of law, etc., but they don't like US trying to bully other countries for its selfish goals and interests. Just because US, as a country, is one of the better representatives of these ideas, does not mean its use of power abroad is just or in support of these ideals. To assume so is the biggest hole in the argument the author put forth. \_ Apparently you need to get yourself a copy of "Weatlh of Nations" and read it from cover to cover. It's amazing what a little education can do for even the weakest of minds... But I doubt you will so here's the capsule. A) All countries are after their own self interest, that's just how it works. B) Having a country like America look after its own self interest in the world is not merely justified, it's necessary for not only the continuation of America but life as we know it. C) If it wasn't America it would be China or Russia. I know a LOT of people who are MUCH happier with America at the reigns rather than China or Russia. D) If people REALLY dislike America so much why is everyone always trying to get in, yet hardly anyone ever leaves? And if you think that American policy is bad, just take a look at how other colonial powers treated their subordinates. The Americans, by contrast, have been exceedingly gracious. Yes, we are the Romans of our era, and being as such we will need to recognize that we are indeed an august nation and have certain responsibilities that others do not have. \_ "We are better than China and Russia. Hence you should support us in all that we do!" What a stupid logic. \_ America is not perfect, but it sure beats any and all alternatives thus far conceived by mankind. |
2004/11/19-20 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:34987 Activity:kinda low |
11/19 Any sodans work at google? I've discovered what I believe to be a bug and I'm not getting response from google's official channels. I'm wondering if there is a better contact to write to. -brett \_ aaron, misha, mgoodman. \_ google code is officially bug-free. -- misha. \_ either this statement is true, or misha is full of bugs. -pundit |
2004/11/19-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:34988 Activity:nil |
11/19 Saturday, 11/20, 12:30pm Cal will find a way to lose the game: \_ I prefer the phrase "Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory." Cal Golden Bears roll on: . \_ Roll on, you bears! \_ The Stanford newspaper is already saying how this would be the biggest upset in Big Game history if they win. Nice big 'if' \_ They just want everyone to forget "The Play", where even having John Elway as their QB wasn't enough to seal the victory. |
2004/11/19-22 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:34989 Activity:nil |
11/19 I have an Athlon XP 1700 on a 266 FSB, with 266MHz RAM. Can I put a 333MHz bus CPU (say an XP 2800) in the socket and down-clock the FSB to 266, but keep the same core speed (by raising the multiplier)? \_ Most new CPU's have locked multipliers. \_ Get a cat \_ Oh, shazbot. |
2004/11/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:34990 Activity:low |
11/19 Why does Alan Greenspan hate America?? \_ what is this in reference to? |
2004/11/19-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:34991 Activity:high |
11/19 http://tinyurl.com/64f2b (cnn.com) Microsoft Warns Linux lawsuits. \_ Which crack pipe did Balmer smoke from when he made this announcement? What total FUD. \- I like: "Nobody ever knows who built open-source software!" \- I like: "Nobody ever knows who built open-source software!"--psb \_ In some ways this is true. Do you really know who wrote your linux ethernet driver, or who was resp. for the png library that mozilla uses? You could probably find out with some work for most things, but there are lots of bits and pieces that are completely unattributed. \_ Actually, it's funny. I once had what I thought was a buggy Freebsd ethernet driver, and it wasn't very hard to find out the exact person responsible, mail him, and get a reply (ultimately I had a hardware problem). That's not something I could have done with MS. -- ilyas \_ Personally I prefer OSS, I've had to debug lots of things (squid, tomcat, nfs, ...) and it was much easier on FreeBSD/Linux b/c I had the source. However, many of the src files were completely unattriubted and even the project leaders didn't quite know how some of the stuff worked. It wasn't like OSS was any better than M$ (or other comm. vendors). \- it's not like there is any liability that attaches to msft if their os is unreliable. "who cares".--psb to msft if their os is unreliable. "who cares". to msft if their os is unreliable, so "who cares". i think far more significantly msft code base is so large, they are the ones with problems tracking things down due to complexity. --psb \_ Seconded. MS was actually pretty cooperative with my last client, although they have a small country organization, and the client is the 800lbs gorilla here. The best actual business-valid reason I can get out of most management against OSS is "there's no one to sue", which is bunkum--I've never known this to be the case. The more appropriate phrase is "no one ever got fired for hiring IBM." It's purely a psychological safety blanket for the "more expensive must mean it's better" crowd. I'm currently working with a big outfit considering an OSS solution both on its technical merits, and on the idea that, if something is broken, they can hire someone to come fix it... -John |
2004/11/19-20 [Transportation/Car] UID:34992 Activity:high |
11/19 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,139013,00.html This says smog has no proven correlation with deaths. \_ Neurosurgeons prefer Camels, for steady nerves! \_ Fox News, FAIR AND BALANCED!!! We report, you decide! |
2004/11/19-20 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34993 Activity:moderate 54%like:32974 |
11/19 What's the url for that motd archive @ ucla? \_ it's in mehlhaff's directory \_ mehlhaff is DA BEST!!! |
3/15 |