2004/11/18 [Uncategorized] UID:34948 Activity:nil |
11/18 J. Crew magazine has nothing but the superier Ayran race. Why are they not getting sued by greedy nigers, chinks, and beaners like Abercrombie and Fitch? |
2004/11/18 [Transportation/Car, Health/Dental, Industry/Startup] UID:34949 Activity:kinda low |
11/17 I'm about to go from a full time employee to a contractor. I'm going to miss certain things like stock options, med insurance, life insurance, ADD (accidental death or disability), etc etc. Can someone who has done this before give me a more comprehensive list of these services, and how much they will cost me if I get them through venders myself? Thanks. \_ Unless you see the doctor a lot more than I do, it's easy to get a highish ($1000) deductable PPO plan at less than $100 a month. Dental/vision is poor value, just pay out of pocket. Disability, otoh, is very hard to get as an individual. (I) Don't need life. \_ ~ $300 per month to continue a premium plan (BlueShield) through COBRA; probably much less for Kaiser, but you get what you pay for. Dental and optical are another $100 per month. Keep it, though; once you're off the books, you'll have a fiendish time getting pre-existing conditions accepted by any new carrier. \_ you can only cobra for a few months \_ Up to 18 months depending on your former employer. Ask. stupid race-baiting troll deleted \_ You beat me to it. Thanks. |
2004/11/18 [Science/Physics] UID:34950 Activity:low |
11/17 SICP for physics: http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicm \_ drool. thank you. \_ OMG this rocks! Thank you. |
2004/11/18 [Uncategorized] UID:34951 Activity:nil |
11/18 J. Crew magazine has nothing but blond Caucasians and occasionally very white looking darked haired people. Why are they not getting sued by blacks, hispanics, Asians like Abercrombie and Fitch? |
2004/11/18-19 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:34952 Activity:nil |
11/18 What does the "safe mode" in Firefox do? Thx. \_ I think it runs Firefox with all extensions disabled. |
2004/11/18-19 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:34954 Activity:nil |
11/18 Does anyone know where the cache directories in Firefox under NT and XP are? I can't find it in Help. \_ %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<name>\Cache \_ If you want to change it, google. I changed mine yesterday. |
2004/11/18 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:34955 Activity:kinda low |
11/17 http://www.google.com/scholar rocks. -- ilyas \_ It's kind of frightening to find that somebody actually cited my one refereed paper - and misunderstood it, to boot. -- ulysses \_ LIkewise, but I ain't complaining. --elizp |
2004/11/18-19 [Computer/SW/Security, Finance/Banking] UID:34956 Activity:very high |
11/18 Should taxi drivers be tipped? \_ of course. though I (and I think most people) usually just round up to the next dollar, and if that is less than 10%, add a dollar. \_ Why tip them? They are being paid for the services. Who started this kind of tipping system. It so ridiculous. \_ shut up, overpaid software engineer - danh \_ also taxi drivers make like $2.00 an hour. I know it's not your job to make their careers viable but it's something to keep in mind. - danh \_ If your're going to tip taxi drivers, barbers, waiters, etc, you might as well tip other people providing services to you such as garbage collector, postman, cashiers, etc. \_ Well, if all those other jobs had their wages lowered to reflect expected tipping, then sure. Now if you want to question which, if any jobs should be largely paid in tips, that's another matter. \_ Don't forget to tip your local software engineer. \_ Most civilized people give their garbage collector, postal delivery guy, etc a Christmas gift of some kind. \_ You can lament the tipping system all you want, but the fact is that, particularly in the U.S., we've adjusted salaries based on the expectation of tipping, so in a real sense you are only paying for the service if you tip the expected amount. -tom \_ Well I was really asking what's "THE STANDARD". -op \_ http://www.tipping.org/tips/TipsPageTipsUS.html. -tom \_ You need to tip furniture delivery person??? I tip people all the time but never to a delivery person. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=11672 \_ Please tell me you tip your pizza delivery guy at least \_ Oddly topical article from last Friday: http://www.kcrg.com/article.aspx?art_id=92666&cat_id=123 Gist being that driving a cab even in Cedar Rapids is dangerous. \-so is it ok to not tip if the service is seriously bad ... and i mean stuff under the service employee's control. --psb \_ No; you should tip the expected about even if the service is ^ should be a comma. \_ No. It should be a period. \_ A semicolon is perfectly correct, if a little odd, as it is. The sentiment, however, is wrong -phuqm seriously bad, according to Miss Manners. -tom \_ Miss Manners can suck a dick. The whole point of tipping vs. salary is that with tipping the customer can punish the employee for doing a bad job or reward them for a good job. It's basically an economic system of performance evaluation. \_ Wrong. 15% tip for the waiter is part of his salary. You can give more for good service. -tom \_ It's part of their earnings, but not part of their salary. If it was, it wouldn't be a tip. They're not entitled to a tip if they do a terrible job, and that's borne out both in custom and law. I always tip but if someone was really rude or incompetant I would not feel obligated. \_ Yes, of course. The understanding implicit in tips is that your pay is performance-based. Bad performance = less or no tip. --erikred \_ Sure, but some people feel it's OK to withold a tip for things out of a server's control, like bad food or a slow kitchen. \-yeah i dont mean for a minor slight like "my water glass was empty for 5min. i mean something like a seriously fucked up haircut. or a taxi driver who gets lost after you specifically asked do you know where X is. --psb \_ If I ask for more water twice and it doesn't come, that's bad service. \- if the wait person is stupid vs. surley vs. the restaurant is understaffed, those are all different scenarios in my book. there is bad service and then there is stuff that actually will cost you money ... waiter spills liquid on your clothes. it's the latter cases where i think it is not unreasonable to imply "this is coming out of your tip". --psb \_ and of course, you think it's fine for people to withhold your salary based on their own criteria, and never tell you why. -tom \_ I have a legally binding contract governing my salary. I may also receive an additional bonus as an incentive to perform; said bonus may be allotted on purely subjective criteria, so essentially, yes. Service industry employees hold jobs which involve providing service. I pay for this service already. If they are not being paid enough, it is a contractual issue between themselves and their employers. It is not my problem. I am already compromising far more than I feel obliged to by adhering to cultural norms suggesting I pay the service staff extra for making an effort to provide particularly good service. -John \-holube: do you think it is "better" that to you tip a waiter than drops soup on you and then write a letter to management suggesting he/she is a lamer? the analogy to "me and my employer" doesnt work because one relationship is between 2 parties and the other is between 3 parties ... and norms that are sustainable in long term relationship may not work in one-shot cases. it is not feasible for me to tip 15% and then go to the employer and ask for a partial refund because of some problem. again i am talking about cases where something fairly dramatic has gone wrong. also the restaurant case is likely different from others because tip pooling is likely. there are certanly micro- differences in service and tipping is one place to allow for some flexibility [are you a regular who is seated before other people who got there before you? are you seated next to the bathroom etc]. so why arent flight attendants tipped? --psb |
2004/11/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:34957 Activity:nil |
11/18 anyone see the Leonids? what time is good? \_ Caught one on a smoke break last night. about 12:30am \_ http://Space.com says 1 a.m. PST, but don't expect more than a dozen per hour, since the comet in question has all but left the area. |
2004/11/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:34958 Activity:kinda low |
11/18 I think the motd is mostly posted by the same few people over and over again. I am getting bored. There's not enough variety here. Can't we bring some of the undergrads into the motd? I mean seriously, This is my connection to Berkeley and I want to be up to date. I feel old arguing with the same motd hosers all the time. I want to feel young again, can't we bring some rookie sodans to the motd?? \_ We do have newbies -- unfortunately they're chicom troll and/or swift-boat guy. Personally, I think they're the same person, but you never can tell. \_ BUD DAY does not like your tone, son. \_ The fact that the motd is no longer displayed at login by default is probably greatly curtailing any new blood. Also, most people who want to discuss things online have moved past "world-writable" file technology. I think most people just aren't all that interested in the motd. |
2004/11/18 [Uncategorized] UID:34959 Activity:nil |
11/18 What I learned from "The Play": never quit, never say die; sponte- neity and improvisation are valuable qualities; pray for a couple trombones in the endzone. \ Winners never quit, quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots. \_ But shouldn't you quit after winning? Always better to quit while you're ahead. And why would losers quit before winning? \_ Hmm, this confirms my suspicion that most of us on the motd are, in fact, idiots. We just keep arguing and arguing without conclusion. \_ Having the world's most obnoxious marching band is not always an asset. \_ What year was The Play? \_ 1982, sez my T-shirt. |
2004/11/18 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34960 Activity:moderate |
11/18 Can someone give me a link on a survey of the public perception of different wars (ww2, vietnam, iraq) and why people feel that way? For example, why the average folks back in 1967 didn't care about bringing freedom to the S Vietnamese, but that we (at least 53% of the voters) think that the war on Iraq is a good thing? \_ Helloooo, I didn't know if you noticed, but in Iraq we actually conquered the whole country? Vietnam was like Korea, the U.S. didn't fight to win, they fought for a stalemate. The insurgency in Iraq is definitely troubling, but unlike Iraq you don't have a North Vietnam to deal with. The casualty rate is also much lower for U.S. troops this go around. In order to reach the casualty numbers of Nam we'd have to go at it for another 40 years. \_ It took Vietnam 15 years to rack up all those casualties, and we've only been in Iraw for about 1.5 years. We're averaging maybe 3 deaths a day and I think about 4 times as many injuries, many of which are permanant and disabling. \_ We never conquered the whole country. We deposed the government and disbanded their army, but roving bands of insurgents have had free reign in areas ever since. We may be able to retake areas controlled by the insurgents, but we don't have enough men to control the whole country at once. \_ We can't even keep Afghanistan under control, but the "liberal media" doesn't like to report what goes on over there. Do you have any idea the effect of the surging opium growth in Afghanistan \_ Oh man how I wish I was a heroin junkie right now. \_ WW2: Pearl Harbor. Vietnam: Draft. Iraq: 9/11. You don't need a survey. \_ WW2 had a draft also. But it also had a huge propaganda machine supporting it. If you think the US news media did too much to promote the Iraq war, that's nothing compared to how WW2 was promoted. \_ Pearl Harbor trumps Draft. \_ The draft was less important than the key question of "why are we fighting?" Plus the constant reassurance of victory by political leaders ("light at the end of the tunnel") was given a severe blow by the Tet Offensive and constant television imagery. Quiz time! Compare and contrast the impact the images of the RVN general executing a captured VC vs the US Marine killing the injured insurgent. \_ Tet was a major disaster for the NVA and VC. \_ Nope, major success for the PVN, as it essentially won them a huge PR victory (a) and wiped out most VC cadres in the RVN which might have caused trouble after an eventually PVN victory. -John \_ But it was a larger disaster for US political opinion. At the time the US was talking about the end of the war by Christmas. The month-long battle to take Hue back was a huge slap in the face of the public. \_ Quiz response: For Vietnam, the U.S. did not have Pearl Harbor or 9/11. \_ What about Korea? That's almost a forgotten war. Other than MASH nobody ever talks about it. \_ Korea was a war of great expectations. The US and most of the others who eventually joined were fighting against communism. The US and the rest of the world became war weary after the battleline stagnated. The question of "Why are we fighting?" came up again and US opinion were more than happy to settle for a tie. |
2004/11/18-20 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:34961 Activity:nil |
11/18 Is there a way to disable the "Additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page" pop-up in Firefox? Flash is a dog in Firefox, and I just don't want to install it. \_ Get a cat \_ I can't spare the $1000 that a cat costs. \_ Use The Source Luke! |
2004/11/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34962 Activity:nil |
11/18 Can someone give me a link on how much BASE taxi drivers/waitresses make? I always thought it's illegal to make below minimum wage, but I guess that's not the case in certain industries. \_ First hit on google "minimum wage tip". Something like $2.13 per hour (with maximum of $3.xx of your tip making up the rest of the minimum wage). \_ http://www.dol.gov/esa/minwage/america.htm In CALIFORNIA the min wage is $6-8. \_ taxi drivers are often hilariously classified as independent contractors so they have no benefits, pay their own gas, and get raped by the taxi cab license holding companies with gate fees. - danh |
2004/11/18 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34963 Activity:high |
11/18 Sowell on the killing of the wounded insurgent. I was wondering the same things. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/ts20041118.shtml \_ "Terrorists are not enemy soldiers covered by the rules of war. Nor should they be. They observe no rules." I stopped reading after this. By the same token, the Genova convention is obsolete, because anyone can say the enemy is not covered. \_ i'm not losing sleep over it. \_ Hello. I do not condone the murder of the wounded man, but people who do not act like an organized military are not afforded Geneva Convention protections. End of story. -- ilyas \_ Ilya, war is no longer declared between nations and fought by cavalry regiments adhering to strict rules of combat. It's a dirty, filthy brutal mess, and you're going to see more and more irregular forces fighting wars. The Geneva Conventions were not designed to strictly protect "soldiers" based on some static definition of who wears what; the brutality committed against civilians and irregulars in wars since they were signed has been despite them, not as a result. The Conventions seek to limit the damage done by wars as a natural result of the kind of barbarism unleashed in a war of any kind. If you were to capture OBL himself, if he is defeated and can no longer defend himself, it is your responsibility as a combatant to treat him according to a basic set of standards. You may _not_ sodomize, shoot, or torture him. Period. Legalese aside, the US must follow a higher standard of conduct than terrorists, undemocratic states, irregulars, tyrants, etc. There is no argument that can justify anything that goes against this imperative. None. The only justification that the USA have for engaging the rest of the world, unless it is against some body that has directly attacked us, is moral authority. When that fails, the whole basis for being the (necessary) world policeman is destroyed as well. -John \_ The only 'moral' argument I can offer is of a utilitarian nature, and that is if you must wage war, wage it as quickly and brutally as possible, so it is over as quickly as possible. I simply disagree with your morals. A captured, ununiformed man who tried to kill soldiers forfeits his life, in much the same way a civilian who tries (or does!) kill a cop. There is no way to wage moral war, by the way. War is inherently immoral. -- ilyas \_ Quickly, yes. Brutally? That is counterproductive. A democracy should not wage unprovoked offensive war, which is essentially what we have done, but even if you disagree with the {morals,ethics} of this, being purposely nasty to people _after the fact_ has never in any war, ever accomplished anything. Furthermore, it is not in the authority of an individual soldier to mete out summary justice or punishment, ever. It is his duty to win, and it is the duty and authority of a military chain of command to deal with uninformed soldier-whackers and their ilk. This is a simple, black and white issue; if a captive is killed in self- defense while trying to harm a soldier, it is (as with your cop example) regrettable but probably unavoidable. If it is a captive killed after the fact of trying to harm a soldier, it is a crime. Period. -John \_ I also disagree that a democracy should not wage offensive war, I simply don't see why offensive war \_ You've obviously never played Civilization \_ EU or Victoria >> Civ. -- ilyas is always unjustified. Similarly, I don't see why executions of ununiformed people, if properly authorized, are wrong (they certainly were not in this case, and the soldier will be dealt with). I think given that a certain portion of the population (or, in the case of Iraq, mostly foreigners) is actively soldier hunting with guns and bombs, I think the situation has moved past pleasant discussions, and basically such people need to be killed. If captured, they can possibly be killed after a trial or some such, but a short military trial is not unreasonable in my eyes. These people are not conscripts of a state, they are not taking orders. They can leave at any time, yet they fight. There is a reason GC is applied to uniformed soldiers, it's not just a quaint 19th century cavalry thing. Btw, brutality and quickness are not tied together just as a turn of phrase. Brutality really is the most efficient way. Not moral, of course. -- ilyas \_ I'd love to prove you wrong, but some baboon keeps overwriting my reply. Screw it. -John \_ Ironically, it's probably ilyas, esp considering how active he is in this thread. \_ this is total bullshit. I never understood how people get away w/ calling our enemies in this Iraq war "terrorists" instead of soldiers or whatever other military jargon people use. Isnt this what the british said about the US in the Revolutionary War? (I mean, not literally about the Geneva convention per se, but this mentality) \_ Because they _aren't_ soldiers. Soldier = in a chain of command, wears uniform, etc. Certainly, armies employ 'spies' and other unconventionals. But if they are caught, they are not afforded the GC protections, are tortured, etc. This has been done in every war, by all sides. This is a distasteful business, etc. but why is this new to anyone? People can't seem to separate 'distasteful', 'reprehensible', etc. from 'unlawful.' US is not being unlawful. -- ilyas \_ Thank you John Yoo Jr. Sodomizing and torturing innocent people or executing guerilla fighters are both against the Geneva convention, and both these groups of people ARE covered, as much as the administration would like to argue otherwise. \_ Sodomizing innocent people is against the rules of war. Is there a link detailing protections ununiformed people (guerillas, random fuckers with bombs, etc.) are granted? My impressions are such folks are shot on the spot if they are lucky, or 'questioned' if not. Methinks you be full of shit. You can't expect the military to gingerly handle folks who are out to kill them. -- ilyas \_ I'm not asking them to shake hands and be polite, merely refrain from torture and executions. Is that too much to ask of the US Army? \_ I dislike torture. I think executions are morally justified. YMMV. I have yet to see a document the US signed which forbids either being applied to ununiformed folks with guns/bombs. -- ilyas \_ It's called 'framing the debate'. This way it's about how you treat terrorists. If you call them rebels or insurgents or, god forbid, freedom fighters that opens up all sorts of unpleasant questions about what they're fighting for. \- i agree with your sentiment but i dont think you have picked a good example. i think a better example [i have not giventhis huge thought, so there may be even better cases] is agent orange. i bet in the NVA were spraying american troops with agent O, "we" would have called that chemical warfare. i dont like the writing especially but you may wish to see waltzer: just and unjust wars. --psb \_ Why would calling them rebels or insurgents open up unpleasant questions? I don't think you can call them freedom fighters. I don't think they're calling themseves that. I suppose Bush would say they're freedom fighters -- they're fighting freedom! \_ Hahahahaha!!! \_ Just to add more facts: Dubya says Al Qaeda and other foreign terrorists are not afforded GC protections. Former Baathists and other Iraqi nationals fighting aginst Americans probably are covered as long as they are easily distinguishible from civilians. \_ Ummm.. yeah. If they were wearing uniforms and acting like soldiers, then sure. \_ This whole 'uniforms and be in an army' thing just seems like trying to justify raping people with glowsticks. Uniforms don't matter because you should not be commiting war crimes on civilians either, and if someone is pointing a gun at you you know they're a combatant. The 'act like soldiers' thing is meaningless. Do they not deserve protection because they did not surrender when the invaders disbanded their army? Guerilla warfare is a perfectly valid battle tactic, just not one the the US army handles well. \_ Guerilla Warfare != Terrorism. Car bombing civilians and beheading hostages is not "Guerilla Warfare" \_ Of course not everything they do is guerilla warfare, and I never defended terrorism or brutality. It is a perfectly legitimate tactic to take sniper shots at an occupying foreign army. Denying these people the GC protections is a bad thing. Realize that the Iraqi insurgency is not some unified force for evil, but many people fighting for different reasons and using different tactics. \_ That's true. So far I haven't seen a lot of evidence that the army is lumping them into one group. But sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry. \_ Like pp said, al-Zarqawi != The Insurgency \_ Unlike previous battles in Iraq, the Fallujah insurgents have been easily distinguishable from civilians. If you say: "That isn't enough, you need to wear the uniform of the Iraqi armed forces", well, then who cares about the occasional GI who got hit in the face the previous day and doesn't want to take any chances? He could have nuked all five guys in the mosque, in which case, he would only need to show he didn't violate the rules of engagement. \_ I just don't think we can condemn the soldier out of hand. We don't know the circumstances, and "insurgents" have been booby trapping dead bodies and running suicide missions. We kill Japanese just fine in the same situations. \_ "He's fucking faking he's dead! He's fucking faking he's dead!" *brapbrapbrapbrap* "Well he's dead now." == He's going to unload a wad of C4 on you! In the mean time, the entire video is replayed over and over again in Iraq and across the Arab world while U.S. citizens are trolling http://freerepublic.com and /etc/motd about hidden grenades and uniforms. U.S. broadcast and cable networks cover nekkid Desperate Housewives character jumping into the arms of a uniformed NFL football player. |
2004/11/18 [Computer/Rants] UID:34964 Activity:moderate |
11/18 Bill Gates receives only 4 million spams a day: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/internet/11/18/gates.spam.ap/index.html \_ What's his email address? \_ i've read it's billg@microsoft.com. try it. \_ i highly doubt that's it. I just emailed that address w/ a SUPER low m o r t @ g e offer and he didnt even reply, so... \_ Offer him discount Windows XP for only $20. |
2004/11/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:34965 Activity:moderate |
11/18 POC, you're a piece of cock. And williamc, I can't believe you graduated from Berkeley. You're a dumb fuck. Get a life. \_ Wow. This is the first time I've been singled out in the motd. I think it's the US Army==child rapists guy getting pissy because he's being asked to do some research before jibber-jabbering about things he doesn't know anything about. I think this makes my day. Thanks, op. :) -POC \_ I really wonder sometimes about the whole chicom troll phenomenon. Is it all one guy? Is it several similar people, or is it one guy who started it and was a real nutjob and another guy who immitates him for amusement? To me this kind of question is part of what makes reading the motd so much fun. There's really nothing else quite like it. \_ who is chicom and who is POC? \_ who is POC? \_ Piece Of Crap? \_ Piece of cock, as mentioned above. \_ Hey, they graduated you too. \_ Who the fuck are they and what does it have to do with the motd? |
2004/11/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34966 Activity:very high |
11/18 UC Berkeley sociology prof reports Florida statistical anomalies http://csua.org/u/a0p "According to the study, counties with electronic voting machines were significantly more likely to show increases in support for Bush between 2000 and 2004 compared to counties with paper ballots or optical scan equipment. This change cannot be explained by differences between counties in income, number of voters, change in voter turnout, or size of the Hispanic/Latino population, said Hout." Again, I say how THE FUCK did we end up with voting machines without a paper trail in the 2004 election? \_ How the fuck are you stupid enough to believe in statistics? There are competing studies at three other universities, including one from MIT and Harvard, all of which refute one another. Before you present something as factual try to read up on competing papers before you jump to conclusions. \_ Interesting, where can I find the competeing papers? \_ This is serious. Hout is among the leading quantitative social scientists. \_ Because HAVA intentionally sucked. \_ Hey! I went to Berkeley! \_ Hout will die of a mysterious disease soon. \_ But the feds and everything is under the republican's control. By the time the truth comes out, Bush will be long dead and it won't make a difference. \_ Hehe, I like how the study is called the _effect_ of the voting machines on blahblah. -- ilyas \_ The election equipment is purchased by local county election boards, all Democrat in these questionable districts. \_ You guys do realize that these machines are made in Omaha, Nebraska, home of the most red and devout church going people? Secondly, there is no system in place that checks or audits the machines. There no accountability whatsoever. Thirdly, the report coming out from a school known for its ultra leftism, will make sure that most of the right wingers will ignore this report. \_ This comment reminds me of Lakoff's work on metaphors. It's good work and all, but he couldn't resist making some jibes at the conservative world view at the end there. Kind of spoiled the whole thing for me, his biases oozing through otherwise good work like pus from a boil. -- ilyas \_ oh my, you are so smart and we're all eager to know what you think, ol great one ilya. \_ thank you! we are all eager to hear the important stuff you have to say, ol great wise ilya s. Share your wisdom and we shall worship you! \_ This metaphor (pus from a boil) doesn't work in context. You just said it's otherwise good work. So to be consistent the biases would have to be oozing from something otherwise good, which a boil is clearly not. \_ Eh, you are right. Meh. Maybe I can beg off on my poor-russian-immigrant-boy status, or something. I guess I should have said it was like seeing an otherwise beautiful face with an ugly ass witch mole. -- ilyas \_ or, it's like seeing an Ayran but only to find out he's just a Russian Joo. -conservative \_ Hey, I'm a Russian Jew. -John \_ That sounds pretty damn ironic. - a. morissette |
2004/11/18-20 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:34967 Activity:nil |
11/18 In firefox (OS X), how do I reset the alert for enter/leaving a (non)secure page and/or posting info over (non)secure channel? I pressed return for defaults too quickly and then could not find them under preferences. \_ This has been here for two days and nobody took a shot at it. How strange. Anyway, I don't know about OSX specifically, but you can type about:config and see all the configuration stuff. |
2004/11/18 [Uncategorized] UID:34968 Activity:nil |
11/18 [ idiot ] |
2004/11/18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34969 Activity:high |
11/18 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,138985,00.html Scroll down. Republicans are going to take the 2008/2012/2016 elections too. The Democrats are screwed. The Dark Age has begun. \_ For heaven's sake! Start working on finding someone decent to nominate! I mean, come on, Edwards? Who thinks THAT'S a good idea? Hillary? Yeah right. Suddenly it's clear how Kerry got nominated. \_ Michael Moore for president! |
2004/11/18 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:34970 Activity:insanely high |
11/18 The Vietnam War Crimes You Never Heard Of: http://www.vietnamwar.com/MyLai.htm (The Charlie Company) http://hnn.us/articles/1802.html http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/Research/HNatureProposalsArticles/RapeWarfare.html http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0438/turse.php \_ I can only assume you mean "I'm so out of touch, I've never heard of all these Vietnam War crimes." Since I'm pretty sure the rest of the civilized world has heard of them before. Pver and over, in fact. |
2004/11/18-22 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:34971 Activity:low |
11/18 Can the owner/president of a private company hire/fire whomever he wants, for whatever reason? If so, does that include race-based reasons? \_ Yes, if there is no standing contract other than an at-will employment. There are statutes that protect for wrongful termination based on discrimination. However, if the employer (the correct term) is smart about it they will simply fire you because of lack of work and state that employment was at-will. You can bring a lawsuit against your former employer, and the usual song and dance is if an attorney finds enough merit in your case there will be an out of court settlement. If there is an employee handbook explaining the terms of employment and what is a fire-able offense then it's a bit harder. \_ no, you can't hire/fire based on race. See the Civil Rights act. That's why if you do go see a lawyer the first thing they will ask was "was it race based". If you say "no" then they probably will lose interest in talking to you. \_ Yes, but if the reason is race/gender/religion you can't say that's the reason why, unless you want to get suuuued. http://www.expertlaw.com/library/pubarticles/Employment/at_will.html \_ Get a cat \- I dont know a tremendous about employment law, but I believe there are two factors to consider: 1. who is covered and 2. what is the standard. 1. re: "who is covered" obviously a public sector employer or subcontractor is prohibited. But today probably almost all employers will be covered ... this is the famous (ab)user of the interstate commer clause to give the federal govt jurisdiction in these matters. A famous quote talks about how the "ICC lets the fed govt regulate an elevator operator's job in kansas city" [elevator -> cant move like say trucking or bread production]. so by default you are probably covered. some exception are things like religious organization ... ostenisbly a hindu temple can prefer to hire hindu for a number of positions. even a sole proprietorship like a bar is probably covered [alcohol license] ... but i am not sure if all very small commercial enterprises are covered [you run a home business and hire somebody to stuff envelopes]. 2. using racial or relig [or the other categories mentioned on the expertlaw] WEEB page call the "strict scrutiny" standard, which means it needs the highest level of justification [and some more obligations]. it's easier to "discriminate" based on "must be able to life 80lbs" or "but be at least 5'6" than "no women" "no chinese" etc. this applies to more than employment relationships ... it's been argued about for laws [e.g. a case where the drinking age was lower for women], education, club memberships etc. this expasion of federalism through the ICC is one of the philosophical debates at the heart of the rightwing turn of the court. unless the new breed of republicans go totally nuts, this is more likely to be the ground the gives way than Roe v Wade. ok tnx. --psb \- BTW, for a similar dilemma see BATSON v. KENTUCKY [and its successors like Wilkerson v TX and Swain v. Alabama for context] which says you cant kick someone off of a jury because or race [i.e. a peremptory isnt really a peremptory any more] ... so now lawyers make up a reason other than race [kickng offf based on gender also not allowed but i forgot the SupCt case] to kick people off. Of course the only people who explicitly say they are doing things based on race are people looking for a fight [like the "white only" scholarship case]. --psb |
2004/11/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:34972 Activity:high |
11/18 Who is the blond in the old navy commercial dressed in a phone \_ blonde \_ Don't be a pedantic dipshit. "Blond" is also correct (look it up). -not op (bare shouldered) who sings: "no contractual obligation". Are there other pictures/video of her out there? She really flips my switches. \_ Ditto! Only for the asian-ish looking girl. \_ Ditto! Only for the amish looking girl. \_ But does she really put the cheese in your macaroni? \_no, i'm not fond of macaroni and i'm not sure what cheese symbolizes, but it usually ain't good. I'd like her to row my boat though, if you aren't happy with the switches metaphore. \_ A true gentleman would row his own boat. Heh. \_ But does she really boil your cabbages? Does she really put your petunias in the bowl? \_ Get a cat \_ you need to provide pictures. i don't watch tv commercials anymore. |
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