2004/11/12 [Uncategorized] UID:34851 Activity:nil |
2004/11/12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:34852 Activity:very high |
11/11 The media's Barack Obama feve http://www.townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/mm20041111.shtml \_ thanks! can you imagine if malkin was your mother? how is the suicide rate among 3 year olds? \_ Oh, look the Queen of self-hating Asians is back on the motd. I am curious, is the guy who keeps posting this some kind of white guy conservative with an Asian fetish? |
2004/11/12 [Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:34853 Activity:moderate |
11/12 Dual boot question: I had a hard drive set up with dual boot. XP and Linux. I had problems with the Windows partition. I got a new hard drive. I connected the new hard drive and set it as the slave drive. I went into setup and set it to boot from the slave drive (the new one). I then reinstalled XP on the new drive. Oops. My boot loader on the original drive got overwritten. The Linux partition is still there, but I can't boot to Linux. I need to resetup my dual boot. I would like to have 2 options when I turn on my computer. One option would boot to my Linux partition on my original hard disk (now set as the master). The other option would be to boot to XP on the new hard disk (now set as the slave). I think I want to go into setup and have it boot from the master, and then use my Red Hat CD to resetup the boot loader. But I'm not really sure what I'm doing and I don't want to screw things up. I don't want to reinstall Linux. I simply want to fix the boot loader. Please help! \_ You are already on the right track. You can boot either from the first install CD or you can use the .iso image for the emergency cd. It will guide you through mounting your existing RedHat partition. You can then use either grub or lilo to reinstall the bootblock on the master CD... but you will need to make changes to either your lilo.conf or grub.conf to tell it to book XP from the other drive now instead. Once you finish that, you can go back into the bios and tell it to boot from the primary hd again. \_ You should have installed XP first, then Linux. Windows loves to scribble over the boot partition of every disk it can find. Having said that, if you want to avoid having to reinstall Linux, you will need to boot from a linux boot floppy. At least, that was the only thing I could figure out to do when I was in your boat. Maybe one of these 3l33+3 linux hackers has a better way. \_ Well, I don't need to install Linux. I only need to setup the boot loader. Are you sure this is the same situation you were in? Windows is installed on one drive. Linux on another. And I just want to modify the boot loader, not install anything. \_ When you installed Windows XP it overwrote the MBR on your Linux drive, so no you don't really have Linux installed right now. You have a partial linux installation, that you need to repair. I don't know how to do that. \_ This is far too much spew for a simple question. Why do we need to see useless details about your disks and blah blah? Anyway just boot using the floppy and run the lilo tool or whatever. \_ The problem I've always had with dual-booting is that if one disk goes bad, it can be a real pain to get the other up in isolation. If you're using the Grub bootloader, I know you can install windows to drive 0, take it out, then put your linux drive in as 0 and install Linux. Then put the windows drive back in as drive 1. You can then boot to Linux and set up grub such that when you boot to your windows drive, your windows drive is tricked into believeing it is drive 0. This setup is a bit of work initially, but I've found it to be very robust. If you're interested, I can tell you how to set up grub. -jrleek (!Linux guru) |
2004/11/12 [Reference/History/WW2] UID:34854 Activity:kinda low |
11/12 Can somehow explain the theory of how an 80 year old WWII veteran can make a woman feel so bad that she wants to commit suicide? \_ train harder. that's not what the sentence below is saying. \_ Here you go, you dumb bitch: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/11/12/MNGTJ9QGVV1.DTL |
2004/11/12 [Reference/BayArea] UID:34855 Activity:kinda low |
11/12 Can somehow explain why Bay Area is so messed up, with all that suicide from famous Asian people? For example with that tech Gene guy andb all... \_ Please compare the suicide rate in east Asia with the suicide rate among bay area residents of Asian descent. I predict that the suicide rate is lower among, say, bay area residents of Japanese descent than it is among residents of Japan. \_ JAPANESE NINJAS KILLED HIM |
2004/11/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:34856 Activity:insanely high |
11/11 What will the Euro/Dollar ratio be in four years? 1/1: .. 1.3/1: 1.5/1: 1.8/1: . 2/1: higher: \_ if there is a general perception that the dollar is falling, would that cause a mass movement of the dollar (many people moving their money), which would cause the actual change? \_ In general, that is how a market works. People pay for what they percieve the value of something is. \- while this may be trivially true [like buy low sell high] it's not a theoretically meaningful statement. the "theory" of FX appaches the question either by modeling supply and demand ... like say "portfolio balance theory"or my looking at boundary condition/equillibria [see say uncovered interest parity, purchasing power parity etc]. --psb \_ If I wantto invest in Eruos what would be the best way? \_ http://www.everbank.com \_ Dollar will strengthen \_ Can I have some of that crack you're smoking? \_ Interest rates will rise and bring the dollar up with them. \_ Interest rate is cyclical. This dollar correction is a structural correction. is a structural correction. Lately, the focus has been on the structural need for the dollar to depreciate. Your quarter point interest rate increases would likely not be enough to convince people not to dump the dollar if they are convinced the dollar is going to drop by another 20 or 30 percent. \_ This is rather circular. It's going to drop because people think it will drop. Yes, it plays to how the market works but WHY would people think it is going to drop? It will rise when it again becomes a good investment, which will be when interest rates rise. \_ No it isn't circular. I was just pointing out that interest rate as a cause of fluctuation of the dollar is cyclical. And that there are other structural reasons that would likely cause the dollar to fall. The most important of these is the continuing trade deficit. Another reason is that China's economy is overheating and they are raising interest rate for the RMB, and thinking hard about letting the RMB appreciate, which would likely lead to other asian currencies appreciating. \_ The structural reasons *have* caused the dollar to fall. The question is: Where will it be in 4 years? I predict up. \_ The structural reasons *have* caused the dollar to fall. The question is: Where will it be in 4 years? I predict up. \_ We are running massive budget and trade deficits. \_ Was the dollar low or high in the 1980s when Reagan was doing the same thing? Bush says "deficits don't matter" and intends to pile up even deeper deficits. This is all hard on the dollar. \_ Was the dollar low or high in the 1980s when Reagan was doing the same thing? |
2004/11/12 [Politics/Domestic] UID:34857 Activity:moderate |
11/12 put your boring ass michelle malkin "oh liberals think obama is so photogenic and it MAKES ME MAD!!!!!!!!!" link back! come on! do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ !!!1!!!1!!!! \_ Is Obama's penis large and tax-free too? \_ Well, does your anus still hurt? |
2004/11/12-14 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:34858 Activity:high |
11/12 I can't seem to get over what I read about Japan's "Biological Unit 731". I mean I know Japanese did some bad things in China, but I never really knew the details. Thanks to the wonder of the internet and the recent discussion of author of "Rape of Nanking", I decided to Google it. At first it was not a big deal, all history, but soon I got pretty sick of what I was reading. I mean all those live experiments on human body. And now I can't seem to quite get over it. How could any person with conscience justify what they are doing? I mean taking pictures of Naked prisoners is bad, but this kind of stuff is down right horrible. I find myself having some trouble getting past what I read. I drive a Japanese car, Japanese stuff is all over my house, and my company works with Japanese clients and heck I've even been to Japan once and sort of liked it. But how do I get over what I read? I am just kinda angry/pissed at something. -Chinese sodan \_ Attila the Hun, Nero, Ivan the Terrible, slavery, Hitler, eugenics, Pol Pot, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. WWII plumbed horrid depths of human darkness; it's over. The people in Japan you deal with nowadays most likely had nothing to do with it. Don't look at them as compatriots of manics, look at them as people. -John Japanese stuff is all over my house, and my company works with Japanese clients and heck I've even been to Japan once and sort of liked it. But how do I get over what I read? I am just Easy; pretend you're Tibetan. _/ kinda angry/pissed at something. -Chinese sodan \_ As a fellow Chinese Sodan I can only say that one should let the past be the past. There's already too much hatred in the world to reopen old wounds. Yes, the crimes were horrible, yes, more Chinese died due to the Japenese than Jews (only the Russians lost more people), yes Nanking was a crime against humanity, yes, they treated POWs wit utter brutality. However, we cannot blame the children for the crimes of their fathers. To do so would only continue the cycle of hatred. Having said that I do think that the Japanese need to acknowledge their crimes, like the Germans have, and make a heartfelt apology to all nations, not simply China, of their WWII aggressions. The Japanese have, unfortunately, decided to forget that part of their history. I believe that this not only affects Sino-Japanese relations, but it has also greatly damaged the psyche of Japanese society. I believe that until the Japanese are willing to come to terms with that past there will always be this sense of guilt lingering in the corners of their collective culture. \_ Certainly younger Japanese bear no guilt for old atrocities, but when you have modern nationalists denying what happened, and no public national apology, it's at least a tacit approval. \_ Do you get angry/pissed about atrocities against non-Chinese? \_ My friend's parents still hold a grudge, they only buy American cars. Maybe that's why Iris Chang was found in an Oldsmobile. \_ My first three cars were American, and now I've finally bowed to quality issues and bought a Japanese one as the fourth. --- Chinese \_ Nothing can be done now. Historically people have done some pretty horrible things, the Japanese aren't alone in this, although they did take brutality to an artform. Just remember this whenever someone suggests dropping the bomb on Japan was a horrible thing to do. \_ Japan got nuked twice, get over it. \_ But it wasn't the Chinese who nuked it. \_ hmm. but the Chinese sold out their culture to communism, they get what they deserve after that. \_ huh? what's wrong with communism? \_ I see you've been brainwashed well. \_ huh? Nanking was the capital of ROC run by the KMT, not the CCP. \_ Older generations of Jews have tended to not purchase German-made goods, though the younger generations have since abandoned the practice. Memories fade and people die. You can certain boycott practice. Memories fade and people die. You can certainly boycott Japanese goods if it will make you feel better, or you can just console yourself with the fact that the Japanese who committed those atrocities are either dead or dying, and the younger Japanese seem unlikely to repeat the mistakes. \_ You enjoyed your visit to Japan? Do you speak Japanese? My wife was a Japanophile, and she took a couple years of Japanese in college. She's Chinese, btw. When she finally visited Japan, she was stunned by the constant stream of Japanese chatter around her disparaging her on her "barbaric" appearance and behavior. Another friend of my wife's worked as a programmer in Japan for a few years, and she also came out of the experience a Japanophobe. \_ your wife probably is barbaric, being chinese and whatnot. you should upgrade to a better race. \_ I like sexy barbaric females. \_ It does sound hot \_ My coworker (Colombian/Hungarian) lived and worked in Japan for a year and loved it. Her Japanese friends come to visit all the time. It's your wife, dude. \_ Not to get all racist, but you do know how closed-minded some asian cultures are right? \_ I once had the honor to escort a Chinese doctor around a festival in rural Japan. Everyone assumed she was Japanese and no one made disparaging remarks about her when they learned the contrary, despite her lack of Japanese language skill. Anecdotal evidence swings both ways and is, in general, inconclusive. --erikred \_ s/some asian cultures/some asians/ \_ Try it out for yourself: http://www.alllooksame.com \_ Yes, most of my white friends have had good experience in Japan. That, however, does not mean that other Asian types are treated with the same amount of respect and courtesy. \_ Part of the distinction is whether you are considered a 'visitor' or a 'native.' According to my friends who lived in Japan, one is treated like a King ... until one stays for a while. Then eventually one is treated like a native, which is considerably more stressful, but at least it's how the japanese treat each other. -- ilyas \_ Consider that the purpose of the Nuremburg trials and the execution of Tojo and the Japanese high command was to remove the burden of collective guilt on the part of the German and Japanese public after the war. Most Japanese, on hearing about the atrocities committed by Unit 731, are absolutely horrified. I don't want to belittle your own feelings; I just want to offer you some historical solace. --erikred |
2004/11/12-14 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:34859 Activity:low |
11/12 "Seoul May Ban North Korea College Web Site". I don't get it, why? Are they really that afraid of what the NK have to say? \_ Link? \_ http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=582&e=2&u=/nm/20041112/wr_nm/korea_north_website_dc \_ http://tinyurl.com/5wgpc \_ Wasn't the US media always make a big fuss about China blocking some external sites? hehe. \_ If SK starts blocking US media sites, they will raise a fuss too \_ The answer is, well, yes. There are a few reasons. 1) Most of the polititions are old, and therefore can harken back to the the politicians are old, and therefore can harken back to the old days when Communism actually seemed attractive. They may have friends who migrated north during the war, although most of the migration was south, of course. Another problem is that korean youth are, by and large, surprisingly easy to manipulate. The schools don't teach critial thinking, and push a lot of nationalistic propaganda, which results in the North Korea love seen amoung many young South Koreans. Finally, in the NK/SK conflict the internet is a one-way communication medium. NK can push propoganda to the South, but northerners can't read any SK propoganda, so it's a bum deal for the south from that perspective. -jrleek PS The article meantions that all they're really doing is applying the existing security law to a new medium. Communication with NK is heavily curtailed in SK. Although I agree with Roh Moo-hyun that these laws ought to be repealed now. |
2004/11/12-14 [Computer/Domains] UID:34860 Activity:nil |
11/12 Does the new ICANN domain transfer policy apply to ccTLDs? \_ No, but, under a little-known proviso to the Geneva convention, hijacking a ccTLD constitutes a declaration of war. So you better watch yo' ass. |
2004/11/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:34862 Activity:high |
11/12 Scott Peterson found guilty of murder. \_ 1st degree for Laci, 2nd degree for their unborn son. \_ 1st degree with special circumstances, which qualifies him for the death penalty. \_ Am I the only one who thinks that there should be different standards of proof for conviction and a death sentence? I'd roughly say you need about 98% confidence to convict someone of a criminal offence (1 wrongly-convicted person for every 50 real criminals). But I think you need 100% certainty to give the death penalty, because there really is no appeal for the innocent once they're dead. I'm anti-death penalty, but not for the truly guilty, but there's the rub. \_ There *are* different standards of proof for conviction and a death sentence. -tom \- i dunno what tom is talking about but one possibly significant difference is the jurors have to be "death certified" meaning they have to be willing to entertain the death penalty. so the question is "if you weed out all the no-death penalty people from the jury pool, is the remaining group more likely to be pro- prosecution". this is the definitive book on how juries operate today: http://csua.org/u/9y0 there are certainly more appeal procedures, but i dunno if in law there is a different standard, as there is for treason. --psb \_ Really? I thought it was that the crime and special circumstances both needed no 'reasonable doubt'. \_ Not sure what you mean by there are different standards of proof for conviction and death sentence (sentencing in most cases is at the judges discretion). Anyway, CA Pen. Code only allows for death penalty in the case of 1st degree pre-meditated murder (there are other type of 1st degree murder, including felony and Taylor). The burden of proof for showing pre-meditated 1st degree murder is the same as for other crimes (beyond a reasonable doubt), but the requirements to show pre- meditation are quite high in CA (must show planning, motive, manner and can't use post killing evid. for this). Also in CA, any case in which the def. is sentenced to death MUST be reviewed by the CA S. Ct. BTW, the 2nd degree murder conviction for the unborn child makes no sense. If he pre-meditated to kill Laci, then there is no way for him to not pre-meditate the killing of the kid. The only way I can think of that the jury came up with this is that they didn't believe he had a good motive to kill the kid, even though he had planning and manner. \_ So why isn't abortion murder again? \_ Abortion is embryos that do not have higher cognitive function. An 8-month fetus is more-or-less a newborn baby. A 3-month embryo is closer to a worm, developmentaly. \_ partial birth abortion at 9 months., murder? \_ CA Penal Code Sec. 187 exempts (1) legal abortion, (2) doctor's who act in the best interests of the mother's health and (3) where the mother gives consent. The fetus has to be older than seven wks or so. \_ That's a surprise to me. I think he's guilty but I thought he was going to be acquitted by benefit of the doubt or some technicality or some nonsense. \_ cuz he's white. \_ YEAH, JUSTICE IS SERVED!! \_ OK, why wasn't it now? \_ ok, so when are the white men going to the streets of LA and start looting/protesting at the Koreans, like what happened in the Rodney King and the 4 racist LA cop case? \_ i think you're getting your race riots confused \_ whitey takes it up the ass, and there was much rejoicing. \_ There's not much to pillage in Modesto. \_ Huh? These two cases have nothing in common. Do you think that most white people think Scott Peterson was innocent? \_ Did most people think OJ was innocent? \_ What does OJ have to do with Rodney King? \_ Riots. \_ Did anyone riot after the OJ verdict? \_ Uhm, the guy you're arguing with is clearly either a troll, or fuck-stupid. I suggest leaving him be with his ill-informed commentary. \_ They would have if the verdict was guilty. \_ And you know this because...??? \_ Rodney King. Ta da! Tied it all together! \_ You are an idiot. But you probably already knew that. \_ Because you said so? Hardly. \_ You're right...you clearly don't know. Poor thing. \_ So they replaced one juros and started deliberations all over? All-in-all, how much deliberation was there? Wasn't that pretty quick? |
2004/11/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34863 Activity:nil |
11/12 List people who you don't mind die by natural cause or what not: Michael Moore: .........................................................\ ................................................................................\ ............................................. Mel Gibson: . Van Gogh: . Dick Cheney: .......................... GWB: ...................................................................\ ................................................................................\ ...............x10^100^100 \_ So you like Dick Cheney as President? At least Moore dies there's one less fat person driving up the cost of airfare. \_ and the cost of healthcare. \_ Thank you. Your responses have been recorded with the Department of Homeland Security. OBL: .. My mom: . AMC: . Kim Jong Il: .. \_ *sigh* -- ilyas ilias: . \_ these above motd posters. \_ You know, I think it kind of says something about you people that there are no Kim Jong Ils, Robert Mugabes, Viktor Kuchmas, Turkmenbashis, Pinochets or their ilk in this list (aside from the obligatory OBL.) Pretty fucking sad. -John \_ GWB killed more Iraqis than they killed the Americans. GWB killed more Afghans than they killed the Americans. In the Bible, it says "Praise thy leader who leads without violence, without bloodshed." I shall not praise GWB. \_ GWB is a closed-minded idiot, but (a) he didn't kill anyone, (b) I doubt he said "yee haw let's go whack them towelheads", and (c) fuck what it says in the bible. No one's asking you to not loathe the guy, but wishing someone dead is pretty pathetic. -John John: . Anonymous Coward with closet ass link issues: . Sharon: . Bud Day: . Michelle Malkin: . \_ is she hot? \_ yes. \_ If you have APF. Okay, even if you don't have APF... |
2004/11/12-14 [Reference/Religion] UID:34864 Activity:nil |
11/12 Accurate synopsis of the controversial 11 min Van Gogh film: "Oooo, Allah, I bow to you. Allah, I am a woman and I get beaten up by my husband. Allah, I get raped by my husband's brother. Allah, I have his baby. Allah, I feel oppressed. Allah, I am depressed. Allah, you suck." \_ I only watched the film on-line without a speaker, but I enjoyed the bra-less see-through clothing. |
2004/11/12 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:34865 Activity:nil 71%like:34837 |
11/11 Author of Rape of Nanking committed suicide: http://csua.org/u/9xx \_ From the article: "Many soldiers went beyond rape to disembowel women, slice off their breasts, nail them alive to walls. Fathers were forced to rape their daughters and sons their mothers as other family members watched." \_ Where does that info come from I wonder? \_ The article said she interviewed survivors in China. \_ Considering the well-documented atrocities committed by the biological warefare Unit 731, these things are all very plausible. \_ So here's what I don't undestand. How did Japan go from this level of barbarism to being some of the most peaceful people in the world in one generation? \_ America. \_ Perception of external threats from western imperialist nations leading to desire to have its own colonial empire leading to invasion of korea, manchuria. Ideology of superiority of Japanese and society turning militaristic leading to despise and dehumanization of other asian people. Whether Japan is peaceful or not is still to be seen. It can only be judged when the nation is under duress. US did have a positive influence on Japan since WWII. \_ Is Japan denying what Unit 731 did too? \_ I just searched for Unit 731 on google, and boy, I got pretty angry. I guess what the US did to the Iraqi prisoners seems like Child's play in comparison. Now tell me, is Japan denying Unit 731? \_ the right wingers certainly are denying it, or the very least, not wanting to teach it in school or discouraging people to write about it. \_ It's pretty horrid. Look for the William Kristol interview with a veteran of that unit. The guy's statements are stomach-turning. -John \_ There were also interviews of Japanese soldiers who witnessed or participated in the Rape of Nanking. Some felt a lot of guilt, while others tried to explain it. \_ And how have they ruled out some pissed off Japanese right wing nut killed her? \_ why do you hate right wing Japanese people? \_ It's that whole SoCal supermarket--samurai sword thing. Read up on Yukio Mishima, you may be amused. -John \_ The US govt is not interested in embarrassing its Japanese ally with whatever war crimes it committed in China. I don't think it has ever been interested. \_ Well, "authorities" said it was suicide. What "authorities"? Local cops, I assume. How difficult is it for leet Japanese ninja types to fake a suicide that will fool the local constabulary? \_ An alternative theory is that the research on the Bataan Death March which the http://sfgate.com article said she was doing in Kentucky days before she was foudn dead traumatized her enough to commit suicide. Like maybe she opened up old wounds of some 80-year-old WWII vet and felt guilty about it... \_ What's he gonna do, beat her to death with a walker? \_ you're a craven asshole. \_ Not really, I thought pp was making nonsense hypotheses. Wasn't meant like that. \_ I agree, but then it's well known the motd is full of psycopath. \_ And FOB idiots. |
2004/11/12-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:34866 Activity:moderate |
11/12 SBC says that if i switch from my t-1 to a 1.5Mbs Frame relay connection I can save bucks (just under 50%). Is my Frame relay connection going to be less reliable? Or just (as they say) slightly more laggy? \_ with frame relay, you are guaranteed to get your full bandwidth. With frame-relay it is really a packetized data protocol on a shared frame-relay network. It's cheaper for them to provide because they assume few people really use all their bandwidth capacity. They can tie many T1's worth of bandwith through trunks of smaller size. Typically they will oversubscribe the trunks to save money. This isn't a problem until everyone starts using all their bandwidth, at which point its's X T1's worth of bandwidth fighting for Y T1's worth of capacity (where X << Y). Do you trust SBC to keep their FR trunks ahead of bandwidth demands, and not heavily oversubscribe? With a direct point to point T1, they cannot oversubscribe. Oversubscription is the data communications companies dirty little secret. The more they do it, the bigger their profit margins. OH and while they claim they'll set your data rate (CIR) to T1 levels, in reality they rarely do... \_ So you are saying with a Frame Relay i'm likeley to NEVER see T1 speeds ? \_ No, he's saying there is no guarantee. |
2004/11/12-13 [Reference/Religion] UID:34867 Activity:nil |
11/12 In William S. Burroughs' " 'The Priest', They Called Him", what does the ending mean? Does 'The Priest' die? Here's an excerpt: Then it hit him like heavy silent snow All the grey junk yesterdays He sat there and recieved the immaculate fix And since he was himself a priest, there was no need to call one. \_ Yes, the Priest dies. |
2004/11/12-15 [Uncategorized] UID:34868 Activity:nil |
11/12 Has anybody used PVFS2? Good/bad experiences? --psb |
2004/11/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:34869 Activity:high |
11/12 What is wrong with pocket protectors? \_ Nothing, they are the fashion of choice amongst nerds and geeks. Fellow geeks and nerds of the world unite! \_ do non geeks/nerds wear them? \_ Only during Halloween. \_ does it serve much of a practical purpose? \_ It used to when pens were more likely to leak. \_ I Wear pens on my person at all times, including outside and in bad weather, occasionally under water, etc. I've *never* had a pen leak problem. I use uniballs. They rule. Even if the pen leaks ink into the cap, the cap seals to the main part of the pen well enough to prevent spillage. \_ If you can, fork out for a good pen. It's kind of vain, but so what--it won't leak and it'll give you something expensive-looking to play with in meetings. \_ I have a good pen. Uniball vision fine. It writes great, survives any abuse you can imagine, *and* happens to be affordable. I'll bet the cost of your suit-and-tie-guy pen that I use my pen more than you use yours, and I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Uniball Vision: the AK-47 of pens. \_ In other words, it's a cheap, common, easily acquired piece of shit that has no style and marks you out a socially clueless dork? OK! \_ Reading this, I was like "Hmm... I really like my disposable pens. I wonder what kind they are. Hey!" |
2004/11/12-13 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34870 Activity:nil |
11/11 How can I find out the name of a UCLA student if I know their account name on the <DEAD>bol.ucla.edu<DEAD> system? Thanks. \_ Hi kchang. Stop stalking people. \_ there's only one person worthy enough to stalk-- lila patton \_ email him/her and ask. |
2004/11/12-13 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:34871 Activity:high |
11/12 John, ever considered that people think that YOU are the close minded, self righteous fucker? Oh, and stop fucking making cowardly death threats via email. If you have a problem, come and see me personally. PS, SIG HEIL German JOHN! \_ I'm cocky, closed-minded and self-righteous. I am also a considerable deal more intelligent than you. But if you think I have threatened you in any way, you should forward these "threats" to the police, to the postmaster of the site where they originated, and to that site's upstream, as you're probably nuts enough to believe that I've actually done this. Especially "death threats", as these tend to be taken seriously. I also invite you to post specifics of these "threats" here. Otherwise, SHUT the FUCK UP, and try to come up with something better than the nazi thing? It's old. -John \_ Neat, what's the story? -- ilyas \_ Leave John alone. He's one of the few rational people on motd who isn't afraid to speak his mind. -williamc \_ Seriously. -POC \_ dear loser. you'll find everyone prefers john over you, whoever the fuck you are. he probably didn't threaten your life, but it sure would be more comfortable here with you dead. |
2004/11/12 [Uncategorized] UID:34872 Activity:nil |
11/12 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/iraq/casualties/facesofthefallen.htm |
3/15 |