2004/11/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:34799 Activity:nil |
11/10 I'm evaluating a bunch of FreeBSD 4.x-based firewalls booting from CF cards on a pcengines.ch WRAP board (basically a better Soekris with Natl. Geode CPU). One works fine, but the other will not load the kernel properly on any but a small number of CF models. The CF cards are fine, regular FreeBSD can disklabel & mount them, but the vendor of the other software (GTA GBWare) says there are "timing issues" with all but very few cards. Just out of pure curiosity, has anyone encountered this sort of thing before? -John |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:34800 Activity:kinda low |
11/10 No Blood for Cocoa French open fire on protesters http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20041110-124641-6061r.htm \_ Let's see if International ANSWER organizes mass protests against this racist war. \_ ANSWER is one of the unfortunate side-effects of being committed to listening to everybody. This comment was likely posted by an motd conservative but I agree with the slant...and the answer is No, they haven't. They are apparently too busy protesting the US (I'm sorry, COALITION) action in Fallujah. --ulysses \_ I'm having trouble parsing that first sentence. You're saying that ANSWER has a policy of listening to everyone? \_ No, I'm saying I have that policy and most of my like- minded friends who participated in the protests do as well. I was on their mailing list for awhile just to hear what they had to say. That meant tolerating ANSWER and the Spartacus League and their ilk. I am aware that NION and ANSWER had a lot to do with organizing some of the protests. |
2004/11/10 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:34801 Activity:nil |
11/10 A memory stick for japanO`philes http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=product&id=795 |
2004/11/10-11 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:34802 Activity:low 54%like:35422 |
11/10 Which is better: Firefox 1.0 or the browser part in NS 7.2? Thanks. \_ Just to dredge up old shit, how did Netscape Corp. ever make money? I remember that you could buy their browser in a box for $50, but you could also download it for free. So where's the business model? \_ portal? \_ But that didn't happen until after they lost the browser war and got bought out by AOL. \_ As I recall, the brower was origianally written as a PR thing for their networking business. When they lost the browser war, they just went back to what they were doing before. \_ They made it selling their server software, duh. \_ No comparison. FF >> NS. \_ Having used FF and Mozilla a bit I don't see any major advantages to FF. However, I'd say Mozilla > FF >> Netscape \_ do you use tabbed browsing a lot? I do. -FireFox h0z3r \_ Yes. Moz does tabbed browsing just fine, and even has a new tab' button on the tab bar opposite the 'close tab' button \_ Supposedly FF takes fewer CPU cycles and less memory than Mozilla and NS, both of which are loaded with bloatware. Is that not what you see? \_ I definitely appreciate that Mozilla and FF don't have the annoying 'branding' that NS does, but I don't see any signifigant CPU or RAM savings with FF over Mozilla. Mozilla has the advantage of greater stability then FF. |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34803 Activity:moderate |
11/10 This is kinda funny: Protest Warrior vs Gael Murphy http://hq.protestwarrior.com/?page=/featured/Miami/military_shield.php \_ Wow, imagine what good the fine folks of Protest Warrior could accomplish if they'd just grow up. |
2004/11/10 [Transportation/Car] UID:34804 Activity:nil |
11/10 MS previews new search engine: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041110/D8690G3G0.html |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34805 Activity:very high |
11/10 Bush to appoint Alberto Gonzalez as AG: http://csua.org/u/9w8 (Yahoo News) \_ I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition. \_obNOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION! \_ Heh! "Gonzales publicly defended the administration's policy - essentially repudiated by the Supreme Court and now being fought out in the lower courts - of detaining certain terrorism suspects for extended periods without access to lawyers or courts. He also wrote a controversial February 2002 memo in which Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture law and international treaties providing protections to prisoners of war." [This article is also wrong. It's not "certain terror suspects"; Dubya claimed the right to detain any person, citizen or not, indefinitely, he deemed a threat to national security.] \_ I think he's a lot less evil than Ashcroft. Obviously I dissagree with the Administrtions detainee policy, but I spent some time researching Gonzales yesterday when his name was being mentioned as a possible AG, and he really seems much more balanced than Ashcroft. He seems to make single issue pressure groups on both the left and the right nervous, which is a good thing for a supreme court judge to do (and let's face it that's where this is heading.) In contrast, I think Ashcroft was both incopetent and an actually evil man. \_ Can you give me a good URL which describes just how bad Ashcroft is? It seems to me that the Patriot Act, although giving the government just too many powers, has not been seriously abused, yet, and that Ashcroft has just been the convenient pincushion for all the Bush-haters. Mainly, I want actions which show his incompetence and evilness, not attitudes. -liberal \_ Suspension of Habeas Corpus. That should be sufficient. \_ Not to disagree, but do you also think Gonzalez (and even Dubya) are MORE responsible than Ashcroft for habeas corpus suspensions? \_ There was a great segment on CSPAN to this effect a week or so ago. \_ Powell: "Who's the new AG, Don?" Rumsfeld: "AG." Powell: "Yeah, AG." Rumsfeld: "Yeah." Powell: "......" Powell: "So, who is he?" Rumsfeld: "Who's who?" Powell: "The new AG." Rumsfeld: "Like I said, AG." Powell: "Yeah, AG. Who's he?" Rumsfeld: "The new AG." Powell: "Yeah, the new AG. How many times do I have to ask?" Rumsfeld: "I just told you. AG, Powell." Powell: "Don't call me pal. I'm no pal. Just answer my question." Rumsfeld: "Alright. It's AG, Colin". Powell: "How dare you call me asshole? You're fired." \_ Our Secretary of State is Colon Powell: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forumpost1.shtml?pid=186905 |
2004/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34806 Activity:kinda low |
11/11 Why do unbleached coffee filters cost MORE than the bleached ones? Is the price of bleach negative? \_ Just a guess: economy of scale + higher quailty materials \_ Just like brown rice costing more than white rice: no idea why. \_ Well, if rice bran is worth more than the endosperm, that could do it. Also, brown rice spoils more easily than white, so you're also paying for the brown rice that spoiled before it got sold. \_ I see. Why does brown rice spoil more easily? \_ The bran contains fat and protein, which go rancid. Fat and protein make it a good component of animal feed. \_ Maybe the cost is lower, but only the price is higher because of higher demand? \_ It could also be a case of lower supply. Maybe only one factory makes the unbleached ones while twelve factories make the bleached ones. \_ feelgood markup \_ I wonder if unbleached paper products are made by dyeing bleached paper brown. Else how come the brown color is so consistent. \_ Must be a conspiracy. Oooooh aaaaaah. |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:34807 Activity:very high |
11/11 The Trouble with Roe http://www.nationalreview.com/mccarthy/mccarthy200411100848.asp Excellent. \_ I don't like democracy. -- ilyas \_ Huh? \_ "The people are revolting!" -geordan \_ "The Constitution says not a word about abortion". Nor about women voting. Without going into strict vs. loose constructionism you cannot have a static document that constrains every single aspect of how your government evolves. New shit happens, and a democracy must adapt to deal with it. This is why we have a supreme court, to interpret the damn constitution, instead of a 500 page EU monstrosity that addresses every conceivable eventuality of government. -John \_ Adding to what you said: Dubya is a strict constructionist. \_ No, that's why we have a legistature and an amendment process. \_ ...which is currently busy banning commie fags from getting married. Next? \_ When in doubt you can always gay-bait, huh? \_ Referring to pp. Sarcasm, pal. \_ the power belongs to the people. Why not let them decide through their legislatures rather than judicial fiat? \_ You see we have a government of 3 branches and it is a good idea to have 1 branch not be accountable to the people. This is a republic, not a democracy. \_ You misunderstand the nature of the 'republican' contract, as embodied in the Constitution. What insights on the morality of abortion does a Supreme Court Justice possess as compared to say, a MOTD contributor? \_ A bunch more, by virtue of a superior education, judicial experience reviewing and interpreting legislation passed by representatives elected by said MOTD contributor, and authority stemming from confirmation by those elected officials. Point? -John \_ Though I don't know you, you appear to me as a statist who likes authority figures to tell you how to think. You prefer the warm sanctuary of security rather than the risks and responsibilities of liberty. \_ A majority of the public supports choice. \_ Caveat: so do I. However, a majority of the public may also support killing you and scattering your ashes; the joy of the Constitution and the Amendment process is that a simple majority cannot vote your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness out of existence. Should Congress attempt to pass the "Very Specific Extermination Law," the USSC would be able to stop the law from being executed against your person. Yay, the system! \_ You're assuming that said law doesn't become a constitutional ammendment. \_ I'm sure the public was against interracial marriage at the time of the case that allowed it. Majority does not always rule. \_ A) You're "Sure?" Any evidence? B) I actually don't care about A, because this is a completely unrelated red-herring. \_ I am not sure you can dismiss pp's point quite so easily. Even if the public was not in fact against interracial marriage, it _reasonably could have been_. And so you are left with having to give an account of that situation anyways. Consider the medieval 'public.' Democracy sort of works where there is a cultural bedrock of common decency on which it can rest. -- ilyas \_ Democray only works if there is an understanding that while majority has power, the rights of the minority(ies) need to be respected and considered. This is something that has been in short supply lately. \_ Ok, furthermore, the consitution actually DOES talk about race relations. Given Amendment 15 (in conjunction with 14) it's hard to argue that the Consitiution doesn't implictly conver interraccial marriage. The Constitution DOES trump the majority, this is covered in the article. (Unless the majority is so large it can change the constitution.) But abortion just isn't covered in the constitution. \_ Erm, if you stretch XIV and XV ("voting stuff") to cover interracial marriage, I can just as well stretch IX and X ("rights stuff") to cover abortion. I hereby sentence you to look at tubgirl. -John \_ Fine, pick something 'obviously bad' not covered by the Constitution. (Say no woman voting, per John's post above). Now imagine a 'fairly plausible' society which would have a majority support for the 'obviously bad' thing. Now it's not so easy to dismiss them philosopher kings, is it? -- ilyas \_ A) Woman voting is also covered in the constitution, and before Amendment 19. B) I'm sorry we live in a democracy. Maybe you could move someplace else, one run by philosopher kings. \_ You = st00pid tr00l \_ "abortion just isn't covered in the constitution". Yeah. Basically, when does life begin? At conception? If so, the zygote has as much of a right as a newborn. Killing the zygote is killing a newborn. Does life begin at birth? If so, you can terminate the zygote. Does life begin at the third trimester? If so, you can terminate up to the second trimester. Yes, the Constitution does not cover when life begins. Pro-lifers say Science says life begins at zygote. Pro-choice ppl say Science says life doesn't REALLY begin until the second/third trimester. Dur, someone shewt me. Life has obviously ended here. \_ You're slightly mischaracterizing the pro-choice position. Sperm are alive, eggs are alive, and \_ Every sperm is sacred! --monty python zygotes are alive. The things that have rights and deserve protection are human beings, not human being cells. An embryo is not a person because it is not capable of thought or emotion until it has become sufficiently developed. Exactly what level of development allows for thought and emotion is a scientific question, and therefore a sound basis for law. When a soul is created is purely a question for religion, and thus is not a sound basis for law. In RvW they took amicus briefs from a bunch of religions asking when an embryo becomes a person and got answers varying from "before conception" to "not until it has taken its first breath". \_ So is anyone still wondering why I called this subthread a "red-herring" and tried to kill it early? \_ Yes, this is what I meant when I said "Science says life doesn't REALLY begin until", but I thought that was obvious. \_ !excellent If he takes that long to get to the point, he probably doesn't have much to say. \_ Jane Roe is now pro-life \_ OJ is still looking for the real killer \_ non-sequitor counter argument \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the effect the opium trade had on China? \_ ironic |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:34808 Activity:very high 57%like:30533 |
11/11 I get the feeling the Peterson's trial is going to be like OJ Simpson all over again. If you are rich [1], you can get away with anything. \_ 3 things unique about the OJ case. 1. Johnny Cockroach and his lame glove/chubaka defense. 2. Uneducated minority jury who have sympathy for people of their own kind. 3. Uneducated jury who believe the glove/chubaka defense. \_ What the fuck are you guys talking about? I saw something about this case on http://www.cnn.com but they didn't explain the context at all either. What the fuck is the matter with this country that every news story involving, say, the secretary of defense of the U.S. tells you who everyone is in case you don't know, but for some stupid fucking celebrity trial tabloid bullshit, it's assumed everyone knows? \_ Peterson is a shit salesman. You are a knucklehead. His parents took out a loan on their house to pay his lawyers. \_ Why? He's fucking guilty. \_ why? cuz he uses a trout pole for ocean fishing? go to a pier and see what twinks fish with these days \_ Not because of what he used, but because of what he didn't use. He told police that he bought some fake bait and used it for fishing, but when the police found the bait it was still in its packaging. \_ Because they love their son and will believe anything he tells them as long as it preserves their image of him as a good boy. \_ No. The prosecutors presented a weak case. Also the police did a poor job of detective work. \_ With OJ, you had damning DNA evidence. The jury believed the defense showed reasonable doubt with a racist detective who might have planted the DNA evidence. With Peterson, there is no damning DNA evidence. \_ The OJ defence of a racist cop trying to frame him is a lot more compelling, if improbable, than the Peterson defence that the police did not look hard enough for the 'real killer'. \_ [1] Scott Peterson was a fertilizer salesman, I must be in the wrong business. |
2004/11/10-11 [Industry/Startup, Finance/Investment] UID:34809 Activity:moderate |
11/10 Here is a problem for you google employees to solve: Yahoo Finance is a big big part of yahoo's revenues. It's missing something that so far nobody has found a way to solve. Keeping track of options pricing and displaying historical charts on options pricing. The reason is that each stock has hundreds of calls/puts. Nobody has yet figure out a way to store all that data and display it even after expiration. I'd like to see such a feature on google finance. It's a complex data archiving problem. Anybody want to guess the storage required to store the daily option prices for all stocks for the latest 10 years? And have it available for quick retrieval? \_ do your own job \_ I'll guess: a few dozen gigs at most. Make dupes across a bunch of different systems for fast retrieval. And: YOU'RE FIRED! \_ I could see it coming to several hundred megs a day, which would be maybe 100GB/year, but that's still chump change. \_ several hundred megs a day? to store a bunch of easily compressed numbers? c'mon.... I felt I was being rather conservative saying the whole thing would take ~40 gigs. but yes whatever the real total would be in disk space, the total cost is effectively zero for anyone with a real use for the data. \_ not only has this problem been solved, it has been solved by just about every large financial house. maybe you should come up with another theory to explain why it's not on your favorite free consumer portal. have you thought about the relative population sizes of option-savvy traders vs the population of equity traders? --aaron \_ not only has this problem been solved, it has been solved by just about every large financial house. maybe you should come up with another theory to explain why it's not on your favorite free consumer portal. have you thought about the relative population sizes of option-savvy traders vs the population of equity traders? --aaron \_ For next question, we'll ask why GOOG doesn't have a free level 2 NASDAQ feed... \_ they haven't gotten past the level 1 boss yet. |
2004/11/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:34810 Activity:low |
11/10 In ISO C, since the type for difference between two pointers is ptrdiff_t, does that imply the correct type for array indices is ptrdiff_t? \_ The standard says only that the array index is of an integer type. \_ I see. Thanks. |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34811 Activity:high |
11/9 Bush appoints Gonzales to replace Ashcroft. The majority of the Latinos are expected to switch to Republicans. News at 11. \_ Bush is a racsist! He's just waiting to stuff the supreme court before he reinacts Jim Crow Laws!!1!!11 \_ bush is not a racist but he is more than willing to play racial politics to enforce his agenda and to leave a legacy. \_ Did Bush create the concept of reserving <minotiry> seats on the Supreme Court? \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the effects the opium trade had on China? \_ Are there any good (leftist or rightist, I don't care) summaries of AG's positions/policies? Abortion, Patriot Act, religion, etc. \_ there are excellent summaries of his views on torture all over the net. - danh \_ I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition! |
2004/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Reference/Law/Court] UID:34812 Activity:kinda low |
11/10 I think that Scott Peterson is guilty, but I am disturbed that the judge can just replace jurors who seem to be holdouts. What's up with that? The person was just too smart with a law and medical degree and so they get booted for a 'hang 'em high' type? I didn't realize our justice system provided for a trial by 'your peers, except for that guy and that guy'. \_ So you're surprised for some reason to find out we have shitty judges in CA? \_ When you're a shit salesman, your peers do not hold advanced degrees \_ my friend works at the same bank as the pink haired tattooed jurist. - danh \_ Radio said she has 7 tats. How do they know? \_ maybe they asked the 90 people she works with? - danh \_ Sigh. I was hoping for a more titilating answer. \_ yeah i know you were but sometimes there is a really easy explanation - danh \_ Juries are supposed to deliberate. The judge is allowed to remove jurors if they are preventing that from happening. For example, if a juror declares they are voting guity/not guilty, but declines to participate in discussions to persuade others or if one juror is preventing others from discussing elements of the case. Think debate vs. pundits yelling at each other. |
2004/11/10-11 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:34813 Activity:kinda low |
11/10 Now that FF 1.0 is out, has anybody gone back and compared, say, startup times to older versions (maybe even Phoenix)? Is FF still a great deal faster than mozilla? I remember using phoenix and thinking that it was maybe 2x faster for startup, as compared to mozilla. \_ I don't know about Mozilla, but startup time for FF 1.0 on OSX is almost exactly the same as Safari. \_ I use it on a G3 Macintosh and it seems a lot faster than Mozilla. \_ It's faster than mozilla, about the same speed or slightly faster than IE on Windows, depending on how many extensions you run. \_ I disagree with "faster than IE". I see various situations where IE works faster. Regular browsing and also some CGI script stuff we have at work. I still prefer its features although I never tried one of those IE wrapper/extension things. \_ I disagree with your disagreement. FF is slightly faster than IE for loading up certain pages, especially if you have stuff like ad filters in place. As for CGI stuff, I have no idea what type of CGI you're doing, so this is not a very good comparison. If you have a lot of ActiveX crap running on your webpage then IE might be faster, but then who wants a page full of ActiveX. \_ There are ad filtering shiznits for IE based stuff too. Actually what I was thinking of wasn't CGI. Just a large (1.3MB) page of HTML that loads up faster in IE and feels snappier. It seems to have improved a bit in 1.0 though. \_ I disagree with your disagreement of his disagreement. \_ http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.html is one page that IE is faster with. It's a fairly slow link, but IE shows more of the page earlier... it's pretty terrible HTML though, so not much of a test. Didn't even put his hrefs in quotes. \_ Tabbed-browsing is super-fast! IE does not have tabbed browsing unless you install something non-standard on top. On a mano-a-mano rendering test for an already open browser window, I would accept that some pages render faster in IE than FireFox. |
2004/11/10-11 [Reference/Celebration] UID:34814 Activity:kinda low 66%like:36477 |
11/10 Happy Birthday, dbushong! \_ http://csua.com/?entry=16860 \_ No, yer mom is ugly. But that doesn't stop half of soda.. -John |
2004/11/10 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:34815 Activity:nil |
11/9 http://www.vulcaniasubmarine.com/THE%20BIONIC%20DOLPHIN.htm http://www.engadget.com/entry/1994668577945435 Bionic Dolphin, BionicDolphin, I want one for Christmas! |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34816 Activity:high |
11/10 Too bad Bork was Borked Constitutional Persons: An Exchange on Abortion http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0301/articles/schlueter_bork.html \_ why's that? Bork is almost universally agreed to be way more conservative than any member of the supreme court. i'm glad someone that extreme isn't on the court! no matter how much he prides himself on his faithful interpretation of the constitution. just because he's brilliant doesn't mean he belongs up there. \_ he's a strict constructionist! Dubya would LOOOVE him! \_ Bork's too old. Dubya wants to destroy USSC credibility for generations to come! \_ Dubya's too late. Earl Warren did that already. \_ 'agreed' - by who? Did you even bother to read his article in the link? \_ agreed on by the entire planet. \_ Yes, but *which* planet? \_ are you seriously going to debate with me whether most of the world does not agree Bork is the meanist orniest strict constructionist ever put forth before the nomination process? \_ We've just had an election where most of the voters thought Dubya would make a better president. Do you really want to argue whether what "most of the world" thinks has any connection to reality? \_ "Strict constructionist" == interprets the way I like "Activist judge" == interprets the way I don't like \_ strict, as in thomas, scalia, and bork = if no constitutional mandate defer to the people and their legislative representatives. activist = I know whats best for the unwashed masses. |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:34817 Activity:nil |
11/10 When Vietnam vets came home (Soldiers being spit on is just an urban myth) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1276799/posts |
2004/11/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:34818 Activity:insanely high |
11/10 130-year-old Chinese fire put out http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3978329.stm \_ Are you Chinese? Do you have any idea what the effect of a 130 year old coal fire was on China? \_ In SOVIET CHINA fire puts out YOU! \_ Are you Chinese? Do you have any idea how much opium you could puff with that 130 years of coal fire? \_ Gives China a nice bonus for the Kyoto treaty. That's one big source of pollutions shut off. \_ Isn't that just one of many burning? \_ John Kerry's grandfather set it. \_ Uhm, before or after he enjoyed benefits from the effects of the opium trade in China? \_ Why do you hate John kerry's grandfather? \_ Actually, it came from a flicked-away match after lighting up a fat opium spliff. \_ Cool! Xinjiang has 1.8 trillion tons of coal reserves. We must remember to always quash the Islamic separatist terrorists there. \_ We don't have to. The Chinese have been doing that. |
2004/11/10 [Uncategorized] UID:34819 Activity:nil |
11/10 I think I found my favorite loser on http://www.sorryeverybody.com http://www.sorryeverybody.com/upload_files/se1943.jpg Now THAT'S a loser. |
2004/11/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:34820 Activity:insanely high |
11/10 The bastard finally died. Arafat RIH. http://www.cnn.com http://tinyurl.com/ufse \_ you're not jewish by chance, are you? \_ only jews hate murdering thieving terrorist thugs? god save the human race if thats true.... \_ no- only jews hate arafat and what he believed in. \_ sheesh, troll. go away trollboy. so stupid and obvious. \_ And what was that exactly? What principles was he upholding by stealing billions of dollars of his own people's money? What principles was he upholding by slaughtering innocent civilians? \_ when did he steal his own people's $ ? \_ *blanch* He's estimated to have stolen upwards of $5 billion. Here's a low-ball from CBS. -!pp http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/11/07/60minutes/main582487.shtml \_ i hope you will make similar comments when bush, or putin or sharon dies. if not i hope god kills you soon. \_ Umm.. right. Call me when you get back to reality. \_ if you can't tell the difference between arafat and these three you're hopeless. i know the motd well enough to know you're probably not a troll. that's the sad part. \_ Arafat was a Communist / Soviet agent. Good riddance. \_ All these rumors about Arafat stealing are all lies spread by the Israelis. \_ Where else does his wife's 5-figure monthly allowance come from? \_ Hey, they have lots of admirers and supporters including rich Arabs. No biggie. Probably comes from your gas guzzling SUV. \_ Arafat was the father of the modern Palestinian statehood movement. All decent people despise him for that. |
2004/11/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34821 Activity:very high |
11/10 So, er, can anyone explain why we gave the Fallujah rebels so much advance warning about what we were going to do? \_ To prevent civilian casualties. The goal was not to destroy the rebels/terrorists, but to control the city. It makes it possible to conduct the vote in January. Rebs/terrs in the urban areas are the cause to most of the Coalition's headaches. The civies will return and the US will pump in money and fix up the city. Hearts and minds. \_ look at Grozny \_ Come out or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down. \_ US lacks stealth anyway. We can't even do a small raid without the insurgents getting tipped off, let alone a massive operation like Falluja. \_ That's the cowboy style, seriously. Wasn't that how we fought the war in Vietnam? |
2004/11/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:34822 Activity:nil |
11/10 What ipfw rules do I need to let passive ftp to go through? (I mean on the client side.) |
3/15 |