2004/11/4-20 [Uncategorized] UID:34646 Activity:nil |
11/03 Soda went down for about 30 minutes @ 21:37 to attach more disk. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34647 Activity:nil |
11/4 Here's one for the could'a, should'a, didn't file: Dubya: "If America shows uncertainty or weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy." Kerry: "Our current President, Mr. Bush, shows moral weakness. He shows the moral weakness of not being able to admit to America that the primary reason we went into Iraq was because of an imminent danger of WMDs, of which his vice president said we had no doubt Saddam possessed. He shows the moral weakness of not being able to admit he was wrong, when he was clearly wrong. Instead, the world views Americans as arrogant bullies, more intent on saving their own lives -- saying t'hell with the rest of the world. If America chooses to re-elect President Bush, we will be putting our moral, yes, moral stamp of approval on a man whose incompetence has directly led to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi bystanders, and the condemnation of most freedom-loving individuals of the world, while most Americans sit safely at home in the richest nation in the world. It is the moral weakness of our current President, one who can simply not admit that he was wrong and perhaps never learn from his enormous mistakes, that will surely lead the world toward tragedy." |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic] UID:34648 Activity:high |
11/3 The Democratic Party is disintegrating this very minute. The party for the uneducated and the ultra-educated, it is anything but mainstream America. Sad. Very sad. \_ troll \_ no he has a point. Stop denying. "the Democratic Party has gone from a ruling party that led the nation and the world in creating a new global system to a party that suffers from a paralyzing self-doubt. " <DEAD>www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6398886/site/newsweek<DEAD> |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34649 Activity:high |
11/3 So, which Supreme court decisions do you think will be overturned after Roe? I'm betting on Griswold, and perhaps maybe the big enchilada, Marbury vs. Madison: http://www.nv.cc.va.us/home/nvsageh/Hist121/Part3/Marbury.htm \_ not really funny \_ seriously, how many of you neocons on soda actually want Roe v Wade overturned? -nivra \_ none but the fact of the matter is that Bush is in the office and you bet your ass something's gonna give \_ RVW was the worst USSC decision ever. Further opened the door to judicial activism. It should be reversed merely on Constitutional merit, and abortion rights returned to states, where they preexisted. \_ BvBoE was the worst USSC decision ever. Further opened the door to judicial activism. It should be reversed merely on Constitutional merit, and racial segregation rights returned to states, where they preexisted. |
2004/11/4 [Industry/Jobs] UID:34650 Activity:nil |
11/3 Seriously, how is the job market in Canada? What's their status on high tech companies? I researched thoroughly and the only viable solution for me is through work permit. Thanks for any feedback. \_ Haven't heard anything good. The Canadians don't exactly want a flood of Americans coming in. |
2004/11/4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34651 Activity:nil |
11/04 Any book recommendation on overall view of Linux Kernels? I don't I dont' need source-code level detail, but I would like to know things like how device driver works in Linux, etc. Thx \_ Don't know about books, but http://kernelmapper.osdn.com is pretty cool. -John |
2004/11/4 [ERROR, uid:34652, category id '18005#9.16625' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34652 Activity:nil |
11/3 "In the crucial swing state of Florida, which Mr. Bush won, blacks accounted for 12 percent of all voters, down from 15 percent in 2000. In Ohio, blacks were 10 percent of the electorate, up by only one percentage point from 2000." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/03/politics/main653592.shtml \_ so the free crack did not work, oh well. \_ you can never count on dem niggas \_ Maybe because more "other" voters showed up? |
2004/11/4 [Uncategorized] UID:34653 Activity:nil |
11/4 James Carville vs. Karl Rove. Who'll win? |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:34654 Activity:high |
11/4 With all the garbage about "liberal" vs. "conservative" (both horrible misnomers) floating around, I seriously am trying to find out if/where I fit into the political spectrum. I've put together a list in ~john/politics.txt am curious about what the MOTD peanut gallery thinks. -John \_ I look at that list and see a strong modern left position. And I suspect it pretty much mirrors a lot of what us commie pinko socialist bleeding heart liberal scum on soda beleive in. Modern "liberals" (whatever the fuck that means) are not the same thing they were 40 years ago, but are still stuck being painted that way. For Europe you are probably pretty middle of the road, but in America you'd be a flaming liberal. So sad. \_ huh. I agree with you on all points you list, and I consider myself to be a liberal. I think that's out of step with what most people call a liberal, but fuck them. I believe that these principles coincide with what liberalism is supposed to be. \_ You have contradictory requirements. First, you wish for low taxes, but then you also want to fund a moderate liberal agenda (keep the poor off the streets, good public education, etc). You have to choose what is more important to you, low (and in particular progressive or no) taxes, or the nifty stuff you want to buy with taxes. As described, you would be called a centrist, somewhat left of center, or a moderate liberal, in this country. You are probably somewhat right of center in EU. -- ilyas \_ here's an idea: if you can't explain the views of one side without making them look like evil morons (ex: the conservative view below), then you don't hold that political philosophy. \_ I applaud your rigorousness, but I strongly suggest you frame this in specific, in-your-face examples. E.g., Iraq - liberal view: America should have waited for Blix to finish Iraq - conservative view: America was right to use its military superiority to remove Saddam, even if he had no WMDs and even if we don't have a track record of building a democracy in a country like Iraq, and it's worth the cost of innocent Iraqi and American lives that we are directly responsible for. Consensus view: If you have WMDs, we produce a smoking gun, and we think you may take us out or blackmail us, we'll take you out. Social security - liberal view: As-is progressive system where rich contribute more relatively to help out poor Social security - conservative view: Give everyone IRAs, if you're poor when you're young and working, you're still poor when you retire. Sorry! America is the land of OPPORTUNITY, not handouts! Consensus view: It shouldn't be as bad as Western Europe. \-i think your list is sort of "bottom up" ... here is what i think about 10 issues ... what do i fit into best ... rather than a "top down" view which would take as it's starting point some kind of "big question" like "what is the purpose of govt" or "what do we owe each other" and have more of an essay form of answer [or if we take the essay to the extreme, you get say nozick: anarchy, state and utopia, or rawls: a theory of justice]. also a lot of the "hard questions" involves aspects of process ... like the role of money in politics, what should be civil penalty vs criminal [say a company pollutes] ... so in your list is it not clear what should happen to the "victims" of free trade, not much on health care ... and without some kind of "philosophy" it's hard to guess where you would come down on issues not explicitly delineated. it's not clear to me why you believe in public education, for example. oh your list is also subject to the a sort of wilt chamberlain problem [where you have initial condition you like, but nothing prevents things from evolving in a direction you dont like ... without an encroachment on liberty you also dont like ... you can look up "wilt chamberlain nozick" on the WEEB probably]. --psb \_ Good points, thanks for the critique. That list was just a sort of brain dump in reaction to "issues" discussed during the election. I have a sort of naive assumption that someone who stands for election would possess the kind of intelligence and flexibility that would let them adapt to changing conditions; I am wary of platforms or grand sweeping documents that go too much into detail (see the US vs. European constitutions). As for W. Europe vs. US social security, they're both bad and in the shits, but at least the W. Europeans are getting something from it right now :) -John \_ Well, I've always thought that if you can't explain it to a four-year-old, you don't really understand it. I'm taking this approach. Why theory-build when you don't need to? \-because a complicated society involves hard questions. the simple theories like "strict constructionalism" either have limited power, or arent as simple as they pretend to be. know any 4yrs old who can follow say the federalist papers? how do you balance between minority and majority interests? you cant just say "vote on everything". not only is there the interest of minorities but problems like the arrow problem. what about trade offs between equality and efficiency [see eg arthur okun's essay by that name]? not all social choice is pareto improving ... if it is kaldor-hicks efficient, how are losers compensated? i think "can you explain X" is a decent test of your understanding, but the 4 yr old test is setting the bar a little low. books i've read which i find have some bearing on this include: the republic, dworkin: taking rights seriously, cardozo: nature of the judicial process, bickel: the least dangerous branch [no, the bible isnt on this list]. \_ You're right, but at some point, as a citizen, you have no choice but to abstract and simplify political principles; one of the major tasks of a government is to outline a set of guiding philosophies, and to work within these as much as possible, taking into account "operational realities". Simple, 4-year-old statements, such as "wealth is good" and "crime is bad" are perfectly valid; however, at some point it should become possible for someone with an average level of education and intelligence to identify and formulate some coherent beliefs without the benefit of an in-depth knowledge of political theory. You pay your elected officials to deal with the minutiae of making these work. -John \- sure, there are some guiding principles like: freedom to contract, social safety net, coase theorem/learned hand rule, checks and balances, stare decisis, federalism, due process, equality before the law ... but entire books have been written on the single word "equality" [http://csua.org/u/9sw] so again while these are useful tools to have in your mental cabinet with which to analyze problems like prop 187, they are not simple tools. people who use one or two of these has hammers and reduce problems nails [like most libertarians] are falling short of the reflective ideal, imho. curiously, some of the issues most people would see as the most inherently moral questions, i see as pretty empirical, like abortion and the death penalty. i think another interesting and hard question is "what is the role of govt outside of solving 'problems'" ... like why should there be a NASA ... clearly NASA is not as "practical" as DARPA. if there is one question for conservatives: what should be the limits of the freedom to contract, and for liberals: how would i justify progressive taxation. aff. action is also a rich topic for debate ... also not something clearly address in your list [metatopics being: how do you trade individual rights for social agendas, are there 'group rights' etc]. --psb \_ I think the limits of the freedom of contract should be the death of the individual (to prevent feudalism). [ I had some other stuff here, but I removed it, because I realized the problem is harder than it looks. I want to say that the individual should be free to sell his life however he wishes, but I am not sure I can bite the bullet on the ensuing ick.] One nifty argument for progressive taxation I heard is that the rich make a more effective use of the money they have, because they have more of it, and so in some sense a proportional tax isn't really fair. -- ilyas \_ i don't know a lot about this stuff and i really hate encouraging you, but is there a first world nation with a flat tax besides Iraq? |
2004/11/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:34655 Activity:nil |
11/04 (Sorry, but this fell victim to troll scroll, so again:) Does anyone know of or can someone recommend a company (not a one-man consulting show) that will support an open source firewall product for a large corporation? BSD-based, a bunch of PHP, etc. I'm looking for someone to do features development, 3d level support, and general management "peace of mind"... \_ http://mnl.com For more info, feel free to mail me: david+d+1100247667.250b72@bushong.net --dbushong |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34656 Activity:high |
11/04 alright, some final thoughts for any interested... dont think i can bear to keep this up much longer, so.... http://csua.berkeley.edu/~rory \_ I did something similar in Nevada. I should have stayed home and purchased cocaine. - danh \_ Well, thanks for getting all those people out to vote. \_ You poor besieged intelligent people, surrounded by idiots as you are. Give me a fucking break. \_ A huge percentage of Bush supporters still believe that Saddam Hussein had WMD and helped UBL to take down the WTC, and you don't understand why intelligent people might feel surrounded by idiots? --erikred \_ I was unable to parse this... \_ I think the problem lies with you, not the sentence above. \_ Welcome to Motd-land. \_ The Democrats keep thinking that, and they're never break out of their loser niche. Me, I'll take a guy who goes to work everyday and manages to put food on the table every night over a Soda "intellectual" any day of the week. \_ Fuck you in the eye. I do that and I voted for the Democrat. You're just countering one stereotype with another. \_ Tell me you make $35k a year with a wife and kids and then you'll have my apology. \_ What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I'm not the person calling everyone an idiot... \_ This has got to be a troll. \_ And BTW my comment is aimed at rory's lament about "me and the rest of the (intelligent people) left in this country". I wonder how many of rory's poor huddled masses can take a vacation to Florida to entertain a political masturbation whim. Just give me the guy who's working hard to feed the family and spare me that "poor intellectual me" lament. \_ So voluntary participation in a get-out-the-vote effort is a "political masturbation whim"? -- ulysses \_ seriously. while the pp was probably home on a literal masturbation whim to ascii pron some of us were out volunteering to try and inform and mobilize people in a way we believe to be beneficial for all. i wont deny that there is a certain psychological element that derives some pleasure from "doing good" although that exists in the 30% of evangelicals in our country just as much. i took 2 days vacation from work which i dont think you could consider such an extreme privelage either. and the trip was paid for from donations around the country. and if you consider donating to a liberal cause a privelage as well, perhaps you should look into the percentage of christian americans across the socioeconomic spectrum tithing their wages. - rory \_ Yeah, rory is pretty much being an unfavorable caricature of a CA liberal. -- ilyas \_ well replace CA with "CA/NY" and you've pretty much nailed my target audience, so no doubt that I'm taking certain liberties with formality in an effort to be bit more humorous to them. I could have replaced "intelligent" perhaps with some description of those us left with the privelage of being well-informed enough to vote for the best interests of ourselves and the majority of the nation. Though I do agree that the image of the left in this country as intellectual is damaging for progress and not true... if I didnt crack myself up with that parenthetical witicism I'd probably remove/correct the stmt. - rory \_ all that bickering and name calling is the exact reason why the Republicans kicked our ass. \_ rory, you and the DNC are brain dead. While you're busy knocking doors on apathetic negros, the RNC only had to make a few phone calls to church pastors to get hundreds of people to vote for Bush. Total stupidity. I've lost faith in DNC, a bunch of unorganized hippies -disillusioned \_ uh, well I appreciate the anon insult and the hyperbole... just keepin it real on tha motd I guess. anyway... (1) I am neither a hippie nor a DNC organizer, so I cant take any credit for that. (2) I agree that the DNC needs to focus on religion instead of random attempts to get the msg across. I'm currently of the opinion that the primary reason for the recent GOP success is the artifical conflation of various social issues with Christian values and the effective hijacking of the religious "right" by Karl Rove, et al. - rory p.s. - out of all my current frustration my current plan is to exert a bit of energy in working on this as much as I can. If would like to stop frothing on the motd and do something about it as well feel free to email me. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34657 Activity:insanely high |
11/04 So I posed this question to a liberal friend of mine. Say, you are elected POTUS in 2004, instead of W. Say a few days after your inauguration, NYC is nuked by a terrorist attack. As in, a crater is left where NYC used to be. What do you do? Feel free to modify the past however you wish to make your job easier (by disappearing the Iraq war, for instance). I am just curious what the ideal liberal (or conservative, or libertarian) response would be to something like that. -- ilyas \_ You can win wars, fight crime, insurgencies and terrorism and make friends internationally without ruining your moral authority, your currency, your economy, and your rule of law, and you can do it right. -John \_ Ok, what do you do? \_ I hate to say this, but the answer is "it depends." I'd certainly try to hit back in a measured, well-considered way, like W. did in Afghanistan, before FUCKING IT ALL UP. I would also have better prerequisites for doing all these great things because I would not have appointed a bunch of opportunists and nutjobs as my deputies. I'd not just bask in the tremendous outpouring of international sympathy, but actually actively use that to try and build support for countermeasures, instead of cowboying it alone and pissing off everyone in sight, and I'd focus on good, useful protective measures instead of appointing a meathead in charge of announcing a new color every day and blowing my civil defense budget on distributing gas maskes in Dubuque. Anything more detailed than that is just mental masturbation. \_ Dude, John. 'It depends' on what? NY fucking C is gone. This is an oddly general answer to a fairly specific question. You honestly have no general policy in mind? You probably shouldn't be president. (I don't mean this in an insulting way, nor am I implying I would do better). -- ilyas \_ I immediately figure out how to shift the tax burden from the idle rich to the working poor! \_ That's easy. You find out who did it, and nuke them back. I don't think anyone is going to argue for something less than total commitment with an attack like that. --liberal \_ Say Al Qaeda posted a video on Al Jazeera claiming responsibility, and spouting. The issue is not whether you would commit, but what exactly you would do with the committment. -- ilyas \_ I think I already told you - nuke them back. With an essentially stateless organization like Al Qaeda, you can't just nuke any old major city - you'd probably have to go after whoever you think they got their bomb from. A nuclear weapon capable of actually turning NYC into a crater is just not something AQ could create on their own. I'm not sure what you mean to gain by asking this question with such an extreme example, unless I'm being led into some sort of false dichotomy trap. Given that this is ilyas, that might be a good assumption to make. \_ Ok, say Al Qaeda managed to steal a nuke from Pakistan or bought one from Ukraine. -- ilyas \_ Pakistan's nukes are probably far too clunky for AQ to realistically deliver to an NYC target, so let's say they bought it from Ukraine. Let's further assume that they bought it from a rogue agent acting alone, and that Ukraine itself is not responsible. Is that okay? \_ Sure. \_ Okay. So you don't actually have a state that you can nuke, at least not just yet. You've got to hunt down and exterminate every last AQ member, and nuke any country that gets in your way. Again, I'm not sure why you're using such an extreme example. The answers get much murkier with more realistic scenarios. \_ So basically what you are saying is, you will not do anything different from what we are trying to do now: hunting down Al Qaeda (how?). This is after America's largest city is turned to dust. I think this is an alarming state of affairs. -- ilyas \_ What else are you supposed to do? Start nuking random countries? I knew you were going to turn this into some kind of logical trap. \_ I don't know what we are supposed to do. If this is a trap, it's not really my trap. I am just pointing out that it's not really as far fetched as people say for the US to take a very proactive, and possibly intrusive, stance in the world, over and above vaguely 'trying to hunt down Al Qaeda.' Btw, if NYC is in fact dusted, there is no way you will be able to politically justify essentially doing nothing, as you are proposing. -- ilyas \_ I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to discover with this line of questioning. Personally, I'd have no problem invading a country that's harboring terrorists who nuked NYC. But the US has limited resources, and it's stupid to overextend into countries that are not directly responsible or accountable (ie Iraq). I don't think this is a Liberal or Conservative issue, it's a common sense perspective. Violence should be cold and reasonably applied, not randomly meted out according to the whimsy of someone's murky, conflicted agenda (ideally, anyhow). -mice \_ Who will you invade? The nuke was bought from a ukranian rogue! \_ I'm assuming that the point of of the exercise is to probe the 'liberal' stance of motd'ers, and show their hypocrisy or their naivete, using Iraq as the point of contention. This is an interesting question, though I don't like ilyas' socratic RP-scenario approach to ascertaining this. -mice \_ I think you are attributing more malice to my line of questioning than there is. I don't really know what we should do. I think it's more curiosity than anything else. If I am pointing out anything 'malicious' it's that the typical liberal response might not necessarily be politically tenable if something truly bad happens. -- ilyas \_ Eh, it's not malice; the presupposition that there's a 'typical liberal response' seems to give some measure of validation to my opinion that there's a measure of socraticalness in the conversation. I apologize if I it seemed I was accusing you of malicious intent; you just very seldom ask unloaded questions. So what, in your view, IS the 'typical liberal response'? -mice \_ Well, I gathered it's 'don't do anything other than gather intel and try to catch terrorists, just as we are trying to now.' -- ilyas \_ Honestly ilyas, if NYC really gets nuked, all bets are off and traditional politics probably goes out the window as the apocalypse begins. \_ Get into that underground nuke-proof bunker with Rice and Elaine. Lock everyone else out. What follows are left for your imagination. -- troll \_ Blame Bush. \_ Maybe it would be better if you asked a hypothetical question that had a non-zero chance of obtaining. \_ You think the probability of a nuclear terrorist attack on NYC is 0? -- ilyas \_ I don't think this is a liberal/conservative issue. Your question is too vague to give any particular answer. \_ You can attack this question on a lot of grounds, but not on vagueness. I gave a particular situation. NYC is a crater. You are the president. What is your policy? -- ilyas \_ Just for fun, here was the ilyas policy from an older motd post: "nuke the arab world". And in ilyas fantasy land, while the US is launching its nukes to wipe out all those muslim countries, no other country does anything. Iran doesn't nuke Isreal, India and Pakistan don't nuke each other, North Korea doesn't nuke either Japan or China, etc. The rest of the world happily sits on their hands and lets the US do all the nuking. -meyers \_ Meyers, I believe I made the _prediction_ that the US will mobilize and do a long term invasion of the Middle East as a response to a nuking of NYC. (http://csua.com/?entry=32820 This prediction was NOT my policy suggestion. Furthermore, I never either predicted a nuking, nor advocated a nuking myself, unless something like a GTNW was already in progress. You are pulling this out of your ass. (Certainly if US will have nukes going off everywhere, i.e. a 'free-for-all', then US will retaliate, but that's a rational response.) -- ilyas \_ Okay smart guy, what is *your* response? \_ Did you read this thread at all? \_ Yes, I read the entire thread. Ilyas has no answers, only criticisms. \_ I go on TV and make a rousing, determined, patriotic speech mobilizing the entire country to blindly support my domestic political agenda. I blame Bush for fucking up on the Bin Laden situation and overextending our troops, and having bad priorities w.r.t. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan etc. We have to consider how a terrorist could actually acquire and detonate a city-destroying nuke in NYC, seems highly unlikely to me. I think it would be more likely that if they acquire one it would be in the Eurasian continent and they would perhaps target Israel. I would not nuke another country since it seems unlikely that a state will have any direct responsibility, and it would piss off the world with nuclear contamination and deaths of poor dumb peons somewhere in a symbolic act of rage. I suppose nuking Mecca and engaging Islam in a full-on apocalyptic shitfest would be what some rightists would call for. I would not do that. I would concentrate on Pakistan and Iran with intensity. I don't know much about Musharraf, but I would claim that an international security force is needed in Pakistan since it seems Al Qaeda is operating out of there. I would lobby other nations hard for military support in Iraq and other places, and use the threat of economic consequences if they fail to help... this must be done right after the attack while the moral mandate is on our side (but we wouldn't be publically hostile until after an ally publically shit in our face). until after an ally publically shit in our face). -moderate \_ You are not ilyas. \_ too much posting, too lazy to arrange properly. \_ If the US is nuked by AQ, then I think the solution would be marshall law in the US. We probably would round up every \_ Wataaaaa! vaguely Muslim or Middle-Eastern person and close the borders. Meanwhile, I would not be surprised if many allies did the same thing. Israel and the US would go on the offensive against the Muslim states (Syria, Egypt, Jordan, etc.) but I do think most of the changes would be here at home. |
2004/11/4 [Uncategorized] UID:34658 Activity:low |
11/04 Once again Cham hits close to home on the motd: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/comics.php \_ Yeah, and what if the 59 mil don't feel they should change? |
2004/11/4 [Politics] UID:34659 Activity:moderate |
11/04 Arafat reported brain dead. PLO state he is still "alive". RIP? No. Burn! \_ I read an article earlier that said "Now Sharon can't keep whining Arafat is standing in the way of progress." \_ I'm not dead yet! \_ his spirit still endures.. the one ring calls for him.. \_ hahaha! \_ his spirit has lost none of its potency, nor has his dirty underwear. \_ Someone is obsessed with Arafat's holy panties. \_ Damn flip-flopper. He should decide if he's alive or dead and stick with it. \_ Now if just that old bastard Sharon will kick the bucket, there can be another chance for peace in the Middle East. |
2004/11/4 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34660 Activity:high |
11/4 Has anyone actually verified that ilyas is a person? I mean, could he just be an AI simulation at UCLA? \_ No, I've met him. He's a decent sort of fellow, but his online personality isn't very reflective. \_ You mean I don't reflect as much in person as I do on the internet? *duck* -- ilyas \_ Cool, does this mean I failed the turing test? -- ilyas \_ Can you prove you aren't just later version of the bchoibot? \_ The what now? -- ilyas \_ bchoi was a smart guy who posted on motd. then he got married \_ Smart guy who posted on the motd? AND married? That doesn't describe me at all. -- ilyas \_ The bchoibot I knew wasn't smart and was the least eligible bachalor I could think of. \_ smart but beast like. who married him? \_ Is it because of your childhood that you say the what now? \_ There doesn't seems to be a bchoi on soda now, what happen? Someone set up him the bomb? |
2004/11/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:34661 Activity:nil |
11/4 I have a Dedicated box at a colo facility that I am nmaping. Each time I nmap it i get a *different* list of ports that are listed as being "filtered", My iptables is set to allow all so *I* ain't filtering them, at least not on purpose. What could be the deal? |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Foreign] UID:34662 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 HAHA. Look at all that disagreement, self righteousness, denial, anger, and bickering on the motd. This is the exact reason why the Republicans were able to sweep away the country. You guys are pathetic. I guess so am I. \_ They didn't sweep away the country. They won the entire south, and additionally Ohio and Florida. Those two were all it took. If you look at the population distributions, sure that looks like a big swath of red territory across the central US, but they don't have much population. Look at the size of their congressional districts. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:34663 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 Why aren't we more worried about Vladimir Putin? He's essentially made himself a dictator, Russia has the economy and the stability of a 3rd world country, and he controls 10,000 ICBMs, most of which are armed with MIRVs. This scares me. Someone convince me that I shouldn't be scared. \_ Why would he attack us? No motive, no crime. \_ The instability and economic wretchedness, combined with authoritarianism and tons of nuclear weapons, doesn't seem dangerous to you? Do you find Pakistan warm and cuddly too? \_ I never said I found Russia "warm and cuddly," but if you can't see a difference between Russia and Pakistan, you need to get out of CA for a bit. \_ I think many people are worried about him... its just that the powers that be have their hands tied in terms of criticism since he is using the same theatrics to justify his power grab that they are. \_ About Russian economy. I have lived there as well as in a real third-world country and I can tell you that people in Russia are far far better off than in a third world conutry, even the pension age people who depend on govt pensions. Their current per-capita GDP is about $9000/year in real terms. While this might not sound much, remember that most Russians own their housing. But you're right to be worried about Putin. I am worried about his authoritarian tendencies too, though I can sort of understand why he is so popular even right now. Russia has tried to liberalized its economy and politics too fast and chaos ensued in the early 90s, probably thanks to the incompetent policy of this drunkard Yeltsin and his cronies who were running the country behind his back. So when the Russians were choosing between Putin and the liberal democrats the last time, for them, it was like choosing between an authoritarian Putin who credibly promisses to return stability and the greatness to Russia or Yeltsin era chaos. They picked the former and he's obviously taking advantage of their goowill.. \_ http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2004/11/01/011.html It's only an excerpt, but if this doesn't get your bloodpressure up, I don't know what will. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34664 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 If the Bush campaign is indeed using the churches to GOTV, why the fuck do they have tax-exempt status? \_ Don't most political organizations have tax exempt status as non-profits anyway? \_ My donation to MoveOn was not tax-deductible, if that's what you mean. \_ Churches don't formally endorse politicians. At any rate, black churches are also a huge democratic source of votes. \_ This is no longer as true as you might think. \_ churches are no longer a huge democratic source of votes. Blacks, especially apathetic ones, just don't go. And they don't seem to give a damn. New black voter turnout was proportionally the LOWEST of all ethnic groups. Kerry pretty much counted on them and took them for granted, not realizing how much they've changed. \_ And every election there is video of the Dem candidate openly campaigning INSIDE A CHURCH. Why do THEY have tax-exempt status? \_ During a service or not? The clergy are very careful to say everything up to but not including, "Vote for So-n-so." As long as they do this, they are not in violation of their tax- free status. This was covered in great detail by CBS, NPR, and, frightneningly enough, the Daily Show. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:34665 Activity:very high |
11/4 In other news: The French Government has announced it is raising it terror alert level. They are rising it from "Run" to "Hide". No word on if the higher levels of "Surender" or "Collaborate" are being considered. This action is in response to a fire in the country's largest White Flag factory rendering it's military useless. \_ I dunno. Giving medical care to Arafat looks an awful lot like an act of war to me. \_ Giving medical care is a cassus bellus? You are psychotic. \_ Giving medical care is a cassus belli? You are psychotic. \_ And at home, Republican-controlled government continues to use scare tactics and asinine strawman targets to divert the public attention from corporate welfare, disastrous war planning, and rampant destruction of the Constitution. \_ I used to make fun of the French as well with the WW2 surrender, then I read about how many French soldiers died in WW1. It exceeds the # of American soldiers we have lost in ALL wars by quite a bit. \_ Yes I know, and the loss in WWII was more bad politics than cowardly soldiers. Unfortunatly, if you want to make a coward joke, France is an easy choice; just like we make jokes about how dumb the Polish are. I have no idea how the dumb Polish sterotype got started. \_ Because the Poles working in the US during the major waves of turn of the century immigration tended to have shitty, dangerous, muscle-type jobs like hauling meat and building railroads; the guys doing that sort of thing tend to be bigger, ergo the big dumb Polack stereotype. As for moronic, the general tone in papers over here is "how could more than 60 million Americans be this thick?" -John \-in sort of a mirror image, you have to go to india to find large numbers of dumb indians. --psb |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34666 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 Should Democrats Get Religion? CBS special: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/04/politics/main653667.shtml \_ CBS is great. While all the other news corps are starting to align to Fox News because that's where the money is (majority has spoken), CBS seems to be tilting more to the left. It is great. \_ To take this seriously, I think no. At least, I think the Democrats should stop treating religion so contemptously, but I don't think they need to become bible thumpers. Bush came accross well because he actually believes his religion and acts accordingly. Kerry looks silly on religion because he makes a big deal about his relgion, but obviously doesn't belive it personally. Regan, Clinton, and Bush Sr. were all fairly non-religious, but they didn't try to pretend to be religious either. \_ Hmm. You and I have different memories of Ronald Reagan. -- ulysses \_ I admit, Regan is probably the biggest stretch in that group. He certainly ditched pleantly of church though. \_ Reagan used religious rhetoric, but I am fairly certain he was not a religious man. -- ilyas \_ Al Gore was a fairly religious man. Not only was Tipper absurdly conservative, but I know for a fact that Al attended church often, because my gf went to the same church. It didn't really help him win. \_ I'm pretty sure it hurt him. I would have voted for Gore had it not been for the tipper/lieberman religious asshole axis. |
2004/11/4-5 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:34667 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 Did you take a GRE prep course (e.g. Kaplan)? If so, which one? Would you recommend it? It's a bit expensive. \_ I strongly reccomend the Kaplan cd/book. I think it's about 40 bucks, but I'm positive that I got a much higher score than I would have without it. I don't think the classes are useful unless you lack discipline. All of the test reverse engineering is there in the book/cd. \_ Depends on what you need. If you have decent math skills, then any decent book will cover most of the basic types of questions you'll deal with on those sections. The best thing for vocab I found was to study the "hit list," of frequently used words on the test (I think it's in the Princeton review book). It's not that many words to learn, but they really do pop up quite often. If you're gonna take the computer version, you might also want to make sure to get a cd with practice tests in that format just to get used to it. \_ Take a practice test and see how you do. If you get below 2000 I'd take the class, it will help you raise your score at least 200 points, provided you actually do the hw and take the practice test on the recommended schedule. \_ GRE is now out of 1600 (800 for verbal & 800 for quant) with a analytical writing section out of 6.0. I used the Kaplan GRE CDs & helped a bit when i took it last year. |
2004/11/4 [Uncategorized] UID:34668 Activity:very high |
11/4 Does the KKK openly endorse candidates? How about NRA? The Amish? Michigan Militia? \_ no. yes. no. no. \_ Who do the Amish endorse? Bush I guess? \_ Whichever candidate looks best on TV. \_ Amish don't watch TV. \_ Here's a nickel. Go buy yourself a sense of humor. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic] UID:34669 Activity:high |
11/4 So I was thinking, do RNC and DNC spy on each other? Can one party send a spy, infiltrate, and steal the masterplan of the other party? I mean, had the DNC had any intell on the other party, this would not have happened... \_ Rolling Stone had an article from a guy who volunteered at the local level in Florida. I doubt either party succesfully infiltrates the inner sanctum. - danh \_ Which party? And what did he say? |
2004/11/4-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34670 Activity:nil |
11/4 Is it feasible to attach a sun storedge A1000 to a linux box? I'd really like to. \_ I heard some people have done it. However, there is no Linux software to either configure or monitor it. So, if your RAID LUNs are not setup you first need to connect it to a Sun box running a supported version of Solaris and RAID Manager (TM) including all the recommended OS and firmware patches for A1000 and configure it the way you like. Then you might be able to connect it to a Linux box. Also, setting up the LUNs with logical numbers other than 0 is probably asking for problems. |
2004/11/4-5 [Computer/HW] UID:34671 Activity:nil |
11/4 I'm have one set of thin black sheet-metal racking brackets that bolt to the side of my server and bolt to the rear posts of the rack. Very simple - one piece of sheet metal. Anyone know where I can buy 30 of those (hopefully cheaply)? \_ I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but you might find this site helpful: http://www.mcmaster.com |
2004/11/4 [Uncategorized] UID:34672 Activity:nil |
11/4 Those nice Canadians: http://www.marryanamerican.ca |
2004/11/4 [Uncategorized] UID:34673 Activity:nil |
11/4 The following is just a troll. I doubt if the poster is actually Chinese or anyway feel strongly about it. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:34674 Activity:high |
11/4 I finally had time to track this down after the frenzy of the election. Francis Blackwell Forbes [Kerry's maternal great-grandfather] was a China merchant, opium trader and botanist. He and other members of the Forbes family were active in the Opium trade and China trade during the Opium Wars, amassing a large fortune. http://csua.org/u/9tm My (Chinese) wife is now extremely sorry she voted for Kerry. \_ Are you Chinese? \_ Yes. \_ And the actions of Kerry's ancestors matters because...? And voting for a war-monger like Dubya is better because...? And it matters even though Kerry lost because...? \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the devestation the opium traders wreaked on China? Did Kerry enjoy the benefits of Forbes' opium trading? If not directly monetarily, how about in terms of access, connections, vacations in family compounds, etc.? Why would *any* Chinese vote for someone who extracted (and continues to enjoy) benefits from the opium trade? \_ Maternal great-grandfather... that's a pretty long time ago. Let's try a little closer to home. Bush had economic dealings with Osama. \_ Did Kerry enjoy benefits from the fortune Forbes made from the opium trade? Yes or no please. \_ What if he did? Is that his fault? \_ Jefferson owned slaves! Get rid of that damn constitution and never vote Democrat again! -John \_ And if you were black, and if Jefferson's decendent had enjoyed benefits from the fact that Jefferson owned slaves, then I would say that you would be justificed in condemning Jefferson's decendent. So the question is, did Kerry enjoy benefits because he was descended from Forbes? \_ The election is over. Kerry lost. Get over it. \_ Yes, I am Chinese. Are you? Let it go. Move on. \_ The question remains. Why would any Chinese vote for anyone who enjoyed benefits from opium trader money? \_ Because of the 'markov moral property' -- Kerry just used money. That the money might have been gotten in questionable ways by his ancestors is not relevant. They are dead, and conditioned on the money, the actions of Kerry and their actions are independent. \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the effect the opium trade had on China? \_ Your argument style and bloody minded insistence is suspiciously similar to Swift Boat guy. Yay Swift Boat Guy!!! --swift boat guy #1 fan \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the effect the opium trade had on China? \_ Did it turn chinese people into raging idiots? \_ Are you the Swift Boat Guy? \_ Because Bush is an even bigger ass who has commited repugnant acts in the modern day? Look, the choice is between douche and turd. I choose douche. \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the effect the opium trade had on China? \_ Are you an idiot? Do you understand that typing the same question in three different places on a thread makes you look like one? \_ You can't answer the question, can you? \_ Yes, I can. That has no bearing on Kerry, however. You really should go back to ranting about Bill Clinton. At least he was actually the President for awhile. \_ Uh, I already answered. Yes, I am Chinese. Are you? The opium war is in the past, okay? Let it go. \_ Bush deceived the American people, embroiled us in a war based on lies, and funnelled American taxpayer dollars into corporations that donated heavily to his political party. Why would any American vote for Bush? \_ You need to read up on the history of the opium traders. \_ You really need to open your fucking eyes. \_ And the Bush fortune was based on trading with the Nazis. Which was worse? The opium wars or the holocaust? \_ It is this kind of crap that is destroying America. Your guy won. Stop taunting and rubbing salt in the wound unless you want us to block your every action for the next four years. |
2004/11/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:34675 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 I'm learning Fortran 90 for work, and it's suddenly very clear why C became so popular. \_ so, what's a good language for numerical stuff these days? \_ Sadly, the really isn't one. Fortran 90 is still used, C++ is used a lot as well. Niether is really good for the task. \_ [Matlab] equivalence class if you don't care about speed :). -- ilyas \_ Jesus fucking christ. I actually agree with ilyas on something. There must be something wrong with matlab I have not noticed. \_ Shut up Rob. \_ Hi tom! \_ uh, what? -tom \_ Oh eat it you bitch! I've got the SHOOEEE! |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34676 Activity:nil |
11/4 See, there are reasonable people in government: Vice President Dick Cheney went a step further, calling [the election results] a "mandate." Moderate Republican Sen. Arlen Specter cautioned Wednesday that President Bush did not earn "a mandate" in his election victory and said the president should be "mindful" of potential confirmation problems should he have the opportunity to nominate a justice to the Supreme Court. "If you have a race which is decided by a percent or two, if you have a very narrowly divided country -- that does not qualify for the traditional mandate and ... to govern, we have to bring the country together," he said. "I believe that President Bush will have that very much in mind." ... "We start off with the basic fact that the Democrats have filibustered and you can expect them to filibuster if the nominees are not within the broad range of acceptability," Specter said. "And I think there is a very broad range of presidential discretion. But there is a range." |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34677 Activity:nil |
11/4 Does this mean we get to look forward to hearing about Kerry the Evil Opium Baron for the next three weeks on the motd? --chinese opium swift boat guy #1 fan \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA???! |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34678 Activity:nil |
11/4 http://www.kron4.com/Global/story.asp?S=2522316 BUSH: Now that I've got the will of the people at my back, I'm going to start enforcing the one-question rule. That was three questions. ... BUSH: Yes. Again, you violated the one-question rule right off the bat. Obviously, you didn't listen to the will of the people. -- Was Dubya kidding or not? I take this as some light-hearted joking, or did he look irritated and say it seriously? |
2004/11/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34679 Activity:nil |
11/4 Wow, this motd has more trolls per line than any I've seen! Way to troll, and way to bite guys! |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34680 Activity:nil |
11/4 My god. I post Arlen Specter's comments as a sign of sanity, and it's followed up by Kerry's great grandfather the opium trader and Teresa drunk rich bitch posts among others. \_ Well, we already knew the motd freeper and the Swift Boat Guy were certifiable. Now they're just proving it. \_ Just curious, do you think Z. Miller was a traitor to his party? If so, then how is the Arlen Specter post anything but more partisan noise rather than "sanity"? Politics is about differences in opinion and philosophy. As long as you keep believing those who think differently are sub-humans and insult voters you need to win elections, you'll keep losing elections. My favorite wall line was how all those moronic mouth breathing bible thumping pig fucking red necks elected GWB. They're people. They're not \_ You implied that I thought ALL Bush supporters were like this which is false. I just said there are a lot more than I thought and yes, they support Bush over Kerry. Do you think the slack-jawed yokel on the Simpsons is offensive? Which candidate do you think he would support? And I didn't use the word "redneck" either. Keep trying! like you. But, you need their vote. Keep at it. Keep trying to dehumanise them and dismiss their opinions and the things important to them. That's a great way to remain the minority party. I know your party won't take this sort of advice from the outside but hey, I tried. I think a one-party system is bad for the country. I'd like your guys to at least start putting up a fight to keep my guys from slacking off. \_ I love how the freepers are all talking about how Democrats "keep losing elections". Here's a hint: we're 2 and 2 in the past 15 years. \_ So a president who sneers about a man being from "Massachusetts" is ok? I realize your point, and it's valid, but a little anger is appropriate here. Bush won on scare tactics and cheap shots against a candidate who had an admirable history but didn't stand up for himself enough. That America fell for it, choosing a known bad president over a possibly bad president, is a sad artifact of marketing. \_ Kerry wasn't running on scare tactics? You must have been watching a different debate than me. \_ I don't think Zell Miller is a traitor to his party. He's just wrong. -liberal \_ The Republicans are hardly "slacking off." You pulled off the greatest GOTV in history, which is why your man won Tuesday. Good job, by the way, this has traditionally been a Democratic Party strength. But GOTV requires tremendous effort. Can you keep up the level of support? If you can, you deserve to be the majority party. My guess is that you will not: you will splinter on the ficsally conservative/fiscally loose axis. We shall see. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34681 Activity:nil |
11/4 Was Terry Kerry Drunk Yesterday At John's Concession Speech? http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1270299/posts watch on Cspan. She looked blitzed a number of times throughout the campaign. It's hilarious. \- 1. they probably had not been sleeping a lot lately 2. who cares 3. number of people laura bush has driven over - number of people THK has driven over >= 1. --psb |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34682 Activity:nil |
11/4 jesus fucking batshit on a burning stick! you won! get over kerry already. He's not ever going to be president, and he's not even a senator anymore, so just fucking get over it. \_ Seconded. \_ No. It is not sufficient to win elections. We must utterly destroy any Democrat stupid enough to try and stand against us. Then the Enemy will know to not try and stop our Christian agenda. \_ Who said he is no longer a Senator? \_ Ok, I was wrong about that, but this is still absurd. He's not a California senator. Why can't you jackasses say something positive about your guy who just won instead of launching negative attacks against someone who has ALREADY lost?! What the hell is the matter with you people? \_ yeah, at least they can complain about how the liberal media and the left in general are going to make everything Dubya does in his 2nd term look stupid, as they are complaining about right now on http://freerepublic.com. \_ I wonder if there are more leftists on the motd reading the freeper crap than any other group here. I tried reading the site when it first went online. I haven't been back since then so I have to trust what you say is posted there. I don't understand why you keep dragging the freepers to the motd as if there's some huge block of motd conservatives that are also ardently pro-freeper. There's just that one freeperboy who I really wish would grow up because he makes us all look bad in the same way the tinfoilers at dailykos and democraticunderground (which I do regularly read) make leftists look bad but I don't come here trying to pin those two crap sites on motd leftists. I just read them because it amuses me. \_ Seriously, just delete the crap. It's worthless. (Although, as far as dividing America goes, I don't think all the "Bush is the most evil president ever!!!1!1" stuff is too helpful either.) |
2004/11/4 [Uncategorized] UID:34683 Activity:nil |
11/04 Keyes comment deleted out of order, therefore I "ilyas"'d the motd |
2004/11/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:34684 Activity:nil |
11/4 Arnold says Bay Area people are losers: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137644,00.html \_ Dems', not the Bay Area. Get facts staight. \_ no...he was referring to tax increase proposals. |
2004/11/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Finance/Investment] UID:34685 Activity:very high |
11/04 Holy Jeebus. The CDN dollar hit $0.83 today. \_ where's a good site to see exchange rates plotted as a function of time? \_ http://finance.yahoo.com/currency?u \_ Move your assets into something non-US dollar denominated. I did so two years ago and have doubled the S&P gain each year. The dollar is in for a mighty drop soon. \_ What has it been doing other than dropping?! Soon, indeed. \_ You ain't seen nothing yet. \_ What is the timeframe for an Argentina-style currency crisis? Would it take 5 to 10 years or could it happen more quickly? \_ Why do you think it will drop more? It's dropped a lot already in the last three months. -ignoramus \_ Short answer: The Economist says so. Long answer: huge and unsustainable budget deficit, ditto with the trade deficit, an administration that refuses to admit that this is a problem and in fact intends to borrow even more, a Japan and China growing weary of financing it, a real competing currency (The Euro) for the world to put its capital into. \_ How did the dollar do when confronted with Reaganomics? The dollar is falling because the US wants it to fall. It makes it easier to pay back the $$$ we borrowed. We'll prop it up when we're ready. \_ nah, it's the chinese and japanese who've been propping it up, and they are the only ones who can continue to prop it up. Dollar falling ain't bad, makes our products more competitive. US dollar once went down to 1.4 Singapore dollar, then bounce back up to 1.84 Singapore dollar during the gogo internet years, now it is at 1.67. I think it will fall back to 1.4 or lower in the next year or two. \_ Products more competitive? Hello, McFly. We're running a HUGE trade deficit, which the dollar's fall has done nothing to help. Currency crisis here we come, although I happen to think it won't really hit hard until W is out of office. \_ Don't forget the international dollar glut and Russia moving to Euros for intl. oil payments. -John \_ One way to bet that the dollar will fall is to buy an international short term bond fund like BEGBX (some international bond fund are hedged to eliminate exchange rate changes vs the dollar, but not this fund). |
2004/11/4-6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:34686 Activity:nil |
11/4 Did any of the timeout/idling setting changed in Soda? My Tera Term+SSH is automatically loggin me out after ~1 hour. I tried setting "set autologout=120" (I'm using tcsh), but that does not seem to help. Any idea? \_ Going through a firewall of any kind? ISP maybe timing out idle sessions or something? I have this happening, and it's our firewalls. Try port forwarding X and running an xclock over the ssh session for a while to see if it's from inactivity. -John \_ Forgot to say, no, I don't think it's the firewall. A co- worker is using the exact same setup (TTSSH) going to his own server and he does not observe this behavior. \_ OK so try the xclock, maybe something else is timing it out. There is also something called 'spinnner' which you can run to see if it's this. http://www.laffeycomputer.com/spinner.html -John \_ Thanks. Trying 'spinner' right now. \_ Heh heh heh. Spinner. |
2004/11/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34687 Activity:insanely high |
11/4 Maybe next time you'll listen to me and vote for the truly progressive candidate instead of wasting it on spinners and liars. You knew when you gave him the primary that you didn't like him but for some strange reason though the rest of the country was so stupid you could put lipstick on the pig and they'd vote for it. Well, the country saw a pig with lipstick. You got the government you deserve and yes I'm pissed off that this otherwise golden opportunity to create a true party for the people was completely and utterly thrown away. -N'04 \_ The country did vote for the pig with the lipstick! \_ Let me make this absolutely crystal fucking clear. 1) I voted for Kerry in the primary because I like the guy. 2) He got more total votes than Gore did in 2000 or than Clinton *ever* got, or even than Reagan ever got. That's right. he actually got slightly more votes than Reagan in 1984. \_ Hello, idiot. Meet a new concept called 'population growth.' \_ There was a baby boom in 1984? 'Cos I missed it. More like there was greater voter turnout this year, idiot. \_ Hello shit-eating fucktard. Are you telling me that the amount of votes Kerry got over Reagan is bigger than the proportional amount of democratic new voters since 1984? \_ You poor deluded pus-ridden gut-twat, I'm telling you that the BushDrone drove more people to actually register and vote for his opponent than bothered to vote for Reagan. 2) If it was between Nader and Bush, I would have voted for Bush. 3) Nader couldn't even get the nomination of HIS OWN FUCKING PARTY! 4) Since he wasn't on the ohio ballot and florida wasn't close, Nader wasn't even a spoiler this time. 5) Fuck you and die. \_ Lipstick on a pig? Uhm, you're a weirdo. \_ Dean would have been a better choice than Nader. \_ Dean would have lost by 10-15 points. \_ And how many points would Nader have lost by if he had been the Democratic nominee? \_ Oh, well, if you say so, it must be true. \_ The people hate Nader. Nader is a giant cock. party for the poeple my ass. I know I bashed Kerry at times but if you look at what he's done this campaign the guy deserves some respect. Stupid third parties can't even win a local election anywhere. Not even some state assembly member or anything. \_ why are you responding to the obvious troll? \_ He's sort of got a point. I don't understand all this ruminating about the missing morality issue. I think the much simpler reason why Kerry lost is because he was was uninspiring as a personality. People voted for him in the primaries because they thought he was the guy who could beat Bush, not because they were particularily excited about him as a candidate. That, plus he's from a region that hasn't fielded a successful presidential candidate since 1960. I hate the Bush presidency, but I was voting for Kerry more- or-less only because he wasn't Bush. I can imagine that someone who wasn't a Bush fan, but didn't hate his actions either, not seeing much of a reason to vote Kerry. It retrospect (as many people at the time and throughout pointed out), it was pretty brain-dead. We need a Howard Dean-type, but from the south in 2008. (sorry about the formatting) \_ He's sort of got a point. I don't understand all this ruminating about the missing morality issue. I think the much simpler reason why Kerry lost is because he was was uninspiring as a personality. People voted for him in the primaries because they thought he was the guy who could beat Bush, not because they were particularily excited about him as a candidate. That, plus he's from a region that hasn't fielded a successful presidential candidate since 1960. I hate the Bush presidency, but I was voting for Kerry more- or-less only because he wasn't Bush. I can imagine that someone who wasn't a Bush fan, but didn't hate his actions either, not seeing much of a reason to vote Kerry. It retrospect (as many people at the time and throughout pointed out), it was pretty brain-dead. We need a Howard Dean-type, but from the south in 2008. (sorry about the formatting) |
2004/11/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34688 Activity:very high |
11/4 Amusing quote from http://democraticunderground.com: "CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47 percent. Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49 percent. Unless a third gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state." I found it amusing because, even assuming exit polls can't be horribly manipulated, and aren't noisy, the conclusion still doesn't follow (due to Simpson's paradox). Btw, I can't believe I haven't found that site before, it's so fun to read! -- ilyas \_ It's fun to read because they ignore little things like the fact that the exit polls only poll a very small number of places, not every place and even if they did poll every place, they still don't poll every person so it is not possible to predict an entire state from a small number of precints like this. They also ignore the possibility that Kerry supporters sought out exit pollsters while Bush supporters ignored them. There are several other things they ignore which shows a deeply fundmental failure to understand very basic statistics and how exit polls are actually conducted. We don't ask Zogby or exit pollers to pick our President. We vote to determine that. And yes, democraticunderground is fun to read. :-) \_ Could this explain the strong Kerry exit poll at first, and then due to some events, the numbers started to turn around? \_ This isn't anywhere near a simpson's paradox band. \_ Please give an example (specific numbers) of how this is possible. \_ Sorry, I have to eat crow on this one, a third variable has to be involved in the statement. -- ilyas \_ Simpson's doesn't apply. Ilya is meta-trolling. What is more interesting is that from Tuesday to now, cnn's exit poll numbers for ohio have slid Bush's way. \_ This is interesting, you're right. Last time a looked at Ohio (and Iowa) exit poles, they were slightly in Kerry's favor, now they are slightly in Bush's favor. What happened? Late poling data? \_ IT'S A FOCKING SCANDAL IS WHAT IT IS \_ Hoo-kay. \_ The question is, was Bush ahead in *every* exit poll where the votes are hard to inspect (EV/no reporter access) or did these authors just pick and choose the ones where the exit poll showed Kerry ahead but he lost, ignoring the exit polls where it went the other way and said "look the actual vote is X% ahead for Bush compared to every exit poll, that's statistically impossible!" I agree that the level of unbelievability is pretty high on this one, but we are talking about Karl Rove, the CEO of Diebold and an administration that continues to lie about saying X even when confronted by direct video evidence of them saying X. \_ DU is the left wing version of Little Green Footballs. \_ The Union lost, GET OVER WITH IT ALREADY. |
3/15 |