2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34579 Activity:nil |
11/2 Now the GOP must confront the spectre of the witch running in 2008. \-^GOP^Democrats \_ You must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings about... oh nevermind. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34580 Activity:low |
11/2 Someone please tell me the consequences of Bush 4 more years? So he'll appoint judges and make abortion illegal, fine. Privatizing social security, fine. National deficit stays the same or worse, fine. What else? \_ My prediction is that the worst, from your point of view, that will happen is more tax cuts. -- ilyas \_ Abortion will never be outlawed, get over yourself. \_ It will be outlawed on a state level. \_ He will continue to lead the country such that we alienate _every_ other country on Earth. Terrorist factions receive increasing support (indrectly) from those nations who were once our staunch allies. The World is a More Dangerous Place, and we're back in an arms race, but this time it's only a defensive one to protect our borders, because we can't attack everyone and we'll find no allies on any future targets, no matter how deserving. \_ Dubya bombs Iran. Iran builds nukes with hidden centrifuges our CIA couldn't find. Iran loses nukes. Oops! U.S. city nuked with fission nuclear bomb. In the mean time, world continues to hate us. \_ Exactly like the 1980s, right? \_ You talking about Osiraq? \- abortion will be avail for upper middle class people. they are also unlikely to be significantly affected by say a poorly designed school voucher program ... the schools in a place like saratoga will be fine, and in a place like SF, the white people already send their kids to private school [sf pub sch dist is <20% white?] ... poor people will be given things like $100 tax cut and told they can create some kind of health savings account, but will probably shaft them in the long run. hopefully dumb programs like going to mars or a moonbase wont happen from science hacks the admin listens to. the plutocratization partly under the guise of the "ownership society" will be one of the worst effects, and the other is brown people getting the big shaft via the patriot act and other auxilliary "enabling" legislation for war on islam. there are a few other bad things, but those would probably ocurr under the dems too. it would be nice to image we would intervene in darfur, but i dont think nice to imagine we would intervene in darfur, but i dont think these guys care about something like that. at least cliton and albright appear to feel some shame over usa non-action in rwanda. i agree, iran gets nukes. but at this point that probably happens under kerry too. will be interesting to see if EU picks a fight with USA. i mean who is going to take the first step or reconciliation? --psb \_ Are you drunk? |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:34581 Activity:moderate |
11/2 Why is Orange County so red? San Diego-- easy, a lot of dumb and patriotic servicemen. But Orange? \_ I am glad you can disparage those "dumb" serviceman with your freedom you owe them but hey, what can I expect from those selfish many who never served. \- i feel sorry for them ... i think they are being taken advantage of by BUSHCO, halliburton etc. \_ I'm glad they feel that way 1 out of 3 times. Don't forget Halliburton was hailed by Clinton for their work in Kosovo. Please, BTW, tell me just what other companies provide the same services and take the same risks ? \_ Bechtel. \_ so, no bid contract is ok? \_ Rich, hard-working people live there. Rich, hard-working people want smaller government, less taxes -- they don't want handouts for lazy poor people or higher taxes for inefficient govt bureaucracy. \-a recent study suggests there is more willingness to fund social welfare programs when it is visibly and obviously going to "people like you" ... that may in part explain why some areas are more willing to have social welfare ... some people are suggesting the support for social welfare programs in europe is declining with brown people immigration. also the OC people dont feel bound by principle to suck it up when the "going isnt good" ... think state bailout after OC investment fiasco. i think the OC is still the largest municipal banruptcy in american history. --psb \_ Why would you vote for Bush if you wanted a smaller government? \_ "Free Heathcare for Everyone!" answer your question? \_ Do you even know what that plan entailed? FYI: it didn't cover everyone. Providing basic health insurance to those who can't get it from employers doesn't require too much. Those people end up costing money regardless, in emergency rooms for example. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34582 Activity:high |
11/2 Democratic soul-searching begins now: NY Times op-ed piece http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/03/opinion/03kris.html?hp "The Republicans are smarter," mused Oregon's governor, Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat. "They've created ... these social issues to get the public to stop looking at what's happening to them economically." ... Bill Clinton intuitively understood the challenge, and John Edwards seems to as well, perhaps because of their own working-class origins. But the party as a whole is mostly in denial. \_ I find the comment that comes up time and time again, about poor southern whites voting 'against their self-interest' revealing. \_ yeah, tax breaks for billionaires.. totally dead-on! \_ isn't this true? You know, with the vast majority of the tax break going to the $200K+ bracket, the removal of the dividend tax, the removal of the inheritance tax? Well, to be accurate, it should say "millionaires and up". \_ It is true, but it misses the point. Is it not possible to vote against one's direct self-interest because, perhaps, principles are involved? A libertarian might accept a higher tax rate because he believes a flat tax is fairer than progressive tax. Why is this so incomprehensible? -- ilyas \_ Um, someone moved my post. My post was in response to "tax breaks for billionaires". Anyways, who says I didn't comprehend what you just wrote, ilyas? My post was meant to convey the FACT that most of the tax breaks are going to the rich -- not the rightness of it, which is different for every person, as you've implied. \_ Not you. I was talking about the author of the article, and his seeming incomprehesion of southern voting patterns 'against their interest.' This is a common complaint from liberal circles, and I find it odd. Those guys down south don't live in the same 'fight for a piece of the public pie by any means necessary' world as you do. (again I don't necessarily mean 'you'). -- ilyas \_ the article is quite clear that it is talking about poor, rural voters voting against their "economic interest", which means the rich get more money, the poor get comparatively less -- for the short-term at least. It's a point of debate whether a less progressive tax system works long-term. It is also quite clear that the author believes these voters are voting for their "social self- interest" (my quotes on that one), which is voting their values -- such as no gay marriage for queers. their values. \_ Ok how is a flat tax "fairer"? no one is forcing you to earn more. If you believe an income tax is fair in the first place then what's the big deal with progressive? If it's too high you just don't work, and have a lot more free time. If it's too high you're probably screwing your economy. But that's a separate issue than fairness. For example, a high tax on income over $1m/y wouldn't truly hamper anybody's "pursuit of happiness", and would be fair: anyone earning that much gets that tax. \_ Look we are not going to have a long ass ranty discussion about a flat tax, ok. For most people, in most contexts, fairness = proportionality. Fairness != proportionality only if you are in magical liberal taxland. -- ilyas \_ proportional? not proportional to services used, not even a flat tax does that. so it's already unfair in that sense. once you're there, i'm arguing there's no "moral" difference going to progressive. \_ *sigh* If you want proportionality for services used, charge for them directly. This argument is stupid. You are not convincing me, and I am not convincing you (nor am I particularly interested, as far as I am concerned CA liberals can rot in a hell of their own devising, I am getting out of here first chance I get). -- ilyas \_ Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. This argument is no more stupid than your usual motd rantings. You just refuse to see outside your chosen worldview. I suppose CA's liberal hell is why so many people have been coming here. Why are you here anyway? Using our subsidized university system? Shouldn't you already be out in Georgia Tech or something? Oh wait that's public too... ok, Duke. \_ I think your next line is to complain about me using the phone system and the freeways. This conversation is SO over. -- ilyas \_ Not quite. While you might not be able to avoid using the freeways and phone system, there were plenty of private universities, including top tier ones, yet YOU CHOSE to attend the evil govt funded public school. The free market provided you with alternatives, but YOU CHOSE to force all of us "at gunpoint" to pay for your education. Way to stand by your principles. -meyers \_ Sure, I can avoid using the phone and the freeway if I go become amish. Similarly, I go where I am accepted. Though a private school would probably be better, understand that all universities in the US, private or not, are heavily gvt subsidized, so the point is kind of moot. Plus, I where they let me. -- ilyas I go where they let me. -- ilyas \_ Stay on topic: we're talking about your decision to attend a public university instead of a private one. Are you saying that *no* private school would accept you? -meyers \_ No private school out of a reasonably large set to which I applied accepted me. Again, because there is little moral difference of kind (only of degree) between a fully gvt funded school (UCLA), and a partially gvt funded school (Stanford) I don't really see your point. It reduces to freeways. -- ilyas \_ They only vote on abortion, anti-queer stuff, and whoever thumps the most bible. They think this is their self interest. They bang their cousins and mope around in their hick towns, and send their kids to the army, why not vote Bush. Bush says "y'all" and plays country music at the rallies. \_ If you believe NPR; the Dems lost because the Reps were better able to motivative their base. This was especially true in Florida with the Christian Right ( Hah! What a &%*$ oxymoron) who viewed this election as an actual war against their belief system; disturbingly similar to what all of those racist groups used to blather on about. Who would think that a country like ours could become more intolerant. The whole youth vote thing never materialized as expected; more due to apathy than anything else; according to at least some of the networks; something akin to only people who pay taxes are motivated to vote. Sad.. really really sad |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34583 Activity:nil |
11/2 Kerry now only has one scenario in which he can win: (1) Kerry wins OH and WI Kerry's people are saying there could be as many as 250,000 provisional ballots in OH to review. These ballots will not be reviewed until 11 days have passed, for emotions to cool. IMO, Kerry should fight, and he should not feel bad about it. \_ Yeah, but Kerry is down by 125,000 votes on OH. \_ Yeah, currently, with 99% of precints reporting, the gap is 144,000 votes. \_ If Kerry wins Ohio, he only needs WI, which he looks to have. \_ Yeah, I just came to this conclusion myself, too. Corrected. \_ IA and NM are somewhat longshots, but not as bad as OH. It'll be hard for Kerry to win OH. I think it's over for Kerry, it seems very unlikely he will sweep. NM looks very much like a lock as is OH. \_ Well, you'll need to wait 12 days before OH declares a winner. I don't think this will change even if Kerry concedes OH. \_ This is ridiculous. BC's margin's in PA is smaller than OH but they called PA for KE. And yet they expect 90% of the provisional ballots to overcome 144K and growing difference?!? Not to mention the popular vote which for the first time since '92 there is a majority. Please tell me how the popular vote is going to be out-of- sync with the electoral vote with 4mil+ ? \_ It's 250,000 provisional ballots. But yeah, if that number were correct, you'd need 4 out of 5 of the provisional votes to go Kerry. You might have called it ridiculous too when Gore beat Dubya by 500,000 votes. \_ 500K is not 4 mil \_ Yeah, and 4 million ends up being a 3% difference. So, where do you draw the line? \_ Look, mr. "Where do you draw the line." You got pwned at the polls today. Time to do some thinking. |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34584 Activity:nil |
11/2 The South Shall^H^H^H^H^H Has Risen Again --psb \_ the current colors are pretty much the same as 1861. http://www2.lhric.org/pocantico/civilwar/map.htm \- hello my point was that "this" republican victory doesnt seem to be the usual somewhat libertarian, small govt victory but the activist state implementing a southern relig agenda. \_ http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/~kchang/2004/1102.Election |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34585 Activity:nil |
11/2 For the more progressively inclided motd readers, may I suggest: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=manly_suicide |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34586 Activity:nil 60%like:34642 |
11/2 Anyone have a http://democraticunderground.com user ID so I can lurk? Thanks. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34587 Activity:nil |
11/2 Bush=president, Daschle=losing seat, Edwards' seat=gone. Liberal ideas=pwned at the polls. \- daschle falling doesnt really matter except for rep++ i suppose. you disagree? \_ daschle's fall is largely symbolic though. He was a powerful man once. Now he exits stage left, and with a whimper to boot. \_ It's not. Look at '94 when Foley got booted. Leaders of parties don't get voted out unless there's a shift. |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34588 Activity:nil 66%like:30831 |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34589 Activity:nil |
11/2 Fuck looks like Prop 69 is going to pass. http://www.10news.com/politics/2887351/detail.html |
2004/11/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:34590 Activity:kinda low |
11/03 Soda will go down at 8pm tonight for a disk upgrade. \_ The way things are going, I'm not expecting it to come back up. Offsite backups, people, this ship is going down. \_ I don't really give a shit about my stuff on Soda (which is why it's on Soda), but are we going to lose our logins? \_ *UPDATE* We need to make the time a bit later to ensure we have a good recent backup, and to minimize down time. Will wall when the time is near. |
2004/11/3-28 [Uncategorized] UID:34591 Activity:nil |
11/03 Soda now utilizes {s,x}bl.spamhaus.com to slow spam. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic] UID:34592 Activity:nil |
11/3 More racist southern republicans http://www.bobbyjindal.com He's not a RINO either. \_ What race is this guy? He looks half-hispanic half-indian or something. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:34593 Activity:nil |
11/3 What an election: What I do know is that this has been one hell of a slam bang election season. Tony Blankley worked for Newt Gingrich and is editor of Wash. Times http://www.townhall.com/columnists/tonyblankley/tb20041103.shtml |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34594 Activity:nil |
11/2 So how does one get a citizenship in Canada? Do I need an actual residence or something? |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34595 Activity:nil |
11/2 Bush 57.4 mil, Kerry 53.7 mil popular vote. How is this even close? A difference of over 3 mil vote is, in my mind, winning in a landslide. This is just pathetic. \_ Well, it's 3%. You know, like 51% to 48%. They start thinking about "landslide" when it's 5% or more. That's just how it is. Imagine the 3-4 million votes in the City of Los Angeles deciding the fate of the nation. There you go. \- come on, this is a product of the "objective function" which was to win in the EC ... kerry didnt and shouldnt have been trawling for a couple of more percent of the CA or NY vote. note: i also thought the ALGOR people were foolishly whining about the popular vote in 2000 ... it is one thing to say "this is a good reason to get rid of the EC" but given what the rules were, this is like claming the wimbledon winner lost on games although he won on sets was robbed. --psb \_ Well, I think the Dems were more pissed that the Supreme Court stopped the recount when there were good reasons that it should have left it to the Florida Supreme Court. Then again the Dems erred morally and legally by asking only for recounts in Dem-heavy counties. \_ A landslide is what Reagan had. This is still historically close. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:34596 Activity:nil |
11/03 The last/next thing to elect: http://www.harpers.org/ElectingToLeave.html |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34597 Activity:low |
11/3 Bush gets 4 more years. What does that mean for the US? Gas price will continue to go up. Four more years of war in the middel east. Bin laden will likely live four more years. More tax cuts for rich. Possible Alaska drilling. Quest for alterative fuel will be held back. \_ Bah! I hate Bush, but some of this is a little silly. How exactly would Kerry bring down gas prices? ANWR drilling will probably continue to be stopped by republicans who cross the aisle to vote against it for economic reasons (it's more about corporate welfare than energy security), and as for alternative fuels Bush has poured money into hydrogen vehicles and even without the government, the economic incentive to invent something that really kicks the ass of the gasoline engine will always be there. \_ Oil prices would trend upwards with either President but with Bush there is a huge premium due to the various instabilities in oil producing areas of the world, which is guaranteed to continue or worsen with his reelection. \_ I shudder to think of some of the evil shit the Bush admin has been holding back due to worries of losing the election/impeachment, that can now be unleashed. Don't forget a tilt of the Supreme court to the right, endangering abortion in the South. Oh, and the twin deficits going even higher. that can now be unleashed since neither of those can happen now. Don't forget a tilt of the Supreme court to the right, endangering abortion in the South. Oh, and the twin deficits going even higher. \_ That's what I worry most. -- op \_ What is this? Continuously nuke the motd so only "Bush is EEVVVILLL" can be read here? \_ I am more concerned with supreme court justice appointments... three of them had enough radiation that they probably glow in the dark (O'Connor, Renquist, and Ginsberg... sp?) \_ I don't get this. \_ Investigate cancer treatments. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34598 Activity:nil |
11/3 Why hasn't Kerry conceded? He lost the popular vote already. \_ He talked a lot about how Gore "gave up too early." I think he's still trying to figure out where to sue. \_ Does this mean I'm NOT going to have to hear Dems whining about Republicans stealing the election for the next 4 years? \_ Not from me. OTOH, after a lot of research, I became convinced that they didn't really steal it in 2000. 2000 sucked in just about every other way, though. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:34599 Activity:moderate 57%like:34576 |
11/3 Where's the bus to Canada? \_ http://www.harpers.org/ElectingToLeave.html \_ that is the 2nd time I've heard that :p \_ Have a good time there, just don't say anything bad about the queen. You will be censored. \_ Being censored is better than being monitored by Homeland security. \_ Stop teasing and get out already. \_ Rather, move your MONEY overseas, before everyone else does. The debt is a big timebomb, if bush's policies are maintained/ extended, the estimates are this could knock a good 1% off GDP growth until effectively the end of time. \_ Clinton should have paid down more debt when the economy was good and tax revenue was high. \_ The Republican congress was yelling for tax cuts the whole time. Or maybe you're joking. \_ done that for some time already. almost no US stocks left except for some index funds in my 401k. \_ Can't leave California now, too much money to make in biotech now. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:34600 Activity:nil |
11/3 Any bets on the next senate minority leader? If they pick that son of a bitch Liebermann, I'm leaving the party for good. \_ Damn jew! \_ Reid, don't you know? \_ What's wrong with Liebermann? \_ He was one of the authors of the homeland security bill that created the DHS, is a big supporter of the patriot act, was part of the crusade to censor music and video games, is owned outright be the insurance industry, and is a total welfare whore for the ct. defense contractors. In the primaries the candidates were asked about how to deal with America's healthcare crisis. Everyone had some answer or another except him. His response was basically "I don't think the american people want to hear about that." Hell, even the republicans admit our healthcare system is fucked, they just disagree on how to fix it. When someone says it's just not a problem, that's far far worse. As a ct. resident, I particularly resent him because I've voted for him on a lesser-of-evils basis, but he continually represents the corporate interests of CT, rather than the people. \_ So, to sum up, he's the biggest liberal in the Senate. \_ huh? \_ Engage humor processor, read again. \_ Sorry. that part of my brain fused about 11 pm last night. I've got dual cooling fans on the rage processor, and had to shut down other auxiliary fucntions. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34601 Activity:nil |
11/3 AP reports that Kerry just called Bush to concede. % date Wed Nov 3 08:07:01 PST 2004 \_ Must...not...gloat.... \_ Quoth the aaron: ONE TERM FAILURE, JUST LIKE DADDY! \_ All hail big government conservatism! \_ Let's revise this: AMERICAN FAILURE \_ Take that, queers! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34602 Activity:nil |
11/3 On the other hand, if most Americans believes an idiot like BushCo will bring peace and prosperity to the US in the long run then they probably deserve to be bombed in the future. Only time will tell. \_ Unfortunately, if some place gets bombed, it's probably going to be somewhere in North Eeast again or CA. \_ Those idiot bombers, strike where it hurts, the red states. They are the fuckers who draw up the US foreign policy that makes the middle east what it is today. \_ *cough* *cough* |
2004/11/3 [Health] UID:34603 Activity:nil |
11/3 The one consolation this morning: at least I am too old to be drafted. I am 40 .. For those under 40: be proactive and start learning Farsi or Arabic. \_ the cutoff is usually 35, unless you possess some critical skill like being a doctor. they don't need computer programmers. \_ They didn't use the doctor-draft yet in Iraq, right? So they probably won't use a computer-programmer-draft. |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34604 Activity:nil |
11/3 Worked the polls yesterday. Big rush from 6:50 to 10:00 a.m., and then bupkis. Nada. Trickles of people for the rest of the day, and no mad rush at 5 p.m. 380 electronic voters, 82 absentee ballots, and 87 provisional ballots. Very few questions on the Diebolds. Most voters were late 20s to late 40s, with a skew toward the retiree group (since we were working out of the garage of a retirement home). Oldest voter: 91.5, and pretty damn spry. Overall: exhausting, but fulfilling. Please consider volunteering next time. --erikred \_ Where did you volunteer? (city/state) |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34605 Activity:nil |
11/3 Did Puerto Rico citizens get to vote yesterday? Thx. |
2004/11/3 [Reference/Religion] UID:34606 Activity:high |
11/3 You know, people say the country was divided along cultural, not economic lines. The reasoning is that if only the poor southerners weren't so damn christian they d see the economic benefit to voting for Kerry. I am not sure this is true. I think culture not so much overshadows economic considerations, but frames the thoughts about economics. I really don't think the southern christians are fans of the DNC economics, and this is BECAUSE they are christians. -- ilyas \_ why? what christian values make them hate "DNC economics"? \_ Well, I don't think they _hate them_, but I think christianity, especially more moderate christiniaty, meshes very well with conservative economics. For instance, christianity has a spirit of giving, rendering the state-sponsored income redistribution to help the poor less necessary. A moderate christian is a libertarian's best friend. -- ilyas redistribution to help the poor less necessary. There is a spirit of distrust of government in christianity -- "to the Caesar Caesar's", etc. A moderate christian is a libertarian's best friend. Also, American christianity traces its roots to, of course, british puritanism, with the whole work ethic thing. -- ilyas \_ Jesus said "to the Caesar Caesar's" in reply to the Pharisees' attempt to trap him as either rebellious against the Romans or traitorous to the Jews. It has nothing to do with distrust of the government. \_ Jesus did say that, but as with most Bible quotes, you can take this quote in a larger context. For instance you can take it as a call to live a life of minimal engagement with the earthly government, and devoting most of one's life to spiritual matters. -- ilyas \_ There is no such "larger context" in the bible to support this interpretation. This would be force fitting the bible to one's own view as opposed to basing one's view according to the bible, a dangerous practice if you ask any Christian. \_ I am not a christian, so I have no need to fit the bible to anything. If you doubt Christiniaty, especially in its beginnings as a renegade religion, and subsequently in the guise of persecuted sects like the puritans who just wanted to be left alone to worship as they pleased does not entail a certain cultural distrust of government, shrug. I think Christ himself had a very anti-authoritarian message, and yes I disagree with you about the quote, for this reason. -- ilyas \_ perhaps not you, but many supposed Christians certainly are trying to fit the bible to their political agenda. No, Christ is not anti authority but anti self-righteous hypocrites, be they corrupt Jewish priests, or certain politicians of today. \_ So, have you been practising the Christian / Jewish practice of giving 1/10 th of your income for doing God's work? \_ Now that we have a theocracy you can deduct federal taxes from your tithe. \_ I thought we already can do that? \_ Actually, as an independent comment to what you are saying, I think a lot of voters voted for the guy with the right attitude - kill the terrorists first, and ask questions later. Kerry would in their minds, on the other hand, hesitate and think before killing terrorists. \_ Why not take the same attitude and use it for law enforcement in the US? I am ALL FOR IT, SERIOUSLY! \_ You aren't paying attention, are you? The biggest issue turned out to be "God, guns and gays." \_ anytime you bring religion into an issue, all logic needs to be thrown out. I mean, just look at the Christian vs. Muslim thing. The whole idea behind both of them is that "I'm right, you're wrong", you're going to hell, and I must eradicate you. You know, Salman Rushdie wrote bad things about Muslim, but in fact, Christianity isn't all that much better. Fuck religion. -agnostic \_ In some sense, I agree with you, but you must understand that _all_ moral commitments are ultimately subjective in the same sense religion is. Including liberal and conservative ones. You can't 'prove' progressive taxation to someone, it reduces to some moral axioms you choose to believe in. I think most of political discourse isn't _really_ about logic anyways. -- ilyas \_ Uh, no. You cannot argue that we would not have chaos without a government structure, police & laws. There are some things that have been proven to be absolutely true throughout the centuries, and they will always be true unless mankind goes through some massive social shift that has not happened in a hundred thousand years. \_ Well, _I_ cannot argue this. An anarcho-capitalist would happily argue this, and I can't a priori reject what he says. And this is for a very non-controversial kind of axiom, whether a central government is even necessary. When we are talking about something more controversial, like progressive taxation, there is clearly no objective truth, just subjective opinion on human rights. -- ilyas |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34607 Activity:nil |
11/3 So, wtf? Were we just dressed like we wanted it or what? \_ What? \_ He means that all Americans just got raped. \_ With tentacles, no less. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34608 Activity:nil |
11/3 So much for the youth vote. Hahahahahaa.. Have fun in Canada, eh? http://tinyurl.com/4vkns |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34609 Activity:nil |
11/3 Well, guess the liberals like to nuke the motd when they lose... |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34610 Activity:kinda low |
11/3 Dear Mr. Osama Bin Laden, please continue your cause. Please don't target your friends in big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, etc. Do please target ultra right Christian gun-owning rednecks in the red states like Ohio and Florida. Thank you. \_ And if you target Indiana, pretty-please spare Bloomington. The Demos won all but one of the county and city races last night. \_ I guess the end of the election hasn't made the trolls go away for even a second. \_ Hello? This is the motd? \_ How is this a troll? In 10+ years, when the orphaned Iraqi's grow up, what do you think the first thing on their mind is? Do you really think terriorism can be solved by killing more innocent people? Kill first, ask questions later? If BushCo wants to fuck the rest of the world as they pleases, then they have every right to strike us back however they can. And idiots who vote for Bush and think Bush will make them safer just don't see it. \_ That's why we have to round up and kill all of the Iraqi orphans! Duh! You liberals are too soft! |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:34611 Activity:nil |
11/3 F* Europe, and especially F* the Brits who were cold calling Ohioans to get them to vote Kerry. We declared independence in 1776, and we've won the right to cast our own votes. \_ Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Just say it. Fuck fuck fuck. \_ Yeah, seconded, F* the Brits. USA! USA! Foreigners = teh gay! |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34612 Activity:nil |
11/3 [ Apparently you aren't aware of what happens when you make an assassination threat. Freedom of speech my ass. No Secret Service after Soda, please. ] |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34613 Activity:nil |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34614 Activity:nil |
11/3 Sidney Blumenthal column that sums it all up for me. "The Right God" http://csua.org/u/9sh (http://www.salon.com advertising rigamarole, blah blah blah) \_ If you actually believe this, no wonder you lost. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34615 Activity:nil |
11/3 So I was talking to my O'Reilly-watching younger brother last night about how Dick Cheney was wrong about there being "no doubt" about Saddam having WMDs or even WMD programs. My brother replied, kind of emotionally, that Saddam definitely had them, and maybe they were moved to Iran or Syria or they were still hidden. He said he "knows how the world works". I told him about David Kay, who Dubya appointed, who said "We were almost all wrong"; and the Duelfer report, which concluded there were no WMDs or WMD programs. I told him Saddam wanted to play by the rules to lift sanctions, but pretend that he had WMDs to deter other countries, and that he thought the CIA knew he didn't have them. I told him as soon as the UN looked away, Saddam would restart his WMD programs. I told him that Cheney said "We just don't know" about WMDs being moved to Syria or Iran, since there were trucks spotted moving across the border with contents unknown. My younger brother insisted Saddam had weapons. Why? He said again, rather strenuously, because he "knows how the world works". He sugested that David Kay is a politician. I said "What motive does he have?" "Maybe to write a book!" "He's been ostracized. He went in almost certain there were WMDs. He was hand-picked by Bush. What motive does he have?" "He's being political." My younger brother "knows how the world works", and probably voted for Dubya. \_ My cousin also believes this, because he says be have taped conversations that Saddam himself believed this. Supposedly there might have been people in his own government who may have mislead Saddam, and by extension, the intelligence we gathered. \_ The problem is that, the Duelfer report notes that the U.S. has been interrogating Saddam, and he has been forthcoming in appeals to his vanity. Saddam didn't have them, he wanted Iran to think he had them, he would rebuild them as soon as sanctions were lifted and do what he could get away with. \_ the problem is not your brother, but Fox News that mixes opinions and facts and distorts views for the right wing agenda. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34616 Activity:kinda low |
11/3 Bush first president since Bush Sr. to win > 50% of popular vote: http://truthnews.net/comment/2000_11_mandate.html (article written in 2000) \_ uh, so it was Bush Sr. > 50%, then Clinton < 50%, then Bush Jr. Term 1 < 50%, now Bush Jr Term 2 > 50%? \_ yes \_ What about Clinton Term 2? \_ Clinton got < 50% of popular. See infoplease link below. \_ http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781450.html |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:34617 Activity:moderate |
11/3 Now that I think about it, Kerry lost partly because of Clinton. The Clinton Lewinski scandal scarred the Democrat party's image. Most of the Christians were so horrified that he got away with such a crime that they vowed to never vote for the pagan party, the Democrats. Thanks a lot, Bill Clinton. \_ Uh, no. \_ Pinning the blame on any one person is deluded. The fundamentalists have spent 40 years steadily seizing power. The fact that liberals just dismiss these people as ignorant bigots, and can't see what is really happening in their own country, is why they keep losing. \_ I think the Democrat party lost because of Kerry. If it were someone less flip-floppy who was running against Dubya yesterday, I'd have favored the Dems. \_ No, whoever attributed yesterday's blow out to the religious right's systematic merging of political & religious practices is spot on. Meticulous and long-building, Rove's organization of alliances between conservative institutions got validated -- nevermind that upon closer inspection there is nothing compassionate or conservative in this administration's policy-making. The content of the different political parties' beliefs and their framing were beside the point. Jesus Christ, Son of God, could've been the Demo nominee, and Rove still would've kicked his ass. --elizp \_ It goes way beyond Rove. The conservative religious political movement has roots going back decades, and its true father is really Billy Graham. \_ And let's not forget Goldwater. --elizp \_ Always thought of Goldwater as more of a hardcore anti communist than a Billy Graham, evangelical type, but perhaps you're right. \_ elizp: Jesus would never ever get nominated by the Democrats. \_ Very off the mark. As a friend of mine put it, the question most people on Bush's side seemed to be asking themselves was, are we at war or not, while the real question was, has this President executed the war well or not. Bush voters mostly thought that Kerry was a peacenik, despite all of his speeches to the contrary. That's the power of propaganda. |
2004/11/3 [Reference/Religion] UID:34618 Activity:nil |
11/3 Sorry to say this but the Christians are just as much intolerant as the other religions. The fact that they needed to convert "pagans" in the middle ages, FOUR TIMES, in their failed crusades, says a lot. They have this "You're either with us or against us, I'm right you're wrong, you'll go to hell if you don't believe in Jesus" type of attitude. For centuries, they try to convert people, and when they fail, they go off eradicating them. Now, Christians in the US support the fifth Christian Crusade of "spreading good and eradicating evil" (e.g. Bush doctrine of preemption). Things just haven't changed much in the past 1000 years. I think Christians are as much narrowminded and intolerant as the Muslims. -logical agnostic \_ the Jihads and islamic conquering of the western world happened before the crusades.. \_ both religions are intolerant and stupid \_ Desperately looking for something to justify your inane views, huh? |
2004/11/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34619 Activity:low |
11/3 Is it just me or does Adobe Acrobat tend to go apeshit in Mozilla on Linux? I've also noticed than on WinXP it stays running even after I close the page that was using it \_ Are you using Acrobat 6.0 Reader? If you are, downgrade to 5.0. 6.0 has a lot of problems, period. \_ Acrobat 6 doesn't exist for Linux. \_ For Acrobat6, I urge you go to the "plug_ins" directory and get rid of all but EWH32.api and Search.api plugins. This will speed up the start up time by an order of magnitude and enhance the stability of the reader. google for detail. \_ I've had issues under Windows as well (with 6.0). Works fine since I told it to not check for upgrades. -John \_ It seems like the latest Linux version (5.0.9) seems to have serious problems on all recent Linux distributions (i have used it on Fedora and RHEL). It uses up lots of CPU, crashes, fails to format documents properly, etc. It still doesn't seem to have problems on older distributions such as RedHat 7.3. Maybe it has to do with the new kernel or the http://x.org stuff.. \_ If that's the case then it most likely is a libc version problem. I know that precompiled binaries on older commercial software tends to break between RH 8 and RH 9. I would install the backwards compatible libc versions, I think there was an rpm for that, do a websearch on the topic. |
2004/11/3-7 [Industry/Jobs] UID:34620 Activity:nil |
11/3 My company's looking to hire. See http://www.reactivity.com/about_us/careers.html#positions -- dpassage@flophouse.com \_ is it in Canada? |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34621 Activity:high |
11/3 Hillary in '08... \_ Do you really think she'll win the nomination? \_ I assume McCain '08, which is how they got him to play ball. \_ Do you mean on a republican or democrat platform? \_ Actually I mean the presidency. The economy is likely to improve during Bush's 2nd term, and if Iraq didn't stop Bush '04, I don't see what will stop McCain in '08. \_ Rudy G! \_ Hillary is not a serious candidate. Edwards is more likely. -tom \_ Can you elaborate? I would vote for her in 08 if she does. \_ She has a lot of baggage around her already, and she's female. You really think any of the redneck states are going to vote for a Democratic woman from New York? -tom \_ The rednecks will not vote for her, but the woman in those states will right? \_ Very unlikely. They might vote for Laura Bush. -tom \_ She gets a lot of play in the exact same places that voted for Kerry, and she gets bagged on in the exact same places that voted for Bush. I love Hillary, but this is a non- starter. \_ To take that a step further, I think it'll be Bush vs. Clinton in '08. Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush. The Bush Dynasty should last a good 20-30 more years. \_ You really think America could survive 20-30 years of continuous "leadership" from the Bush clan? Look at the state we are in today with just 4 years under our belt! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34622 Activity:high |
11/3 I know indeed what evil I intend to do, but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury, fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils. -Euripides, _Medea_ \_ It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space... \_ we destroyed the death star? i don't think so. we don't even have a skywalker. \_ Maybe it's from Bin Laden's perspective. He might fancy himself a Skywalker. \_ We are down 2 death stars in NY. \_ Return of the Caliph! \_ I am the one, Orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand My image is of agony, my servants rape the land Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore. I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain And still you play the sycophant and revel in my pain And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate I am the politician, and I decide your fate I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown For I am Mars, the god of war, and I will cut you down \_ I think I saw this in the opening to an episode of Andromeda \_ Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. \_ Right, exactly. Now who were the more passionate here? Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. ... And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? \_ "The issue is not a mean one. It is whether you will be content to be a comfortable England, modeled and moulded upon Continental principles and meeting in due course an inevitable fate, or whether you will be a great country, an imperial country, a country where your sons, when they rise, rise to paramount positions, and obtain not merely the esteem of their countrymen, but command the respect of the world." - Benjamin Disraeli \_ I liked my Euripides the most. Short and to the point. --op \_ I think we're making different points here. \_ i was referring more to the big spew above than your Disraeli quote. \_ I rate the probability that Lemmy Killmeister rips off your head and shits down your neck as: high. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34623 Activity:moderate |
11/3 If the deficit continues at the current rate, what would it imply? I mean, what does all the deficit really means? \_ Deficit/surplus as a percentage of GDP: 1976, -4.2% 1983, -6% 1992, -4.7% 2003, -3.5% http://www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=1821&sequence=0#table2 \_ Any figures for national debt as % of GDP? \_ Looks like we'll have to raise taxes to get out it. \_ Taxes were coming regardless of who won the election. The question is who is going to get taxed. Kerry would have taxed the rich. Bush will likely gut the EITC among other things. \_ One of the problems with taxing the rich that raising taxes often just makes them put their money in shelters, which doesn't help the economy OR tax revenues. Notice how Kerry's wife only pays 15% of her income in taxes? \_ Shhh... We're not supposed to talk about Teresa. \_ Raise taxes or pray for the economy to get hot, but unfortunately the current bunch in Washington is religious. However, we've clearly been here before, and the chicken littles are likely overstating their case. \_ Nah, we'll just keep borrowing until total collapse. |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34624 Activity:moderate |
11/3 Poll - Who is the hottest? Jenna : . Barbara : (the young one, not the senior one) Vanessa : Edwards : . \_ What about poor Alex? Edwards : . \_ Jenna is too fat. Between Barbara and Edwards, well neither are "hot" but Barbara had a cute smile when she gave her speeches. \_ Where's the motd chubby chaser when you need him? |
2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34625 Activity:nil |
11/3 Someone's overwriting and it ain't me. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:34626 Activity:nil |
11/3 BTW, fellow liberal hosers: The number one problem we have is the image of the "liberal elite": Unpatriotic, not proud to be an American, rich, not hard-working and lounging at sushi bars (thanks psb for that latter idea), saying and believing anything to win the election (gay marriage?), valuing spotted owls above jobs, being critical instead of optimistic, and not supporting our soldiers. (I'm stressing "image" of the liberal elite. I am not saying this is how it actually is ... if you don't know what I'm talking about, do two things. (1) Watch Team America: World Police. (2) Read this thread: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1269267/posts \_ I did a study 1998-ish where I tried to talk to the occupant of any house that sported an American flag. Most of them are initially surprised by my knocking on their door, but they became quite talkative once I explained myself. Out of 23 houses that I visited in Northern California (mainly around the Peninsula) and in suburban Boston (around Wilmington and Norwood), 21 self- identified as Republican. The other 2 households were around Boston and were Pats fans. This has no scientific value, but I thought the result was interesting nevertheless. \_ I disagree. It's a combination of uncharismatic leaders, the image of giving free stuff to poor "welfare queens" etc. and the abortion/gays/guns/god stuff. Culturally, John and Teresa are out of step with regular people, just the way they talk. A guy like Clinton had much better rapport with people. \_ Yeah, I also wanted to add "out of touch with the average American" to the list. Remember, it's the perception of what a liberal is. All those freeper posts about how happy the libs lost -- they are talking about this image. -op \_ bullshit. the liberals tend to lose because of pussies like you. do you think that if bush lost, they'd all be sighing on the freeper boards about how their extremist rightwing religious agenda is out of the mainstream? of course not. they'd be shaking their fists over it, and demanding blood in 2008. \_ Whatever you say man. -op |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:34627 Activity:moderate |
11/3 Historically, what is the longest duration which we had a republican president? what about democratic? \_ see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Us_president#List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States \_ see : http://tinyurl.com/5hna3 |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34628 Activity:high |
11/3 So there was a lot of griping about the BushCo victory on the motd and on wall with people threatening to leave the country for "friendlier" shores. I was thinking of setting up a fund to help our disenfranchised liberals reach that goal, kind of like the HELP-US fund a couple years ago to help defray the cost of moving people like Alec Baldwin out of the country. Anyone interested in helping out? Perhaps we could call it the "Alec Baldwin Pledge" fund. Email if interested. I already have one person willing to donate. -williamc \_ Pretty huffy stuff for somebody who has a Smiths quote in their finger file. \_ I could find a high-paying job in Canada without your help if I wanted, motherfucker. Instead I choose to stay and fight. You will fucking taste defeat, and I'll be there to kick sand right into the bleeding wounds of your party's dying body when it happens. \_ Bring It On! \_ mmm, I'm going to laugh at anyone that even SUGGESTS that BushCo is the Great Uniter. Here's prime counter example of the sort of uniting in action that BushCo instills.... \_ Ah yes, it's nice to see 'tit-for-tat' schoolyard mentality in our nation's scholars. Well done! \_ Ha ha. It's nice to see that the decline of our once great country is such a joke to you. Enjoy the tax cuts. \_ it's not a joke to him, which is why he's probably setting up such a fund. and it's not that easy to enjoy the tax cut when it's going to bite us in the ass in the future. \_ My kids and grandkids won't be paying for the taxcuts cuz I don't have any. \_ Leaving the country now would be like leaving a loved one in the presence of a serial rapist because you don't approve of rape. I'm here for the long haul, and I'll stop your corporate plunder by any means necessary, bitch. --erikred |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34629 Activity:high |
11/3 High voter turnout was supposed to help Kerry. We got record turnout and voted for Bush. Ideas? \_ Priests telling their congregations that not voting for Bush was a sin? \- i think strategically locating wedge issues like gay=bad may have helped proBUSH turn out, e.g. in OH. i wonder if this would have been doable if MA and SF had help off for one yr. --psb \_ two reasons. One, the blue states are full of city people who don't have time to raise kids. In contrast, the red hick states are full of people who have too much time to screw around, like their sisters and cousins so they tend to out-reproduce the blue population. Point two, the blacks were suppose to help out, which they did (90% voted for Kerry). But the new Black voter turn-out rate was the lowest of all ethnics, which, should not be a surprise given how apathetic they have been since the 60s. So who screwed it up for Kerry? The damn hicks and the damn niggers. \_ so when is P. Diddy going to officially become this country's most prolific non-government-sanctioned mass murderer? \_ Ya know, where would be without the motd in our lives, to bring us wonderful reminders of the power of a University Education? \_ the Amish people must have voted for Bush. It is all their fault. For the good of the country, we must begin eradication of the the filthy Amish population! Hail! \_ There was no way that we were going to let Kerry take this country away from us and give it to the gays and the godless Europeons! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34630 Activity:low |
11/3 Why did Kerry have a strong, early exit poll lead? - Because while the Democrats were voting during the day, the Republicans were working. (bahrump bump) \_ Dick Morris (who predicted a Bush win) says it was liberals attempting to depress conservative turnout - says it's very hard to get an exit poll wrong - you have to work very hard to do it. \_ Bush either won for one of 4 different reasons: 1) Electronic voting machines were rigged (hence the exit poll inconsistency in states with EVs) 2) People really like Bush's policies. 3) People don't like Bush's policies, but like his "moral compass" or whatever 4) People don't like Bush's policies, but where more scared by John Kerry's potential policies. For me, order of scariness worst to best: 1,3,2,4 |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:34631 Activity:nil |
11/3 So, when are the pissed off, desperate liberal extremists going to suicide bomb Ohio, Florida, and Texas? \_ Well the Unabomber was a Berkeley Liberal... \_ He spent two years in Berkeley, and hated liberals \_ Remember that it is a crime to threaten the President. \_ Who said anything about that? |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34632 Activity:moderate |
11/3 Hello, fellow liberals. We have been defeated. I guess we might as well as embrace all the things that our conquerers would like us embrace. What's the best way to go about learning Christianity, country dancing, guns, Southern food, dating hot Southern belles, and other good stuff? -ok thx \_ I know you're trying to be funny but there are quite a bit of Democrats who are Christian, do country dancing, have a hobby in guns, etc... Not all of those things are Republican- only things. \_ yes and there are good Muslims and bad Christians, that stereotype sucks, blah blah blah. Who cares. The exit poll numbers speak for themselves. If 91% of the Bush supporters value Bush's religion and faith while only 9% of the Kerry supporters value the same thing, then the majority has spoken to us what they really are. \_ Learn proper anal intercourse technique. Southern Belles seem to love that shit. \_ Hello German John. No Hail for you. \_ I would have (a) signed it, and (b) provided an ass link for your convenience. Bad. Down. -John \- south western belle ass link: link:csua.org/u/9rg \_ I, for one, welcome our old Republican overlords. \_ All us liberals really want now is another Bill Clinton, less the hobby of getting blow jobs from interns. the predisposition of getting blow jobs from interns. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic] UID:34633 Activity:nil |
11/3 Is the motd liberal, conservative, libertarian or moderate? \_ All of the above? \_ seconded. \_ in general, what is the trend? \_ liberal \_ That might be true of CSUA in general, but I don't think it's true of the motd specifically anymore. \_ knee-jerk. -John |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34634 Activity:high |
11/3 GW Bush gives one to all you liberals: -troll http://www.gwpda.org/tomorrow/bushsuckerpunch.gif \_ This was in the media a while ago. \_ Yeah, and I'm the one who posted it to motd several months ago. I thought it was relevant to today's result. -op/troll \_ Yeah that's true. \_ This is great! This is exactly what I walled about, let's make it happen! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34635 Activity:high |
11/3 Bush and Cheney are probably laughing right now and thinking, "Those idiots, we fucked them and they still voted for us, god bless America! Is this a great country or what?" \-Eh Eh Eh \_ you know this is not the case. \_ How so? They really fucked America for good during the last 4 years. Pocketed most of the billions of surplus into their own and supporter's hands. Dragged us into a war that was based on a proven lie which they knew from the beginning. But hey, once you are in war, what can you do? Created far more potential terrorists than any president in history. Alienated us from the rest of the world (use the UN when it fit our agenda, fuck them when they don't. Heck, why do we even have laws, why don't we all just take justice into our own hands. Fuck the police). And the best part is, they successfully convince the average American that getting a blow job is a far worst crime than killing thousands of innocent lives for greed and money. But hey, Bush is dumb and strongly believes what he's doing (unlike the flip-flopper), just like your typical dumb Republican rednecks. It's sad but Bin Ladin really does have a good cause, because people that run a country like a greedy blood sucking company need to be killed, period. \_ I think you just contradicted yourself. If Bush really believes in what he's doing, and believes his rhetoric, then he's not laughing at us. \_ And I was called a ranty bigot in the motd -eric \_ What, Nooo... No elitism here... |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34636 Activity:high |
11/3 A logical plan for secession: http://house.style.net/usa.jpg \_ "God Bless Our Gra-cious Queen ......" \_ Looks like Iowa will go to Jesusland instead of USC. n \_ At first glance I thought the green part reads "Jerusaland". \_ At first glance I thought the green part reads "Jerusaland". \_ We'll have to get rid of that "we stand on God for thee" part. -tom \_ Ah yes. We should ethically cleanse the rednecks out of Indiana and Ohio first though. We don't want to drive through Jesusland to get to Michigan. We could let them have half of Indiana... they need the Brickyard for their NASCAR activities. \_ Your man lost. Get over it. Keep in mind that CA voted 55/45, not 100/0. \_ Well, keep in mind your man won by only about 150k votes in Ohio, so let's not all kid ourselves. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34637 Activity:kinda low |
11/3 How come every picture of Kerry and Edwards in the media today looks like they're about to kiss? \_ GARRAIGE! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34638 Activity:kinda low |
11/3 I guess Canada is the place for Liberals who like an unbiased media... http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive.php?id=20041025 \_ Duh, Dubya is clearly bad. There's just no arguing it. Stolen Honor is about what Kerry did 30-40 years ago, and people are still arguing about Vietnam. Stolen Honor is about what Kerry did 30-40 years ago, and people are still arguing about Vietnam. \_ LOL! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34639 Activity:very high |
11/3 I'm seeing an argument around the net today that seems strangely compelling. I think the most viable argument for blue states may be to start arguing strongly for federalism and states rights. The red states can have their theocracies, so long as they don't interfere with what the blue states want for themselves. Less centralized federal government, less transfer of resources between states, and more equitable distribution of federal resources such as they would be constituted. It would be a very uphill battle, but it strikes me as the only rational response. What's really scary is that this is precisely the argument that led to the Civil War. \_ Do you even understand what you're saying? It is only a strong Federal system that allowed the Civil Rights Movement to break the evil (D)emocratic South/KKK. It is only a strong Federal system that allows a poorly written legal opinion like Roe v. Wade to make abortion a nation wide right instead of each State being allowed to decide the issue for itself. Same thing for a number of other issues I'm sure are close to your heart such as environmental laws, work place protection, health standards, OSHA, etc. Calm down, stop reading the net for a week and *think* about what you're saying. Stop *feeling*. \_ good luck. Bush said he's gonna screw stem cell research, reduce abortion, and use YOUR tax money on programs like abstenence in public schools. And I pledge allegiance to the United States, under God... \_ The sheer horror of a reduced numbers of abortions, abstinence instead of random sex, and only 25 million in FED. FUNDED embryonic stem cells. What is this country coming to? \_ Yay, decentralization, ho! Maybe those crazy libertarians aren't as evil as they seem. -- ilyas \_ Most people don't think libertarians are evil or stupid. They think they just oversimplify things. Often, to simplify is to falsify. \_ I never thought they were evil, just a little naive. Am I making a libertarian argument here? I'm not arguing that the individual states should be libertarian - I'm sure the reds would want plenty of authoritarian power over people's personal lives, and I can imagine some blues wanting more socialized medicine etc. etc. More power to them. But it is clear that this nation is coming unglued, and we need to reach an equitable compromise. The California stem cell law (which was flawed and which I opposed for various reasons) is one example of what could be possible. \_ Your argument is driven by practical considerations, but at its core, and driven to its logical conclusion, it is a libertarian argument. If you have your way and the federal gvt loses its former prominence, what's to stop the recursion from proceeding further? What if some besieged county decides it wants more local power from the state gvt, etc. Libertarians are very happy to see power localize in the communities. -- ilyas \_ I think your historical appreciation of US politics is lacking. \_ Prepare to be deported to Jesusland. \_ Elaborate. \_ I think it's pretty obvious the Dems can't handle being out of power. Dems have controlled congress for, what, 50-100 years? Now that power has shifted you're all running around screaming about how the world is going to end if we don't put you back in power. Newsflash: Democrat != Ruling Elite. When Dem's were in power, centalized goverment was good, now it's bad. Go fig. \_ Wow. You're so partisan it's a little sickening. NEITHER party wants to be out of power and both will kick and scream like a stuck pig when deprived. Attributing that to D as though it's unique to them and sets them apart from R is just silly. You've really not been paying attention outside of the Rightwing echo chambers/spin machine if you think it can be so easily reduced to that. I think mainly it's not about being out of power as it's about a damaged, morally bankrupt presidency that really has almost NOTHING in 4 years that it can point to as a success. This is what got reelected. Once the emotion dies down, and all the recriminations and stupid gloating ease back, what's going to be found is that D couldn't field a candidate that had appeal to anyone other than other D's....which led to a less ideal presidency being reelected since the opposing view was unable to field anything better. It's emarrassing for the D's, but really has little to do with your infantile and absurdly facile 'analysis'. Rise above your party's spin, kid -- that's what your education is supposed help you with; critical reasoning skills. \_ "Kid" funny insult from a guy who can't even remember back to 1995. \_ Your contentless reply only goes to confirm my opinion of you. Here, have a lollipop. \_ Did I say I was a Democrat? I'm concerned about the divide in the country and ways to solve it. \_ I never said you were. \_ Actually, your post rather strongly implied that. \_ Your post strongly implied you were. So we're even. \_ Uhm, seeing as you're replying to my first post to this subthread, I'm forced to conclude that you're an imbecile. \_ Because you sign your post so everyone knows when YOU'RE posting huh? \_ Okay, fine. We're BOTH imbeciles. \_ yeah. \_ Well, good! |
2004/11/3 [Reference/History/VietnamWar] UID:34640 Activity:nil |
11/3 The last battle of Vietnam War was fought, and it was a complete victory. Bravo Zulu! |
2004/11/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34641 Activity:nil |
11/3 google challenge: text of john edward's concession speech. i found kerry's no problem, but can't find edwards |
2004/11/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:34642 Activity:nil 60%like:34586 |
11/3 Anyone have a user id for democraticunderground so I can lurk? They shut down the forums again. Thanks. |
2004/11/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:34643 Activity:nil |
11/3 Nice. Election leads to Longest Motd EVAR! soda [2] cat /etc/motd.public | wc 1279 10939 70798 |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34644 Activity:nil |
11/3 We underestimated rednecks. Now what? \_ No -- we chose a candidate that no R or conservative would EVER vote for. Time to start playing a smarter game in the primaries. \_ I pray the Dems put up someone reasonable next time, and I pray the Republicans can get someone better than Bush. But they probably learned the wrong lesson. -voted for Bush. \_ I suspect the R can't put up Cheney in 08, so who then? McCain or Powell, I'd vote for (as a D/I). Frist? Lord, I hope not. If all D can put forward is Obama or La Clinta, then it's going to be a pretty one sided race. |
2004/11/3 [Recreation/Celebrity, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34645 Activity:nil |
11/3 So after all that political advertisements, guess who the real winner is? MEDIA COMPANIES. They are like the arms dealer, getting rich from both sides. And now that Bush wins a second term, all the media corporations will be aligned to the current admin. My guess is that the Democratic party will bicker and disintegrate in a few years while the one party US will just get bigger and bigger. Maybe it'll implode, but that'll not happen for many years to come. -troll rant dude |
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