2004/10/28 [Recreation/Media] UID:34396 Activity:low |
10/28 Star Wars Episode 3 :ROTS spoilers from a rough cut viewing http://tinyurl.com/3z6gv \_ Apparently, Yoda farts. This may be the first SW movie I don't see in the theater. \_ Damn you, I was so going to not visit this link so I could be surprised, but now I have to. \_ I hear from ILM friends that they are pleasently surprised at the quality. Before they were proud of the visuals but the rest sucked. They say it is by far the best of the three. Granted, that isn't too hard, but encouraging. |
2004/10/28 [Uncategorized] UID:34397 Activity:kinda low |
10/28 Red Sox pwns Cardinals, Bambino turns over in his grave. Bostonians wicked happy. \_ Still waiting for the first "who the fuck cares" statement. It was rather anticlimatic though, after NY-Bos \_ at least it was quick. \_ Is it over yet? |
2004/10/28 [Uncategorized] UID:34398 Activity:nil |
10/27 There was a de-penised wonder here commenting about a problem posted by ilyas, which said de-penised wonder had, in all likelihood, previously deleted, and in response to which needle-pegging weenieness the management has kindly provided not an ass link, but a technical means for transporting ass links conveniently and comfortably: http://www.kolumbus.fi/xtmb/goatsefloppy |
2004/10/28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:34399 Activity:nil |
10/28 The Brain Game! http://www.imgag.com/product/full/ap/3067907/graphic1.swf |
2004/10/28 [Uncategorized] UID:34400 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Is there a good Latin word for "bullshit", in the sense of smoke & mirrors, fast talking, "money talks & bullshit walks"? -John \-On Geroge Bush aka Chimpy: Exemplum de simia quae quando plus ascendit plus apparent posteriora eius. \_ One word, partha, and monkey buttocks don't count. \_ stratagem? - ciyer \_ Was hoping for something a bit more cynical (imagine Drill Sgt. Hartmann yelling BULLSHIT!) \_ That Mel Gibson jesus film supposedly used "street latin." Maybe you should look up what their source was for that. \_ Res Ipsa Loquitor |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34401 Activity:high |
10/28 Smoking gun on the explosives issue: http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/102904Y.shtml \_ Liberal media consipracy. Jason Blair. CBS. NANANANANA CAN'T HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR YOU. \_ This isn't anything like a smoking gun for anyone seeking a real answer. Your link says that they don't know what they were looking at. It says the place was looted but it would have been "unlikely" anyone could haul 380 tons of anything away while the streets were "jammed with American armor". This is a very serious issue and you're making a big fucking joke of it. If the stuff was gone before we got there, we need to know that. If it was somehow looted (all 380 tons) by the guys with the pickup truck mentioned in your link, then we need to know that. If it was moved to Syria or just other places inside the country which had 1 *million tons of other crap all over the place, we need to know that. Your link is speculation, not fact and certainly not a smoking gun. No one needs to cry out "liberal bias!" to see your link doesn't say what you say it says. Your link isn't biased. It reports facts. You are spinning the facts presented by the media into biased and unsubstantiated conclusions. \_ see first comment \_ http://kstp.com/article/stories/S3741.html?cat=1 Couldn't be clearer. Yahoo News on the analysis: link:csua.org/u/9pc \_ The second URL doesn't go anywhere. \_ There has been no smoking gun. It's STILL not clear what happened to the 380 tons of RDX/HMX between March and May 2003. Securing this facility was not a priority for Dubya -- finding bio, chemical, and more significant nuclear components was his priority. \_ No it wasn't. This was one of the biggest friggin NUCLEAR sites in Iraq! \_ What else besides RDX/HMX was nuclear-related at Al-Qaqaa in March, 2003? \_ A huge amount of dual use manufacturing and research equipment. Also all looted. \_ Are you sure this was at Al-Qaqaa? What is clear? The general problem of not having enough troops, widespread looting of explosives from arms sites and from every public institution that began immediately after Baghdad fell (if not earlier), and the post-war plan being botched in general. \_ What are "proximity fuses" made out of? This is a serious question. |
2004/10/28 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:34402 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Gah! HOw do I keep spamassassin's files from putting me over quota? I have STFW. I spent a couple hours, actually. I lack sufficient clue to find the answer. \_ Add a 'rm -f LSPAM' line to your .login. \_ What does that do? I don't know of an "LSPAM" file. \_ Um, if you never see LSPAM files, never mind. \_ Does this mean someone else is using ifile? \_ Guilty as charged. \_ Wow. \_ Link the following files in ~/.spamassassin to /dev/null (using ln -s): auto-whitelist.db@ -> /dev/null bayes_journal@ -> /dev/null bayes_seen@ -> /dev/null bayes_toks@ -> /dev/null \_ Hmm. Maybe I'm asking too much, but is there a way to stay under quota that doesn't involve crippling bayesian filtering? I don't get why I'd be the only person whose bayes_* files are going over quota. I just haven't heard what people are doing about it given sa's populariry. \_ You aren't the only one. I asked for a quota increase. It's not like it's a lot of space. \_ Google for Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf, and look at the following configuration settings: bayes_journal_max_size bayes_expiry_max_db_size bayes_auto_expire bayes_learn_to_journal \_ Alrighty. The trouble is answers web-wide are good for the quotas on particular systems. I would like some suggested values for these items (which all go into .spamassassin/ user_prefs for others trying to learn from this thread) that are good for soda. \_ I have all these files like bayes_toks.expire7965 that I am pretty sure I did not used to have. What is going on? \_ http://csua.org/u/80t |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34403 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Here you go, Partha. Actual Economist endorsement of Kerry: http://csua.org/u/9oz (economist.com) \_ The editor, Bill Emmott, put it this way: "It was a difficult call, given that we endorsed George Bush in 2000 and supported the war in Iraq. But in the end we felt he has been too incompetent to deserve re-election." \_ Summary: Guantanamo bad!!! Waaaaaa!!! Nothing to recommend for Kerry. And apperently they haven't actually read the Geneva Convention resolutions. \_ where does it say "parade people around naked and make them masturbate into the mouths of the prisoner over there and have some dumbass from virginia take photos of them"? \_ Um, that didn't happen in Guantanamo you idiot. That was Abu Ghraib in Iraq. \_ That's what you think! - seymour \_ Why do people keep forgetting that in a two-candidate system, any refutation of one candidate automatically recommends the other candidate? \_ "You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror." -GW Bush America, Fuck Yeah!!!!1! \_ Which is why you should always vote *for* someone instead of *against* someone. \_ If your choice is between handing a loaded gun to the guy who just shot you in the foot and some guy who hasn't shot you in the foot yet, go with the guy who hasn't shot you yet. He *might* shoot you, but the other guy *will* shoot you. \_ I'm voting for the guy who isn't George W. Bush! \_ Hint: it's not "instead of". You do both, unless you don't vote at all, which would accomplish nothing. \_ Holding people indefinitely without trial or right to council or right to defend themselves or even know what the charges or right to defend themselves or even to know what the charges against them are seems fundamentally unamerican to me. -ausman \_ Yeah, at least Dubya could have done what the JAGs argued very strenuously for: some way to vet all the detainees and some kind of a process. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? |
2004/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:34404 Activity:nil |
10/28 Has anyone had trouble building SpamAssassin 3.0.1 on RH 9? It seems to have major problems, and I can't tell if it's SA's fault or Redhate's. perl Makefile.PL yields a Makefile with stray single quotes and truncated lines. google searches yield no help. --scotsman \_ No idea about that in particular, but can you generate the makefile on some other system and copy it in? \_ doesnt answer your question (this IS the motd) but it worked out of the box for me on Solaris 9 and Gentoo 2004. Instead of using the makefile, i ran: perl -MCPAN -e'install Mail::SpamAssassin' |
2004/10/28 [Uncategorized] UID:34405 Activity:nil |
Please don't nuke. |
2004/10/28-29 [Recreation/Media] UID:34406 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Does anyone know how movie theaters pay movie makers? I had heard that there is a base film price, and then some percentage of tickets sales, the percentage of which decreases over time such that it is almost 0% by the time the movie has been out 4 weeks. Anyone know details? \_ There's not much more to it. CNN says pretty much the same: http://money.cnn.com/2002/03/08/smbusiness/q_movies \_ Hmmm.. thanks. My numbers were a little off, but ok. (Blockbusters start at about 90% of ticket sales a descend to about 35%, after 5-6 weeks. I wonder what dollar theaters do?) \_ Again, they lease, but at significantly lower rates. For them, it's really all about the connections they have with the distro houses. Also, in case you were wondering why AMC gets Spiderman while Century gets Harry Potter, the big chains bid very competitively and will guarantee the studios a certain amount of money; kind of like Oakland promising the Raiders a certain number of sold seats. \_ Why is it done this way? \_ consider that theatres make most of their revenue off of concessions and not ticket sales, and you'll realize why the cost to theatre of getting a movie drops over time. after time, the movie doesn't draw in as large of a crowd and so concessions sales are lower, so the cost of the movie needs to be such that the theatre doesn't lose out. \- i think it is interesting there is flat pricing for movies. --psb |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:34407 Activity:nil |
10/28 This is funny. And I do agree that Bush is an effective leader. Lead us to wrong directions, but an effective leader never the less: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/27/opinion/27kristof.html username / pw = bobbob \_ obLongUnproductiveThreadAboutWhatEffectiveLeaderWrongDirectionMeans \_ America, fuck yeah!!!! \_ That is funny. Thank you. |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34408 Activity:low |
10/28 Bush campaign admits doctoring campaign ad image: http://csua.org/u/9p5 (yahoo! news) Please don't nuke. \- as has been established, i'm no fan of BUSHCO, but why is this interesting/disturbing/bad? --psb Please don't nuke. |
2004/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:34409 Activity:high |
10/28 I just built a terrabyte raid server using linux. The distro is an older version of RH 8 (need it to keep compatibility with certain apps). I formatted the raid to be XFS. The server is an NFS server, and I appear to be hitting the 2 gig file limit. According to the docs I'm supposed to be able to get beyond the 2 gig limit with RH8. I have compiled a new 2.4.27 kernel to replace the stock RH8 kernel to be sure. Is this perhaps a limitation of the NFS server? How can I tell and do I just need to recompile the NFS utils and server? Isn't the server somehow integrated with the kernel now? Or is this a limitation of the filesystem? -williamc \_ I have no problem using ext3 and NFS with the 2.4.20-30.8 kernel. My guess is your filesystem. Does it have a largefiles option? (I'm not familiar with xfs except on SGI.) \_ Well, it should. XFS is supposed to handle large files rather well. Other than dumping a 2+ gig file on the drive is there a way to tell if the underlying filesystem supports 2+ gigs? I also heard that there may be libc issues. What libc version are you using? \_ The question is "Does it by default?". What's wrong with dumping a 2+ gig file to the drive? That will provide your answer. I am using glibc-2.3.2-4.80.6, if it matters. \_ The fact that it's two gigs? Why apply hammer if you can just figure it out by some setting? -williamc \_ Are you having trouble with a particular application? does dd create a file that large? I've had some problems with some applications that don't deal with the largeness correctly (apache, squid) \_ I'm having trouble with it in general. I would like it to work with NFS. The applications run on Sun machines, so no 2 gig barrier on the apps. -williamc \_ I would stay away from XFS if you care about your data. The XFS fsck code will corrupt your data if you lose power during a journal replay. This can happen if you crash due to a power failure, the power comes back on, you start the recovery, and the power fails again. We just did a paper on this: http://keeda.stanford.edu/~junfeng/papers/osdi04.pdf --twohey. \_ And ext3 or reiserfs is better? -williamc \_ And ext3 or reiserfs is better? BTW, I read your paper, you guys didn't test XFS... -williamc \-i have not throughly read this over (yet) but any plans to look at non-linux (AssOS) filesystems? I've been so frustrated with linux i couldnt bring myself to participate in this thread. ObAndrewHumeonAssOS |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34410 Activity:low |
10/28 http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=206661 "No, my fellow countrymen you are guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. You are as guilty as Bush and Cheney. You're as guilty as Rumsfeld and Ashcroft and Powell ... After decades of American tyranny and oppression, now it's your turn to die. Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood matching drop for drop the blood of America's victims. ... People of America, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, Osama bin Laden and Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri, that what took place on Sept. 11 was but the opening salvo of the global war on America ... And that Allah willing, the magnitude and ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about Sept. 11." \_ "And, again, I don't know where he [bin laden] is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." -GW \_ That's nice you quote only this part. Shows how honest you are. \_ "Azzam, who formerly worked for Haliburton, KBR, and Senior Presidential Advisor Karl Rove, says that this imminent attack should serve to underscore Vice President Dick Cheney's fearmongering." |
2004/10/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:34411 Activity:moderate |
10/28 I don't know jack about anthropology, but isn't it a bit of a stretch to start believing in hobbits because of *one* skeleton? \_ Reread any of the articles. It wasn't "one skeleton" \_ If you mean hobbits a la LOTR, of course it is. If you mean the existence of three-foot-tall hominids, the sheer number of skeletons found is enough to be fairly convincing. \_ I mean the latter. I was just looking at the Nature paper, and only saw reference to one or two skeletons. Are there more reported elsewhere? \_ you don't have to worry; that was 20,000 years ago, and since the earth is only 6,000 years old, clearly they were planted by the Devil to tempt us into disbelief. -tom \_ Jeez. I'm not worried, I'm just curious. Some friends and I were looking at the article in Nature, and it sounded pretty nutty. \_ Silly tom, it's doesn't say anywhere that one of the animal species God created couldn't be hominid. \_ This sounds like something the Devil would write. \_ One thing I didn't get was whether they could just be some monkey or ape form. There were homo erectus on the same island. From the one article I read I didn't see any proof that these creatures could even talk, or that the tools couldn't have been from the homo erectus (erecti?) there. Basically there didn't seem to be enough justification to call them "men". |
2004/10/28 [Science/Space] UID:34412 Activity:low |
10/28 My favorite Haiku: My Moon-based Death Ray Panics the people of Earth. Mock my theories now! --Andrew G. McCann \- california dude surfs up and the babes are rad totally bitchin \_ Hammasrattaat hak- kaavat. Samassa langat tavarataakkaa. (Finnish haiku featuring the specialty of using 'a' vowel only) \_ I don't understand How you people write haiku Without saying zinc. |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:34413 Activity:nil |
10/28 O'Reilly - Mackris case settled out of court. No details on whether there was money or how much, nor actual tapes. (It is legal to record telephone conversations without the other party's knowledge in New York, which is where Mackris was.) http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=peopleNews&storyID=6651265 |
2004/10/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:34414 Activity:nil |
10/28 what's lpt1 under linux? /dev/???? thanks. \_ lp1 I'd guess. -John |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34415 Activity:nil |
10/28 Did anyone else notice the constant cutaways to an unnamed US barracks in baghdad, with US soldiers watching the game, during the World Series? With the caption "Multi-National Force" underneath what were clearly only US soldiers? Interesting how the FOX News tilt has made its way into their SPORTS coverage! And after the game, the first question they asked one of the Red Sox was something along the lines of "What do you have to say to the soldiers over in Baghdad?" |
2004/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:34416 Activity:nil |
10/28 Re: "spamassassin going over quota" thread below, I will restate: Try ifile. It's an excellent bayesian filter whose database currently uses less than 230K for me. \_ I tried setting up ifile. It was that much more complicated and didn't work nearly as well as sa once I did. YMMV. Still, if sa is going to consistently involve up to 10M of reference files, I may give it another go. I have only so many hours to burn on this stuff, though. I am not the sysadmin from a couple of days ago who "works 1.5 hours a day". |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34417 Activity:very high |
10/28 Mostly serious inquiry for BUSHCO supporters: If Bush were revealed to have a catamite back at the Crawford Ranch, would you still vote for him? If you are supporting him so that your dividends arent taxed, is it still about the money? On the flip side, would you Clintonistas have had a "problem" if Monica were say 15 ... I have to think the people who defended the Mark Rich pardon would stick with him through thick [monica] and thin. --psb \_ This is why I think there should be a mechanism in place to rescind the nomination and renominate on a dime. Or have a succession plan, like the VP-hopeful becomes P-hopeful. It seems silly to suddenly become a liberal for an election because a conservative ended up being unusually slimy this election season. -- ilyas \_ Pardons cannot be defended, as there is no offense. The power of pardon, as abused as it might be is at the discretion of the President. Some people are more discrete than others. Personally, I'm a good deal more bothered by Bush I's pardons than Clinton's. \- is it not obvious i am not accusing him of doing something illegal but hypocritical, sleazy etc w.r.t. to the marc rich pardon. yes, this is not a great issue of state like the nixon pardon, but i think it significant for its egregiousness not its significance, if you see what i mean. --psb \_ Well, I'm male, so I'm not a Clitonista, though I was a stolid \- You know, not all the Sandinistas were women. supporter of Clinton. But to answer your question, if he'd been caught with a 15 year old, I'd have very sadly, and with much grief in my heart howled for his blood. \_ I don't think I count as a Clintonista, since I voted for Nader, but I supported him through the impeachment hearings. But if Monica had been 15, yes, I would have called for his hide. \_ What is catamite and why should I care? I vote republican not b/c of Bush. I vote for GOP candidates b/c I think that in the long run only republicans can return us to a "wise and frugal government" that restrains men from injurying one another, but otherwise leaves them free to regulate their own affairs. \_ example: invasion of Iraq :p I also feel that the major problems stem from stupid socialist policies brought about by democrats (New Deal, Great Society, &c.). Also Democrats will likely bring about crappy social policy like abortion on demand, legal pot, condoms for jr kids and garraige. I'm also appalled at the prospect of a more liberal judiciary that doesn't understand the fundamentals of federalism and willy nilly makes law. The last democrat I would have considered voting for is Truman (the only bad thing I can say about Truman is that he didn't let MacArthur win in Korea). \_ MacArthur wanted to use *WMD* on China. Then again, if MacArthur can open fire upon USA's own WWI veterans, nuking civilians shouldn't be much of a moral challenge for him. \_ There's nothing frugal about Bush's government. The problem with your thinking is that you're voting based on a predetermined partisan mindset regardless of the actual candidate. You are also falling prey to GOP scare tactics on the garriage thing which is \_ MacArthur wanted to use *WMD* on China. Then again, if MacArthur can open fire upon USA's own WWI veterans, nuking civilians shouldn't be much of a moral challenge for him. \_ MacArthur would have solved the China problem. The Bonus March was probably not the smartest thing to do, but I agree w/ MacArthur's view that "we fought for our country, not for money". \_ There's nothing frugal about Bush's government. The problem with your thinking is that you're voting based on a predetermined partisan mindset regardless of the actual candidate. You are also falling prey to GOP scare tactics on the garriage thing which is \_ BUSH = DRAFT!!!!!```11one~uno!!! ridiculous. \_ Can you seriously tell me that any Democrat will roll back the progressive income tax? Can you honestly tell me that any Democrat will reduce social programs? Which Democrat will tell kids to stop taking drugs and having sex and stay in school and study? How many Democrats really advocate personal responsibility? Also which Democrats truly will put America first and go against world stupidity (need I remind you that Democrats were opposed to Zero Option and were pro detente)? |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34418 Activity:very high |
10/28 Jude Wanniski, father of supply-side theory, endorses Kerry: http://www.wanniski.com/showarticle.asp?articleid=3935 \_ Can someone please tell us why he's wrong? \_ HMX is only needed for implosion-type fusion nukes. Terrorists can still make gun-type fission nukes fairly easily as long as they have the highly-enriched uranium. Terrorists can still make gun-type fission nukes fairly easily as long as they have the highly-enriched uranium. \_ So, that's all you need to know to forget about what the father of Reaganomics has to say? Alrightie. |
2004/10/28 [Consumer/Camera] UID:34419 Activity:nil |
10/28 Bush flipping off the camera. Is this for real? http://static.vidvote.com/movies/bushuncensored.mov \_ Apparently so. |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34420 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Any bets on whether the new "Al Qaeda" tape will prove to be real? \_ I don't think al-queda is as centralized as the administration says it is. they didn't start calling themselves "al-queda" until the gwbush administration started blamin everything on them. \_ It IS real. Authenticated by the CIA. Delivered in Pakistan. Professionally done. Speaker follows the news and is more articulate than Dubya. \_ Um... "But agency officials said they have not been able to authenticate the tape." http://csua.org/u/9pd (yahoo news) Also, who is leaking this shit to Drudge? \_ "The CIA and FBI have authenticated a new al Qaeda videotape" http://www.drudgereport.com/abct2.htm Well, that's where I got "authenticated" from, I guess. \_ Sure, a Drudge link. Heh. \_ Anyway, I guess the CIA hasn't authenticated it, but from all evidence so far it's real: http://ww.csmonitor.com/2004/1029/p06s01-wosc.html Of course, IMO, the guy is talking completely out of his ass. \_ In case you haven't noticed, pretty much all terrorists are totally nuts. Who but a nut job could you get to drive a car full of explosives someplace and BLOW HIMSELF UP? \_ "talking out of his ass" = making claims that he can't back up with actions \_ Oh, sorry. Does that make me a FOB? \_ 5 dollah sucky sucky! \_ that's not really a global definition. To "talk out of one's ass" generally means talking bullshit, usually in the sense of making stuff up as needed. Similarly, "he pulled that out of his ass" means he just made something up and passed it off as real. |
2004/10/28-29 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:34421 Activity:high |
10/28 What's the best cell phone deal out there? Preferably not linked to a mandatory 2 year contract? \_ *sound of crickets chirping in the backgroud* \_ er, what do you need and/or what do you want to pay? i.e. how many minutes, long distance, national roaming etc. \_ well, if you don't want a contract you have to go with prepaid, and the best price/coverage deal is probably Cingular/ATT. The contract length is linked to how much discount you get on your phone, so if you're willing to take a 1-year contract, you can get a MUCH better price/minute than if you went prepaid, but you'll get a better or cheaper phone if you commit to 2 years. \_ What's the best tool out there? Oh, and what's the best vehicle? \_ if you work at a company that has some sort of sponsorship agreement with a carrier, you can get a decent discount. |
2004/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:34422 Activity:nil |
10/28 I have a powerpoint file that contains many jpegs. Is there a way somehow to extract the jpegs alone and save them? |
2004/10/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34423 Activity:high |
10/28 Here is a stupid question of the day. Since butterfly ballot doesn't work, and electronic voting machine sucks, why don't we just use *SCANTRONS* for ballot? Anyone who attend a year or two of high school would be very familar with this system, and scantron is a relatively fast accurate means of casting a vote, no? \_ not sure why anyone uses the butterfly ballot, good question \_ This is how we do it in my county (Northern CA). Each issue on the ballot has a rectangle next to it. We use purple felt-tip pens to fill in the rectangles. These systems are referred to "optical" systems among the voting machines. They have the lowest rate of ballot spoilage of all methods IIRC. \_ We're using scantrons as of 2004 in L.A. County too, I believe. \_ San Francisco uses Optical scan as well. It is by far and away considered to be the best overall method, but I believe the machines are very expensive compared to the Diebold type devices. Counties don't want to pay for expensive things like that. \_ Well, you know there's a government subsidy on voting machines with easily fakable vote counts. \_ Hey, Oregon has mail-in balloting only. They should do this nationally. No more long line, wrong precinct problems. They just have to mail them by some postmark, let's say, or drop them off at specific locations by a certain day. \_ Absentee has the most possibilities for fraud. I'm for outlawing it. \_ Sutter County uses scantrons as well. \_ How about if people are too stupid to write legible ballots / vote they have to live with their own actions? \_ A scantron card is easy to use if you can figure it out. A butterfly ballot can get fucked up by quite a lot of reasonably intelligent people. A Diebold machine can crash and lose all votes on its little Windows brain forever, or have its Microsoft Access "security" hacked and have votes changed, without any record. \_ As balloting methods go, scantrons are a lot better than many of the other methods out there, but still far from perfect. If memory serves the most common problem with scantron style ballots are entry errors, e.g. partially filled in bubble/rectangle, filling in multiple rectangles for a single race, etc. Though better than punchcards with their hanging, pregnant, dimpled, etc. chads there is still the possibility of inaccuracy when interpreting voter intent. Scantrons are *WAY* cheaper than computerized touch-screen DRE voting systems, but most of the scantron voting systems are made by the same companies that make DRE voting systems. Since there's more profit to be made on DRE systems than scantrons, the companies are much more aggressive about selling the DRE systems. It's a pretty easy sell since many election supervisors are fairly clueless when it comes to technology, and the DRE systems have a much higher ``gee-whiz, ain't computers cool'' factor than scantrons. The money allocated by HAVA (Help America Vote Act) can only be spent on election equipment/maintenance, and if local officials don't spend it, it disappears so there's no incentive to buy scantrons for price reasons. One other thing to consider is that scantron ballot counting devices are potentially hackable, though, IMO, much less so than most DRE systems. Of course, you have a paper trail for manual recounts which is definitely an improvement over DRE's. -dans |
3/15 |