2004/10/11 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:34024 Activity:very high |
10/8 I have a greencard but don't have a US citizenship. Can I get in/out of Canada using just my greencard+driver's license? Do I need my passport? Is there anything I have to do at the Taiwanese embassy? -Taiwanese \_ I was under the impression that US citizens were now expected to present a passport at the border. The last time I crossed the border I was stopped several miles *inside* the U.S. in upstate new york and asked by a soldier to present a passport( I'm a U.S. citizen). Paranoia is the word of the day right now. And with Bush slipping in the polls, I would expect Tom Ridge to be announcing lots of vague terror threats in the next few weeks. If I were you, i'd bring whatever documentation I could possible think of, and find a place ahead of time to stay in possibly think of, and find a place ahead of time to stay in canada after you get stuck there. \-for mexico and canda greencard will get you back into the country ... when i have gone to mexico, they have sometimes stamped my passport. if you were a brown person, i would probably take a passport to mexico. i think it's generally not a bad idea to take the passport along. \_ 1. I wouldn't do it. I would suggest you get visa anyway. 2. just a kindly reminder. There is no such thing as Taiwanese embassy. \_ I know, it's called the Taiwanese Cultural Center. I said embassy because most people here don't know about it. \_ ditto above. I think that technically as a citizen, you can just present your driver's license, so you might be able to get away with just your greencard and license. I've known a couple people who went away for holidays in the last two years and were unable to get back in for several weeks. Granted, these were people with student visas who went home to India. Canada might not be a problem... but I'd do a little online research just in case. \_ You need your Taiwan passport to get in/out of country and a green card to enter the US. \_ I read about this on the CIS website - since Mexico & Canada are NAFTA countries, as a permanent resident you are allowed up to 30-day per stay without Mexican/Canadian visa. It's a good idea to bring your passport along though - the U.S. Border Patrol would want to see it. \-hello i posted the original followup but another fellow makes a good point about the new chimpy world order ... now i would take my passport for sure. |
2004/10/11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34025 Activity:moderate |
10/11 Injured, angry, determined, Swiftees unite to fight Kerry http://www.washtimes.com/national/20041011-123955-3725r.htm \_ Awww. Reality's a bitch, huh? My heart bleeds for them. Good thing the Moonie Times and Sinclair broadcasting are still around to promote their agenda... because everyone else has stopped listening. \_ Your media tried for a long time to ignore them and is doing it again. Nothing new about that. Your media never listened in the first place. I'll take the word of 250 soldiers over one politician anyday. \_ 250 soldiers who say what? That they resented the anti-war movement? No credible source has come forth saying that Kerry did anything dishonorable during his service. Get over it already. \_ "Your media?" Do you mean the American media? They spent far too much time on it in the first place. You will not be able to ressurect that 30 year old zombie, everyone has already had their say. Why don't you want to talk about issues that matter to America today: Iraq, the economy, health care, the war on terror? Is it perhaps because with the possible exception of the latter, they are all losers for Bush? What are you going to do on Nov 3 after your hero loses? |
2004/10/11 [Politics/Domestic/California, ERROR, uid:34026, category id '18005#11.875' has no name! , ] UID:34026 Activity:nil |
10/11 http://www.nbc25.com/news/default.asp?mode=shownews&id=2536 \_ Republicans call Democrats and lie, telling them they aren't registered and won't be allowed to vote this election. \_ Nothing new, Dems are the party of the gullible. Dem. readers of the MOTD, you are not registered and won't be allowed to vote. Ignore any voter information you receive in the mail, if you can read. Thank you. |
2004/10/11 [Uncategorized] UID:34027 Activity:nil |
10/11 Derrida est mort. \_ good riddance. \_ Mais, qui est Derrida? (Founder of deconstructionism) \_ Derrida is dead. Who is Derrida? (my guess) |
2004/10/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:34028 Activity:moderate |
10/11 Welcome back, motd conservative crank! Sorry to see that you don't have motd access over the weekend; the motd's so boring without your rants! \_ Who do you think you're talking to? Do you really think there's only one conservative here? And yes, I agree with you. Anyone who disagree with your political philosophy and posts anything that might contradict you is a crank and a ranter. It must be so. \_ I agree, the motd just isn't the same without him. Back in my BBS days I used to read FIDOnet only because of a highly entertaining right-wing crank. I wish I could remember his name - his sole purpose in life seemed to be arguing that women should not have the vote. His extremely "logical" arguments were usually backed up by extensive quotations from Aristotle and Plato. No counterargument or attempt to change the subject could impede his quest to stamp out the Great Evil of Women Voters. When he vanished, FIDOnet was never the same. \_ I understand completely. I sometimes think the only reason I read and posted to Usenet was to stir up more bizarre logic. Somehow this whole CraigsList board thing doesn't do it for me. Too much of the "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" vibe. |
2004/10/11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34029 Activity:very high |
10/11 More on the Sinclair hit-piece, and how it's connected to Bush. You gotta hand it to Karl Rove, he's got the market cornered on balls. http://csua.org/u/9eu (blog entry with links to LA Times and Disinfopedia) \_ Sinclair is without question pro-Bush, but they would argue that the material they wish to air is news/documentary, not a campaign ad. I think all that's going to happen with F9/11 is it will stay on Pay-per-view for $9.95 - and no one's going to watch. \_ I disagree with you that this is a documentary or a news report. What do you base this assertion on? It just sounds like a two hour Swift Boat ad. As for F9/11, it just makes me go "meh." Why not show "Going Upriver" instead? Moore is overexposed at this point. \_ You mean, what do they base "their" assertion on. In their view, this documentary presents the truth: Kerry's anti-war behavior weakened the morale of soldiers on the ground, POWs, and it was also illegal to negotiate with the enemy without official permission. \_ That does not mean that it is not a campaign ad. By the way, the DNC is filing an FEC complaint about this. I think they're essentially going to file an argument that this represents a multi-million dollar campaign contribution. \_ I agree the Sinclair move is free pro-Bush advertising. This won't even put a scratch into the amount of free pro-Kerry/anti-Bush advertising the media gives the left every single day. --conservative \_ How 'bout that big "policy speech" Bush announced after the VP debate which was actually a stump speech? Lap it up, liberal media! \_ Don't forget the free pro-Bush/anti-Kerry advertising the media gives the right every single day. \_ That damn partisan reality! No WMDs, etc. If only they could invent a station that would spin the bad facts and make Bush look good. We could call it "Fox News". Worth investigating! \_ Saying "No WMD" is liberal bias. After all, he wanted WMD, so it's entirely irrelevant whether he had them or not! \_ ... you are making my head explode. \_ Even assuming it does qualify as campaign advertising, Sinclair has offered the DNC equal time. The DNC has said that it will not offer anything for broadcast. \_ What is your source for this? I heard that Sinclair invited Kerry to offer a "rebuttal," not equal time. If they offer equal time, just let them run 9/11. That would be fair and I am sure Michael Moore would go for it. \_ I believe the people who own DVD rights to F9/11 would not let it run on TV, because, you know, they believe they might run the risk of not selling as many DVDs. this might run the risk of not selling as many DVDs. -- You're right about "equal time", though. Reading again, Sinclair offered Kerry the "opportunity" to sit on a panel after the show to dispute the claims. This doesn't seem like equal time to me, even though Sinclair says it is. \_ It is not too late to stop this blatantly illegal move by Sinclair. Write the FCC and your Senators and demand that they take action. |
2004/10/11 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34030 Activity:low |
10/11 http://www.theunionleader.com/articles_showa.html?article=44657 John Eisenhower (Ike's son) writes about why after 50 years as a Republican, he's voting for John Kerry. \_ and here's the non-broken version of the link: http://www.theunionleader.com/articles_show.html?article=44657&archive=1 [yes, very nice, censor the current topic and instead repost some old tom/ilyas flame fest. way to show tom isn't a censor and is a nice guy] |
2004/10/11 [Uncategorized] UID:34031 Activity:moderate |
10/11 \_ Tom, like you, makes occasionally reasonable, if unpopular points about contentious topics. He can be very cynical about it, but I have rarely seen anyone respond to his arguments recently with anything but ad hominem bullshit. Please restrict this sort of shit to the real anonymous losers who troll the motd. Anyway, the motd's mainly become more pleasant because even the negative, wrong replies are at least decently reasoned and articulated. -John \_ No, tom is a small-time asshole. Most of his 'points' are one line zingers of the 'you are an idiot' variety. I don't think he is cynical or anything like that but an asshole he is. People respond to him in an ad hominem way because that's how he is 90% of the time himself. Note how people don't do that to me so much anymore, despite, as you say, the fact that I make 'unpopular points.' Tom himself is unpopular, not his points. -- ilyas \_ I agree. ilyas is a highly entertaining loony - tom is just an annoying crank. \_ ilyas is a whiny bitch who deletes the motd. \_ No. Part of what makes him so entertaining is his "coldly logical" explanations for his temper tantrums. If he was a whiny bitch, he wouldn't be worth having around. \_ ilyas is someone who can never admit that he is wrong, even when proven so. \_ which is the #1 qualification for being a Highly Entertaining Loony! \_ he did admit recently that he may accidentally overwrite posts, and I respect him for that statement \_ Uhm, why? It's not all that meaningful if he's not going to change his behavior to correct a problem he seems to have. |
2004/10/11-12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:34032 Activity:nil |
10/11 Is there anything like MAB (the Mozilla Amazon Browser) for, say, job sites, or financial information? |
2004/10/11 [ERROR, uid:34033, category id '18005#19.7463' has no name! , ] UID:34033 Activity:high |
10/11 http://www.electoral-vote.com is down or maybe just reeeeaaaalllly slow. What other sites are people using that keep daily updated vote maps? \_ works for me. \_ It works, then it doesn't, then it works but I don't get images.... Anyway, I'd still like to know what other sites people are using for comparison and curiosity. Thanks. \_ http://www.realclearpolitics.com/Presidential_04/RCP_EC.html http://www.electionprojection.com \_ Just curious why anyone cares? There's only one 'poll' that is going to matter. Cast your vote and tune in then to find out. Are you all campaign strategists now? \_ If/when Dubya wins, people want to know the reason why, or at least how it went down. Duh. Leave them and most of America alone. And yes, they might be assisting with different campaigns as they get older. \_ I am deciding where to focus my GOTV effort. I am going to take the week before the election off from work and travel to a swing state. I need to pick one that is close. I am co-ordinating with a group of 20 people on this choice, so it is kind of cumbersome. \_ I'm going to Vega$ for this purpose, closest swing state I can think of. - danh \_ Why not ask your political party where they need your help? It seems silly to track this for anything other than entertainment and if this is entertaining then you must be really bored. Move to DC. They find this fun there. \_ You must not be a Democrat. "I do not belong to any organized party, I am a Democrat." In case you haven't noticed, the whole country is paying attention to politics this month, not just the inside the beltway crowd. \_ "Politics" is not pseudo-scientific polls conducted by people with an agenda or, at best, a poor understanding of statistics. \_ Why not get a loudspeaker? It seems silly to criticize people interested in poll numbers, for anything other than entertainment and if this is entertaining then you must be really bored. Move out of yermom's house. Many people find it fun there. \_ Yeah, following baseball statistics is much more exciting and relelvant to my life. Not. |
2004/10/11-12 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/Networking] UID:34034 Activity:nil |
10/11 Anyone have a recommendation for a serial cable analyzer? I need one that works with "live" circuits. I am interested in debugging DB-9 to RJ-45 cables. E.g, inserting the device inbetween a PC COM1 port and terminal server port. Bonus points for jumpers/wires that one can fiddle with to essentially re-wire the cable on the fly. \_ I don't know exactly what you mean by analyzer, and this is probably not what you're looking for, but since no one else is answering...a nice little juper box for db-9 is http://tinyurl.com/64gx8 you have to solder wires to make the connections, though. |
2004/10/11-12 [Reference/Military] UID:34035 Activity:very high |
10/11 Regarding the Sadr City cash-for-arms 5-day program that began today (for which Iraqis will receive $150 US for each AK-47), do you think they'll be turning in rusted weapons for cash and it will be played up politically; will it be a real disarmament; or where in between these extremes? \- This is sort of fun to review: ~psb/MOTD/GunBuyBack \- This is sort of fun to review: ~psb/MOTD/IraqGunBuyBack \_ I'm not sure I understand your reference to Year of Living Dangerously, though it tickles me pink to think of you and mkb cooking up a guns-for-ca$h scheme. --erikred \-YLD shows that people are motivated by more than pecuniary factors. you may wish to read: http://chronicle.com/free/v49/i39/39b01001.htm --psb \- they're going to get $150 and buy 3 AK-47s at $50 each from Iran, Libya, etc. It's gonna get popular! \-the possibility of arbitrage and the fact that exposes to light the arms smuggle path is dicussed in the thread. \_ I wouldn't want to be the guy driving the truck with the 4000 AK47s in it over the border from Iran or Syria. It's not worth the risk some trigger happy pilot will blow up me and my truck from 5 miles away and I'll be dead before the sound wave of the missile reaches me. \_ truck? just use a donkey cart, with a kid or two on top. |
2004/10/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34036 Activity:high |
10/11 Congress just passed a bill to hand out $14.5 billion to people who *choose* to live in the path of hurricanes. ilyas, and other motd libertarians or other social regressives, how do you feel about being "forced at gunpoint" to pay for these handouts? -meyers \_ What about the $120 billion for people who "choose" to live on top of our oil? Where's the outrage? \_ Consider it evening the scorecard for Kosovo. At least this time we are fighting for the right side (against militant Islam as opposed to for it). \_ California has earthquakes, Washington state has volcano, other states has tornados, etc. Heck, we should all move to a state without any natural disasters. \_ what, and create a state with 'man-made' disasters? \_ NYC has terrorist attacks. \_ That volcano ain't nothin'. We should create some more disasters on the west coast to keep things fair with the fed relief funds. \_ CA already tossed it out of office. \_ You're all missing the point. We hear whining about giving handouts to people who *choose* to be poor, but now we have a republican congress just giving federal money away. Where's the outrage about not letting the free market fix this problem?? There are numerous insurance companies which could be making big money here (insuring against disasters, not in paying out claims, of course) -meyers \_ I disagree with giving fed disaster relief, and pretty much all subsidies of any kind. Calling this a 'republican congress' because RNC has a slim majority is more than a little misleading. I am neither republican nor a conservative. I try my best to game a system where the two major parties are basically centrist, and I don't like either. I do tend to dislike the modern DNC more than the modern RNC, but that's DNC's fault. On a slightly unrelated note, I am glad you found something else to talk about. Thoughtful liberals and thoughtful libertarians tend to agree on social ills (it's 'bad' that people able and willing to work don't get enough to eat, etc). However, liberals are more impatient, they are willing to prod society in what they feel is 'the right direction' with a bayonet, if necessary. Libertarians are deeply suspicious of bayonets (and certainties of what 'the right direction' is), so much so that they are willing to put up with a lot of social ills to avoid said bayonets. -- ilyas \_ unless said bayonets are used by the government to murder innocent people who are wrongly conviced of a crime. apparently that doesn't even count as a social ill for libertarians. \_ I don't see how the old legal dilemma about the proportion of innocents hanging in the gallows vs the guilty prowling the streets (and where I happen to think a reasonable solution lies) have to do with libertarians. Everyone has to solve this problem. Libertarian opinions on proper solutions differ, just as liberal and conservative opinions. You are a troll. Come back with an actual point. -- ilyas \_ Which is.. exactly what they do in florida. insurance companies and hurricanes have a long colorful history. \_ Yes it's rediculous, there is plenty of discord on conservative sites. \_ You just overwrote someone. I know there are insurance companies in Florida. Where's the outrage about govt messing with their market?? -meyers \_ The same place the rest of your black 'n' white red herring strawman went. In the trash. Try again with new bait. \_ 14.5B for disaster recovery is nothing compared to the shameless giveaways to the special interests, such as the $160B farm bill signed in 2002. Even The Economist commented: "The real explanation for America's farm idiocy is electoral". Divide that by the number of tax payers. This is on average how much is being taken from you for farm subsidies. \_ As if I wouldn't pay for it at the super market or every time I eat out. I prefer paying that way but since aggressive income tax schedules are sucking my income in half I'm ok if some of that money goes to making my life better in some other way. \_ It is plain and simple vote buying by the Republican Party, no more and no less. Perfectly legal and how pork barrel politics works. |
2004/10/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34037 Activity:insanely high |
10/11 http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/news/040912/sticker.shtml wrong Bush/Kerry bumper sticker can cost you your job. \_ WTF? Isn't that more than just blatantly illegal? Shouldn't that dumbfuck attorney know that? I hope he receives hells for this. Too bad that poor lady isn't going to sue him. \_ This is exactly why we need tort reform, to prevent frivilous lawsuits like what you're describing! \_ Lordy lordy. The motd really is a parody of itself. \_ How is that at all frivolous? \_ Because the same topics come up again and again and again. The entire motd could be summarized as a read only file that simply said "et cetera ad nauseum." At some point, you start giggling at certain things, like the obligatory tort reform reference above. \_ The law is pretty clear that a private employer can fire someone \- i dont think this is "pretty clear". you have a cite? based on their political speech even when that political speech does not affect the terms and conditions of employment. Evil ... but legal! \- i dont think this is "pretty clear". you have a cite? \_ http://slate.msn.com/?id=2067578 The sentence I wrote is even taken verbatim from an ACLU rep. \- that is interesting. thanks for the ptr. some comments: it looks like in this case, doing some govt work doesnt turn you into a "public employer" [in constrast to say other "reaches" when it comes to what constitutes "state action"]. the other interesting matter is it says "can fire based on political speech" which is a different matter than beliefs. in other words, if i believe what that italie fellow believed but i only revealed it in a 1:1 conversation started by HR, could i be fired? \_ yes -dbushong i know organizaation such as churches have some increased latitude [ostentsibly a hindu temple could require the janitor to not eat bigmac at work], but this lack of requirement to show it affects the work is sort of surprising. one may have to ask if there were to italies at the job would they have to fire both of them or does that allow for a suit on other grounds. i am surprised the "right to engage in political discourse" isnt better protected ... it seems to merit at least a gay if he believes in gay rights? I guess we are still haunted by the "spectre of Lochner". --psb \_ Well he gave her a chance and she basically put him on the spot. I don't like the guy's action personally but I don't have a problem with it from a legal point of view. She doesn't have an inherent right to be employed by this guy. \_ This is a particularly cold way of putting it, IMO. \_ Well it's private property. By parking her car there she's putting political ads on his property, which he doesn't have to allow if he doesn't feel like it. Capitalism is inherently cold and greed-inducing. \_ I'm not disagreeing with the fact it is completely legal for a private employer to fire an employee for political speech, I'm just saying you put it rather coldly. \_ Could this be an easy way around discrimination lawsuits in racially/politically divided areas? "I didn't hire him, him, and him because they were Democrat. New policy. What? Sure I'll stick to it" \_ Why do leftists always think free speech applies to private property? Maybe because they don't understand the concept of private property? \- we're not talking about an "inherent right to be employed" ... yes, she cant walk in off the street and demand to be hired. i think a much more accurate phrasing is apparently an employer can interfere with your inherent right to participate in the political process, without proving it affects him in any material way. practically anything can be considered a political belief. on the matter of "private property" see e.g. the pruneyard v robins. it's not that absolute. --psb \_ No, if you read the 1st Amendment you would see it really is that simple. Her employer is not Congress. \- No it isnt that simple. Look up the "absorption doctrine". --psb \- It is simple and you are simply wrong. You may wish to google for "slaughterhouse incorporation". Perhaps you have 100+ yrs of constitutional jurisprudence to catch up on? --psb \_ The amendment is pretty clear to me. I'm not interested in polemic redirection. \- it is pretty clear to me your brain is small. --psb \_ Who is the one who can't read the Amendment? Please, what is the psb exegesis of the 1st Amend. \- the 1st amd [and most of the other 1st 10] are now considered "piped" through the 14th amendment. See e.g. http://www.usconstitution.net/consttop_bor.html or anything about the the "incorpriation doctrine". This is settled law. Arguing about this is like arguing the income tax is illegal ... it sets the FRUITCAKE bit. --psb \_ That's a fancy way of saying its obvious. Invoking the 14th Amend. is not, and should not be, necessary. \_ Ok I went and read about the pruneyard case. It was stressed in that case that: "It bears repeated emphasis that we do not have under consideration the property or privacy rights of an individual homeowner or the proprietor of a modest retail establishment." I find this decision to be problematic. But it was also found to be specific to California's constitution and I think it would be impossible to extend the logic of the case to cover a private factory. I'm not sure what other laws might pertain to this situation. The employer didn't interfere with her right to vote, only her "right" to display a political sign on her car in his parking lot. car in his parking lot. However there are a lot of federal and state laws regulating employment and discrimination beyond any constitutional basis, and I don't have a good understanding of the legal justification for some of those things. \- it is astute of you to observe the narrowing of pruneyard and the state const issue. my point in raising it goes to the non-absoluteness of private property ... and it is sort of fun that it is a local case [for those of you from the south bay]. it is admittedly not a case with an am employee-employer relationship at the heart. also key to pruneyard is the quasi-public space doctrine ... we dont live in a world with public squares and public markets but a world of santana row and stanfraud shoppinng center. back to the case above, it seems odd to me to allow the employer such an incredibly low standard that there is *no standard* [he doenst have to show it does any harm to the business, let alone signficant harm or even possible harm] he has to meet ... but on the other hand he is prevented from terminating on various discrimination grounds. it seems better to to protect fewer specific classification but force the employer to meet some reasonable criteria. otherwise you get weird things like ... i believe in drug legalization so i can be fired. but i believe in it because i am a peyote using indian so i am protected under some kind of religion freedom rather than political freedom. ok tnx --psb \_ PSB, why do you know this stuff? Do you read Supreme Court Opionions in your spare time? \_ I suppose there is a distinction between one's choices and one's characteristics, although \- you may wish to read about the legal concept of (im)mutability which is of interest to the homosexual legal empire. that is an interesting interesection of science and the law. at core it concerns an empirical question. a tougher, philosophiscal problem is how to draw a line between stuff essential to identity and fundamentally tied to a class and "lifestyle choices" ... is peyote a lifestyle choice or fundamental to living as an american indian of some appropriate tribe? what about sodomy, having children, animal sacrifices etc. --psb religion kind of blurs that boundary. Wearing a hijab is protected but not a Kerry sticker. I \- if somebody lived in a socialist commune it seems to me they are at least as ` committed to their "non theistic religion" as a catholic who wears a cross around her neck. it seems odd not to allow you to can somebody for wearing a cross but can can them if they wear an "emma rules" tshirt [ok maybe somebody less nuts than EG]. --psb wonder if Christian car fish things are covered (they're not any religious requirement). Height and weight discrimination can sometimes fall under the disability laws, but something like "fired for just being really ugly" doesn't seem to be protected. |
2004/10/11-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:34038 Activity:nil |
10/11 Perl web programming job at AmBusi. See /csua/pub/jobs/ambusi. -ali \_ how much they pay nowadays and how's the job market? |
2004/10/11-12 [ERROR, uid:34039, category id '18005#1.5' has no name! , ] UID:34039 Activity:very high |
10/11 Report: 6,000 Felons On Voter Registration Lists http://www.thedenverchannel.com/politics/3798554/detail.html MoveOn in action - keep up the good work! \_ Only 536 registered this year. Keep yelling fire where there is none and no one will listen to you when it is for real. \_ see above \_ see above. There is massive ongoing voter fraud and your answer is who cares. Nice. \_ 536. In other words, you lied. Twice. Nice. \_ 536 is enough to have made FL go the other way in 2000. You'd be screaming conspiracy and bloody murder if those were (R) voters, hypocrite. \_ They probably are (R) voters. |
2004/10/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34040 Activity:moderate |
10/11 I-Team investigation uncovers voter registration fraud http://csua.org/u/9f9 Hundreds of completed voter registration cards found stashed in car http://www.kstptv5.com/article/stories/s3189.html Election boards overwhelmed http://cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1096191056165960.xml \_ MOTD readers underwhelmed |
2004/10/11-12 [Reference/Tax] UID:34041 Activity:nil |
10/11 motd poll. income tax is unconstitutional: income tax is constitutional: public services are unconstitional: \_ The USSC has already made it clear they won't take any cases that challenge the 16th. It's over. No point in polling. |
2004/10/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:34042 Activity:nil |
10/11 Sinclairmei pato break FCC rules: <DEAD>cuaorg/fb<DEAD> |
2004/10/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:34043 Activity:nil |
10/11 TUGBOAT http://koti.mbnet.fi/~soldier/towboat.htm \_ Pretty amazing, but FYI, most boats of that size have been designed to do this since at least the early 20th century. My dad's 38 foot salmon trawler (built early '30s) flipped completely over in high seas several times and managed to right itself. The tugboat was very lucky that the river level was high enough that it didn't collide with the bottom. --lye |
3/15 |