2004/10/9 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:33999 Activity:moderate |
10/8 http://www.automotive.com/news/25/7265 Summary of a study: Drivers of Gas Guzzling Large SUVs Support Bush, Kerry Finds Votes Among Drivers of Small Import Vehicles \_ Wonder if my Outback counts as a Gas Guzzling SUV? |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34000 Activity:very high |
10/8 Bush was asked to name three mistakes he's made. He can't name one. He's had the hardest job in the world for almost four years and he cannot name a single mistake. Is he the Second Coming of the Messiah? \_ Actually, as much as I loathe bush, I thought his answer was pretty clever. He claimed his biggest mistakes were various appointments who he didn't want to embarass on TV. Of course I'm positive that 1) he didn't think of that himself and 2) it's Rove's message to anyone who might consider showing disloyalty to the chimp in chief that they are about to become Bush's biggest mistake. What would any of you have said (assuming you had actally drunk the neocon kool-aid and wouldn't way the war)? \_ There aren't any "neocons" on the motd. It's a made-up phrase to sound like "neo nazi". \_ you are Bush's adviser. What would you advise him? \_ Republicans just don't apologize. This makes them dumb AND evil. \_ Haha, this is one of those classic annoying interview questions. Bush spent most of his answer defending the Iraq war so I guess that was one of his mistakes. \_ Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time! \_ Other than Ashcroft, I can't think of a single mistake. \_ Again with O'Reilley on the Daily Show: Bill pointed out that these people (Bush, et. al.) are highly insulated and get a lot of sycophantry; couple that with an almost maniacal belief in everything they say and do, and what you have is a President who very literally cannot see the mistakes he's made. \_ All Republicans are stupid/evil drones straight to the top. All Democrats are enlightened and good people who sensitive to the needs of terrorists and others around the world. Seriously, the question was an obvious setup straight from the DNC fax machine. It would have been blitheringly stupid of any candidate to name 3 mistakes. It would be front page news the next day and he'd get beat over the head forever. What about John Kerry? Was voting for unilateral disarmament in the 80s a mistake? Was voting against the first Gulf War *after* the UN had passed a war resolution a mistake? Was making shit up about Vietnam war crimes a mistake? Has John Kerry ever made a mistake? Please name 3. \_ _Bush_ hasn't made any mistakes because he doesn't make any real decisions (except in what to say when the reception dies to his remote control during a debate). And he's not qualified to comment on Cheney's mistakes... so what's he gonna say? |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34001 Activity:moderate |
10/8 Poor Kerry, he didn't use my speech text on Iran, and his sucked nuts. \_ Kerry's Iran answer was great! 4 more weeks! |
2004/10/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34002 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 Anyone recommendations on a decent 64-bit linux distro? \_ There aren't very many, and the ones there are seem immature. Yer hozed. \_ SuSE 9 isn't half bad. Several of our customers are using it and seem to like it. RH EL 3.0 is okay as well. |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34003 Activity:high |
10/9 All of Karzai's opponents boycott the election and cite fraud. http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200410/s1216608.htm No wonder Bush is taking credit-- that's how democracy works in Bush country. \_ Republican-sponsored vote fraud: Good enough for America, good enough for Afghanistan! \_ I could tell you that an imperfect election process is better than dictatorship but I suspect you'd disagree. I'm already walking the IHBT line by even responding. \_ It's that simple, isn't it? Either you're for an imperfect election process or you're for the Taliban. What about taking the time to hold a reasonable election? \_ Is this from the same ABC that put their left wing bias on paper and published it? Try a URL from a reliable source. \_ Which, the Australian Broadcast Corporation (this) or the American Broadcast Corporation? 'Cos I got both. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=151668 |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34004 Activity:high |
10/9 Kerry Vs Bush. Round 2. The NYT reports Kerry destroys Bush again. Bush is incoherent, ducks important questions and clueless. Kerry nails him on the hard questions and demonstrates stature. http://tinyurl.com/4lfus (nytimes.com) And here's the new map from another independent source. Kerry wins! http://www.electoral-vote.com \_ the NYT opines, not reports in this case. this is an opinion piece. And here's the new map from another independent source. Kerry wins! http://www.electoral-vote.com \_ It's the NYT times. The whole paper is a giant opinion piece. Putting a report in the opinion section is arbitrary but often reserved for more well known people with an axe to grind. \_ Right. Anyone who reports anything negative about the Pres. must be part of the liberal press konspiracy. |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34005 Activity:moderate |
10/9 Here's a cool Photoshop project. Kerry speaks while a monkey gets mad in the debate setting. Someone please make it so that I can distribute it. -distributor \_ The major networks all beat you to the punch. See it here: http://www.cspan.org |
2004/10/9 [Health, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34006 Activity:very high |
10/9 Does *anyone* believe Bush's lie about drugs from Canada? I'm sure there are morons in St. Louis who believe that Bush is protecting them from Evil Canadian drugs, but does anyone on the motd actually not see this as a shameless giveaway to the drug companies? \_ Bush told a bald faced lie: .. Bush told the truth: . \_ I laughed at loud when Dubya said he was against Canada-imported drugs to protect us from dangerous drugs. The true answer, obviously, is that cheaper Canadian drugs would impact U.S. drug company profits significantly, and Republicans are wont to take actions that reduce profits from U.S. companies in any business, since they believe, supportably, that this is un-American. It's what my O'Reilly-loving younger brother says: Of course the Republicans know the real reasons and they are plenty good, but it's necessary to play the political game. \_ Speaking of whom, I saw Bill on the Daily Show, and my respect for him actually went from none to grudging. He's a smart guy, and I really can't wait for him to quit Fox and write a book about his experiences there; I think he knows he's being paid to be an actor on (nearly) state-supported TV. \_ No you moron. The real issue is that as soon as we start importing drugs en masse from Canada, Canada will stop getting drugs from pharmaceuticals companies for the current price, and there will be a single worldwide price. \_ Right, blame the evil drug companies when in fact the US taxpayer subsizdizes the worlds (eg. Canada and Europe's) drug consumption. \_ The world is better of without those Candians. -G.W.B. \_ Yes, your HS brother represents all Republicans. Can I quote my 19 year old half sister for the Democrats? BTW, what is Kerry's plan for Iran? |
2004/10/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34007 Activity:high |
10/9 http://csua.org/u/9ea (latimes) So basically Sinclair broadcasting is going to preempt one quarter of the nation's television programming days before the election to run an anti-Kerry film. Can you imagine the shitstorm if a "liberal" broadcaster tried to do this with, say, "F9/11" or "Going Upriver?" Also, note that the film itself was made by Carlton Sherwood, a Vietname veteran and former reporter for the Washington Times who is also the author of a very positive book about the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. \_ This will make up for about 1/10th of 1% of the free media that Kerry gets every day. I'm shedding a bitter tear. \_ Yeah, like http://factcheck.org \_ Uh, what? Please explain how this is not a no-sequiter. \_ For you, anything: pp is saying that the only media out there really supporting Kerry is the website that checks all of its facts and speaks the truth. In other words, the first responder was full of it when he suggested that Kerry was getting tons more free "media" than the President. (You know, the guy who can call a press conference any time he feels like it. The incumbent.) \_ Bush cannot call a press conference at any time. It takes a lot of time and effort for Bush's handlers to program chimpy. |
2004/10/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34008 Activity:high |
10/9 Conservatives control the House, the Senate, the President, and two Supreme Court Justices. How do they still manage to come off as the victims of some huge liberal media conspiracy? \_ The control of the media by foreign liberal elements is well documented. http://csua.org/u/9eg \_ In case you didn't notice, members of the House, Senate, Presidency, and Supreme Court neither write newspaper articles, nor do they read the network news on the air every night. \_ OP knows. He's just a troll. \_ A little piece of news for you - most Congressional Republicans are not conservative. The conservatives embody a relatively small minority of the Congressional Republicans. \_ So true. Most Congressional Republicans are part of the New World Order Illuminati/Masonic conspiracy to kill our unborn children, take away our guns and sell us into bondage to the UN. |
2004/10/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34009 Activity:nil |
10/9 http://www.ucomics.com/rallcom ("Bush is stupid" comic) \_ Everyone who thinks Bush is stupid already reads this. This is like telling us to read http://johnkerry.com for honest candidate and policy evaluations. |
2004/10/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:34010 Activity:high |
10/9 Remember Bush's Dred Scott reference during the second prez debate? I thought it was just another malapropism. Turns out it was Bush's secret handshake to pro-lifers, who believe they are the new abolitionists: as the Dred Scott case was to slavery, so Roe vs. Wade is to abortion (so they believe). Holy fuck: the president said on national TV that if re-elected, he will make abortion illegal by appointing Supreme Court justices who will overturn Roe vs. Wade. Now, since most CSUA members are men, most of whom don't fully appreciate that the simplest and crudest way to control women is to control their bodies, let me repeat: HOLY FUCK! \_ WTF? Dred Scott is a secret handshake protocol from the elders of zion and elvis transmitted to their bigfoot warriors on earth who are waiting to take over the chocolate factories around the world when GWB sends the signal? You're a fucking nutcake. \_ Face facts: apart from secretly transporting Jews out of Nazi Europe in WWII, there is no holier historical cause greater in the eyes of the public than the Abolitionists. No one likes to see themselves as the villains, so anti-abortionists see themselves as being the new Abolitionists, saving fetuses from the clutches of corrupt and liberal mothers on an Underground Railroad of bombed abortion clinics and John Brown-like assassinations of pro-choice doctors. Bush tapped into that belief by referring to Dred Scott. \_ Indeed, Bush is definitely a right-wing pro-lifer. Being a Malthusian I whole-heartedly am pro-abortion. However, how does one "make abortion illegal" through loading the court with conservative judges? It would violate stare decisis. An easier method of making abortion illegal would be to pass a constitutional amendment. \_ Wow, there are Malthusians in the 21st century? You really aren't kidding? Heehee! That's so awesome and quaint! Are you a Green too, by any chance? Malthusians and Greens are two great tastes that taste great together. -- ilyas \_ What's the political philosophy that advocates mandatory ex post facto abortions for the stupid? -John \_ Malthus was correct -- See Easter Island. He just didn't know about fossil fuels artificially (and temporarily) extending the max population of humans. At the current rate, we will have 250 billion people in 100 years, that's impossible to sustain, so nature will control our numbers. \_ Heh -- you obviously don't know very much about how the law works. \_ On the contrary, I know very well how the law works. Care to explain how it is easier to overturn a previous decision than to make a constitutional amendment? Dred Scott wasn't techically overturned. Without a proper writ of cersiarori it would be difficult to "overturn" a previous decision. And you couldn't flippantly bring a case to court challenging the legality of abortion. Since it is legal you can't bring a suit to federal court for someone having one. Anyone with a semester of CivPro would tell you that would be a failure to state an action. It's obvious that YOU don't know much about the law, nitwit. \_ Your reading comprehension also seems to be severely lacking. Train harder, grasshopper. \_ Your lack of substance is rather shocking, try harder trollboy. \_ You're shocked by lack of substance on motd? Now I have reason to doubt your intelligence. Poor boy. \_ The point is not the overturn of Roe v. Wade but decisions made on other cases that would render Roe v. Wade meaningless. If the current Partial Birth Abortion issue were decided by conservative justices, they could very effectively lay the groundwork for determining that all abortion procedures are barbaric, cruel, and murderous; this would make it easier to pass legislation banning all of the current surgical abortion procedures. Would abortion be illegal? Of course not; you just can't have one based on the current technology. \_ Yes, understood, all very fine and all. In other words the op was either very misiinformed or lazy or both in his assertion. The point is that overturning Roe v. Wade would require both legislation of some sort and willing jurists, and one shouldn't merely go about gesticulating about the end of the world without some comprehension of the facts. \_ The Pres. supports the current PBA legislation. The USSC hasn't decided on the issue yet. If four of the justices retire, and that set does not include Thomas and Scalia, and Bush is allowed to install four conservative judges before the issue is decided, then the groundwork mentioned above will be laid. The op is saying that Bush is using language designed to inform anti-abortionists that he is planning to do exactly this. The only thing the op made a mistake on is assuming that the Pres. wouldn't dare make a position like this public. The rest of us knew that already. \_ Roe was among the worst USSC decisions ever. It has zero \- which other decisions would you put in that elite group? --psb Consitutional basis and most court observers, from both political sides, found it completely absurd. In fact, Roe is a good example of what the Court was originally designed to guard against. \_ Yawn. \_ Noise: 99%. Signal: 1% (you spelled Constitutional correctly). Would you like to try again with more substance or a URL? \_ Do you have *any* idea what they based the decision on? I know because I read it but you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Go read the decision. It is truly ridiculous and very bad law. I *very firmly* believe in abortion rights, but basing them on something so weak is down right stupid and begging to have them taken away later when the USSC gets a clue or enough of the country figures it out and puts a constitutional ban on it. \_ The constitutional basis of RvW *is* kind of a stretch. I could see them saying you can't force a patient or doctor to answer any question about a suspected abortion, but to say making the procedure illegal violates privacy is really grasping. Nevertheless, I (and most Americans) want to preserve the status quo. -!pp \_ Abortion, as exists today, is a euphemism for eugenics. The vaulted feminist Sanger, like many (most?) leftist heroes, was an inveterate racist. \_ Soooooo, the only fetuses being aborted are non-aryans? |
2004/10/9-11 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:34011 Activity:nil |
10/9 Regarding that Dyson dude on TV with the vacuum that doesn't lose suction- what's the technology that keeps the dirt away from the filter? \_ Well I wrote a well thought-out reply but some douchebag overwrote it. I was sort of right in that there can be no bag and that airflow causing the dust to settle might be the mechanism. A little googling produced: http://workingfromhome.allinfoabout.com/dyson_pt4.html So the airflow is designed to increase centrifugal force and stick the dirt to the side of the cannister. |
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