2004/10/7 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33964 Activity:moderate |
10/7 Anyone else having email problems? My outgoing messages are not getting delivered. This has been happening sporadically over the last few days, but even worse today... Or rather, they get delivered but it has taken up to 8 hours. \_ same here, and it's been happening off and on for like the last 4 or 5 weeks. \_ If you see this happen again, please check the load on soda, and email root again. (-root) \_ it just did happen again, and I just did email root again. -rory \_ You're making it worse by increasing the volume of mail! \_ The command to use to get the load is: w | head -n 1 \_ aka 'uptime' |
2004/10/7 [Recreation/Activities] UID:33965 Activity:moderate |
10/6 To the poster who was looking for a way to receive a txt message when Mt. St. Helens erupted -- try using http://google.com/alerts I haven't tried it myself, but it looks like what you want. \_ Sweet! Thanks.. \_ Did you read the original thread? Someone suggested that. \_ Did you read the original thread? Someone suggested that. \_ Nope but thanks. -op |
2004/10/7 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:33966 Activity:nil |
10/4 There's an email account I created and used for donotcall.gov and today I started getting spam on it. What happened??? |
2004/10/7 [Uncategorized] UID:33967 Activity:kinda low |
10/7 _Not_ entirely work safe: http://www.captain-obvious.com/images/valentine3.jpg \_ it's not really that funny. \_ Uh, duh. |
2004/10/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33968 Activity:very high |
10/4 What personal gain does Soros have for not electing Bush (did Bush turn down Soro's contract or something? If anything Soros has a lot of gain from Bush's tax cut for the super wealthy). And did http://factcheck.com/georgesoros.com help undecided voters determine which way to vote? \_ Soros is rich enough that he can go with his conscience, which he never did when he was younger. He is an example of someone who can afford to be a liberal. \_ among the other plantation owners \_ What a hypocrite. Okay, I'll go with my conscience when I become super-rich someday. super-rich some day. \_ Maybe Soros sees how BushCo is royally fucking up this country and wants to use his power and influence to do something about it? Did you actually read the speech? Maybe it's hard for Bush supporters to imagine someone doing something without gaining from it financially? \_ Maybe he has witnessed fascism in his lifetime and doesn't want to see it again. Maybe he doesn't like the idea of the plutocracy which will result from the Bush tax agenda. Maybe he sees that serfdom is a bad idea. \_ Soros is concerned about the drift toward totalitarianism in this country. He grew up in a Soviet block state so he knows the dangers. \_ You know, most ex-Soviet block folks are not on the DNC side... Equating Bush et al with fascism is like equating Cheney with the neocons -- stupid. -- ilyas \_ You'll have to explain this one in more detail, tou've lost me. \_ You'll have to explain this one in more detail, you've lost me. \_ Pronoun dereference error. -- ilyas \_ I've definitely had issues with the man who destroyed the Thai \_ Not true. I beat him to the punch. Fascism is governement working hand in hand with industry. The bush administration is replete with examples of cronyism, favoritism, deregulation (read lawlessness). All fascist tendencies. \_ This is incoherent. -- ilyas \_ First of all totalitarianism is not the same thing as fascism. Are you deliberately trying to change the topic by Godwin'ing it? Secondly, do you honestly believe that George Soros is "stupid?" He seems pretty brilliant to me. \_ I wasn't the first to bring up fascism in this thread. I ve never met Soros, so I can't comment on how 'stupid' he is. I think being concerned about totalitarianism is always healthy. Thinking that Bush is a dangerous lunatic like we had 60ish years ago is ... overreacting. Bush is not a dangerous lunatic, he is a frat boy. I ve heard so many shrill comparisons of Bush and that short german guy that I have a hard time taking these sorts of discussions seriously anymore. Having said that, is anyone willing to give a thoughtful argument for how the US politics are in imminent danger of sliding into something unsavory if Bush is reelected? -- ilyas \_ Bush has eroded civil liberties, more than any president in my lifetime. This concerns me. And I certainly did not bring up facism. I think you are responding to the wrong entry. Just because totalitarianism took one historical path (by following a lunatic) once in history 60 years ago does not mean that there are not other ways to it. Read up on the history of Mussolini, Pinochet, Franco and Peron for more germane historical examples. \_ Yeah, that concerns me too. However, compare to Roosevelt during WWII (specifically internment and press restrictions). -- ilyas \_ Or WWI, which was even more severe, with the alien sedition act. But the problem with these comparisons is that during WWI and WWII we were fighting a state actor and had a clearly defined goal and endpoint to the civil liberty restrictions. Today, we are fighting "terror" something so ill defined that it will never be defeated. And to top it off, Bush used a war that he chose to get into as an excuse to further the crackdown on civil liberties. Combine these and you start to see a dangerous precedent, especially compared to historical actors who have done similar things. \_ Yes, that's true. Though one wonders how these restrictions managed to steamroll their way into law. It's not like the POTUS can randomly rewrite laws without some help (or at least inaction) from other branches. I am less concerned with Bush specifically, and more concerned with the government machine which makes the crackdown not only possible but a reality. The office of the POTUS doesn't have enough power to be a worry in and of itself. -- ilyas \_ Don't underestimate the power of demagoguery combined with an enraged populace. Though I suppose the biggest threat has passed for the moment. What about after the next 9/11? And there will be a next one. \_ I've definitely had issues with the man who destroyed the Thai economy for fun and profit preaching about high-minded politics but I am mostly over it. \_ Is he heavily invested in dollars? Could he be afraid "4 MORE YEARS!" will result in the dollar losing value? \_ warren buffet also likes kerry, and he has like a 19 billion bet on the dollar falling. |
2004/10/7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33969 Activity:very high |
10/7 maybe he's lying, but Bush claims no draft while he's president: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041005-6.html \_ there won't be a draft because draftees are useless or have negative value to the modern US military. it takes a few *years* to train a new recruit to be useful on the high-tech battlefield. by the time they managed to draft and train a million slackers, whatever event they were drafted for would be long over. modern warfare is so fast now that when war breaks out there is no time to build up anything. it's a bring-whatcha-got kinda thing now. thus, the idea that there will be a draft for anything short of a mass invasion by a foreign nation (which we know can't happen) is simply daft. \_ Kerry wants more troops sent in.. so more likelyhood of draft \_ not necessarily US troops. \_ not necessarily US troops. likelihood _/ \_ "as long as I am President, there will be no draft" -Dubya, Tuesday \_ Read... My... Lips. \_ I believe Dubya says this because he thinks the current Iraq plan (currently deployed U.S. troops + Iraqi National Guard) can work. He'll probably say his commanders on the ground said Samarra was the example of this. \_ And we can trust everything Bush says, because he is so honest and straightforward with the American people. Not to mention having such great judgement. \_ I think he's a lying sack of shit. I also think he's not going to restart the draft unless there is a really major attack on American soil. -op \_ I want to play devil's advocate: If there is a terror \_ I want to play devil's advocate: Say there is a terror attack on American soil that does not do significant damage to the economy/stock market and business infrastructure, Dubya may still implement the draft, while a whole lot of people may think it wasn't a "really major attack" but won't say anything because they'll be accused of being traitors. Then we go after Iran even though it was al Qaeda that did it, because you know, this is the post-9/11 world and if America shows weakness or uncertainty, the world will drift toward tragedy. SERVICE GUARANTEES CITIZENSHIP! How do we like dem apples? \_ Do you buy your tinfoil hat off the rack or do you get them custom made? \_ Homemade from only the finest heavy-duty Alcoa foil. \_ How _much_ do you think this differs from what happened with Iraq, justification 9/11? Except I can definitely say Iran is a much greater threat today, than Iraq to U.S. national security before we invaded. \_ The rest of us carry state information. Perhaps you don't. \_ I make a solid devil's advocate case. I can't say much for what you provided. \_ If you're making a devil's advocate claim, then the question of tinfoil hat is justified. \_ So says you without any meaningful indication of why, even after three posts. \_ Yup, just like when he said he wouldn't do any nation building. \_ I'm a uniter, not a divider. We must be humble. \_ We mut have a strong but humble foreign policy. |
2004/10/7 [Recreation/Dating] UID:33970 Activity:very high |
10/4 Dear Japanese speakers. I've been watching porn a lot lately and I'm wondering what 'kimochi' and 'ee-koo' means. They say that a lot. ok thx. \_ kimochi means feeling, but they are probably saying "kimochi ii", which means good feeling. Basically, "Oh, that feels good". \_ And "ee-koo" is probably "iku", the infinitive of "go". -- ulysses \_ "iku" is used to indicate approaching orgasm, or "coming." In other words, when she says, "I'm going," that's a good thing. \_ what does "Hitakushi! Gama Su!" mean? Does it mean "GOOD, GOOD!"? \_ Do you watch it on-line or do you buy VCDs or DVDs? I'm thinking about buying Japanese porn on physical VCDs or DVDs, and I'm wondering which porn site is trustworthy. Thanks for any info. \_ http://www.bushdvd.com (like netflix only porn) \_ What Japan pr0n are you watching? The dialogue in the stuff I've seen mostly translates to "please, oh no, don't insert another tentacle!" \- that's pretty good. heh. --psb \_ What about "dameyo" or something like that? \_ It means "no" or "don't." The actress says it to indicate that she's resisting, both because good girls don't enjoy sex and to because rape is a common porn theme in Japan. \_ And no matter how not hung the male actor is, scream like it really hurts! \_ And while we're at it, actresses will also often say "Iya," which also means no. Often they'll combine the bits: "Iya, iya, dame, dameyo, iku!" which I happen to think sounds a bit like "Ia, ia, Cthulhu ftagn!" \_ This is the most informative thread on the motd in some time. \_ Lessee ... There maybe Republicans, Democrats and independents on this motd, but they all have one thing in common - pr0n! \_ I don't watch porn. Am I weird? \_ For a sodan? Yes. Compared to the rest of the world? No. |
2004/10/7 [Uncategorized] UID:33971 Activity:moderate |
10/4 http://www.strike9.com/8FE325B14A/vpdebate.jpg EXcellent. (SFW) \_ Very realistic. \_ funny stuff. Now if only they have Mr. Burns holding hands with a Monkey, that'll be cool. |
2004/10/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:33972 Activity:high |
10/7 I notice on wall people are discussing the idea that Guantanamo interrogations "have not prevented a single terrorist attack". Here's the source article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/guantanamo/story/0,13743,1318702,00.html \_ People on wall don't discuss. They just echo each other and say "w00t!". \_ Then add to the discussion. Anonymous Coward. -scotsman \_ This is what wall reminds me of: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame69.html -- ilyas \_ http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame88.html \_ Whoa. It's aaron with a fro! \_ I hate Oliver Stone. --aaron \_ I find it amusing that the only thing aaron could find to counter the caricature of himself was that he does not like Oliver Stone. Way to go aaron! You are not a 1-d stereotype! You are a HUMAN BEING! \_ Congratulations! You got the joke! --aaron \_ Congratulations! You are a cardboard cutout! It's not a joke, it's depressing. \_ Anonymous insults sure are noble. \_ Anonymous insults sure are noble. \_ Anonymous insults sure are noble. (it's time someone stepped in to terminate the recursion). -- ilyas \_ Actually, insulting an anonymous person anonymously is perfectly symmetrical. Slightly silly perhaps, but no harm done. Insulting someone by name is defamatory. Do you really not understand this? \_ Wow! You got the point of the comment! Good for you! Now maybe you can work on using silverware without a bib! \_ even Conan the Barbarian? \_ Okay, I hate Oliver Stone except for Conan \_ What about Wall Street? do you hate that? \_ w00t! pwn3d! |
2004/10/7-8 [Finance/Investment] UID:33973 Activity:moderate |
10/7 Dear Russians, is Soros a common Russian last name? Is it shortened from Soroski or Sorogorodov? Sorokova? \_ It doesn't sound Russian, and BTW, George Soros was originally from Hungary. \_ Soros is a typical Hungarian name. Compare: Erdos. -- ilyas \_ Soros is one of those International Jewish Banker names. \_ Uh oh. Does Bush have the Infinity Trident? \_ http://csua.org/u/9dn No, but the Germans do. \_ Those fools! They'll wake the Kraken! \_ Isn't it just like the Scientists to think that you can use the Infinity Trident to anaesthetize? \_ http://www.reason.com/links/links120803.shtml \_ It sounds Greek to me, as does George. Many -os names are Greek. \_ It's also a palindrome. |
2004/10/7-8 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:33974 Activity:very high |
10/7 So I read in The Economist last week that Americans now save 1% of their income. That astonished me. Time for a motd poll: I save 30% or more of my income: . I save 1% or more of my income: ....... I save less than 1% of my income: I save NaN of my income: . \_ I think these things are bogus. They usually say "disposable income" but what exactly is that? 401k counts? \_ Any income that goes above the standard costs of living, basically any money left over after you pay rent/mortgage, food, utilities, transportation, debts and insurance. A lot of people are living month-to-month because they have zero disposable income (they buy too much house, they have kids, they buy too much car, they have high cc debt, etc.) The only real way to get out of this trap is to own some assets which generate you money, which is why it's technically a lot less riskier to start your own venture than it is to just keep living from paycheck to paycheck. (Optimally you do both). In contrast, my disposable income approaches 50-60% of my total income, but that's because I have both assets (in terms of rentable, paid-off real-estate and running small business ventures on the side and playing the market) and a steady income from a "day-to-day" job. Plus, I have no capital intensive dependents (read kids). \_ That's very nice for you, but doesn't really do much for all the Americans who can't save. I find your explanation for why people are living paycheck to paycheck to be somewhat glib. What about skyrocketing health care costs? What about skyrocketing housing costs (a tiny single family home is only "too much house" because it is overpriced)? What about stagnation in middle class income? \_ I make about 23k/year and save about 10% of my income. not driving is probably the single biggest factor. \_ What about them? As I said before, the only way to get out of the trap is to own money-generating assets. Sure, a 10-25% increase in healthcare/fuel costs is going to cost the average American about 3-4K more per annum, but 3-4K is like peanuts compared to the money you can generate by doing things beyond a monthly paycheck. Is it easy to do? No. Does it take a toll on your social life? Absolutely. Working weekends/nights on your own stuff is only for those who want to do it, but the rewards are there if you stick to it. Plus, buying a house in an overpriced market is just dumb. Even if interest rates are low the savings in monthly payments are offset by the longer term of the loan and the higher property tax you pay. Think about it, a 15 year loan is finished in 15 years, but property taxes are there ALWAYS until you sell the property. A lot of people get suckered into thinking that buying a home is good because it's an asset. It isn't. Buying a home that is overpriced with long-term mortgaging is just plain stupid because it's a big LIABILITY. So, people should take the emotion out of buying real-estate and pay for what the property is worth, NOT what the monthly mortgage payments are. After all, if you are making a decent living the extra couple of points on the mortgage are tax deductible anyway. \_ My mortgage + property tax is not that bad once I deduct the interest and the tax. If the house falls in value the property tax goes *DOWN*. Be careful that you don't fall off your high horse, because many people in this country cannot afford a house at any price and $3K/year is a lot of money to someone who clears $450/week (which is what you get if you make $30K). It's easy for us six figure college boys to scoff, huh? \_ I've met a number (not many, but a fair number) of people who have never even set foot on a University campus who slowly but surely became millionaires. They did it by owning small businesses. They did it by being frugal. They did it because they knew how to save. A large paycheck doesn't equate to knowing how to save that money because Uncle Sam whacks off 33-40% off of that paycheck thanks to our progressive tax system. The key is to think about doing things OUTSIDE your daily routine that will generate money. \_ This is not everyone. The number one thing you need to have in order to save is money. Discipline and motivation are second. My dad saves a lot of money (as a %) but he could save that % for the rest of his life and it wouldn't do much good. Your audience is wasteful professionals, not the working man. Yes, you can turn from burger flipper into burger chain owner like the Wendy's guy, but not everyone is capable and quite frankly there's a lot of luck to it. \_ I dunno about that. My wife worked as a waitress for seven years and managed to put away $50k, which she had turned into $100k by investing. Now she has a Master's from UCB and is making high five figures, but even as a waitress, plus working odd jobs, ske was able to pull in about $40k/yr and save 1/4 of that. And this is in the Bay Area. I, on the other hand, was $30k in credit card debt before a dotcom cashout saved me. Needless to say, she manages the finances. \_ She saved $10K per year on a $40K salary? That's definitely unusual, but even so what can she do with $50K? She's going to start her own business with that?! In 20 years she would have $200K and will have lived like a college student for her entire life. That is not exactly appealing to most. Most people take $50K and buy a house with it, which is probably not a bad idea. \_ That is what we did with it: we bought a duplex, which we live in and provides a good revenue stream. That is how you do it: save $50k, turn it into $100k and leverage that into bigger gains. It is not easy and it takes some luck, but unless someone hands it to you, that is all you can do. At this point I would like her to start her own business, but she likes where she is at too much to switch. \_ I see. I spend like $1900 per month. If I make $5000 (should it be before or after tax?), does that mean I have a savings rate of 62% ? I have trouble believing the 1% figure. Many people I know don't save enough, but 1% sounds too low. Does, say, home improvements that increase the value of your house count as savings? \_If you make $5000 per month your take home pay is about $3700-$3900 after taxes, SSI, etc. depending on how you do your taxes. If you spend $1900 per month you'll be left with around $2000 of disposable income. Obviously you're not going to save $2000 (you probably spend some on stuff like movies, games, gifts, computer junk, etc). so you probably save around $1200-$1500, which is a good number compared to most Americans. The U.S. could encourage even more savings if they would give people who saved their money tax breaks, i.e. they would knock off a buck off your taxes for every 10-20 bucks you save. If you want to save on taxes you should start a business and expense a bunch of stuff, like your vehicle, equipment, etc. That way you expense some of your consumables and you can deduct that from your taxes. In addition, you should really use some of the money you save for business ventures because if you lose the money it's tax deductible. So hey, why not risk it? And contrary to popular belief, you have about a 50% chance (if you do your homework) of having a business succeed. (the 1-10 number is not an accurate statistic). \_ I thought that the 1 in 10 number was just for VC funded high-tech startups. \_ Why save when the government is there to take of you cradle to grave. \_ The gov't wasn't there to help you write a coherent sentence, apparently. \_ The couple who live below me are probably 38-44ish, have no kids and are renters. The complain about chipping in an extra $7/mo for garbage but they own 1 brand new 5series BMW, a corvette, and another car, a +$25k harley and another motorcycle. One is some kind of office manager type and the other is a personal trainer. I fully believe the have a ~1% savings rate or one of them is a successful drug dealer. |
2004/10/7-8 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:33975 Activity:kinda low |
10/7 Dozens dead, 100+ injured. 10 floors collapse, hotel on fire. http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/hotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=TBAHITW \_ What a shitty website. using opera, that page takes me to a "Web Standards" page explaining what software you need to view their stupid site. setting opera to "identify as Mozilla 5.0" the page works fine. I hate browser sniffing. \_ Well there are a few legit uses, such as detecting IE so you can know not to use leet CSS features, or detecting "not IE" so you can warn people if you have an ActiveX site. \_ this reminds me of the time when TWA crashed and I yelled out "TWA crashed! TWA crashed!" and my co-worker said "Oh my god... how many points did it drop?" \_ Yeah, so? Some animals killed some more Jews? This is news? \_ No, it's Paris' bodyguards who did it. Those Jews stumbled upon Paris' production crew for her next home video to be "leaked" to the public, so they have to be killed. |
2004/10/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:33976 Activity:high |
10/7 What is the best free mass-renaming application for windows? -thanks \_ cygwin \_ perl \_ "ren *foo *bar" in Command Prompt. \_ don't do that. \_ why not? \_ It would be bad. \_ "Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light." \_ <gulp> Total protonic reversal. |
2004/10/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33977 Activity:very high |
10/7 A lot of people say how bad Castro is, but how come Cuba does so well at sports and also things like infant mortality, in spite of decades of US sanctions? : http://www.economist.com/markets/displayStory.cfm?story_id=3270702 \_ Well, universal healthcare has its benefits as well as universal education and state-sponsored atheletics. I don't know, do you prefer a communist dictarship where people have to wait in line all day to buy stuff and any opposition is brutaly squashed and everyone is equally poor to get a lower infant mortality rate and a better international baseball team over an oligarchy run by a couple of rich industrialists and plantation owners which also brutally squashed opposition to its rule? I guess it depends on your perspective. \_ It is true that Cuba is poor, but a lot of it has to do with our economic sanctions. Without it, there is a big chance that Cuba might follow China's step. \_ I'm glad you believe this. Why don't you go over there and do business then? \_ because it's ILLEGAL. Weren't you paying attention? \_ So you must be outraged about Halliburton doing business in Iraq during the US sanctions \_ I'm outraged we wasted more than 10 years "sanctioning" Iraq while every corrupt piece of shit at the UN, in France, Germany, Russia, and other places was making billions in bribes at our expense while the Iraqi people suffered and the Hussein regime grew stronger. \_ This is an excellent reason for filing a grievance with the WTO and then punishing those nations with crippling tarriffs and sanctions. If the US would follow through with its convictions, the world would have no recourse but toe the line. \_ Economic sanctions don't do shit. The entire rest of the world freely trades with Cuba. In fact, our Cuba sanctions policy going on for decades now should be proof enough that sanctions are a mindless and useless tactic to use against any country. \_ Against Cuba I tend to agree. In general, though, I do not. Sanctions prevented Saddam Hussein from building WMD. \_ Sanctions also made Libya give up WMD programs. It's harder to control a country when the people are miserable. \_ Lie. Libya gave up their WMD a few days after SH was pulled out of a hole by US troops. \_ Maybe the guy is just WRONG. You need to get a little perspective here, guy. \_ Uhhh, Libya giving up their WMD and coming back into the world community was a diplomatic effort going on well back into the Clinton administration. Gaddafi didn't just watch Saddam Hussein be captured on TV and suddenly decide to give up WMD. \_ None of you can tell the difference between coordinated multilateral sanctions and unilateral pigheadedness? Yes, you have to "corner the market" for sanctions to be effective. No, this is not a surprise. \_ And universal sanctions are a joke. Look how Saddam made *billions* (with a B) corrupting the 'global' sanctions put on his country. It hurt the people to no end while further empowering his evil government. \_ Economic sanctions does a lot of damage to small countries, the reason it does not work on China is because China can self sustain and be on their own. The same is definitely not true for small countries. Take Korea for example, if the US sanctions them, they will starve and die, it's as simple as that. Cube is poor partly because of our economic sanction. \_ No. If the US sanctions Korea, other countries will simply cash in as they have in Cuba and anywhere else the US has tried to impose sanctions while our EU "allies" ignore them for the bucks. Sanctions do not work. I'd like to see a place where they have. \_ Because the numbers are faked? \_ oh yea, where a majority of the people shower with buckets. One would think that after Communists killed 60+ million in the 20th century people would learn. \_ You are a moron. \_ Comrade, the united peoples of our great state thank you for your heroic efforts against the propaganda of the western capitalist pigdogs! You shall be rewarded by being moved up the People's Moscow Apartment Waiting List by 15,000 spots! You have served the Motherland nobly! \_ Careful with that broad brush, it paints both ways. \_ Like I said, you would think people would learn. \_ You think people would learn to not support imperialism too, after the hundreds of millions of people the imperialists killed in the 19th and 20th century. But they never do, do they? \_ Oh the horror of an improved standard of living, a longer life expectancy, and a technologically based society. What hath we wrought! \_ At the expense of a psychological scar on the American psyche (see: Slavery and Race Relations), the wholesale slaughter of indigenous people (see: Indians, American), and the continued exploitation of and dependence on underprivileged workers and illegal labor in the agrarian sector (see: Migrant Labor and Illegal Immigrants). \_ Victory of the proletariat, comrade! \_ What improved standard of living? Improved standard of living only happened after the Imperialists got kicked out. \_ Cuba spends a huge amount of government money on athletics (compared to zero in the US). Also, I note that I see athletes defecting from Cuba to the US frequently, but I can't recall anyone defecting the other way. \_ They don't defect to Cuba because the US government has effectively imprisoned our atheletes and does not allow them the opportunity to travel to the Golden Land of Cuba. |
3/15 |