2004/9/29 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:33822 Activity:nil |
9/28 Arnold officially enters the Twilight Zone: http://www.sfexaminer.com/article/index.cfm/i/092804b_governor |
2004/9/29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33823 Activity:nil 69%like:33829 |
9/28 Best Bush flashback ever. From 2000 election, "Bush Would Use the Power of Persuasian to Raise Oil Supply" http://www.nytimes.com/library/politics/camp/062800wh-bush.html \_ Bush did convince the Saudis to open the spigot, you know. Problem is it's still not enough. |
2004/9/29 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:33824 Activity:nil |
9/28 For extra fun, every time they say "Jew," substitute "homosexual" and suddenly everyone sounds like Jimmy Swaggart! http://www.memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD79104 Oh, and if you're wondering what MEMRI's biases are, go here: http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=MEMRI \_ What do you sound like when you replace "Jew" with "whitey"? |
2004/9/29-10/2 [Uncategorized] UID:33825 Activity:nil |
9/28 Is anyone looking for a Senior QA Engineer? This is someone I am working with now, and is very good. --jwm |
2004/9/29 [Uncategorized] UID:33826 Activity:nil |
9/28 If and when someone makes a Tony Blair biopic, wouldn't Tim Curry be the perfect pick for the leading role? Who else has teeth like that? -- ulysses |
2004/9/29 [Science/Disaster] UID:33827 Activity:insanely high |
9/29 Earthquake again! Same time as yesterday. \_ Isn't that special? They must be warming HAARP up for the election. -- tin hat brigade -- foil hat brigade \_ Must. Drive. West. \_ Huh? What are you talking about? \_ Go ahead an pretend ignorance. We all know what you're hiding. |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/HW/Printer] UID:33828 Activity:low |
9/29 Any recommendations for a photo-quality printer that will run under Linux? I'd like to keep it under $1000. \_ for $1k you can get a Xerox Phaser 8400 dye sub which will look better than almost any inkjet out there if you are looking for much cheaper, you can get a high quality Epson or Canon Pixma for ~$500. Both Epson and Canon just announced their next gen. photo inkjets. \_ Will these work under Linux? |
2004/9/29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33829 Activity:high 69%like:33823 |
9/28 Best Bush 2000 flashback ever. Bush would "use the power of persuasian" to lower oil prices. http://www.nytimes.com/library/politics/camp/062800wh-bush.html \_ Bush did convince the Saudis to open the spigot, you know. Problem is it's still not enough. \_ You missed the best line in the article though: Asked why the Clinton administration had not been able to use the power of personal persuasion, Mr. Bush said: "The fundamental question is, 'Will I be a successful president when it comes to foreign policy?' " \_ I can believe people get so uppity about oil prices. $2 a gallon is really freaking cheap. The evidence is that people are driving around in cars much bigger than they could possiably need. All those people commuting to work in F-250s like to whine about oil prices, but they are just making it really obvious that oil is dirt cheap. -jrleek \_ Not to mention Mercedes sedans that look small but get less than 20MPG on highway. \_ Why single out Mercedes? All of the major manufacturers are guilty of this, with their blind horsepower quests of the last five years or so. And the cars have all been generally getting bigger - its just that they look small next to the other behemoths on the road. Compare a modern Accord, for instance, with one from even five years ago. \_ But even a low-end C-Class, which looks pretty compact, gets less than 20MPG on highway. Anyway, people only pick on SUVs but not these deceiving cars. My SUV has better mileage than that. \_ According to fueleconomy.gov you are incorrect. C-class gets ~26MPG. \_ And that's the 2.6L V6. The 3.2L V6 gets 27 hwy, and the tiny C230 Kompressor that he's complaining about specs at 30, almost identical to all other cars in its class. He's just a hater. \_ It may be cheap relative to other things, but it's expensive historically speaking. If salt went up to $5/lb, it would still be dirt-cheap for food purposes, but people would rightly ask "WTF?" \_ It's cheap historically too, if you adjust for inflation. \_ Wow, jrleek and I agree on something. That said, our economy is fairly dependent upon cheap oil. Adjustment will be painful. \_ And who are you, mystery man? \_ Who knows? The shadow knows! \_ One of the annoying things (to me) in this election is that niether Bush nor Kerry has a realistic energy policy. -jrleek |
2004/9/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33830 Activity:insanely high |
9/29 (Wow, high SNR ratio today.) \_ Well, I guess it's about time I went to the ATM machine. As long as it's CPU unit is working I'll use it's UI interface to deposit money in my IRA account. Fucker. \_ What? And learn "it's" usage. \_ Dear fuckwit, "it's" is a contraction of "it is." Now fuck off. \_ It's precious is sensitive today. \_ We've been kept busy by yermom. \_ Why even post this? It's not funny, creative, intelligent, or even an interesting part of csua culture. \_ Because the CSUA is full of crude, uncreative idiots? Enjoy your stay! \_ s/CSUA/motd/ \_ ^the CSUA^yermom |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:33831 Activity:kinda low |
9/29 I'm looking for a mini-PC type of deal, similar to Soekris. Need 1 or 2 100mb rj45 ports, USB2, and maybe vga. Booting off CF would be fine (I can use external drives for bigger stuff.) I'd prefer something fanless. Any recommendations? Soekris seems a bit expensive for what they offer. -John \_ I'm looking for the same thing. (Soekris uses 486. How quaint!) Related question: How many times can CF be rewritten? \_ I've heard 100,000x quoted before. Use RAM for stuff that changes a lot and treat CF more like a hard disk without a swap file. \_ OK I found something -- http://mini-itx.com looks pretty decent. -John |
2004/9/29 [Recreation/Dating] UID:33832 Activity:nil |
9/29 Kobe, why you gotta drag Shaq into this?? http://csua.org/u/99b (LA Times) Hours after his sexual encounter with a hotel employee in Colorado, Kobe Bryant told investigators that Shaquille O'Neal, his Laker teammate at the time, had paid up to $1 million to women to keep them quiet about "situations like this," according to a police report. \_ "It is unclear precisely what Bryant meant by the remarks attributed to him. There have been no published reports of O'Neal ever being accused of any sex crime." Sounds like Bryant is doing the right thing... |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:33833 Activity:moderate |
9/29 Does bittorrent work with Linux? I've been trying to download it but it's in a damn RPM and I don't have root access. \_ Umm, most bittorrent clients aren't RPM's.. in fact, the first one was written entirely in python \_ Get the Azureus client off sourceforge. Nicest one I've seen and runs in Java. \_ alright I downloaded the jar, how do I friggin use it when they don't have HOwTOs and documentations? \_ "How do I run a Java program?" STFW. \_ java -jar Azureus2.1.0.4.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display So what is this eclipse shit? Man the documentation sucks. \_ It sounds like you might have an old version of the JRE. \_ You want to do torrent downloads on a machine and you don't have root? Have you checked your user agreement? \_ I'm on DSL so I tried using this to limit the transfer rate as to not piss off my apartmentmates: http://ei.kefro.st/projects/btclient However, it's still pretty lame as DSL is slow, so I've been thinking that I should use Linux at work with a much bigger bandwidth. However, I don't have root to install the RPMs. -op \_ Azureus also does upstream bandwidth limiting, and running a P2P app at work is a good way to get your ass fired. |
2004/9/29-30 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:33834 Activity:moderate |
9/29 How do I temporarily block caller id when calling someone? I want to stalk someone. \_ And you've come to the right place. motd is full of stalkers. \_ kchang isn't here anymore \_ can someone please tell me about the kchang/lila love affair and how it turned bitter? \_ fact 1: kchang kept asking her out fact 2: lila kept saying no fact 3: they're both fond of each other. Case in point: http://www.rootcellar.net/kchang fact 4: kchang must be blind to want to go out with with lila. Either that or he has some sort of weird fetish. \_ Lila is attractive in the photo of her with long hair. Maybe she should give it another try. \_ what about waner? \_ *82 before dialing then umber \_ I thought *67 \_ this only works from home phone? what about company line that requires a 9 to dial out? \_ Put a strong magnet next to the phone cord. That will disrupt the caller-ID signal. \_ this is bs. \_ this seriously works. you should try it. \_ Why would it work? The ID isn't generated from anything in the caller's house. (Unless you mean putting a magnet next to the callee's phone. But if you're there you're not merely stalking anymore.) \_ The magnet generates electromagnetic interference in the line which disrupts the caller ID signal. |
2004/9/29 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:33835 Activity:high |
9/29 What an embarrassment for Nature. The editors and Mann of global warming fame are beginning to look very suspicious. http://www.climate2003.com http://www.uoguelph.ca/~rmckitri/research/fallupdate04/update.fall04.html \_ The editors of Nature are known to be jackasses. Talk to anyone who has been in any field of science at a high level for long enough to have dealt with them, and they'll all tell you this. And it's not just sour grapes. I know pleny of people who've been published in Nature multiple times who think this. As far as this stupid "dogleg plot" controversy goes, peer review is only as good as the peers of the person who submits the paper. Some fields have a lot of jackasses in them. Just for shits and grins, you should go through the old copies of Nature from a hundred years ago or more in the stacks of a university library and see how nasty scientific controversies were back then. Believe it or not, they were worse. \_ Were there scientific controversies 100 years ago that were used as evidence to promote the wholesale realignment of global industrial policy? \_ Yeah, there are some pretty horriable peer review stories out there. We had a talk here at LLNL a month or so back about using bad computer data in published papers. The peer review process let a lot of really bad science pass. (Like, you can see that this graph increases linearly! When investigated, it turns out they only plotted 2 points. etc.) \_ Are you a Republican? \_ Why do you ask? Because only Republicans require good data to base their decisions on? -!op \_ There's no such thing as "good data". There's only bias. Once you have determined your bias, then you pick the data to support your bias, and you form your conclusion based on your data. \_ There is good data. Because of good data, bridges stay up, airplanes fly, and the Internet doesn't grind to a halt. Nature is not forgiving to bias. You should maybe read up on this invention called 'empirical science.' (Yes, my sarcasm detector is in the shop). -- ilyas \_ There is good data and there is bad data. The data in the seminal paper "Electron-Band Structure in Germanium, My Ass" was bad data. \_ And there is even worse than bad data, which is cooked data. At least the E-BSiGMA paper accurately plotted what he observed. \_ I prefer my cooked data with gravy made from the blood of the working man. \_ Mm, one of my favorite recipes from "To Serve Man." |
2004/9/29-30 [Consumer/Camera] UID:33836 Activity:kinda low |
9/29 Dear MOTD photographers, I heard that when I shoot color negatives, I need to overexpose it by one stop in order to get the best result. For example, I should set my camera to ISO 100 when I use a roll of ISO 200 film. What's the reason behind it? Thanks. \_ Nonsense. Now a days color negatives are pretty good that this technique is irrelevant. If you do so, you have to tell the lab about this. Too much hassle. If you want to do this, then you must be a pro and knows exactly what you are doing. If not, then you shouldn't bother with it. \_ Thanks. What was the reason to do this in the old days then? \_ That's just silly. Modern film and developing process allows for a bit of light metering error, usually at least 1 full stop of error up and down. Most labs just leave the machine set to auto correct both color saturation and exposure. If you ever want EXACTLY whats on the film, you have to specifically tell them when you drop off the film "do not autocorrect ANYTHING. I want exactly what's on the negative." Following that guys advice will end up hurting you in the long run. Actually, setting your camera to 100 when you are using 200 will make your shooting a bit of a bitch since your shutter time will almost always be longer than it actually needs to be. \- Yeah, this is one of those "if you have to ask, go with the defaults". There are defeinitely times when you are better off erring on the side of underexposing [if the metering is complicated and for one reason or another you are not bracketing]. Like if you are shooting in snowy or glaciers ... over exposing washing out details in a fashion where you cant recover. If underexp, you may be able to recover some detail. ok tnx. --psb |
2004/9/29-30 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:33837 Activity:very high |
9/29 What do you guys think about Turkey joining the EU? \_ Not yet. It's only recently that their main islamist groups have come around to the idea that beating women and imposing shariya may not be the best road to prosperity. They're getting there, making friends with Greece and starting to be reasonable about Cyprus and the Kurds. Give them some time, start building ties. Turks are pretty nice & civilized people in general, and I'd like to see them join "Europe", but I would like to see some more movement towards what is (not in religious terms) Europe's judeo-christian cultural and economic identity. -John \_ I think it's an EU problem and has little to do with us. At best it is another back door for the US into controlling the EU. At worst, it'll drag Europe down that much faster and there'll be a huge mess in Europe as it goes down in flames. It already won't be Eurpean by the end of the century at current birth and immigration rates/trends. I wonder if this is the first time in history that an entire people, or in this multiple people with a similar/tied culture, have allowed themselves to become extinct. \_ Ah. So "European" is short-hand for "white", then? \_ Ah. I someone would scream "RACIST!" instead of appyling their brain. Europe has a unique culture which a flood of people from other countries who are not being integrated into society will overwhelm and destroy. I didn't say "white" or even hint at it. Don't strawman me. \_ Again, how is Turkey more of a problem than the former Soviet Bloc countries? \_ Some of the former Soviet slave states are European cultured and only differ in that their economies are still recovering from communism as their legal systems come up to speed. Turkey is a completely different culture. What sort of answer other than the obvious were you expecting? \_ Actually, the ones that just joined EU like the Baltic states, blend pretty well with the rest of Europe culturally. \_ That's what he said isn't it? \_ Why not, they joined NATO. \_ It's a hard question. On the one hand, Turkey is one of the few Muslim countries actually making progress into the modern world, and it's not a bad place. I'd like to give them all the opportunities possible. On the other hand, Turkish immirants into Europe have become a serious pain in the butt. \_ More so than Eastern European immigrants? Turkey is in better shape than, say, Albania or Macedonia, and slightly less corrupt than Russia. \_ Thank Allah. What Europe needs is more red-headed hookers. \_ I couldn't tell you about eastern europeans. I'm pretty sure gangs of them aren't taking over Swedish cities though. \_ Nobody's taking anything over. Arabs, Eastern Europeans (lots of Russian, Polish and ex-Yugoslav), Turks and some Central Asians and Africans control a lot of the crime in European cities (from small time shit to organized prostitution and drug smuggling.) Sweden, France, Germany and the UK, among many, are just starting to realize that the great social experiment, and treating everyone with kid gloves, is not conducive to having a civil society when you're dealing with thugs. Not all non-Europeans are thugs, just a lot of the illegal immigrants. So: should "Western" countries stop immigration from places where people look funny? No. Should they consistently hold everyone to certain minimal standards of behavior? Definitely. Also note that the article talks about "Arabs". Searching for 'turk' yields 0 results. -John http://jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/2004/09/003131print.html \_ http://jihadwatch.org/spencer ??? Can you give me a good reason why I would want to listen to a source as provocative as this? \_ Well, if you're good at Swedish you could read the articles he links to yourself. Bork! Bork! Bork! \_ From the BBC's description of Aftonbladet: "The biggest-selling paper not only in Sweden but across the Nordic region, the Stockholm-based tabloid Aftonbladet is one of only two truly national titles. Described as an evening paper, Aftonbladet appears on news stands in Stockholm at around 0830 and follows the classic tabloid format, with plenty of celebrity news, sport, sex and crime. Part-owned by the Swedish trade unions, Aftonbladet is described as "independent social democrat". In other words, it's the NY Post or Sun Daily of Scandinavia. Nope, no sensationalism here. \_ I can't tell if you are joking or not. Is there something wrong with this guy that I am not seeing? -- ilyas \_ This gentleman has a particular, and might I add, extreme, point of view which he purports to support by quoting other extremist points of view. He then defends his position by suggesting that the point of his exercise is merely to inform people about the extreme points of view. The implication, however, is that the extremist POVs he reveals are in fact the driving forces of an entire culture (which he lamely tries to deny he's implying by saying "I am not doing this" while he continues to do it with the other hand). My point is that while it is good to know that there are extremists out there, this fellow, in trying to address the so-called soft press that has, according to him, ignored the extremists, goes over- board in his characterizations. This does not help the debate. \_ I don't understand what you are trying to say. What is his extreme point of view? That militant jihadists are bad? That's not extreme at all. I think this guy's only fault is not being 'diplomatic' with his language. Can you show me in particular in what way he is going overboard? -- ilyas \_ Did you read the sidebar on "Why Dhimmi Watch" on the main page of this site? "Spearheaded by dhimmi academics and self- serving advocacy groups, that same attitude of chastened subservience has entered into Western academic study of Islam, and from there into journalism, school textbooks, and the popular discourse." Apparently, anyone who doesn't view Islam with deep fear and suspicion is a dhimmi tool of the Islamic overlords. \_ Given some things stated in the Qu'ran, I think the burden of proof is on Islam, not on the West. -- ilyas \_ Maybe they are? Ever think of that? \_ Sure. About the same time I thought that Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati wanted to corrupt my precious bodily fluids. \_ Oops! You got schooled by John! \_ I think Europe is far more seriously affected by muslim immigration than the US, and there _are_ a lot of very warped apologists for islamist b.s. here who play either the racism or the "you're a paranoid kook" card if anyone disagrees with them. Why are you doing the same? It's a serious problem. Look up 'Finsbury park mosque' for starters. -John \_ What I would call extreme is a French girl raped by 80 muslim men.... Don't hear much about that do you? \_ Lots of that in the European adult comic books. Seems like that's what the Europeans fantasize about. \_ Hi! Why are you still taking up our oxygen, twit? \_ You stupid fuck. There is an ongoing case in France where this happened. \_ Who is want to come TURKEY I can invitate http://www.ikissyou.org/indeks2.html \_ I don't think it makes any sense for Europe. It helps Turkey of course, and certain business interests, and would help long term political stability and so forth. But Turkey IMO is still has too many problems and culturally doesn't seem ready for it. Even if some eastern European countries like Romania may have a lot of problems, they are already "there" from a cultural standpoint. It looks like it will happen sooner or later anyway though. |
2004/9/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33838 Activity:kinda low |
9/29 To the guy who said http://www.electoral-vote.com was biased, why were you suggesting that he was biased in favor of Bush? He says he's a Kerry supporter: http://www.electoral-vote.com/info/welcome.html "I am a Kerry supporter. I am open about that. Despite my political preference, I have bent over backwards to be scrupulously honest about all the numbers, and have carefully designed the main page to be strictly nonpartisan." \_ Yeah, I implied that, but I was just repeating what I had read elsewewhere, that he was "biased." It is pretty amusing that the Kerry biased site has Kerry with fewer EVs than the Bush biased site. that the Kerry biased site had Kerry with fewer EVs than the Bush biased site yesterday. (electionprojection.com) No matter what he says though, those trend lines are a joke. Do you take those trend lines seriously? \_ I forgot to cull out the states that had only a few data points. But the trend lines looked reasonable to me in the states with a decent number of points. \_ Had a conversation with two construction workers at a coffee shop in Oakland today. Gist: both candidates are scumbags; Kerry's a tax-and-spend Dem; Bush is a deficit spender; Ted Nugent would make a fine president. \_ Arnold! I used to scoff at Arnie's chances but I'm coming to see that if legally enabled he might actually do it. \_ You do realize that the barriers to Constitutional Amendments are so high that this has almost no chance of happening, right? |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:33839 Activity:nil |
9/29 MySQL question: If I create a table where one column is an ENUM such as ENUM('a','b','c') can I later expand the enumerated values to say add 'd' to the possibilities, or do I have to rebuild the whole table? \_ Not really (although I think this makes MySQL silently rebuilt the table anyway): ALTER TABLE foo CHANGE bar bar ENUM ('a','b','c','d'); -geordan \_ Slightly shorter: ALTER TABLE foo MODIFY bar ENUM ('a','b','c','d'); --dbushong |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33840 Activity:high |
9/29 Is there a way to configure the cmd line ftp program to default to the fucking binary transfer mode? is this a server setting? this is linux and windows ftp client... thanks. \_ which Windows FTP client? Most that I worked on can be preset to bin. (ws_ftp, cuteftp, etc.)? \_ Why are you still using FTP? try http or ssh/scp \_ This is probably not OP's reason, but a lot of embedded devices (like the analysis machines the people I'm dealing with now) only permit FTP (for example). -John with now) only permit FTP (for example). Use fetch for good cmdline ftp'ing though. -John \-wget will take a ftp url. i dont know wnaythign about windows. --psb |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:33841 Activity:nil |
9/29 How do I use perl to delete some registry setting? such as HKCR\Something. I want to automatically nuke the entry... Thanks... \_ From the 1st google result for 'perl registry' http://jenda.krynicky.cz/perl/Registry.pm.html Load the Win32:Registry module and go from there... |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/Rants, Industry/Startup] UID:33842 Activity:very high |
9/29 A while ago someone posted this tech support company (URL) in India that only charges like $8 a day. Can someone please post that again? ok thx \_ Get what you pay for. \_ tell that to the management. It's like the Atkins diet. Everyone knows that it's good for something and bad for another, but no one's listening because IT WORKS. And stop deleting this because you're just wasting time. \_ It doesn't "just work". You get people who won't wipe their ass without a work order in triplicate. All the outsourcing I've seen (a lot among my clients) has been good for defined work blocks, but useless and shit for anything requiring innovative thinking, sorry. Management sees this as well too, if they're not cretins (not all of them are, surprise surprise.) -John \_ http://www.supportempire.com remote tech support for only $2.30 per hour. That's 10X cheaper than US workers. \_ cheaper per-hour maybe. But are they as good? Because if you waste 10x as long fixing a problem with them, not only are you now just breaking even, you also lsoe big time on your own staffing costs in time dealing with them. \_ No. Missing the point. If they can't help a customer they are pissing off the customer who will then never buy your product, tell their 10 friends to never buy your product and some of them will put up a website such as <DEAD>www.your-company-name-sucks.com<DEAD> which will convice hundreds of others not to buy your product, but at least you saved a few bucks in support. And since product sales will drop like a rock, support costs will go down, too. Nice how that works. \_ Yes, it's stupid. Companies doing silly things to satisfy bean counters is hardly new. Look at IBM. They do this ALL THE TIME. It just happens that they're big enough that a different sector's profits can make up for incrediably stupid moves in this sector. Most companies just die. \_ It's not to satisfy bean counters. Most managers who do this kind of thing are not around for long enough to suffer the consequences. "Save" money in the short term, get a nice big bonus, and get headhunted to another company. -John \_ Few people here wants to do tech support work. It's a good idea to outsource it. Tech support here are sometimes horrendous, other times exemplary. It's not like it's all good here. \_ A *lot* of Americans want to do tech support but they can't live on $2.30/hour. Good or bad, at least they speak English. \_ Sure they can. Put them up in barracks and feed them prison food. Show them free movies at night. Pretty soon that is what a "job" will look like in America. |
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