2004/9/26-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:33759 Activity:moderate |
9/26 Has anyone played Dungeon Siege? I know its an old game, but I saw it on sale and wanted to know if it was any good before I bought it. \_ Dungeon Siege is like a crappy, Microsoft version of Diablo 2. Diablo 2 is much more fun. \_ DS is an old game that I still sometimes load up for kicks. D2 is rehashed crap with zero replaybility. \_ Is that why people still play D2 by the thousands on battlenet, and why there are D2 item selling businesses on the internet? No one plays DS except you. \_ Lots of people commit suicide every year so suicide must be good. That's the best you can come up with? \_ Suicide is great, try it. \_ A new twist on the "Coors" beer argument. \_ I so thoroughly wanted to be done with this game that I started just racing the characters through, ignoring the monsters. And it worked. \_ D2 >> Dungeon Siege. The makers of Dungeon Siege failed to grasp what makes Diablo fun. -- ilyas what makes Diablo fun. Sacred is apparently a better attempt, but I never played it. -- ilyas \_ I've played Sacred. Sacred is poo. DS >>> Sacred. \_ It's probably worth $5 but don't spend more than $10. |
2004/9/26-27 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:33760 Activity:high |
9/26 What's the line for .forward to send incoming mail via procmail, and _then_ forward to a@b.com? \_ A .forward file isn't powerful enough for that. Do it all from procmail instead, by adding this to the end of your .procmailrc: :0 ! a@b.com \_ That will eventually create a mail loop that's not detectable by sendmail. \_ Erk, cool, thanks. Any way around this? -op \_ i use the following in my .procmailrc... if this can still create a mail loop, please let me know how to fix it: :0c: *!^FROM_MAILER ! a@b.com \_ Use something like this: :0f *!^X-Loop: yourname@csua.berkeley.edu | formail -A"X-Loop: yourname@csua.berkeley.edu" :0ac ! a@b.com Some comments: 1) there is no need to use locks since you're not writing to a file. 2) The "X-Loop: yourname@csua.berkeley.edu" header keeps track of whether this message has been forwarded before. 3) You can combine this with any other rules you have on your mind. 4) these two recipes must be listed strictly in this order (see the meaning of "a" flag). I have been using the plain "!" recipe without any checks before and got burned many times and as a mail sysadmin I have seen lots of users get burned by this too. The problems usually start when the <DEAD>b.com<DEAD> refuses to accept mail for some reason. Then sendmail will attempt to deliver the bounced message to your mail box. But since you have a procmail rule that tries to forward everything to the other host, it will keep forwarding mail until your csua account goes over quota. Your *!^FROM_MAILER rule might work fine for this purpose too, but it will fail to forward messages that were mail errors that didn't appear as a result of a failed mail forwarding attempt. \_ thanks! -FROM_MAILER guy |
2004/9/26-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:33761 Activity:nil |
9/26 opinions on whether i should get DSL, cable + dsl, cable + cable internet, or a tivo like device. what is available in the bay area? how much are these things? i would like to have cable and internet access and AOL isn't cutting it. \_ Umm, why would you ever consider using AOL in the first place? Anyway, if you want cable and internet, then it's probably best to get a package deal from comcast. They have some 24.95 for 3 months cable internet promotion right now. You can also ask if it would be cheaper if you got cable with that too. Act like you're poor unless you want to pay a lot. They offered me a $37 cable tv + internet package a few weeks ago when I called to cancel. (Before that I'd been getting cable internet for $19.99 for like, a year.) I didn't need the cable though, so I passed on that. |
2004/9/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:33762 Activity:nil |
9/26 Anyone interested in pictures from Primrose's picnic yesterday can check out my webpage. There's 8 or so pictures, with some nice ones of mconst, alexf, ajani, and brain. http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~jrleek \_ Thx for taking the pictures! |
2004/9/26-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33763 Activity:high |
9/26 You know, while most of the alums failed to make it big during the dot com days there are quite a few others who did in fact make it big. Why don't they donate to CSUA? Why don't they wall anymore? They used to be liberals, did they suddenly change to stingy capitalistic Bush/Cheney supporters after they got rich? Is that why they no longer talk to us? \_ Years of banging yermom have left them bitter, grouchy and less likely to contribute $$$. \- Because the CSUA doesnt need money? How about donating to say 3rd world literacy programs. \_ While basically true, in this case I don't think of the CSUA as a charity, (I already donate a lot of money to charities) but as a shared resource we're all using, and should therefore support. \- for what? to hire/stipend the sysadmin? soda doesnt need any more resources ... maybe nominally more disk, but the pburo ought to run a "disk drive" rather than just give them random cash. \_ CPU-wise, SodaVI is gettinv a little long in the tooth, especially with everyone running spam filtering. \_ Shit, we just need that lottery system back. \_ Unless things have changed since I left 9 mo. ago, Soda is not in need of more disk so much as NEW disk. Those TDAs are a mess and could completely crash and burn at anytime. And they take up too much rack space. \_ Is there a convenient way to drop the CSUA the odd bit of cash (i.e. via credit card?) -John \_ Yes and no, paypal has been suggested, and Politburo set up an account, but they're still working through the legalities with the ASUC. Mailing a check to 343 Soda still works. \_ What is the complete address? And who do we make the check payable to? \_ And costs me about 20 bucks to do from abroad, and a lot of people refuse to use paypal, myself included. Oh well. -John \_ Politburo is open to suggestions. What would you prefer? \_ Anonymous untraceable E-Gold. \- The time has come for: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Humor/wall.log-GiantBrain_of_JSL \_ What was the point of this link? Is it supposed to be funny? \_ Would you trust her to spend your CSUA donation money intelligently? \_ This link is bs and really proves nothing. \_ Does the politburo have a proposal for what the donations would be used for? \_ Upgrading Soda. \_ Is there something more specific? What will the upgrade entail? \_ I will personally attest that all donations made to the CSUA during this time, unless otherwise specifically noted, will go toward the hardware upgrade (and we'll actually ask each donator to make sure). We're also making a commitment to actually acknowledge and thank people who donate so that people don't think we're a group of ungrateful children. As for what our plans are, we're planning on upgrading soda to a dual xeon machine with a pile of ram and piles of fault-tolerant disk. During this time, we're also planning on making upgrades to scotch and a general reshuffling of some of the servers to fix some of the issues that we're having right now. (For example, we've been contemplating some fixes to soda getting CPU hosed by procmail and spamass processes, one of the fixes being to offload mail processing) Nothing is set in stone though; we have to see what kind of funds we'll have to do this. I'll post more in a few days about more of the specifics and our needs from the community. - jvarga \_ Dual 90nm Xeons? Soda goes **FOOM**! -anonymous critic |
2004/9/26-27 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:33764 Activity:high |
9/26 What kind of secret service protection do senators receive? Also, do presidential candidates receive special secret service protection? \_ Um, this is kind of a strange question to ask on the motd, but Presidential candidates all recieve SS protection... ever since Robert Kennedy. I am pretty sure that the SS has nothing to do with the Senate, but I know that Feinstein has some kind of her own security detail. I don't know who pays for it. \_ Thanks, but why is this a strange questino to ask on the motd? \_ Remember the Steve Jackson games case? The SS doesn't take well to jokes or even idle curiosity. \_ Enjoy Ashcroft's be-latexed fingers icily probing your rectal cavity while you are denied access to counsel! \_ You have Ashcroft all wrong. He'd never use latex, he'd dive right in. \_ Enemy combatants and people who format weirdly on the motd have no right to lubricant under the Geneva Conventions. |
2004/9/26 [Politics/Domestic, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33765 Activity:nil |
9/26 Republican National Convention sends out Soda motd style argument in mailer: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/atrios/rightwing1.jpg http://mywebpages.comcast.net/atrios/rightwing2.jpg |
2004/9/26-27 [Science/Electric] UID:33766 Activity:high |
9/26 I was kinda of curious how much the little light on my power strip costs me each month. Does anyone know how I can figure it out? I assume it would depend on how many watts per second it uses, how can I find out such a thing? \_ Uhm, like less than a quarter a year. If you are that concerned you can ask a bum for some change... \_ That said, I read somewhere that the cumulative energy usage of appliances on standby, plus all the "little lights" in an average household is pretty high over any given year. Any facts about this? -John \_ http://www.engadget.com/entry/2486151161648138 \_ Measure the current and voltage. \_ For real-life power consumption measurement, I found the kill-a-watt incredibly useful: http://www.p3international.com/products/special/P4400/P4400-CE.html \_ Something like this: <DEAD>www.cyberguys.com/templates/searchdetail.asp?T1=112+0240<DEAD> \- it would be interesting to learn: opening the fridge for 10 seconds = how much time for the "little light". \_ Related question, a watt is on Amp at 1 volt for what, one minute? \_ a watt is a joule per second, and an amp is a coulomb per second. a watt is also a volt times an amp. you could think of it as a volt times a coulomb per second, which makes sense, since voltage times charge has units of energy, so it's still energy per time. http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/units.html \_ obGoogle: http://www.google.com/search?q=amp+joule+watt+second \_ A watt is one amp at one volt. A joule is one amp at one volt for one second. \_ So a kilowatt-hour is exactly 3.6 MJ then.. interesting. They should have just used MJs for reporting your monthly power usage. Less need for decimal pointage, and it's not a stupid unit. \_ KW is not a stupid unit. KWH is not a great scientific unit, but it makes a lot of sense in relation to electrical appliances and the like. c.f. "How much power does it take to run this light bulb for 1000 hours? 60KWH." \_ Another related question, I just read that AC-DC adapters are constantly sucking power regaurdless ow wether they are on or not. True? \_ Since they are warm even when the appliance is not in use, the answer should be "yes". There is some new design that is supposedly much more efficient but I haven't heard about it for years. \_ Watt is joule per second. |