2004/9/24 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33737 Activity:very high |
9/23 I apologise for thinking Kerry was always a peacenik wimp. Kerry in favor of pre-emptive, unilateral attack against Iraq: http://www.washtimes.com/national/inbeltway.htm \_ When public opinion changes, I change my mind. What do you do sir? \_ i usually claim that my original position was misunderstood and mischaracterize, and that i've had my current position all along. all along. this works even better when i can find some sympathetic press to chime along. \_ Okay guys, here's some news analysis for you. Take it for what it is. Basically says that Kerry's Iraq position has been remarkably consistent for years, if very "middle of the road." http://csua.org/u/96w \_ like i said, it works better when there's sympathetic press. \_ Right, it's all a conspiracy of the libuhral media. \_ You noticed, after all the Wall St. scandals, analyst articles also detail the analyst's relationship with the company. Why don't news reporters and editorials at least self- indentify their political leanings? Oh, because they trained to be impartial and so their leanings don't matter. Right. \_ If they were truly impartial and interested in the truth, they'd spend a lot more time dissecting the propaganda that spews out of the White House. \_ Let me guess, you would self-identify as a Democrat or liberal? \_ A social progressive who supported the ouster of Saddam Hussein, just not the way the President went about it. \_ "We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians," said Mr. Kerry. "We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest." Oh yea real consistent. \_ Transcripts are not available. You're relying on a Republican senator's memory. Pull trou, or get off my goddamn show. \_ Read more carefully. He has a tape, and he shared it on the radio, dummy. \_ He could have faked the tape. \_ See, that's just it. He has the tape. He's offered to share it. It's not been reported that he did share it, nor is there any unofficial transcript. It doesn't help that this is being reported in a blurb column. It deserves its own article. \_ He's not a Dem. \_ Or a Rep. seeking to prove that Iraq sought to buy yellowcake from Nigeria. \_ Nigeria != Niger. |
2004/9/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33738 Activity:insanely high |
9/24 I have a directory with a bunch of image files names DSCNxxxx.jpg. What's the quickest way to rename them all to Dscnxxxx.jpg? (just changing the capitalization of the first 4 letters). \_ foreach i (*.jpg) mv $i `echo $i | sed -e s/DSCN/Dscn/` end I'm a hardware engineer and even I can come up with something \_ You're assuming the OP has csh access to the directory. \_ Okay, the why don't you just "dir" the files to a text file, send it to your soda account, write a script to change the names (DOS batch file), and viola. \_ ObCygwin \_ I'm looking for a one-liner that actually works... this gives me "i: Undefined variable.". This is on linux and I do have csh access. The perl suggestion below is a good idea but it's overkill for what I'm doing right now. -op \_ In Perl: #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Usage: rename perlexpr [files] ($regexp = shift @ARGV) || die "Usage: rename perlexpr [filenames]\n"; if (!@ARGV) { @ARGV = <STDIN>; chomp(@ARGV); } foreach $_ (@ARGV) { $old_name = $_; eval $regexp; die $@ if $@; rename($old_name, $_) unless $old_name eq $_; } exit(0); Use 's/DSCN/dscn/' for the regex at the commandline or just modify the $regex variable. \_ Your OS? \_ What you want is a nice perl script that renames it to YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_xxxx.jpg. This is the way to archive images. Besides the image, the time is the next most important thing, but with Windows and day light saving time and time zone, and that sometime you forget to set the camera's clock correctly when you travel, relying on file timestamp and exif time is really not a good idea. Embed the picture time into the filename is a permanent way to record the time of a photo. \_ If you are using 4NT, just do "ren DSCN* Dscn*" \-ls | awk '{print "mv " $1" "$1}' | sed 's/ DSC/Dsc//' | sh \_ This works in NT Command Prompt. You don't need 4NT. \-ls | awk '{print "mv " $1" "$1}' | sed 's/ DSCN/Dscn//' | sh --psb \_ you should just use gsub in your awk. \- as i said last time this came up on the motd, anybody asking a question like this isnt going to be familiar with complicated awk or sed, backrefs etc. So it's best to make something easy to modify. i suppose i should have used the nth match for sed. i would personally just do this in emacs. --psb |
2004/9/24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:33739 Activity:very high |
9/24 Burkett: Lockhart Asked Me for Rathergate Documents http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/9/23/233909.shtml Gotta loves the Clinton's, their stench just never goes \_ No apostrophe necessary. The apostrophe doesn't mean: "Warning: 's' follows." away. And remember, according to Dan Rather, Burket is an "unimpeachable source". \_ This is just the Clintons torpedoing Kerry's campaign so Hillary can run in 08. Duh. \_ Please. Gary Trudeau offered $10k for evidence of Bush's service. If someone sent him allegedly forged documents, would he be at fault for asking for such evidence? http://doonesbury.msn.com/strip/faqs/index.html \_ You know, I never heard about this before the motd. And I stopped reading Doonesbury a long while ago when Trudeau went completely loopy IMO. It's quite possible that there aren't any GWB supporters that could verify the claim reading the strip. \_ newsmax article quoting forth worth star telegram, which had subsequently retracted the lockhart claim. there are enough lies flying back and forth on both sides already. let's not add to it. link:www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/9748929.htm?1c \_ What's the csuamotd login/pwd for http://dfw.com? |
2004/9/24 [Uncategorized] UID:33740 Activity:nil |
9/24 Happy Friday Moon! o*"""**oo.oo*""*oo.. oo*" "*o.o*" "*o. o o *o .o o 'o o o o. o o o o \o/ o o --0-- o o. /o\ o o o o o o o o o oo oo o oo oo. oo oo 'ooo. oo. ooo o ""oo,, ,,oO-'Oo, ,,,,,oo"o o. """""" oo """"" o 'o oo o' o oo o 'o o o* o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o |
2004/9/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:33741 Activity:high |
9/24 Regarding the http://opensecrets.org link below, I'm really surprised that Bush doesn't get more donations from oil industries and instead get them from 'retired' people. Weird... \_ People begging for SS have a surprising amount of money to throw around. \_ It's not so much a widows-and-orphans welfare system as a giant pension system. Hell, Warren Buffet is eligible. \_ Well, yeah. Which is why it's stupid, now anyway. Why should old people be getting money? Aside from asinine health care costs, they have very few expenses. No children, no where to go, and usually, pleanty of money. \_ Old people are generally not poor in this country because of Social Securirty. There's a reason SS was created in the first place you know. Would you prefer we return to the days where the elderly mostly lived in abject poverty, and people would literally work themselves until their death for fear of retirement? \_ So you say. I think reality differs. \_ I think you're wrong. Look at the demographics of the poor from before SS and after. \_ Situation has changed since SS was introduced. A lot. \_ You're right. However, with the widening income gap in this country, it seems that we are rapidly going back to something approximating the '20s. \_ And social security is going with it. \_ Wow. So we agree! Thanks! \_ Well, the fact that SS is hozed and broken is hardly a secret. Nor is the fact that the Dems stole all the money from it. \_ Wow. Wrong on both counts. Way to go... \_ Care to back up that accusation? \_ I think it's rather the reverse. The Republicans have presided over the largest expansions in public spending. \_ Since LBJ was in the white \_ You are wrong. It was Reagan who proposed that the payroll medicare and SS taxes be doubled in the 80s. It was argued hat starting with the 80s, the surplus money generated by the higher payroll tax payments would be used to retire the government debt so that by the time the baby boomers start retiring, the government would be in a better position to pay their pensions. Yet, there hasn't been a single year during the Reagan era when ALL of the surplus payroll tax payments were not shamelessly used for purposes completely unrelated to the social security or debt retirement. It was actually Bill Clinton who cared about balancing the budget. Then came GWB has again run record decicits and also proposed record breaking deficits for future without any viable proposal for a viable SS reform. Most economists agree the this country will be broke soon if this doesn't change. \_ Pessimism never created a job! Just put your blinders on, go to Walmart and buy Britney Spears and let the folks in Washington deal with the bean counting! house. Pretty much that whole time was a Dem congress. http://www.nationalcenter.org/NPA189.html |
2004/9/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:33742 Activity:very high |
9/24 I am annoyed by the Chron's sloppy reporting on the UC admission GPA increase. http://csua.org/u/971 In one paragraph, they talk about "4900 fewer students in the eligibility pool". In another paragraph, they talk about the smaller number of each racial group who would be admitted, but they do this trick that confuses members of the eligibility pool with the students actually admitted. (I imagine not that many 2.8 GPA students were admitted into UCB.) What I really want to know is how the policy would actually affect admissions, say by looking at admission statistics of the last several years. But the Chron deliberately, lazily, or misleadingly does not provide that information. Does anyone know? \_ I was admitted with a 2.8 highschool gpa. I agree that it's probably rare. There were also minimum SAT score requirements which were higher the farther your gpa was below 3.0, iirc. \_ You mean "the Chron's sloppy reporting." period. \_ I am not usually bothered by the Chron since I use other news sources most of the time. Thinking about it more though, I am somewhat worried that there are people who depend on it for their primary "in depth" news source. \_ I don't understand. If conditions are bad at your school, shouldn't it be easier to get a high GPA? \_ Easier given the same amount of effort, but if you've ever been to a bad school you'd understand why this is not necessarily true. Lots of kids are trying to survive, not get a high GPA. \_ Generally those kids aren't too worried about going to a UC either. \_ Which is the sad part, because they should be. To compare Beverly Hills High to Crenshaw High in terms of GPA is silly. It's probably *harder* to get a high GPA at a place like Crenshaw, despite less competition. \_ I agree with you there. Which is why we need to fix the schools, not make it easier to get into college. Then it's already too late. \_ What's that? The public schools are broken? But ... how can that be? Aren't they overseen by the ALMIGHTY STATE? WHAT WENT WRONG? It must be the greedy private interests that fucked up our schools! \_ In fact it was. Prop 13. \_ BWAHAHAHA! \_ Not Prop 13. Check out: http://makeashorterlink.com/?A18D12E59 [disguised wingnut link] \_ Read: http://www.ppic.org/content/pubs/R_1003HRR.pdf "Despite Proposition 13 and other limitations, state and local government spending in California in in line with spending in other states. In 1999-2000, state and local government spending per capita in California exceed the average of all other states by 9%." The lack of tax money is not a problem. What is a problem is how we choose to spend it. \_ is that adjusted for things like local cost of materials/cost of living? \_ Doesn't look like it. Nor the teachers' salaries, for that matter. \_ Ah, but what's spending as % of GDP? \_ California had good public schools before Prop 13. I am old enough to remember. \_ And free junior colleges. We REALLY need to reexamine. \_ And CA ranks near the bottom of the US in state spending per student \_ I don't think most people are against spending more on schools, if there was any chance of it getting better. Have you seen the schools? They're run my complete morons! \_ Have you considered working in the schools? It's terrible! The pay is shit, the hours are long and you have medeling from nosy parents and a school-board run by junior politicians. It's no wonder they can't attract good people! \_ Wow... how can this travesty happen with a STATE-RUN INSTITUTION? Surely, there must have been some sort of shadowy special-interest involvement from greedy multinational corporations that caused this! \_ Okay, think about it this way. How often have you received good service at a Denny's, or some shop at the mall, or first level tech support from a big company. If you don't pay enough, the good people won't stick around "for the love of it." \_ It is not relevant that CA had good schools before Prop 13. CA has plenty of tax revenue. The reason CA spends less on education is because we spend a smaller % of tax revenue on education (22% for CA versus 25% elsewhere). Read the PPIC article. Prop 13 is just a scapegoat. In the 1970s sale tax was 3% and houses cost $35K (i.e. property values far outstripped inflation). More taxes is not the answer. \_ What does California spend it tax money on then? I am genuninly curious. Do you have a reference? \_ Yes. THE LINK ABOVE TO PPIC says that. If you want to know everything broken down look here: http://makeashorterlink.com/?Q25E25F59 BTW, CA has the highest paid teachers in the nation. \_ they make TWO hunks of dirt a day! \_ http://www.edsource.org/sch_ca_us_pupil_xpn.cfm California lags far behind the rest of the nation in per pupil expenditures. \_ Try looking at: Serrano v. Priest |
2004/9/24-25 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:33743 Activity:nil |
9/24 Scott Kurtz breaks down the proper use of the word "gay" http://www.pvponline.com \_ I would add another use of the adjective "gay." Using it sarcastically in a context where some dickhead 17 year old meathead jock might, but around people who know you don't mean it in the same way is a subtle way of making fun of the 17 year old meathead jock, which I don't feel the slightest bit bad about. \_ scott kurtz = teh ghey \_ w00t! scott kurtz = pwned |
2004/9/24-26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33744 Activity:kinda low |
9/24 Turkmenbashi greatest poet! All hail Turkmenbashi! http://funreports.com/2004/09/23/56244.html \_ Just in case if someone doesn't know who Turkmenbashi is, check out wikipedia article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saparmurat_Niyazov \_ Thank you, it's much richer with the context. \_ Holy crap. Shades of Saddam. \_ Way, way more insane |
2004/9/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33745 Activity:nil |
9/24 Kerry misquoted: http://mediamatters.org/items/200409240008 (AKA, you got punked!) \_ pwnd \_ And strangely unsurprising... \_ Not related: Kerry is now doing to Bush what Bush has been doing to Kerry this whole campaign: taking quotes our of context and spinning them to make the other guy look bad. Bush said that "we can't win the war on terrorism" and Kerry has been beating Bush up over that quote. What Bush meant was that since you aren't fighting against a country you'll never have a surrender like a normal war, so you really can't "win" in the classic sense. That's a pretty deep statement coming from Bush, and he's back to talking like a caveman again ("Freedom good. Terrorists bad. Mongo kill terrorists!"). Way to go Kerry! \_ There really is no reason to take Bush out of context. His in context statements are revolting enough. By the way, have you heard anyone harp on that line since Bush "clarified" it? \_ Abortions for some, tiny American flags for others! |
2004/9/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33746 Activity:nil |
9/24 http://www.steveclemons.com/GOPMailer.htm Vote Bush, or the terrorists^W satanists have won! |
2004/9/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33747 Activity:moderate |
9/24 Soda Mark V needs to find a new home; specifically anywhere but in the office. Therefore we are putting your beloved former home up for auction. Priority goes first to the highest bidder if there is one, then to whomever claims it and provides a means to get it out of our office, then lastly to ENS. The machine appears to be mostly in tact, minus the hard drives (campus rules say we have to wipe or remove hard drives, and we're lazy). No extra cables (power, keyboard, etc) will be provided; just what is already in the case. A picture and the specs can be found at http://soda.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-v.html . I'll try to address any questions here on the motd. MOTD wipers, please leave this post in tact for a while. Thanks. - jvarga \_ If the drives haven't yet been removed, why not just dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda \_ That would require me to plug it in and boot it up and that violates my strict code of "don't do more than you have to to make people think you've done something." - jvarga \_ Well a machine with SCSI controller and disks is a whole lot more useful than a machine with a SCSI controller and no disk. \_ Of course, but the point is to get soda for nostalgia purposes, not really for a working machine. For $20 you can probably find a more powerful machine at any salvage shop. I suppose if someone really wants the disks, I'm willing to supervise them doing the wipe themselves. - jvarga \_ Why not put that thing in the official motd? motd.public is prone to fickle storms of destruction. \_ Considered that, but people can't make direct replies. I've got a saved copy of my post if someone blows this away. But just remember this: I am squish happy and shall rampage like none other if I so please. Either that or I'll just post it again. Whichever requires the least effort. - jvarga \_ I'm sure some alumni can get together to pitch in a dollar and give not quite so old soda a new home. \_ jvarga, the public motd is reserved for alum who have nothing better to do and is a place for jokes and/or heated political discussion. Your post does not fall into these categories, so I will nuke it in an hour. Also I don't appreciate the fact that you, pst, and politburo have been ignoring my emails for the past 2 months. \_ Who could possibly be interested in that piece of junk? Just throw it away. \_ This whole thread is a good example of what lazy dumbasses the current Politburo is. \_ how lazy is Politburo? How lazy? It is so lazy, it doesn't want to squish people anymore. DOOSH!! \_ if you have such a problem with them maybe you should just give up your soda account. \_ Huh? You're gonna have to explain that one. Ever since we upgraded Soda, Soda V has been in the office, and every politburo has said, "We're gonna auction it to the allumni... someday" So, now that this politburo actually DOES something about it, they're lazy. Ho-kay... |
2004/9/24-27 [Reference/Religion] UID:33748 Activity:low |
9/24 The Rape Jihad http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=15206 \_ And the Bible says you should do lots of horrible things too, but he's not blaming Christians as a whole for things that are in the Bible... \_ The irony is atheists are responsible for over 100 million deaths in the 20th century, and still counting. Liberal western democracies are entirely predicated \_ And da damn Bible says ya' should do lots uh ho'rible wahtahmelluns too, but he's not blamin' Christians as some whole fo' wahtahmelluns dat are in de Bible. What it is, Mama!. \_ De irony be adeists are responsible fo' over 100 million deads in de 20d century, and still countin'. Liberal western democracies be entirely predicated on Protestant and Judaic beliefs. History, the bane of atheists. \_ It sounds like your bane is critical thinking. --aaron \_ No they aren't, and no they aren't. 'Sup, histo'y, de bane uh adeists. \_ It sounds likes yo' bane be critical dinkin'. --aaron \_ No dey ain't, and no dey ain't. |
2004/9/24 [Uncategorized] UID:33749 Activity:nil |
9/24 http://www.mbychosting.com/illwillpress/tech.swf Tech support outsourcing to Innnndia. \_ Isn't this old news? |
2004/9/24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33750 Activity:nil 76%like:33753 |
9/24 If America were Iraq, what would it be like? http://csua.org/u/97d (juancole.com) |
2004/9/24-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33751 Activity:high |
9/24 Dear jvarga, how come "more /etc/motd" isn't in the default .login for new members? Do you guys (new people) not care about the tradition anymore? \_ The policy of displaying the motd on login was ended by (I beleive) the same president who suspended the motd after 9/11, and for the same reasons. and for the same reasons. -jrleek \_ is that why the post 9/11 motd is basically the same people talking the same shit every day ad nauseum? \_ Oh please. What have YOU done to make motd more interesting, other than your tedious bitching? \_ probably more than you. you want writing samples from the archives? \_ cf. 'ad naseum' \_ My understanding of this is that somewhere at some time, it was decided that the motd tends to scare off people and that it should therefore not pop up automagically for new users. Personally, I am inclined to leave it as such unless someone gives me a convincing argument to the contrary. I see no problem in maybe adding a line that tells users "type `more /etc/motd` to read the message of the day" to the default .login. - jvarga \_ somewhere at some time. Ok. I guess the new administration no longer keeps track of minutes, etc. No more historian, etc. Damn lazy gen-Y kids. -late 80s alumni \_ New users _should_ see the motd, as it does contain messages relevant to the CSUA (remember not giving people "soda accounts" but rather "CSUA memberships") especially the top bit. Maybe change the disclaimer to something like "everyone on soda can post below." -John \_ How about we add "more /etc/motd.official" instead of motd for new members from now on? \_ you know jvarga, if the old politburo were still running, you'd be squished for this kind of attitude. \_ huh? \_ Where is the love? The idea is good. It would have worked without the comments. |
2004/9/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:33752 Activity:high |
9/24 Dear Politburo, how much has sameer donated to CSUA? He is a fine example of a rich alumni who made it big (really big, and even appeared on the Time magazine) during the easy lucrative dot-com days and I'm wondering how much rich people donate. ok thx \_ forbes, not time. why am i commenting on your inane questions. i hate myself. - danh days and I'm wondering how much rich people donate. ok thx \_ Dear dumbass, there are a lot of us alumni who'd like to donate who simply don't have an easy way to do it. \_ who is sameer? \_ communist |
2004/9/24-25 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33753 Activity:nil 76%like:33750 |
9/24 If America wuz Iraq, whut would it be likes? http://csua.org/u/97d (juancole.com) |
2004/9/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:33754 Activity:nil |
9/24 http://www.mbychosting.com/illwillpress/tech.swf Tech suppo't outsourcin' t'Innnndia. Sheeeiit. \_ Isn't dis old news? |
3/15 |