2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33627 Activity:insanely high |
9/20 Shotgun Incident Seems to Worsen for Kerry http://www.gunlaws.com/Kerrys%20Illegal%20Shotgun.htm \_ You know the worst of it is that I sincerely believe he is going to lose because of this asinine irrelevant crap. -John \_ so for Democrats the laws are irrevelant \_ the 2nd amendment is asinine and irrelevant? \_ You're not listening to Herr John. Read and try again. \_ No, he's going to lose because the Dems picked a bad canidate. This other crap is just a side show. \_ Side show? No. Kerry had a great speech today about Iraq. The media will ignore it in favor of OMG DAN RATHER IS TEH GAY!!!!11!!!! \_ They probably fell asleep as he droned on and on and on. \_ 1000+ SOLDIERS DEAD IN IRAQ. OWNERSHIP SOCIETY BULLSHIT. BILLIONS SPENT ON NONWORKING MAGIC MISSILE DEFENSE SHIELD +4. BIZARRE PLAN FOR FREE MARKET ECONOMY AND FREE TRADE ZONE IN IRAQ POST INVASION. \_ [all caps rant delete] \_ Hi aaron. Your drool is showing again. \_ Your return on SS is < 2%. Young adults today will likely receive a large, negative return on payments to the Fed govt. If your so gungho on giving money to people for free volunteer to increase your tax payments. Considering Pyongyang and Tehran are progressing quite rapidly with nuclear and missile technology, TMD is looking better and better. TMD works. \_ Moving SS to private accounts would cost TRILLIONS. Ask your favorite wonk how it would be paid for. No one can give you an answer. \_ LOL its your money. An opt-in plan would cost "TRILLIONS" - you are full of it. \_ Are you being obtuse? SS is pay-as-you-go. Current payout are payed by current revenue. Covering that gap will be untenable. \_ You are arguing with a moron. Just thought you might want to know that. \_ If the opt-in plan lets people opt-out of paying the payroll tax, then if enough people opt-in, there WILL be a defecit of hundreds of billions a year not going to pay current and future SS benefits. Add it up for a few years and it IS trillions added to the national debt. \_ tmd? missile defense? explain your acronyms - danh \__ theater missile defense, eg. patriot and ACL. \_ I think the bush administration is throwing billions of dollars at a nonworking nonviable faith based missile defense shield. go read http://slate.msn.com/id/2106853 here's one about how the missile shield won't be tested till after the election, i can't imagine why: http://csua.org/u/943 \_ But that's a 2% guaranteed, real dollar #, much better than what you got investing everthing in Worldcom instead. the shield won't work: http://csua.org/u/944 - danh \_ So how much is a MIRVed ICBM hitting LA worth to you? Not billions? \_ About 2 bucks, at least that's what I'd pay to rent the video and watch it over and over again. -John \_ :( -- ilyas \_ I'm not a homicidal gun nut, but I play one on MOTD. \_ Last week I was no guts, no brains, and before that I was a fanatical nazi. Wow, a pattern develops. First I thought you might have some trouble reconciling all my fascinatingly multiple personalities, but now it's all becoming clear to me! Thank you, thank you, Dr. Kevorkian! -John \_ what do you mean no guts? you are all guts. \_ Has it occured to you that there might be more than one person making jibes at you? \_ did you read the urls? the system the bush admin is pursuing doesn't work. - danh \_ I don't go to motherjones for an unbiased look at the neocons; why do you post links from gun nut sites and pretend they're going to be unbiased with regards to Kerry? \_ State and federal gun laws have nothing to due with political partisanship. Were the founders around today they would be called gun nuts by leftists. \_ Were the founders around today, they would recognize that the need for personal weaponry is antiquated and detrimental to the progress of the nation. They'd also wonder how a bunch of draft-dodgers were managing to run on a pro-war platform. |
2004/9/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:33628 Activity:moderate |
9/20 What's the best way to read in an entire file into a string in C++? I know it's a fairly small file, so size isn't so much of an issue. I'm thinking of doing something like ifstream ifs("foo"); ifs.unsetf(ios::skipws); istream_iterator<char> begin(ifs); istream_iterator<char> end; string contents(begin, end); I should check !ifs first to see if the file opened ok, but what if the istream_iterator fails to read something instead, and what kind of performance should I expect to get? It looks pretty clean, but not very efficient. Thanks. \_ Without knowing your design constraints, there is not "best" answer. \_ Without knowing your design constraints, there is no "best" answer. Note that earlier versions of the C++ lib don't have std::string expand geometrically like vector, so you don't have guaranteed amortized constant time growth. \_ I'm working on fairly modern systems. This isn't really performance critical, but just out of curiosity, I'd like the fastest solution that's still relatively clean. Thanks. |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:33629 Activity:moderate |
9/20 Classy. Lousiana Democrat headquarters vandalized. http://csua.org/u/947 \_ Watergate II. \_ A 3 year old girl?! A sign ripped out of her ... oh wait, sorry. Only bad things that happen to Republicans are worth getting outraged about. Carry on! \_ Don't forget the bullet fired into the West Virginia Republican headquarters last week! \_ IT WAS HIS SON! THE TWO PEOPLE LOOK VAUGELY SIMILAR IN A LOW RES PICTURE ON A BLOG! IT MUST BE TRUE! \_ LITTLE GREEN FOOTBALLS IS THE ONLY BELIEVABLE BLOG! ALL OTHERS ARE FAKE!!!!!!!!1!!! \_ [all caps rant delete] \_ You mean all those years that Coulter, Limbaugh, Savage, et al have been exhorting their followers to attack the traitorous America-hating liberals are finally having an effect? |
2004/9/20 [Recreation/Computer, Health/Women] UID:33630 Activity:moderate |
9/20 For the guy looking for gangster manga/anime, you might enjoy Sanctuary by Ryoichi Ikegami. -John \_ You can always recognize his work because while all the pictures are beautifully draw and shaded, everyone is wearing the same expression. \_ related question, does anyone know ANY women who enjoy Hentai? \_ One of the hentai review sits I've seen was all women (apparently). The reviews tended to favor vids with, you know, a plot. They had a separate "etchi" rating to let you know just how well it might get one's rocks off as far as tentacle rape and such. \_ gosh this is like young healthy straight men who hate sex \_ I found 8 in the Bay Area on Friendster. http://www.friendster.com/viewphotos.php?uid=8776826 |
2004/9/20 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:33631 Activity:nil |
9/20 If I create an online comment form, do I have to worry about a robots.txt to prevent spiders from sending lots of blank comments? \_ Don't worry about it, robots don't do "submit". \_ More accurately, the robots that pay attention to a robots.txt file don't do submit. However, many blogs are being inundated with comment spam from robots. I think some of the popular weblogging software has tools to minimize this. |
2004/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:33632 Activity:nil |
9/20 White Slaves Pirate Gold - I want my reparations! http://www.iconfilms.co.uk/whiteslaves/notconvinced.html |
2004/9/20 [Transportation/Car] UID:33633 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 I just got new tires on my car and they (Sears) told me that one of the struts is leaking and that I should replace it soon. From looking on the web, I'm getting the impression that if I don't replace it, that it will not put me in danger, nor will it cause any damage to anything else in the car (including affecting the alignment?). According to more than one web site, the only harm of not replacing the struts is that the car will not handle as well. So my question is this. Is there any good reason to change the struts before I notice that it's not handling well? The car has over 130k miles and I've never changed the struts. \_ anything that leaks will eventually dry out and then doom happens \_ fyi, i have a 91 civic hatchback and also got new tires last month. the guys there said my bushings were all crushed and dried up and said they should be replaced asap, and they also said they wanted to do the struts. i said later. my car does wander a bit on the freeway. \_ Bad shocks can make handling bad enough to be unsafe as well as reduce braking ability. Additionally, they can lead to bad tire wear as oscillations are much more likely (read about flat spots, cupping, etc.). You may not notice it going bad with a gradual failure, unlike the sudden change when something snaps. At 130k miles, handling has probably already diminished a lot! Most shocks have a rated lifetime of around 60k miles. |
2004/9/20 [ERROR, uid:33634, category id '18005#16.7297' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33634 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 I like how some Republicans are honest and not just chanters of "Four more years!": http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/20/bush.monday.ap/index.html "The fact is, a crisp, sharp analysis of our policies is required. We didn't do that in Vietnam, and we saw 11 years of casualties mount to the point where we finally lost," said Sen. Chuck Hagel ... \_ Bush should've been out on his ear this election. He shouldn't be re-elected, and even most Republicans agree. The Dems should've had it in the bag, but the screwed it up. -conservative \_ Don't conservatives usually know how to spell the word? \_ we dont need no fancy book-learnin \_ Do you only believe what Repubs say when they disagree with Bush? \_ No. I also don't believe Democrats when they're being stupid.-op \_ Bush has support because this is a campaign about America and Americans. America is great because of great Americans. Americans are good, strong people. They support a strong America. The American people are good people of Faith. We believe in our kids, and in our young men and women in the armed forces. Americans support our troops. George W. Bush understands Americans, and knows the value of maintaining strong communities that are the heart of America. His opponent may not share these American values. His opponent may stand up there and complain about America, and tell you Americans are wrong. Well that's for Americans to decide. There's an old Texas saying, it went "America: the land of the brave". Or was that the home of the brave. And the free. Because this is about freedom. Thank you. \_ Brilliant summation of the Bush argument style. It's so hard to believe people lap this up. \_ People lap this up because they are STUPID DOGS. They need a FEARLESS SOCIALIST PARTY TO TAKE CARE OF THEM AND SHOW THEM THE WAY! Save us Berkeley liberals! Save America! \_ That's right! Those evil socialist communist terrorist homosexuals think they're so damn SMART! We don't need their droning pompous WHINING! Real Americans know a Real American President when they see one! Oh and here, have some free conservative prescription drugs! \_ Agreed, however this is simply Nationalism which can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. I would give examples but don't want to be mistaken as a troll. \_ Dude, bring a napkin, you are getting your liberal jizz all over the motd. \_ I'm surprised you can speak with your mouth wrapped around Cheney's dick. \_ Is this some sort of liberal overcompensation for the Clinton fiasco(s)? Kind of like how the DNC convention looked like a military junta because they were accused of being anti-military wimps for so long they had to lurch too far the other way? \_ Boys, boys, please! This is not http://freerepublic.com! \_ It's easy when the dick is so BIG and TAX FREE! |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33635 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 CBS recants. http://csua.org/u/94g I hope all the defenders of the authenticity of the Killian memo have the intellectual integrity to admit they were misled. I can understand the impulse to defend all things anti-W. But when the subject is unworthy, the defense ultimately hurts more than it helps. \_ What, I've been saying all along that at least one was probably a fake or transcribed. You must be talking about those sodans posting the http://dailykos.com links, right? Anyway, for those who STILL think they're authentic copies, here's a side-by-side comparison of real vs. fake. -liberal http://csua.org/u/94h (Post) \_ I wish the defenders of the memo would be at least honest enough to admit their faith in their authenticity was unjustified. I'm a Salon reader, and they defended the memos when they came out. I don't think they've mentioned CBS's apology except in passing. \_ I never said they were real, I just said that they were not produced with MS Word. I still stand by that. -real liberal \_ you sound like how dubya wants to portray kerry. -"fake" liberal \_ I guess I don't follow. \_ yer dodging the substantive question and trying to have it both ways. \_ Which is what this whole debacle is anyway. I like how the secretary saying "I didn't type that memo, but I typed others with the same sentiment" quickly was shortened to "I didn't type that memo." \_ Are you the "That is correct" guy in the following motd posts? Quoting... \_ Are you saying that the specific memo talked about in the URL is not fake? \_ That is correct. If you create a document using a font with a typewriter and then reproduce it 30 years later using a computer, they should look very much alike. That is the whole point of having a font. And then later in the same thread, (more quoting) \_ Look, I just proved that it was not produced with a computer. What else could have created it? \_ In response to: "At least one of the memos is MS Word generated." Admit it, you were wrong about the MS Word bit. That was all I was contending, which is obvious if you read the whole thing: http://csua.org/u/94j \_ It looks like you started arguing against MS Word generation and then broadened your claim when you said "That is correct" to the question "Are you saying that the specific memo...is not fake?". How else would you interpret "That is correct" to "is not fake"? \_ I do wish people would be honest enough to admit they backed the wrong horse. - !pp \_ If you misinterpreted it, then I am sorry. I should have been more clear. But if I had intended to proclaim them genuine I would have done so in the start. I just knew that the LGF claims were bogus. \_ "Are you saying that the specific memo... is not fake?" "That is correct." \_ I was the liberal who wrote "At least one ... MS Word generated". Later on I wrote that I read the dailykos stuff (completely) and this created reasonable doubt on MS Word. Later on, I wrote that, even with reasonable doubt, the preponderance of evidence was still at least one or more memos were transcribed or fake. (especially with the Post finding that all verified memos didn't use proportional font, see the URL nearby topic header for example) \_ Ah, the "raised 'e'" nonsense. The scans in the .pdf are so bad that it looks like an aliasing problem. They were scanned-in faxes stored at low resolution. The raised 'e's look sharper than the surrounding text which would suggest imaging problems rather than a typewriter. \_ I never cared either way but I had a problem with faulty logic being applied to "prove" they were fake. \_ What are some of the examples of faulty logic? Were the defenders of the memo logically more correct? \_ CBS has more credibility to lose than freepers. \_ Why doesn't someone (CBS?) just find a reputable lab and run forensics on the original document, and see whether the ink on the document is laser toner, inkjet ink, or typewriter ribbon ink. Or just see if the paper itself is today's paper or 1972 GI paper. \_ CBS never had access to the original documents. \_ CBS is airing an interview tonight with Burkett, who passed the documents to CBS. Burkett will say he misled CBS. Don't know where Burkett will say he got them from. \_ 'So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves." ' \_ This is incredibly lame, even for soda motd. \_ But hey, Gibson made Pilate out to be the good guy, misled by the eeeeeeevil Jews! If Mad Max says it, it must be true! \_ Um, no, that's not what he did. \_ Yep. Rather and CBS is blameless in all this. Crucify Burkett. \_ Between blameless and the crucifixion quote, the truth is found somewhere in the middle. \_ "There are some people who will argue whether the flames are blue or green when the real issue is that their arse is on fire." The memo was a fake. The facts outlined in the memo were not. \_ As much as Rather would like the only fire to be Bush-related, an equally legitimate fire is the memos probably being fake. \_ In fact, it looks like controversy over the memos will make it difficult to talk legitimately about Bush's National Guard non-service. \_ If the memos were false, how do you know their claims are true? The 30-year memories of an addled 86-yr. old? The claims of a partisan Democrat? \_ Yes, but she's a spry 86-year old. \_ Why won't Bush simply sign his Form 180 and put this controversy to rest? |
2004/9/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas] UID:33636 Activity:moderate |
9/20 censor one, censor all \_ Someone's a dipshit and you wanted to one-up them? \_ Are you trying to teach someone a lesson? Did mommy not give you a cookie? \_ WWID, What Would Ilya Do? Why is anyone surprised at motd censorship anymore? -meyers \_ Are you trying to teach someone a lesson? Did mommy not give you a cookie? \_ WWID, What Would Ilya Do? Why is anyone surprised at motd censorship anymore? -meyers \_ It's true. I am the patron demon of motd censorship, gun violence, and pollution. The infernal hierarchy is pleased with my work so far. I ll try to outlaw homosexuals next. On a completely unrelated note, uh... meyers, buddy, you need to find more material to post about. You can't have such a one- track mind. You are the most boring regular signer on the motd. -- ilyas \_ ilyas vs. meyers. FIGHT!! |
2004/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:33637 Activity:nil |
9/20 Again? What the hell's wrong with you, amc? So censor, which thing gets your goat so much that you made it your mission to repeatedly expunge it? \_ format, people, format! |
2004/9/20 [Science/Disaster] UID:33638 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 Downtown Sacramento floods. http://www.thekcrachannel.com/video/3743191/detail.html It's classic when one of the witnesses points out, "I think his Pathfinder took the wrong path!" I feel sorry for that Joe Avilano guy. Let this be a reminder; don't drive through water--you never can tell how deep it gets. \_ For those who don't speak Tagalog: when he tries bailing water out of the car with his sneaker, his mother calls him an idiot. \_ He thought he's driving a Hummer H1 with a snorkeling kit. |
2004/9/20-21 [Recreation/Food, Computer/Theory] UID:33639 Activity:low |
9/20 You overhear a conversation. You know the answer to their question. What do you do? \_ What if you're wrong? \_ If you show uncertainty and weakness, the world will drift toward tragedy. \_ I would probably say something, but it depends on context. E.g. if it is someone sitting next to me at a bar I would be inclined to butt in, but if it someone at a different table at a nice restaurant I would not. \_ If I don't know them, I'd keep my mouth shut. Then I can either listen to an answer from someone more knowledgeable, or quietly laugh at someone bluffing who's trying to impress some chicks. \_ I was in the grocery store and this really fat couple were talking about breakfast cereal and something about calories. Like why raisin bran had a lot of calories etc. and I just proferred that the raisins are sugarcoated. A very awkward silence ensued after which I scooted out of there real quick-like. \_ All cereals have essentially the same calories/ounce, regardless of how much sugar they have. \_ Totally depends of the type of question. If it's something like Math or CS, yeah, butt in. If it's what this guy should do about his cheating girlfriend, stay far away. \_ BZT! You are supposed to ask the guy for his gf's phone #. \_ If it's some guy at a store asking "What do I need to buy to do X" and the salesman's saying "Hmmm...." I'll butt-in. If their friend seems to have some sort of clue, I'll let them make due without my input. \-for sales people, if it is just anecdotal or preferences -- "sure that is a comfortable camping chair" -- i dont comment but i have heard salesmen at places like REI give defintitely bad advice w.r.t. things like water filtration ... so sometimes i will say something after the saleperson goes away. if it is something like "what was the movie with X where he Ys ..." then obviously that is sort of situational. |
2004/9/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33640 Activity:nil |
9/20 I suppose this is just fluff and doesn't mean anything: The MOTD may not be used for non-University business. \_ If politics is non-university business does that mean the university may not use its funds for political causes? Because it does. \_ I think "business" here means 3. Financial dealings; buying and selling; rather than 5. Affair; concern; matter; Perhaps someone who was on politburo when that policy was formed can clarify. \_ Berkeley has a long tradition of supporting political speech. \_ As long as it agrees with the profs' worldviews. |
2004/9/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33641 Activity:high 54%like:30313 |
9/20 I suppose this is just fluff and doesn't mean anything: Destruction of the MOTD (by repeated deletion, jive, or any other method) is severly frowned upon and will result in the termination of your account. \_ this hasn't been enforced since the CSUA president decided it was a good idea. -tom \_ Hey policy police! I love you guys! Where are you when some dumbass censors specific people? -- ilyas \_ dick \_ I don't support that either. So? \_ So where's the outrage and call for squishage then? Danh pretty much admitted on wall one day to removing only my posts from the motd. Where are the calls for the squishing of danh? You are letting me down, policy police guy... -- ilyas \_ if i ever walled "i have been selectively deleting ilyas' posts all day!", i was definitely kidding. you should turn off the computer monitor more often. - danh \_ When did danh say that, and how do you know he was being serious? He also said one time that he was posting freeper articles, but somehow I think he was kidding. \_ A while back. Search for 'phlegm.' I am not sure if he was serious of course. But you know, policy police guy didn't even emit a peep about this, regardless of whether danh was serious or not, and I certainly know my posts get targetted all the time (oddly enough they get targetted a lot less now that I made it clear I will defend myself). -- ilyas \_ "Policy police guy" doesn't follow everything going on. And... did danh admit to "repeatedly" deleting? \_ Policy police guy should be careful lest his zeal be mistaken for hypocrisy. -- ilyas \_ Someone likes to delete all political posts. Someone else is deleting everything other than politics in response. One position seems as morally valid as the other. \_ Right so terminate both of them. Fact is I think it may be the same genius trying to make a point. Doesn't address the issue. \_ If anyone seriously gets squished because of the motd, I ll seriously consider trying to get some bigwig at Berkeley to explain to me why Berkeley tolerates all the non-student/teacher/staff people using the network resources. Seeing as it's against Berkeley policy and all... Perhaps we should all be squished. -- ilyas \_ it is NOT against berkeley policy for alumni to "use the network"; do you think it's against policy to visit the Berkeley home page? -tom \_ How about copying huge files to soda's /tmp for people to download over and over again? -- ilyas \_ Typical ilyas; make a wildly incorrect assertion, then divert to a red herring when proven wrong. -tom \_ Well gee, tom, why do you think a distinction involving 'students, staff, teachers' was even made in the official policy document? You must be smarter than them, you should go set them straight. In fact, don't bother, I ll ask them myself, using soda as an example. -- ilyas \_ Well, unlike you, I was involved with writing that policy, so I know exactly why it is worded the way it is--it was explicitly changed to allow use by alumni. -tom \_ That's a great idea ilyas. You should get soda shut down, just to prove a point. \_ So what you are saying is, when the rubber hits the road, all the whining about policy is just hypocritical nonsense? Now can we all just shut up and get back to bashing each other's heads in? -- ilyas all just shut up about policy? -- ilyas \_ You're right! No more policies at all! CSUA = libertarian utopia! Let's all try to hack each other's accounts! \_ Where's the Boy Who Cried Red Herring? -- ilyas \_ Find a mirror, and I'll show you. \_ I think we're all safe since jwang is still around. \_ Alternatively, you could just stop being such a hypocritical little shit. [formatd] \_ What about http://alumni.berkeley.edu? Stop deleting this assmunch \_ For someone who regularily chestpounds about his superior moral reasoning, your moral sensibilities seem pretty slippery to me. It seems like what you are saying here is, "If you don't play with these toys they way I want you to play with them, then I'll go tell the teacher to take all the toys away. Nayah, nayah." \_ I think it's 'nyah nyah.' Search up for 'hypocritical nonsense.' We all technically violate some policy, I think it's time to stop using 'policy' as a club to bash someone over the head. Petty bureaucrats do that. Don't be a petty bureaucrat, they are hated even more than lawyers. -- ilyas \_ the point is, people who trash the MOTD are trashing a public resource; are you arguing that it's OK to trash public resources? -tom \_ Well, if motd is a 'public resource' then the net to which soda is hooked up is much more so. And I know for a fact some people on soda misuse it. At any rate, tom, you ve been caught deleting stuff from the motd. What I am actually saying is, be careful if you are in the business of casting stones. -- ilyas \_ If I were to guess this hasn't been enforced since kchang's original squishing years ago. Is that right? |
2004/9/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:33642 Activity:moderate |
9/20 What are the applicable laws / rules of thumb governing your CA driver's license #? I know you're supposed to exchange it in an accident, but what happens to it after that? What's my exposure to, say, a bouncer swiping my ID at a bar (happens a lot in LA)? \_ You have the right to not give them your ID at a bar. The bar has the right to not let you in without ID. \_ that's not helpful. \_ you also have the right to insult the previous poster's mom and make an obtuse reference to illegal immigration. \ you have the right to burn American flags |
2004/9/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:33643 Activity:nil |
9/20 Looks like rootshell was hacked. (quasi work safe) \_ .org? Doubt it, I figure the domain just expired. Why a wart removal outfit would want it though... -John |
2004/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Uncategorized/German] UID:33644 Activity:moderate |
9/20 C question. If I have #define NAME FOO is there any way to use NAME to create a string "FOO"? Thanks. \_ Do you mean #define NAME "FOO" ? Or do you want to declare a variable? Can you show NAME used in a sample line of code? \_ What I want is something like, say, strncpy(myArray, $$NAME, sizeof myArray); and I want $$NAME to compile to "FOO". \_ What's wrong with a const char* string? You want #define NAME "FOO". \_ Because the #define is at somewhere else that I can't change. \_ Short answer yes, but it involves so much hackery that it's not worth it. The link below used to explain how but it's 404'd now, maybe you can google cache for the original. http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~ram/pub/pub_isews26/c_preprocessor_applications_en http://tinyurl.com/6xmuz \_ ow ow ow! (the relevant code) //enumstring.c #include <stdio.h> #define NAMES C(RED)C(GREEN)C(BLUE) #define C(x) x, enum color { NAMES TOP }; #undef C #define C(x) #x, const char * const color_name[] = { NAMES }; int main( void ) { printf( "The color is %s.\n", color_name[ RED ]); printf( "There are %d colors.\n", TOP ); } (stdout) The color is RED. There are 3 colors. \_ Am I missing something? What's wrong with using #NAME to stringify? e.g. #define str(x) #x \_ Then str(NAME) gives me "NAME", but I want "FOO". |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33645 Activity:moderate |
9/20 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/20/eveningnews/main644664.shtml Burkett: "I also insisted when I sat down with your staff in the first face-to-face session, before I gave up any documents, I wanted to know what you were gonna do with them. And I insisted they be authenticated." The failure of CBS News to do just that, to properly, fully scrutinize the documents and their source, led to our airing the documents when we should not have done so. It was a mistake. CBS News deeply regrets it. \_ Then how come Burkett didn't provide CBS the original doc to be authenticated? \_ It's their fault for not insisting on it if they didn't get it. They aren't babies. They are adults with a professional responsibility to the public and special Constitutional protections. \_ The failure of CBS News to do just that ... \_ What a complete disgrace. The democrats and their media sycophants have sunk so low. sycophants have sunk so low. Their behavior completely vindicates Zell Miller. \_ wherefore art thou trollio? \_ "Uh! It says a bad thing about my media whores! You must be an evil trooooolll!!! No content reply required!" \_ so you're saying you aren't a troll? If you meant every word of what you wrote, then more power to you. |
2004/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:33646 Activity:nil |
9/20 I have a USB 2.0 hub. If I have devices connected to it that use both USB 2.0 and 1.1, will the 1.1 devices slow down 2.0 devices? ok thx. \_ http://www.everythingusb.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=796 |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33647 Activity:very high |
9/20 Novak suggests Bush may withdraw almost immediately from Iraq if reelected, regardless of consequences: http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak20.html \_ How about Bush sending 100K more troops there with the aim of crushing all insurgent havens while still training up the Iraqi national guard / police / Army and hoping it gets down in four years? national guard / police / Army and hoping it gets done in four years? If he's going to do a job, he's going to try to do it right as soon as the election is over. Otherwise he'll just look like a flip-flopper by abandoning democracy in Iraq. And, this also puts a lot of people ready to go into Iran. If you ask me, this is what Bush will do. Heck, we might send 200K more troops there by that logic. \_ Only if people like you join up to make up the 100k troop deficit. Time to put your mon-, lives where your mouth is.... Thought so. \_ Don't you think this is what Dubya was pulling back all the troops from Europe / S Korea for? \_ Bob Novak, mouthpiece of the regime and supreme douchebag. |
2004/9/20 [Politics] UID:33648 Activity:nil |
9/20 Politics vs. Real Life http://www.mydd.com/files/user/9/Bizarro.gif \_ http://www.ucomics.com/nonsequitur/2004/09/19 |
2004/9/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33649 Activity:nil |
9/20 Ilyas, how do you ever expect to graduate if you spend 8 hrs/day on the motd? I have a job and probably spend 25% of my time doing motd related stuff and yet you post much more than me, so I know you are spending more time on it than that. -anon for fear of losing job |
2004/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:33650 Activity:nil |
9/20 i can't believe how lame you all are. |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33651 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://news.google.com shows "What is Bush Hiding?" and "Finally, Kerry Takes a Stand" as the lead topics. Hmm... |
3/15 |