Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:September:17 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33577 Activity:high
9/16    From Karen's home page:
        "Anyway, fruit is wonderful (and it makes you taste better!)."
        Uhm...  Was that a sexual reference?
        \_ Is this a stalker reference?  Grow up, get over it, stop stalking.
2004/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:33578 Activity:very high
9/16    The motd in a nutshell:
        \_ that is teh gay.
        \_ By all that is holy, you are gay
        \_  Gay.  Perfect, but gay.  -John
            \_ You are so gay.
2004/9/17-18 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:33579 Activity:insanely high
9/16    Captain Yee given an HONORABLE DISCHARGE.
        \_ And his commander thanked him for all the muslim p0rn he brought to
           the military.
           \_ Do you even know who Yu is?
           \_ I think the OP is talking about Captain YEE, who was the Muslim
              chaplain at Gitmo who was charged with espionage.  The case was
              dropped and it looks kind of like a Wen Ho Lee repeat.
                \_ wen ho actually misplaced classified documents.  i think
                   he was acting weirdly and stupidly but didn't deserve
                   solitary for a year
                   \_ Yeah, but they made a big case about how he was spying
                      for the Chinese, and when it turned out they were totally
                      wrong, they charged him for the only minor thing they
                      could get him on.
                      Oh, and before someone says "misplacing classified
                      information isn't minor" I'll admit it's important, but
                      it's a crime lacking in criminal intent.
                      \_ Dropping charges for national security reasons which
                         happens all the time is not the same as him not being
                         a spy for the Chinese.
                \_ what was he doing then?  it's just odd that he deliberately
                   stored all that stuff on some of disk media, then
                   some how lost it.  was he just looking for another job?
                   \_ what's so odd about it?  some people are careless or
                      absent-minded.  einstein even forgot where his home
                      in princeton was.
                      \_ i bet when you work for a NUCLEAR LAB you get trained
                         to not do the above.  what do you think?
                         \_ I bet you always follow every one of your
                            employer's regulations to the letter.
                            \_ You haven't been in one of the labs.  If you had
                               you wouldn't be so flip about it.
                \_ If I worked in a government NUCLEAR LAB, I would follow
                   the "don't copy random secret shit to floppy disks
                   and leave them lying around at Starbucks please
                   IF IT'S NOT TOO MUCH TROUBLE" employee worksheet
              \_ Yeah I know, but wasn't he charged with adultery and storing
                 p0rn on army computers?
                 \_ And those charges were dropped this week and he's being
                    given an honorable discharge.
                 \_ Yeah, after the treason and espionage case was shown to be
                    a crock of shit.
                    \_ Not true.
                       \_ Oh, really?  They why did they never determine he
                          passed any classified information?  Why did they drop
                          the charges?  To drop a serious national security
                          case and then press on with some minor unrelated
                          stuff seems like major ass-covering by the people
                          prosecuting him.
                       \_ Would you care to elaborate?
                          \_ I believe that person thinks Yee did mishandle
                             classified documents.  The Army said national
                             security concerns prevented them from seeking
                             a court-martial in open court.
                             \_ An honorable discharge in this sort of
                                situation is practically an apology (as
                                close as he'll ever see).  The pp is flat out
                             \_ Which is a BS excuse, because they could use
                                lawyers with security clearances, have the
                                evidence sealed, and have a closed courtroom.
                                In other words, use the same system they're
                                planning on using on the Gitmo prisoners.
2004/9/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33580 Activity:very high
9/16    Only a week left then everyone can shut up about Bush's records!
        \_ i don't get it, why doesn't kerry just parade around with
           the iraq body counts, the state of the economy, the
           erosion of civil protections, the deliberate plan to
           do away with any social safety net, all kinds of cool
           stuff not involving 30 years ago. - danh
           \_ good unemployment figures, home ownership figures, home wealth
              figures and many pther positive economic trends are not something
              Kerry wants to highlight.  This is all tinfoil and koolaid.
           \_ why do you like Lurch? and hate america?
              \_ How dare you question my patriotism!
                \_ this week's This Modern World is funny - danh
           \_ I was at a rally in Albuquerque, NM with Kerry yesterday.
              What you describe is exactly what Kerry hammered Bush on,
              with the addition of Bush's total lack of action regarding
              the skyrocketing cost of health care, Bush's manifest intention
              of stacking the Supreme Court to reverse Roe vs. Wade, and
              other such real issues.  He made only
              one snipe at Bush's war record:  "Some of us were playing
              hockey while Bush was cheerleading!"  The Press seems to be
              covering the shit you mention, and ignoring what Kerry's
              actually saying. --PeterM
              \_ Just curious, why do you think it is the President's job to do
                 something to give you cheap healthcare?  I want a great house
                 in a good neighborhood with excellent schools and no crime. Is
                 that his responsibility, too?  Why can't we all get that?
                 \_ Good question! Right now we can't all get that because
                    the public school system is an utter mess, we don't have
                    enough competent cops, we have ineffective prevention
                    programs to dissuade youth from becoming thugs, we've
                    made it easier for criminals to get their hands on AKs,
                    and we're hemmorhaging money into Halliburton's coffers.
                    If you think the current Pres. is about raising the
                    national standard of living, you're dreaming.
              \_ Exactly. It is third parties going on about the military
                 record issue (Except for Bush's campaign, where there were
                 connections between the Swift Boat folks and his campaign
                        \_ BZZZT!  Nothing like between Kerry and
                           and the rest of the 527's doing an end run around
                           McCain/Feingold with foreign money.
                 staff). But whatever. Bush seems fit to take Ohio and
                 Wisconsin in a walk which means he's pretty much got the thing
                 locked up. And my wife and I get to figure out what country
                 we want to move to. -- ulysses
                 \_ If Kerry can't even control his own campaign, how is he
                    fit to be POTUSA.
                    \_ "third parties" != "campaign".  -John
                       \_ == kerry campaign
                       \_ Like I said, if he can't even get these third parties
                          who are apparently on his own side to get out a
                          consistent message, how is he qualified to deal with
                          a Congress or foreign leaders who won't be?
                          \_ I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt
                             and explain this to you: the 527 law specifically
                             forbids these organizations from coordinating
                             with any campaign.
                             \_ And you *believe* that it really works like
                          \_ It's not "Like you said" at all.  Why would he
                             have any control over people "on his side" but
                             part of his campaign?  Don't drink so much beer
                             before posting to the motd.  -John
                    \_ I wonder if the Bush crew sat around before the
                       primaries and said, "We're in a bad spot.  Even our
                       own party thinks we shouldn't get re-elected.
                       There are a number of guys on the democratic
                       ticket who have a shot at beating us.  Who can we
                       definately defeat?  Hmmm.. Kerry!  Let's make sure
                       he wins the primaries."
                 we want to move to. -- ulysses
                       \_ Probably not because our own party never thought that
                          Bush didn't deserve re-election.
                 \_ Can I get that promise in writing?
                    \_ I'm sorry, did I promise something? -- ulysses
                 \_ Look carefully at the electoral map. Kerry can still
                    pull out a win with Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.
                    It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Plus, half
                    the polls have the race tied, half have Bush up by
                    a dozen. Someone is doing something wrong.
                    \_ I think the polls you are referring to in your last
                       two sentences are the recent national polls. I consider
                       nat'l polls to be almost meaningless given how the pres
                       is elected. As for Arizona and Nevada, I am, um,
                       doubtful, about Kerry taking those states. I don't
                       know why they are having such a hard frickin' time in
                       PA and OH, though.
                       \_ NV is basically tied and has been for months:
                 (Reno Gazette)
                          So is CO, AZ is a long shot.
                          OH has always leaned Republican and only goes
                          Democratic in a blowout. PA is another matter.
                          If Kerry loses PA it is going to be almost
                          impossible for him to win. He could still pull
                          it off with FL, but he really needs PA.
                          \_ Kerry is behind in Florida.  That's like saying
                             Bush could win with CA or NY.
                       \_ This is one time us gun nuts can count on Kerry's
                          anti-gun stand to give us OH, NV, and AZ despite
                          what the polls say. This is why Gore lost TN and AR
                          \_ Gore lost TN because not even his own state liked
                             him.  They knew better.
2004/9/17 [Recreation/Sports] UID:33581 Activity:high
9/17    Kobe - the best in the NBA when it comes to interior penetration!
        "... Police said Bryant told them that he should have paid the woman
        to keep quiet -- and mentioned another NBA player who he said had
        done that. Bryant said the player would pay women 'not to say
        anything,' and that he had spent up to a million dollars to get out
        of situations like Bryant's. Bryant told the police that he had
        never had to resort to paying hush money, stating that he 'treats a
        woman with respect, therefore, they shouldn't say anything.'"
2004/9/17-18 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Media] UID:33582 Activity:high
9/17    I used to like anime and comics, but I haven't seen any in 10+ years.
        Two friends (who don't know each other) have been going on and on
        about anime, so I finally watched "Castle in the Sky". I also
        happened to see a few episodes of "Cowboy Be-bop". I didn't really
        enjoy it. I kept thinking I was watching a kid's cartoon, which is
        not how I feel when I watch something like "Lion King". Do
        people outgrow anime or did I just watch bad stuff or what?
        \_ the lion king?!!?!?!1 fyuthe fucking lion king?!! jezius fucking
           christ. this doenst se4dezerve an answer.
        \_ Cowboy Bebop is a lot less a kid cartoon than Lion King.
           You are a troll, and not a good one.
           \_ Not a troll. Just curious if other people find they still
              like anime after they have a job/house/car/wife. I found it
              surprisingly tiresome to watch. I expected to enjoy it.
              \_ Well, I stopped watching almost all TV/movie type
                 entertainment even before I was married.  Now that I'm
                 married I almost never even watch anime or play games.
                 It just seems really pointless. However, I don't watch
                 any TV, but occationally I'll download some anime.  So I
                 still watch more of that than anything else I guess.
        \_ Well, Laputa IS a kid's cartoon, so that might be part of your
           problem.  As for Cowboy Bebop, most people think it's pretty
           good.  What kind of stories do you like?  I might be able to
           make some recommendations.  -jrleek.
        \_ You've grown up. Now get a job, get a house, get a wife, and
           go away.
        \_ I have no idea what cowboy be-bop or castle in the sky are
           but I think I will still enjoy those japanese comics with
           lots of violence and sex, even though I haven't read one
           in years.
              \_ nah, not those.  I am thinking more in terms of comic
                 books.  and I like samurai or ganster stories more than
                 monster stories.
        \_ I never found any anime I liked until Cowboy Bebop.  I've found
           a few others that I really like since.  But I've always enjoyed
           animation and would take Bugs Bunny over Must See TV any day.
           If you feel like it's just a kid's thing, then you've stopped
           before you start.  -scotsman
           \_ Well, I *love* The Simpsons, FWIW. What are the others you like?
              \_ The Adult Swim array is generally very good. FLCL, though very
                 bizarre, hit me just right.  I love the williams street
                 group's humor, though in terms of animation they're basically
                 a radio program.  Spirited Away was very satisfying, but I'm
                 a fiend for fairy tales.  YMMV. --scotsman
        \_ you got too worked up about both.  Laputa grows on you.
           Cowboy Bebop has a lot of lame episodes, and some good ones:
           Gateway Shuffle (ep 4) is great, Pierrot Le Fou (ep 20) is good,
           the last two episodes are not bad, the movie is ok.
        \_ If you want a modern anime that is really good, see His and Her
           Circumstances.  It's 1998:  the first 13 episodes are really good;
           the rest suck.  It's the best modern teenage romance anime series.
2004/9/17-18 [Consumer/Audio] UID:33583 Activity:kinda low
9/16    Ipod question. I am going to install a new HD on a friend's
        computer, she has an ipod, so all her music is in there
        (probably ripped using apple's software). Since I don't have
        an ipod, I am not sure how to transfer the stuff so that it
        won't get lost. Can I just find all the mp3s, copy them over
        to the new machine, and install itune on the new machine, it
        should find (automatically/manually) all the mp3 again right?
        \_ iTunes will never transfer files FROM the iPod, and apple claims
           that it's impossible to retrieve the files, but that's just RIAA BS.
           For fat32 ipods: open them up with Windows explorer, and make sure
           you've got "Show Hidden Directories" enabled.  The music will be
           spread around in folders named F01, F02, ... Fnn.  For Mac formats,
           open up a terminal and look for the ipod disk (/Volumes/something/)
           and the music will be in a .directory.  In both cases, you can copy
           them on to the new disk, then tell iTunes to import them to the
           iTunes folder.
           \_ If they were ripped to AAC or bought from ITMS will this still
              work, or will there be license issues?
              \_ Ripped to AAC: no issues (no DRM)
                 Bought from ITMS: questionable.  You can probably deauthorize
                 the songs on the old harddrive, do the transfer, and reauthorize.
                 Worst case scenario is that you lose one of your 7 ITMS-permitted
                 digital copies (can always burn to disc though).
                 the songs on the old harddrive, do the transfer, and
                 reauthorize.  Worst case scenario is that you lose one of
                 your 7 ITMS-permitted digital copies (can always burn to disc
2004/9/17 [ERROR, uid:33584, category id '18005#8.03066' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33584 Activity:high 100%like:33610
9/16    Classy.
        \_ are you talking about this family of morons?
  - danh
        \_ I think this is part of Kerry's campaign to look "strong."
        \_ The guy is a union thug.  Union members commonly attack protestors
           at political rallies.
        \_ The guy who did it is a union thug.  Union members commonly attack
           protestors at political rallies.
           \_ The guy is his SON.
              \_ No it isn't.  The blog is unsupported and refuted by the guy
                 himself (see above).  How much of a tinfoil hat nut are you?
           \_ Who is, the guy holding the kid?
           \_ This guy is a fraud.  Read this entry:
              \_ Um, yeah that's conclusive.  Not.
              \_ I don't know that this means he's a fraud, just that he
                 likes to cause trouble.  Considering this seemed to be
                 standard operating procedure for dems at the RNC, it
                 hardly bothers me.
        \_ So what about Young Republican shown on ABC news kicking the
           female protester when she was down?  Where's your outrage now?
           \_ That bitch deserved it for embarrassing our Commander In Chief
              that way. Too bad she didn't end up in the hospital.
        \_ Dumb asshole subjecting his little girl to that stuff, standing
           around at an airport antagonizing people. That girl is what, 5?
           "I'm a victim!"
           \_ Didn't see it but it sounds scummy.  But ripping the sign out of
              the hands of a 3-year-old child?!?!?
              \_ Read the above URL.  It seems to be staged.
                 \_ That blog is less evidence than the CBS memos.
2004/9/17 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:33585 Activity:nil
9/17    In SQL it seems DATE, DATETIME, TIME and TIMESTAMP are all reserved
        words.  What do you use to name your date fields?
        \_ What date it actually is, e.g.: "created_date", "updated_date",
           "renewed_date" (or just "created", "updated", "renewed", etc)
           \_ Good idea, thanks.  Another question:  How do I create a table
              with a record which is an array of strings, eg: a table of
              some type of record where one element is a list of keywords.
              Do I have to put all the keywords in one string and do something
              like comma-seperation?
              \_ If they're going to be of varying length and short, then the
                 comma separation bit will work.  Otherwise, make a new keyword
                 table and tie it to the first table with a foreign key.
2004/9/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33586 Activity:nil
9/16    Soldiers who refuse to reenlist being threatened with Iraq duty.
2004/9/17-18 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:33587 Activity:low
9/17    How difficult is it to host a virtualized FreeBSD server?  Not
        commercially, just want to let a friend go nuts with it.  Something
        like what's described at
        but I don't care so much about uptime and reliability.  Is this guy
        just using a jail, or is it more vmWare-like solution?
        \_ Jail.  Very straight-forward.  I love the part about their special
           technology.  You just need a unique IP/server.  -John
2004/9/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:33588 Activity:low
9/17    Where is the Server Admin tool in OS X? Thanks.
        \_ obOneButtonMouseRant.
        \_ The Server Admin tool comes with Mac OS X Server and is not part
           of the regular OS X install. Mac OS X Server comes with a disk
           you can use to install the admin tools on any OS X client. On Mac
           OS X Server I believe the admin tools are in
           /Applications/Server for 10.3 based systems and
           /Applications/Utilities for previous systems. --twohey
                \_ Thanks. Apple doesn't offer the Server Admin tool
                   for free download by chance, does it?
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33589 Activity:high
9/17    <url without description deleted>
        \_ URL w/o description should be deleted.
           \_ But don't delete it out of order, or ilyas will EXPLODE!! -meyers
           \_ I'd agree, except it was a harvard domain.  Work-safe.  What's
              wrong with a little surprise?
              \_ It might overload Ilyas' little digital 8-bit brain.
2004/9/17-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:33590 Activity:high
9/17    The Sims 2 -- Best - Game - Ever!!1!!!  (really!)
        \_ I believe it's spelled EVAR!!!
        \_ But where are the guns?
           \_ I took the blue licorice and got fired.
        \_ Having spent the past 10 months of my life working on that game,
           it's somewhat weird and comforting for me to see this on
           the MOTD.
           \_ Man, that must really suck, to have to work on a dollhouse
           \_ Ignore the jobless, clueless troll above. Any Easter eggs you
              can give us the 411 on?
           \_ How did you get started in the gaming industry?  I get the sense
              that AI and graphics as taught at Berkeley aren't particularly
              helpful if one wants to work in the field.  I know people once
              got started tinkering at home or in the demo scene.  It seems
              like the teams making games today are really big.  If this is
              the case, how can one person working alone produce something
              that comes close to a modern shipping game, that is, something
              impressive enough to land a development position in a gaming
              \_ They can't.  You can get in at the bottom or you can maybe
                 publish a free game that catches on and turn that into
                 something.  A few folks made it as modders but very few.
                 \_ Okay, what's the bottom?  Tech support?  Play testing?
                    \_ I assume you want to be a programmer, not an artist or
                       other creative type?  I suggest finding a small company
                       that will pay you nothing or look for a junior job at
                       a huge place like EA that will find *something* for you
                       to do.  Why would you want to work in an industry that
                       pays so much less than anywhere else for the same work?
                       Just curious, but how old are you?  When I interviewed
                       at Maxis/EA, everyone was early 20s or late 30s and
                       older with nothing in the late 20s to late 30s gap.  I
                       was late 20s/early 30s at the time and found it weird
                       and not a good fit.
                       \_ if you want to be an artist-type, you might find
                          something at the academy of art, SF, or SF art
                          institute. very expensive if you go this route.
2004/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33591 Activity:high 50%like:33592
9/17    What is wrong with George W. Bush.  Ridiculous!!1!
        \_ So Kerry looks like a moron, and Bush looks like a pediophile.
           \_ A ped-i-o-phile?  What's that?
              \_ apparently a typo. get over it.
                 \_ rediculous!!!
2004/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33592 Activity:nil 50%like:33591
9/17    What is wrong with Kerry.  Why does he take such ridiculous
        \_ As opposed to Bush with a chainsaw or a huge fucking halo around
           his head?  Go away, freeper.
        \_ When you have 100 cameras pointed at you at any given moment, there
           are going to be a ton of pictures of you looking stoned, stupid, or
        \_ It was probably actually pretty cool in real life, but take 500
           pictures, and at least one will look pretty dumb.  This one did
           turn out to be pretty funny though.
2004/9/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33593 Activity:nil
        \_ And don't forget your articles.  Dumbass.
           \_ i'm so stupid <- I am with stupid
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33594 Activity:nil
9/17    Oh!  Would that I had died at Shandakor!
2004/9/17-18 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:33595 Activity:kinda low
9/17    A little nostalgia for all you punks out there.  Old Skull is
        \_ fucking a bro.@!  i fucking remember that shit.  i remember readding
           an arti cle about them in Trhasher in like 1990 or some shit.
           we all agfreed that they rule, but never bought an album.
        \_ Thank you! I was looking for these guys a while back but couldnt
           find them... for some reason I thought their name was Young Skull.
           ha. Anyway... now just to find some MP3's.....
2004/9/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33596 Activity:high
9/17    I was like "whatever" to all this news about former Clinton staff
        joining Kerry's campaign, but my gawd, in the last few days I've seen:
        "Bush living in a fantasy world / world of spin" coinciding with NIE
        report confirming the same, $3 billion plus cost of Dubya's plan,
        Halliburton waste and non-compete, and now "Bush is waiting until
        November until he calls up more troops".  Kerry will now be entering
        the debates with excellent momentum.
        \_ What momentum? Kerry shouldn't be trailing in the polls if any
           of that actually mattered because, guess what, stuff like that
           has been around ever since the race started. If Kerry hasn't
           capitalized on it this late in the game, it's doubtful he can
           during election day. The race is going to be tight, and it'll
           be a coin toss on who wins. What's really bad is that Kerry has
           basically squandered every softball lobbed at him so far, and he
           has let crap like Swiftboat totally discredit his Vietnam career.
           Kerry's like a fighter on the ropes, instead of attacking he's just
           reacting. Instead of going on the offensive he's just defending and
           trying to consolidate the tired old left-wing supporters like union
           and the urban poor. With the country in the state that it's in,
           he should be leading a goddamn revolution, instead he looks like
           a flip-flopper who can't drum up one memorable battle cry.
           \_ you better not be one fo the pussies who fucking winede about
              howard dean.  dean could have fjcu cking goene ll the way if he
              wan'ttn assasinated by the fucking media.  up rorz.
2004/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33597 Activity:high
9/17    2^10 dead soldiers in Iraq .. GO BUSH! FOUR MORE YEARS!
        I know he can make it 2^20 with a just a bit more time
        \_ You are inferring nukular detonation in a city center of a Western
           nation, right?
           \_ No, I was thinking more battlefield nukes on the plains
              of Iran. Not to mention a good exchange in Korea.
           \_ I think he was implying, not inferring.
2004/9/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33598, category id '18005#5.48425' has no name! , ] UID:33598 Activity:low
9/17    About the girl with the ripped sign.  The blog suggests it's really the
        guy's son who's staging it (with of course no data).  I just heard an
        interview with the guy and he absolutely denies that.  In fact he says
        his two older sons are in the military.
        pic still here:
        \_ The guy's a real estate salesman with political aspirations.  He's
           run for local offices 4 times, failing every time.  Don't you think
           it's a bit too much of a coincidence that for 3 different election
           cycles he's been able to get the same story into the national press?
           \_ No coincidence, but no conspiracy either.  He attends some
              rallies for the opponent with a sign for his candidate.  That's
              it.  His comments were that he's had many union families come up
              to him and tell him "good job, glad to have you here".
        \_ And here's the audio for free of the interview:
        \_ Nice.  This incident happened in Huntington, W. Va.  In another
           story, someone fired a gun into the Republian party HQ there:
           \_ You're going to have to work harder to convince me there's
              sinister intent behind a stray bullet in West Virginia.
              \_ Both of you losers:  The bullet was through the center of a
                 sign saying "Marriage - One Man, One Woman".
                 They took down the sign and then started snapping photos.
                 \_ Probably staged.
                 \_ The article said it was a pellet gun.  What bullet?
                    \_ Are you illiterate?
                       \_ Did you read the article?
2004/9/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:33599 Activity:nil
9/17    Awesome!  Fat man discovers buglar, sits on her until police arrive:
        \_ when asses are outlawed only outlaws will have asses.
        \_ What a lame 34-year-old burglar chased down by a 280lb 52-year-old
2004/9/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33600 Activity:high
9/17    The Fix is in: Nader put on Florida ballot by state supreme court. (yahoo news)
        \_ What fix?  You prefer to disenfranchise voters?
           \_ Do you know what "disenfranchise" means?  keeping nader off the
              ballot because he didn't meet the state's requirements doesn't
              disenfranchise anyone.
              \_ Obviously you don't know what the term means, since
                 it was the Florida supreme court ruled that Nader's campaign
                 did meet the state's requirements. Anyway, why the vitriol
                 against Nader? Why don't the Dems go after the libertarians
                 or the Green party candidates? Hmmm....
              \_ It's a c-o-n-......SPIRACY!
                 [please don't modify my "In Living Color" references]
                 \_ It's a n-e-o-c-o-n-......SPIRACY!
        \_ Yeah, they should have been allowed to vote.
        \_ No fix, looks like they did the right thing. -liberal
        \_ Jed must have promised Florida to George again.
        \_ Holy shit!  Imagine people having a *choice* of candidates? That is
           so horrible!
           \_ Only Nader? Why not the other people who couldn't meet the
2004/9/17 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33601 Activity:nil
9/17    What, is it Dumb Joke Friday?
        \_ #t
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33602 Activity:nil
9/17    What do you call the useless fleshy part around a vagina?
        A woman.
        \_ What do you call the short smelly thing piss comes out of?
           A CSUA male.
        \_ Boobs aren't useless!
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33603 Activity:nil
9/17    what did the fish say when he swam into a concrete wall?
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33604 Activity:nil
9/17    What do you call two punk rockers hitchhiking?
2004/9/17 [Uncategorized] UID:33605 Activity:nil
9/17    Islamic terrorist completes a successful suicide attack.  Minutes later
        he appears in a white room, nicely air conditioned, surrounded by 70
        virgins.  "Allah be praised!"  He says.  "Wait... why are they all men?"
        Heads turn to look at him.

        "New business will have to wait," says the secretary.

        "Ah, shit."
        \_ I don't get it.
           \_ Me neither.
2004/9/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:33606 Activity:nil
9/17    Motd purged of the most stale and most of the stupid.
2004/9/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:33607 Activity:nil
9/17    Please recommend a vendor for an empty DLT tape drive enclosure.
        I need one with a 50-pin connector.
2004/9/17 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33608 Activity:nil 62%like:33612
9/17    PJ O'ROURKE: Why Americans hate foreign policy
2004/9/17-19 [Consumer/TV, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:33609 Activity:nil
9/17    Special Edition Bourne Supremacy DVD:
2004/9/17-18 [ERROR, uid:33610, category id '18005#12.5271' has no name! , ] UID:33610 Activity:nil 100%like:33584
9/16    Classy.
        \_ are you talking about this family of morons?
  - danh
        \_ I think this is part of Kerry's campaign to look "strong."
        \_ The guy who did it is a union thug.  Union members commonly attack
           protestors at political rallies.
           \_ The guy is his SON.
              \_ No it isn't.  The blog is unsupported and refuted by the guy
                 himself (see above).  How much of a tinfoil hat nut are you?
           \_ Who is, the guy holding the kid?
           \_ This guy is a fraud.  Read this entry:
              \_ Um, yeah that's conclusive.  Not.
              \_ I don't know that this means he's a fraud, just that he
                 likes to cause trouble.  Considering this seemed to be
                 standard operating procedure for dems at the RNC, it
                 hardly bothers me.
        \_ So what about Young Republican shown on ABC news kicking the
           female protester when she was down?  Where's your outrage now?
           \_ That bitch deserved it for embarrassing our Commander In Chief
              that way. Too bad she didn't end up in the hospital.
        \_ Dumb asshole subjecting his little girl to that stuff, standing
           around at an airport antagonizing people. That girl is what, 5?
           "I'm a victim!"
           \_ Didn't see it but it sounds scummy.  But ripping the sign out of
              the hands of a 3-year-old child?!?!?
              \_ Read the above URL.  It seems to be staged.
                 \_ That blog is less evidence than the CBS memos.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:September:17 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>