2004/9/15 [Politics/Domestic] UID:33536 Activity:nil 66%like:34568 |
9/pi Election |
2004/9/15 [Uncategorized] UID:33537 Activity:nil |
9/0 Boring |
2004/9/15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:33538 Activity:high |
9/15 http://www.electoral-vote.com Has nice popups per state which shows currently numbers and the way each state voted in 2000, gives details on how the numbers are gathered, compiled, and generated. Excel spreadsheet and xml is available free from the site. Updated once per day in the morning. \_ woah! bush wins! I guess we don't have to have an election now, since the compueter and the polls tell us who should be president. \_ you're a moron. \_ This is a great site. It was posted on the motd a while ago and I've been following it for a few weeks. Every time a state poll is conducted the thing jumps around. |
2004/9/15 [Politics/Domestic] UID:33539 Activity:high |
9/15 RARE 1961 IBM 72 SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER GREAT FOR FORGING Ebay: http://csua.org/u/91n 9/pi Election \_ huh. and i thought that collecting old, crappy, typewriters was a useless hobby. I'll notify my brother in law at once. \_ Mechanical typewrites are good for filling out forms. 9/pi Election \_ Uh oh. If trolls are on transendental numbers and other posts are on integers, we're doomed, since transcendental numbers are uncountable. \_ Example of transendental number please? |
2004/9/15 [Reference/Religion] UID:33540 Activity:nil |
9/15 Dear god no. http://www.lifegem.com/secondary/whatisLG.asp |
2004/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33541 Activity:high |
9/15 Suppose I see this hot girl in Soda hall, but she's a senior. What are the chances that she'll go out with me? -sophomore in CS \_ I doubt it has much to do with senior vs sophomore. It's just that girls in CS are a much sought after commodity. On the other hand, it can't hurt to ask. Despite how many guys are secretly after every girl in Soda hall, Karen has told me on numerous occasions that she rarely gets asked out by CS nerds, we're all to scared. From the other side of the fence, if she says no, don't ask again. -jrleek \_ 1) how do you know the op is talking about Karen 2) have you ever asked her out? 3) can you please post a picture? If she's hot I'll make a special effort to ditch work and drive all the way from San Jose \_ 1) I don't. In fact I think Karen in a junior. I was just using what she told of her own experiance as a female in Soda Hall as an example. 2) No, I didn't want to date Karen, but we are friends. 3) I don't think I have any pictures that anyone would find interesting. Besides, I have moral problems with posting pics for you guys to drool over. Ask her your self if you're so interested. You could even do something sneaky like suggest that we should have politburo pictures up on the website. -jrleek \_ Damn you people are pathetic. -- ilyas \_ pot. kettle. black. \_ Yeah, when did I recently threaten to drive up from LA because OMG A HOT GIRL WAS SPOTTED IN SODA!!!``1!! w00t!!!!!!!! Get lives people. -- ilyas \_ LA TO Berkeley, 400 miles SJ to Berkeley, 40 miles ilyas dating a chick, priceless. \_ and when was the last time you posted a long philosophical rant to the motd? Oh yeah, almost every week. Watch it with the "get a life" comments. \_ A friend of mine is dating a CS PhD student that is incredibly hot (and also friendly and easygoing). Why didn't these exist when I was an undergrad? hot TA ACTION!!!1 |
2004/9/15 [Uncategorized] UID:33542 Activity:high |
9/15 Someone please post a picture of karen. I have no idea who she is and I'm curious -far away alumni \_ http://csua.org/u/91p \_ NSFW. Asshole. \_ ditto \_ Stalker alert! Stalker alert! |
2004/9/15 [Transportation/Car] UID:33543 Activity:high |
9/15 Anyone own a 2004/05 Mercedes E320? Have you had any problems with it? I noticed that the 2003's have had a lot of issues, primarily electrical, and overall reliability is down for Mercedes the past 10 years. \_ Yes, the E-series has had a lot of issues - check Consumer Reports. Overall Mercedes reliability has fallen into strictly average territory, but keep in mind that all automakers have generally improved their quality. The difference between makes is not as stark as it once was. The real issue with a Benz is that if something breaks and you're out of warranty, the replacement cost is ludicrously high. If you want a super-reliable car, get a Lexus... though they're not as exciting to drive, IMHO. \_ Based on all the reliability issues I've read I'm leaning towards a Lexus, but MB really does know how to make their cars feel classy (interior/exterior). I test drove both and the Lexus really does feel like a upscale Toyota (current Toyota driver). Interested to hear any real-life E-Class '04/05 experiences though. \_ You might consider a BMW. My '02 540 has been mostly trouble free, and its styling might appeal more than a Lexus'. I'd stay away from the i-drive 7's, but the newer 5's are supposed to be nice. You might find this from JD Power useful. http://www.jdpower.com/pdf/2004055.pdf \_ Sorry, can't help you with that. I had an SLK and it never had a single problem, but other than the engine its a completely different car than the E-series. \_ My friend's family has a 300D. Got 300K miles on it and it's still running. Guess MB doesn't make solid cars anymore. \_ Ah yes, the 300D. The days of that sort of Mercedes are long gone. I think the last gasp of the bank vault build was the 190E in the early '90s. Anyone know if this had to do with Daimler moving a shitload of its manufacturing to the former East Germany? \_ According to Consumer Reports, Mercedes has gone A LOT further down from merely "average". It's now the 2nd LEAST reliable brand according to their surveys, only Volkswagen being lower. That means that people driving around Buicks and Hyundais have more reliable cars. NEVER buy a car without first consulting Consumer Reports to see if the model you are thinking of buying doesn't have some red flags associated with it, reliability-wise! I own a 2000 Mercedes E320 ... In the first year there were lots of funky software/electrical type glitches in the car, but since then the car has been problem free. Note that the Mercedes ML was rated the LEAST reliable car in Consumer Reports' survey when it first came out, which is hard to do given some of the competition (Chevy Camaro, etc.). \_ I'd be very careful buying a car in its first model year. You're just asking for trouble if you do that. \_ My 2004 Sienna seems fine. (Major redesign this year.) But then it's a Toyota. \_ keep in mind though that Hyundai had the biggest _improvement_ in reliability of almost any major manufacturer, and in a very short period of time. My point that the difference between makes is much more narrow than it once was is still valid. And yeah, Benzes are rattle-traps these days. Very stylish rattle-traps. \_ Mercedes was the top-rated brand 15 years ago and (like someone else said) is now one of the worst. The C class and E class are especially bad. With S, SL, and CL you are still getting a nice car. Not sure about CLK, SLK, and others. Lexus will be the most reliable luxury brand, along with Acura. Dunno about Infiniti. Stay away from Audi. BMW (which I own) isn't as good as it used to be either, but at least the problems are not with the engine. Porsche is one of the best. Volvo and Jaguar seem to be hit and miss. Both are making better cars these days, but my neighbor hates her Volvo because it overheats and the dealer can find no reason why it should (lemon!). \_ Does anyone else wish Acura would make at least SOME RWD cars? What's with these FWD 5-series knockoffs? NSX doesn't count as its basically an exotic. \_ Porsche is one of the best? I once heard that Porsches spend more time at the mechanic than on the streets. Has it changed? \_ My sister has owned two Porches. One was a 1978. The other is a 2003. No problems. One of the highest rated if you read the mags. \_ But didn't they rate dead last in the JD Powers initial quality survey? Something like over 150 problems reported per 100 vehicles. |
2004/9/15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33544 Activity:nil |
9/15 http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1302718,00.html The confused Iraqi resitence. I don't know man, if you've got problems with the security and economy of Iraq, I think maybe you could try NOT blowing things up. How does this logic work? "Too many things are blowing up! I know, let's blow some things up!" \_ Maybe it's similar to the "logic" of ghetto riots. \_ they're trying to make iraq a total hellhole to embarress the US and make us leave, duh! |
2004/9/15 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:33545 Activity:very high |
9/15 Emmanuel Goldstein at the RNC: http://www.2600.com/rnc2004 \_ Yeah! Civil disobedience! What? You mean I might get arrested for breaking the law?!? NO FAIR MAN! \_ No, you get arrested for not breaking the law. Do you seriously support jailing people for their political beliefs? \_ No, I support people being arrested for breaking the law though. I just pointing out that it's really amusing how protesters always seem to think that civil disobediance should be legal. I'm not saying that that's what everyone in New York was doing, but it's obvious even from this report that a lot of "civil disobediance" was going on. \_ Goldstein was not breaking any laws. Did you read the link? \_ What site did you read? It sounds to me like a whole bunch of people just got rounded up on the street and arrested for no reason. Certainly *some* of them were breaking the law, but to just arrest everyone when most are being peaceful and law-abiding is political repression, plain and simple. \_ Well, we're only getting one side of the story. If the NYPD arrested people without charging them, then that's a tort case for illegal imprisonment. One would have to read the charges to get a clearer picture. I wonder what the total number of protestors was, the percentage arrested was probably very small. \_ So you don't see anything vaguely... oppressive about mass roundups and incarceration of people in order to arrest a few scattered people? \_ Interesting, you assume that one side of the story is valid without having heard the other. Since neither you nor I (and please correct me if I'm wrong) have all the facts pertaining to the incident you presuppose that mass oppression has occurred. I suppose it depends on your definition of oppression. If incarceration is simply oppression then all people incarcerated, whether guilty or not, are oppressed. Being detained can definitely be viewed as a type of oppression. However, if you are trying to infer from that that we are living in an oppressive society then I believe that your argument is rather weak. Sure, there is oppression in the criminal justice system. I'm not quite sure how you could have it any other way. At least we don't guillotine people on the spot and afford them the right to due process and a right to seek damages through torts from the government. \_ You may wish to consult Amendment I, regarding "freedom of assembly." [restored] \_ Yer gonna need a permit for that. -troll \_ nah, it didn't happen to supporters of the President so no one cares. There were no terrorist incidents, either, so it must have been a good policy. Be proud of NY City's finest! -troll \_ This happens all the time in SF. Last time it did, The City had to pay out $10k to each person illegally incarcerated. I expect NYC to end up doing the same thing. Municipalities probably consider it money well spent. I consider it a violation of civil liberties. |
2004/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33546 Activity:very high |
9/15 It would be nice to have a list of the current politburo members on motd.official. \_ with pictures. in fact, just a picture of karen will do. \_ Here, again: - pst: http://www.xcf.berkeley.edu/~paolo/brc2004/3444600-R1-034-15A.jpg \_ Why not just friendster her. I'm sure she's on there. \_ actually she's not, she's on http://tribe.net - pst \_ pst, call me, 301-948-3103 -sophomore \_ SOPHMORE STALKER ALERT!!!! \_ Misleading troll deleted. \_ Go eat an aborted fetus, why don't you. \_ Who is the karen? -97 grad who havn't been back... \_ are you confusing karen and kane? \_ who's kane? \_ KANE IS A LESBIAN! \_ Well, that changes the meaning of the "rosebud" comment. |
2004/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33547 Activity:very high |
9/15 It's no use to anonymously criticize ilyas' life-dom. [ don't sign my name to stuff i didn't write, thank you. bitch. -- ilyas ] \_ SQUISH HIM!!! \_ How we know you're the real Ilyas? That text looks suspiciously like it came out of Microsoft Word, and we KNOW Ilya only uses vi. \_ I am not Ilyas. My login isn't capitalized, and my name doesn't contain an s. How do I know you are the real anonymous troll? -- ilyas \_ So, Ilya, technical issues aside do you support anonymous or logged motd? \_ "I voted for a logged motd before I voted against it." I support the current quasianonymous motd. (a) Removal of anonymity will remove a lot of motd content, for better or worse. I would rather not implicitly censor what people say. (b) People will find a way to hose anyways, it's a social problem not a technical one. My solution is to make the motd unpleasant if people are hosers, in the hopes that people will be less likely to be hosers in the future. -- ilyas \_ Logged motd is the way to go. But on the other note, I'd be glad to share my plans for motd solutions with ilyas. - pst \_ wow...making people sign their name is implicitly censoring what they say? You really are a moron. -tom \_ you mean kind of like how secret ballot voting makes people not afraid to vote? Who's the moron here... afraid to vote? |
2004/9/15 [Uncategorized] UID:33548 Activity:nil |
2004/9/15 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:33549 Activity:high |
9/15 To whomever wanted to beat up on sca ppl. Thursday evenings, Rockridge bart. Both rapier and medieval combat. You don't have to bring anything but your soon-to-be-bruised body. Any more details mail me. -pst \_ What the hell are sca ppl and why would anybody want to beat them up other than beating up people can be a good thing? \_ Can I bring my .50 cal desert eagle? someone on motd said it was teh suk. \_ Then go subscribe to dharry@csua and lets all go to jackson arms. \_ that's Aquila Deserae (help, mr latin?) 1/2 \_ Uh, sir! You acknowledge that you are talking to a chaotic-neutral 8th level half-elf ranger-illusionist, and you treat me with that respect! I did not sew these leather breeches myself so that I can't get a goblet of non-alcoholic mead when I ask for it! Oh mighty Odin, where is thy cleansing thunder bolt? |
2004/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33550 Activity:nil |
9/15 It's no use to anonymously criticize ilyas' lichdom. \_ Funny, I always thought of him as a sort of 1st Edition demilich. \_ I played Koshey the Deathless in a school play once. -- ilyas [ don't sign my name to stuff i didn't write, thank you. bitch. -- ilyas ] \_ SQUISH HIM!!! \_ How we know you're the real Ilyas? That text looks suspiciously like it came out of Microsoft Word, and we KNOW Ilya only uses vi. \_ I am not Ilyas. My login isn't capitalized, and my name doesn't contain an s. How do I know you are the real anonymous troll? -- ilyas \_ So, Ilya, technical issues aside do you support anonymous or logged motd? \_ "I voted for a logged motd before I voted against it." I support the current quasianonymous motd. (a) Removal of anonymity will remove a lot of motd content, for better or worse. I would rather not implicitly censor what people say. (b) People will find a way to hose anyways, it's a social problem not a technical one. My solution is to make the motd unpleasant if people are hosers, in the hopes that people will be less likely to be hosers in the future. -- ilyas \_ Logged motd is the way to go. But on the other note, I'd be glad to share my plans for motd solutions with ilyas. - pst \_ I support logged motd. I also support turning "more /etc/motd" on by default for new users, and instruction on how to post to motd and wall on the main CSUA web site. \_ wow...making people sign their name is implicitly censoring what they say? You really are a moron. -tom \_ no, making people sign their name is explicitly an invasion of the right to privacy, moron. -williamc \_ you mean kind of like how secret ballot voting makes people not afraid to vote? \_ Well, those who are hosers are likely to continue their behavior at points where they don't care about your attempts at unpleasantness. \_ This doesn't appear to be true. I see no further ilyas bait today. \_ perhaps because ilyas hasn't written anything since? \_ This isn't the first time ilyas has done the motd wipe. |
2004/9/15-16 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:33551 Activity:high |
9/15 How do sites like http://sigalert.com work- do they have cameras along the freeway, or are there sensors in the road? Also, how do they have access to that data- is it public or does the DoT provide it on some sort of contract? \_ I think CalTrans provides the data; they must have some sort of sensors and cameras scattered throughout the freeways. However it works, itsure is useful. \_ I think CalTrans provides the data; they must have some sort of sensors and cameras scattered throughout the freeways. However it works, it sure is useful. \_ see latest issue of EE times. \_ looked for it online, but didn't find anything - what was the title of the article? \_ i looked at the hard copy version. anyways, basically it's inductors at different locations. each car running over the inductors will induce a current. by monitoring the current (each car is unique), one can approximate how fast a car travels from point a to b. \_ Fastrak transponders. Read the paragraph "How is my FasTrak transponder used for traffic information purposes?" at http://www.511.org/fastrak/faq.asp |
2004/9/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33552 Activity:very high |
9/15 hey pussies, leave the motd alone. let's resume normal motd talk. \_ hey pussies, don't pretend to be other people, don't delete threads of others, don't be hosers. -- ilyas \_ ilyas telling people not to delete other people's threads?? I must be in BIZARRO world!!! -meyers \_ I have not met Ilya and thus can't really judge this, but have found that he's willing to back his points up and stick by them. Also, he's not an anonymous numbnut. So, If you feel he is being a hoser, I would be dead curious as to why you think so, since most of the time it appears to be ilyas making rational, calm arguments vs. anonymous prick making lame, ad hominem attacks. Dunno, maybe I'm missing something here. -John \_ ilyas will routinely purge, though not totally nuke, the motd if he feels personally slighted because a thread was deleted "out of order." He's stated he will ruin the motd for everyone if a thread he's participating in gets deleted. Sounds like a hoser to me. -meyers \_ What does it mean to delete a thread "out of order" anyway? \_ The closest answer I've received from ilyas on this is he goes by creation date and position in the motd. If the CalTrans thread above got deleted before this one, even though this is an active thread and that isn't, ilyas would have a fit and "ruin the motd for everyone" -meyers \_ No, he has to care about the thread first. It makes sense. When I have an interest in a thread, and someone decides to censor it or do something else hoserish to it, and not just delete it as part of normal stale-thread deletion (in which case it wouldn't be taken "out of order"), then it's reasonable to retaliate by deleting the rest of the motd. We create a policy where you understand that fucking with my posts will get your posts fucked also. Mutually assured destruction and all that. So it's not ilyas but the instigating hosers that cause this crap. \_ So what you're really saying is "BUT HE STARTED IT!!!" \_ Yes, that's exactly what he is saying. Out in the real world, it's important who starts. -- ilyas \_ I find many of ilyas' posts to be infuriating, and I dissagree with him on many issues, but I think he adds enourmously to the motd by making things interesting. Overall, this would be a duller place without him. I don't see what signing ones name has to do with any of it. \_ I think what meyers was refering to is ilyas' post here where he says that he is going to delete threads when he feels it is appropriate. http://csua.org/u/92h \_ We were in the same room once briefly, but weren't formally introduced. -- ilyas \_ nah, usually it's ilyas who start throwing things like "bullshit" in any semi-serious debate. check out mehlhaff's archive 20040403 and search for "bullshit". \_ I'm with ilyas on this one. it's annoying when this happens, but the only way to solve it short of actually finding out who's doing it and squishing them, which will never happen, is to engage in full scale nuclear war until the retard censors get it out of their system. \_ the idea that deleting threads in the MOTD will keep people from deleting threads in the MOTD is ridiculous. -tom \_ When nuking the motd is outlawed, only outlaws will nuke the motd. \_ ilyas is a dick \_ Back to OOP design class for you, "is a" != "has a". \_ This is obscenely stupid. Please don't post to motd anymore. |
2004/9/15 [Uncategorized] UID:33553 Activity:nil |
9/15 Spaces or tabs? |
3/15 |