2004/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:33484 Activity:low |
9/12 Ilyas probably loves the fact that misha is gay like Tchaikovsky and likes to listen to Rachmaninoff. \_ wtf? you = teh gay. |
2004/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:33485 Activity:nil |
9/12 [Hero thread deleted due to spoliers. Use an external file.] |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33486 Activity:very high |
9/12 I watched this Asian movie and it was fun and exciting (name of the movie deleted because of spoiler-ness). But seriously, is it really based on a real story? How many defeated nations in the history of mankind involve children trained by bitter adults for the rest of their lives just to assassinate the ruler? Would YOU train 20 years for a special skill for a one way death mission? I wouldn't. \_ sheesh, look at the middle east, it's all they do \_ I don't think it's a question of if YOU would train for 20 years, I think it's more of if you would have someone else train for 20 years. After all, when they start training they have no free will (too young) and when they're old enough they are thoughly indoctrinated. \_ Some of us train for 20 years in esoteric skills that we often come to despise just for a meaningless diploma and (sometimes) the opportunity to work in a mind-numbingly dull profession. \_ 20 years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift...-BD \_ prediction for the next 20 years. Thousands of fatherless children of the Afghan/Iraqi war are now trained for one thing-- revenge. Expect a lot of shit to happen from now. \_ WELL SAID, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! \_ bitter adults? Let's see how bitter you will be when you get nuked. \_ doubtful. The homeless/fatherless Iraqi childern will be so hooked on McD, Burger King, Bay Watch, NBA, football, and beer that they'll have no motivation for revenge. \_ I am unaware of a foreign business doing business in Iraq not directly related to the cleanup effort. are you? \_ They already have Baywatch. It's really popular there. \_ "Hey Mom, those women can bounce two balls with no hands!" \_ Son of the Beach > Baywatch \_ If you believe this, then you deserve to be nuked/bombed. \_ Why don't I go shoot your father and see if you have any motivations. oh wait, you want him dead, never mind... |
2004/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:33487 Activity:kinda low |
9/12 Curious, what is the % of Asians in the US, and what % of that lives in Californa, or west coast in general? \_ http://www.census.gov |
2004/9/13 [Consumer/Audio] UID:33489 Activity:nil |
9/12 I need to get a car stereo with a cassette player only (no CD). Back in the day, Alpine was a good brand. Is that still the case? Anyone have any good recommendations? Thanks. \_ May I ask why you want a cassete player? If it's to take an external input (iPod?) there are stereos with a line-in, which works better. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33490 Activity:kinda low |
9/13 The 4 Stages of 9-11: Democrat v. Republican http://www.ucomics.com/tedrall/2004/09/11 \_ The four stages of Ted Rall. 1) I am so smart 2) Pubbies are so stupid 3) I draw great art 4) Profit!!! \_ I challenge you on 3). \_ http://www.explodingdog.com \_ My O'Reilly-watching younger brother actually mirrors the Republican caricature pretty well. When I showed him the http://drudgereport.com video of the reporter blowing up, he said: "Is he from al-Jazeera? Good!" He routinely makes "kill all of them" statements. -op |
2004/9/13-14 [Recreation/Dating] UID:33491 Activity:low |
9/13 Are there any off-the-shelf DRM solutions? A friend of mine wants to license his motivational material such that end-users will be able to copy as many audio CDs as they have licenses, but will be prevented from making more copies. I understand that no system is perfect; he just wants something that will discourage less savvy users. \- No. He must find new ways to motivate them. --parth vader \_ You may remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin" and "Get Confident, Stupid!" \_ Point your friend toward non-technological tools to reduce unwanted copying. Donate some of the profits to a relevant charity. Include a small, unobtrusive, disclaimer at the end of each album explaining what he does and that he supports himself this way. Include a bit of text that encourages sharing, "but if you like it please consider buying another copy as a gift for a friend." Remind him that most of his customers are good people and will remain so until he pisses them off. |
2004/9/13-14 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:33492 Activity:moderate |
9/13 Curious, after WW2 were there any retaliatory attempts by pissed off German/Japanese on Americans? \_ there were minor ones from fanatical SS officers who just wouldn't die and go away in Germany, look up "Germany" "ww2" "werewolves". they weren't very effective - danh \_ People back then were simpler minded. Even if they wanted to retaliate, technics for mass destruction by individuals and media needed for the public fear effects weren't avilable. \_ I do believe Japanese hated Americans for the atomic bombs for a long time. \_ and yet I wonder why there hasn't been a single case of Japanese suicide bombers in a major American city. I mean, who could resist 99 hot azn virgins in the Heaven? \_ Oh, hot azn virgins. My pant's getting tight. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:33493 Activity:high |
9/13 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=694&e=3&u=/ap/flipping_ and_flopping fucking little bush. \- things like the steel trarrifs were not "flipflops" they were far worse. that particular case was cynical vote mongering ... burying principle for electorial votes. in re: flipflopping over changing circumstances, as JM Keynes said: "When the facts change, I change my mind -- What do you do, sir?" Another good Keynes quote: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist." --psb \_ Also note that changing your mind based on changing facts is different from denying facts while making your decision, then changing your mind when your polls drop. \_ If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. -GW Bush \_ cf. letting the ban on assault weapons lapse to gain the NRA endorsement. "I support the ban," the President said. |
2004/9/13-14 [Computer/HW/Languages] UID:33494 Activity:low |
9/13 What's the industry standard (if any) VHDL simulation program? ie, the photoshop for image editing.... thanks. \_ It really depends on what you want to do. The short-short answer is don't use VHDL. If you must, then it depends on what you're trying to do. FPGA guys are big on Modeltech, I hear. For ASIC types, it's the usual VCS and NC. NC used to have the better VHDL/verilog cosim. Not sure what the state of the art is now, since I haven't shopped for simulators for a few years. \_ I need it for a class. What are some well known and easy to use programs for writing code in vhdl? My professor is using a demo version of some software from ages ago.. \_ emacs vhdl major mode \_ I think modelsim comes with an editor. It's probably the easiest simulator for a single user too. |
2004/9/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:33495 Activity:nil |
9/13 Not quite the Kenworth Pilgrimage, but close: link:csua.org/u/90l |
2004/9/13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:33496 Activity:nil |
9/12 http://www.ourcoolhouse.com - totally cool house! |
2004/9/13 [Computer/HW/CPU, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:33497 Activity:nil |
9/12 I don't play games but I want to play Beyond Good and Evil. I seek people's opinions as to the cheapest way to do this. I own no console and my computer has only the standar-issue graphics card. \_ What's your CPU and RAM? Do you have an AGP slot? \_ 1998 HP Pavillion. 199 MHz. 128M RAM. Yes - The old fashioned kind. \_ No such thing. The Pentium II started at 233 MHz. Oh, and there's a difference between Hertz and MegaHertz. \_ You'll either need to buy a console or get an all-new system. 6 years is long enough for an upgrade anyway. \_ OK. But would it be better to buy a used PS2 or Xbox, instead? That's what I'm asking, really. -OP \_ If you're ONLY concern is to play the game as cheaply as possible, then buy (or rent from Blockbuster) a used console. The graphical quality will be best on a PC with a DirectX-9.0 video card, but that will be a lot more money. If my system was 6 years old I'd upgrade for a lot of reasons, but your priorities may vary. \_ Thx. It actually hadn't occurred to me that I can rent consoles. That's what I'm going to do...as soon as the wife goes out for awhile. \_ New ones are ~$150, aren't they? You can also rent them from some video stores. \_ Why don't you just look and see? They're the same price new. I'd pick based on if you think there are any other games of interest. But, Xbox is capable of better graphics, which might be better in BG&E. \_ As above, thank you both. These were useful answers. |
2004/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:33498 Activity:very high |
9/12 Favorite snacking cheese? (This is more of a survey because I just rediscovered Fontina and am wondering what others I have ignored) Wensleydale: \_ Sory, don't have a spaceship. Sharp cheddar: . Tillamook medium cheddar: . Stilton: . Belly-button: . Smoked Gouda: . Lunchables: . Baby swiss: . Cotswold: . Parmesan with balsamic vinegar: . http://www.gourmet-a-la-modem.com/0103039.htm . Laughing Cow triangular shaped cheese: . \_ Do you mean the one from France? That tastes good. \_ The lite ones are awesome. Never tasted a better 35 calories. Brie: . Cambozola: --psb |
2004/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:33499 Activity:high |
9/13 Anyone find images of the suspicious N.Korea cloud? \_ That Li'l John guy said it was a hydroelectric cloud. That's good enough for me. There's no reason to suspect he might have weapons. Let's give him more time. -W |
2004/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:33500 Activity:high |
9/13 This might be the very definition of futility, but can anybody name that male standup comic with long hippy hair, sunglasses like Hyde from That 70s Show, and weird, stoned-to-deadpan delivery? \_ Steven Wright? http://images.google.com/images?q=steven%20wright \_ No, this is a young guy, with straight blondish/ginger hair. \_ Ah... it's Mitch Hedberg. "I used to do drugs - I still do, but I used to as well." - op |
2004/9/13 [Health] UID:33501 Activity:high |
9/13 NYT: "Canada Looks for Ways to Fix Its Health Care System" link:csua.org/u/90n \_ One patient who went to the emergency ward recently, Crystal Bentley, 22, complained of cysts behind her ears. She said she would prefer to see her family doctor but would have to wait in his office for hours. She said she went to the hospital because the emergency room was faster. "Seeing a doctor and not having to pay is phenomenal," she said. Shessh. And they wonder why the doctors are overworked. Tragety of the Commons anyone? \_ the idea is not to have universal health care but universal health INSURANCE, with high deductibles and copay until a significantly high limit is reached. This would reduce abuse. \_ Hey, I'd *love* that personally right now. Problem is, I can't buy a plan like that. \_ Why not? They are available for sale. \_ Limit it to a percentage of estimated yearly income. \_ I understand this basic priciple. I curious, do you think there should still be private insurance companies in that system? And if you belonged to a private insurance company, you wouldn't pay for the government one? How does this stack up against the great money hole that is MediCare? \_ Mostly, I am just thinking in terms of what should be done if we want universal health insurance. The important thing is to make it such that market forces still play a role for the patients, the doctors, hospitals, the pharmaceutical companies, etc. Generally speaking, I think there should still be private insurance companies providing additional benefits at additional costs, but I haven't thought through the details yet. \_ "...elective surgery like hip replacements." \_ Has anybody else tried a plan like Lumenos? They basically put $1000 per year into my account (which rolls over year to year) which I can use or save as I see fit. If I ever deplete my account, there's an $800 "bridge" for which I'm responsible, and then the plan functions much like a PPO, mostly 80%/20%, up to $2500/year. I can choose any doctor I want, even chiropractors, no copays or anything like that. My company seems to like it, as they're increasing the incentives to switch to this plan. The front office nurses never seem to know about it, but one even exclaimed "no shit?" in front of her boss because she liked the idea. \_ The Canadian system is still better than the American system on every measurable deliverable. They spend 2/3 as much as a percentage of GDP and get better or comparable results. The problems mentioned in that article are all more severe in the United States: rural doctor shortages, long lines at ERs and drop in clinics and a shortage of primary care physicians. \_ You need to acknowledge that the U.S. does not have Canadian- style taxation. You get what you pay for. (Everyone pays for universal health care in Canada; the problem is long waits and lack of family doctors in small-town areas. In the U.S., people pay less taxes; the problem is lots of poor and middle-income people who can't afford any health care.) -liberal \_ There are doctor shortages in rural US areas too. \_ "Liberal"? \_ There, I expanded my post for you. Basically, if you say "The Canadian health care system is great!", you need to say, "It will cost you", too. \_ The Canadian system will cost you less than the US system. The difference is the canadisn system is paid for by taxes, not by HMO premiums. \_ He meant to say "libertarian" but misspelled it. \_ I have no personal experience with the Canadian. Say I am a random Joe working some average office job with health insurance at an HMO. How would the Canadian system serve me better? \_ One problem is how much the health insurance is costing the companies, and the cost continues to rise fast. recently someone posted a link to an article saying that many companies are curtailing hiring because of the high cost of health insurance. it could also potentially make US companies less competitive. Personally, I also find dealing with HMOs, etc., being forced to switch insurance (and doctors) when changing jobs, dealing with the HMO bureacracy (not paying my doctor for a few months, for instance), etc. a big pain. |
2004/9/13 [Science, Science/Electric] UID:33502 Activity:nil |
9/13 Superscript and kerning from an "expert". Notice the cute "I don't like Bush" "disclaimer" to excuse this packet of lies... http://www.flounder.com/bush2.htm \_ You don't need to even read that URL. Just see the blog entry three threads down. At least one memo is probably fake. Don't be a dumb liberal! |
2004/9/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:33503 Activity:low |
9/13 Not sure if this is old, but here is W singing Sunday Bloody Sunday: link:tinyurl.com/5h3cf \_ You might enjoy Read My Lips: http://www.atmo.se/zino.aspx?articleID=399 (There's a more complete list somewhere, but I can't find it) -John |
2004/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33504 Activity:high |
9/13 Won't a terrorist attack backfire? It may unite the country behind the current administration \_ i'd rather vote Kerry and let the United Nations take care of us \_ Poster is incredibly stupid. \_ but it will make Osama look /<-rad! \_ If Osama and co had an opinion, they would WANT 4 more years of Bush. "The one indespensible ally for Osama bin Laden is US Foreign policy." From _Imperial Hubris_. \_ Yes. Things have gone so well for Al Qaeda since 9/11. \_ Have you been asleep? Sure, they lost an ally in the Taliban, but they now have unrivalled support in Iraq, they're making headway back into Afghanistan, and they're swamped with new recruits. Oh, and the US pulled out of Saudi Arabia. Things are looking pretty sweet for AQ these days. \_ Read the 9/11 report. AQ is no longer an organization as such, but a philosophy and an inspiration. We are k-screwed, even if we do kill Bin Ladin. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33505, category id '18005#7.99559' has no name! , ] UID:33505 Activity:nil |
9/13 At least one of the memos is MS Word generated. Look here: http://csua.org/u/90r (blog, and downloadable Word doc) You will find the Word doc was created using all the default settings, with word wrapping occurring precisely where they do in the CBS News documents. Don't be a dumb liberal. -smart liberal \_ Don't be a tool: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/9/10/34914/1603 At least one of them could not have been generated by a computer, with the funny "e"s moving up and down the middle of various words. -real liberal, not fake "liberal" \_ You need to acknowledge that at least one document (the one discussed in the URL) is probably fake. \_ In the original CBS document, some letters "float" above or below the baseline. For example, in the original document, lowercase 'e' is very frequently -- but not always -- above the baseline. Look at the word "interference", or even "me". Typewriters do this; computers don't. Granted, if you are comparing a lowercase 'e' that is only 10 or 12 pixels high with another lowercase 'e' that is only 10 or 12 pixels high, you're not going to see such subtleties. That doesn't prove the differences aren't there; it just proves you're an idiot, for making them each 12 pixels high and then saying "see, they almost match!" \_ Are you saying that the specific memo talked about in the URL is not fake? \_ That is correct. If you create a document using a font with a typewriter and then reproduce it 30 years later using a computer, they should look very much alike. That is the whole point of having a font. \_ I will only believe this if someone can come up with a 1972 typewriter that outputs MS Word Times New Roman 12pt exactly as in 19-May-1972.doc. Please provide URL when you find evidence of this, and exactly this. Or ... if you can find a verified National Guard-related document also from 1972 that shows the same style as 19-May-1972.doc. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33506 Activity:nil |
9/13 This is incredible. The press is now fabricating anti-Bush stories repeatedly. First false "Clinton booing" at a rally, then the blatantly fake CBS documents, now this. AP stands by its story about anti-Bush SEAL http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=40427 \_ Well, not to meantion that's just a stupid think to print in the first place. \_ Your "blatantly fake" claim about the CBS documents isn't any more true the more you say it. We have no way of knowing, and to claim you do is foolish. As for the Clinton booing, the reporter made the report. The recording of the speech doesn't have the booing. That doesn't mean there weren't people booing away from the mics... I'm not saying anybody booed, but i'd be surprised if no one did. Now I'll look for your new outrage on something OTHER than world net daily. \_ A cursory glance at the evidence concerning the memos shows they are false. I can recreate the memos with Microsoft Word, overlay them, and they match perfectly. Your media sources have now resorted to fabricating lies in order to win a political campaign. What a pathetic disgrace. \_ And you can do the same with a late 60's model IBM Selectric Typewriter. And CBS has not shown itself in any way as anti- Bush. \_ No, it's theorized that you could, with a lot of work, produce something kinda similar to what Word does automatically. Getting that that type of letter spacing out of a seletric involved pulling a little lever everytime you wanted the letters closer together. Almost no one ever did this. It also probably wouldn't be in the Word font either. And what about the super scripts? They're DEFINATLY done Word style. And what about the lack of page indentations from the typewriter head and the lack of cloth fibers from the Selectric's cloth ribbon? Have you ever used a typewriter? You don't seem to know anything about them. \_ Some of the lines in the Killian memo were centered, right? I learned to type on an old typewriter, and it's a pain to center a line. And that's with a fixed width font. I imagine it's pretty painful trying to center a proportional-spaced line on a typewriter. In fact, how *do* you do that? Does the alleged typewriter have some special lever or switch to do it? \_ I haven't seen the one with the centered line. \_ for example, link:csua.org/u/90s \_ Has anyone done this experiment? Get the correct period typewriter (I assume there must a functional one some- where) and try to reproduce the letter? It'd be instructive to see how much of a task it would be. \_ There is one thing about the memos that a period typewriter at all, and that is to make the super- script 'th' in 4th: http://tinyurl.com/qqe6 (suntimes.com) Also as the article says, Times New Roman was not licensed for use by anyone other than the Times of London till the 80s so it is not possible for a 60s era typewriter to produce the memo in question. \_ False. IBM was using it since the 50s. \_ URL please. \_ You are right, it is "incredible." Your source has no credibility, neither do you. \_ Courier's vanquisher was Times New Roman, designed in 1931 by Stanley Morison, Typographical Advisor to the Monotype Corporation, with the assistance of draughtsman Victor Lardent... (Ironically, at the same time IBM invited Frutiger to adapt Univers for the Selectric Typewriter, they asked Morison to do the same with Times New Roman.) [edited to retain point but remove unnecessary verbosity] |
2004/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33507, category id '18005#26.1328' has no name! , ] UID:33507 Activity:high |
9/13 http://tinyurl.com/3wyfy (story.news.yahoo.com) fucking little bush. \- things like the steel trarrifs were not "flipflops" they were far worse. that particular case was cynical vote mongering ... burying principle for electorial votes. in re: flipflopping over changing circumstances, as JM Keynes said: "When the facts change, I change my mind -- What do you do, sir?" Another good Keynes quote: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist." --psb \_ Also note that changing your mind based on changing facts is different from denying facts while making your decision, then changing your mind when your polls drop. \_ If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. -GW Bush \_ cf. letting the ban on assault weapons lapse to gain the NRA endorsement. "I support the ban," the President said. \_ "I would sign it if Congress passes it" is not the same as "I support it." \_ http://csua.org/u/90v (NYTimes article, abstract.) He vowed to support the ban on assault weapons. \_ yes, he vowed that, and then he didn't do anything to support it. Do you think Tom Delay would be saying "it'll never come up for a vote" if Bush supported the ban? Don't be obtuse. -tom \_ Speaking of obtuse, tom, my point is that GWB vowed to support the ban on asssault weapons, has not publicly reversed himself on that position, and yet still won't push his fellow repubs to bring the matter to a vote. In other words, he's pimping for votes. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33508 Activity:nil |
9/13 Amazing. Iraq is completely gone to shit and all we can talk about is Swift Boat and fake memos. This country deserves its shit media and its shit government. http://csua.org/u/90u (time.com) \_ This is Karl Rove desperately trying to change the subject. \_ Yeah, Karl Rove made Mr. Rather stick his own foot into his mouth (next to Satan's dick)... \_ Lovely debate tactic, but this isn't http://freerepublic.com. Come back when you're ready to act like an adult. \_ If that was a requirement for a soda account this would be a lonely place. \_ Dubya actually said that Iraq being a shithole for U.S. troops is a good thing, since the enemy is preoccupied with us there and not busy blowing up the U.S. As for Swift Boat, a whole bunch of veterans who say Kerry is a liar is going to do something. \_ Why doesn't the media disclose the civilian body count in Iraq? Or in Afghanistan? If "freedom" means being bombed into the stone age, maybe living under the Saddam regime wasn't so bad after all. |
2004/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33509 Activity:very high |
9/13 Right Wing Nutjob Bloggers schooled by dailykos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/9/10/34914/1603 \_ You know, I think both candidates are pretty much poor in this election, and I'd really like to think of myself as neutral in all the mudslinging. But Kerry supporters trying to pass this off as a legit memo is just irrational. Through this fantastic series of coincidences - some backwater base buys this super expensive typewriter to write memos, and some guy whose family says he could barely type uses proportional spacing in his memos, and the word wrapping and font just happen to be identical to what MS Word does on the default settings, etc. etc. ... sheesh. It's fake. Deal with it. Save your breath for an issue where you might have some legitimacy. \_ Yeah, go back to your hole, ya left-wing bleeding heart wannabe independent. If the memo was real you'd be all over it like a dog in heat trying to hump a dead tree stump. Fact is that the memo was from the Kerry campaign. Fact is that it was a blatant attempt by the Kerry folks to retaliate to swiftboat. Fact is that they failed miserably and now CBS and the Kerry boys have egg over all their collective faces because Kerry doesn't know how to hide his trail. \_ Speaking of slimy political maneuvering: http://olympics.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=politicsNews&storyID=6224278 \_ Did you read the article? They refute every argument against the memo's legitimacy. Better get in a few more quick "just give it up"s before your whole argument falls apart. \_ Like I said, save your breath. "Falls apart". Hah. Would you be willing to bet a Kerry presidency on those memos being legitimate? \_ While the line wrapping is exact, the font is not, according to that http://dailykos.com URL. Also, the http://dailykos.com consensus now seems to be the IBM Executive typewriter, not the Selectric Composer. The former is common; the latter is expensive and not. http://dailykos.com people are trying to get their hands on an Executive now. \_ Anyone know, how did line wrapping work on these electric typewriters? Did people just guess where to hit the carriage return or was there some better indication to avoid going over the margin? \_ I owned one a selectric--you could set mechanical tabs which would either stop the carriage and not let you type any more, or on some models do a CR/LF for you. -John The spacing is the most suspicious, including the centered header on another memo (although it is actually not centered but shifted over to the right by 1 tab). \_ This link unsatifactorily addresses two, yes only two, of the inconsistencies found in the memo. The blog contains only information found earlier on the 'right wing nutjob' websites. Another example, one of the Gen. referred to had retired 18 months prior to the memo. There are 10 or 15 more discrepancies. So, try again. \_ As ex-Army, http://dailykos.com should realize that the abbreviations used in the memos reveal they were written by someone who was never in the military. He should know what a Form 180 is, and which candidates have and have NOT signed it. |
2004/9/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:33510 Activity:nil |
9/13 What is the deal with redhat using local7 for the boot.log ? I thought localX was supposed to be for me to use, not the system. (I've hardware that will only log to to local7 and it is annoying to have the boot stuff mixed up in there). If i change initlog.conf to say local6, that will do the trick right? Can I make that take effect without rebooting? |
2004/9/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:33511 Activity:nil |
9/13 Can someone find the education vs. party line correlation/statistic again? I lost it and can't find it on google. Thanks. [ lib masturbatory fest gone ] \_ so here we have proof that freepers are the ones censoring based on content. |
3/15 |