2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33289 Activity:insanely high |
9/2 It takes a republican to put Elaine Chao, the first Asian American women in the U.S. Cabinet: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/01/gop.main/index.html \_ more like, she had to marry a republican senator first. \_ Republicans are oppressing her with their big white penises? \_ http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/chao-bio.html \_ I am sure she's very capable herself, but that alone isn't usually enough. \_ that is right. Chinese communities knows Elaine Chao for years. and, if she never married to a powerful senator, she would never gotten where she is now. Further, I hate her policies, and that alone is good enough for me to discredit her despite she belongs to the same ethnic tribe as I. \_ That's fine. There are lots of Irish politians I don't support. I think race based support for anyone is stupid. \_ I don't think the gwbush administration is racist. I think they just hate poor people. \_ I hate those racist republicans! We need more equal opportunity supporters like John Kerry and his all-white all-the-time campaign! \_ Yeah, like the way GWB has more non-whites in his administration at any level than Clinton did in 8 years and Kerry has on his staff now. But don't let facts trip you up on the way to the next meeting of the proletariat, comrade! \_ You respond to obvious sarcasm by pretending it is an honest statement. Boy are you stupid. \_ Hi fool! I was joining in on the sarcasm fun. Thanks for adding your idiocy to the motd. We didn't have enough stupid people here already. Everyone understood and let it be. How'd you get so stupid? \_ But wait, say the Republicans, we're not racist. We put Colin Powell and Condi Rice in positions of power (where we can veto them immediately if they get uppity). See? How can an Administration with token blacks possibly be oppressing blacks? Oh, that's right, by cutting valuable social services that help to redress more than 228 years of discrimination and outright oppression. \_ By putting people on the public dole, we lift them up and give them incentive to do better from one generation to the next. Er uh, yeah. Right. Have you ever been on the dole? It is the most anti-incentive thing I ever experienced. \_ Except that the programs Bush has cut haven't only been the welfare checks. He's also cut housing subsidies, funding for pre-school education, and tons of counseling services. If it was welfare alone, I'd be right there with you, but when you take away the means to improve, that's just wrong. \_ Then you'd be unique among the left who think welfare reform is the ultimate evil. \_ Untrue. See "Clinton and welfare reform." (And if you're going to restore, restore it all.) \_ BWAHAHAHAHA! \_ Hey, can I have some of that? My people were totally oppressed for longer than yours. -- ilyas \_ Than mine? I'm a Danish-Irish-Pole; my Danish ancestors were oppressing my Irish and Polish ancestors before Columbus was ever born. \_ Wait, ilya, I missed the part where Russian Jews were brought over in ships to do forced labor for their entire lives on cotton plantations, and then "freed" only to face official government policies of segregation and discrimination for 100 years. \_ Dude! You had ships? We wish we had ships. We had to go to Egypt and Babylon ON FOOT, UPHILL BOTH WAYS, long before your ancestors even knew what slavery was. -- ilyas \_ This conversation has reached epic stupidity. You don't think Jews have ever been SEGREGATED? \_ You miss the point. American government policy and its people supported slavery and, later, "Jim Crow." American government policy had nothing to do with the oppression of the Jews - if anything, we helped to save what was left of them with WWII. The plight of the African-American is a uniquely American responsibility. \_ The plight? 1) stop using crack, 2) stop shooting your neighbors, 3) send your kids to school, 4) install some values in your children, 5) stop listening to music that glorifies thuggish street life and says all women are whores and property. That would be a good start. You know, that whole self responsibility thing. Maybe we need a Federal entitlement program to encourage more self responsbility? \_ I'm the guy who wrote the bit about tokens, and even I can tell you straight up that American government policy at several points had plenty to do with the oppression of the Jews. We nearly didn't even get involved in WWII because of anti-semitism. Look, both Jews and African Americans have suffered. Cutting support to one because the other's not getting a leg up is just plain stupid and spiteful. \_ I repeat, WHERE'S MY PIECE OF THE PIE!? My ancestors suffered, damn it! Gimme gimme gimme! -- ilyas \_ I blame the Jews. \_ And why not? Everyone else does. The weak always make good targets. \_ Um, alright you should dig up the American government and its people (who were around at the time) and get them to pay up. See, the rest of the world has gotten past the feudal concept of familial inheritance of legal responsibilities. Maybe you should too. -- ilyas \_ Do you support increasing the estate tax? \_ jesus fucking batshit. why don't you spill some blood in the sharktank while you're at it? \_ Do you support sending people to prison for what their 4x great grand parents did? \_ Hey, it's not regressive to see that the current social situation in the ghetto is a direct result of both that "peculiar institution" and Reagan's policy of cutting assistance and enrichment programs, as continued by the current administration. \_ It may not be regressive, but it is BS. The "great society" did not increase the speed of blacks entering the middle class, it DECREASED the speed. Furthermore, prior to the great society, ghettos were pretty safe. Now no one lets their kids walk down the street in the ghetto. Woohoo! Did we ever get a great society from LBJ! \_ Your claims are ludicrous. Please back them up. \_ Yours is more so. How does flooding an area with government cash encourage anyone to do better with their life? Please back up the claim that the ghettos are a result of Reagan's policies and slavery. There were shitty ghettos and crime long before Reagan was around. \_ And yet another fallacy: throwing money at the problem does nothing. Spending money to improve schools (read: not on vouchers), provide retraining, educate children through Head Start and other pre-school programs, and provide drug-, health-, and job-counseling decreases crime and social welfare. \_ Spending money intelligently works. Throwing money at a problem, by it's very nature, does not solve problems. The schools are fucked because parents won't take responsibility for their kids in your nanny state and the teachers unions are all about the teachers unions and couldn't give a fuck about the kids. \_ I notice you have not provided the evidence. Perhaps because it does not exist? \_ I notice you have not provided the evidence. Perhaps because it does not exist? See how we can both play that game? You made a stupid statement. I challenged it. Then you try to back your statement by saying I didn't back mine when you have provided no backing for your earlier statement. That turkey doesn't fly. Your debate fu is WEAK! \_ This is the first time you have requested evidence. I can provide plenty of it. \_ It isn't but thats ok. You're doing your best and for that I think you have earned a social promotion to the next level so we don't damage your self esteem. \_ Corporations live forever and can write contracts far outlasting the life of their signees. I think they can be held responsible for their actions 150 years ago. \_ Sue them. \_ Change the law so I can. \_ BWHAHAHAHA!!! SO FUNNY! Poor baby! You are such a victim! What exactly are you going to sue them for and who? \_ There are plenty of corporations that benefitted from slave labor and could be sued. For economic damages of course, what else do you sue a corporation for? Are you this ignorant and rude in person? \_ I asked you to name them and what you'd sue them for since you weren't damaged by it. Are you this obtuse in person? \_ A very quick google gives: http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/03/26/slavery.reparations http://www.millionsforreparations.com/lawsuit-ww.html I think you can make an economic argument that the descendants have the right to sue. We already return solen art to the decendants of the victims. But the law would have to be changed to make this possible. \_ Tell us about the legality of the sacking of Jericho and the displacement of the Canaanites, ilya. \_ Without the Infinity Trident we're defenseless against the Five Jew Bankers! \_ John is that you? \_ Where's the magic spear and shield?! I must have the ring else all hope is lost! \_ You idiot! We made up the Five Jew Bankers! \_ http://internationaljewishconspiracy.com (Relax, it's a satirical site, not racist.) \_ How did a conversation on Elaine The Asian And The Big White Penises become so intellectual? \_ Where exactly did it become intellectual? \_ I agree that the claims that the Republicans are racist are silly and counter-productive. It is not surprising that the Republicans are the first to put an Asian woman into the cabinet though. There is a great J. K. Galbraith quote about how it is the fate of American politics that the party that is not believed to embody a particular quality is the one that actually has to put it into practice. Just like how the Democrats are the party that actually has sensible, business- and growth-friendly economic policies. The Republicans don't need to have these, because everyone assumes that their policies are economically sound. The first Black or Female U. S. President will be a Republican. - (one of many) motd liberal \_ thank god, there are people on motd has non-volitile memory. \_ last week we caught a Jewish spy, for some reason, we don't have the cox report and all that witch hunt. Racism at work... (if the motd-format God would like to come bless me, I would be appreciative, otherwise sorry about the formatting) \_ I would except those other morons put their crap in the middle making me uncertain who is writing the parenthetic. --motd formatd \_ Chacellor Chang-lin Tien would have been another asian in the cabinet but the big China stealing nuclear secrets brouhaha made it impossible. \_ Tien was from Taiwan, not Mainland China. \_ it doesn't matter. wenholee is from taiwan too. incidentally, so it elaine chao. \_ Elaine Chao's chinese name means Little Orchid. \_ Does it ever occur to you guys that Lincoln was a Republican? \_ Somewhat clever troll, or didn't pay attention in U.S. History. Which one are you? \_ Are you saying Lincoln was a Democrat? \_ Yeah, Lincoln didn't want to ENSLAVE Americans, otherwise he would be a Republican! \_ CSUA has its own Elaine |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33290 Activity:very high |
9/2 I figured the motd socialists would be out in force insulting the Republicans this week during the RNC convention. You've got more fresh speeches and material to work from right now than any other time since 2000. I'm disappointed you can't even make something up or take something out of context to get snarky and cute about. \_ Go stick your head in a pig. To quote a whole lot of people on the motd from the last convention, who watches the damn things? They're just scripted television commercials. \_ This would fly except y'all get so hot n bothered and spend so much time digging up other old quotes and speeches. Sorry, no dice on this reply. \_ Many of my friends are depressed because they have this sinking feeling (strictly gut-based) that Bush is going to win. One is talking about retiring to his Tuscan villa for the next 4 years. \_ Can we get them to promise in writing that they'll leave? I thought it was really funny 4 years ago when a number of celebs were recorded promising to leave the country if Bush won, but mysteriously none did... \_ Is there a list out there of all of the celebs that promised to go away? I only know of one guy who actually did and he isn't a major public celeb (some artist/writer) and already had a place in France anyway. \_ http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/leave.htm \_ Sad, isn't it? That Bush can have 4 years with absolutely no meaningful accomplishments other than looking good standing in the rubble of the WTC, and yet he seems to have the momentum. \_ Isn't it just as sad that Kerry had 20 years in the Senate and his claim to fame was marrying a rich widow and being a war hero despite a handful of medals he might or might not have thrown away? \_ Its certainly better than what we got now. His tax cuts haven't worked and his war was a disaster. In the words of Donald Trump, "I'm sorry, but you're FIRED!" \_ His tax cuts have been working. Do you have a job? Do you know anyone who wants a job and doesn't? The war was the best fought war in the history of the planet. We lost more soldiers on each beach on DDay than we have in a year+ in Iraq. Are you trolling or simply ignorant of basic historic facts? \_ The best fought war in the history of the planet? The war that found not a single WMD and has created a virtual jihadist factory? \_ We took over a country in record time with fewer deaths than seen on our highways in a few weeks. Yeah, it was a poorly fought war. You're an uber military genius. Were you one of the scumbags that was hoping it would turn into a vietnam style quagmire with body bags coming home by the hundreds every week? \_ Hmm... so you're bragging by saying we've lost fewer soldiers in a war aginst a militarily inferior foe than in one of the biggest battles in the largest war ever, against a foe our technological equal? I guess by your logic, Bay of Pigs was a resounding success because we only lost a few hundred people. \_ The Nazis were our technological superiors, btw. \_ No they weren't (except for tanks). -- ilyas And your comparison to the Bay of Pigs is silly because maybe you didn't notice but we won in Iraq but the Cuban nationals lost in Cuba. They weren't American soliders. This isn't even apples to oranges but more like celery sticks to Ford pickup trucks. At least get your very basic history correct before you step up to bat. \_ What do you mean? I'm saving $30k just from personal tax cuts and gobs more if you count in estate tax changes. \_ Then you're far better off than the larger chunk of us, and probably were not hurting from it before... Tell us. How many new jobs have you created? \_ Me personally? I grew my group from 12 to 17 people in the last 2 years. Before that I started a company that went from 3 (the founders) to 23 at its peak. Hurting? Why did it have to hurt for me to appreciate keeping more of the money I earn? \_ YOUR anecdote trumps all statistics! The economy is roaring like never before! Bush has created millions of jobs!...oh wait, right, he'll likely be the first president since Hoover to have negative job growth...maybe them pesky tax cuts aren't working out so well. \_ He was asked how many job he created, he answered and then you attack him for answering! BWHAHAHAHAHA! YOU SO FUNNY! \_ The recession started at the end of the Clinton years. The troubles in high tech (and certainly in the telecom space where I play) now comes from over investment during the boom years. Blame runaway optimism in the 90's if you want to assign blame. The price of getting drunk is the hangover. \_ Uh huh. I seem to recall Clinton pulling us out of a similar recession in 92 quite capably. Then again, he didn't go starting some useless disaster of a war either. Sorry, you're still FIRED! \_ According to the National Bureau of Economic Reserach, that recession went from 7/1990 to 3/1991. It ended well before the start of the Clinton terms. They also said the current recession was from 3/2000 to 11/2001. This started 3 months after the start of the GWB presidency, but it's still hard to pin it on him since it started only 3 months into his watch. Please try to base your argument on data instead of urban myths and silly catch phrases. \_ Facts just trip us up and get in the way of our partisan frothing and mewling. --wannabe motd lib \_ Is this the first presidential election your friends have voted in? This convention back and forth is typical. \_ Late 30's, not likely their first election. Kerry can't win this election; Bush can lose it. It doesn't seem like Bush will lose. \_ Still too close to call, exactly the wrong time to give up hope. Kick your friends in the ass for me. \_ Not really. Unless Bush rapes a nun on national TV, the whole thing is done. \_ In your dreams. It is not even close to finished. It isn't even halftime yet. Do you even bother to look at polls or do you just figure you can predict the future better than the experts? \_ http://hosted.ap.org/photos/R/RNC18709020300-big.jpg http://hosted.ap.org/photos/R/RNC18809020300-big.jpg A picture speaks a thousand words. \_ All I can say about Zell Miller is: YEEEEEAAAAARGHHHHHHH!!!!! \_ Really? 'Cos "sell-out" and "collaborator" are what I'd say about the man. Mind you, that pic doesn't exactly catch him in his best light: you know, a smoky back room.... \_ Just curious, did you feel the same way when the Senate briefly changed hands when whats his face switched to voting (D) from (R) a few months after he was elected using (R) funds? Or were you cheering like a partisan hypocrite? \_ The difference there is Jeffords actually followed his conscience instead of hanging onto a misnomer like Zell does. Also, he didn't "vote (D)". He tossed his vote to the (D)'s for organizing the Senate and to give them the majority and changed his affiliation to (I). He didn't necessarily vote with them on their bills. In fact, looking at what little that session did, his switch didn't really do all that much. \_ Jeffords was called a traitor, etc, by the (R) side. He did the one thing which fucked the (R) for that entire time period. Voting however afterwards doesn't matter as there are many in both parties who cross lines for various things. In this case, he fucked his party so he could get the chairmanship of a dairy committee he wanted to control for his dairy state. So short sighted and stupid he now has nothing and his state got fucked twice over. What an idiot. Anyway, as I said, you thought it was a-ok for a (R) to turn coat but it is treason of the highest order when a (D) does it. Hypocrite. At least try to be honest with your rationalizations. \_ Nah, I just meant he had some serious Howard Dean moments last night. First he chewed the scenery up with that speech ("unleash rage" was the headline that the AP had). Then he goes on Hardball and keeps challenging Chris Matthews to a duel! \_ Well, maybe he was having a Ted Koppel moment (TK challenged Jon Stewart to a duel on The Daily Show). \_ It doesn't matter how it played to some motd/Bay Area leftists. It matters that a Democrat Senator got on TV and said his country was more important than his party and that his party was fucked. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic] UID:33291 Activity:kinda low |
9/2 State Constitution provisions on gun rights at the time of the founders. http://www1.law.ucla.edu/~volokh/beararms/testimon.htm \_ This guy rocks, btw. -- ilyas \_ A fascinating article: points out the individual nature of the right to bear arms but also points out that this doesn't specify the scope of that right. Well-balanced, and purposefully inconclusive. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, ERROR, uid:33292, category id '18005#6.25625' has no name! , ] UID:33292 Activity:high |
9/2 Democrats, You over slept - It isn't 9/10 Anymore! http://lifetrek.blogspot.com/2004/09/democrats-you-over-slept-it-isnt-910.html \_ So what you're saying is, 9/11 changed everything? I haven't heard that one before! \_ He's saying your party didn't notice. \_ God, grow up freeper. Did I say that I was a Democrat? \_ Did I say I was a freeper? I'm probably wrong. You're likely to be too far left for the Democrats. I'm sorry if I insulted a socialist by calling them a Democrat. \_ Gosh, I'm not sure I got the point of all of those speeches at the RNC. Maybe if they'd held it on September 11, the point would have been clear. \_ "...enviro wacko's [sic]..." "...job loses [sic]..." "...full years [sic] economic activity..." The guy's a moron. |
2004/9/2 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:33293 Activity:nil |
9/2 This whole motd just deserves a nice healthy "fuck all ya'll." So here goes: FUCK ALL YA'LL!!! There. I just made my own day. |
2004/9/2 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Recreation/Travel] UID:33294 Activity:very high |
9/2 Hello guys I have a dilemma. I booked Holiday Inn on the internet and on the day that I checked in they gave me a smoking room. They didn't have anything else, but I couldn't take the room because of serious asthma (I ended up going to a nearby B&B place). After talking to the managers and the corporate HQ they still refused to give me a refund, I filed the complaint to BBB. BBB returned saying that they can't help us, and that I should try one of the four choices: -Small Claims Court Santa Clara County -State Contractors Board -Consumer Affairs State of California -District Attorney of Santa Clara County Which choice is the best? Thanks, \_ Go to small claims court. Let us know if you need help. The rest of you STFU, because you don't know squat about the statutes involved or basic Tort. \_ All bow down before the anonymous legal expert! \_ For the uninitiated: A) You don't know the real facts of the case. B) You don't know what statutes apply to the case, C) You don't know if the situation involved actually violates the rule of law, D) You don't know in what situations that rule of law should be upheld. Ergo, you cannot make a summary judgement of whether or not the OP should or should not receive due compensation. Therefore, STFU. And yes, I am qualified to comment on the subject... \_ if you KNOW you have problems with SMOKE, make sure you get a NON SMOKING ROOM explicity upon reservation \_ Why do you hate smokers?? They gave you 1 room, which you chose not to take. Pay up, chump. \_ If you just 'requested' a non-smoking room, that's expressing a preference and it doesn't obligate them to give you one, just like asking for a window seat on an airplane doesn't entitle you to one. If you told them you require a NS room when you made the reservation or they promised one, you have a much better case. \_ ah, but the internet didn't even give me a choice!!! \_ sure, blame it on the internet!!! \_ Tell corporate HQ to "Give me my money back or I'm going to file an ADA suit with one of the ADA ambulance chasers". \_ The thing is that while they are required to be accomodating, you have to give them reasonable notice of your disability by, say telling them you're asthmatic when you make the reservation. Cal provides ASL interpreters for lectures, but if a deaf student doesn't give them warning ahead of time, they're SOL. \_ hey, if they charged to your credit card. Call your CC company to dispute it. You can't be charged for services not rendered. \_ The reason they can charge you for a canceled reservation if because you could cause them to hold a room for you that could go to a customer who shows up and pays. If there are lots of rooms available, a canceled reservation charge is not covering any actual damages. If there are no other vacancies, as this sounds like, then be reserving and then canceling, you *did* cause damages in the form of a reserved but unused room. \_ credit company said it is my fault for breaking the 24 hour clause set by Holiday Inn. -op \_ just think of it as payment for a lesson learned, ok? \_ for most people, "smoking or not" is just a preference, not life-threatening choices. It's too bad that it is for you, and you should be reponsible for getting message acrossed to those who handles your hotel room. \_ if you have some reason to need or want a non-smoking room or other preference, state it to to the hotel. If the hotel can not or will not cater to your needs or wants, they the hotel needs to inform you of this in a timely fashion. If you dont state this to the hotel, tough shit. If the hotel tells you at the last minute that they can not fulfill your request, that's bad faith. |
2004/9/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:33295 Activity:kinda low |
9/2 Hi, my old PC can dual-boot between DOS (don't laugh) and NT. It has quite a few NT apps installed. Now if I install Win2k or XP onto the PC, will I be able to dual-boot between DOS, NT, and 2k or XP? Does it matter if I install it on the same or different hard disk? Also, will I have to re-install all the NT apps in order to run them in 2k or XP? Thanks. \_ It is possible to boot all those OS's but you should do backup first and practice on some other box first. It's very easy to fuck it up. \_ If you 'upgrade' your NT to XP, then you don't need to reinstall all the apps, but you probably can't dual boot to NT anymore. If you installed XP on another partition, then you can dual boot to NT, but you probably need to reinstall all the software again. As for DOS, installing XP will override the current boot sector, which should be that of NT, your dos boot sector is in bootsec.dos (or something like that) and should continue to work. \_ Can the XP bootloader be configured to load DOS and NT partitions? \_ I think so, but they all want some files on C:, which is kind of messy to deal with. If you really want to dual boot that many OS, I've heard good things about VMware, or use the linux boot loader. \_ I am a hardcore DOS fan and I havn't ran dos for years, what exactly do you need DOS for? My pentium system died a few years ago and I haven't ran dos since. What I do have is a nice boot disk containing lots of what use to be useful utilities for emergencies. But in the days of booting from CD directly, I havn't used it either. Just do a clean install of XP and you'll thank yourself. upgrading from a dual boot system of dos/NT is just not worth the trouble. If you really want a dos system, put it on a old machine. \_ I use DOS for exactly the same thing as you do - boot diskettes with utilities for emergencies. So I need a hard disk that can boot DOS such that I'll able to make new boot diskettes when the old ones fade away and no longer boot. |
2004/9/2 [Uncategorized] UID:33296 Activity:nil |
9/2 Let's try again... and this time, something interesting. \_ Knock Knock \_ Fuck off \_ Zell Miller |
2004/9/2-3 [Recreation/Activities] UID:33297 Activity:high |
9/2 Anyone know a good place to buy running shoes? Ideally they would have a large, well-stocked selection of many brands, and include "trail running" sorts of stuff. REI and Sportmart don't fit the bill. In the south bay area. Thanks. \_ Check the sporting goods store in Valley Fair. Great Selection. Copeland Sports is the place. \_ after watching my wife suffer the pimply kids at a general sporting goods store and finally finding a running shoe boutique, i am a believer in specialty stores. ours was in west LA so can't help you exactly. but use the yellow pages and "interview" the store. a good wone will have staff who are runners, who know feet, and who can look at your feet and match you with shoes for your purpose. \_ On the Run on 9th Ave in San Francisco. You only have to drive up once... |
2004/9/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33298 Activity:nil |
9/2 What this motd needs is some bad ascii art: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | |\ -~ / \ / | |~~__ | \ | \/ /\ /| | -- | \ | / \ / \ / | | |~_| \ \___|/ \/ / | |--__ | -- |\________________________________/~~\~~| / \ / \ | | |~~--__ |~_|____|____|____|____|____|____|/ / \/|\ / \/ \/| | | |~--_|__|____|____|____|____|____|_/ /| |/ \ / \ / | |___|______|__|_||____|____|____|____|____|__[]/_|----| \/ \ / | | \mmmm : | _|___|____|____|____|____|____|___| /\| / \ / \ | | B :_--~~ |_|____|____|____|____|____|____| | |\/ \ / \ | | __--P : | / / / | \ / \ /\| |~~ | : | / ~~~ | \ / \ / | | | |/ .-. | /\ \ / | | | / | | |/ \ /\ | | | / | | -_ \ / \ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | /| | | 2 3 4 | /~~~~~\ | /| |_| .... ......... | | | ~|~ | % | | | ~J~ | | ~|~ % |_| .... ......... | | AMMO | HEALTH | 5 6 7 | \===/ | ARMOR |#| .... ......... | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \_ I was going to delete this because it is utterly stupid, but then I realized that the rest of the motd is even stupider. \_ more stupid \_ Hey! Don't delete motd entries out of order! Are you trying to get ilyas squished?? -meyers \_ w00t! |
2004/9/2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33299 Activity:very high |
9/2 http://csua.berkeley.edu/~fonger WHO IS THIS? \_ a transformer, robot in disguise. \_ Who, fonger or the chick? \_ That's not fonger? \_ Hot! \_ Wow! Is fonger the hottest chick on soda? \_ I like lisha personally. \_ karen has 'em both beat easy. \_ Any pics of lisha and karen? There's none in their home pages. \_ Go away chronic masturbator. \_ that is difficult to imagine. Fonger is damn near perfect. \_ Login: fonger Name: Fong Lin Directory: /home/sequent/fonger Shell: /usr/local/bin/tcsh Never logged in. No Mail. No Plan. \_ If fonger has never logged in, how does he/she have a webpage? \_ wtmp rotates \_ It doesn't matter. Politburo will have the resolve to squish these h0z3rs. \_ What? I don't think this sentence makes sense. \_ Not squishing fonger can only encourage our enemies and confuse our friends. |
2004/9/2 [Uncategorized] UID:33300 Activity:nil |
_ .-' '-. / \ |,-,-,-,-,| ___ | _)_(_ | (/ \) | _\_/_ /) / \_/ \// |( )\/ ||)_( |/ \ n| | / \ | |_|___| \|/ _/L\_ |
2004/9/2-3 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:33301 Activity:high |
9/2 Is it possible to download bloody patches (patches that show actual blood instead of a cross) and Swastica patches for Battlefield 1942/Vietnam games? I want more realism... \_ Get out a pixel editor. Anyway, good games don't require that stuff. One of the best fighting games I ever played was so good I didn't even notice there was no blood or special killing moves until I'd been playing for 2 days. \_ Uhh... which would called? \_ Yes. Google for 'blood patch.' Also if you mail me I will dig out a URL that has a ton of good no-cd patches and the likes. Be careful though, as patching the exe may cause trouble with things like Punkbuster for online play, as well as with other forms of verification used by the game. -John \_ if I patch the enemies, would they glow bright in the jungles? I'm wondering if I can do this so that I can see them clearly and piss everyone off. \_ Probably. There are plenty of "overlay" clients that run behind your game and recognize certain color tones (i.e. enemy uniforms) and highlight them. -John \_ Use motdedit! |
2004/9/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:33302 Activity:kinda low |
9/2 How do I use a variable expansion in perl regex? Something like $PATTERN = ".*foofoofoo"; $_ =~ s/$PATTERN//g; Basically I'd like a C #define style expansion of $PATTERN. TIA \_ The above should work. You might want to add the "o" flag to the s/// operator for efficiency if your $PATTERN doesn't change. \_ Also, you don't need to say "$_ =~ "; it's implied. |
2004/9/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:33303 Activity:nil |
9/2 Wow this is funny. And has nothing to do with BushKerryNader: http://virt.vgmix.com/jenny18 \_ Any emacs port for it, similar to M-x psychoanalyze-pinhead? |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:33304 Activity:nil |
9/2 Wait, I thought Scwharzenegger wasn't going to need all that lobbyist money because he's rich. He'll be so much better than Davis! Oh wait... http://csua.org/u/8wo (yahoo! news) |
2004/9/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:33305 Activity:nil |
9/2 Alien contact? No really, for reals: http://csua.org/u/8wn \_ This piece conveniently omits this quote from the source http://newscientist.com article: David Anderson, director of SETI@home, remains sceptical but curious about the signal. "It's unlikely to be real but we will definitely be re-observing it." |
2004/9/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:33306 Activity:nil |
9/2 I am considering getting an used cycle trainer for indoor use. Anyone uses it and feels it's a good fittness equipment? \_ don't forget to get a good fan if you don't have one already \_ It's good, but it'll eat your tires. |
2004/9/2 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:33307 Activity:high |
9/2 Windows is finding executables not in my path, does anyone know how the lookup is done? it runs abc.exe even though abc.exe is no where in my path. Thanks. \_ Are you referring to Start button -> Run, or from a console window? For example, if I run msconfig.exe from a DOS prompt, I get no command found. If I run it from the Start -> Run, it gets run. \_ start/run \_ Windows stores the paths to certain executables in the registry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/SW/Security] UID:33308 Activity:nil |
9/2 http://csua.org/u/8wm (LA Times) A senior Russian security official said authorities are faced with a dilemma even worse than the 2002 seizure of the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow by Chechen militants, which led to the death of 129 hostages and 41 guerrillas when Russian troops gassed the theater and stormed in. "The situation is much worse than Dubrovka. Believe me, much worse ... It seems almost certain that the hostage-takers are not really interested in negotiations, or any demands. So far, we haven't gotten any coherent statement of what they really want. ... They are just biding their time, as if waiting for us to start storming this school, and then they will blow everything up. I think they are ready to blow themselves up, together with the hostages, in any case. It seems to be their one and only plan." So, you are Putin. What do you do? Please withold jibes about vodka and "In Soviet Russia ...". \_ Decimate the Chechens (i.e. kill every 10th). Do so after every terrorist act by the Chechens. \_ I read that as Chickens and was very confused... \_ "Fear...will keep the local systems in line." \_ As far as the current crisis, there is really only 2 options. A siege, starve them out, or gas 'em again. Probably niether would be very effiective. I guess the previous guy's idea might work over the long run. \_ Why not a standoff while you try to bring in some hostage-taker's relatives and religious authority figures and see if they can convince them to let everyone go in exchange for amnesty. \_ Oooo, family members. Good idea. But who's getting the amnesty? The terrorists or the family members? North N. Korean style would be to kill the terrorists AND their extended families. \_ tactical nukes over rebel hideouts \_ Why do you hate thermonuclear weapons? \_ You're really a moron, you know that? You undercut any sensible counter-argument Cheney and friends *could* have. \_ I don't think the thermonuclear comment was made seriously. You're STILL the moron. \_ Cheney offers to help with Russian hostage situation! "We have to many of these things anyway, and I've always wanted to drop one or two on Ruskies!" |
2004/9/2 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:33309 Activity:nil |
9/2 If i buy a MotherBoard with 2 SATA ports, does that mean I can only have 2 SATA devices attached or is there some chaining possible? \_ Only 2 SATA drives, although your MB probably has 2 ATA connectors too for optical drives and the like. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33310 Activity:nil |
9/2 Op-ed from March 2004, but posted to contrast with Cheney's claim that Bush's pursuit of the Iraq war forced Libya to disarm on nuclear. http://www.brookings.edu/views/op-ed/indyk/20040309.htm - The Iraq War did not Force Gadaffi's Hand "However, in doing so, Mr. Bush completed a diplomatic game plan initiated by Mr. Clinton. The issue here, however, is not credit. Rather, it is whether Mr. Gadaffi gave up his WMD programmes because Mr. Hussein was toppled, as Mr. Bush now claims. As the record shows, Libyan disarmament did not require a war in Iraq." \_ So Bush was just a pawn in Clinton's on going game of power politics? Yes, this all makes sense. Black is white. War is peace. Two is one. It all depends on what the meaning of "is" is since I voted for forcing Kadaffi's hand before voting against it. Or something inane like that. I'm definitely going to invest in the tin and hat industries. \_ You're really a moron, you know that? You undercut any sensible counter-argument Cheney and friends *could* have. \_ I don't think he is a moron so much as schizophrenic. |
2004/9/2-3 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:33311 Activity:moderate |
9/2 If I want to put images on my (non-profit) website that were not mine (e.g. scanned in from a book or grabbed from other webpages) but I did credit the original source, is that allowed? \_ I've seen more and more sites putting up explicit "fair use" notices which explain that the work is being used for research purposes or public benefit, that the original copyright terms still apply for downstream usages, etc. etc. You can probably google for an example, which may or may not be copyright restricted itself. What's your site? \_ No, you need explicit permission. \_ It's a very sticky situation. In some cases, it's allowed, but in many cases it's not. Can you be more specific? \_ Do some research, find out who owns the copyright, and ask for permission. Unless it's an original for-profit work of art, most people will let you use it as long as 1) they don't find your page insulting, and 2) you credit the source. I used animal pictures from kidsdomain and a regional park service to build my Ecosystem game: http://www.ecosystemgame.us \_ aaaaaaah! you got me! I can no longer resist the urge to become a marine biologist! you've ruined my life! \_ Wow, really? I was really aiming for the 8 to 11 age range, but a convert's a convert. \_ I'm kidding. I'm a physicist, so any system with more than two kinds of atoms is probably out of my reach. Cool website, though. \_ Thank you. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33312 Activity:nil |
9/2 http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/columnist/2004-09-01-moore_x.htm Michael Moore: ... I would like to hear [GWB] say tonight, "I'm sorry. There never were weapons of mass destruction and there never was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11. There was no imminent threat, our lives were not in danger, no missiles were going to hit Cleveland." (The next sentence regarding oil was stupid.) ... The other thing I would like to hear tonight is: Why haven't you caught Osama bin Laden? You've had three years to find him. The man killed nearly 3,000 people here on our soil. \_ The Village Voice told me that BushCo already caught bin Laden a long time ago and is waiting for some key moment to let us know. \_ The eve before the election? \_ To deny that Iraq, along with Iran, Syria, and Lybia, were the largest state sponsors of terror over the past 30 years is patently false. Two are down, two more to go. \_ Who's denying Iran, Syria, and Lybia [sic] are the largest state sponsors of terror? |
2004/9/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33313 Activity:high |
9/2 Gee, thanks for restoring all that toxic crap. \_ If you want to end the toxic crap, shut down the wall and motd. Or just kill all people. That'll do it, too. Personally, I think a shovel and some sand works best. What's your preferred method? \_ So you are suggesting that people are inherently incapable of disagreeing without getting themselves worked up into snits and spewing toxic crap? \_ Yes, I am. At least around here. Anonymity has nothing to do with it either. Plenty of non-anonymous people do plenty of vicious and sickening spewing. \_ "at least around here?" You haven't been following the tone of the presidential debates? Or do you think that George Bush and John Kerry are CSUA members? I think the level here is actually higher than at the national level. yes, this is absurd and sad, but it's true. \_ Ok. I'm willing to accept that, at least for the moment. Now what is it about "around here" that makes things that way? Its definitely not the CSUA, as the CSUA office is generally a pretty agreeable place and the motd is definitely not (at least by any sane definition). Special exception for the twohey-162-partners-baseball-bat incident. \_ I suspect it is simply distance created by the net. It is easier to say things on the net most would never say in person. Although I know some around here would not feel constrained even by that, the presence of those people only makes the net.distance problem even worse. Just my opinion. Neither humble, nor bold. \_ It's what makes lots of people assholes on the Internet -- the fact that there isn't a punch in the face waiting for you. There is nothing special about soda. -- ilyas \_ anonymity removes restraint. -tom \_ Cool, I wanna see another ilya/tom faceoff! \_ So does lying about your identity. -tom \_ Tom, turning a lack of shame or reserve into a virtue does not suit you. \_ get a clue. -tom \_ My bad, turning your lack of shame into a virtue _does_ suit you. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:33314 Activity:nil |
9/2 UCB. EFF. ACLU. FSF. Yer mom. Who else? \_ FBI. CIA. ATF. DHS. OH MY!!!!! \_ Of course. As a taxpayer, I already support those. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33315 Activity:nil |
9/2 http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/09/02/binladen.wealth.ap/index.html Bin Laden didn't support 9/11 afterall. \_ rtf911cr |
2004/9/2 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:33316 Activity:nil |
9/2 For the hostage crisis, here's one plan: Have a confidental meeting with the family members of the hostages, explaining to them that we (well, the Russian govt) know that the hostage-takes are going to blow up everyone no matter what we do, hence we're going to raid the school beause that's more likely to save more. Then keep the family members away from the media and start the raid as quickly as possible after the meeting. After it's over, family of the hostages alive would be grateful, and those of the dead ones will hopefully understand that the raid isn't a mistake. \_ you are brilliant. call the kremlin with this remarkable plan. \_ Nanobot assassins are the answer. \_ And YOU soldier will get to be the first one in! GO, GO, GO! \_ I wonder if Russia is going to take Isreal's stance on guns in schools? |
3/15 |