2004/8/23 [Health/Dental] UID:33072 Activity:insanely high |
8/23 I've had 4 dentists in 2 years because of having to move and not liking 2 of the dentists I had. The first dentist (Chinese) was great because I had him since I was a kid. He did all of my cavity fillings and cleanings and said I had pretty good teeth. Then when I moved to the South Bay I switched to another dentist (Iranian) who said I had HORRIBLE gums and teeth and needed to do deep cleaning, add Arestin (antibiotic) to prevent bone loss and to slow down my periodontal disease. He also highly recommended that I redo my fillings because it is getting old and he thinks it is dangerous if it falls out. I decided to switch to another doctor (Iranian) and she said that my teeth was not so good and highly recommended deep cleaning. She also pushed hard for "good deals" on electric tooth brush and teeth whitening guards/sol'ns. That ticked me off so I switched to another doctor (American born Iranian) and he said that my teeth was very healthy (gums didn't bleed when he did cleaning, etc). He didn't even push for services like deep cleaning and overpriced teeth whiteners. So actually, I'm confused. Do I have really have good/bad teeth? Or is the dental industry so fucked up that they have to push for services you don't really need? What is your experience like? \_ I get the feeling that dental insurance fraud is getting to be more and more common. If your teeth were really as bad as the two said, you would at least have an inkling about it. You'd be in horrendous pain if you had bone loss. If it feels like they're selling you a bill of goods, run. There are plenty of dentists out there who are caring doctors who respect their industry. Also, keep an eye out for odd procedures on invoices and claims (I've seen root canals which I thankfully didn't go through charged to my insurance). [zyin, you overwrote this.] \_ you only need a root planing after a couple years of neglect. i would be very suspicious of a dentist who pushes teeth whiteners \_ Good dentists have more patients and tend to have their appointments booked for at least 2 weeks. My dentist have his booked for a month. So fare he's very good. Unfortunately he's in SF. \_ Where in SF? I am looking for an SF dentist. What makes you say he is good? \_ Me too. Tell us his name please. \_ search for Michael Hing DDS in Yahoo!Yellow Pages. Unlike other dentists I had before, he's very thorough and takes his time get the job done. \_ Awesome SF dentist: Cynthia Brattesani. http://www.drcynthiab.com \_ Is she your dentist? \_ Yes. She's the best. \- um, ok. And good dentists like to play golf when the weather is good. \_ Mine is usually booked for six months if I want a weekend appt. Otherwise it's 2-3 months for weekdays. He's in Oakland Chinatown. But I wonder if there are dentists who just pretent that they are fully booked so as to make themselves look good. -- yuen \_ FWIW, I went to a dentist who said that I had a cavity. My hygienist said the same thing. I went to another dentist and she said I do not have a cavity on that tooth. WTF?! I don't trust any dentist. One of the dentists is obviously lying, but is it the latter (hoping the problem will get worse and require more expensive work later) or the former (trying to fill a tooth that is fine)? Bastards. \_ Why do you hate unrestrained capitalism?? \_ My dentist shows me the xrays before such a thing. Only had that once though. Is teeth whitening that bad? I was thinking of asking about it. My teeth are probably normal colored. But I wonder about those bright white teeth of people on TV. \_ The x-rays don't show much. One dentist said it is just natural pitting. The other said it is a cavity. \_ My dentist rocks. No, you can't have his name. When I asked about whitening he said he'd do it if I insisted but the stuff from the store that takes a few days will do a better job than he can do in an hour in the office and there's nothing wrong with the store stuff. He's booked solid forever. I don't know what I'll do when he retires. Maybe his kids will take over as he took over from his dad. If I leave the Bay Area, I'm dentally doomed! |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33073 Activity:very high |
8/22 The sound of the other shoe dropping: Bush denounces Swift Boat ad. http://csua.org/u/8q1 (yahoo! news) \_ damn, does this mean no more Swift Boat trolls? -tom \_ One can only hope, but somehow I doubt it. \_ Nope. The questioning of the medals was the appetizer. The denunciation of the Vietnam War is the main course. \_ How is this the other shoe dropping? This is the same thing McClellan said when the first SB ad came out, and the same thing the Bush campaign rep said yesterday on Russert: all the 527's suck, get rid of them. Kerry will whine because Bush didn't condemn the SB ads specifically. \_ The SB ads were malicious and wholly misleading. They make the fallacious flip-flop accusations look downright wholesome. It's a sign of weak moral character for any candidate who benefits from such ridiculous deceits not to specifically condemn them; as much as I despise him, Bush finally did the right thing. That it took him as long as it did is a quibble point. \_ What a crapload. Wholly misleading my ass. Bush won't gain anything from this because he didn't specifically condemn this ad. And then the SB continue to decry Kerry, the Kerry-DNC- Michael-Moore-wannabees will keep telling Bush to TAKE THAT AD OFF THE AIR. This from the same people afraid that Bush is infringing their first amendment rights. \_ does anyone else think this whole episode make you feel like our choice for 2004 boils down to Kang vs. Kodos? Arguing over stuff that happened >30 years ago is a nice way to avoid talking about actual issues that matter. -probably_going_to_write_in_Nader \_ Wait for the debates. \_ Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos! \_ And the GOP propaganda machine wins another one! The candidates are just the same! Vote for Nader and thereby favor the incumbent! Ignorance is Strength! \_ Kerry started it by trying to run on his Vietnam record. He can end it too by choosing to ignore the SB ads. He's not. I'll probably vote for Nader. \_ Kerry did what now? The man's message has been a very consistent one: We can do better than we are doing right now. His Vietnam record is just a part of his resume. |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:33074, category id '18005#1.5' has no name! , ] UID:33074 Activity:nil |
8/23 Florida Republicans caught breaking campaign finance laws: http://csua.org/u/8q3 ( some blog ) |
2004/8/23 [Consumer/Camera] UID:33075 Activity:high |
8/23 Dear motd nikon users: where do you take your (film) SLR for service (cleaning)? \_ Horizon Electronics in Union City \_ I've never had my N70 professionally cleaned. Still works great after shooting 300 rolls or so since I bought it. -- yuen \_ Does dust ever enter your camera? \_ Yes, it's usually along the edge of the back cover. I just use a rubber blower and a soft brush to clean the dust out. Just be careful not to break the shutter curtain when you squeeze the blower with the nozzle very close to it. -- yuen |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33076 Activity:nil |
8/23 Old, but summarized: Florida felon can't-vote list includes highly disproportionate number of black voters, but only 50 Hispanic names, in a state where 1 in 5 residents is Hispanic. ("Hispanic names" is a superset of Cuban, which votes heavily GOP). Total size of list is 50,000 names. http://billmon.org/archives/001601.html |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33077 Activity:nil |
8/23 Now Dole says Kerry should apologize for his Vietnam War testimony to the Senate in 1971, and he says Kerry got only superficial wounds. Bush will say Kerry isn't condemning http://MoveOn.org ads, so it's fine if the Swift Vets ads continue running. Blah blah blah, it will never end. \_ Somehow Bush seems to think that refighting the Vietnam War will help him win this election. I think he is wrong. What does the rest of the motd crowd think? \_ Trotting out Bob "the last good war" Dole to criticize Kerry's service appeals to his base. \_ you got it wrong, Kerry's platform is Vietnam \_ Bzzt. Kerry's platform is that America can do better than Bush. \_ HOPE IS ON THE WAY!!!!1!!!! |
2004/8/23-11/9 [Uncategorized] UID:33078 Activity:kinda low |
8/23 Lame. \_ musepack. \_ LAME! LAME! \_ I THINK YOU'LL FIND IT IS YOU WHO ARE THE ONE WHO IS LAME. \_ ARE modifies ONE, so should be IS. -- mgn DID I HEAR YOU SAY YOU ARE LAME? _/ |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33079 Activity:nil |
8/23 In case you missed it, formerly neutral swift boat captain comes out for Kerry in the Silver Star citation: http://csua.org/u/8q7 (the Rassmann rescue is Bronze Star, below) |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33080 Activity:high |
8/23 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21239-2004Aug21.html Interesting article that at tries to look at the facts in dispute in the swift boat issue. \_ From article: But yesterday, The Post independently contacted a participant who has not spoken out so far in favor of either camp who remembers coming under enemy fire. "There was a lot of firing going on, and it came from both sides of the river," said Wayne D. Langhofer, who manned a machine gun aboard PCF-43, the boat that was directly behind Kerry's. Langhofer said he distinctly remembered the "clack, clack, clack" of enemy AK-47s, as well as muzzle flashes from the riverbanks. \_ The real issue is why has the Bush administration so royally screwed up Iraq and why haven't they come up with an exit strategy? \_ I don't know, I'm too busy trying to figure out whether Kerry was a real war hero or not. \_ See, that's just it: which of these issues continues to get American soldiers killed? Wake up, folks, we're being conned. \_ Regardless of what the Kerry or Bush camps say about Iraq, I think most Americans feel it in a reluctance to travel abroad with their families. There is distinct anti-Americanism that is justified by: We didn't do it with a broad coalition or UN approval, we didn't find WMDs, and the world is less safe because of U.S. unilateral action. Saddam is out, but everyone hates us and we don't feel safer. \_ From the similar LA Times article a day earlier: Navy rules during the Vietnam War governing Purple Hearts did not take into account a wound's severity - and specified only that injuries had to be suffered "in action against an enemy." Self-inflicted wounds were awarded if incurred "in the heat of battle, and not involving gross negligence." Kerry's critics insist his wound would not have qualified, but former Navy officials who worked in the service's awards branch at the time said such awards were routine. [Firing on VC from boat; Swift Boat Vets say shrapnel was from his own grenade launcher, grenade exploded too close to boat; Kerry says doesn't know where it came from] |
2004/8/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:33081 Activity:high |
8/23 MMMM, tasty politics purge. Is the self-important ass that does this the same person that changed the CSUA NYTimes password? \_ What a shame. Some people just can't help pissing in public pools, can they? |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Recreation/Sports] UID:33082 Activity:insanely high |
8/23 Dear shac, do you like basketball and rap and hip-hop music? Do you like KFC? And your family? And do you have anything against abortion? How about affirmative action, what is your stance on that? kinda yes yes no yes none-ya none-ya -shac \_ kinda yes yes no yes none-ya none-ya -shac \_ ha ha you suck -brain \_ Troll points: 1.2 out of 10. Thanks for playing, have a copy of our home game, come again. -John \_ HEIL Cherman John! \_ Dear arbiters of MOTD lameness, is it acceptable or poor form to make threats of severe bodily injury and generally getting medieval on some scrawny shitwit's ass once found out? I eagerly await your judgment. -John \_ You should get SWISS on his buttocks. \_ Just don't delete this thread out of order, or you'll provoke ilyas into a frenzy. -meyers \_ You know, meyers, rather than trying to give me a hard time, why not try to reason with people who delete things prematurely? I tried and it didn't seem to work. Maybe you ll do better. -- ilyas \_ This assumes that reason has worked with you in the past. \_ Uh, zing? One day you ll grow up and realize reasonable people can disagree with you. -- ilyas \_ ha ha you suck too -brain \_ I take it the irony is unintentional. \_ Hey, I know plenty of reasonable folks with different politics from mine. Some even have soda accounts. Amazing, isn't it? I think the guy who said most folks use the motd to vent pretty much nailed it. -- ilyas |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/Asia] UID:33083 Activity:high |
8/23 Can we discuss Olympics instead of American politics? American politics is so boring. \_ we japanese so superior tos us slavery breed hip hop track field star! Go china \_ we koreans got cheated! You americans and the judges robbed us again. \_ China beat korea PKR ping-pong! Take that, jap stooges \_ This is just payback for Roy Jones Jr. in Seoul in '88 \_ I think we should return to the original rules of the ancient Greek olympics, where the judges were allowed to enter the contests. \_ So can the wrestlers eye-gouge? \_ Of course. And I think the routine animal sacrifices should make a comeback as well. \_ Will nudity be optional of mandatory? \_ Mandatory of course. We must be fair. But I think we should allow women to compete. \_ Man, guys with short pensises would certainly have the advantage there. \_ You see! Further proof of superior japanese race! \_ That and h@t 4s1aN Ch1x@r!!!1!1!1@! \_ Who's the name of the shooting guy who lost the gold medal because he fired his last shot at someone else's target by mistake? \_ lucky he wasn't fighting in Iraq. Otherwise it's another casualty by friendly fire. |
2004/8/23 [Finance/Investment] UID:33084 Activity:nil |
8/23 http://www.hussmanfunds.com/wmc/wmc040823.htm Google valued at $24. \_ Dow 36,000! Dow 1,000! Get a realistic caption. -tom \_ The caption is realistic. Hussman thinks it is worth $24 according to his valuation strategy. |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33085 Activity:nil |
8/23 http://money.cnn.com/2004/08/23/news/election_models/index.htm?cnn=yes models predict the election result \_ "Despite an embarrassing failure in their forecasting four years ago ..." |
2004/8/23-24 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33086 Activity:very high |
8/23 Is soda running a web proxy? \_ Not to my knowledge, but if you need one (assuming you're talking about a cgi proxy) I recommend setting up nph-proxy.cgi. It's free and easy and works a charm. -John \_ If you want a real http(s)/ftp proxy I recommend squid: http://www.squid-cache.org It isn't too hard to get running, and for low traffic volume the default config provides reasonble performance. \_ Seconded. But "real" http proxies don't work from behind corporate firewalls, usually. CGI proxies do. -John \_ note that running an unauthenticated web proxy is a violation of campus policy. (And is likely to get you in trouble). -tom \_ is that worse than fingering soda a few times per second? \_ Only ONE MAN would DARE give me the raspberry! |
2004/8/23-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33087 Activity:insanely high |
8/23 Besieged Al-Sadr keeps grip on shrine "Iraqi government claims that police had arrested hundreds of the radical cleric's fighters and taken over his headquarters in Najaf could have come from Saddam's Comical Ali ..." http://observer.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,1288386,00.html \_ Hey! Have some respect for other cultures. They didn't really mean they had arrested hundreds of Al-Sadr's men and taken over his HQ's. \_ I predict that if the Sadr militia isn't exterminated, it was because of "politics". U.S. military forces won every battle but lost the war because of "politics". Dang, that's how we lost the Vietnam War! Hmm, who to blame ... I blame the Iraqi people the Vietnam War! Hmm, whom to blame ... I blame the Iraqi people who don't want to take firm control of their own country! And if France/Germany/Russia had fessed up to their financial motives and had joined our coalition before the war, we would have had the international consensus to build a free Iraq! \_ Funny me.. I thought we were at war against Saddam. Or was it Al Qaeda? Or terrah? \_ Your logic is so tortured that I can only assume it was meant as satire. \_ ... and if Kerry becomes President, then we'll definitely have someone to blame!!!!1! If the economy slows down, it's because he withdrew the tax cuts. If the economy picks up, it's because the tax cuts are finally taking effect!!1!!! If there's a terror attack, it's because he's not protecting the homeland, like Bush would. If there isn't one, that's because of the strong homeland security dept Bush set up! I could be the next Karl Rove!!!!%1!!%$15 \_ I personally think that if we could convince some national level whackjob to join the csua and post to the motd it would rule. \_ stop frothing. it isn't becoming. \_ Dignity gentlemen. Unless you want your grandkids speaking Arabic, Chinese, or Spanish. \_ you are saying that Chinese, Arabic or Spanish are somehow inferior? \_ I'd rather that my kids speak Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, _and_ English. Why do you want to limit my grandchildren? Why do you hate children? \_ Of all the threads the censors choose to delete or save, why in the Hell did you leave this useless multi-trolled PoS? Is there any reasaon at all for these useless bits to waste more precious bandwidth? Seeing this crap stay but real political discussion and debate backed by URLs, etc, get purged instantly makes me think the censoring is not anti-politics, but anti-I-just-got- crushed-in-a-debate censorship. \_ An article that suggests the media is, once again, not reporting reality, versus an endless series of lies about what happened 3 decades ago, and you call the latter "real political discussion". \_ We know the media reports what they want not what is. The rest of the posts that follow add nothing. It's 2+ pages of snarky I-feel-so-clever comments and uhm, yeah. \_ Uh, but the URL was the _media_ reporting what really seems to be going on - it was more the Iraqi interim government that is doing the "sky green, sea pink" reporting. I agree with you that in general the coverage of the Sadr army revolt has been abysmal, but the Observer tends to do a pretty good job. --op [restored] \_ His entire force is reduced to holding 1 building and the court yard around it? He's doing well. \_ You're being sarcastic, but it's exactly what he wants. The best thing that could happen, as far as Al-Sadr is concerned, is for the US forces to destroy the shrine and kill him. The destruction of the shrine will create tens of thousands of Shiite jihadis overnight, and Al-Sadr's death will elevate him from a mediocre cleric with a revered father to the status of a revered martyr. \_ It's too late for that. He's gotten a huge following just for resisting the US and keeping them from the Shrine. The US has been too obsessed by this guy. I'm waiting for a marine to go nuts and blast the shrine with something big. \_ "Something big" - obviously you have no military training |
3/15 |