2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:33002, category id '18005#10.2812' has no name! , ] UID:33002 Activity:kinda low 50%like:33071 |
8/18 Every vote must count! Unless you want to vote for Nader of course: http://www.iht.com/articles/534474.html \_ "With reports that Republicans are bankrolling and gathering signatures for Nader in at least 10 states ..." \_ So what? Let people vote. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33003 Activity:nil |
8/18 Hey, Obsessive Swiftboat Troll. This link is fer YOU! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13267-2004Aug18.html \_ Actually if you read it and understand the allegations of the Swift Vets the title belies the content, and further substantiates the Vets. Thanks! Now, about Cambodia, Paris, and the Senator assassinations... I have a better link for you: ABC, CBS & NBC Gave 75 Stories to Bush AWOL Charge, 9 to Claims Kerry Embellished War Record http://www.mediaresearch.org/realitycheck/2004/fax20040818.asp \_ The guy who was rescued said he came under fire. He kept diving to avoid it. His word is better than any. The last time he came up, Kerry was there to pull him up. \_ It doesn't substantiate the swift vets. All it says is that the military records support the claim of Kerry being under fire, which this swift vet guy disputes. \_ Well, maybe because Kerry's crewmates support his story, and guys who weren't even on his boat have an obvious grudge against him for testifying on war crimes, and boy, they are *extremely* negative in the ad. As for Dubya, you couldn't find anyone to vouch that they remember him being there at that time. \_ Sorry you guys don't understand the allegations. "For much of the episode, Kerry was not in a position to know firsthand what was happening on Thurlow's boat, as Kerry's boat had sped down the river after the mine exploded under another boat. He later returned to provide assistance to the stricken boat. Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire." Thurow did not write the citation, nor did he write the request. The quotes above contradict Kerry's version of the events. LOL Kerry and his band can't even keep straight which boat Rassman was on. One thing is certain Kerry's was the only boat to flee the scene, the other's stayed to protect PFC 3. \_ Since you didn't seem to see this the first time I'll repeat: The guy who was rescued said he came under fire. He kept diving to avoid it. His word is better than any. The last time he came up, Kerry was there to pull him up. Also, Kerry's crewmates said his boat was under fire. Perhaps other boats didn't hear the crack of the rifles, but Kerry's people were probably the targets and best to judge if there was enemy fire. "LOL". I also dispute that Kerry's was the "only boat to flee the scene, the other's stayed to protect PFC 3". This is an assertion by one of the Swift Boat Vets, and I would argue that all left when the two mines exploded. \_ You don't understand the line of events. So a guy underneath the water the entire time, knocked off the boat by a mine has better view of events then 1) Kerry who fled the scene 2) the other boats and their commanders who stayed to protect PFC 3? Rassman was eating a cookie before he was knocked off - in a firefight???? \_ He was getting shot at, that's why he kept diving. The person getting shot at is the best person to say whether someone is shooting at him or not. This is painfully obvious. See also my revised post on "fleeing the scene". Here, I'll leave this for you to chew on: http://csua.org/u/8nq "When I surfaced, all the swift boats had left, and I was alone taking fire from both banks. To avoid the incoming fire I repeatedly swam under water as long as I could hold my breath, attempting to make it to the north bank of the river. I thought I would die right there. The odds were against me avoiding the incoming fire and, even if I made it out of the river, I thought I thought I'd be captured and executed. ... John, already wounded by the explosion that threw me off his boat, came out onto the bow, exposing himself to the fire directed at us from the jungle, and pulled me aboard." \_ But depending on the day of the week, Rassman was on Kerry's boat or PFC 3? Which is it?? And Kerry's wound was a 'contusion', fancy word for bruise. Are you now saying the Wash Po is lying when they say Kerry fled? Why was no body shot and why were there no bullet holes anywhere? \_ If you read the article, you would find that Rassmann says he was blown off Kerry's boat. Second, why does it matter? It's not like he and all others in the engagement imagined Rassmann got blown into the water, even if he were blown off another boat. Show me the URL where you have non-swift boat vets saying "no bullet holes anywhere"; and it could be just Kerry's boat that has bullet holes, since he was closest to Rassmann. As for the Post article on the boat fleeing, show me where the author (not a swift boat vet) says "fled". It also does not clearly identify the sequence of events. To me, two mines exploded, everyone bolted, Thurlow's boat came back, Kerry's boat came back, they all left again, Kerry came back for Rassmann, Rassmann was getting shot at by snipers, Kerry rescues Rassmann. \_ And Thurlow's own Bronze Star citation mentions enemy fire. Does he really want to go down the road of exploring the possible meanings of that? \_ Well, Thurlow says Kerry wrote it, and he thought he got the medal for coming back for the disabled boat, even though the small arms fire was fabricated \_ Right, as if Thurlow never saw his own citation? And if he thinks he deserved a medal for just "coming to the rescue of the boat that was mined" then Kerry logically deserves it too. |
2004/8/19 [Uncategorized] UID:33004 Activity:nil |
8/18 Need a hug? And only herald to the gaudy spring, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; And the moonlight flowing over all. |
2004/8/19 [Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:33005 Activity:moderate 77%like:33018 |
8/18 Anyone have any experience getting a bootable .iso onto a USB memory key (yes, it is bootable and has enough space). -John \_ I just did this recently. I haven't found a way to get a .iso directly on, but here's what I did: 1) Format the USB storage 2) use mkbt to get the boot sector from the .iso and then put it on the USB storage. (Get mkbt at: http://www.nu2.nu/mkbt 3) copy files from .iso to memory key I used daemon-tools to mount the .iso to rip the boot sector. Oh, and if you want to use Ghost's boot disk creator, you can use a virtual floppy drive so you don't have to use a physical floppy: http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/vfd.html \_ There's not even a readme for this. What exactly does it do? \_ Readme for which? vfd is a virtual floppy. Install it and you've got a virtual floppy drive. mkbt extracts boot sectors and writes them. \_ Oh, and this is where I got most of my help on this: http://www.weethet.nl/english/hardware_bootfromusbstick.php \_ Many thanks, swami. *bows* -John |
2004/8/19 [Health, Reference/Law/Court] UID:33006 Activity:very high |
8/18 More evidence US healthcare system is broken: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/19/business/19care.html?hp "Rising Cost of Health Benefits Cited as Factor in Slump of Jobs" \_ login: csuatroll pw: csuasucks \_ Can someone please fix csuamotd's password? \_ I recently saw some additional evidence that California's educational system is broken and that the earth is round. Is anyone arguing these points? -phuqm \_ Yep. Trail lawyers destroyed it, and now people want to elect one to fix it. THAT makes sense... \_ It's been shown that rising HMO and drug company profits (and marketing expenditures) have a lot more to do with it than rising malpractice insurance. Also, FWIW, malpractice premiums are rising faster than the volume of jury awards. Perhaps you should be blaming greedy corporations in stead. \_ The malpractice insurance market wouldn't be able to bear the rising cost if not for the trail lawyers. The fact that someone with a false claim and an evil lawyer can, with little cost to themselves, potentially destroy a doctor's whole life, tends to make doctors a bit nervous. Hence the rising rates. Would you like some nice stories about doctor's getting screwed? \_ I'm saying the insurance companies are raising rates more than they have to to reap extra profits. Would you like some nice stories about patients getting screwed? \_ Ummm.. duh. Ever hear of economics? Charge what the market will bear? That's a fact of business. I'm saying that we've created a legal enviornment that breeds legalized extortion, which results in a legalized protection racket. Making laws to fight the symptoms isn't going to fix the problem. It's not good for doctors OR patients. \_ Surely you realize the necessity of the possibility of large court judgements to curtail the rate of doctor error. If court judgments are not large enough to make a lawyer want to take the case, there's not much incentive for a doctor to do a competant job. \_ I was concentrating on the "little cost to themselves" problem. What does it cost someone to make false accusations? What is the cost of losing to the accusor? And are you arguing that the lawyer fees in these cases AREN'T excessive? \_ The lawyer fee comes out of the judgement and is between the lawyer and their client. If they bring a clearly meritless claim, the doctor (or their insurance company) can sue for *their* lawyer fees. The patient has no disincentive to bring a possibly-meritorius case, but they still have to convince a lawyer that is has some chance of winning. Answer this question: What would the ideal legal system be for this case. You have an indigent patient who had an unsatisfactory outcome to their treatment. They think their doctor screwed up, but it is a matter of debate. What would they have to do before they can sue? If they win, should they recieve just compensatory damages, or enough to make it worthwhile for their lawyer. If they lose, who should have to pay either party's legal fees? \_ I'm not sure what you mean by this: If they win, should they recieve just compensatory damages, or enough to make it worthwhile for their lawyer. \_ Say, $5,000 for being out of work a few months (which is not enough damages to make a lawyer interested), or $50,000 for pain and suffering or punitive damages, which is enough that the case can procede. \_ Can't the plantiff sue for Medical damages, being out of work, and legal fees? \_ Well the question is what kind of damages *should* we let people sue for should there be a cap, and should there be another disincentive to sue too readily. \_ Ok, niether. All legal fees must be predifined. Loser automatically pays legal fees for both parties. Plantiffs and Defendants must have this explained to them before any fees are charged to the "case account." For that party. \_ Alright, that might be a sane system, if contingency lawyers start agree to cover the fees in the event of a loss. The current proposed solutions "make it very hard to sue" and "make the damages small" ignore the side effect that doctors would be able to get away with being major fuckups. \_ I certainly agree with you there. \_ Malpractice insurance costs are rising rapidly. My neighbor is doctor. His insurance went up 5% last year and just about every year. He can't charge his patients more, because he has a contracted rate with the HMO/PPO plan he is a member of. What does he do? See more patients? Take a 5% cut in salary every year? \_ Some people blame the lawyers. I think they're a necessary evil and blame the malpractice insurers and the HMOs. If we went to a NHS system we wouldn't have malpractice insurers because the 'defendant' would be the NHS, and we'd still have buearocrats (sp?) making decsions about levels of care, but at least they wouldn't be motivated by a profit motive. \_ "A centerpiece of Mr. Kerry's plan would be to reduce health insurance premiums by having the federal government pick up 75 percent of the cost of catastrophic medical care. That would reduce the cost to employers and employees about 10 percent, or $1,000 a year, according to campaign officials." How the heck does this make any sense at all? Where do people think government money comes from? Money Mines? It's freakin' taxes! The Employees and Employers will still be paying for the care, it will just get a percentage taken off by some bearucrats first! And we all know bearucrats make things cheaper, right? \_ And he has said already where he would get that tax revenue from, and unless you're considerably better off than me, you won't be touched. \_ Soak the rich! Oh wait, Kerry IS the rich. Something's fishy... \_ Except when I lose my job because Kerry took my venture capitalist's money. \_ But what if your venture capitalist is no longer paying out the ass for HMOs for employees at the companies he invests in? \_ Ummm, whatever. You've never been close to venture funding, have you? |
2004/8/19 [Recreation/Activities] UID:33007 Activity:nil |
8/19 Useful trail maps in the Bay Area, great for hiking, camping, and what not: http://www.ebparks.org/resources/resources_maps.htm |
2004/8/19 [Uncategorized] UID:33008 Activity:high |
8/19 So I'm pretty happy using Thunderbird as a windows email client. Then I stumbled onto highlighting my response email and clicking "Insert HTML". Wow. Now if only I could open it in a different editor instead of having to copy/paste. \_ Please don't tell me that you are using HTML in e-mail. |
2004/8/19 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:33009 Activity:nil |
8/19 When I run "emacs -nw", the menu bar is still displayed. How do I use it? Thx. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33010 Activity:nil |
8/18 Military Records of Kerry's Critic Contradict His Version of Events http://csua.org/u/8nu (yahoo! news) \_ Welcome back, Swiftie! \_ I'm not Swiftie. If you'd actually bothered to read the link, you would would see that it pretty much demolishes Mr. Swiftie's entire argument. The "His" pronoun above refers to the Swift Boat guy, not Kerry. Please read before trolling. Ok tnx. --op |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:33011 Activity:very high |
8/19 Can't explain...just read...too funny to explain adequately. http://csua.org/u/8ny (yahoo! news) \_ The written article is fine, but I demand more from the photojournalist. \_ How about "videojournalist"? http://www.fittits.com/mary-carey/gal1.html - gal3.html \_ yermom wears army boots \_ yermom wears army boobs \_ This is the third time, recently, i've heard of people complaining about this. And it is such a non-issue. Army surgeons get almost no training in plastic surgery during peace time and there is a huge demand for it during war. Therefor the army makes plactic surgery a covered benefit. the cost of the silicon is damn trivial compared to the cost of the Surgeons and Hospital staff that are already there \_ And for the implants you have to pay for the parts yourself. \_ But the Big Evil Government is taking your money AT GUNPOINT to pay to give criminals like Pvt England bigger boots!! \_ YOUR BOOBS ARE SO BIG AND TAX FREE! \_ Stuff like this is why I love to read the motd. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:33012 Activity:kinda low |
8/19 Did someone hate Douglas J. Feith? Column he submitted to Post ystrdy: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13742-2004Aug18.html \- wow, he's the clarence thomas of the defense dept. --psb |
2004/8/19 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:33013 Activity:insanely high |
8/19 Huge casino proposed in San Pablo. More to come near Ukiah and Ione. Are there similarly-sized casinos planned for SoCal? Or is this some kind of NorCal bias? \_ Hints for one in Garden Grove. \_ Hints for one in Garden Grove. But not nearly as large. \_ They just ruled against this sort of thing (tribe buying land in the middle of an urban area, declaring it part of the reservation then building a casino) so don't count on it getting done. Probably anyone with the money to hire a lawyer can block it. \_ You are mistaken in this case. The tribe owns the land already and it has been declared their reservation. There is a card club there already (oddly enough called the San Pablo Casino). All they really needed to do is make a compact with the Gov to be official, and even then, there's not much the Gov can do besides limit the size of the casino. Current fed and state laws and regs are fairly broad about what the tribe can do with the land. \_ we need a Bunny Ranch equivalent near the campus for us virginal pale white minions in Soda Hall vaginal pale white minions in Soda Hall \_ Sigh. If you need to go to Nevada and pay the 50% house add-on rate for paid sex, you don't deserve to get laid. \_ what? are you seriously claiming that the rates in the legalized nevada houses are 50% higher than equivalent services in the illegal market? bullshit. \_ PLEASE have a flamewar about prostitute prices. The motd is SO in need of spicing up. \_ I can't believe this hasn't blown up into a flame war already. The relative prices of goods and services that are illegal vs. legal is one of the things that the libertarians are always talking about. \_ You were humiliated once in a motd argument over government and its use of force. But that was a while ago. Obsessing over it isn't healthy. It's time to let go. \_ Interesting. How long has this tiny piece of land officially been a "reservation"? \_ John Conner sent a soldier back in time to establish it as Indian land so that the Terminator could build a Casino there. \_ whoever has the better lawyer wins. Case in point OJ \_ I've dealt personally with some of the lawyers who represent the casino tribes. They didn't strike me as particularly crackerjack in terms of the law but they had a great talent for using huge amounts of cash to fubar what any opposition might be doing. There's a tribe in Death Valley that is still recovering from when the casino people found them a few years ago. -- ulysses \_ Which tribe? What happened to them? |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33014 Activity:nil |
8/19 Washington Post gave oral sex to Kerry: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59559-2003May30.html \_ Pretty ugh-ly, but I'm sure you can find similar puff pieces written about every candidate that's ever run for the office of the President. \_ But everyone knows both the Post and the NY Times swallowed for Dubya, until they found out he had no WMD in that spunk. |
2004/8/19-20 [Computer/Networking] UID:33015 Activity:high |
8/20 I have a socket protocol that sends each message as a header packet + 1 or more data packets, and I'd like to collapse this into a single packet for small messages by copying them into a stack-allocated buffer and then just sending that. Any ideas about what sort of cutoff to use? I don't really have the time or need to obsessively optimize it, just curious. Thanks. \- Hello, so you are not going to send *anything* unless the "cut off" is reached? What if it isnt reached for a "long time"? This may be ok in some cases, but say this is a control channel of some kind, that delay may not be acceptable. Naive buffering can lead to some weird problems. Here is an example on the flip side, reading from the network: a process using a packet filter may not return to user level until the BPF buffer fills. Normally on a busy link this isnt a signficant issue. But on totally dead network ... say a LAN at home with one machine ... this may be a long long time and can lead to weird problems [liek dealing with signals]. So either you have to add some timeout code or doin a polling [select] read rather than read- ing directly, i.e. not do things the naive way. I assume you have already determined Nagling wont solve the problem for you? If you do something, I'd be curious to hear if it make any measurable difference at all. Ok tnx. --psb \_ No, it's more like this: xyzSend(msg) { if (length(msg) < CUTOFF) { msg = makeHeader(msg) + msg send(msg) } else { send(makeHeader(msg) send(msg) } 90% of the messages are 4 bytes long, so squeezing those is a no brainer and the network usage is cut by half. The rest vary in length and most are << 1500 bytes. I figure a cutoff of 1024 is reasonable. \_ Do you know what the Nagle Algorithm is? \_ Try to fit the whole TCP/IP packet size into a single ethernet MTU (1500 bytes). \_ Go for less than that, I'd shoot for aroud 1400 bytes or so to make sure your TCP/IP headers aren't pushing you above 1500. If you want to be anal you'd probably want to do smallest MTU to host detection as well, not that hard. Generally if you are caring about shit like this you should pick up the Stevens networking book and read the pertinant chapters. It is a pretty easy read and you will be much better at this sort of stuff. \_ That's what I said. 1500 including the TCP/IP headers. \_ Use writev or sendto or sendmsg, then there is no copying. |
2004/8/19-20 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:33016 Activity:nil |
8/20 Where can I get Photoshop filters that simulate halo, glare, ghosting, and others? I'm looking for FREE filters, but if you have recommendations on commercial ones please post as well, thanks. \_ warez are free. |
2004/8/19-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:33017 Activity:nil |
8/20 I am retarded and chose the wrong partition when reinstalling XP. I see there are some inexpensive tools ($50) and insanely expensive tools (small used car) that promise to recover files. I'd appreciate hearing about your success/failures with any of these tools. --gabriel \_ GetDataBack for NTFS is superb. On the other hand you may want to consider booting a Knoppix CD, which has also worked for me. There are various Linux boot floppies or even Windows-based live-filesystem rescue disks (start at http://bootdisk.com) that will bring you further. Alternately, if you have a friend who does computer forensics (don't laugh) ask him if he has a copy of Guidance EnCase you could borrow--this is pretty good, although it doesn't stack up to GetDataBack for things like blown away boot partitions, etc. Mail me if you have specific problems. -John |
2004/8/19 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33018 Activity:nil 77%like:33005 |
8/18 Anyone have any experience getting a boobable .iso onto a USB memory key (yes, it is boobable and has enough space). -John \_ I just did this recently. I haven't found a way to get a .iso directly on, but here's what I did: 1) Format the USB storage 2) use mkbt to get the boob sector from the .iso and then put it on the USB storage. (Get mkbt at: http://www.nu2.nu/mkbt 3) copy files from .iso to memory key I used daemon-tools to mount the .iso to rip the boob sector. Oh, and if you want to use Ghost's boob disk creator, you can use a virtual floppy drive so you don't have to use a physical floppy: http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/vfd.html \_ There's not even a readme for this. What exactly does it do? \_ Readme for which? vfd is a virtual floppy. Install it and you've got a virtual floppy drive. mkbt extracts boob sectors and writes them. \_ Oh, and this is where I got most of my help on this: http://www.weethet.nl/english/hardware_boobfromusbstick.php \_ Many thanks, swami. *bows* -John |
2004/8/19 [Recreation/Dating] UID:33019 Activity:moderate |
8/19 Look, nerds! Woman for you: http://csua.org/u/8o3 \_ it's only for white bois \_ How desperate would you have to be? \_ A woman already in a relationship. Perfect. \_ ew. some old, smoking, slutty goth freak \_ When I was 18, I would have thrown myself on her mercy. God I was pathetic. |
2004/8/19 [Uncategorized] UID:33020 Activity:nil |
8/19 Why am I living in Thursday when everyone else is on Friday? \_ Timezones. But mostly people posting here don't know today's date. \_ I told you: I'm retarded. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33021 Activity:nil |
8/20 Why the hell was the Mary Carey/military breast implant thread deleted? Grow a sense of humor lately? \_ This the best thing on the motd in weeks! \_ So it was deleted because the motd is supposed to be 100% total shite now? God the CSUA is lame. \_ You got that right. \_ In response to some post in the deleted thread, why do Army surgeons need peace time plastic surgery training via free breast implants? There's a huge demand for breast implant surgery during war time? Shouldn't they instead be getting training via fixing up car accident victims for free, for example? \_ Reconstructive surgery (war and peacetime) and no malpractice insurance. |
2004/8/19 [Uncategorized] UID:33022 Activity:nil |
8/20 [No links without summary.] \_ hello ilyas! |
2004/8/19 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:33023 Activity:nil |
8/20 Carly Patterson is cute, I wanna date her. \_ even though she's practically a midget? Speaking of olympics, is it just me or it seems like the US team really sucks this year? First the basketball debacle and then all the other crap that followed it? \_ We are an Empire in decline. Get used to it. \_ Hey are you the same 'nuanced' liberal guy who thought 90% of stuff going on in the 'real world' is personal shit and vendettas? I applaud you! -- nuanced guy #1 fan \_ Of course, she's only 16 years old... \_ Mmm, statuatory rape... \_ Maybe the OP is 16 also. We're all undergrads here, right? \_ Actually, you can be 18. The Romeo-Juliet laws in CA allow for two years difference for it not to be statuatory rape. \_ Well, aside from tom, many of us have graduated, but remain active on the motd. \_ "many of us have graduated?!" Dude, I was being sarcastic. Is *anyone* here under 25 at all? \_ I'm 23. -jrleek \_ That's 12 in Mormon-years. \_ Huh? \_ Hey, you! Move to Japan! \_ What's the law in Japan regarding this? Thx. \_ Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure the "age of consent" is 14. If you're really interested, I'm sure you could find it online. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:33024, category id '18005#4.375' has no name! , ] UID:33024 Activity:nil |
8/20 The Ralph Nader national convention: http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive.php?id=20040730 \_ Better if he was handed his nomination by Bush. \_ That's literally what's happening right now. |
2004/8/19-20 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:33025 Activity:moderate |
8/19 Please suggest a good web hosting site. Ideally with php/shell/sql/cgi-bin support. TIA \_ http://findmyhosting.com is a good search engine for what you want. \_ http://he.net \_ http://qualityhostonline.com -- starting at $4/year \_ I pay $2/yr. \_ that doesn't have shell does it? \_ thanks for your help - op |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:33026 Activity:high |
8/19 US isolated and ignored, while the world party with N. Korea http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/20/international/asia/20korea.html?hp Read second page on how NK is changing for the better already. Is it time to go flip flop flip flop flip flop? - kimchi troll \_ lol! \_ Kim Jong Il is flip-flopping! Let's vote to turn him out! \_ Bush should fly his brother there on a 'diplomatic' music mission like WJC did. That would really help! \_ Well, they weren't reprocessing fuel rods then... |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33027 Activity:high |
8/19 Tapes would be sent from the United States to North Vietnam to broadcast over Radio Hanoi to get U.S. servicemen to stop fighting in Vietnam http://www.aim.org/media_monitor_print/1497_0_2_0 \_ "I wish we would stop opening wounds from a war of more than 30 years ago and talk about the war we're fighting now," McCain told The AP. "I believe [both Kerry and Bush] served honorably." \_ So you do exactly what McCain tells you? \_ No, it just means, gosh, you're really really stretching, and McCain's quote is just for you. \_ Fine go ahead and vote for a traitor. It will fit you perfectly! \_ The problem is you haven't shown Kerry is a "traitor". In fact, the vast majority of Americans would not say Kerry is a "traitor", otherwise there would be "Is Kerry a traitor?" Gallup polls. You just sound very, very partisan, i.e., like a freeper. \_ to a tee. Oooh you invoked the 'freeper' word. Go join Al Qaeda, this way you can parallel Kerry's career. \_ I agree, you do sound quite partisan, and like a freeper to a tee! Your second sentence doesn't make sense though. \_ Yep I am one of those evil oppessors who believes in the Constitution, self- responsibility, and limited government. I'll complete the analogy. Kerry effectively fought for the NVA, so you too can fight for Al Qaeda. Go for it! \_ "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists!" You sound suspiciously like a a traitor to me, citizen! \_ Right, so let's give the government all of our guns. Contradictory twit. \_ There is so much sarcasm I'm confused. \_ http://csua.org/u/8o7 (LA Times) Kerry recalled his opposition to VVAW leaders meeting with North Vietnamese officials. "I thought that would be disastrous to the credibility of the organization," he said, "to the people we were trying to convince about the war." Kerry soon left VVAW, which he thought had lost its focus. \_ Kerry met with them twice. \_ When and why? \_ Because he is a traitor - from the Congressional Record: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1097828/posts But this is forgery right? \_ "Because he is a traitor" is not an answer. \_ Just for starters... after the meeting Kerry assiduously advocated the NVA terms for truce. For example, watch Kerry do exactly this in his debate with O'Neill (yes of SBVFT) in 1971 on CSPAN. It's one thing to protest against the war, but Kerry was an effusive, vocal (maybe unwitting?) advocate for the enemy, repeatedly. \_ From my reading, he met with both sides, and he advocated for a truce on terms negotiated by both sides. He also was attempting to get our POWs back. What is wrong with this? It's not like the President has to honor whatever Kerry comes back with (and the President never did, anyway). What about any of this makes him a "traitor"? Selling arms to the enemy, giving vital military information, or defecting is what a traitor does. Being anti-war and attempting to negotiate a truce, regardless of which side you talk to, may show disunity on your side and is illegal for a private citizen to do, but is nowhere on the same level as being a "traitor". Finally, remember, this is not WW2, where Japan preemptively attacked Pearl Harbor; this is Vietnam, where the U.S. carpet bombed and 4 million civilians died to 1 million enemy soldiers, and where we were wrong in the Tonkin incident. \_ And let's not forget that this war was immensely unpopular back at home. \_ Reagan met with the communists several times, the traitor. \_ But he was President at the time. Kerry was talking with the enemy as a citizen. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33028 Activity:nil |
8/19 Pakistan does it right: Torture is all these killers deserve! http://csua.org/u/8o6 |
2004/8/19 [Uncategorized] UID:33029 Activity:nil |
8/19 $8.8B in Iraq ware funds missing. |
2004/8/19-20 [Computer/SW/Unix, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:33030 Activity:high |
8/19 So, can someone explain Posix to me? \- POSIX IS THE STANDARD --psb \_ I usually hear about it with respect to POSIX threads. Writing threaded programs can be a mess if the API for each architecture is different. So, every architecture supports POSIX threads. Write once, run everywhere (with lots of #ifdefs). Win32 does not support POSIX threads, though there are DLL shims. \_ I'm sure the quality of information you get here will be WAY better than a google search on "posix standard". You lazy bitch. \_ actually KAIS MOTD is better than Google. Search for posix there, you'll be surprised -kchang #2 fan \_ Not to detract from KAIS MOTD or anything, but part of the problem here is that google is TERRIBLE for searching for specific technical questions. I am not entirely sure why. -- ilyas \_ I don't know what crack you're smoking. I'd rather have no kais motd than no google. \_ You are an idiot. Read again what the guy you are responding to actually said. My god your idiocy makes me sick. \_ Actually, I did read what he said. And I did a posix search on both, and the information on kai's motd was both out of date, and largely irrelevant. -dwc \_ Yeah, because if I asked about C++ pointing me to the C++ standard would be really helpful. I'm trying to get a summary and a pointer maybe to an introduction. I'm capable of using google. \_ Apparently you aren't. "standard" was an example, I'm sure there are many better ways to refine your query to get the sort of thing you want. |
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