2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32948 Activity:high |
8/17 LA times article written today on the swift boat controversy. Covers the purple hearts, the medals, the rescue, the commercial, Cambodia, the players. http://csua.org/u/8mi \_ I like the vague criticisms of the swifties. Nice. \_ LAT? Should I bother reading it? I can get similar opinion from The People's Weekly World. \_ The article is fair and balanced. A consequence is it doesn't come to any definite conclusions. (You should also come off your obvious prejudice, where you equate the LA Times with The People's Weekly World. It's like saying: http://freerepublic.com? I can get a similar opinion from The People's Weekly World.) \_ You're debating an obviously inflammatory troll? Why bother? \_ Then why doesn't the article mention that Elliot says that he was misquoted by the Globe? \_ "Then he issued a second affidavit standing by his first sworn statement, saying he had been misquoted by the Globe." \_ I have a better idea. Why don't you go to there sites and read the accusations, which are all very well documented (e.g photos, Congressional Records, FBI files). The question remains, was Kerry in Cambodia with the CIA / SEALs or not? \_ "there sites"? What do you mean? The written evidence just shows that Kerry was not in Cambodia on Christmas Day. Kerry also acknowledges this mistake. As for whether he was *ever* in Cambodia, don't you think conservatives would have loved to publish some hard facts showing he was never there? They aren't able to, but they can show he wasn't there on Christmas Day, which they have. |
2004/8/17 [Computer/Networking] UID:32949 Activity:low |
8/17 This may not work with cable modem, but does work with USB! http://tinyurl.com/6nhvb \_ I'm glad I use a text browser on motd links at work |
2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32950 Activity:high |
8/17 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/story/222931p-191456c.html Ex-Navy fighter pilot Sen. Tom Harkin ... was infuriated by the veep mocking Sen. John Kerry for saying he would fight a "more sensitive war on terror." ... "When I hear this coming from Dick Cheney, who was a coward, who would not serve during the Vietnam War, it makes my blood boil ... He'll be tough, but he'll be tough with someone else's kid's blood ... It just outrages me that someone who got five deferments during Vietnam and said he had 'other priorities' at that time would say that," said Harkin, an Iowa Democrat. \_ Yep. Where was your war hero Clinton during Vietnam? This whole Vietnam litmus test is a hypocritical joke and a scam. Why won't Kerry release his military records? It's what he's running on. \_ Missed the DNC? Bill came clean and admitted that he, Bush, and Cheney all dodged their duty. And Kerry's military records have been posted on his website. Move on, son, that horse is dead. \_ Yeah now that it no longer matters to his career. And no Kerry's *complete* records are not on his website. Only selected portions. \_ So what has not yet been released? \_ The records behind all his medals for starters. All his medical records. And frankly, we don't know exactly what else but it is known that they're not all released. If we knew exactly what was in every document then no one would ask for a full release, eh? \_ So, what are you saying? That Clinton was as bad as Bush and Cheney for dodging the draft? Granted! They were all utter cowards. John Kerry and John McCain are both worth more as human beings than the other three combined. Ready to vote for Kerry now? \_ "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." -Cheney (August 2002) \_ Oh yeah, Nicaragua Harkin. A Communist dupe coming to the aid of another Communist dupe and general dork. |
2004/8/17 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:32951 Activity:moderate |
8/17 hola, does anybody know of something already written to cronologically sort the default human readable date fmt, preferably via a pipe [as opposed to emacs etc]. --psb May 17 13:03:38 2001 May 22 17:04:12 2001 Nov 30 13:01:38 2001 Aug 21 13:02:46 2002 Aug 22 17:02:42 2002 Aug 7 21:06:41 2002 Aug 9 09:02:24 2002 \_ You might want to pipe through something like php -r "echo strtotime(fgets(STDIN));" and then sort. This, of course, will get rid of strings and sort by unix seconds. Now I feel dirty for using php for something. -- ilyas \_ Anything wrong with Perl Date::Parse? \- hey what happened to some of the other suggestions? nothing is "wrong" with the perl, i was just wondering if someone had done this alrady rather than my having to write something. i was hoping someone had cooked up something with gnu sort analogous to something like "sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4" to sort ip addresses. --psb |
2004/8/17 [Uncategorized] UID:32952 Activity:high |
8/17 The Ilyas-mocking will continue until someone posts a better thread. \_ well, there was the beginings of a aluminum vs. xenon flame war, but someone deleted that as well. |
2004/8/17 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32953 Activity:high |
8/17 Question for soda ilyases regarding envrionmental protection. The rationale, as I understand it, against envrionmental protection goes as follows: "it is not fair that some nameless, faceless government agency can regulate what people can and can not do on property they own." Assume I agree with this. Let's consider a related kind of property. Some people own cats. In some sense, this is property just like land. Would you support people's right to burn their cats alive? \_ Yeah, fresh cat is always best prepared when the cat is broiled alive. Where have you been? \_ Mmmm...Ilya satire is an untapped goldmine! \_ Satire requires more effort than this. \_ Well, I said it was _untapped_. I like the idea more than the above attempt. \_ Since people act as a colony much like ants, and since ants have the right to eat any food the colony deems important, is it not logical that humans may eat their children? -mock-ilyas \_ Yeah, it's easier to mock than it is to respond intelligently. \_ No. Arguing with ilyas approaches a limit at infinity of uselessness extremely quickly. \_ Yeah, and a lot more fun than responding to stupid questions, too. \_ Will no one else help mock? \_ Actually, yeah. I don't give a crap if people want to light their own cats on fire. -motd conservitive \_ So it OK with you if I burn your cat and then pay you its fair-market value? \_ No, you can only do that if you're the government. \_ I can drop a ton of bricks on your car and pay you fair market value for it. Why can't I do the same to your cat? \_ No. A cat is not *owned* like a car or a house. And no, you don't have the right to destroy other's property and simply replace it with FMV. Property rights are a fundamental part of western society that the alleged motd conservative above fails to understand. --real conservative |
2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32954 Activity:high |
8/17 The smart money around the world say Kerry is in! It's over. http://channels.netscape.com/ns/news/story.jsp?id=2004081710130002558479&dt=20040817101300&w=RTR&coview= \_ Hey, it isn't over until Netcraft says Bush is "beleaguered" \_ Well, it does show press outside the U.S. show a lot more critical coverage of Bush -- and this is 100% true from my recent stay in Canada. |
2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32955 Activity:high |
8/17 Why the "Kerry is the most liberal senator" meme is bogus: http://gadflyer.com/articles/?ArticleID=181 \_ The Daily Show when Jon took that congressman to task over that line was in-fucking-credible. \_ Thanks for that tip. Pretty amazing. For the other who haven't seen it: http://csua.org/u/8n0 \_ I'd be interested in taking this guy to task for this line: "Is Kerry a liberal? You bet. He's pro-choice, against Bush's tax cuts, for environmental protection, and for universal health care, to name a few issues. Of course, so are a majority of Americans." \_ "against Bush's tax cuts" might be stretching it. against an increasing budget deficit is a lot more likely. \_ Who, Kerry or a majority of Americans? Both seem to be opposed to ultra-rich ppl getting tax breaks. \_ Since it is very obvious Kerry does not support Bush's tax cuts, of course I meant a majority of Americans. If the question were, "against Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy", you will probably find a majority. Without "for the wealthy", you will find most Americans scratching their heads. \_ I think you'd be surprised. A majority of people polled have not perceived a decrease in their tax burden. \_ Part of the problem is, often the democrat definition of "wealthy" is anyone who pays taxes. \_ This is very interesting, but the article doesn't explain the reasoning behind the National Journal policy of dropping a category if the number of votes in the category are small. \_ So? Go check the National Journal's website. \_ He voted against modernization of every weapon's since. He pro- homosexual marriage and military. On and on... He's extremely liberal... but has been able to hide it so far. |
2004/8/17 [Academia/UCLA] UID:32956 Activity:very high |
8/17 Cal student Natalie Coughlin wins gold medal http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/summer04/swimming/news/story?id=1860462 \_ Yep, she definitely looks like a female Cal student. Why didn't I go to UCLA?! *cry* \_ she could probably crush your head with her thighs \_ That's nice but I don't have a wrestler fetish. \_ urlP (no pic in the main article) \_ #t \_ For those who keep saying "urlP" you do know this is a predicate with a truth value, right? It's not a request for url. \_ From which pic did you infer this? \_ She may be ugly but she's already more successful than you'll ever be in your career. \_ Google is your friend. http://csua.org/u/8mq \_ http://graphics.fansonly.com/photos/schools/cal/sports/w-swim/auto_action/a-coughlin2-0203wswim.jpg \_ http://graphics.fansonly.com/photos/schools/cal/sports/w-swim/auto_action/a-coughlin2-0203wswim.jpg She looks quite pretty to me. I don't know what the problem is. \_ I agree. She's kind of cute. http://sports.yahoo.com/search?p=coughlin&photos=1&sp=1&ep=19 \_ The "why didn't I go to UCLA" guy doesn't like smart, pretty, athletic women. Coughlin is a babe. \_ No. \_ Yes, I do, and no, she isn't. Isn't disagreeing fun? \_ No. \_ My ideal woman will have broad shoulders and strong arms with which she can crush my pasty-white, nerdling body. Hallelujah! \_ UCLA guy is an idiot link:tinyurl.com/5svxo (sportsillustrated.cnn.com) http://amiannoying.com/view.aspx?ID=9057 \_ Some of us prefer women that don't look like boys. \_ This is a boy? http://www.berkeley.edu/news/chancellor/bim/oct_03.html \_ I can see her back muscles from the front. \_ Just because she could twist your girly man body around in a pretzel and laugh while doing it and yet she's still pretty. This is why you find her unattractive? \_ She looks like the Terminatrix from T-3 \_ Is she really the most celebrated Cal athlete? More than say Matt Biondi or Michelle Granger? \_ he may be an idiot but he's probably getting more than you \_ if he thinks women like Natalie Coughlin are ugly, then he's probably not |
2004/8/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32957 Activity:high |
8/17 ilyas, what exactly do you do? Do you have a research topic, and how is that going? Are you getting funded, or are you TAing this summer? I'm asking because you seem to not have a life outside of motd, and frankly, I'm sick and tired of deleting your trolls. \_ Pot. Kettle. Black. \_ Most. Tired. Motd. Response. Ever. \_ He plays a lot of Diablo ][ |
2004/8/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:32958 Activity:high |
8/17 Can the person who cuts the column at 79 every hour or so, can you please stop it? It is messing up with my CGIs. \_ CGIs? \_ yeah, it looks like http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~lwall/wall.log.html with link to the URLs, but when you break it up it no longer works. \_ use the URL shorteners \_ maybe you need to rewrite them? [restored, this is not a troll] |
2004/8/17 [Uncategorized] UID:32959 Activity:high |
8/17 What's the safest biking route to get from Golden Gate Park to the Golden Gate Bridge? I don't mind going extra distance for safety. \_ RIDE BI oh wait... \_ Personally, I take 25th Ave from the middle of the park. I don't know how you define "safety," although I surmise it's not the same way I would. There is a marked bike lane on either 24th or 23rd Ave, I forget which. Or you can take the coast road past the Cliff House, which has less cross-traffic. -tom \_ why does someone keep deleting this? -tom \_ probably collateral damage from nuclear war going on elsewhere on the motd. \_ I agree. Overwrites have been extremely frequent and fast these days. \_ From the east side, you can take Arguello to Crissy Field and then up from the shoreline about a mile before the GGB. |
2004/8/17 [Industry/Jobs] UID:32960 Activity:very high |
8/17 Education is good in hiring, but not too much education: http://tinyurl.com/6nqkl \_ That was a good article. Thanks. I'm also glad to see that giving the text book answer to that "What is your biggest weakness" question isn't always a good idea. "I work too hard." "Suuuure ya do." \_ Walking out of the interview as soon as someone asks you that inane question is a good idea. \_ no, the insight is that MOST jobs out there do not require a PhD. Why hire a PhD when a BS/MS would suffice? Hire a PhD iff the job requires it. \_ I work in an environment where PhDs are highly valued, but not really required. We have a lot of overeducated people running around these days. People doing the same jobs 25 years ago had MS mostly. Now people are commanding higher salaries and it's harder to find 'qualified people' because of the insistence that PhD is desirable. There are very few jobs where a PhD is required in reality. \_ In my experience, PhDs can often be some of the worst engineers. \_ You should not hire PhDs do to engineering work, period. You hire PhDs to do publications, papers, evaluations, architect, grant proposals, networking between CTOs and architects, etc. If your company hired PhDs to do low level engineering grunt work, then your company sucks. Sorry. \_ Hmmm. So someone gets a PhD in engineering and then should avoid engineering work? I disagree. PhDs should be doing research, though. I agree with that. Unless you work at a university (or at a place like Xerox PARC) you probably don't need a PhD, even though you might be doing things like grant proposals, evaluations, and such. I work with a lot of people with PhDs in engineering and they qucikly get bored with work of any kind - even "networking between CTOs and architects". They want to do research and there are not enough jobs in research. \_ I am fairly sure google hires PhDs for coding. What about MechEng PhDs? Systems PhDs? EE PhDs? You are an idiot. \_ Agreed, most PhDs can't code, but they still make more money than you. Such is life... |
2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:32961 Activity:high |
8/17 Best take on recent events award goes to http://TheOnion.com: "Homosexual Tearfully Admits To Being Governor Of New Jersey" \_ Also from todays onion: "The court struck every single one down? Well, that makes the failure rate for gay marriages almost double that of straight marriages." \_ Heh. My personal favorite Onion article was: "Former Weightlifter Elected Governor of California" The article was 100% factual. \_ Hardly, McGreevy (and NJ in general) is completely corrupt. This guy wanted to appoint his lover, who was unable to obtain even the lowest security clearances, to head Homeland Security in NJ after 9/11. Real funny. \_ You mean politicians actually give jobs to their friends? I for one am shocked! \_ Huh? Corruption: Everybody's doing it. \- best onion was "bush finds error in fermilab calculation" \_ You don't get it. It's the headline itself that's funny, not the incident. |
2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32962 Activity:insanely high |
8/17 I've searched the web for a number of weeks on this topic. I take back what I wrote earlier, and it does appear Kerry said he would release all service records, but he has flip-flopped on this. Kerry has not offered *any* explanation for the flip-flop, and believe me, I searched. -liberal (stop changing the sig, ok?) http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20040421-121056-7919r.htm \_ Nice try. No liberal would be caught dead reading that Moonie rag. \_ Boston Globe: http://csua.org/u/8mv I read the above too, but I posted Washington Times because the article was clearer and had more information. -op \_ Boston Globe is a conservative paper as well. \_ The facts in both articles cannot be denied. -op \_ Globe has a long-standing vendetta against Kerry, just thought you should know. \_ http://slate.msn.com/id/2094235 Article saying Globe is left-leaning, but indeed has it in for Kerry -op \_ Nothing anyone I don't like says can be true! \_ It has nothing to do with that. The Globe dislikes Kerry. They have gone out of their way to discredit him over the years. A good comparison would be the Howell Raines led New York Times and their vendetta against Bill Clinton. \_ Does anyone else here remember the good old days when "flip-flops" were open toed shower shoes? \_ My Australian associates claim that these are "thongs", all evidence to the contrary. -John \_ So what did they think of the "Thong Song?" \_ The foot-fetishists loved it. \_ "We are unable to locate the page you requested" \_ The original URL was correct as posted. Someone fucked it up by changing a "0" to a "1". Fixed now. -op \_ Bush in flip-flops, via The Daily Show: http://csua.org/u/8mw (Real Player) \_ So was Kerry on secret Cambodia missions with the CIA / SEALs or not? Yes Kerry needs to fill out a form 180 to release his records. \_ He very likely took part in at least one CIA Cambodia mission. \_ LOL since when? The Kerry camp has 5 different stories. Was it this mission that was seared in his mind? \_ Kerry was not in Cambodia on Christmas Day. He very likely took part in at least one CIA mission. Now, what is your question? \_ WTF does mean - 'he very likely took part'. This guy has repeated the story over 50 times, and in the Senate at least two times. Now you want to change it. I say he has serious problems with the truth. You can't even substantiate he was EVER there, so you make up more lies. Man am I dealing with 8 year olds here? \_ The only thing Kerry has changed is the date of when he was in Cambodia. Please substantiate how he was never, ever there. "Man am I dealing with 8 year olds here?" \_ You guys are sure trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Is the best you've got that Kerry hasn't been totally clear about his Vietnam missions? That's not exactly a scandal. With Bush the push to open his records is because there were serious questions about whether he was a deserter. What question do you have about Kerry? That he might have messed up a date or mission description? \_ OK so did he meet the NVA and Vietcong in Paris twice or not? Was he at a meeting where the VVAW discussed assisinating US Senators or not? FBI files say he was. Why does his entire chain of command and 17 of the 23 officers he served with think he is unfit? Why could that be, what do they know that you don't? \_ I don't suppose it could possibly have anything to do with the fact that the military is in general very conservative and Kerry has opposed military funding while Bush has spent lavishly on the military. Nope, it must be some personal failing they hold a grudge against from 30 years ago. \_ Someone with a 19 year Senate record who is running entirely on his 4 months in Vietnam needs to release his entire record. It isn't a mountain. It isn't a mole hole. It just is what it is. He needs to fully release his records. If he wasn't running on his Vietnam record no one would care about it. He can't hide the record he's running on. \_ Dude, our current president is a fucking retard monkey. You care so much about this but you give the drunk-driving CIA-agent-outing totally-incompetent rudderless asshole a pass? \_ Ooh! it's an aaronantibushrant! Tell us more! \_ And this is worse than Obsessive Compulsive Swift Boat Troll how? \_ He got his tax-cut, and he'll be damned if he has to give it up. Defecit? What me worry? \_ "Bush is stupid!" is not an answer to why Kerry won't fully release the records he's relying on as the core of his campaign. Bush could be dumber than a retarded monkey, still drunk and coked out, out a CIA agent twice a day everyday before breakfast and be the world's biggest asshole, yet none of that would excuse Kerry from releasing the full record he's running on. \_ And nothing will apparently stop you from posting the same mindless drivel over and over and over and over and over and over and over [... and over(n) where n is very large ...]. By the way, your assumption that Kerry is running entirely on his military service is incorrect and unsupported. Sorry. \_ Which drivel is that? I've posted exactly zero swift boat links. It isn't an assumption, btw. It is an assertion. There is a difference. And my assertion is well supported by Kerry's own speech at the DNC convention. 70+ words on his 19 years in the Senate vs. 50+ minutes on his 4 months in Vietnam. The math isn't that hard on this one. Anyway, this is all beside the point. Kerry is running on his Vietnam record "to a great extent" (happy with that phrasing?) and thus needs to fully release his records if he wants to score points with them. |
2004/8/17 [Recreation/Media] UID:32963 Activity:very high |
8/17 So, was anyone else surprised by the fact that I, Robot is actually a good movie and good science fiction? \_ Seeing as the other threads have a flame-war going on and you've gotten 0 replies in as many hours, apparently no-one else saw the movie. \_ I heard it sucked goat scrotum and didn't go see it. --aaron \_ yea, I was a little surprised. I thought it was good, not just a big fight fest. I read some of the robot stories when I was like 12 years old. \_ yes it was a good movie. did anyone think the movie was okay after reading the book? \_ I did. I read the book when I saw the movie was coming out. They're good stories, but weak on character (I've never thought Asimov was good on character though). I enjoyed the movie, and there was at least one part of the movie that was obviously based on one of the stories (which of these robots doesn't belong?). I thought it'd be a worthy addition to the rest of the stories in the anthology. -emarkp \_ Except that I feel that it didn't capture the spirit of the stories in the book. In the book, evolution of the robots were a good thing. The robots ruled without any bloodshed. |
2004/8/17 [Uncategorized] UID:32964 Activity:nil |
8/17 Why do we have all these flamewars going on? Can't we just get along? \_ BLAME CANADA! |
2004/8/17 [Industry/Jobs] UID:32965 Activity:nil |
8/17 Hasselblad is going digital: http://www.hasselbladusa.com/news/newsMain.asp?secId=224 \_ I thought digital backs for medium formats have been available for quite a while. |
2004/8/17-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:32966 Activity:high |
8/17 My sister is looking to learn perl, but she's not really a professional programmer. Can anyone recommend a decent perl book which isn't too complicated? TIA. \_ Learning Perl, 3rd Ed \_ Seconded. You might be able to get it for free after mir from fry's this week. \_ Just curious. What for? \_ Not really a professional programmer? Perl sounds perfect! \_ Riiiight. Whatever, man. |
2004/8/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:32967 Activity:nil |
8/17 Is there a Maildir compatible equivalent of frm? \_ Third hit on Google for: frm maildir Come _on_ people http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/mdfrm |
2004/8/17-18 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:32968 Activity:moderate |
8/17 How do I clear the URL autocomplete memory in Safari? Clear history does not work and I could not locate the files storing that info. \_ Safari will also autocomplete URLs stored in your bookmarks, not necessarily in your history. \- is there a way to be able to select the url w/ a single or double click, as opposed to the default RETAHDED triple click? \_ cmd-L |
2004/8/17-18 [Academia/GradSchool/MBA, Industry/Jobs] UID:32969 Activity:insanely high |
8/17 So apropos of the discussion below, do people here think it is dishonest to leave a degree *off* of a resume, i.e. a phd? \_ Dishonest? Yes. Does it matter as long as you don't later come back and ask for better money/title/position/work/etc based on it? No. I've dropped all the one-off contract jobs from my resume. Am I dishonest? For the next rewrite I'm going to drop anything more than 10 years old. Is that dishonest? I don't remember the titles I had at 2 places so I made one up that fit what I did. Dishonest? It's just a resume. If you can't do the job, they'll fire you later. If you can, then so what? The only place I'd give a full and complete disclosure is for a security government or financial job where they'll do a very deep background check and find out everything anyway. As some random staff techie at a non-security job? Fuck it. Do whatever you can to improve your chances without adding things that aren't true. \_ The day corporations do full disclosure of all their warts in their offer letter, you might have a case. \_ No. \_ Yes, because I will not be happy if I find out the person is a liar. Lying to your new boss before you even meet him/her is lame. Find a job that fits you and don't waste my time. \_ How is replacing phd with MS + 3 years research experience a lie? Obviously if someone asks what education I have, I'll say, I'm just talking about what goes on the resume. Is it dishonest to leave information about one's military career off of a resume for a programming job? where do you draw the line? \_ Why would you even want to leave out a PhD? \_ Ph.D.'s cost more, and the company might have a bunch of non-productive degree holders who might bias the hirer -!op \_ Why don't you just say you won't demand higher pay? It's not a good idea to start off lying to a potential future employer. Even if it is a lie by omission. \_ My buddy who has a U. of Chicago law degree omitted this on his Best Buy application. He's been working there for almost three years (not as a corporate guy, but the lowly guys who help customers with advice). -!op \_ 1. He's clearly an idiot. 2. He's not seriously cultivating a career at Best Buy, is he? If not, then it does not matter. \_ In case you didn't get it, this is one example where it makes sense not to list a degree -- when it has no relevance to the position you are applying for (assuming the lack of any instruction to list all educational history). \_ In case *you* didn't get it, Best Buy is not exactly pertinent to his career, so what does it matter if he pisses his boss off or gets fired? It's not that it makes sense to omit it. It's that it won't matter either way. \_ Maybe it is his career. Maybe he enjoys what he does and intendeds to continue. \_ Listing "+ 3 years research" is questionable if it's what's led to your Ph.D. \_ A lot of people would argue that it is not even a lie of omission, unless HR specifically asks you to list all educational background. Same goes for previous jobs. Obviously we disagree: you think you're right, I think I'm right. \_ As someone in a position to hire, I will tell you that I wouldn't like it. You can think you are right all you want. \_ Actually, I disagree with you on whether it's a lie of omission (I say it isn't, and I still think you're wrong about this), but I agree with you on not liking it: As someone in a position to hire, I wouldn't like applicants omitting a Ph.D. if they got one. To summarize: It's not dishonest, as I originally said, but your employer probably won't like it. Part Deux: Be careful how easily you throw around the label "liar". I wouldn't want to work with someone who thought like that, but that's just an IMO. \_ based on all the other stuff that gets posted to the motd, what are the chances you want to work with anyone on the motd anyway? \_ why not? this is all bullshit and venting. do you think any of these people are *really* like this? \_ That the motd is a more insulated way to communicate (i.e. you aren't risking a punch in the face) does not excuse being a complete asshole. People who are assholes on the motd are either (a) assholes in real life or (b) too cowardly to be assholes in real life like they are on the motd. Either way, would you want to work with them, or indeed spend any time with them? -- ilyas \_ yea, whatever, all the ceos are liars anyway. \_ but they have the hiring money and you don't. \_ how do you think they become ceos in the first place? \_ they all lie on their resumes! of course! none of them went to a pricey mba school after clawing their way up the corporate ladder and destroying the careers of dozens of others on their way to the top! nononono, they simply wrote some random shit up on their resume that no one would check like "senior vp, ibm sales, world wide, 1987-1996" and bingo! Profit! \_ Have you read a quarterly report before? Or go to a Q&A session following an earnings announcement? It's all about emphasizing strengths and hiding weaknesses. Get real. \_ So if I ask you some questions about your company during the interview, will you tell the complete truth and include all the things you hate about your company? \_ What the hell does this have to do anything? You may as well lie and say you have 10 years designing ASICs when you have 0, right? Why put your real name on the application? Maybe you should omit your prison record, too. This last one gets lots of people fired. \_ What does it have to do with anything? It tells me that all the talk about honesty is full of shit. \_ Go ahead and omit your time in prison. Hey, the corporation lies, too. Your ass will still be fired for it. \_ well, it hasn't. in fact, I am doing really well. thanks for your concern though, corporate dick sucker hypocrite. \_ What were you imprisoned for? \_ You lost me. What does the candidate lying about his background have to do with the company employees coming clean when asked about the company? \_ Ask the person I was responding to. |
2004/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32970 Activity:nil |
8/17 "Yahoo! News - Kerry Condemns Ad Attacking Bush Service" http://csua.org/u/8n5 What a hypocrite. \_ How so? \_ Since op does not explain: There's an ad out that says Bush used family connections to get out of the draft. Kerry criticizes the ad as inappropriate: "This should be a campaign of issues, not insults". Wesley Clark and a retired admiral, at a news conference, also say Bush used family connections. Kerry won't criticize Clark or the admiral. Bush people say: Kerry is a hypocrite -- he is condemning the ad, but he's letting his attack dogs make the same complaints and won't condemn them. IMO, their point is weak. Kerry said Clark and the admiral have earned the right to say what they want on this issue, as they're veterans. Kerry has stated his opinion, already. On the other hand, Bush never criticizes the ad by the Swift Boat Vets For Truth. (But at least he's consistent on ignoring McCain's call on Republicans to criticize that ad.) |
2004/8/17 [Health/Dental, Health/Men, Recreation/Pets] UID:32971 Activity:nil |
8/17 Plastic surgery for pets: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3923099.stm |
2004/8/17-18 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:32972 Activity:very high |
8/17 I live in a top floor apt that gets very hot (no AC) and I recently mail ordered a bunch of condoms that is used very slowly. Is it ok to store them in the fridge (not freezer) too keep them from the heat? \_ if some hoser on the motd gives you advice and it's wrong, you get aids or get someone pregnant. don't be a tard. call up the condom company and ask them. \_ Seriously. I don't think this was a real request, or if it is, dude, I have this new thing called a search engine to show you. \_ Fine. you're probably right, it's just a troll. But since you put it like that, I hereby formally challenge you to convincingly answer this using a "seach engine." \_ Why small? |
2004/8/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:32973 Activity:high |
8/17 Helo, does anybody recall/know the definition of a Quasiperiodic Function. Ok tnx. [it isnt a class of nowhere differntiable func, is it?] \_ Google, page 3. Lazy ass. \_ I dont think you know what you are reading. \_ A function (over a field F) is considered quasiperiodic with period \omega if there exist a, b \in F such that f(z + \omega) = f(z)*e^{az + b}. Lazy ass. You couldn't google for the obvious thing and look for the first few pages of the results? \_ A function f is quasi periodic if and only if the set of its Fourier exponents has an integer and finite basis. |
2004/8/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32974 Activity:insanely high 54%like:34993 |
8/17 Dude, kchang, what's up with your motd archive? It's two weeks old! \_ He got squished because he was using a script to finger soda more than once a second to retrieve the motd without logging in. He stopped the script. \_ Why would closing his soda account prevent him from fingering the machine? If the abuse was fingering then he should be stopped from fingering. If the abuse was soda related then his account should be terminated. I don't see a relationship between the two events. This looks political/personal. \_ my friend, 90% of the stuff that goes on in the real world (outside of your nice little world) is based on politics, personal favors, and vendetas. CSUA + EECS has been like this since I was a freshman in the late 80s and it still runs like this. The sooner you accept this the better off you'll be. \_ Ah, finally the true colors of the motd liberal come out. Go 'nuanced' worldview go! \_ That was most definitely not one of the numerous motd liberals. \_ How the hell could you know unless you wrote it? Or is this just Bad->Republican && Republican->Bad again? \_ I don't personally use any archive and I don't see why anyone would either. Most of it is filled with political trash from ilyas|tom|aaron|few others that no one else ever cares about. Why bother? \_ Dude, you don't bathe either.Does that mean it's the standard? \_ I'd bother because, on the contrary, I think there actually is a variety of useful knowledge that flies through here now and then. Over time it adds up to a lot, and being able to search back for some item can be handy. The other reason is that often I can no longer sit monitoring the motd every 5 minutes. Since stuff gets nuked so frequently, it's very handy to be able to look in the archive to see what happened to a thread, what replies a post received, or what entire threads I might have missed. \_ Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitchity-bitch! I try to answer technical questions or whatever, when I feel I am qualified, other than that I talk about what I find interesting. If you don't like a thread, skip it. What have YOU done to make motd a better and more useful place? Except bitching, because that doesn't count. -- ilyas \_ I'm with Ilyas on this one. If you don't like what others have to say which obviously interests them or it wouldn't be here 24x7, then just ignore it and don't participate. Nothing stops you from making a world writable file in /tmp or your home or on some other machine. There is nothing sacred about the motd that says it can only be used the way some people insist it must be. \_ fine, maybe I'll just nuke it from time to time, just like the time when ilyas and tom partially deleted posts that they didn't like. \_ no, it's not fine. you're saying the opposite of what i suggested. do what you like but don't try to put your nuking on my head. \_ he got squished because he was stupid enough to bounce his finger requests through a cgi on the EECS department webserver multiple times/second in such a way as to make root@eecs notice. \_ which normally just gets a slap and a warning. i still don't see how his outside activities have anything to do with having a soda account. \_ Normally, people who just got their accounts back don't pull shit like this \_ What shit? Since when was using "finger" such a horrible offense? Since when was running automated scripts that don't have any malicious use a squishable offense. I don't really know much about kchang. For all I know, he could be a total freak. But I think this is just petty. \_ especially when they originally got squished for something very similar. \_ how is it similar? \_ I still see no relationship between his non-soda account activity and getting his account terminated and no one has attempted to explain the link. \_ that's because your premise is ridiculous \_ then it should be easily refuted which you haven't done. \_ that's because it's a strawman argument. "Never argue with an idiot; he'll bring you down to his level, and beat you with experience." \_ It isn't a strawman. You don't know what that even means. I shall explain. A strawman is when *I* would frame *your* point as some weak statement which *I* would then knock down. This is not what I have done. It has been stated many times that he was squished for over doing it on the finger procs but squishing him does not prevent him from fingering anything. So we're back where we started. He got squished for petty personal reasons, not to prevent him from doing anything and didn't even get a warning for such a trivial event. Unrelated but I find it ridiculous that he could generate enough traffic from UCLA to slog the EECS network at UCB with just finger a few times per second. \_ What shit? Would you terminate his account if he accumulated too many unpaid parking tickets? What does fingering soda via eecs have to do with his account being terminated? Nothing. He was just being punished because some petty people who dislike him could. \_ Soda's net connection is through the good graces of the EECS department, it is in our best interests to keep them happy. I still don't know why kchang insisted on 'bouncing' his finger requests to soda off of an EECS machine, when he could have just fingered soda directly, or transfered the motd diffs via scp, or used his old cgi, or a million different other ways. - danh \_ And using one of the million different other ways is better than using finger? If anything, scp consumes more packet overhead than finger. What's so horrible about finger? If he had used scp or some old cgi, I'm sure someone would have complained that kchang was constantly sending scp or http requests to csua. If finger was such an abuse, why don't you tell us about it or disable the service? \_ finger is fine. why didn't he finger soda directly then, and not doing some lame early 90s hacker shit and bouncing it off an EECS machine? i still don't get it. - danh \_ Someone pointed out in motd that he was using finger. Being the paranoid spaz that he is, he decided he needed to hide where the finger was coming from \_ How does squishing him prevent him from doing what he was squished for? It doesn't. Therefore squishing him is pointless and personal. \_ because when they squished him, they also put a .nofinger which makes any 'fingering' pointless, so he stopped \_ yes it sucks. too bad nothing in the real world is as black and white as yours. soda is more like a consensual hallucination. -danh \_ thanks for not answering anything I said. why did you bother replying at all? \- it's simple, his squishage is all about personal vendettas. ask tom holub, he'd know something about personal vendettas. \_ and so do you, mister anonymous. did he fart on you in E260 in 1990? - danh \_ he farted on my best friend. he's no longer with us. :-) \_ he farted on my best friend. she's no longer with us. :-) \_ I think kchang has been unsorried again. kchang:*:8710:100:Kevin Chang,none,none,none:/home/apollo/kchang:/usr/local/bin/tcsh \_ this is all so obvious if you twinks just learned to to use /csua/bin/finger. For the Xth time, use the godamn binary!!! \_ You can't finger kchang since there is now a .nofinger in his home dir \_ Ah, so he's tired of people giving him the finger... \_ you so funny \_ /csua/bin/finger ignores ~/.nofinger, unlike /usr/bin/finger. The /etc/passwd entry is no guarantee of non-squish status. In any case, if you /csua/bin/finger him now, you will see he has been unsquished. I wonder when he finds out. \_ He already has, my friend. He already has. |
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