2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32845 Activity:nil 70%like:32864 |
8/11 Hard fact is, Kerry froze up during the Cold War Kerry's senate record critiqued. |
2004/8/12 [Uncategorized] UID:32846 Activity:very high |
8/11 If you're still awake, the Perseids are tonight. \_ I don't have a TV. \_ It a meteor shower, not a TV program. \_ Awesome show last night. If you missed it, there should still be some tonight (12/8) -John \_ Triffids! \_ Tetsuo! \_ Akane! \_ Akane Ichinose! \_ Aadrieeennne! \_ Indiiiiiii! \_ elaine! \_ Elaine Chao? \_ Yow! \_ Stellaaaaa \_ Kirsty! Tiffany! \_ You guys are so like so k-lame for not getting my Hellraiser II reference. \_ Pow! Right in the kisser! \_ One of these days, Alice... \_ My sister! My daughter! \_ Are they the same person? \_ He's got a real purdy mouth on him, don't he? \_ Squeals like a pig! |
2004/8/12 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/Security] UID:32847 Activity:nil |
8/11 I am not paranoid, but I put sensitive personal information on my laptop and I go everywhere with it. Is encrypted disk image reliable and fast? I googled for filevault but it is hard to find article with clue/analysis. Any other suggestion is nice too. tia. \_ Using Windows XP Professional? Right-click on folder -> Properties -> Advanced -> Encrypt contents to secure data \_ Tnx. Actually I am using OS X, but I appreciate the answer about window and if there is something for general *nix I'd like to hear it too. By the way, are such encryption really effective against id thieves, safe from corruptions, and fast? |
2004/8/12 [Uncategorized] UID:32848 Activity:nil |
8/11 On a related note, it's the Sanrio(R) Doom ]|[ Hello Kitty Flashlight! http://www.pcgamemods.com/6645/s/1 |
2004/8/12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32849 Activity:insanely high |
8/12 Why is "tabbed browsing" in Mozilla a good feature. I've always been able to open new windows in NS or IE by Ctrl-N or right-clicking and choose "Open in new window". \_ All your sites stay in the same window. Try opening 20 windows in IE and then 20 tabs in mozilla. I don't understand why you would even use NS when it is just the mozilla code with extra bad and useless advertising crap and minus some of mozilla's better features. Try it, you'll like it. \_ Ads come from web pages, not a browser, right? \_ Mozilla doesn't have a "SHOP" button, right next to the "STOP" button, unlike IE, so no, wrong in this context. \_ Also, it's a lot faster to open 20 tabs than 20 windows. And you can have the tabs loading in the background, whereas new windows will steal focus from your old one. \_ I'm using NS 7.1 because it's been out there for a long time (1yr?) and I thought that means it's more stable and fewer security holes. Whereas Mozilla keeps on having new releases, so it seems less stable. \_ You are sadly misguided. Netscape is basically just a snapshot of Mozilla at one moment in time, and from that they put in some "value-added" crap. So you could just get the release of Mozilla that your Netscape is derived from. Look on the about page for the build date. \_ Geez. I'm ditching NS now! Thx. \_ it's a preference thing. for me, it's cleaner to have all my pages in one window. wanna minimize everything? you just have to minimize one window. not everyone needs the feature though. \_ I use both tabs and multiple windows; each window contains several tabs with related pages. It's a lot easier to manage than the 10+ windows I'd have open otherwise. -tom \_ Yes, tabbed browsing is used most by non-degreed government employees, followed closely by time spent on the wall, time spent on the motd, then lunch, then smoke break, and somewhere below clock watching, work. \_ get a life. \_ ouch! that was stinging! what a zinger! \_ It's even better in Opera IMO. Mostly because if you close Opera (or even if it crashes) when you start again all your pages are still there. \_ Opera: $$$. Mozilla: no $$$. \_ Is there a FireFox extension that emulates this? \_ crash recovery - http://recall.mozdev.org. I believe there's also one that autosaves/remembers on start, but I haven't used it -dwc \_ Call me when it's no longer an extension. \_ As if it matters. Why do you care? You want a giant monolithic piece of crap with everything complied in? Microsoft has the perfect browser for you! \_ No, I'm not looking for emacs. Opera for Win32 is a whopping 3.4 MB download. I hardly call that monolithic. \_ And it doesn't have the same feature set as Mozilla. \_ Also, an irritation of Mozilla is that when you close a tab, you get dumped into the rightmost tab. Opera allows you to cycle through MRU order. Oh, and you can move tabs around easily. And if you have multiple frames, it's easy to move tabs from one frame to another. \_ I like the right tab focus. I just read tabs right to left and open them in reverse order of interest. \_ there are a couple nice extensions that allow you to do things like this in mozilla/firefox as well... \_ Call me when they're no longer extensions. \_ Um... the whole POINT is that they're extensions, and will never be integrated. Make the core product fast, and let users add the additions that they want... \_ Great. Will I have to download a plugin to use the cursor keys to navigate a page up and down? Sorry, if you have tabbed browsing, you need some ability to use those tabs effectively. Opera is light-years ahead of Mozilla on this. \_ Call me when Opera costs the same as Mozilla. \_ I navigate with the cursor keys all the time. \_ Why is that not a plugin?! Those Moz hypocrites--integrating that as a feature instead of leaving it as a plugin. \_ Why is free-as-in-beer not a feature of Opera? Why do they have to plug-in to my wallet to get a slightly different version of tabbed browsing? \_ I have no problem paying for superior software. If you're happy with inferior-but-free-as-in-beer tools, more power to you. \_ Superior? Opera is going to make my life better than Mozilla enough to pay for it? Which stock market did you get your money in? \_ Tab browsing makes it easier to follow threads in mailing lists. You know that each of the tabs following the current on are replies in the thread you are reading. \_ I used to be annoyed by tabs; I liked Ctrl-N a lot. Now I love tabs and I use Ctrl-T and middle-click all the time. Mainly a new window opening up is just slower, and the saved start bar real estate is great. \_ Seconded. Tabs wierded me out for quite a while, but they really \_ Seconded. Tabs weirded me out for quite a while, but they really are quite convenient, for reasons of window managability, screen real estate, nd background loading. On the rare occasions I want to compare 2 pages side-by-side, there's still Ctrl-N. to compare 2 pages side-by-side, there's still Ctrl-N. [spelld] \_ Is there a way to configure Mozilla to always open links in a new tab when you click (accidentailly) on a link that would otherwise open a new window?? I don't always want to hold down ctrl key when I am pressing the mouse button... \_ Middle mouse button. It's in the preferences. \_ Middle button always opens a new tab. I want to open a new tab only if the link would open a new window. Kind of override new window with new tab feature. \_ check out the tabbrowser extensions \_ check about:config, browser.tabs.opentabfor.windowopen |
2004/8/12 [Transportation/Car] UID:32850 Activity:moderate |
8/12 Is Auto Update in XP going to install XP2 for me? I thought Auto Update only downloads hot fixes but not service packs. \_ Well, did it auto update you or not? SP2 (not XP2) has been out for a few days. \_ Oops. I meant SP2. -- OP \_ It's only been out as a separate download and cd order. It's not on Windows Update service yet. \_ Then why did I get a popup yesterday from the auto update service asking me if I wanted to download/install it? \_ Must be another update it was asking about. |
2004/8/12 [Computer, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:32851 Activity:high |
8/11 Holo-deck one step closer: http://tinyurl.com/5uusb \_ Great, then we can spend every episode in the holodeck. Oh wait, we already did that. \_ That was only in Voyager. TNG and DS9 had lots of non-holodeck episodes. - STMG \_ Actually, TNG was the worst abuser. How many times did the holodeck computer characters gain true conciousness and try to take over the ship? The holodeck computer was their greatest enemy on TNG, not the Borg. DS9 was just boring until they tried to clone the much better B5 and failed. \_ 3 times that I can think of, 2 Moriority episodes and the one where the ship gained consciousness and expressed itself through the holodeck. \_ hahahha!! I don't know what episodes you're talking about so i must not be a nerd! woohoo! |
2004/8/12 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:32852 Activity:moderate |
8/11 Mac guy, did you end up getting the memory? Compusa and Fry's currently have rebates on SODIMM memory \_ I am the mac guy, jackass. Mac's don't work with cable modem. And where's my shirt. |
2004/8/12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32853 Activity:moderate |
8/12 Nice. I'll have to remember religious questions about browsers the nex t time I'm trolling. \_ And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror. - from The Book of Mozilla, 7:15 \_ At least nobody is defending IE. \_ IE! IE is the standard! \_ For crashes, bugs, and popups. I love MS. |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32854 Activity:very high |
8/12 For those trying to get to the bottom of the Swift Boat Vets vs. John Kerry issue, here's a good link which collects some info: http://centerfeud.blogs.com/centerfeud/2004/05/kerry_dissed_by.html The May 4 2004 press conference of the veterans is here (Real format): rtsp://video.c-span.org/project/c04/c04050404_antikerry.rm \_ Here's also Kerry's 1971 testimony: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/02/20/1535232 If you ask me, this is what's happened: #1: They're pissed that John came down on the hippie, flower-power side when they're the ones volunteering their lives for their side when they were the ones volunteering their lives for their country. \_ He did alot more than just come down on the hippie side. He was effectively allied with the Vietcong, fighting domestically. \_ Hehahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahaha. Oh wow. Thanks for the laugh. That was a good one. Next you'll be accusing him of appearing at rallies alongside Jane Fonda. \_ Haven't you heard of the secret meetings with the Gen. Giap where he promised the other side better negotiating terms if they would hold out on signing a peace treaty until after he was elected president??? #2: The hippie, flower-power side is right, insofar as what Kerry said in his speech. (I doubt they can deny the substance of what he said -- if they really read major parts of the testimony, instead of isolated quotes.) #3: Kerry genuinely laid blame on the Administration rather than the soldiers. #4: Kerry wishes he could have made this distinction clearer, perhaps by talking more about the soldier's plight -- it's not a soldier's place to question where their President sends them -- and regrets missing the chance back then. #5: The talk about Kerry wavering in combat is garbage. This is just stuff made up to justify point #1, and just not liking the man because of it. Most of his crewmembers support him, and that's what says it all as far as combat. Here's your homework: Quotes from the swift vets for truth http://swift1.he.net/~swiftvet/index.php?topic=SwiftVetQuotes Compare to Kerry's 1971 testimony from the previous URL. Judge for yourself. \_ Nice effort, but it will go ignored. The only people that care about these Swift Boat turds are some Freeper nuts on the Internet, and they won't listen to a word you're saying. \_ it was a weak effort. i'll reply later. its lunch time now. \_ You're right. People will make their choice between re-electing president McCain and Kerry based on their *merrits* not on the basis of some rightwing smear campaign...Oh, wait a minute...There *is* no President McCain because those fuckers' tactics actually work. \_ no, McCain had my vote until he turned into a big crybaby during the primaries. i don't want some unstable whack job as president. if ya can't take the heat during a primary, you're not fit for command. \_ I didn't ask you. I just posted the link. I think your #'d items are assertions without basis. |
2004/8/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:32855 Activity:nil |
8/12 Do csh or tcsh have a way to redirect stdout and stderr to seperate files? \_ (myCommand myArgs > myStdout.file) >& myStderr.file --- yuen |
2004/8/12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32856 Activity:high |
8/12 What's the difference between Mozilla and Firefox? Is Mozilla identical to Firefox plus chat plus e-mail plus other apps? -mgates \_ Just DOWNLOAD IT ALREADY. Firefox is < 5 megs. I'm sure you can swing that. Find out what you like, and quit this inane chatter. It's a web browser, not a lifestyle choice. \_ http://texturizer.net/firefox/faq.html#q1.3 \_ Thanks! That's what I need. \_ Mozilla has more features. Firefox is still in beta, it is a different browser written from the ground up. I use Mozilla because it has features that FireFox don't have. Eventually Firefox will catchup to Mozilla in terms of feature, then I'll switch. I do use IE for windows update. \_ It is not written from the ground up. Firefox shares a hell of a lot of code with Mozilla. The main difference is the front end. |
2004/8/12-13 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:32857 Activity:high |
8/12 Is there a way to combine two files without writing? I mean unlinking the 2nd file but instead of freeing its blocks, adding them to the end of the 1st file. Suppose gap is not an issue. \_ Instead of asking for an answer to some obscure no-details technical question, how about you ask us what you're actually really trying to do and maybe we can then help you solve the real problem? \_ Well, I want to make some kind of revision control except I don't want to do diffs (suppose it's binary) and just want to keep copies of old files up to a certain number (sort of like what VMS did). As such, I don't want to read and write the files but just chain old copies together with some control info recorded separately. If you have a better solution I would like to hear it, but my original question is quite well specified. \_ How about moving the files into a special directory? I know it's boring, but it would be easy, portable, and work. \_ You're describing tar. Rename the old file and move it into a tar file you've created for this purpose. Tar will append, allow searching, has control info, allow extracting by file name, etc, etc. Don't re-invent the wheel. \_ Yeah it is like tar, but tar actually has to read the file and then copy it bit by bit to another file. I want to just append the list of data blocks of the 2nd file to that of the 1st file before unlinking it. \_ Why? \_ More efficient????? You don't have to read and write 1000 50 MB files if you are not changing them. |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:32858 Activity:very high |
8/12 Same sex marriage nullified, yeah!! \_ Why is this even a surprise. Newsome himself knew this would happen. He carried out the marriages because: 1) he wanted to shed his image as a prviliged yuppie by breakin' the law 2) he was pandering \_ Do you honestly believe that being a pimp helps you get votes in San Francisco? Or do you mean pander in the more general "this guy is appealing to a group I don't like" lazy incorrect fashion that some politicians like to use? \_ Wow, like this isn't even a good troll. 3) increased revenue from all the licenses \_ Now I know you're joking. SF collected $200k from the 4000 couples. Compare that to the city budget of $5B. Less than 4/1000s of a percent. 4) increased tax revenue from all the rings and wedding cakes and such If he really cared about the issue, he would have challenged this through the courts. \_ You think he handed out gay marriage licenses to get increased revenue from the the licenses and wedding cake sales? You're friggin nuts. I don't agree with the pro gay marriage thing, but I think you're even nuttier. \_ No, I think the primary reason (the one which I listed first for a reason and the one you didn't comment on) was to project an image of a rebel, since Gonzales made it a closer election than anyone expected. I think the increased revenue from gay tourists flocking to the City was just icing. \_ Can't agree more. I'm not against gay marriage, but I'm against breaking the law, especially while representating a govt body. \_ Whew! That's good, 'cause I was about to start smokin' pole any second... \_ Libertarians to thread... \_ I think the libertarian position on gay marriage is that marriage is between two people or two people and their church, and government shouldn't have anything to do with it one way or the other. Is that about right? \_ I doubt that's right--there are legal aspects around things like inheritance which can't be decided by the church. \_ Sure they can. The old Church said you should give everything to them to avoid going to Hell. \_ Probably, but some of the local Libertarians go through some amazing contortions to toe the Republican party line... \_ The government is the recording authority. Beyond that, it should get out of the business of deciding who or what can marry and leave that up the the individuals involved. Is that the Republican line? \_ no, it isn't. \_ As a (R) the last thing I want is Libertarians at my party. \_ More to the point, Same-sex marriages illegally performed in CA were nullified. Everyone should be glad about this, or any Mayor could start changing state law any way he or she pleased. start changing state law any way he or she pleased. (this was the original text of the comment below) \_ Agreed. If you don't like the law, change it, don't break it. Especially don't make a City break the law. \_ More to the point, Same-sex marriages illegally performed in CA were nullified. Everyone should be glad about this, or any man could start marrying any dog or box turtle he pleases, \_ By reading this post, why do I feel like I've gone back in time 50 years? \_ Because you've missed the point. The courts ruled that the marriages were carried out illegally. Rather than challenging the definition of marriage through the courts, Newsom took the law into his own hands. The above poster is basically saying he's glad any other mayor cannot now just take the law into his own hands to marry whatever to whomever. You probably also thinkthat Clinton got impeached for receiving a bj. \_ lol. I can't believe you fucking guys. All we ever hear from you is the evils of "activist judges" legislating from the bench, and now you want it challeneged through the courts? man, this would be hilarious if i didn't have to share a country with you fuckers. \_ Please tell me this is some kind of troll. No one here could really be THIS dumb, could they? \_ It's pretty dumb. Please read my response below: \_ These judges are enforcing existing law; if they were "activist", they would leave the marriages legal. That's what you get from the first look at it. On a second look, any conscientious judge would feel ashamed 50 years from now to take part in enforcing the no-gay-marriage law, as it is clearly a "separate but equal" issue; and "separate but equal" has been shown to violate the Constitution. \_ What "no-gay-marriage" law? \_ The federal DOMA as well as the California state initiative. Everyone knows these laws are unconstitutional - why do you think there's a rush to desecrate^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hamend the constitution before the Supremes take a look at DOMA? \_ Nonono, you got it all wrong: Gay marriage desecrates the sanctity of Marriage! \_ Sanctity is a religious concept. Here in the USA, we have a secular government. Religion is a private matter. Why is this so hard for some people to understand? If you really want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran. \_ Inasmuch as Jefferson wrote volumes on separation of church and state, he is only one guy, and there is a good argument that the U.S. was founded on Christian values and the belief in God. Between having a government where mentioning religion in a public place is illegal, and the "establishment of religion" clause, there is a lot of room. \_ It clearly was not "founded on Christian values". The republican concepts were lifted from classical (pagan) philosophy. Christian values involve strong church authority. They don't mention anything Christian, but merely the generic "God" and "creator" which signify nothing. \_ They do? What about Protestants? The whole issue with Protestants was rebellion against Church authority. You are spouting, my friend. -- ilyas \_ If it is so clear to you, please show me evidence that this country was founded on classical (pagan) philosophy without regard to the dominant Protestantism at the time. I also think this sentence is flat out wrong: "Christian values involve strong church authority." C'mon. We have Christian values throughout the U.S. today, and there is no strong church authority. \_ BZZT! Homosexuals have the same right to marriage as any straight person. They have the legal right to marry someone of the opposite sex. The law does not care about love or personal taste or desire. The law is only about strict factual concepts like your gender, age, and race in regards to equality issues. \_ Sexual orientation is, for the vast majority of cases, something someone is born with. Over time, it will be more concretely established in U.S. law that it deserves the same level of protection as gender, race, and age -- because it is something someone is born with. \_ Url on the statistics on that? Or is this just a liberal article of faith? \_ actually, I think it was the part about the dog and box turtle \_ Its possible to both support Newsom's actions and the actions of the court. You may wish to look up the definition of "civil disobedience." \_ You may wish to take English 1A again. Box-turtle guy explains why he thinks this is good news. Critic calls box-turtle guy intolerant slut. All I said was that box-turtle guy's statement doesn't have anything to do with intolerance and everything to do with following legal procedures. \_ The fact that you don't think there's anything intolerant about comparing an expression of love between two human beings to an expression of "love" between a man and a turtle is quite revealing. \_ Love has nothing to do with marriage. Marriage is a legal state that all people have equal access to. All people have the legal right to marry someone of the opposite sex. There is no equal rights issue here. \_ Love has nothing to do with marriage? Boy, I REALLY hope you're not married. \_ Actually, all I said was that the dog and turtle part sounded like it came from a stodgy old guy from 50 years ago with the thick-rimmed glasses. \_ It actually came from a guy who's covered in KY and feces. \_ Actually, it came from some jerkoff (pun intended) who change my original post. \_ Civil disobedience isn't an elected official ignoring the law. It's private citizens disobeying the law. A Mayor's job is to enforce the law, and if he's unwilling to enforce it, he should step aside and act as a private citizen. \_ This is a stretch when we are talking about San Francisco, and I think you know it. \_ Just because San Francisco is full of wackos doesn't mean it's elected officials shouldn't be held to their oaths. \_ I think you're stretching, and I still think you know it ... \_ I'm not the above person who thinks SF is full of whackos, but he does have a point. Consider racist southern sheriffs who would refuse to enforce the law against whites who attacked and murdered blacks. \_ What about an activist sherriff before emancipation who refused to track down escaped slaves, or refused to prosecute the people who helped slaves escape? \_ Slavery is a way of making people unequal and is thus a violation of the Constitution's equal rights sections. Allowing marriage only between those of the opposite sex is not a violation. All adults are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex and not marry someone of the same sex. This law is applied equally to all people. No issue here. \_ "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." --Anatole France \_ Scuse me, Junior Scalia, but I think your legal analysis is a wee bit lacking here. But thanks for posting it three times, repetition definitely increases the effectiveness of your arguments. \_ Not to be too weasely or anything but he took an oath to uphold the law, and made a calculated judgement that the (dominant) equal-protection clause contradicted with the no-gay-marriage law. Elected officials have to interpret the law all the time, but courts have the final say on interpretation of law. |
2004/8/12-13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:32859 Activity:high |
8/12 besides craigslist, what is a good place to find duplexes to rent? \_ you know what city or area you are looking for would help... \_ oops.. campbell , san jose, thanks \_ How is the rental market now? Is it easy to find rooms to rent? \_ Obvious troll. \_ No, I am trying to decide if I should rent out my rooms. Last time I did it it was quite difficult to get tenants. |
2004/8/12 [Consumer/Audio] UID:32860 Activity:kinda low |
8/12 Heh. iPod vs. Cassette tape: http://homepage.mac.com/danielturek/PhotoAlbum50.html \_ HAHAHA! So much for technology advancement. \_ How about iPod vs. microcassette? |
2004/8/12 [Uncategorized] UID:32861 Activity:nil |
8/12 Non-politically speaking, who's doing a better campaigning job. Who has the better strategy? |
2004/8/12-13 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:32862 Activity:nil |
8/12 Say I have some directories in a CVS tree containing source for related libraries. Some of these libraries have dependencies on other libraries. If I want to be able to retrieve a particular version of a library, along with the correct versions of the other libraries it's dependent on, how should I organize things? I was thinking of tagging the library and its dependencies with the same tag, like libfoo-1-1-0 or something, and then doing a cvs update -f -r libfoo-1-1-0, but this has some drawbacks. Does anyone know of better methods? Thanks. \_ What drawbacks? This would be the correct method. tag the group or trees (with the desired versions) under an umbrella tag. |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:32863 Activity:high |
8/12 So can anyone tell me where the political wingnuts on the motd came from? I don't remember anyone so nutty when I was involved in the CSUA (97-01). \_ I think we somehow gave an account to a pissed off re-entry veteran student. - danh \_ Young people are generally apathetic about politics. My theory is that as the posters to the motd grew older, they became more interested in politics. As to why they are so nutty, your theory is as good as mine. \_ I think the nutty stuff is mostly trolls from people who have boring jobs with nothing to do most of the day- and the recent increase is just from post-dot-com-bust-shitty-job-market. From 97-01, people had too much to do. From 01-02, nobody was employed. Now, people are employed, but don't do anything. \_ two words: graduate school. \_ So you think Freeperguy just keeps track of the latest freeps so that he can troll the rest of us? \_ http://FreeRepublic.com. Fox News. Not really liking poor people. That's all you need to create a right-wing "wingnut". Liberal media. Michael Moore. Not really liking rich people. That's all you need to create a left-wing "wingnut". \_ This kind of Red-State/Blue-State thinking is the whole problem. Reducing people to abstractions doesn't teach you anything about them. The computer science solution to problems is not always the correct one. \_ agreed. i think the average "red state" or "blue state" person would be horrified by most of the socialist/communist lefists and ayn rand rightwingers that prevail on both sides of the political spectrum among geeks. \_ Hey, someone asked how wingnuts came about, I gave an answer. Of course there are a lot of non-wingnut left and right-wingers. Hell, my "I will kill Michael Moore if I ever see him" younger brother who watches O'Reilly all the time managed to get his hands on my copy of Starship Troopers (book not movie): He nows says he's joining the Army as long as Kerry isn't elected. \_ Your brother sounds like he really needs a CSUA account. \_ Rent him the DVD. See if he gets the satire. \_ He saw that movie 10-20 times already. Apparently he likes both. \_ Politics have gotten far more acrimonious since the 2000 Election. This election cycle has simply built upon that. \_ Labelling people as a wingnut if they don't agree with you. \_ Ha. No. |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32864 Activity:nil 70%like:32845 |
8/12 Hard fact is, Kerry froze up during the Cold War <DEAD>www.tardrepublic.com/focus/f-news/1189962/posts<DEAD> \_ Um, being against deficit spending is not dumb. And Reagan == Iran-Contra. And well, Dubya ain't no Reagan. \_ So ceding central america to the Soviets was a good idea? The Soviets were pouring hundrends of millions into Nicaragua. Why don't you condemn Carter in Afghanistan? |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:32865 Activity:nil |
8/12 Whoa. The governor of NJ just outed himself as gay. I bet CNN wasn't expecting THAT, HAHAHA. \_ He's sacrificing his wife's face for political gain. He'd better run for president before Newsom gains enough momentum some day. \_ What the hell are you smoking? \_ Please give me a hit on that crack pipe. He admitted he was gay, he admitted he had an affair, he resigned, and now he is free to pay the personal consequences with his wife, family, and friends. I think you would only be satisfied if he condemned homosexuals and became born again. \_ It would have been sweet had he been a Republican. \_ Yeah it would be sweet if scumbags like that were Republican. They are Democrat though. Democrats have a firm grasp on sexual misconduct in this country. \_ Sexual misconduct? He didn't molest a kid (or a box turtle, sigh), he's gay. \_ Hello!? Affair? HELLO? ANYONE UP THERE IN YOUR HEAD? And to the guy below, going to a sex club is not misconduct. \_ You're a dumbass. If you had referred to the sexual harassment suit against him, you might have something to stand on. \_ Uh, it is not "going to a sex club" that was the big deal -- c'mon, don't tell me that's what you truly thought was the worst of what he did? But the previous poster was an idiot -- the sexual misconduct is not in being gay, but in having sex with someone else while married. Being gay makes it only a tiny bit less bad. \_ The sexual misconduct that has any bearing on his holding office is getting his lover a security position which he didn't have clearance for. If he made a personal decision that the affair itself affected his ability to govern, then that's his call. Not yours. \_ Google "Jack Ryan" Illinois \_ Yeah, I think Jack Ryan (wife is Seven of Nine) and Bill Clinton are the champs right now, as far as combining fame and the offensiveness of the deed(s). \_ Let's not forget about convicted pedophile Barney Frank and his predecessor. \_ Huh? Got any URLs for this one? |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:32866 Activity:very high |
8/12 Cringely has a short, excellent, non-techie article up. http://www.pbs.org/cgi-registry/cringely/thisweek.pl?pulpit \_ Key phrase: "My view is that they went ahead because they were more interested in punishment than deterrence." I agree. I am more interested in punishment than deterrence, also. What about you? Would you let a known criminal off the hook if it would prevent crime? I wouldn't. -- ilyas \_ obWhyDoYouHateAmerica? \_ My question is, What kind of punishment did the study recommend for poor people in the ghetto? \_ Err, hopefully it would have only been those that had committed a crime first that were punished, but then again this is the motd... \_ Excellent? It's a rambling mess. \_ All of Cringely's columns are about the same thing: What a clever little monkey I am. After reading the article do you actually understand anything new? There are a bunch of assertions made, he mentions he knowns one of the principles, he has his little twist at the end ... but is there a cite or link to the brilliant article? Is the thesis actually explained [the thesis isnt "the govt is wrong" but should explain the deterrence failure]. Cringely is a guy who doesnt understand social science, economics and politics writing for people who dont understand social science, economics or politics. \_ Key phrase: "My view is that they went ahead because they were more interested in punishment than deterrence." I agree. I am more interested in punishment than deterrence, also. What about you? Would you let a known criminal off the hook if it would prevent crime? I wouldn't. -- ilyas |
2004/8/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:32867 Activity:moderate |
8/12 So anyone got SP2, any problems? Issues? \_ I couldn't resist, installed it a couple days ago. I have a "volume license key" (corporate) copy and changed my key as a precaution but I haven't heard of any problems in that area. No problems. I immediately shut off their new security center thing and their firewall. I heard there may be some problem with Divx video. \_ No issues. Installed it on Athlon 64 3200+ desktop with recent WinXP install; then on WinXP notebook which hasn't gotten an OS re-install in 2 years. The uninstall backup is required, and will take ~ 450MB more wherever you save it. will take ~ 450MB more wherever you save it. No product key issues (and I would have one if there were something there). After it installed, I did turn off the WinXP firewall. \_ Is MS going to release something similar for Win2K? \_ Unlikely. |
2004/8/12-13 [Science/Space] UID:32868 Activity:low |
8/12 Bio Q: you overdose on brownies and cake and you'd like to stave off th e sugar rush and eventual diabetes. Does drinking a few glasses of water dilute the sugar (and thus delay absorption) or does it simply pre-dissolve the sugar (and speed it up)? \_ Are you related to the 480 pound woman in the URL below? \_ Drink water, go jogging/cycling, repeat. \_ Sun basketball, Tue dance, Wed basketball + badminton, Fri tennis, Sat swim, repeat weekly \_ What happens on Thursday? \_ And on Thursday, God went shopping, and there were sales. And the sales were good. And God was pleased. And there was much rejoicing. \_ A combination of both. |
2004/8/12 [Uncategorized] UID:32869 Activity:nil |
8/12 For those who missed it and are playing Doom: The Sanrio(R) Doom ]|[ Hello Kitty Flashlight(TM)! http://www.pcgamemods.com/6645/s/1 (only shotty and machine gun tho) |
2004/8/12 [Science/Biology, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32870 Activity:high |
8/12 On a related note, how to turn lazy, procrastinating soda users into productive people: http://csua.org/u/8kr (longer LA Times article) \_ Great. Tack that onto my speed habit and I might as well be surgically grafted into my office chair. \_ Speed habit? Did sky and muchandr suddenly relapse? \_ That just makes confirms that laziness is a sign of higher brain function. |
2004/8/12 [Uncategorized] UID:32871 Activity:high |
8/12 What fraction of programmers take speed? \_ *I* don't take speed, but my nose does, so say 1/3000th? |
2004/8/12 [Health/Skin, Health/Disease/General] UID:32872 Activity:nil |
8/12 Oh. My. God. http://www.wftv.com/news/3643877/detail.html \_ This is something I don't mind being purged (no pun, please god). \_ That's vile. Someone been reading the cruel site of the day? (It is, however, safe for work.) \_ Longer article, w/ quotes: http://csua.org/u/8kl \_ I guess some people wait until someone's almost dead before calling emergency services. Reminds me of the case of that guy whose head was rotting away and maggots were crawling on his brain and stuff. http://www.snopes.com/photos/maggots.asp |
2004/8/12 [Uncategorized] UID:32873 Activity:nil |
8/12 So let the purge finger-pointing begin! |
2004/8/12 [Computer/Companies/Ebay, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:32874 Activity:nil |
8/12 Oh great, google auction to begin on Friday the 13th, haha. \_ not funny, I'm being forced to file tomorrow :P (summer filing deadline) |
2004/8/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32875 Activity:nil |
8/12 what happened to kchang? why'd he get squished? |
2004/8/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32876 Activity:very high |
8/12 JANUARY -- NOT CHRISTMAS -- KERRY IN CAMBODIA http://drudgereport.com/dnc93.htm \_ somewhat unrelated: was Jello Biafra's "Holiday in Cambodia" song somehow related to this? \_ unlikely. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/dead-kennedys/38157.html \_ OH NO HE'S TOTALLY UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT \_ True, all sarcasm aside. \_ You'd prefer a "thoughtful and sensitive war" against the terrorists, as Kerry has proposed? \_ Thoughtful is a good thing in the conduct of a war. Sensitive to our allies & potential allies, also a good thing. Called "diplomacy". Saved more lives and won more conflicts throughout history than all guns & bombs combined. Remember your von Clausewitz? War is an extension of politics by other means? Think about it. -John \_ Diplomacy? Please enumerate the number of lives saved and which conflicts were won through diplomacy throughout history. Like how post-WWI and pre-WWII diplomacy resulted in a lasting peace in our time with honor and all that? \_ cold "war". Lives saved: 5 billion \_ Do you want me to post the quote from Bush saying the same thing? --scotsman \_ We've seen enough out of context quotes from you. No. \_ Actually, it wouldn't be out of context, and really, would you rather see out of context quotes from me on wall or from Cheney in stump speeches? --scotsman \_ I prefer to not see any more out of context rants from you or anyone else on wall or motd or anywhere else, thanks. \_ why do you read the motd at all? - danh \_ Because he likes having a venue for tossing out baseless accusations without any consequence. Go reiffin! --scotsman \_ The motd is pseudo anonymous. Do you feel big now? Has naming someone strengthened your point in any way? If I cared about it that much, I wouldn't post. Anyone who cares can dig through the archives of either the wall or motd for your previous quotes. I don't care that much and I doubt anyone else does either. \_ Because sometimes there are interesting and useful threads. The rantings and out of context quotes are neither interesting nor useful but they don't ruin the rest of it. \_ <DEAD>www.reagan.navy.mil/bush_speech.htm<DEAD> "Precisely because America is powerful, we must be sensitive about expressing our power and influence. Our goal is to patiently build the momentum of freedom, not create resentment for America itself." -GW Bush <SARCASM> Clearly from reading George W. Bush's entire quote he means building coalitions of the willing who recognize that showing weakness will only aid terror. After reading John Kerry's entire quote, when it comes to differences between the Republican and Democratic tickets on the Iraq war, Kerry's "more sensitive" remark wraps it all up in a bow! </SARCASM> Why does it feel I'm writing Tom Tomorrow lines? http://www.workingforchange.com/comic.cfm?itemid=17231 \_ Sarcasm? That wasn't sarcasm. That was you trying to defend the undefendable Kerry again. Tell us again how Kerry is somehow different from GWB? He said only a few days ago that knowing what we know now he would have invaded Iraq. The only difference is he would have sent ~2.5x as many troops and they would have been more 'sensitive'. And oh yeah, our pseudo allies would have magically joined up and freely given up the billions of dollars they were making off Iraq just because John is a thoughtful, nuanced and sensitive guy. Riiiiight. \_ who are you voting for? \_ Nader. Who'd you think? I'll write him in if I have to. \_ "I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side." -John Kerry Cheney is being disingenuous, to say the least. And then here's his wife, Lynne Cheney: "With all due respect to the senator, it just sounded so foolish ... This is the kind of left-wing foolishness that certainly isn't appropriate for someone who would seek to be commander-in-chief." \_ no. no. no. you can't apply context to right wing talking point sound bites. now the thread will be purged. \_ The full quote says the same thing. Sensitive to whom, Iran? \_ Sensitive to our allies (not alienating them), and not pulling on Iraqis' genitalia while in our jails. \_ Well if its not clear to you why Russia, France and China acted they way they did you are naive or stupid, maybe both. Please name an era in our's or anyone's history where a "thoughtful and sensitive" foreign policy existed. \_ Point 1: Powell's UN presentation was pathetic. The "Intelligence Community's" findings, which Powell presented, were clearly not supported by the available intelligence, as concluded by the 9/11 Commission. Powell's presentation was treated coldly, and for good reason! I strongly urge you to refrain from labeling people naive or stupid on this point, as it makes you look naive and/or stupid. Point 2: "Thoughtful and sensitive" is Cheney's, or perhaps your quote. Don't quote out of context, and even worse, DON'T REARRANGE WORDS AND PUT DOUBLE QUOTES AROUND THE REARRANGED PHRASE. Continuing on, the entire, unmodified statement means what I said it meant: sensitive to our allies (not alienating them), and not damaging our credibility by sexually abusing those under our authority. You should be very glad you are not signing your name, since what you said would stick with you in a lot of people's memories. -jctwu \_ Please refer to the last five words of the first sentence for reaffirmation. \_ Point this, point that, whatever. Go back and read the full quote. No matter how you want to arrange the words, they still mean the same thing. Stop defending the undefendable and you'll be less stressed out. Bush has fucked up a number of things and that's unfortunate and he's not the greatest President the country has had but he's doing ok and he's doing a hell of a lot better than a psycho like Gore or a man with no vision like Kerry would do. \_ You have several problems. Your characterization ("stop defending the undefendable") is inaccurate. You made a mistake with the quote and you know it. Finally, the last few posts by me indicate that I have read the whole quote, and it is clear to me it does not mean the same as your three-word phrase which Kerry never spoke, and in my opinion Cheney and you wish to mislead with. I do approve of your not signing your name, and I say that without sarcasm. \_ This is now he-said, she-said. There was no 'mistake' made with Kerry's quote. He's a flip flopping weakling with no vision. I think it's terribly funny that one anonymous person would insult another anonymous person for being anonymous. I don't care at all either way usually but since you brought it up.... And I say that without sarcasm. Hah! \_ Yup Kerry is a weakling like all the others who VOLUNTEERED to go to Vietnam. Real men, like Bush, Cheney and Clinton made sure they didn't have to go serve there. And Bush doesn't have any "flip-flops", unless it's about gay marriage, or Department of Homeland Security, or nation building, or the assualt weapons ban, or steel tariffs, or tax credits for hybrid cars, or creation of the 9/11 commission ... Bush is guaranteed to stick to his ideologically driven positions unless reality forces him to change his position. \_ Heh, ok let's go with your line line. Both men are either flip floppers or have nuance. Which term do you prefer? Since you won't accept Bush having any nuance and they both change positions, they must both be flip floppers. Yet, wait, you say Kerry isn't a flip flopper. He has nuance. I'm confused! hehe. \_ but only one has low IQ. hehe. |
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