2004/8/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32800 Activity:high |
8/10 It's hilarious how the motd has turned into http://jibjab.com. -John \_ But an aborigne sodan is missing. \_ Yeah it's a fucking laugh riot. And we've got another 3 months of this to look forward to. The only way I'm going to be able to maintain my sanity is through weekly watchings of The Big Lebowski. That and the occasional acid flashback. \_ If you require the motd to be in any particular state to retain your sanity, you've already lost. \_ I think we will get a break over the olympics. \_ A break from what? |
2004/8/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32801 Activity:high |
8/10 Bush: "My opponent hasn't answered the question of whether knowing what we know now, he would have supported going into Iraq." Kerry: "I'll answer it directly. Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it is the right authority for a president to have but I would have used that authority effectively." \_ Kerry challenged Bush to answer some questions of his own -- why he rushed to war without a plan for the peace, why he used faulty intelligence, why he misled Americans about how he would go to war and why he had not brought other countries to the table. "There are four not hypothetical questions like the president's, real questions that matter to Americans and I hope you'll get the answers to those questions, because the American people deserve them," he told reporters. \_ Have you stopped beating your wife? The American people deserve to know the answer to this real question. \_ The charge that Bush had no plan to win the peace is legitimate but the charge that Bush relied on intelligence agencies implies that Bush should have become fluent in Arabic, Farsi, and Pashto, handed the presidency to Cheney, and went off and gathered his own intelligence. \_ No, it just requires that he was willing to search out and listen to people who disagreed with the *false* phoney consensus presented by Wolfowitz and Tenant. He could have found them with Google, or by talking to the numerous CIA career agents who quit in protest to the hyping of the intel. The fact that he either does not have people in his inner circle willing to tell him what he doesn't want to hear or that he ignores them speaks volumes about his competence and ability to lead the nation. \_ So when the President, who already suffers information bombardment, gets info from the guys he is supposed to rely on to give him info, he should dismiss them and read blogs he found from google to create our foreign policy? This is a joke, right? IHBT? \_ He has surrounded himself with yesmen and ideologues and doesn't even read a newspaper. Even after they failed him, he has not shaken up his cabinet. He demonstrates a fundamental inability to think critically. Stop deleting this. If you can't reply, just nuke the thread. \_ What newspaper? According to the wall, the mass media is all dog food and we should get our news from blogs. If he shook up his cabinet like Tenet getting the axe, you'd just be here saying like you have before that he was blaming his subordinates for what he is resonsible for and he should resign, not leave the buck at his subordinate's desks. There is just no making some people happy. You hate the guy and that's ok but don't try to hide it behind that sort of noise. Just be upfront about it. It's ok. [and no i didn't delete anything, get over it. my reply is there. you havent posted anything that isnt trivial to reply to.] \_ Nope, if he shook up his cabinet, I would have some respect for him. At least he would have admitted to himself that there was a problem. As it is, he claims that he makes no mistakes. He is an arrogant boob and should be trusted with the kind of power he has. As for what newspaper, how about the Christian Science Monitor? How about the WSJ? How about anything at all??? And what *I* said was that Bush should fire Cheney, Wolfowitz and the neocon cabal, apologize to the nation, apologize to the UN and apologize to France and Germany. Hell, if he did all that, I would probably vote for him. But since I post anonymously, you are to be forgiven for confusing me with some other "Bush hater." \_ So you think the WSJ, CSM, etc, have better access to information than the FBI, CIA, and other multi billion dollar funded intelligence agencies?! Ooookeeey.... Why should anyone apologise to anyone? For what exactly? \_ For leading the nation to war under false pretenses. It is okay to make mistakes. It is not okay to make mistakes, pretend like you never did it, and not fix the problem that led to the mistake. At least the CSM isn't a bubble filled with people who all agree with each other. Perhaps you didn't notice that a bunch of CIA analysts quit in protest over the poor handling of the intel, as well as half the British cabinet. I suspect Bush didn't notice. Here is a bunch of great stuff from conservative commentators agreeing with me, that Bush will never see, because, sadly, he doesn't read anything except from his bubble world: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/05/18/bush/index.html \_ Which false pretenses? WMD was not the only reason to go in. And has been posted and censored many times before, the intelligence agencies in this and many other countries all believed Iraq had large stock piles of WMD. Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Albright, and many others are on record as saying they believed he has had WMD for years. Why did none of them fire all their people and go read a blog or the CSM? Robert Novak, 1 elected official and 1 random paper is hardly "a bunch of great stuff from conservative commentators". It's some stuff from 3 sources. I don't consider Novak a conservative, btw. \_ "Iraq has ties to al Qaeda" "Iraq can mobilize chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes" "Saddam kicked out the UN inspectors" And could this be considered a flip flop? Then: " It costs a lot to fight this war. We have spent more than a billion dollars a month -- over $30 million a day -- and we must be prepared for future operations." Now: they plan on putting off their funding requests until after the election, then have to ask for $50B emergency authorization... \_ WMD was certainly one of the major, if not the major justification given to the American people. And they are not there. No, your one 10 year old sarin shell does not count. It does not really matter that much who else made the same error, since the decision to go to war was with Mr. Bush, but it mitigates it somewhat He still needs to say mea culpa somehow. Which he has not. \_ But they had Weapons of Mass Destruction-related program activities! \_ By "I would have voted for the authority", did Kerry mean he would have voted for going into Iraq today knowing that there is no WMD anyway? \_ I believe he has said that he looked at voting for war powers as giving the president a new tool for handling the situation, but that he thought it would be used as a credible threat and possibly a banner to rally allies behind rather than us diving in with a pitiable coalition. \_ Nuance! So really he meant to show the world (again) that the US is a paper tiger that makes threats but never backs them up in modern times. Good plan. That'll scare em! That and his fighting a more 'sensitive war against terrorism' (his words) will keep the world safe! I'm voting for Kerry this fall for sure! --Osama \_ That's not how I read it. I read it as: I would have fought a war againt Iraq, but I would have listended to Shinsheki and gotten 300k troops like he requested, not taunted him, called him a coward and a traitor and run him out of Washington. \_ That's not what he said. Anyway, even if that *is* what he said or meant, 300k troops would do what exactly for us in Iraq right now and the last year? Make more targets? Make the Iraqi people even more upset about the even larger force sitting on their territory? We have more than enough fire power to genocide the entire country. Lack of troops is not the problem. \_ Tell that to the generals who have said otherwise. The big problem is our military is trained to go in, destroy quickly, and leave. We are not trained for peacekeeping missions, let alone nation building. Bush's biggest failure in Iraq was not taking this into account and alienating our allies who have a better track record in this area. \_ Shinseki was canned for saying we didn't have enough troops. Now Bush says, "If the military asks for more, I'll give it to them". The military doesn't ask. Get it now? (just google for shinseki fired) |
2004/8/10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32802 Activity:very high |
8/9 Kerry's 'Christmas in Cambodia' http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20040809-090612-9480r.htm Does Kerry have any credibility left at all. He has now perpetuated this lie for years. \_ Fuck you! \_ Why bother posting? \_ As aaron would say, all this talk of Kerry being a lizard is all well and good, but it's much more important to get that other lizard out of office. \_ So Kerry can what - cede the US to the U.N.??? \_ Straw Man arguments are not very convincing. \_ Then stop using them against GWB. It's boring and a waste of precious motd bits. \_ No motd bit is precious. \_ Exactly. So stop it. \_ So he can institute a communist, gay, atheist state and provide free abortions for illegal immigrants as part of the welfare bureaucracy which will take away your guns. \_ Don't forget a maximum wage! -- liberal #1 fan \_ what is wrong with being atheist state? \_ what is wrong with allowing people to practice their non-violent religion? --atheist \_ Yes, it is unfortunate if true. I think everyone who has been in the military inflates their accomoplishments a bit, but this was the basis of some of his anti-war claims. It is still a tempest in a teapot. But worse for him, imho, than the idiotic Swift Boat smear campaign. \_ That's bullshit. My grandfather served in WWII. In infantry reconnaissance in Red Army. You know, the guys who crawled reconnaissance in the Red Army. You know, the guys who crawled around in small teams on the frontlines and captured German 'tongues.' When I was a kid I would always ask him for war stories and so on, and he never said anything. I never understood why until much later.. -- ilyas \_ In soviet russia, war criminal becomes you! \_ This is very similar to why my father finds Kerry creepy. Normal people don't like to talk about their experiances in war, Kerry brags about it constantly. \_ no he doesn't \_ yes he does \_ Silly. It is the entire basis of his run for office. He spent 19 years in the Senate and spent 73 words over a 55 minute speech. Most of the rest was about his stay in Vietnam which was only slightly longer than his speech. \_ I know several Vietnam vets. I didn't even know most of them were there until I knew each one for a few years and even then they barely mentioned it and sure as hell didn't tell me any war stories. All of them fought and not for Kerry's *four months* of bullshit. Kerry is just creepy. The fact that he signed up and took footage and did all the rest 30 years previous in a planned effort to become President later is just freaky and wrong. \_ Kerry's "four months" was his _SECOND_ tour in Vietnam. \_ Huh? So how long was he in 'nam total? Link? \_ According to the Navy, 16 months. \_ That's right. His first term was sitting on a missile frigate far from any action. Playing cards all day takes a toll on a man. \_ Have you ever played bridge with the devil in the pale moonlight? \_ This, from Yahoo News, was posted on 2/17: (http://csua.org/u/61g but the link expired) "Others call Kerry's protest activities the reflection of a man so ambitious for a career in politics that he consciously held on to his own medals, now displayed in his Washington office. During the protest at the Capitol, Kerry, then 27, threw the medals of two other servicemen, along with his own ribbons." \_ Better than a man ambitious for a career in keggers and blow. \_ I wonder how those two other servicemen feel today. \_ My grandfather was also in WW II, despite being in his 40s. He was Jewish and escaped from a concentration camp. He lived in hiding until the war ended. He rarely mentioned anything about it. Even his wife didn't really know what happened in all that time, except that he escaped and spent some time blowing up railways. All he ever told me when I asked him is: "You don't know anything about war" while brushing me aside. My girlfriend's entire family is military and served (as officers) in Vietnam and they don't talk much about it either. This seems typical to me. --dim \_ My grandparents and several aunts and uncles lived through the Japanese occupation during WWII. Never heard any of them say anything about those years. \_ Is story this in the NYT? No. The WP? No. The LAT? No. Is it in any serious paper? No. Any serious media? No. Obviously this is not a serious story. \_ Uh oh, it's mr. i-hate-moonies guy. Go away, troll. \_ he does have a good point. and moonies still suck. - danh \_ no he just has a personal bias which you share and are confusing with a good point in order to completely dismiss a source of information that sometimes contradicts your political agenda. it is always easier to dismiss for personal reasons rather than respond to a contrary viewpoint. I thought better of you. \_ The Washington Times is trash, less factually accurate than the Drudge Report. If you refuse to admit that to yourself, you will end up with a head full of lies. \_ Yes, yes, mr. anti-moonie has been trolling here for years. I keep asking for something other than the ownership records to back up this claim but I've given up. The anti-WT crowd had their chance to come up with something, anything, for the last few years and has 100% consistently failed to do so. I will be trolled no longer. \_ If you can't be bothered to type Washington Times media watchdog into google, then there is probably no hope for you, but here goes: http://www.fact-index.com/t/th/the_washington_times.html http://www.dailyhowler.com/h120899_2.shtml http://www.fair.org/media-outlets/washington-times.html They *routinely* run editorials on the front page, disguised as "journalism." They are as bad as Salon. |
2004/8/10 [Computer/HW/Languages] UID:32803 Activity:very high |
8/9 Triffids! \_ Zulus! Thousands of them! \_ Dive bombers! Enemy dive bombers! \_ That's no moon. \_ Nazis. I hate these guys \_ Yo she-bitch, let's go. \_ looks like i picked the wrong time to quit sniffing glue \_ Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison? \_ Midnight Express. \_ GUNS! BIG! FUCKING! GUNS! \_ You cannot do that without the will of the people, Mr. President! \_ I *like it*!! \_ We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks... \_ Can someone please provide a synopsis of the Day of Triffids? \_ Better yet, a synopsis using quotes from other films. \_ "Apples, Apples!" "Rain!" "Very small rocks!" "A DUCK!" "" |
2004/8/10 [Uncategorized] UID:32804 Activity:very high |
8/10 Whatever happened to Faye Wray? \_ A giant monkey came and ate her. \_ Does anyone here remember Vera Lynn? \_ anybody ;) \_ Remember how she said that we would meet again \_ Yes, but she didn't say where or when. -John \_ She died of old age before you were born. \_ Actually, no, she died on Sunday. Mmmm.. ass talking \_ You were born yesterday, so she died before you were born. \_ Whatever happened to Joe Pesci? I tried to google for an answer last night and failed. \_ What should have happened to him? \_ He should have played Dick Cheney in F911. \_ I heard he was going to but the VRWC offed him and buried him in Vince Foster's coffin. |
2004/8/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:32805 Activity:high |
8/10 C question. Is there anything wrong with the following? const my_struct_t **pp; pp = malloc(sizeof(my_struct_t *)); pp = realloc(pp, sizeof (my_struct_t *) * 2); "gcc -Wall" doesn't complain. But the M$ compiler (cl.exe) complains about the realloc line: t3.c(12) : warning C4090: 'function' : different 'const' qualifiers t3.c(12) : warning C4022: 'realloc' : pointer mismatch for actual parameter 1 Thanks in advance. \_ Your code is correct. The warnings above are both wrong, and in fact the same compiler recognizes the code as safe in C++ mode (which is stricter about const). --mconst \_ I'd ask why GCC isn't complaining. Consts shouldn't change. It might be that because there's nothing between the malloc and the realloc, GCC is noticing that the value of pp does not actually changem while MS sees you are writing to a const and bitches. \_ But what I'm trying to realloc is an array of variable pointers to constant structures. The array elements (pointers to constant structures, const my_struct_t *) are not consts and do change. It's just that the structrues that the array elements point to (const my_struct_t) don't change. I think it's just stupidity on M$'s part, but I just want to make sure. \_ YMWTS http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/const-correctness.html \_ You sure you're not compiling in MS as a cpp file? \_ It works as a CPP file -- see above. --mconst \_ My file is a .c, and I compile like "cl t.c" with no options. I tried both version 12 and version 13 and they gave the same warning. \_ Where is the 'function' name declared? \_ BTW, pp = realloc(pp, ...) is a bad idea. If realloc fails, you've just clobbered your old copy of pp and no longer can free it. --jameslin \_ Yeah I know. The above was just to illustrate the type checking warning. But thanks. \_ Does it still complain if you do something like: typedef const struct foo *pfoo; ... pfoo *p; ... |
2004/8/10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32806 Activity:nil |
8/10 House cat hijacks airplane: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3551672.stm Boy! I sure feel safe now! Let's just hope those terrorists don't have cats. \_ uh oh. terrorists are training animals to attack and take control of the plane |
2004/8/10 [Health/Eyes] UID:32807 Activity:high |
8/10 More on Lasik. I had a second opinion from a really famous surgeon from Stanford Medical and he told me to lay off on any more laser enhancements which may fuck up my eyes even more. In fact he told me to wait a few more generations until the effects of Lasik on the "higher order aberrations" are more well known. A lot of the Lasik hype is based on how well one can see the black and white chart during daytime and while it is true that most of the Lasik patients will see 20/20 or better based on this test, it is weird that there does not exist a single, quantitative pre and post Lasik study on other important measurements such as glare, halos, starburst, loss of contrast, and many other debilitating symptoms. Surely companies like Visx and Bauch&Lomb would have such studies when they tested their machines, right? But in fact, they're absent from the doctors I talked to. Not surprisingly, they're also absent from the public. -20/20 during day time, totally fucked up at night \_ what's wrong with your eyes at night? what symptoms are you having? \_ It's not weird at all that studies are non-existant. Doctors make a lot of money from these procedures, and that's pretty much all they care about. If the studies showed that it was unsafe then their cash-cow would be taken away. |
2004/8/10-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32808 Activity:nil |
8/10 Programmer Analyst job in Marina del Rey. See /csua/pub/jobs/USC-ICT \_ what's the pay scale of a USC PA III ? \_ Post is updated. Briefly, $46-76k. \_ what's the pay scale for a usc pa-3? |
2004/8/10-11 [ERROR, uid:32809, category id '18005#22.58' has no name! , ] UID:32809 Activity:low |
8/10 If I write code against libA, version 4 (so I do a #include <libA-4/A.h>), and also against libB (#include libB/B.h), which uses libA, version 5 (so libB does #include <libA-5/A.h>), I could have problems with conflicting function prototypes and so forth, right? Are there ways that people work around this without renaming things? And how are such problems best avoided in the first place? Thanks for any advice. \_ Namespaces are your best bet. \_ Try for a more onion model of interfaces-- use B exclusively, or just agree that you're going to track B and use whatever B's using. 810 http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=6955 Read the last part under "Command Confidence". The best line is: "The senior staff believes the media is committed to seeing us win this thing...". |
2004/8/10 [ERROR, uid:32810, category id '18005#22.58' has no name! , ] UID:32810 Activity:nil |
8/10 http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=6955 Read the last part under "Command Confidence". The best line is: "The senior staff believes the media is committed to seeing us win this thing...". |
2004/8/10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32811 Activity:nil |
8/10 All of the mailing lists I am on have degenerated into 50 Kerry guys boiling in outrage over the latest Bush atrocity vs that one Bush guy who uses mighty rhetorical devices like "It was in the NY Times, the paper of record! It must be true!", well except for that one Nader guy who needs to be sent to the Negative Zone. I can't wait until November when Bush wins and ushers in 3000 years of darkness so my mailing list traffic dies down. - danh \_ Maybe you're on the wrong mailing lists. It sounds like you got exactly like what you signed up for.... |
2004/8/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:32812 Activity:moderate |
8/10 What command line tool exist for windows to create an iso image from a directory structure? or from a set of files specified on the cmd line or a input file? thanks. \_ mkisofs. oh wait, you said "command line tool ... windows" \_ Uhm, cdr-tools (where mkisofs comes from) has been ported to Windows for quite some time now. Just google it (some german guys wrote this). Oh wait, you're a moron... \_ I am a moron who doesn't use Windows. \_ despite your deleting this there is still mkisofs for windows: http://www.dimensional.com/~sitaram/CD-R-for-CLUEd-in-Windows-users.html http://tinyurl.com/4vm69 \_ Try daemontools but I haven't tried it in a looong time. \_ Daemon Tools mounts ISo images, not creates them, yes? \_ Daemon Tools mounts ISO images, not creates them, yes? \_ I really don't remember. Like I said its been a long time. Maybe their site will point you to writing tools if they don't have them. |
2004/8/10-11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:32813 Activity:very high |
8/10 Nothing to see here. move along, yes this is another "housing market crash is coming" link: http://csua.org/u/8jd [nytimes.com] \_ eh, whatevah, home prices in SoCal and NoCal will not crash, too many yuppies with money who don't have any money in the stock market. Prices will stagnate at some point; and will only dip if something goes boom. Take it from someone who has no experience. Can't say the same about other areas or states. \_ Yeah, like they didn't crash during the early ninties... (Someone who DOES have experience in the SoCal housing market because my family has owned real-estate there for over fifteen years, amongst other places around the globe) \_ Wasn't that "crash" a small drop followed by several years of stagnation? My mom bought her house right before the crash and has done quite well regardless. \_ After the peak in 1989, interest rates fell for 4 straight years, staving off a more severe drop. Where are the interest rates going to fall to this time? \_ FWIW, my neighbors paid $50K less than I paid for my house. I bought mine in 2001. They bought theirs in 1989. Of course, now values have doubled off of their original price. However, the drop was significant. It took 10 years to reach the original price again. You could see a 30% drop or more easily, which sucks if you just bought a place for $600K and find it's worth $400K in 2 years. \_ YOu must live in a lowsy neighborhood. My parents bought their house in 1989 before the so-called crash, and now it's valued at more than twice the price they bought it. \_ What part of 'doubled off original price' did you not understand? \_ in 10 years? the fact is that most houses in my parents' street doubled in prices from 1989 to 1999. Only in the early 90s, it dipped like 5%. That's hardly a crash. \_ Your parents are lucky or you are full of shit. In 1996 the median for houses was $160K. In 1989 it was $176K. That's a 7 year period over which there was a loss. It wasn't until around 1998-99 that houses regained the old values. In the early 1990s the dip was more pronounced than "like 5%". In 1993, 43% of *ALL* home sales (no matter when the house was bought) were for a loss. The median loss was $23K on a $200K house. Median prices for La Crescenta, CA: 1990: $290K, 1995: $212K, 2000: $310K 2002: $382K, 2004: $537K Median prices for Newport Beach, CA: 1990: $457K, 1995: $390K, 2000: $675K 2002: $800K, 2004: $1090K \_ Probably lucky to purchase a house in a city where the job are. And the real estate growth probably will continue since Google is there. The price of a Mountain View (94043) house in '89 was $260k, $350k in '95, and $500k in '89 and now close to $650k. Sadly, this is not the best part of Mountain View and the schools are average to good. \_ My parent's house that I lived at for 15 years got foreclosed on because of that. Too much leveraging. I still say there won't be a crash; too many people with money these days, and SoCal and NoCal will remain hot for yuppies looking for a new home and speculators. -"eh, whatevah" person \_ There are just too many millionaires out there in the bay area. If google goes IPO, there will be hundreds more. \_ If this another "housing market crash is coming!!!!!" article? Please save the rest of us from following another content free link description. \_ like the internet boom and bust, the hottest regions will have it the worst during the bust, just like your hot internet stocks. \_ No, because the most desirable locations will hold their value better. San Marino was one of the best places to own real estate during the last 'crash'. \_ I really, really doubt it. How much did Internet stocks inflate as a percentage over how many years (let's take YHOO)? Then compare that to real estate. This is just a dumbass test; I'm sure there are more fundamental differences. \_ Not likely because: 1) land is scarce. 2) population growth. 3) house ownership is an American way of life. |
2004/8/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32814 Activity:very high |
8/10 Now that we've successfully squished kchang (good job guys!) who's going to archive the motd? \_ why did he get squished the second time? What was the official reason? \_ He was fingering soda more than once a second for his motd archive. He stopped after being warned but was squished nevertheless because some people don't like him. \_ I guess he was on probation? \_ I got my UCLINK account suspended for fingering four of my friends every 10 MINUTES. So, the bar isn't all that high. \_ rumor has it that he tried to bring down the entire http://berkeley.edu pipeline by fingering motd@csua.berkeley.edu \_ Even if he didn't, squishing kchang was still the right thing to do. He has harrassed soda users and employed scripts of motd destruction in the past, and we can't afford to let such hosers get another chance. \_ hello tom \_ i'm !tom - if you don't get it yet, it's a joke \- kchang seems like a pretty smart guy, if he seriously wanted to bring down the network why would he use a lame "while 1 {finger motd}" script instead of more sophisticated methods? If the fingers don't fit, you must acquit. \_ Many alumni, however, do have the resolve and fortitude to act against this threat. The Politburo has not lived up to its responsibilities, so we will rise to ours. All the years of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end. \_ Why do you hate soda? \_ So you're not so much advocating his squishing, as advocating the repeal of his unsquishing? Has anyone considered reinstating his account on a limited basis, like in a jail or something so KAIS MOTD can work again? \_ The cyberterrorist threat to soda and the http://berkeley.edu domain will be diminished the moment that kchang is permanently squished. Should enemies strike soda, they would be attempting to shift our attention with panic and weaken our morale with fear. In this, they would fail. They and all who have aided them will face fearful consequences. We are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far greater. \_ DIGITAL PEARL HARBOR!!! \_ A jail... yeah, that could work. We must interrogate kchang so that we may better understand the threat. Where can we keep him that's outside UC jurisdiction? \_ motd archives suck \_ No, MOTD archives do not suck. They let me check on answers to questions and past links without having to be by a networked PC every 30 minutes while some dipshit deletes everything in sight, or some idiotic 5,000 line "Bush-sucks-no-Kerry-sucks" thread scrolls by. -John \_ so you're the jerk who deletes them \_ Who cares?! Let's just keep squishing anyone else unpopular until everyone here agrees with us on everything! \_ it has nothing to do with popularity. It has to do with him bouncing fingers off an EECS machine and pissing off the department. (If that's really what he was squished for). -tom \_ agreed! Who's our next target? ilyas? partha? \_ Hozers like these, and their erratic "associates", constitute an axis of evil. \_ Whoa! Am I like notorious now? -- ilyas \_ Does this look familiar? "Now, shadowy networks of individuals can bring great chaos and suffering to our motd.public file for less than it costs to purchase a single tank. The United CSUA can no longer solely rely on a reactive posture as we have in the past. We cannot let our enemies strike first. As a matter of common sense and self-defense, CSUA will act against such emerging threats before they are fully formed. The purpose of our preemptive actions will always be to eliminate a specific threat to our precious motd, our allies and friends. The reasons for our actions will be clear, the force measured, and the cause just." \_ soda crashed two or three times in the last couple weeks. I support kchang's squishing! \_ Wheee! Thanks for the laugh. \_ I for one do think kchang did a good job of archiving the motd. It's good to see that someone's willing to do some work to make my csua stay a little amuzing. too bad csua didn't like his finger. ;) |
2004/8/10 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32815 Activity:nil |
8/10 Lessig makes a good point about weakening fair use rights. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.08/view.html?pg=5?tw=wn_tophead_6 \_ FASCIST! The fair use rights want to be free! |
2004/8/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:32816 Activity:low |
8/10 I need to test that I can get mail from a machine that doesn't have a reverse ip entry. Does anyone have a box without a PTR record that they could send me some mail from? -crebbs \_ can't set up something on RC 1918 nets? \_ can't set up something on RFC 1918 nets? \_ So you want to block mail based on that criteria? As if what? Spammers don't have valid reverse? Most spam boxes do have a valid reverse. \_ i said i want to test that i *CAN* get mail. jeesh. -crebbs \_ Can't you just break some of your DNS and generate something without a PTR? |
2004/8/10-12 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:32817 Activity:high |
8/10 Where can I find the cheapest fare from here to Vancouver Canada? Travelocity gives me $200 for a roundtrip but I wonder if there are low fare or commuter airlines serving this route. \_ priceline. I just got 180$ roundtrip fron nyc to oakland on priceline. \_ where is "here?" \_ Berkeley? \_ By the way, $200 non-stop from California to Vancouver is a good fare. How much less do you expect to pay? \_ I am hoping to get some thing just slightly above the fare between here and LA. I thought maybe many people commute between bay area and Vancouver. -- op \_ While I'm sure sales happen, I've never done better than 200. \_ You're not going to get a much better price. The dozens of flights between Bay Area to LA especially those from low-fare specialist Southwest make the market very competitive. The SFBA <-> YVR is nowhere near that hot. \_ How cheap do SFBA <-> LA tickets get? What's typical? -outofstater \_ SWA has $39 one-way 7-day advance purchase regularly and $98 day-of-purchase. Typical is about $75 one-way with some advance notice. \_ I don't think any LCCC flies SFBA and YVR, so there is no reason for the fare to be low. That said, I've done SFO-YVR for < $150 before. That fare exists occasionally. I noticed that UAL has a OAK-SEA fare for $123. You can do that if you willing to drive to Vancouver. \_ Fares from here to SEA tend to be much cheaper than those to YVR (among other things, YVR is a private airport, and I was given to understand that the airport charges the airlines substantially more than the average). Often the cheapest option is flying to SEA and taking a bus (~3-4 hrs) to Vancouver proper. If you want much cheaper than that... Well, there's craigslist rideshare... and hitchhiking... \_ YVR also charges passengers directly -- you have to pay an "airport improvement fee" of 10 CAD every time you fly from there to the US. \_ RIDE BIKE! \_ Well, it is only 140 miles. It might be a pretty nice bikeride, depending on the roads. That's really pretty countryside. \_ I've driven it and it is mountainous. It would take a long time on a bike. |
2004/8/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32818 Activity:insanely high |
8/10 Another Wash-Post quote by Kerry about being in Cambodia as a CIA agent. WTF!?? http://washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A59559-2003May30?language=printer \_ Your reading comprehension skills must be rather paltry. His swift boat was responsible for taking agents and special forces upriver to drop them off. The quote says nothing about him being in CIA. \_ "It was no accident that I got to be the caretaker of Colonel Walter E. Kurtz's memory - any more than being back in Saigon was an accident. There is no way to tell his story without telling my own. And if his story really is a confession, then so is mine." \_ Except his patrol area was Sa Dec, 50 miles from the border. \_ CIA mission led them furthest inland, they weren't sure where they were. Here you go: http://www.nationalreview.com/york/york200408101318.asp If anything Kerry is guilty of boasting over a "secret mission to Cambodia", where he probably did the drop off closer to the border than other boats had. \_ The part about not 'knowing where you are' is bullshit. I have personally navigated sea craft from charts, its not hard. If a commander or navigator of a boat doesn't where he is he should be reprimanded. Not to mention you don't randomly drop of CIA agents if you don't know your location. \_ You're right, he probably did know where he was: Closer to the border than any other boat had been that night, not in Cambodia, but it sure made a good story to say "close enough!" and say he was, and then blame Nixon for it (although he wasn't President at the time). In any case, his buddy just wanted to back him up. \_ Have you personally navigated seacraft in tricky inland waterways at night, in the jungle, under blackout condition? I kind of doubt it. The idea blackout conditions? I kind of doubt it. The idea that he was at least a bit lost is not outlandish. And I can tell you from personal experience in the Airborne, the military drops people miles off target routinely. -ausman \_ Were not talking about dropping someone from an airplane. Navigating a boat is significantly different. You are telling me they were lost in the middle of the night and just decided to willy-nilly continue in any arbitrary direction? The riverways were heavily mined, it just doesn't make any sense. Just like the Bhuddist Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge Cambodians were celebrating Christmas. Face it - Kerry is lying. \_ It was fun watching your "fact" about the Khmer Rouge change. \_ So you believe he engaged the Khmer Rouge? \_ If anything it is easier to figure your position in the air than in the jungle. I spent three weeks in the Panamanain jungle and my unit was pretty much lost the whole time. They don't call them SNAFUs for nothing. Kerry might or might not be lying, but I wouldn't be so confident about it just yet. \_ wow i might actually read a url from the wash post - danh \_ DAMN THAT LIBERAL MEDIA! \_ Why does he keep on bragging about his war record when he said he's anti-war? Trying to be a two-headed snake and please both sides? \_ What's anti-war about him saying he stands by his vote for authorizing force, and he would have had a plan to win the peace? \_ He is proud of his military service and record. he also came to believe the war itself was a bad idea (disagreed with top-level leadership). In the same way, we can support and respect our troops currently fighting in Iraq even if we disagree with the leadership that managed them and got them there. \_ Who are you going to believe, Patriotic Matt Drudge or the liberal media??? lying liberal media??? |
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