2004/8/9 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:32773 Activity:kinda low |
8/9 I am looking for tools which removes email attachments from the mailbox while leave the rest of the email text intact. Does such thing exists? \_ what mail format? \_ command line or graphical? you can do this with procmail \_ You can also do it with mutt. \_ procmail \_ standard RFC-compliant mailbox format. I thought about procmail. I would like to do the following: change all HTML to text (lynx), all the WORD document into pure text. and... use iconv to change non latin character set to UTF8. Procmail wizard... show me example(s) please? --OP |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32774 Activity:very high |
8/9 Since you morons thought it was so shocking that Kerry was holding up an ear of corn while campaigning in Iowa, here's a picture of your candidate holding up an ear of corn: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/09/politics/campaign/09letter.html \_ But that makes sense. It doesn't for Kerry. And why you'd want to compare your guy to the other guy like that baffles me. \_ Um... why? Because Bush is cornier? \_ Because the closet Kerry has ever been to uncooked corn off the campaign trail is at 30k feet flying over it. \_ And Bush had a cob broken off in his ass during his Skull and Bones years. So what? \_ Well, I'm given to understand the pretzel he choked on had some corn oil in it, so that counts too, right? \_ Hey! Sharp reply! With wit like that you are sure to convince people and rally them to your guy! \_ Reread this whole thread, brainiac. You're both coming off as idiots. \_ I did. And? Thanks for joining us this morning. \_ Kerry once shot a vietnamese kid for running w/ a husk of corn \_ If only it had been you. \_ Another winning zinger! You're on a roll today! \_ Wait, you're attacking witty zingers and not utter nonsense posts? Get some perspective. \_ It wasn't witty. You think "I wish you had been shot" is a witty zinger? \_ Bush killed millions waging an unjust war for oil. \_ Millions? You're a nut or a bad troll. There were fewer people killed from day 1 to now than Hussein was killing of his own people every 3 months. \_ By your stated rate, Iraq would have been unpeopled by now. \_ you're really in college? \_ some people here never made it through. i think it's funny that he ignores what i said, make me say something i didn't say, and then tries to make me look stupid for having said what i didn't say. very weak. he should be ashmed but he isn't smart enough to understand that. \_ 50k people a year... post your source. \_ Post your source for 50k people killed as a result of the invasion. \_ ~12k killed in the invasion. http://iraqbodycount.net \_ 12k != 50k. Where are your other 38k? \_ Dude, reread what was posted above. The claim is Hussein was matching our body count every 3 months. \_ Where's your other 38k? Where are the 'millions dead' that was the original numeric claim on this thread? \_ Bush and Cheney, especially Cheney, is no better than Hitler. Cheney will not hestitate to kill millions if it means he will gain moneyfrom it! \_ Way to pull stuff out of your ass. \_ Post your source for 'millions dead' in Iraq. |
2004/8/9 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:32775 Activity:insanely high |
8/9 Does the CSUA and/or the UCB nameservers cache results for far longer than the average nameserver? \_ To try to diffuse this, AFAIK the ucb nameservers use isc bind, and are RFC compliant. They cache results according to the SOA of the domain in question. \_ dig \_ I asked a "yes" or "no" question. Do you know the answer? \_ The correct answer is 'dig'. Yes, I do know. I used dig. \_ Wow, you are a delight. Why do you go out of your way to be unhelpful? You assume that somebody asking about name server cache does not know about the existance of dig? Why not use your time to be helful? \_ Because running dig to actually check the answer would have been less typing than asking on the motd. \_ again you assume incorrectly. I did run dig. \_ In that case, could you please post what you found, like "dig http://foo.com from soda shows a TTL of three days, but dig http://foo.com @bar.com shows only a half-hour; why are they different?" \_ man dig \_ Uh, of course I already did that. I'll buy a bind book cause your answers aren't. By the way, your "answers" still doesn't answer the original question, which requires experience and knowledge of the "average" nameserver. reading a man page would not help with that. \_ your question doesn't say you don't have knowledge about the "average" nameserver. you should ask something like "how long does the average name server cache results, and does soda cache longer that that?" if you don't know how to pose a question, stop bitching when people didn't give the answer you wanted. |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32776 Activity:high |
8/9 Poignant critique of John Kerry: http://www.rmf.net/cockburn07312004.html -- liberal dem \_ Radical muckracking critique is more like it. It makes charges without giving evidence. Look, I'm sorry that Ralph doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the election, but trashing Kerry as a Bush clone serves no one's interests but Bush. \_ This is what Cockburn does. A certain class of leftist thinks he's the shit. I guess it's useful to have somebody keeping tabs on the minutiae of people's leftist cred and that's about the nicest thing I can think of to say about him. -- ulysses \_ Which points do you feel are unfair? - Appointing antiabortion judges \_ urlP \_ #t \_ Bitch type in "Appointing antiabortion judges" in google. and hit "I'm feeling lucky" - More cops => increasing the war on drugs - Stay in Iraq longer, more troops \_ I thought he announced today or yesterday that as President he would set a hard deadline to get out of Iraq? - Environment "drill everywhere else like never before" \_ urlP \_ #t \_ http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/2/25/125814.shtml I have issues with the complaints of: - Attacking the deficit instead of focusing on job recovery - Raising minimum wage to "only" $7/hr by 2007 - Reconstruction of worldwide alliances \_ Doesn't this just mean bribing everyone with even more tax payer dollars? \_ No it means saying "France, je t'aime" \_ What's w/ this urlP bullshit? Cockburn isn't that sloppy of a journalist, he doesn't just put shit in quotes randomly (he didn't quote the source, which he probably should have). You can disagree w/ his arrogance or style, but I'd like to see some URLs countering what he has to say. I hate you liberal bush-haters. --liberal \_ Fuck you, bush-fellater. \_ Methinks the lady doth protest too much. |
2004/8/9 [Finance/Investment] UID:32777 Activity:moderate |
8/9 My goofle fu is weak. What is the stock ticker symbol for the Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell theatre in SF? Yes, they had one. \_ you mean google, and they didn't. but you might be thinking of Boy's Toys. |
2004/8/9 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:32778 Activity:nil |
8/9 bool urlP(string s) { if (s is of the form "<DEAD>blahblah"<DEAD> return #t else return #f } |
2004/8/9 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/Rants] UID:32779 Activity:high |
8/9 On IT outsourcing failures. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/08/09/customer_always_wrong \_ What I don't understand about this is the accusatory undertone towards the outsources. It's commonly known that Accidenture, EDS and their ilk have screwed up projects big-time (just look up "national police computer" for a good example.) However, they're just trying to make money. What I object to is that people rarely take a long, hard look at who makes the decisions to hire these people. "Nobody ever got fired for hiring HP/IBM/whoever"" is a bit too deeply ingrained in a lot of management thinking. -John |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic] UID:32780 Activity:high |
8/9 Any one used http://buy.com's budget shipping? how long does it take to ship the item? It's about 10 days and it still says "Sent to Warehouse"... Damn them. no phone number either. \_ they are usually pretty fast, except for once when I ordered a barbeque tool set for $12, and they ran out of stock. I decided not to cancel the order, and they finally shipped it to me after about 2 months. \_ Pricegrabber confirmed they are bad at updating the actual order status. Next time I'll order from http://Amazon.com \_ I've had them send me a $20 tripod after about 6 weeks and another time they simply cancelled my order for an N64 game after about 6 weeks. \_ I finally got a phone # and called them. They said the manufacturer has a delay in the order. Do they ship the item to me or the manufacturer ships the item to me? |
2004/8/9 [Uncategorized] UID:32781 Activity:nil |
8/9 Where do I get those University Movers boxes on campus to empty out my desk? |
2004/8/9 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:32782 Activity:moderate |
8/9 Does Mac memory ever get any cool rebates or specials like you'd find on slickdeals / dealnews, or are we forced to just take whatever price they show on macmall? My friend's ordering an ibook, and wants to know if she should add the pricy 512M now or buy it aftermarket and have me install it- the best I saw was $134 on MacMall vs $180 at http://apple.com. \_ http://www.dealmac.com but most Macs use standard PC memory anyway. \_ For example, the macmall memory I was looking at was PC2100 266Mhz SODIMM. The last deal I saw on slickdeals was for PC3100 400Mhz DIMM. Compatible? \_ you should always make sure to buy and have a professional install the most expensive parts for your mac. this is a work of art, not some ugly beige box! \_ $150 w/ student rebate at any apple store or online. \_ $150 w/ student discount at any apple store or online. make sure your friend gets the ipod rebate and teh free hp printer as well. btw, memory is REALLY easy to upgrade on an ibook. \_ I think the $180 was after the discount. \_ You're right, I was looking at memory for my iMac, not iBook. |
2004/8/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:32783 Activity:high |
8/9 Funny. XP SP2 doesn't allow me to download the MS update ActiveX control. \_ I'd wait a week before installing SP2. Let someone else find all the problems. \_ Oh, I'm planning to wait 2 weeks before anything serious. This was a test on a vmware machine. \_ Good plan. Except if you don't install right away, that delays when I can install it. :-) \_ What's the point? They are not gonna change the sp2 binary. \_ Unless they release sp2a. And I'm happy to let others figure out the workarounds for MS stupidity rather than tear my own hair out. \_ The point, dear lad, is that if it turns out to be very fucked like many MS patches in the not so distant past then they *will* change the binary and the smart people will download XP SP2-a while you're in tears wondering how you'll get your system back from what XP SP2 did to it. \_ The MIS dept at my work is warning people not to install it until they've tested it against our environment. \_ Mine has done the same. I wonder if we work for the same co. ;) |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32784 Activity:nil |
8/9 So the motd censors couldn't allow a single attempt at non-partisan political discussion? It's sad really. \_ Nah, I don't think it was censors, I think it wasn't very active and didn't really cover much new ground. *shrug* \_ do you mean that drudge crap? \_ No. The one that started "in an effort to rise above the partisan bickering". \_ I liked that post, but it's kinda old already. \_ It wasn't even 24 hours old. -op for other thread. \_ It was pretty stale -- not much activity. \_ what drudge crap? the one where druge busts the boston globe on their lies about who wrote the kerry book, that guy who misquoted the anti-kerry vet? |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32785 Activity:high |
8/9 In my opinion, the President retains the final authority, and ultimate responsibility, of taking the country to war. Congress is just there to provide him the money, and legal authorization in case he wants to. (Let's exclude the short < 90-day engagements the President can send off without authorization.) On the opposing side, one can say that Congress shares significant responsibility for authorizing a war. What do you think? \_ Your opinion is stupid. Apparently you were napping in US Gov't 101. It's called "checks and balances." Perhaps you should readup on the Federalist Papers. \_ 50 years ago you might have been right. The War Powers Act has allowed Congress to adbicate its obligation to declare war. They've kept their funding authorization responsibility, but there are no watchdogs left on the matter.. \_ A) The War Powers Act (enacted in 1973, so you're confused) sought to limit the Executive branch from so-called "police" actions such as Vietnam and Korea. B) The War Powers Act was an attempt to clearly dilineate what the Executive could or could not do in times of crisis in committing US Military (either abroad or domestic). C) The War Powers Act puts a specific time limit of 60 days which can only be extended by Congress on any military action. D) It requires the executive to report to Congress any military action taken by US Forces. Before you go off spouting nonsense again, try to actually read the War Powers Act. \_ What's the right answer? \_ The right answer is that there is no "right answer" because the dynamic between the executive and the legislative is constantly changing. Also, the executive and the legislative are obviously incestious, so the only "real" right answer is that responsibility falls upon government. Since we are supposed to be a representative government the ultimate responsibility falls upon the people as a whole. Obviously reality is a bit more complex than this. \_ I think yer contradicting yourself. And yer dumb. \_ War Powers Act \_ I can spend the 15 minutes to google for stuff I thought I knew in high school and college -- can you summarize your interpretation anyway? Thanks. \_ Opinion? It's simple law you can find a copy of on the net. Your opinion, nor anyone else's here, has anything to do with it. In my opinion the penalty for shooting stupid people should be a free dinner at a nice restaurant. The law says I go to jail for a long time. I prefer my opinion but we follow the law. \_ Can you summarize your interpretation of the law for me? Thanks. \_ My summary: I'm not on the United States Supreme Court, so my interpretation is academic at best. Why do you care about my or any layman's useless interpretation or opinion? \_ You seemed to have a good grasp of what the law meant ("It's [a] simple law ..."). Then you implied that you needed to be on the Supreme Court to understand it ("I'm not on the United States Supreme Court ...") It sounds like you're flip-flopping to me. |
2004/8/9 [Uncategorized] UID:32786 Activity:nil |
4/1 Squish tom, revive kchang!!! -coalition of anti-tom & pro-kchang |
2004/8/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:32787 Activity:high |
8/9 old sun ray's are cheap on ebay (<$50). do you need special sw to use them or will they work w/ a properly installed solaris installation? \_ is it really worth $50? \_ what's a cheap altenrative? btw, <$50 includes one i saw for $10.50. w/ monitor = $75. \_ You need sunray server software, free download http://sun.com |
2004/8/9 [Consumer/PDA] UID:32788 Activity:high |
8/9 I am still using a Palm Vx, is that the reason I don't have a gf? Should I upgrade to a Treo? \_ If you are happy with your Palm, you don't need a gf. |
2004/8/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32789 Activity:high |
8/9 Does the CSUA outsource the motd to india? \_ *laugh* |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:32790 Activity:very high |
8/9 Wow, the FBI really does need reforming. If this is all true, they should just tear the whole thing down and start over from scratch: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/25/60minutes/main526954.shtml \_Reminds me of the story where Israeli translators fluent in Arabic were shunned because they were Jewish, and it wouldn't look right. \_ Must be Clinton-appointed people, or at least inspired by him. \_ YES! THE CLENIS! THE CLENIS MUST HAVE BEEN INVOLVED! OH HOW I HATE THAT MANLY THROBBING CLENIS. --Typical Freeper \_ Well, the FBI said she was fired because of her disruptive behavior. While I have no way to know who is lying (maybe both?), there are those paranoid people who run around doing no work but making accusations until they are fired and then make an even bigger fuss. |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/HateGroups, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:32791 Activity:very high |
8/9 Sometimes you just forget how far out Texas really is: http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=58223 \_ If you want to tell yourself that these shitheads only exist in Texas and the south, fine, but you're wrong. They're right here on the motd. What do you think this country would look like if the Mormons ever succeeded their stated goal of converting the U.S. into a Mormon state? The fundamentalist enemy is all around you. \_ w00t! Way to turn an unrelated story into an attack on a denomination you know nothing about! \_ Surely you'll now be able to document our "stated goal" right? -emarkp \_ just wondering, as a mormon what do you think of said law? \_ As a /citizen/ I think communities should be able to establish and enforce obscenity laws. It's unclear from the article whether the case is prosecutable under the local laws or not. I really don't know what my being Mormon has anything to do with it. -emarkp \_ As a *citizen* I see you and your obscenity laws as a direct threat to my freedom, and to this country. Thank you for proving my point. If you delete this again, I'll nuke everything below the original anti-mormon rant. Fuck you. \_ I didn't delete anything in the thread, and I assume you didn't just delete my reply. Grow up. And sign your name. Freedoms are all limited, and we decide collectively where those limits are. You aren't free to yell "fire" in a crowded theater either. -emarkp \_ Joseph Smith is a false prophet, therefore the whole church is a sham. Also, not one shred of archaelogical evidence for the Book of Mormon. \_ Learn to format aaron. \_ Wasn't me. --aaron \_ Nice work documenting your claim. -emarkp \_ Well, it's just known that you're in cahoots with the Jews, the Xtian religious right wing, the necons, the KKK, the North Dakota militiamen, the North German Neo Nazi movement, the toxic waste dumpers, and the mad scientists to control the orbital mind control lasers, in order to reverse the alignment of the boy sprouts and thus achieve global domination! Only the far liberal left aka the socialists, once known as the communists can protect our freedom to party! \_ And California is perfectly normal and centrist. \_ Yes, we do have our own eccentricities, but at least we don't waste the police's time by infiltrating people's private dildo selling parties. \_ Don't like a law? Change it. It's called 'community standards'. When you bring your dildo party to places that don't like them, you expect shit will happen. \_ And we don't like those places, or more specifically, the "prominent citizens" of that place. \_ Whatever. Have you added anything to this thread with a comment like that? Does your liking or not liking people from other places have anything to do with dildo parties in Texas getting busted by the local cops? No. \_ Actually, my comment more clearly states the essence of the first post in this thread: We hate prominent citizens that sic the local cops on people below them breaking a law that shouldn't be a law. \_ People below them? WTF country are you in? In *this* country, you're a citizen or you're not. STFU with your class warfare bullshit. As far as "breaking a law that shouldn't be a law" goes, if you don't like a law, get it changed. If you can't get it changed because not enough others agree with you, then tough shit. It's a community standards issue, not a matter of life and death or freedom. The Constitution does not guarantee the right to have sex toy parties. \_ I don't think I ever mentioned "class warfare", nor do I know what you're talking about exactly. We all know changing a law takes time and trouble, and it helps to be well connected and have free time to do it. What I say still holds: No one likes it when prominent citizens sic the local cops on people below them breaking a law that shouldn't be a law. \_ Different people have different levels of power, money and authority in this country. It is not "class warfare" to acknowledge this fact. \_ Those are some seriously warped "community standards." I am not going to waste my time trying to change some redneck Texas rural communities laws, just be thankful every day I live in a more sane and tolerant place. \_ They have their laws. You have yours. The people who *do* live there have chosen to accept them. If they don't like them they can try to change them or leave. They do not have the a-ok to break them and whine about it because they are applying your leftist liberal California standards to a very socially conservative Texan town. That's just stupid. \_ By your standards, those Muslim women who object to being forced to wear a burqa and being kept out of school should just STFU and accept their community standards or leave. \_ That's ridiculous--when it's not a democratic society obviously they can't try to change their local laws. -emarkp \_ Technically, Nigeria is a democracy. yet they have some of the most egregious rights violations by religious nuts in the world. Is that the fault of the victims also? \_ Once upon a time germany had a democratic society that decided communists, gays, jews, and gypsies were not upto its community standard, and neither was challenge to the furer. \_ MEN WITH GUNS took that woman from her STUFF!! Where's the libertarian outcry?? \_ Dude, SF is Middle America. We're about as liberal as Dayton, OH. http://csua.org/u/8iy \_ Link unread. Either it points to goatsex, tub lady, or you're serious and not worth replying to. \_ It's worse than goatsex...hint: it's "fair and ballanced..." |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32792 Activity:high |
8/9 All right, all right, Mr. Kerry. You are young. We get the picture. http://csua.org/u/8j1 (Yahoo News, Kerry balancing on train tracks) \_ I think that if athleticism were all you wanted from a president, you'd be pretty happy with both choices in this election. \_ I think the goal is to find pictures that make Mr. Kerry look silly. \_ So how does this make Kerry look silly? \_ It's too obvious what he's trying to achieve with this pose. He should instead arrange something more subtle like being caught unexpectedly by reporters while jogging. --OP \_ First, you must assume the mindset of a freeper, as illustrated by op above. \_ the photo shows him talking to two park rangers \_ click next (i believe that's what OP was referring to) \_ All right, all right, Dubya. We know you couldn't find WMDs in the lake, either. http://csua.org/u/8j2 (Yahoo News, the President fishing) |
2004/8/9 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:32793 Activity:nil |
8/9 I am about to proceed to check-out on http://half.com and suddenly I got "The specified module could not be found." after entering the password. Is this a problem with my browser or the site? |
2004/8/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/Rants] UID:32794 Activity:nil |
8/9 http://www.usatoday.com/travel/news/2004-08-09-mic-onboard_x.htm \_ couldn't happen to a more ridiculous band. -tom http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/bizarre/2707648 What is it, stupid texans day? \_ my older brother's notebook was stolen out of his rental car trunk last week in San Antonio while he was having lunch. no broken windows, it just had an iffy trunk latch, and there was a high school nearby. he hadn't backed up in a year. oops!! (stupid californian day) |
2004/8/9-10 [Health/Eyes] UID:32795 Activity:very high |
8/9 If your eyes are over -7.00, DO NOT get Lasik. The technology is just not there yet -bitter Lasik fucked up guy \_ my 2 cents as geek who doesn't know much about it: the technology of cutting eyes with lasers to fix them will *never* be "there." materials science will progress to the point where all optical problems can be solved with something that resembles a contact lense in form, but is very much more advanced. If I had to guess, I'd say about 25 years from now there'll be good technology for this sort thing, and it won't look anything like lasik. \_ I agree. I will never let a computer cut my eyes via laser either. I think in the distant future, we may figure out a way for our eyes to regenerate or change form by applying some external influences... As for right now, I am happy waring glasses. \_ by "over," do you mean "better than" or "worse than?" \_ I am sorry to hear about you being messed up, but can you share a little more about your situation? I have been pressured (and have been brushing them aside) to get Lasik and the likes. I am about -6.50. \_ What do these number mean? I know I am about 400 from the eye doctor.... \_ if you can't get Wavefront, don't do it. Look up "higher order aberrations" and "complication" on Google. The technology is improving, but for people with high myopia, the rate at which your eyes heal is still a big unknown factor (no machine can precisely tell you what your "regression" rate will be), so you could end up over-corrected by +1-2. I'm hyperoptic now by about +2.00. Lasik technology is just not there yet. -op \_ Is being hyperoptic good or do your eyes feel strained all of the time? \_ Why should anyone pressure you? Your eyes are yours .... \_ so i should Lasik in one eye (r: 8.75, l: 5.00) =) \_ When did you get your Lasik? I hear that technology has been improving leaps and bounds year-by-year (wavefront, etc.). \_ Yeah it's like computers. Wait if you can. Anyways, tayq, 2 years ago with traditional Lasik. Then a touch-up (total fuck up) this year. TOTAL FUCK UP. -op, bitter and depressed \_ fuck up as in doctor / machine error? or fuck up as in technology error? \_ doctor looks at my age, medical history, current prescription, then plugs into his equation. I was X, and he corrected me X-1, where the 1 was the estimated regression (overcorrection) in 3 months. I never really healed. After getting 2nd and 3rd opinion from different places, I've come to realize that NO DOCTOR will ever know the regression rate. Lasik is like an art, not science. The technology is just not there. -op \_ Please check out the followings, I have them -op: http://www.surgicaleyes.org/LossofContrast.htm http://www.surgicaleyes.org/GlareBursting.htm http://www.visionsimulations.com (cool sites) \_ yes there is risk, yes technology will improve, but life is short. I noticed I am getting more hot chicks after I got lasik. also, I play lots of contact sports. much more convenient now. \_ Maybe you're actually picking up butt-ugly chicks, but can't tell because of your screwed up operations? \_ I didn't know those fools uses spheric approximation when they performs Lasik. This is so fucked up. My friend's eyes suffered abberration of some sort (not sure if it's a chromatic abberation, cuz he doesn't have a clue). His vision at night sucks... etc. For those who are thinking about it, here is what I got from an opthmaligist who is a ritna specialist and doesn't do eye surgery herself (thus, no conflict of interest): 1. Believe me or not, there are benefits of using a Diamond Blade . Believe me or not, there are benefits of using a Diamond Blade over laser. Two important factors include a. less painful, and b. wounds are much easier to heal. 2. If you are at age of 30, you need to think really hard about this, as your cornea is going to go bad at around age of 36-37 anyway. By then, you probably need reading glasses regardless. Would 6-7 years of perfect vision worth the risk and price? 3. Eye doctors dont like cornea to be weaken for any reason. Most people will get cataract when they are old. Doctors simply don't know how would a cornea weaken by Lasik perform when it needs to be weakened further by the cataract surgery. \-just out of curiosity, why do the pillsbury doughboys among you especially object to wearing glasses? i mean i can understand if you are doing a lot of scuba diving, or using a microscope, but what is the problems for you pentium and xbox jockeys? \_ My uncle is an ophthalmologist. He as a saying regarding lasik, rk, &.c: "If the optometrist gives you a bad pair of glasses, you can get another pair. If the surgeon gives you a bad pair of eyes, you can't get another pair". \_ Duh. It isn't a technology problem. It is a surgical procedure and like *all* surgical procedures it carries risks. The technology, as you say, will never be there by your standards. It is a personal decision. It is the right thing for some people. It is the wrong thing for others. Research the procedure, the potential negative after effects, and your doctor. Ask questions. It is not a miracle cure-all like the op seems to have mistakenly believed before undergoing a surgical procedure. --never had lasik, has common sense op lacks |
2004/8/9-10 [Consumer/Audio] UID:32796 Activity:high |
8/9 I wonder why they don't make a walkman thing for XM Radio, these things looks tiny and if I can take it everywhere I might justify the price of the monthly subscription. Also, why none of it has digital output? \_ You'll never fool us you lousy pirate! We know that if you can walk around with it you'll walk STRAIGHT to your computer and hit record! -- RIAA \_ That's exactly what I am thinking. Actually, being able to wire it up to my recevier via digital input would be a good improvement over FM. If I cannot record, then I won't waste $10 a month for what I get over FM. \_ Let me repeat, FUCK RIAA, FUCK RIAA, FUCK RIAA! \_ Argg! Ye found me out! Belay boarding parties! Cut the grapple lines! Hard alee! I'll be seeing you again RIAA! Somewhere on on the wine-dark seas I'll rake you stem to stern and laugh as blood runs out your scuppers! \_ You can get digital output of Sirius with the right combination of Dishnetwork equipment. |
2004/8/9-10 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:32797 Activity:moderate Edit_by:auto |
8/9 How do you rip DVDs using Windowz XP? Why delete this???? \_ dvd decrypter (rip) -> dvdshrink (shrink to 4.7GB) -> Nero (burn) \_ What's the program to copy a DVD movie as is to 2 DVDs? I forgot the name. It allows you to split and can provide different graphics for insert 2nd disc... \_ dvdshrink lets you do that too. anyways, the feature is prevalent in much software. \_ OMGWTFFOB!!!~~@@1111!! \_ http://www.filemirrors.com/search.src?file=dvdshrink32setup.zip Reduces 7.4gig CD, then makes an image |
2004/8/9-10 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:32798 Activity:moderate |
8/9 [If you want to selectively delete posts from the thread, you might as well delete the whole thread.] \_ Don't take it personally, it happens to me all the time. Some people use scp to change the motd, so as to preserve their privacy, nuking recent changes. Yeah, I think they are kind of paranoid assholes too, but they have their reasons and they will not change. \_ Why would using scp protect privacy? People can see motd.public on your commmand line. \_ BoxAtHome% scp luser@csua.berkeley.edu:/etc/motd.public foo BoxAtHome% vi foo BoxAtHome% scp foo luser@csua.berkeley.edu:/etc/motd.public \_ soda% ps -aux | fgrep motd .... scp ... /etc/motd.public One can write a script to check process data regularly, and root can check lastcomm. So unless you have a program running on soda that mirros motd, you will still be caught. |
2004/8/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:32799 Activity:nil |
8/9 [ all threads up to most recently deleted nuked. ] |
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