2004/8/7 [Uncategorized] UID:32755 Activity:nil |
8/6 Apache Guru question: will a mod rewrite take precedence over a <Location> setting? I have a <Location=/mylocation/> but I would like to override that for <Location=/mylocation/images/> to just serve images and not be parsed like /mylocation/. I tried to create a prior <Location=/mylocation/images/> but it didn't take. \_ Try it and you'll find out. Report back how it went. Thanks! |
2004/8/7-8 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:32756 Activity:nil |
8/7 More fun with bluetooth: http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,64463,00.html |
2004/8/7 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:32757 Activity:nil |
8/7 I have a FreeBSD box serving Samba, NFS, DHCP and DNS (as a forwarder behind a firewall and for a few "internal" boxes.) It's creaky and old, and about to go, and it gets too hot. Can someone give me a tip as to whether there are smaller devices that can do all this (like some sort of low-cost NAS with all the above functionality) so I don't have to have a PC running in a poorly- ventilated room anymore? -John \_ Some options that come to mind: 1) If you don't mind running debian, get an old cobalt raq3/4, wipe the drive and install debain. These boxes can be had for $100-$200 on ebay. They can take two 120 gb hd's and can be passively cooled (K6-2's don't put out much heat). My intern has his sitting under his bed and has been using it as a file server for more than a year. If you really want to stick to BSD, older cobalt boxes can be coaxed into running NetBSD. 2) Replace the motherboard with a via c3 based mb. You can usually replace the tiny cpu fan with a chipset heat sink and run the board with passive cooling. 3) Get a mini-pc with a celeron or an underclocked Athlon mobile. Shuttle makes some reasonable quiet ones with good ventilation. \_ I took an old 1U server box, loud as hell, built it out with the loudest, fastest shit I could find, dropped it in a closet and forgot about it. The closet isn't hot, the server isnt hot, the room isn't loud. The case it off, btw because I needed to use a card that wouldn't fit sideways. No problem. |
2004/8/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Military] UID:32758 Activity:insanely high |
8/7 Anyone know this guy? http://csua.org/u/8i4 \_ Hopefully no one will know this loser. \_Loser or not, I think it's rather instructive on how terrorism works. Terrorism would've never worked before there was a popular press and technology has made terrorism that much more effective as a propoganda tool. Now anybody with a webcam can become a jihadist. \_ it worked in spain quite recently. \_ terrorism never worked? Terrorism has been around for centries. check out the word "assassin" and find out where is that word from. \_ Using terror as a weapon works quite well. Genghis Khan and his ilk noticed this a long time ago. Back in the old days a lot of battle armor designs were meant to intimidate the opponents. The Picts fought naked as an intimidation measure, the Mongols made piles of human heads, etc. etc. Modern 'terrorism' is a nasty and irrationally collectivist version of the old warriorship idea that attacking the mind is more effective than attacking the body. ('Irrationally collectivist' because modern terrorists attack societies as a whole, and that is counterproductive in settings other than total war). -- ilyas \_ it worked in spain quite recently. \- well ignorning the first law of internet warfare, "never get into an argument with someone in grad school; they have more free time than you" ... i dont see the relevance of most of your historical examples. terrorism isnt just using psychological intimidation techniques. i'd suggest it is a combination of attacking civilian morale and avoiding direct military confrontation. when the roman army in 146 bc "salted the earth" at carthage and sold off much of the population of corinth into slavery, these flowed from direct military conflicts. when a group avoid *direct* military conflict but engages in indirect fighting, that is better described as guerilla warfare than terrorism. spain bombing: terrorism, clearly. i dont think it's productive to call the viking raiders or g. khan terrorists. they were more looters and thugs. if an IRA "terrorist" assassinated a british military person, that is probably guerilla warfare. if he put a bomb in the london underground, that is terrorism. if he shoots a bar owner in belfast for serving british troops, that's murder. --psb \_ My thesis is 'terrorism is an old phenomenon.' It still holds if we take your definition. It's as old as fighting empires, where direct military confrontation is infeasible. -- ilyas confrontation is infeasible. Also, I think there is a definite connection between 'terrorism' and 'looters and thugs.' Also, I am having a hard time 'looters and thugs.' Also, I am having a hard time seeing the line you see between guerilla warfare and terrorism, especially if the former targets civilians (and it often does). Is terrorism just 'guerilla warfare with bombs?' -- ilyas \- no, it has to do with target selection. shoot/snipe and run [vietcong, american revolutionaries etc] is guerella tactics when aiming at military-related targets. random/civilian targetting for a political goal is closer to terrorism. i suppose there has to be some element or organization and some threashold goal ... i wouldnt call the unabomber or the washington sniper pair terrorists. maybe the weather underground, but they were pretty stupid and incompetent. \_ The Czars and their cossacks were very capable terrorists. \_ As an aside, I heard a great story about one of Genghis Khan's battle tactics. His army surrounded a city and said that if the citizens delivered 10,000 cats to the army along with some gold and other treasure, they would move on and not attack. The citizens complied. Genghis Khan then had his army tie rags to the tails of the cats, light them on fire and release the cats. The cats fled back to their homes in the city and the entire city started to burn. In the ensuing chaos, Khan's army easily conquered the city. \- there are lots of stories like this. see e.g. ~psb/MOTD/SultanTughlak. However if you think this or the tzarist repression is terrorism, you misuse/ misunderstand the word. tyranny != terrorism. --psb \_ KAAAAAAAAAAHN!!! \_ Now that's psych-warfare. |
2004/8/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32759 Activity:insanely high Edit_by:auto |
8/7 Drudge busts leftist media and Kerry campaign in blatant lie. Globe/Kerry lying: http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2004/08/07/vetera n_claims_misquote__on_kerry_globe_stands_by_its_story?mode=PF Original: erqwerqwerqwerqwerqwerqwerqweryqwetqwerytyyyyyysooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyougotap rettymouthsJ:http://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/publicaffairsbooks-cgi-bin/display%3Fbo ok%3D1586483145+kranish+kerry+edwards&hl=en "Cleaned": http://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/publicaffairsbooks-cgi-bin/display?book=1586483145 [restored and will keep getting restored until it is not censored for as long as any other random thread] \_ Get over yourself. This was probably deleted because you fail to understand the basics of rows/columns. As for the link, it's pretty feeble. -John |
2004/8/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/HateGroups, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:32760 Activity:high 60%like:32768 |
8/7 http://www.bamn.com/doc/1997/do.asp?970415-flyer.asp No free speech for fascists! w00t! \_ Note the date. In other news, any retard with an internet connection can make a billion dollars by saying the words "dotcom" and "e-business" and the world as we know it will end in 2000 with that "y2k" bug. |
2004/8/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:32761, category id '18005#14.3125' has no name! , ] UID:32761 Activity:very high |
8/7 News flash: Nader has failed to get enough signatures to be on CA ballot. Nader claims that his signature collectors were verbally abused and so they quit. And people complain that Bush is the one preventing opposing voices? http://csua.org/u/8i8 \_ Damn! You know what else? I'm not going to make it on the california ballot for president either. And since I have not been endorsed by *any* political party, including my own, have no relevant experience, and tend to piss people off, I have a lot in common with Nader. Unqualified assholes with no base of support unite!!! Of course, there is *one* difference...I'm not claiming to be running a presidential campaign. \_ No free speech for fascists! \_ If you still vote for Bush after seeing F911 you are a raging asshole. \_ If you believe anything in F911 you are a mindless tool. \_ But, I read that on the csua wall so it must be true! I think you're one of those raging assholes who is going to vote for Bush after seeing F911! \_ Nope, I'm going to vote for Bush and I haven't seen F911. Heh. \_ Ignorant AND close-minded! You must be proud. \_ Unwilling to give money to Michael Moore actually. I've read enough reviews/criticisms/apologetics to know what the factual errors are, TYVM. \_ right back at ya babe \_ "Who are you going to believe, me or your LYING EYES?" \_ Wow, you mean I can't criticize Bush for misusing his office unless powerless yahoos in CA are nice to Nader employees? Thanks for setting me straight. --aaron \_ WTF are you talking about? Are you ok? \_ I've gone nuts! --aaron |
2004/8/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:32762 Activity:nil |
8/7 How do I run php scripts on csua?tia \_ man www |
2004/8/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32763 Activity:insanely high |
8/7 Drudge busts leftist media and Kerry campaign in blatant lie. Globe/Kerry lying: http://csua.org/u/8i5 [Boston Globe online] \_ Oh, you mean a guy with no credibility who has been caught making false claims REPEATEDLY is crowing about "gotcha?" I'll wait until this gets debunked just like the cranks of SBVAK. Globe/Kerry lying: http://www.boston.com/news/nation washington/articles/2004 /08/07/veteran_claims_misquote _on_kerry_globe_stands_by_its_story?m ode=PF Original: SwWsJ:www.publicaffairsbo http://oks.com/publicaffairs books-cgi-bin/display%3Fbook%3D15 86483145+kranish+kerry+edwards&hl=en "Cleaned": http://www.publicaffairsbooks.com /publicaffairsbooks-cgi -bin/display?book=1586483145 \_ Ever heard of http://csua.org/u \_ CARRIAGE RETURN IS THE STANDARD!!! \_ This is the most horriable miscarriage ever! \_ http://csua.org/u/8i5 http://csua.org/u/8i6 http://csua.org/u/8i7 \_ Can someone explain what all this is about? \_ I think kchang wrote a NewsMax bot - danh [restored and will keep getting restored until it is not censored for as long as any other random thread] \_ Get over yourself. This was probably deleted because you fail to understand the basics of rows/columns. As for the link, it's pretty feeble. -John \_ feeble? as far as i can tell, the first one is broken, the second one is bogus, and the third i just a link to an ad for a book. What the fuck? Yeah, people tend to delete unexplained dead links. It's not censoship. \_ No free speech for facists! \_ The links were to a google cache of the promo for the Kerry/Edwards book which mentioned an introduction by the Globe columnist who claimed one of the swift boat veterans had retracted his story. The non-google-cached version doesn't say the introduction is by the reporter. \_ the links were broken, badly explained, and directly off of this weeks Republican Talking Points list. Personally, I don't censor any links, and hate any censorship of any political link ever. However when a link is broken, it's just useless. I got tired of seeing your idiocy on the motd, so i just went to drudgereport and got the link to put in http://csua.org/u myslef. |