2004/8/4-5 [Industry/Jobs] UID:32672 Activity:high |
8/3 Blogger/Google is hiring a UI engineer. Must already have a blog. Expert HTML/CSS/JavaScript. User-centered design. A lot of web application development experience. Mt View. -- misha. \_ Why would anyone want to join google at this point? You'll get low pay, no options or options with a value set so high they'll be below water 2 days after the IPO, and you'll work like a dog. I learned a long time ago having some 'cool' job on your resume isn't worth the bullshit. No one cares 6 months later. \_ yes I can't think of anything worse than working at google. \_ I know. I'd rather be unemployed and homeless. \_ Working with smart people is overrated anyway. \_ It has its moments. -- misha. \_ How many people does google interview for each position before hiring someone, on average? \_ 1E100 \_ If I don't find that answer amusing, does that mean I shouldn't apply? \_ Are you smrt? Will you move to Mountain View? \_ yes. no. |
2004/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:32673 Activity:nil |
8/4 Old garbage uniformly purged, without attention to race, creed, color, gender, or IQ. --NTUMGP |
2004/8/4 [Computer/Domains] UID:32674 Activity:kinda low |
8/4 How funny, .su must be back by popular demand: http://www.nic.ru/en/index.html -John \_ In SOVIET RUSSIA, domain registers YOU! |
2004/8/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:32675 Activity:nil |
8/4 A little humor for C programmers in the audience: http://csua.org/u/8g8 |
2004/8/4 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32676 Activity:high |
8/4 Mozilla 1.7.2 and Firefox 0.9.3 are out (fixes several security vulnerabilites): Release notes: http://www.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla1.7.2 Download Mozilla: http://www.mozilla.org/products/mozilla1.x Download Firefox: http://csua.org/u/8g9 \_ On Windoze, is it more memory hungry than NS7.1? Thx. \_ On Windoze, are they more memory hungry than NS7.1? Thx. \_ Firefox? Definitely not. Dunno about communicator. \_ I can't imagine what would make Netscape use *less* memory than Mozilla. As far as I can tell, it's Mozilla with extra junk added. \_ What junk in NS7.1 doesn't exist in Mozilla? I've never used any version of Mozilla yet. \_ NS7.1 is mozilla with AOL ads and a couple odd toolbars. Basically, check out firefox, you'll probably like it. \_ use firefox. it is The Way. |
2004/8/4 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32677 Activity:moderate |
8/4 Other mozilla question, please: I'd like to set up mozilla so that when I find myself on a korean or japanese webpage it shows the proper characters, instead of '????????'. I'd still like to have everything default to english. How do I go about doing this? (Mozilla 1.7.x) \_ 1. install proper fonts. 2. manually changes encoding via "view" menu. \_ If running XP, make sure Control Panel -> Regional setting -> Languages, select "install files for east asian languages".. |
2004/8/4 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:32678 Activity:moderate |
8/4 PuTTY 0.55 is out. Fixes a big SSHv2 vulnerability: Release Notes: http://tinyurl.com/2rpub Download: link:tinyurl.com/4z2k4 MD5s: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.55/md5sums \_ Speaking of putty, anyone know how to prevent ^? from being sent? I have backspace set to ^H, but if I have shift held down and hit backspace it sends ^?. |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32679 Activity:nil |
8/4 Did you know, Powell re-confirms Bush did the right thing? http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/7/21/231135.shtml \_ Everyone thinks Bush did the right thing, unless you are a commie scum bastard \_ then, Bush must has done the right thing! |
2004/8/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32680 Activity:very high |
8/4 Anyone knows how to make ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v start updating again? \_ Ask him? \_ Here, now you can run your own private script. Don't forget to mkdir /csua/tmp/username. The next thing that can be done to this is to prevent check-ins if the motd is about like 100 KB (someone puts binary junk in it): #!/bin/sh cd /csua/tmp/$USER while [ 1 ] do co -q -f -l motd cp /etc/motd.public motd ci -q -m_ motd sleep 120 done \_ Or make it check the output of `file /etc/motd.public` ro make sure it says ASCII. \_ It is good that mehlhaff is making publically accessible archive. Think what will happen to the quota if everyone is to maintain his own. \_ as a data point, I have been maintaining my own using this exact script since April 4 this year, and it is now 9MB (including when binary files were put in /etc/motd). Nevertheless, I support some common archive that can be reliably restarted whenever soda is rebewted. I do notice, also, the check-ins taking longer these days (longer than 2 seconds). I do support some common archive that can be reliably restarted whenever soda is rebewted. |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:32681 Activity:high |
8/4 Moore altered headlines: http://tinyurl.com/57a5l \_ In other news, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity are ALSO big fat liars! \_ But Moore is fatter than all of them COMBINED! |
2004/8/4 [Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:32682 Activity:high |
8/4 The new batmobile in action: http://www.aintitcool.com/downloads/batmobile.mov \_ If it's in quicktime, it ain't cool. \_ why? \_ Ignore him, he's still bitter about the one button mouse. \_ I actually remember the first time I saw a computer "crash." I'd been using the Apple ][e for several years and all of a sudden there arose a demented cult of zombie-like users who claimed that their piece of shit doorstops had godlike powers even though there was no command line, no decent games, you couldn't program it, and it crashed all the time. \_ But dad, its not 1984 anymore! \_ You never had to do Ctrl-Reset to get out of a hang on your ][e!? |
2004/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:32683 Activity:high |
8/4 Pam Anderson authrors a novel! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,126303,00.html \- is she coming to cody's? |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32684 Activity:high |
8/4 I didn't erase the Kerry with two ears of corn URL. But in the interest of being balanced, here's a jpeg of Bush: http://csua.org/u/8gd \_ How is helping the crown prince walk unusual? \_ If you're personal freinds with the dictator of one of the most evil regimes in the world and would sell out your country for a nickel? nothing. Ok this is the weirdest picture of Kerry yet: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1184727/posts?page=1,50 \_ How is holding corn in Iowa unusual? \_ Erm. How do you (or the freepers) figure? |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32685 Activity:high |
8/4 Dubya's Fighter jet vs Kerry's speed boat, who wins? \_ A Dubya who goes AWOL versus a Kerry who plays dead for a splinter? Tough choice. \_ I love how people with really poor critical thinking skills can trash a guy's volunteer service under fire because one of his wounds wasn't "serious" enough. Yeah, what an idiot he was for getting medical treatment. Fuck you. \_ Did Kerry release his medical records for public scrutiny? How do you know it wasn't more than a pin prick? \_ Try to have some perspective on the choice you are facing. Do you need to know which one can jump higher or is a better speller? Bush is incompetent, and you're holding Kerry to much higher standards than you are the boy king. \_ Whether you think Bush is competent or not depends on your set of special interests. The same applies to Kerry. \_ One of his purple heart wounds required an equivalent of neosporin. They both volunteered, Bush \_ Don't attack him for deciding to get treatment for a wound that could get infected. You could attack the government for giving out Purple Hearts too easily, but nevertheless he still has what, like 3? \_ Didn't Kerry have to lobby to get authorization for that purple heart? \_ I've never heard that. Do you have any evidence? \_ Apparently an error in my recollection. Mea Culpa. The purple heart did show up mysteriously though. Here's a link: http://csua.org/u/8gm . for National Kerry for Navy. Both would have been drafted. |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32686 Activity:nil |
8/4 I've seen it claimed on the motd that Sandy Berger has been cleared and that Bush has military documents he can release but hasn't. I've asked for links substantiating both these claims, but have not receieved a single response. Not even a blog link. Can I conclude that these are silly lies now? \_ Christ, just quit bitching and google. http://members.aol.com/forvets/htomr.htm \_ Oooookay... so I knew this. But I thought the claim was that Bush's records of 72-73 were MISSING.... \_ I believe the beef that AP has with the Bush records is that he didn't grant them the rights to the records, he requested his own copy and then forwarded them with the wax stamp unsealed, so to speak. \_ I do not think Bush has released all possible military records \_ Dewd, there are a lot of unverified claims on soda, and some posts that debunk them and tell you exactly why. Berger has been cleared of obstructing the 9/11 commission by 9/11 commission representatives; the Archives people are still deciding what to do about Berger violating Archives policy on notetaking and removing classified photocopies. http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/story/10235294p-11155782c.html \_ Thank you, I wasn't able to find that link. \_ Kerry has not released all of his military records. \_ Yeah, so what we have is: Bush claims he has released all relevant records. It can perhaps never be verified that he did or did not. Kerry has said he has released all military records, but from press reports, reviews by superior officers were not made available (unclear why). \_ and medical records related to his medals. |
2004/8/4 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:32687 Activity:nil |
8/4 Ha, I guess vinyl lasts longer than CDs after all: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/3940669.stm \_ CD's were an obvious fucking rippoff from day one. here's the real challenge: name *any* data storage medium of any kind that sucks more than CD for longevity. \_ floppy disks \_ floppy disks don't leak as much, so they're arguably better for keeping your data securely stored. \_ if you don't mind losing the argument. \_ cd's aren't ruined by magnets. \_ I'll bet that stone tablets last even longer. \_ Can we have a digital medium that is widely and easily accessible and has long life? Yesterday MO thread shows that you can protect your data against a glancing nuclear attack but unable to read it because of a lack of a driver, or transfer all your archive from CD -> DVD -> blue ray every few years as technology advances? |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32688 Activity:nil |
8/4 Did you know, Powell says Bush was correct to assume Iraq had WMDs: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/7/21/231135.shtml (sorry, Powell didn't actually say Bush "did the right thing" - that's lame. As described in Bush-blessed _Plan of Attack_ by Bob Woodward, Bush never asked Powell his opinion on whether or not the U.S. should go to war.) |
2004/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:32689 Activity:nil |
8/4 \- you know i think it is reasonable to claim "you cant be serious" [NPI] about being a Kantian, but to claim that it is vague is silly. an entire approach to ethics is named after kant ... that's not my doing. it would be more not less obscure to have said i am a deontologist than to say kantian. --psb \_ Kant's contributions to ethics are immense. So are Christian contributions, but hardly anyone would answer my question with "I am a Christian." You can be a Kantian liberal, a Kantian conservative, or a Kantian anything in between. Heck, I could be considered a Kantian, too. Bringing up Kant in this context clarifies nothing other than the fact that you have read Kant. Good for you. So have I. -- ilyas \_ A phrase like "I am a Catholic" would have more meaning if more people who would claim to be really are. The teachings of the Church is treated more like recommended guidelines or maybe merely ideas for consideration. Many Catholics I meet remind me so much of those apocryphal vegetarians who eat chicken or fish. It's not clear the teachings of Kant has been diluted as much as the teachings of the Church or of the Popes, so "I am a Kantian" probably is more meaningful than "I am a Catholic", let alone "I am a Christian." \_ You can view 'teachings of Kant' as a distillation of Christian teachings by a very intelligent man (Kant was deeply religious). (There is much more to Kant, of course). I can tell by what little I know of Partha's life that Partha is not a Christian, so certainly isn't a Kantian in any sort of hardcore sense. The Kantian label clarifies nothing for me. -- ilyas |
2004/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:32690 Activity:nil |
8/4 Partha speaks. ~psb/MOTD/Dear_Dickless_Wonder - !psb |
2004/8/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:32691 Activity:high 50%like:13478 |
8/4 Restore motd please. Was editing it and had wall on, somehow that destroyed it. \_ Dweeb. \_ Your foo is weak. \_ fu \_ You're fu is week. \_ *shakes head*. --can't think of anything else to say |
2004/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:32692 Activity:nil 54%like:34280 |
8/4 [ don't delete threads out of chronological order, bitch. ] |
2004/8/4-5 [Recreation/Sports] UID:32693 Activity:high |
8/4 How is it that cal football is ranked #15? \_ 1, we beat USC. 2, people are sold on Tedford. 3, rogers is better than a decent QB \_ Cal also has the best WR in the conference (assuming Mike Williams doesn't return) and has lots of starters returning. \_ Williams reportedly was at a team camp today. I don't know if the NCAA has issued a final ruling yet. \_ When was the last time we were ranked this high pre-season? \_ Probably not since the early 90's, after the Citrus Bowl year. \_ I bet they weren't even ranked that high after the Citrus Bowl year. As I recall, they didn't do that well that year either. \_ We were ranked #9 at the end of the Citrus Bowl year, but this year's ranking is the highest we've had at the beginning of the year, in a long long time. -tom \_ 4-7 in Gilbertson's first year. \_ I'm sorry, the correct answer was: Who gives a shit. \_ unless you're blind, it's apparent some ppl do give a shit. |
2004/8/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:32694 Activity:very high |
8/4 So I have a few questions. Why is ilyas zilching the bottom part of motd.public, and with a script too it seems? Is ilyas also the same guy who was nuking it for out-of-order deletions, or was that jblack? \_ Not with a script. I am zilching it because someone deleted a thread I was (still) participating in, while leaving the threads below it be. I ll stop if you give me a good reason why I should. Or perhaps what I should do is whine to the politburo about how my posts are getting victimized, like someone suggested yesterday. -- ilyas \_ How very libertarian "I'm not getting my way so I'll throw a fit and mess with everyone else's posts" of you. Go Ilyas!! \_ Indeed. If you were me, what would you do? Btw, please sign your name, so we can try your approach on your posts. I am not, btw, messing with everyone's posts. I am merely interpreting a deletion of a thread as a sign that the entire section of the motd past that point has gotten stale and needs garbage-collected. -- ilyas \_ So anyone replying to a thread should move it to the top of the motd, to indicate its freshness? When did this start? \_ No they shouldn't. People who perform the legidimate \_ No they shouldn't. People who perform the legitimate public service of cleaning up old threads tend to only deal with the bottom that isn't getting modified anymore. I have no beef with them. You are putting words in my mouth. -- ilyas \_ If I were you, what would I do? I'd try to figure out why everyone thinks I'm a jackass. \_ Well, if you think I am doing something wrong, at least you know who to blame. You seem to have no unkind words for the anonymous jackasses who fuck up motd threads, which I find interesting. You wouldn't happen to be one of them, would you? -- ilyas \_ Seems punitive, especially of parties who didn't participate in the thread (I assume it was the Partha-Kantian one). I am not sure how fair it is to punish disinterested third-parties. \_ Yes it does seem punitive. I don't think it's a good reason for stopping though. I don't know of another way to 'encourage' certain motd idiots to not delete stuff out of order. -- ilyas \_ Punishing the deleter seems fair. The same logic that would justify the punishment of others could lead to all kinds of unpleasant applications. I don't think the inability to punish just the delete would justify the punishment of all. \_ Seems like we disagree, then. I have no way of punishing the deleters even if I knew who they all were. You are right, if you take what I am doing to its logical conclusion, the motd becomes extremely unpleasant. That's sort of the point. Don't delete non-stale threads to avoid unpleasantness. Or, to phrase it another way "if you fuck up someone's posts, you are really hurting the motd as a whole -- don't do it." -- ilyas \_ It's probably not difficult to figure out who deleted your thread (repeated reinstatement, forcing the deleter into a predictable behavior pattern), if you wanted to. Having done that, you could either selectively punish that person by deleting his subsequent posts, or you can at least hold his name up to public scrutiny. \_ I could, probably, if it's a single person. (I don't think it is). But public scrutiny will not encourage anybody to change their behavior (it's certainly not encouraging me), and I have no desire to maintain an error-prone script to try to determine who posts what, and selectively delete a wrong person's post. I think my method works better. It occurs to me this argument is already occupying too much space here, on the motd. If you have something constructive to add to address the problem of selective deletions, just email me and I ll be happy to discuss more. To people deleting active threads: please don't do it, you aren't helping anyone. -- ilyas \_ I hate the politics purgers as much or more than you do. getting pissed at them doesn't help. they love that. here's what works: purge a unix-related thread for every politics thread they kill. This is the only thing these fuckers understand, and it works. The typical politics purger is some dick who wants the whole motd to be a little unix nerd forum where we all talk about drivers all day. \_ One of you is guilty, all of you shall be held responsible till the guilty one comes forward. \_ My apologies to jblack for impugning his honor, btw. |
2004/8/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32695 Activity:very high |
8/4 I wish Kerry would drop the Vietnam schtick, but the Dems keep at it. So... watch the new TV ad. http://www.swiftvets.com \_ read http://mediamatters.org/items/200405050004 . thanks - danh \_ Most of the information on this site is from the evil, conservitive, FOX News! I don't believe a word of it! \_ I highly suggest you look into the people behind this site. \_ I have. What should I know, that they are Republicans? How is that relevant, Kerry is the issue not them. A more important question is have you looked into Kerry's post-war behavior? \_ They are Bush operatives. John O'Neill also had plenty of fine, baseless things to say against John McCain during the 2000 primaries. \_ Sorry but meeting with Madam Binh in Paris while the war is still going on transcends political divisions. I'm willing to listen, what assertions are apocryphal? \_ Why can you not understand that the source of information isn't relevent if the information is true? \_ More important is his at-war behavior. His bullshit medals, his war criminal quality activity, his viciousness and callous disregard for his fellow man. I'd rather have a coked out drunk than a killer and a thug as President. \_ you shouldn't buy into the two party system like that. there's also the egomenaiacal shithead trial lawyer who couldn't even get the endorsement of his own party. \_ With Bush, you get both. \_ Snarky but stupid. |
2004/8/4-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:32696 Activity:very high |
8/4 I have a Solaris UFS (USPARC, not x86) formatted drive. Can I access this safely with a 2.4.xx Linux kernel through USB (going to put UFS ide drive into an IDE-USB convertor. Read somewhere that this might not be possible. \_ ro sort of works, provided you turn off logging under solaris. \_ What does solaris logging have to do with accessing it under Linux? If I had logging turned on under Solaris then if I transfer the drive over to Linux it won't work? Sorry, this is somewhat confusing to me. Can you elaborate? I also only need RO access because I'm going to wipe the drive and dump it after (it's only a 4 gig drive). As I understand it, there's some problems with endianess but I would think a proper UFS driver under linux would take care of that. \_ this is obviously because bill gates has hidden away the inner workings of his OS and is evil! \_Huh? -OP \_ See how you are? |
2004/8/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:32697 Activity:nil |
8/4 Two hotbutton topics for the price of one! Picture of John Kerry using a macintosh: http://i.timeinc.net/time/covers/1101040719/teamup/images/03.jpg \_ http://www.theapplecollection.com/various/Celebrity/GBush.html \_ Mamby pamby liburls and they're macintushes! |
2004/8/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32698 Activity:insanely high |
8/4 With both kais and mehlhaff's archive out of action (why?), can someone please point to another public access archive? Sometimes motd even contain useful information, like the script posted early here that I did not save. (I also cannot run it for the lack of disk space.) \_ my motd archiver is back online. IT requires manual restarting when soda reboots. Not a problem when soda is stable... -ERic (mehlhaff) \_ kchang seems like a smart guy who does stupid and annoying things, why didn't he run a script on soda that diff'd the motd then transferered the diff bits back to him at ucla? fingering 60 times a minute seems like a very inelegant non kchang perl hack solution. \_ How the hell could finger be considered a DoS attack?! Was this just done for personal vendetta reasons against him? \_ back when the net was young and the hills were green, system administrators logged tcp connections like rlogin and finger and who and stat and ftp. now no one cares anymore, all the traffic is http, but the EECS admins probably have the same logging scripts in place from the early 90s. i remember some soda dude who went off to stanford would finger the account of his ex-gf on soda like once every 5 minutes, for hours, at random times, all day every day. it stuck out in the logs because it was always the same domain name, to the same account, all the time. i emailed the victim and she probably emailed the dude and he stopped. i can see how the EECS admins would notice kchang fingering the motd every 10 seconds. \_ The above seems to refer to kais' statement. So is kchang squished again because he runs a world accessible motd archive? \_ no \_ Considering the amount of censoring he does on the entries before they are categorized and posted, I find it less than useful as an "archive." \_ He was fingering Soda through EECS more than once a second. It filled up the EECS network logs and made them unhappy. Read the last meeting minues and following discussing on the newsgroup. \_ can't they just ask him to finger less? \_ they could but kchang is unpopular enough that no one at the csua would suggest the obvious common sense solution. if everyone lost an account on the first strike, then we all would've been squished by now. kchang is special. it was an unpopularity squishing like all of them. \_ "all of them"... I think you know naught of what you speak. Longstanding CSUA (perhaps unwritten) policy is "if you get your account back, don't fuck it up." That said, I can't speak to why they actually squished kchang, but comparing a second squish to a first is apples to oranges. --scotsman \_ if it isn't written, it isn't policy. if you want a policy that says a second squishing has a lower standard than the first or that post-restoration from a first squishing a person is on probation of some sort, then write the policy and publish it. otherwise, yes, it is apples to apples. orgs are properly run by written policy, not whim. \_ ok, I checked the newsgroup. from the discussion, it seems that they were not about to squish him, and even made fun of tom when he tried to chime in and get kchang squished. so what changed their minds in the end? \_ "they" != politburo \_ warned, deactivated in 98. reactivated and warned to behave. deactivated again. \_ it also caused problems for EECS because soda makes ident requests to remote systems that access soda's finger server. imagine the EECS webserver getting pummeled by multiple identd requests every second. \_ Here, now you can run your own private script. Don't forget to mkdir /csua/tmp/username. The next thing that can be done to this is to prevent check-ins if the motd is about like 100 KB (someone puts binary junk in it): #!/bin/sh cd /csua/tmp/$USER while [ 1 ] do co -q -f -l motd cp /etc/motd.public motd ci -q -m_ motd sleep 120 done \_ Or make it check the output of `file /etc/motd.public` ro make sure it says ASCII. \_ BAD IDEA. If everyone on Soda did this, the space would fill up in no time. \_ I run my own motd archive. I once posted the path to it. Check the archives. \_ Thanks for recursing. |
2004/8/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:32699 Activity:nil |
8/4 Ilyas, here's an interesting macaque for you. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/07/22/monkey.walking.ap |
2004/8/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32700 Activity:nil |
8/4 http://barlow.typepad.com/barlowfriendz/2004/07/dancing_in_the_.html Come dance with John Perry Barlow in Manhattan |
3/15 |