2004/7/27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:32492 Activity:high |
7/26 In Perl, s/.*/foo/g will match twice and produce foofoo but s/.+/foo/g only once and produces foo. Why? \_ Maybe because .* means zero or more, so it matches the zero too? \_ .* first matches starting from the beginning of the string until end, consuming all the characters. Then it tries to match the empty string at the end of the string, and succeeds since it will match 0 characters. .+ does not match 0 characters, so it does not match the empty string at the end. |
2004/7/27 [Consumer/Camera] UID:32493 Activity:very high |
7/26 Is there a program in windows that can reduce all the image files in a folder by a specified amount? I want to do this for several hundred pictures I just copied to my desktop from my digital camera. Thanks. \_ acdsee \_ "Reduce"? Do you mean delete a few, make them lower resulution, convert to a lossy format, or recompress to be more lossy? \_ Paint Shop Pro for windows can do a batch convert, including setting .jpg prefs etc. I suspect ImageMagick could do it too. \_ Good freeware, search for IrfanView. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32495 Activity:high |
7/26 Ambush alley in Iraq http://www.ehowa.com/show/media.html?image=ambushalley.wmv \_ What is this? My firewall blocked it. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32496 Activity:very high |
7/26 "Poll shows support for Kerry weakens on issues and attributes" http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/Vote2004/kerry_poll_040726.html Not a good sign since the lead up to the convention is supposed to be a big boost time for a candidate, not a time they *lose* ground. He should be up 15 points right now to win in November. \_ When did you stop beating your wife? \_ You're off topic. This isn't a wife beating post. \_ So you haven't read any of the poll data about how polarized the electorate is? No one is going to be 15 points up in this election, ever. November will all come down to razor thin margins and (most likely) Diebold and Florida Elections Authority intervention. \_ So you're already preparing the propaganda for a loss in advance? \_ Head. Hole. Ground. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:32497 Activity:insanely high |
7/26 And here's why Kerry isn't polling up 15 and isn't going to win. Clinton was right, "it's the economy, stupid", "Consumer confidence hits two-year high" http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040727/D843769O0.html \_ Well, the Dems have been hammering Bush on the economy for at least the last year, cherry-picking stats to talk down the economy even as it's been recovering. Now that the economy is in robust recovery, they've lost that point and look a bit silly. On top of that they said that Bush's tax plan would ruin our economy. Tax receipts in June were the highest for the month of June since 2000, so not only is the economy rolling, but the federal budget is doing well too. \_ ha we are like 30 trillion in debt up to our assholes, so doomed \_ Thanks to FDR, LBJ, and leftists. [formatd on all this] \_ i am reasonably sure this country did not have huge trade and budget deficits until the early 80s, after someone ramped up spending while simultaneously slashing government revenues. are you still pissed about that new deal thing? \_ Whoa. So how long have you and reality been divorced? \_ 30 trillion? I'd love to see the URL for _that_! \_ Here's a guy who says we are 52 Trillion in debt, counting unfunded pension and Social Security liability: http://www.fulcruminquiry.com/article76.htm The Economist says that it is only $10.5 B though. You can come up with almost any number for a liability 75 years from now though. \_ 10.5 B or 10.5 T ? \_ Learn to indent. Yes, the fed. gov't needs to cut spending. But the point is that tax receipts are now higher than in 2000 (well, we'll see if we're in a trend). That puts us in a great position to pay down some debt. Unless of course Kerry gets his way and (1) gets universal health care and (2) relaxes restrictions on the immigration of people with AIDS. \_ Both fears are bogus. If we established universal healthcare (which Kerry has not even proposed) we could fund it with all the money employers are now spending on for-profit HMOs. Listing restrictions on immigration of AIDS patients would not change immingration restrictions in general. We would not be flooded with diseased poor Africans because we are not flooded with poor Africans right now. \_ HMO money goes from corps to HMOs to give health care to employees. Universal HC as you describe it would take money from corps to the government to give HC to everyone. That guarantees fewer dollars per person and therefore lesser health care. No thanks. \_ No, not really. See Canada vs. US health care spending. Single payer appears to be a more efficient way of allocating resources. You can get better overall health care with fewer dollars spent. That is what I believe, anyway. \_ Oh, I see. You've got yours so screw everybody else. \_ So you're in favor of helping those in need at the expense of others? Ok, how about this: would you be willing to lower your GPA from 4.0 to 3.0 so 3 other people can raise theirs from 1.7 to 2.0 and not get kicked out of school? Didn't think so. You got yours and screw everyone else. \_ yes, I am for providing help to students to help them learn better, and hence improve their GPA. \_ Great. What classes will you be taking next semester? (Assuming you normally would pull up the curve, of course.) \_ This is bankrupting Europe and it would bankrupt us. Do you want to provide free health care for all of Mexico? \_ It is not bankrupting Europe. Who told you such nonesense. Canada is doing better than ever and they have single payer healthcare. \_ I wonder how many people who waxes rhapsodic about the Canadian healthcare system ever had to rely on it. My grandfather was covered under the Canadian system, and he was given the choice of either wasting away slowly and painfully while waiting > 1 year for back surgery or paying his own way in the US. \_ Oh, trolling for anti-immigrant sentiment now eh? \_ No. It is the immigrants that are bankrupting Europe and they will also bankrupt the US if we adopt the same policies. \_ Uhm, they're not immigrants until they've left their country of origin, dumbass. \_ Huh? \_ really? so how come we are still the most powerful country in the world after these centuries of immigration? \_ Because we don't provide free universal health care and other socialistic perks. Immigration is great. Giving money away to anyone who wants some is not. \_ No. Criticizing ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not anti-immigrant sentiment. When will you knee-jerk lefties learn that? \_ According to the Economist, immigrants are a net win for Spain because they're supporting the pension system which is strained because Spainiards of the past few decades decided to have fewer children. \_ Net win? There are other variables than budget numbers. This idea of needing to bring in a bunch of people to support the welfare apparatus is complete bullshit. If they structured the system properly, instead of setting up a ridiculous Ponzi scheme, then they would have a long term solution. \_ These incoming immigrants are having more children of their own. Who will support them? \_ I'm pretty sure I've heard John Kerry say that everyone should be covered by the same insurance that members of congress have. \_ how does universal health care in europe and other countries work from the doctor's point of view. do they have to be part of the system? can they set their own rates? \_ They do not have to be and many are not. You pay cash. Doctor's salaries are low overall and there is a shortage of doctors. Hospitals import immigrant doctors from, say, Russia and pay them low wages. They accept it because otherwise they get sent back. \_ Well, there really are two economise in America today. The rich are doing very well, fueld by tax cuts, but middle income and lower middle class sorts are seeing lower real wages and actual overall tax increases, since the states have raised taxes so much. So I am not so sure that the Republican line is going to play too well with the Wal-Mart voter. Also, the leading indicators are looking pretty bad according to these guys: http://www.businesscycle.com \_ Today the party announced that the chocorat is being increased to 25 grams. \_ That a good economy benefits the incumbent is an accepted fact, but I think Bush has bigger problems. In fact, I see the population throwing out Bush as it stands up on its feet after 9/11. \_ I see the prolitariat throwing off the shackles of capitalism after they realize the evils of tax cuts. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32498 Activity:very high |
7/26 So does anyone find it kinda pathetic that the Iraqi TV stations are giving more coverage to the conventions than our own network TV stations? This is a bi-partisan thing, BTW - the RNC is going to get just as shafted as the DNC. \_ The conventions are just partisan wank-fests anyway. That's why the US networks aren't covering them much. The Iraqis just don't know any better. \_ oh! Your penis is so big and truth free! \_ No one mentioned Ann Coulter. \_ I don't see it as getting shafted. I'm a political junky but there's no way in hell I'd waste 5 seconds of my life watching any moment of either convention. If something truly interesting happens, it'll get rebroadcast a zillion times, downloadable off the net, etc, etc. Conventions? Pshaw! \_ You should watch the really good speakers from both sides in real time. Clinton, McCain, okay maybe there are only two. \_ Bill Clinton is a talented speaker so I watched him. I think Howard Dean might be interesting. That's about it. Kerry and Edwards themselves bore me to death and so do all the pubs. \_ You should watch William Buckley Jr. and Dinesh D'Souza. Both extraordinary speakers. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:32499 Activity:nil |
7/27 It's amazing to see that people continue to bring up Clinton's sex scandal while ignoring the facts that BushCo has murdered thousands of people, invaded a foreign country for no reason other than to make themselves rich, fucked California out of billions of dollars in utility bill, lost millions of American jobs, drive up the deficit to record levels while pocketing millions themselves (heck, we have to pay it back, not BushCo). And all you can say to this is "I did not have sex with that woman"? We all make mistakes, what Clinton has done probably deserves a few slaps on the face by Hilary, what BushCo has done, the only justifiable punishment is a bullet in their head. \_ ye trolle, hello! \_ How is this a troll? you fuck head! -op \_ Use this in a sentence that's not a troll: "... a few slaps on the face by Hilary ..." \_ What utility bill? The one stalled in congress? |
2004/7/27 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:32500 Activity:very high |
7/27 Is there any freewares out that that I can use to recover my locked Word Excel, and Outlook files? I have not opened them for about 2 years and can only remember some, but not all of the them. I have found some that costs about $40-$70 but are not good enough. There's one that cost $150+ that told it located my password, but would not show it to me since I have not registered for it yet. Better yet, is there some simple sample programs that I can programmatically try to open the files? I can write a simple brute-force program to do it. I am in no hurry to recover my passwords. \_ If you had used PGP, you wouldn't have to worry about this now. \_ explain \_ If the files were PGP-encrypted and you lost your key, there'd be no point in worrying about getting your data back because you wouldn't. It's a bit like locking up a bike with a toy lock. If you lose the key it's not too hard to break the lock, but if someone else wanted to steal your bike, the lock would be pretty useless. \_ Try Apache POI. It's Java API that can open Word and Excel files. Their website also has links to other competing packages. Also, if you want to use the API interactively, consider using it through Jython. -jeffwong \_ http://www.elcomsoft.com/prs.html |
2004/7/27-28 [Computer/HW/Display, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:32501 Activity:high |
7/27 What are some good sites that give you good bargains to products? I'm looking for a digital cam and I'd like something that is similar to http://bestbookbuys.com, but for cameras. Thanks. \_ You squished other people's changes. Use motdedit. \_ No. \_ http://www.techbargains.com - the only one you need, run by some berkeley dudes I think... \_ http://bensbargains.net (really good) \_ http://pricescan.com \_ pricescan sucks. \_ They all suck, use http://www.techbargains.com they have lots of camera deals. Even if they don't have it RIGHT NOW, expect some deals to show up within a week or two. |
2004/7/27 [Uncategorized] UID:32502 Activity:insanely high |
7/27 What do you have as your homepage? Poll: Google: .. Yahoo: .. SlashDot: about:blank:..... worldnetdaily:. homepage I made: ... \_ now that is sick \_ Why on earth would that be sick? \_ don't know about you but looking at your own picture every time you launch the browser is just weird. Might as well as put up a mirror by the monitor while you're at it. \_ You're weird. The page I have has alot of useful links and tools that I use all the time. It's not about vanity, it's about utility and total customizability. http://thumbnailpost.com: . \_ NOT WORK SAFE msdn: . Kais Motd: . (yes motd is entertaining and stupid) "You can change it?": . \_ IM ON TEH INTARWEB! \_ AOL! |
2004/7/27 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:32503 Activity:high |
7/27 Has anyone seen a 3-D graphics program that reproduces irridescance like you'd find on the throat of a hummingbird or peacock's tail? I'm wondering how hard it is to do with vertex shader programs and the like \_ dunno, maybe ATI or NV has a demo program with source? |
2004/7/27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Consumer/Audio] UID:32504 Activity:nil 66%like:32646 |
7/27 Kool-aid on your cellphone: http://macnn.com/news/25607 \_ Aww, now it's all sticky... |
2004/7/27 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:32505 Activity:nil |
7/26 is there a way to list the file in your user space that has the largest size? (Thank you all for the help except that idiot posted the rm command) \_ rm -Rf ~/ \_ does anyone ever use R instead of r? \_ ls | sort | head \_ ls -lR | sort +4rn But this won't tell you which directory the files are in. \_ du -k $HOME | sort -nr -k1,1 | head This should give you the files sizes of the largest files and directories in your home directory. If you want just files: { find $HOME -depth -type f -print0 | \ xargs -0 ls -l | sort -rn -k5,5 ; } 2> /dev/null | head BTW, -print0 and xargs -0 only work on *BSD, OS X and Linux. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32506 Activity:insanely high |
7/27 Watch kerry get booed at the Sox game and he is unable to throw a baseball across the plate from half way to the mound. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1178385/posts?page=1137#1137 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1178385/posts?page=1169#1169 Usually I wouldn't be so petty but it is hilarious! \_ Hrm. He got it to the plate. The catcher is a local reservist returned from stints in Iraq and Afghanistan. This take on the event is petty and sad. --scotsman \_ Fuck you. \_ You know, if you want the canidates to drop their pants and measure their erect penises to figure out who to vote for, you should just ask and stop hiding behind this facade of watching their physical feats to figure who is more "manly" and who is the "girlie-man." \_ Kerry in space suit looks like a Sperm cell, at nasa \_ Yeah, because throwing a baseball is a more important qualification for a President than forming coherent sentences and using valid English words. \_ Don't misunderestimate Bush. \_ Five words: Dubya as a monkey .jpgs. \_ I'd vote for Ashcroft if he were to run because he can sing really really well (watch F911! It converted me to a Republican) and he actually looks good on television. \_ second that, if he weren't a politician he'd make a pretty decent singer/actor. \_ Nonetheless, his looks and the signing ability weren't enough to defeat a DEAD opponent in 2000 Missouri election for senate. \_ Bush threw a pitch once before a game. Catcher told him not to bounce the pitch or else the crowd would boo him. Bush threw a strike to the plate. \_ George W. Bush was president of his fraternity at Yale. What do you expect? \_ This comment and the one above re: Ashcroft are a very good approximation of the level of analysis we're going to see of this election from the TV news. \_ Who takes TV news seriously? Hey, who even watches it? \_ Sadly, quite a lot of people. \_ Dubya had another bike accident yesterday. \_ Let's mail some more pretzels to the White House. \_ Uh, yeah, and Kerry has had a bike fall and a ski wreck he blamed on some poor bastard from his security detail. Does that make them both stupid and incompetent or does it make Bush stupid while Kerry is athletic? \_ My love is bigger than your love, Sing it. |
2004/7/27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:32507 Activity:very high |
7/27 Buying a house in today's market: a totally insane thing to do, or what? We're still thinking very broadly: considering both the SFBA and the LA area, looking for a "buy and hold" house (we'd like to stay there for a while), wanting to get a straightforward 30-year- mortgage (now doesn't seem like the time to get an ARM). Should we just suck it up and go through with it now, or wait around to see whether gradually rising interest rates finally start deflating the California housing bubble? \_ there's a lot of good info below but he's the short answer: if you live in an expensive place like the SFBA and plan to stay here for many years then buying a house is the smartest thing to do *over the long run*. Rents will continue to rise but your loan rate is locked in. By the time you make that 360th payment it'll cost you more to buy a cup of coffee but your rent will still be the equiv. of whatever it is in the future in today's dollars. HOWEVER! If you live in a place where rents are dirt cheap and likelt to stay that way then owning is possibly a financial loss over time because you'll be paying out in time for maintenance, etc. On the higher priced home the maintenance costs will get sucked up by the rising value of your home. That won't happen so easily on your low priced home in a low priced area with slower price increases. The idea that housing prices are going to take some dramatic dip soon is foolish. I waited an extra year 5 years ago and it cost me $100k up front. Since then my house has gone up another $260k and continues to rise. Do the math. \_ locking in the rate is overrated. you may change to a bigger house, move to a different city in the bay area, or move to a different region of the country, etc. average american move once like every 7 years, so your 360th payment would likely never happen. If Bay Area rent over price ratio is good, at least you have the option of keeping the place and renting it out (you get tax savings for first two houses). Unfortunately, rent over price ratio sucks in the Bay Area. \_ Don't so quickly dismiss the ability to borrow $3/4M at 5.25%. \_ are you talking about a home equity loan? \_ No, just look at what payments would be if you end up borrowing the same exact amount at 8%, the historical average for mortgages. Home prices would have to fall a lot to make it equal. \_ You can do all right with a duplex or triplex. Agreed with a single family home. \_ school choice and vouchers would go a long way towards rationalizing the real estate market. \_ You'd be an idiot to buy right now. Why buy when you can rent for half of the cost? \_ renting is just throwing money away. buy now and build principle \_ why do people keep saying this? for a typical loan, the amount that goes to the principle for the first the amount that goes to the principal for the first 5 years is very minimal. \_ ARG! It's called equity, not principle! Second, the \_ ARG! It's called equity, not principal! Second, the interest is tax deductible. \_ nah, it's principal. you don't pay equity, equity fluctuates with the market. \_ I have owned my house for 30 months. I paid the loan down $10K in that time. Is that minimal? I am now paying myself about $400/month in principle. As a renter, I pay myself $0. \_ the more important questions are, how much interest are you paying per month, and how does that compare with rental cost. \_ How will it compare with the rental cost in 20 years when I have paid off the loan? The truth is that I am paying myself money if the property value remains level over 20 years and I am making more money if it goes up. Renters are deluding themselves. How many renters are dumping $1K/month into stocks for the next 20 years? For those that are, what will they buy with that money at that time? A house!? \_ You have a point. If instead of paying for the house, one would just spend the money on entertainment, etc., or if one is a very bad investor, then throwing all your money at a house may not be such a bad idea. it's a nice little forced savings plan for the weak-minded and the investment-challenged (or just conservative investors). \_ Bingo! Although to that I'd say you should add property taxes but deduct income taxed saved from deducting the interest payments. If CASH_TO_INTEREST+TAX-TAX_SAVING < RENT then you should buy. \_ if ( + estimated monthly investment income from downpayment + monthly interest + property tax + association fee - interest and property tax tax savings ) < monthly rent then buy \_ You forgot that the property value will also change. So you should really add: - monthly_increase_in_property_value \_ or decrease. also, add the "enjoyment" factor of living in a nicer home of your own, but also add the negative factors of having to mow your own lawn, and various repair costs, and likely higher utility costs. \_ Well, obviously it could be a negative number, but in the long view (which the OP wanted) it will probably increase. Trying to quantify all the intangibles is beyond the scope of this document. \_ you are right. I do calculations for my modest townhouse using a 2% annual increase. Am I too pessimistic? \_ Knowing nothing else: probably. \_ The part of the equation you added, "monthly_increase_in_property_value", seems to be THE big question everyone is now concerned with. The rest are more predictable. \_ Higher interest rates may bring prices down, but they'd also increase your costs. If you're interested in buying, you might as well start. -tom \_ all things being equal, you would rather have high rate and low cost than low rate and high cost. reason is, you can refinance if rate later goes down. of course, if you need a house, you need a house. \_ Also, per chance you come across a large wad of cash, you can pay off a larger percentage of the loan. \_ dunno, if you got cash then go arm and wait, if not prices won't fall that much but interest rates will rise by a point if you wait too long \_ Bay Area is pathological. SoCal still has bargains. Live in Carson, or along the 10/60 freeway east of downtown, watch real estate values go up. Don't buy the $700K 40-year-old 3-bdrm home in West L.A. on a busy street. \_ how much is an average 2 bdrm townhouse in LA these days? what about 3 bdrm? What about Bay Area? - chicago sodan \_ This guy is kidding if he thinks he can touch anything in West LA for $700K. Irvine is $700K these days. The average house is around $500K (same as Bay Area), but LA is a big place. Where? Covina? Riverside? Torrance? OC? \_ say Torrance, Hacienda Heights and OC. What the price for townhouses there? \_ I just did a lookup and a 2bdrm condo in torrance will run you 300-400k. +100k if you want a 2bdrm townhome. Try http://themls.com if you want to look at West LA. you can find homes for $700k. my buddy just bought a 1700 sf home in Inglewood for $450k (nice home, quiet area, but about 90% African American). \_ wow. I used to hang out around Torrance a lot when I lived for a while with my uncle up on Rolling Hills Estates. His city-facing home used to be around 300+K (1996). Wonder how much his 4 bedroom single family home (with nice front and backyard) is worth now. \_ The *lowest* house there is $610K and is 2/1. By the way, http://www.dqnews.com has prices by city and by zip code. \_ Wrong, all in West LA: http://csua.org/u/8cr 3/2 $620k http://csua.org/u/8cs 2/1 $540k Why do all these people in the motd talk out their ass all the time??? \_ Beautiful Exposition Boulevard is what I think of when you say "West LA". Get a clue. $700K in West LA buys you nothing in the way of SFRs. All those houses are near the freeway. It's like saying you can buy a house for $350K in the Bay Area. Yeah, in Oakland. Technically correct, but not really true. \_ Yeah, they are sucky spots of West LA that is why they are cheap. Hey, don't be knocking Oakland! I just saw a beautiful craftsman 2/1 for $429k there. \_ I don't understand your first sentence. \_ In the Bay Area, even the $500k houses seem pretty shitty to me. There are some older townhomes in that range. \_ I've been advised to look in either Valencia or Simi Valley. Are those reasonable choices? \_ You can find a house in Valencia for maybe < $500K but the real question is: Where are you commuting to?! \_ too many unpredictable factors. I would say, if you need a house buy it. if not, save aggressively and wait a little while. also, don't stretch your finances and leave a little margin, if it is at all possible given the high property prices. \_ so you are saying you think the housing market will cool down, but if it doesn't, at least you'll have saved money for the down payment? \_ more or less. saving and investing wisely. \_ what about buying a condo as an in-between home? \_ it's a consideration, and a way to not put everything in one basket, spreading your bets and hedging against further price increases. What I would want to find out would be how well the condo would appreciate, how easy they can be sold, etc. I did something similar, but it's a townhouse since I am in a cheaper area (chicago). Chicago does have a more reasonable rent to price ratio ($1200 rent for a $200k townhouse) so renting out is an option if I move to a larger place. It should cover the monthly mortgage ++ cost. Tougher in the Bay Area. But hey, Bay Area is so much nicer than Chicago! \_ Condo's give you more house for your money and their rent/buy price ratio makes them more sensible to buy. \_ http://csua.org/u/8ce . Somewhat reasonable set of to buy or not analysis from the Chron. \_ Something a real estate agent told me that made a lot of sense: The people paying $500-600K for cute 2-bedrooms in the SFBA are the people most likely to be screwed. They will have their 2.1 children and need to buy a bigger house. Meanwhile, for $700-800K they could have bought a 3-4 bedroom or a duplex and rented some of it out. The fact that very few people can qualify for a loan to carry a 7-800K house keeps these properties cheap relative to the much smaller 5-600K places. \_ The trick is to rent out 1/3 of your house, or put up with a duplex, while still maintaining privacy and dealing with various maintenance requests. Nevertheless, the point from the real estate agent is valid, but the money to buy a $700-800K place could instead be coming from your parents or similar avenues. |
2004/7/27 [Uncategorized] UID:32508 Activity:nil |
,,, _ _ \(((. __,,../v\,----../ `-..=.>"" _\,_ _______;/____<_ \_______\ \___////______;______ ctr ,"/ `.) `.) ``` /," /7__ /7_ I DON'T KNOW WHY EVERYONE MADE SUCH (( ' \\\ ))) A BIG DEAL OUT OF THE TIME THEY \\ KISSED I MEAN I FOUND THE SCENE )) WHERE THEY WERE NAKED IN A TUB (( SCRUBBING EACH OTHER TO BE TEN TIMES ) MORE BEATOFFABLE / I MEAN WHAT'S XENA |
2004/7/27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32509 Activity:nil |
7/27 Stop rewriting the entire motd. You're screwing up all the diff programs. Restored. \_ how does one check who has a lock on the motd.public file, assuming he/she changed the name of motdedit? \_ fstat /etc/motd.public |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32510 Activity:nil |
7/27 Heh, http://drudgereport.com has a URL on Michael Moore on the O'Reilly show. Moore has been saying that Bush is a liar. O'Reilly says Bush never lied, but he may have been mistaken. Moore can't admit the difference. Now this is what I've been saying all along -- as a liberal. \_ hey, let's hear from the guy who said he spent 20 hours a week for a month researching bush's wmd claims because of a motd thread. what's your take on this? \_ OK, we can probably both agree that Bush said things that were shown to be false. The difference in opinion is conservatives think he was simply mistaken while liberals think he knew it was wrong. In the run-up to the war, conservatives said "Trust that the president has access to the best intelligence that shows that Saddam has WMDs" Now some are trying to say "He was tricked by the CIA". Which is it? Did he know there were no WMDs (and is a liar) or was he tricked, and is being led not leading. \_ He did have access to the best intel. Going back years, everyone in the previous administration, Senators on the intelligence committee, foreign leaders, etc, all stated their belief that Saddam had WMD or was soon to develop working WMD. The intel was wrong. Everyone's intel was wrong. Who is saying that Bush claims he was "tricked"? Whatever on that. If it had gone the other way and the exact same intel said the exact same thing in the exact same way and he did nothing and Saddam nuked something you'd be screaming that Bush is a moron and the worst leader ever. Let's just grant that you hate Bush, Bush can do nothing right for you, and that's that. By taking Bush out of context and making him be the only one to ever say or believe that Saddam had WMD is intellectually dishonest, verging on weak trolling. \_ You are lying and badly at that. Why do you continue to lie about this, even though you have been proven wrong repeatedly? You just make yourself and Bush supporters in generally look deluded and out of touch with reality. Some people believed there were WMD in Iraq and some did not. This has been proven to you repeatedly, yet you still claim otherwise. \_ Bush is responsible for what he says. Harry Truman had a sign on his desk, "The Buck Stops Here"--meaning that he claimed responsibility for his own decisions, rather than pointing fingers. Whereas Bush claims responsibility for things he has nothing to do with, like the economy, and refuses responsibility for decisions he personally made, like unilateral war with Iraq. -tom \_ I don't think that word "unilateral" means what you think it means. \_ A lot of things don't mean what tom thinks they mean. Be kind. He only has a high school diploma. \_ Okay, let me be absolutely clear: In my opinion, Bush did not lie. Moore says Bush is a liar; Moore is wrong. I have been saying this all along. -a liberal, and op \_ Glad to hear your opinion. My opinion is that Bush is a liar and a manipulator. I have been saying this all along. - liberal who knew that Clinton was lying, too, but didn't think a blowjob and perjury under duress constituted an impeachable crime \_ How can you call him a liar if every intelligence agency in the world (and the UN!) said that Iraq had WMD's? If intelligence said Iraq *didn't* have WMD's and Bush said they did, that would be lying. \_ First of all, every intelligence agency in the world did not say that. I have proven that this is false many times on the motd. The UN and everyone else said that the evidence was inconclusive. Bush claimed it was conclusive. That makes him a liar in my book, or at the very least he acted with reckless disregard for the truth. \_ You're full of crap. British, French, Russian, UN. If the Guatamalan intel agency didn't keep close tabs on Iraq then I'm sorry, you're right, it isn't *every* intel agency on the planet. \_ You have been proven wrong on this so many times it is embarrassing you. Hans Blix, in his own words: http://csua.org/u/8ci \_ "Imminent threat", "yellowcake", putting Iraq and Al-Qaida in the same sentance constantly. "I'm a uniter, not a divider", "Healthy Forest" as Bush-speak for clear-cutting. \_ Never said imminent threat. England and FRANCE still stand by the yellowkcake. Iraq has Al-Qaida ties. And tell SoCal how the "hands-off-the-trees" approach helped the fires down there. \_ Calling it "healthy forests" is blatantly deceptive, and SoCal was mostly chaparall. Selective cutting of the large trees is good forest managment, but it's less profitable. Clear-cutting is very bad for the health of the forest. \_ Because he is a stupid chimp, that's why! -- ilyas \_ what you wrote has proven to be not far from the truth, IMO \_ I don't think the previous poster disagrees with you. \_ But the liar/tricked is a false dichotomy. To be tricked, the CIA, MI6 etc. would have to be lying. |
2004/7/27-28 [Recreation/Activities] UID:32511 Activity:high |
7/27 What's a good place to buy good walking shoes? (Berk/Oak/SF/..) I tried Sportmart, Copelands REI, Sports Basement, didn't find anything I liked. \_ Birkenstock on College \_ The WalkShop in Vine off Shattuck? \_ "For people who love pretentious commercials" \_ Ecco shoes are pretty nice I think, although expensive. For walking shoes don't go to a sporty place. |
2004/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32512 Activity:very high |
7/27 Does anyone know a magical mozilla/firefox incantation to disable all background noise/music in webpages? \_ stop button \_ That's no help as the file doesn't play until it has already loaded. By the time I know I want quiet it's too late. \_ I browse with the computer muted to prevent this. There may be a less kludgey method but I was pretty glad when I accidentally ended up on the "the boss is a cunt" page. \_ When is 1.0 coming out? The webpage says "July 2004". \_ July 2004. \_ use AdBlock extension block a specific file type? \_ Would that hose me if I intentionally try to download say a MIDI? |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32513 Activity:nil |
7/27 will vote for Hillary in 2008 if Kerry doesnt win. = republican \_ why? \_ hahahhahahahhahaa |
2004/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32514 Activity:nil |
7/27 Does the Mozilla mail client have any kind of macro language? Currently I use emacs for mail since I really like being able to customize it and write macros. Thanks. \_ Yeah, combining macros with email is great. \_ OUTLOOK IS THE STANDARD! USE VIRUS! |
2004/7/27 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32515 Activity:very high |
7/27 So was the home-buying thread intentionally to hijack the motd? \_ housing prices as a topic are currently the #1 most reliable troll topic, where reliable means "guaranteed to produce maximum verbiage, maximum flameage, and minimum knowledge." Politics have become too obvious. \_ hey, fuck off. that doesn't make it a troll. housing is an extremely important issue to absolutely everyone. \_ I got trolled :( \_ You missed the Bush lied/did not lie flame war. \_ Well, he didn't lie, nor did the CIA "trick" him -- I don't know who came up with that one. -liberal |
2004/7/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:32516 Activity:very high |
7/27 What's the argument against instant runoff voting? Are any of you actively against it? \_ Are you nuts? They couldn't even figure out a ballot in Florida that was mailed to everyone months in advance and you want them to start ranking candidates??? \_ I think instant runoff elections are great! On a completely unrelated subject: motd liberals, are you not tired of the way in which the Democratic Party sells out the interest of the working man in favor of shadowy special interests, just like the Republican Party does? Take a stand against corruption now! Vote for a 'minor party' candidate that speaks best for you. -- ilyas \_ Republicans oppose it because it would help the Democratic party. \_ Both major parties oppose it because it would help third parties. - Liberal Dem. \_ But the "liberal dems" won't go on record with that argument. I was reading various articles and legislative actions about IRV and other electoral reform and progress seems pretty slow, although there are a couple exceptions. Jesse Jackson has an interesting constitutional amendment proposal that would state an explicit "right to vote" and require a winner to achieve majority instead of plurality (leading to IRV or something to that effect). \_ Wait, isn't Jesse Jackson a liberal Dem? \_ No. JJ is all about JJ. \_ You need computers tabulating the vote. When you have computers, you need a paper-based audit trail. Ready for local elections, not ready for state or national yet. \_ Well what would make it be ready? In Texas they apparently can't even use it at a local or county level and bills to lift that restriction quietly died. \_ To hold a state-wide election, you would need computers tabulating votes for all precincts, and a paper-based audit trail. \_ Right so why aren't we ready for that system? \_ ... well, someone's got to convince all the little bigwigs at the Capitol to install the suckers and show they can't be manipulated. I mean, I'm seeing a drudgereport article talking about how all the Florida 2002 gubernatorial data were accidentally "lost due to computer failure". I nominate YOU to go out and lobby the big wigs, and be in charge of selecting the right system and installing them all, and be responsible if something goes wrong. \_ Have you ever worked for/with a government IT guy? I'm not at all surprised a government paid IT guy would fuckup and lose the data. That's far more likely the reason for data loss than some cabal of evil sysadmins destroying the records as part of their plot to take over the Florida electoral system for Halliburton. \_ What does instant runoff mean? \_ Instant runoff is a method where you get to rank your 1st, 2nd, 3rd... choices. If your first choice doesn't get a plurality, your vote falls back to your second choice and so on. http://www.fairvote.org has more info. \_ How does it work? Voters rank candidates in order of choice: 1, 2, 3 and so on. It takes a majority to win. If anyone receives a majority of the first choice votes, that candidate is elected. If not, the last place candidate is defeated, just as in a runoff election, and all ballots are counted again, but this time each ballot cast for the defeated candidate counts for the next choice candidate listed on the ballot. The process of eliminating the last place candidate and recounting the ballots continues until one candidate receives a majority of the vote. With modern voting equipment, all of the counting and recounting takes place rapidly and automatically. (from the FAQ) \_ Compare this description to the current system: 1) vote for the guy you like, 2) the guy with the most votes wins. The complexity of IRV is reason enough not to do it. \_ It's not complex. Are you an idiot? The whole point is to accurately account for more than two candidates by letting voters express a secondary preference. Why would anyone NOT want elections to more accurately reflect voter desires? It's supposed to be democracy. Having winners with less than a majority support makes me unhappy. \_ It's an oral technique perfected by yermom. |
2004/7/27 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:32517 Activity:nil |
7/27 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders struck an agreement on a $103 billion state budget, ending a 26-day standoff ... With billions of dollars in borrowing and one-time savings, the spending plan contains little of the cuts the governor wanted in January. ... "I said many times, when I was lifting weights and shooting for a 500-pound lift and maybe ended up at 495 -- I was still happy to get it done" the Republican said late Monday ... |
3/15 |