2004/7/24-26 [Health/Eyes] UID:32459 Activity:very high |
7/24 How do you buy contact lenses online without dealing with an optomotrist? It seems that the sites that used to let you fake your doctor info have "cracked down" on people exercising their right to freely purchase products. \_ My god! Are you people that cheap? Just go to an eye doctor and get an examination. It's probably a better idea than self-prescribing your own contacts. Many health plans will cover it too. \_ spoken like someone who's mommy and daddy are paying for (paid for) his college education. \_ of course not. i have no objection to paying for services, i just object to being *forced* by the government to pay for those services. should i be forced at gunpoint to go to a podiatrist before I buy shoes? or a dentist before i buy a toothbrush? where does it end? I know exactly what my prescription is, and know exactly which brand i've had great luck with for the last ten years of wearing contacts. every time a law is written to force people to pay money for services they don't want or need to protect some special interest we take one step closer to tyrany. \- the problem are the industries which self-regulate [sic]. see e.g. nolo v. texas --psb \_ self regulate? you understand that there's a federal law \-well naturally part of self-regulation has to do with limiting competition by legal barriers. --psb preventing free(as in freedom) purchase of contacts, right? i can actually go to jail for trying to buy little pieces of plastic to help me see better. oh, and you know what else? i can go to jail for buying my cotacts from a canadian store, thanks to the policy passed by mr. "free trade" bush. so here's a big "fuck you" to all you libertarians who vote for bush as a "lesser evil." \_ No libertarian would vote for bush. It is funny to contrast the apologist way the Greens talk about nader vs the almost weekly mails i get from the libs saying "hey, some article says we are taking votes away from bush, isn't that great!" -phuqm \_ Tell ilya that. \_ Didn't I tell you already I am voting Nader? -- ilyas \_ Are you serious? \_ Yes, I am splitting the liberal vote in a non-battleground state. -- ilyas \_ In other news, Satan seen making snowmen! \_ Wouldn't libertarians vote for the libertarian candidate and greens for the green one, etc? \_ I bought mine from http://www.lensmart.com \_ did they contact your optomotrist or was the transaction free as in freedom? \_ I bought them last year. I wasn't aware there's a new federal law. \_ Februrary 2004. welcome to the fourth Reich. \_ Just go get lasik and stop whining about your freedom of whatever. You'd be the first asshole to sue the online place for destroying your eyes if you misprescribed yourself. \_ why don't you go move to some totalitarian state where people have learned not to whine when their goverment masters control the petty details of their lives. i'm sure you'll be happier there. I know I'll be happier when you are gone. -phuqm. \_ if this is the biggest concern you have about what your government is doing to you then you live in a utopia. there are billions of people around the rest of the world who wish they could live in a place where their biggest gripe is the government insisted they see an eye doctor as part of their contact renewal. you, sir, are a big cry baby and have no clue what a totalitarian state looks like. contact lenses? get real. the only thing you missed was calling everyone a nazi. you're a deluded selfish little bratty baby. contact lenses... totalitarian state... i'm too stunned to go on. |
2004/7/24-25 [Reference/BayArea] UID:32460 Activity:high |
7/24 Just got back from a club in San Francisco. A guy I'd just met told me he had been convicted of Conspiracy to Sell MDMA, a felony, but then said he wasn't dealing anymore and didn't try to sell me any; some random woman grabbed my knee and asked if I knew where she could buy coke; and a hyperkinetic Vietnamese guy kept clapping me on the shoulder and telling me how awesome the DJ was. Is this typical for a night out in the City? \_ honestly, do you do pot or other recreational drug? \_ Yeah, pretty much. It depends on the club of course, but that sounds about right for the techno/dance scene. -retired clubber \_ Huh. I've been clubbing for quite awhile, and I've never had a night like that. Which clubs tended to give the most 'out there' experiences for you? \_ ?? Were you sitting on a bar stool when she grabbed your knee or was she kneeling in front of you? \_ I was sitting up on an empty stage, my legs dangling over the side; she was walking by the stage and then grabbed my knee. \_ :-) I just had this funny image of her walking by and bending over or kneeling down to grab your knee. Thanks. \_ name the club, then can tell you if it is typical. \_ 1015 Folsom \_ Ugh. That club hasn't been even halfway decent for years. Its a crackden for south bay Asians on bad ecstacy. Please don't take that as an indication of them all. Try some smaller, more down to earth venues. \_ Like what? --never goes and thinks they're all this way \_ I could list dozens of examples, but it really depends on what sort of music you want to hear. Off the top of my head, here's some places to investigate: Pink (formerly known as Liquid), 16th and Capp St. The Top, lower Haight St. between Webster and Fillmore Club Six, 60 6th St between Market and Mission. Note that these are all in pretty bad neighborhoods so be prepared for that. There's tons more, try http://www.sfstation.com for a pretty broad selection. And if you must do the big scary club thing, try Mezzanine at 5th and Jessie St - at least it doesn't have the dreary vibe of 1015 described by the OP. Just don't go there on Saturday unless you are hella gay, like like to dance around with other ripped guys with your shirt off gay. \_ thanks for the warning. looks like sat is the night for me. |
2004/7/24-26 [Computer/Networking, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32461 Activity:nil |
7/24 I'm thinking about getting a PocketPC w/802.11b to use as remote for my xbox (I'm interested in the web browser to view the media center html gui). Any recommendations for a cheap PocketPC (or even Palm) with 802.11b? tia. \_ Dell Outlet has Axim X3i's for $235. http://csua.org/u/8b2 Otherwise, look for a used device with compact flash and get a CF wireless card. |
2004/7/24 [Uncategorized] UID:32462 Activity:nil |
7/24 KITT is for sale: http://tinyurl.com/5jvav |
2004/7/24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32463 Activity:high |
7/24 Maybe a dumb question: how do you turn off sound effects in Firefox? It likes to make these annoying boops when the "find as you type" fails. \_ eh nm, found it under about:config/accessibility. |
2004/7/24 [Science] UID:32464 Activity:high |
7/24 http://www.dartmouth.edu/~news/releases/2004/07/01.html From /. : just want to point out this (male) professor is hot. \_ he's okay |
2004/7/24-26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:32465 Activity:high |
7/24 HOWTO: Buddy is having bachelor party in Las Vegas, need to tell/ask girlfriend about it. How to ask to get ok for LV trip? What are things to look out for? any gotchas? thx \_ you've already passed the gotcha point...cue bdg. \_ Are you actually giving her veto rights over this? \_ If she doesn't trust you/you aren't trustworthy, you've got problems. \_ If she doesn't trust you/you aren't trustworthy, you've got problems. \_ Go to vegas. If she objects, dump her and move on. Old jungle saying: There are plenty of fish in the sea. \_ Another old jungle saying: And you don't understand why no one wants to marry you? \_ Another old jungle saying: And you don't understand why no one wants to marry you? \_ When they start talking marriage, I start walking. I'm not stupid enough to get married, esp. not in a community property state. \_ You're a real catch. With an attitude like yours, the only way someone's going to want to marry you is for your money, so in your case your strategy is sound. \_ Do you have anything to offer besides money? If not, then you're doing yourself and some woman a favor. \_ Real answer: tell her your friend is having a party and you plan to go. If she freaks you need to seriously consider the trust problems in your relationship. If you're a cheating scumbag with a bad history then tough shit. If she has no reason to not trust you then you're dating a psycho and should think about moving on. No need to hide this, bully her, take a macho attitude about it, etc. \_ Okay, I mentioned it to her and she says "Go". Now what? What does this mean? I asked "You sure?" and she replies "It's fine. Go ahead". Then I asked her "Do you want to go too?" And she replied "What would I do? I guess I could go gamble while you are out..." Did I do this right? What do you think? \_ Are you happy? Is she happy? Are you going to Vegas? Is she *not* fucking someone else while you're gone? If the answer to all these questions is "yes!" then you did it right. \_ one of these days your girlfriend's going to learn how to read the motd...in fact, if you could get here to join the CSUA she could read your post and respond and you'll know exactly what's going on. \_ So she is into gambling? May want to think about how you are going to pay off her gambling debts when she blames her habit on you during the divorce hearing. \_ Yer dumb. \_ You did fine. Go to Las Vegas, have a good time, don't do anything dumb, and remember to take your gf out to a show and dinner. |
2004/7/24-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:32466 Activity:moderate |
7/24 Does daisy channing off of a USB hub affect drive performance significiantly? I want to connect multiple USB hds onto one computer. I'm assuming that I need to connect them directly (not off of a hub) to get usable performance for data transfers. Is each seperate USB port supposed to be a different channel, or does USB just transmit everything over one bus, regardless of the number of ports coming from the card? \_ I think it's more a case of the slowest device on the hub determining the speed (so don't put your mouse on it). Otherwise, they'll probably be sharing the bandwidth, which won't matter much unless you're accessing them all concurrently. \_ They share bandwidth. Now figure out your common and worst case scenarios with this in mind and calculate. |
2004/7/24 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32467 Activity:nil |
7/24 Bad news. Bush is ahead on electoral votes. http://csua.org/u/8b9 We need to do more than just mouth off on motd. The way I see it, it will take either Iraq blowing up big time or the economy seriously tanking to unseat Bush. Not much we can do with Iraq, but we can certainly help the economy to tank. Guys, stop spending money as much as you can. Stop going out to dinner, stop buying any kind of discretionary purchase, and take your money out of the stock market and the banks for the next few months. I am sure you can come up with more ideas. And if you're in the position to stop working, quit! If you're in a position to hire, don't! Drive up the unemployment rate. We need to do everything we can here, people! \_ Dem convention should give Kerry a boost. \_ Proabably just a couple of points of pop. Then the Republicans have their convention pop, and we're back to where we are now. \_ Really silly troll. |
2004/7/24 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32468 Activity:high |
7/24 I'll see you a Berger and raise you a Shelby: Republican Senator Richard Selby target of a Justice Department investigation into leakage of classified 9/11 phone intercepts. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,126904,00.html \_ IIRC, this started after Shelby criticized FBI for faiilure in 9/11. \_ Not quite the same thing. Berger didn't deny the action. Shelby does. Berger appears to have destroyed documents, etc. Hang Berger and if Shelby did it, hang him too. |
2004/7/24 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32469 Activity:nil |
7/24 Bad news. Bush is ahead on electoral votes. http://csua.org/u/8b9 We need to do more than just mouth off on motd. The way I see it, it will take either Iraq blowing up big time or the economy \- between "iraq fatigue" and the "soverignty xfer" "iraq blowing up big time" wont do it unless there were a lot of american deaths [like beiruit] and i dont see that happening. bushco has limited their downside and takes little flack from the daily trucker beheadings, or any kind of civil rights disasters for iraqis ... but they can still get credit for anything they can spin into WMD, like a piece of oraange with mold growing on it. --psb seriously tanking to unseat Bush. Not much we can do with Iraq, but we can certainly help the economy to tank. Guys, stop spending money as much as you can. Stop going out to dinner, stop buying any kind of discretionary purchase, and take your money out of the stock market and the banks for the next few months. I am sure you can come up with more ideas. And if you're in the position to stop working, quit! If you're in a position to hire, don't! Drive up the unemployment rate. We need to do everything we can here, people! \_ Dem convention should give Kerry a boost. \_ Proabably just a couple of points of pop. Then the Republicans have their convention pop, and we're back to where we are now. \_ Really silly troll. |
3/15 |