2004/7/16 [Computer/Theory] UID:32312 Activity:high |
7/16 What did bh call it when you, say, calculate the factorization of 714 and store it somewhere, rather than recompute it when you try to calculate the prime factorization of 3x714? It wasn't caching, it was something quirky. tia. \_ Memoization? \_ bang! thanks. \_ Incidentally, a good way of understanding what dynamic programming is all about is to look at it as "dumb recursive algorithm with memoization." That's much easier for me to think about than the arrays and loops and so on. -- ilyas \_ somewhat intelligent and helpful posts are not tolerated on the motd. You have been warned. \_ Pot stickers? Glomminess? "I'm sorry I can't help you with that homework problem, we're all too busy here fighting against the war!"? Must've been one of those. It's all he ever talked about. \_ Bah. Harvey is a great teacher. \_ I didn't learn a lot of Computer Science but I sure learned a lot about life! \_ Bahx2. Your ideal teacher is probably Emacs running an Eliza based algorithm. \_ Were you one of the BH following pot sticker eating crowd that hovered around him like moths? \_ Have you stopped beating your wife lately? \_ It wasn't a trick question. The above is either a BH #1 Fan or he isn't. |
2004/7/16 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32313 Activity:low |
7/16 The BEST bi-partisan Flash humor, EVER! http://www.ava.nu/thisland.htm \_ page cant be found \_ It's in flash. It can't be funny. \_ SPeaking of bi-partisan, Jon Stewart did a good job of cutting into the democrats last night. |
2004/7/16 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Recreation/Media] UID:32314 Activity:very high |
7/16 I'm starting to get aqua teen hunger force. \_ explain it to me --aaron \_ I think the point is to drink/stay up late... don't question why the alien sounds german or is trying to replicate a milkshake by putting its photograph in a microwave. \_ Heees name ees Oglethorp! \_ You must be over thirty (or maybe about 25) to board this ride but it's not like you're missing anything. -- ulysses \_ I don't think it's that mature. I think most of the humor would appeal just fine to a 16-year old. \_ I'm 34. I think it's just weird. \_ For my money, it's the stream of conciousness style and the willingness to "go there". Some eps are more hit-or-miss but they've had a bunch where everything is just dead on. It feels like a good improv group on meth. --scotsman \_ "Using a key to gouge expletives on another's vehicle is a sign of trust... and friendship." - Ignignokt \_ I've never watched a full episode but my tivo always records 3 minutes of it after Futurama, and I think that's a perfect amount of the show to watch. You gotta love meatwad. \_ I must be over 30 (I am) because I have no idea WTF it is. This is a Fox show? \_ Almost Dadaist cartoon on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. A box of french fries, a milkshake and a ball of meat live in New Jersey and sometimes attempt to solve crimes, but mostly just screw everything up. If you want to see a little, there's useually some on P2P. |
2004/7/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Science/Space] UID:32315 Activity:very high |
7/16 Outfoxed showing at 7pm tonight in San Francisco, Victoria Theater at 16th and Mission. Q and A with director afterwards. \_ Q#1: Why do you hate America? \_ Why do you hate informative posts? [why do you keep deleting this response?] \_ He hates criticism, too. \_ Q#2: So it would be better if Saddam was still in power? \_ Because the ends justify anything else right? You know, I think the world would be better off if all the Jews disappeared. \_ A: What makes you think this movie is about Iraq? Watch that knee! \_ More information here: http://www.outfoxed.org/Screenings.php |
2004/7/16 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:32316 Activity:very high |
7/16 Could someone a little more versed in Israli politics than I am please explain why the hell Mossad would want to illegally infiltrate New Zealand? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3899583.stm \_ One theory I heard is that jews with NZ passports don't arouse nearly as much suspicion when traveling in other countries as they would carrying an Israeli passport. There was a previous incident with Mossad forging Canadian passports. \_ Maybe they're not Mossad like they insist? \_ We all know how much socialists hate Jews. \_ They're trying to steal our super-sheep technology! \_ That's top-sheepcret! \_ naw, they're just afraid of getting lamb-pooned in the media if it doesn't work. \_ I know a little German. He's right over there. \_ Do you have a little German in you? \_ Yup, the top-secret NZ sheep-cloning technology that has existed for decades which made their sheep-rearing industry so successful. The New Zealanders laughed at Dolly the Sheep. \_ Dolly was ugly. If you're gonna clone, clone the pretty ones. \_ All sheep look the same to me. \_ We're not talking about the rear view here. \_ RACIST! \_ SHEEPIST! \_ In the dark, they all look alike. |
2004/7/16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:32317 Activity:high |
7/16 American hero against communism, chess genius, and freedom player, arrested in Japan for deportation to U.S.: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Japan-Bobby-Fischer.html?hp \_ Talented nutjob caught using revoked passport, will be returned to face charges for violating a different law. \_ "talented" is quite an understatement. He may or may not face charges for playing in YugoSlavia when they were under sanction. Probably will, but it sucks if so. They should leave him alone. -phuqm \_ Hey, don't forget anti-Semite! \_"Of course I am not anti-Semitic. The Arabs are Semites, and I am certainly not anti-Arab" --Bobby Fisher \_ Hey, don't forget Jew! \_ Hey! It's another self-hating jew! |
2004/7/16 [Health/Dental, Health] UID:32318 Activity:high |
7/16 From time to time I have food particle stuck at the end of my tongue, where it is is too narrow and too near the throat for finger to reach. It creates annoying discomfort as well as bad breath but take a long time to decay. Is there a way to get it out without going to a doctor? \_ USE TOOTHBRUSH! \_ Stop deep-throating for cash. \_ Pubic hair is not food particle. \_ gargle something warm to break it up? \_ At least in people who had an incomplete tosillectomy, there can be dead ends there that trap certain food. \_ Wow that sucks. I'd probably see a doctor about that problem. \_ try puking and see if it comes out. |
2004/7/16-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32319 Activity:insanely high |
7/16 Bush campaign focusing on the issues that matter most to the voters, Cuban prostitutes: http://csua.org/u/87h \_ how to tell the difference between a Cuban and a Dominican prostitute? \_ Preguntales sobre la machina capitalisma. \_ Given that we have a system in which florida voters are worth hundreds of times more to a president than voters from almost any state, this is not suprising. \_ "Addressing a conference on human trafficking, Bush quoted Castro as saying that prostitutes in Havana were the cleanest and best educated in the world. Bush said that comment was evidence that Havana was encouraging sex tourism. Castro praised Cuban prostitutes for having a college education in a documentary interview by the U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone. " Well, thank Goodness I can finally get a well educated prositute. You know, when I'm banging up a prostitute I want her to know full well that I'm employing my chavanistic male power over her. \_ I dunno, sex with smart girls is more fun than sex with stupid girls. -John \_ sodans are not picky. they take whatever they can get. \_ http://www.theonion.com/news/index.php?issue=4028&n=2 \_ You're missing the point. Cuba keeps the smart ones. It's the stupid who are "trafficked" to the US. You know, like yermom. \_ If Bush is against trafficking of Cuban prostitutes, then I'm for it. \_ Bush is against suicide. Are you for that? \_ Why yes, I am all for Bush commiting suicide. |\ \_ o| | Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera... o| \_ La LaLa LaLa - | - - -Fa LaFa | So LaMe SoSo - | - - - - \_ This is quite appropriate and clever. Thanks! \_ Everyone missing the point: if Cuban women with college degrees have to prostitute themselves then there's something very fucked about Cuba. \_ Certainly, very fucked. Get it? *fucked*??? \_ No, could you please explain it? \_ Aren't there American college girls who do the same? \_ You have it backwards. Saying some college girls are hooking is not the same as saying all the hookers have 4 year degrees. \_ urlP. and saying "#t" is not the answer I'm looking for. \_ #t \_ jerk. \_ #f When someone asks "Do you have the time?" only a jerk responds "Yes." When someone writes "urlP" they are asking "do you have a URL?" \_ urlP is a stupid way to ask a question. \_ ilyas might think otherwise. \_ it's called "shorthand". it's also a motd convention. get used it to. \_ Uhm, no it's not a motd convention. It never has been. Only idiots like yourself that don't understand what it means (and stubbornly refuse to admit being ignorant) repeatedly keep trying to use it that way. (you know, predicate? boolean? lisp? cs61a?) \_ maybe it's stupid, but you can't blame it on the motd: http://csua.org/u/885 \_ i agree. if there's any convention, it's used as it would be in Scheme, so #t/#f is expected. if you want an english answer use english. \_ Dear lord, in scheme they use ?, like atom?, number?, eq?, etc. Were you paying attention in 61a? \_ I was taught that P (short for predicate) was the way to indicate boolean funcs. I suspect there's a slight conventional difference between lisp and scheme, but that's highly dependant on the instructor. \_ No it isn't. If it was, it would have been in the motd README. But people like you deriving pleasure out of needlessly obfuscating things for the sole purpose of limiting who understands you. Needless to say, I think people who post questions in the form of urlP are social retards. The world doesn't revolve around lisp. \_ Sorry, I have no URL for you, you will just have to take my word for it. I know a couple of college educated prostitutes personally. \_ If you are not too lazy, you can STFW. If you have memory, you would remember the controversy a while a ago of a Berkeley high school teacher who is also a professional woman, of the ancient kind. She has a college degree, maybe more than one.. And if you circles of friends were wide engouh, you would even know one. |
2004/7/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32320 Activity:insanely high |
7/16 http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200407/s1156008.htm God, what are we doing. \_ Meet the new Saddam, same as the old Saddam. \_ Oh please, call us back when he's lowering political enemies into acid. \_ Now who's the moral relativist? \_ Woohoo! More back seat driving by people who nothing about the situation, people, or cutures involved! w00t! \_ So was the invasion back seat driving? \_ Well, Bush is a backseat driver, but it's hard to call an invasion "Back Seat Driving." It's even worse when it's a bunch of jerkoff's on the motd who have no clue outside of what they read on the internet though. \_ I guess I should have said the "current justification for the invasion," which seems to be "bringing democracy and freedom to Iraq." Seems to fall into your backseat driving definition fairly well. In general I agree with you about motd jerkoffs. \_ Worse? Bush appears to know nothing other than what his advisors tell him. \_ Oh? You're better informed than the CIA, FBI, and military on the ground in Iraq? Do tell! \_ pp is not President, and probably never has and never will have anything to do with actual policy making. maybe he's a bad guy because he's sloppy in his coding or doesn't back up his data often enough...who knows? but i expect a lot more from a president than from some random sysadmin on the motd, and so far I haven't seen it from this POTUS. \_ Fine, I appreciate your right to not like the president, but it has nothing to do with what you're responding to. I was making fun of the poster because what they said was DUMB. Regaurless of what they or I may think about the president. \_ My. Pet. Goat. \_ What. The. Heck? \_ You know, the "My Pet Goat" conspiracy about the President knowing beforehand of the attack on the WTC? He plotted it with the Bin Ladins in order to boost his ratings and allow him to invade Iraq thus consolidating the Saudi and Carlyle Group's power grip over OPEC and oil reserves? Russia bought into it after finding proof of it but kept it quiet so Putin could crack down on the Russian oil "oligarchs?" It's based on why there is no such book called "My Pet Goat" anywhere. You see, the WTC crash happened earlier than was expected. When Bush is sitting in the classroom, he's waiting for the signal to act "presidential." The aide that walked in was actually whispering for Bush to "act naturally." So as an ad-lib he grabs a book and starts glancing through it. But it was just a prop put there by Presidential site stagers. So it's a fake, with a fake name. The title is an insider's joke reference to minding the "Goat," an allusion to Satan. See, GW Bush, is really the true Antichrist in his mortal form. <Ominous music here> in his mortal form. \_ You are truly deranged. You need to untie your panties. \_ Umm... YMWTS http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg detail/-/0026863553/qid=1090014531/ sr=8-1/ref=pd_ka_1/104-3540963-4296754? v=glance&s=books&n=507846 But far be it from me to throw cold water on your little rant. \_ Oops. Nevermind... \_ Well, you know, that is what a democracy is. A bunch of no nothing voters getting together and trying to decide what our foreign policy should be. I trust the average dude who gets his info from reading the internet way more than I trust your average American voter. And I trust both of them more than you, who seems to have an autocratic streak a mile wide. Let me guess, you are still bitter that a couple of jerkoffs on the motd, using nothing more than Google and their critical thinking, were proven right about their suspicions on Bush's WMD claims about Iraq. It just goes to show you, critical thinking and intelligence are a lot rarer at places like the CIA and the White House than you believe. \_ don't worry, the CIA will get it right by learning from the fucking geniuses at mossad who got busted for trying to infiltrate new zealand (see below.) military intelligence=oxymoron \_ nicely put, but you didn't indent right. \_ Reintroducing the concept of a swift trial? \_ Did anyone actually bother to check if this was true before mouthing off? -- ilyas \_ Here's more information: http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2004/s1155990.htm I give it a 50/50 shot (pun!) that it's true from all available information currently. It's true: He got tired of innocent Iraqis getting blown up. It's fake: Rumor-mongering by ex-Baathists to discredit him. \_ Its hard to say. I'm sure most of you will dismiss this out of hand, but the jury is still out. Remember rumors and unconfirmed reports of Abu Ghraib were circulating for almost a year in Iraq before the story ever really "broke." \_ You know, even if it were true, Republicans would say they got what they deserved, Iraqis are finally learning how to take care of their own country, etc. In fact, I bet that's what's being posted in the freeper boards right now. \_ Looks like there'll be no way to find out: MAXINE McKEW: Your sources of course will be sought out by other news agencies after tonight. Will they stand up to scrutiny? PAUL McGEOUGH: Well I don't know whether others will find them or not. I won't be making them available to anyone. \_ Gee, I am convinced. -- ilyas \_ Um, you don't think he might want to protect the lives of his sources? Come on ilya, you're smarter than that \_ Sure, it's reasonable. Just not very convincing. -- ilyas \_ FWIW, here's a transcript that the quote above was pulled from: http://csua.org/u/87j (abc.net.au) There are some other links regarding Allawi's former ties to the CIA and as an operative for Saddam and the Baath party in the late '70s. |
2004/7/16 [Science/Electric, Computer/Theory] UID:32321 Activity:nil |
7/16 Haha: Ebert mentions Wikipedia and criticizes MS Word in the same story! (review of "I, Robot") http://www.suntimes.com/output/ebert1/wkp-news-robot16f.html \_ It's wikipedia #1 fan! We love you! |
2004/7/16 [Uncategorized] UID:32322 Activity:high |
7/16 Guys guys, ***please*** conform to 80 columns. Here is your guide: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 0 Please conform to this, thanks. \_ it might be more persuasive if you explained the rationale for that requirement. \_ it might be more persuasive if you explained the rationale for that requirement. \_ Most terminals default to 80 columns. Longer lines cause an ugly word-wrap that's hard to read and screws up for formatting of replies. Also, some editors don't work too well with long lines. \_ Re-fucking up the formatting is not *that* funny. |
2004/7/16-18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:32323 Activity:moderate |
7/16 So, I just turned on psacct on my box and lastcomm is showing wildly incorrect dates. That is it lists recent commands but the date does not come close to matching the system date. Any idea what is wrong or how to fix it? \_ timezone set correctly? \_ It thinks it is Oct 21st. the "Date" command gives me the correct date. Is lastcomm looking at a bios clock maybe? Also, the date/times from 'last' are correct. \_ There was a bug with certain versions of lastcomm on RH that were fixed. I don't know what you're running it on, (Linux, Solaris, etc), so I can't help you out more. \_RH it is. Glad to know there is a bug, i was beginning to be worried. Think I have the latest rpm though :( |
2004/7/16-18 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:32324 Activity:moderate |
7/16 Is there anyway to tell what service USED to have open a given port? the port was open 15 minutes ago but not now, so i can't use lsof to look and see. \_ if you had ippl running and logging this information, or some other process accounting/logging \_ I think ippl only tells you what ports are being connected to and what the /etc/services entry for that port is, not what process is actually listening there. \_ oops, yes you are right. I misremembered. |
2004/7/16-18 [Uncategorized] UID:32326 Activity:nil |
7/16 In case you might be interested, the CS homepage has links to webcast lectures for the CS Division's 30th Birthday plus this year EECS research symposium. --jeffwong |
2004/7/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:32327 Activity:moderate |
7/16 [ partial thread deletes suck. thread nuked. have a nice day. ] \_ Don't tell me what kind of day to have. \_ Thanks, but I have other plans. |
2004/7/16-18 [Reference/Military] UID:32328 Activity:very high |
7/16 I have a question for the motd gun enthusiasts. Do you find the account of Lee Harvey Oswald's shooting skills with that rifle from the Warren Report to be plausible? http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/wcr4.htm#p39 scroll down to "Oswald's rifle capability." \_ According to Full Metal Jacket, he learned it in the Marines. \_ I don't think anyone debates that he learned to shoot in the Marines. The question is whether or not that particular shot is possible with that particular rifle, even for a good marksman. In the Warren report, several experts testify that it is, but some people claim that is not true. I want to hear what the motd shooters think. \_ Of course it's possible. Any shot is possible. It's possible to purposely hit someone at 10,000 yards in a crosswind, repeatedly. The odds are against it, but why not? A gun just makes a bullet go real fast in a wide arc, and maybe someone in the world has a form of autism that lets him figure out exactly what all the wind, amount of propellant, solar rays, whatever, will make the bullet do. The "he couldn't have made those shots, it's impossible" argument is stupid. -John \_ As a hunter and military vet, I think it would be easy for me to hit a slowly moving target in the neck at 100 yds. I don't know what the effect of being elevated like that would be, but on a level surface, I am sure I could make that shot. \_ that's the sort of answer i was looking for. thanks.s \_ You are welcome. The balllistics on that bullet after hitting the target are kind of screwy though. It supposedly hit Kennedy in the neck, came out his shoulder, hit that Texas Governor in the head and then came back and hit Kennedy again, right? I am not saying that is not possible, but it seems pretty unlikely to me. \_ My grandfather was shot in the neck by a crazy man during a court case in the 1950s. The bullet went in through his carotid artery (interesting side note, he was one of the first recipients of an artificial artery) and zig-zagged, missing his spine, and came out at some goofy spot. Once a bullet hits stuff, it can do weird things. -John \_ yeah, I don't know much about the magic bullet thing, but I'm curious. Obviously if the Oliver Stone version is based on accurate ballistics, there's a seroius problem in the warren report, but I would want to know exactly what the state of the art for ballistics was in 1963 to make that judgement. \_ I remembered the details wrong. These guys seem to think it is possible: http://www.fact-index.com/m/ma/magic_bullet_theory.html \_ The Republicans killed JFK!!! \_ http://www.john-f-kennedy.net/MossadAndTheAssassination.htm \_ I read a Marine Sniper training manual a few years ago, and the author (a decorated sniper) made a pretty convincing argument that it was quite possible for one man to pull off. And in fact, offered some pretty good explanations for things like why people heard shots from another direction. \_ A guy modeled the JFK assassination to scale on a 3D physics modelling program and was able to reproduce the shot. It was on The Discovery channel or similar. Very convincing. -ax http://abcnews.go.com/sections/WNT/WorldNewsTonight/jfk_beyond_conspiracy-1.html http://tinyurl.com/6lokp (abcnews.go.com) \_ What does any of this have to do with the mafia shooting him over Marilyn Monroe? \_ obItWasTheCIAInRetaliationForBayOfPigs \_ Oswald was a fag. -Michael McManus |
3/15 |