2004/7/14 [Recreation/Dating] UID:32266 Activity:insanely high |
7/12 Is it normal for somone already in a relationship (married or not) to continue masturbation? \_ http://www.themarriagebed.com/masturbationinmarriage.shtml \_ Wow, I think this crafty site is written by the Satan himself. \_ says that spouse have an obligation to satisfy each other even when "not in the mood." boy oh boy, I wanna be a Christian \_ Yes, it is perfectly normal. \_ No, it's sinful and bad. The hair growing on your palms is just a harbinger of the hell-blindness that will soon inflict your syphilis-wracked corpse, evil-doer. -John \_ Is it normal to fantasize about your wife's best friend while you masturbate? Should I tell her (the best friend) about it? \_ Yes, it's normal. You should tell your wife, as it will make her really hot for you. Then you should tell her friend and you can have a three-way. \_ Where did the whole hairry palm and blindness thing come from? Just an old wives tale they told their husbands and kids? \_ Just an old soda tale told to newbs \_ the only happily married men who have a lot of sex are the newly married men. -married, little sex \_ Are you Bitter Married Guy? Maybe soon to become BDG #2? \_ does four years count as "newly married?" |
2004/7/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32267 Activity:insanely high |
7/12 Malpractice maelstrom http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20040713-080936-3867r.htm Vote Kerry-Edwards! \_ what is your point...that it should be OK for neurosurgeons to remove as many cervical disks as they want? \_ my point is if you think channeling children born with CP to win malpractice settlements is good for the US medical industry vote Kerry-Edwards. Is that so hard to understand? \_ Penalties for malpractice are good for the medical profession (not the same as medical industry) as it provides an incentive to not screw up. Manipulating the emotions of a jury is standard good lawyering. If Edwards has been a robo-lawyer you could have complained that he was failing his clients. \_ And if I close my eyes, all the bad things go away! Penalties for malpractice is one thing, manipulating jurys to punish the innocent is completely different. In this link, one guy destroyed a doctor's life, and killed hundrends by forceing all the neurosurgeons out of the state. Woohoo! Go Lawyers! \_ compare with a guy who lied to go to war to settle old score? sure. \_ Wow, this is the only criterion allowed? Bush has driven this country into a fucking ditch, asshole. \_ How so? Funny since I consider all of the problems the result of leftist policy. \_ yes all bad things come from clinton, all good things from bush. \_ While conservatives have made mistakes, they have also manage to do things right from time to time. The leftists have *never* done anything right. Some of us vote for the lesser to two evils. \_ nah, clinton got everything right. bush got everything wrong. compared to bush, everything is a lesser evil. \_ Which ditch is that? The economy is fine, there were a hundred reasons to invade Iraq, he picked a big one to push with, but there were plenty more. Since prety much everyone thought Saddam had WMD, it's hardly a lie. Maybe he was wrong, but so was everyone else. I keep hearing how Bush has destroyed the country, and I don't agree with everything he does, but I see little base for your accusations. \_ nah, everyone knows bush says iraq has wmd. everyone gives what he says a some measure of credibility because he is the US president and has the cia, the supposedly most technologically advanced intelligence agency in the world. now, he and his subordinates have been shown to be liars. neither the US presidency nor the cia has any credibility in the world anymore. economy is at best sputtering even with the historically low interest rate and huge fiscal stimulus, with record budget deficit and trade deficit, rising oil prices, threat of inflation looming, threat of housing bubble bursting, it's much better not to have the huge drain of money into the Iraq sinkhole, which is likely to continue for a few more years. \_ Who gives a damn about what the world thinks? Most of the world is living on handouts from the US taxypayer, the rest is a festering socialist mess. And when the world gets into trouble, guess who gets to pick up the pieces, US. As far as Iraq is concerned, I guess you are one of those guys who would have prefered that Saddam got a NK nuke and gave it to Bin Laden to drop of @ JFK or something before we took the threat seriously and started negotitating with them. \_ Uh... because they provide us intelligence and help us catch terrorists... \_ "Most of the world is living on handouts from the US taxypayer." Are they? Last I chacked, aid to foreign governments was a tiny part of the Federal budget. I seem to recall most of the world works for a living. But your theory is good too. \_ Maybe we should do like Pat B. say and complete isolate ourselves from the world for a few yrs and see how the world gets along w/o the us market to export things to. The fact that most of the world has free access to our market is a huge subsidy by the taxpayer (we are passing up all the money from tariffs, &c.) Don't forget all the "loans" we made and forgiven over the years. Most of the world would in shambles if we didn't keep it solvent by forgiving loans and such over the years. \_ go ahead, try it. If the US isolates itself economically from the world, the country that will be in economic shambles would be the US itself. \_ Don't forget we depend on other parts of the world for oil. That has been main reason we have all these conflicts in the Middle East. \_ Actually, we are in a shitload of debt from loaning from the rest of the world, mostly through selling treasuries. 1.4 trillion, IIRC. Just go to economist and add up the foreign reserves of countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, India, Spore and HK, and you will get a rough idea. As for Saddam, much better to neutralize him the way we neutralized Gaddafi of Libya. It takes a little patience and a little diplomacy, but hey, that's what adults are good at. \_ We neutralized Gaddafi only after we invaded Iraq and scared him shitless. \_ that's a stupid theory the bush admin put out. \_ Its what happened. We invade, he rolls over. \_ we haven't seen N. Korea roll over. What about Iran and Syria? In fact, some these are more hostile than before. \_ Desperation. They know better than to try *anything* though, because the result will not be some stupid protest in the UN, it will be total destruction. \_ Iran is always been relatively benign. But in case of NK, they could do some SERIOUS damage to Asian economy before you and your 7 carriers arrive. That is assuming they don't have nukes yet. \_ I am amazed how many people bought the stupid theory. Gaddafi didn't roll over when we bombed his home and almost killed him (got his infant daughter instead). why would he suddenly roll over because of iraq? \_ zzzzzz \_ Sounds like a deviated septrum. Let's operate! \_ yea, even deviated septrum makes a more interesting topic than the above. \_ Septum. \_ septrum. search google. |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32268 Activity:high |
7/12 If you were Edwards and Bush offered you a night with one of his daughters to throw the election, would you do it? \_ When you're vice president, you can have all the women you want. Would YOU? \_ I think Cheney would die of a heart attack if he got all the women he wanted. \_ Man, I wouldn't sleep with one of the Bush girls if you paid me. Do sodans have a thing about chubby blonde vapid Texas girls? \_ not everyone prefers anorexic, vapid la girls, and might prefer the allure of the well-proportioned, vapid, southern belle. \_ Well you're in luck. Get thee to Texas lad! Stop fantasizing about the so-so Bush twins and experience the amazing land of Tex-Mex pussy! If you really want one, go to Texas - there are tons of them there and they are horny as hell. They'd even sleep with a sodan for free, if he could manage to tie his shoes and shower once a day. [restored] \_ Man, I wouldn't touch this thread with a 10 foot pole. I bet the Feds are still watching soda. \_ By "Feds," do you mean csua alumni who are supposed to be doing useful work at some national lab but are wasting time on the motd? \_ tomasu bin holub \_ Osama bin Laggin? \_ This is abysmally stupid. Grow up already. \_ Tom Holub, the undergrad who never grew up. \_ As you know, the sexual desirability of the Bush daughters is of paramount importance to national security. \_ let alone your massive huge 10inch one? --Jon \_ bigger than the standard Jap 1cm size. \_ Cubits! Our context is bushel/cubit! no metric! \_ For *both* twins, I'd do it in a second. The world can wait four more years for HRC. \_ But why? You can get a pair of women to do anything you want that look 100x better and will be 100x better in bed for just a little bit of cash! \_ Well, if you're gonna lose anyway, might as well take what you can get. \_ I can hardly wait to mock you the day after the election. \_ I can hardly wait to mock you the day after the election. |
2004/7/14-15 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS] UID:32269 Activity:high |
7/12 Can anyone give me a good reason why I should update to FF 0.9.X from 0.8? -- ulysses \_ dont \_ I think that 0.9.{1,2} has a fix for the frame insertion attack. \_ I was the guy complaining about it earlier, and I have no real problems with it. The one thing is that if you turn off the "allow web sites to install software" option, you won't get any indication about a failed extension install. \_ if you are on windoze, then, i can tell you that for some site, the html form element "submit" no longer works with 0.9x. That is the only "down" side I found upgrading to 0.9. Other than that, there isn't much differences really, including the fact that since 0.7, the "download" screen will crash my firefox, and I haven't figure out why yet. \_ Note also that you probably should nuke your old install directory for the .9 upgrade. I believe they changed things around to something semi-stable so the 1.0 upgrade goes well. |
2004/7/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32270 Activity:nil |
7/14 BUSH GOOD!!!! !!!! !!!!1!!! KERRY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!11!! DELETE ME AND I WILL ONLY POST AGAIN!!!!!!! \_ !TOOW ______ < w00t > ------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32271 Activity:very high |
7/14 I just saw F911. I didn't know John Ashcroft was such a good singer. He is cool. \_ The movie had the opposite effect as intended on me. The cheap potshots Moore took at Bush, Wolfowitz, etc., getting made up for the camera actually made me briefly feel sorry for the bastards. \_ I've heard that reaction from a lot of people; I think it's a pretty common reaction, actually. I agree with most of Moore's politics, but that movie really sucked and was a cheap shot--with lousy editing to boot. \_ I agree. --liberal dem \_ The family of the Major who got blown up by a grenade in his tent is *really* pissed off that footage of his funeral was used without permission or even letting them know. Moore is scum. Bush's poll numbers are actually *up* since F9/11. The American people know trash when they see it. \_ So when Fox News uses random footages of people's funerals for their touchy-feely stories without permission, it's perfectly okay? \_ How do you know they do it without permission? And is Fox the only news caster doing this? Why do you single out Fox news when they all do it? Fox bad, everyone else good? \_ there is a WSJ poll recently, and the percentage of people who support bush among those who have seen the movie is about 1/2 of the percentage of people who support bush among those who intend to see the movie. \_ Stat 2. It is a self selecting group that has seen/not seen the movie. The most hardcore leftists flocked to it on opening. The rest took a wait and see attitude. Your stats only prove that Moore is preaching to the choir. The movie has not changed the minds of some large percent of viewers. Why do I have to explain such a simple concept on the motd to what are supposed to be college students and alumni? \_ er ... I just gave the stat as it is without any attempt to interpret it. it's you who just tried to interpret it, rather unconvincingly. you need to learn to get off your soap box, and not spew misdirected saliva all over the motd. \_ Let me guess, they haven't even seen the movie. \_ Bush's poll numbers are not up. What poll have you been smoking? \_ It must be the FoxNews push poll. "Do you support (a) a patriotic American who will fight terrorists or (b) a communist liberal who will run this country into the ground?" \_ I hate bush. I *really* hate bush, but I don't hate bush enough to ignore the truth: http://www.zogby.com \_ It isn't hard to get the full set of questions for most polls. Only politicians do push polls, not news orgs. \_ Up. Polls are up. Compare the last few days to what they were just prior to F911 coming out. New number minus old number is positive. Up. \_ I don't know about the polls, but my erection is up. |
2004/7/14 [Reference/Religion] UID:32272 Activity:nil |
7/14 God rocks: a book approved by the National Park Service on the creation of Grand Canyon: http://www.harpers.org/GodRocks.html |
2004/7/14 [Reference/Military] UID:32273 Activity:nil |
7/14 http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,10134001%5E13762,00.html I cast magic missle at the overweight security guard! |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:32274 Activity:high Edit_by:auto |
7/14 How do i find out how each senator voted on a given bill? In particular, I'm trying to find out how each senator voted on the gay marriage ban today, and I can't find the actual vote in the senate records. \_ http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=108&session=2&vote=00155 \_ you rock. thanks. \_ DUDE U R TEH GAY \_ Post it if you find it. \_ do you want to OUT them? \_ http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/legislative/a_three_sections_with_teasers/votes.htm (just google for: how senators voted) \_ You can figure it out from this article. They list the party members who crossed lines: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A49537-2004Jul14.html __,-~~/~~~~~~`---. _/_,---( , ) / < / ) \ | ( / :: \ / : \ | \/ ::::::: :: \ :::) :: / (_(::::\::( ::::>::::::\) \\_(:_:<:::>_>'::::/ // ~~`-i########|--~~ :/OVIVBV|v\: ,Z/V7V|HIH\\.. /V|ViI:i\ I;|.|.| <|i::|i|`. - ------===;;;'====------------------===;;;===----- - - ` ^'"`-' " /V|ViI:i\ :/OVIVBV|v\: __ __ ,Z/V7V|HIH\\.. _ _ __/~\___/ \_/ \XX/~~\##/~~\\\_/ \/ \__/~~\_/\_ __,,,----(::/::\:/:\:==@@@@@############@@@@@===/;;\;;);;);;)-----..____ |
2004/7/14 [Uncategorized] UID:32275 Activity:nil 100%like:32341 |
__,-~~/~~~~~~`---. _/_,---( , ) / < / ) \ | ( / :: \ / : \ | \/ ::::::: :: \ :::) :: / (_(::::\::( ::::>::::::\) \\_(:_:<:::>_>'::::/ // ~~`-i########|--~~ :/OVIVBV|v\: ,Z/V7V|HIH\\.. /V|ViI:i\ I;|.|.| <|i::|i|`. - ------===;;;'====------------------===;;;===----- - - ` ^'"`-' " /V|ViI:i\ :/OVIVBV|v\: __ __ ,Z/V7V|HIH\\.. _ _ __/~\___/ \_/ \XX/~~\##/~~\\\_/ \/ \__/~~\_/\_ __,,,----(::/::\:/:\:==@@@@@############@@@@@===/;;\;;);;);;)-----..____ \_ Yes!! Finally!! Thank you!! |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32276 Activity:low |
7/14 Saddam Iraqi court finds him not quilty (due to improper evidence by US and British intelligence) \_ Is this your prediction? Or maybe DrudgeReality? \_ it's my prediction based on the fact that Johnny Cockrun will be defending. If the WMD don't fit, you must acquit! be defending. |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:32277 Activity:high |
7/14 So I am curious how Conservatives feel about The House repeatedly "bending the rules" to get things passed at the last minute: http://blog.lewrockwell.com/lewrw/archives/005080.html \_ Sounds shady to me (the actions of the house leaders, not the reportage). Got any better references than Joe Q. Blogger? How do Liberals feel about the mutation in the Senate of everything requiring cloture? \_ This was widely reported. You can do a search anywhere for it. On the Medicare bill last year, they held the vote open for almost 3 hours while they tried to convince people to change their votes. This time it was only 20 minutes. As far as I've read, this was unheard of before last year. \_ Weren't the new cloture rules proposed by Frist and Z.Miller? Why do you suggest this is a Liberal mutation? \_ I'm not referring to rules, but rather the practice of the dems to filibuster anything they don't like, which basically means that to get anything done you need cloture rather than simple majority. \_ That's the senate, son. \_ As opposed to the filibuster free repubs in the senate under Clinton? Come on... That's what the senate is for. \_ As opposed to the filibuster free repub senate under Clinton? Come on... That's what the senate is for. It's a necessary check on the majority. Democracy at work. \_ We could compare the numbers between the previous and current admins for filibusters. The answer won't come out in your favor. You're also twisting the issue. It isn't a case of "filibuster free". It is a case of now requiring 60 votes instead of the Constitutionally mandated 50 because the Dems won't let *anything* pass at 50 now. It's an abuse. \_ okay, i'm curious. care to cite sources for numbers and post the math and results somwhere? \_ I think it is a shitty way to run a democracy. -op \_ So I guess when the Republicans logjammed the congress in the '90s, that was really bad too? Oh wait, Democrats BAD, Republicans GOOD. \_ Compare the numbers like I said above. There's a difference between stalling a few bills here and there and doing it for nearly everything. \_ And the dems don't do it for nearly everything. Man have you drunk the koolaid. They have done it for a few high profile cases, jsut like the repubs did. |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:32278 Activity:high |
7/14 Don't ever try to pass off Fox News as "Fair And Balanced" http://csua.org/u/86m (wonkette, a political blogger) \_ You're using a blogger site to prove something on the motd? This is beyond ridiculous. Just quote something off the http://democraticunderground.com message boards and get it over with. \_ That John Moody has a good vocabulary: "obstreperous" was new to me. \_ Doesn't matter, the wingnut crowd will just stick their fingers in their ears, shut their eyes and go "waaah waaah waaah liberal media waaah waaah waaah." The scary part is that given Fox's success, all of the other 24 hour news networks are now emulating them. The worst part isn't their bias so much as how they package it as good wholesome entertainment. At least in soviet russia, people knew Pravda for what it was. \_ Ummm... The rest of the media IS biased. That's no excuse for Fox, but I really wish people would stop pretending Fox News invented the biased news program. It just pisses off all the liberals who are used to the news being slanted their way, which is the same reason so many middle american conservitives like it. "Sure it's biased, but at least it's biased toward ME now." -jrleek \_ The liberal media canard has been thoroughly debunked. Its mostly just a stick with which to beat the mainstream media to keep them in line. There is absolutely no equivalent to Fox on the left. \_ Debunked in your little leftist echo chamber. The rest of us know the score. Try being intellectually honest for once. You can't even see it because you're so partisan. The Fox equiv. is NBC/CNN/CBS/NYT/LAT at the core and many others with smaller audiences. \_ Well... maybe KPFA, but they don't reach *nearly* as many people. \_ I don't really see the equivalence with KPFA. KPFA presents itself more as "the Voice of the Activists" and an organizational rallying point than as a news source. Fox is more like Inside Edition meets the World. \_ They both present themselves as a news source and provide biased news. Fox is the only one that keeps claiming to be "Fair and Balanced" \_ Are you confusing their opinion shows with their news shows? Yes. I think you are. \_ Link? That is, a link that doesn't come from farther left than CNN? -jrleek \_ I don't buy this "thoroughly debunked" argument. An older survey (American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1997): http://tinyurl.com/4c295 Total: 36% democrat/liberal 25% lean democrat/liberal 7% lean republican/conservative 8% republican/conservative 24% independent A more recent survey (Pew Research Center for the People and the Press): http://people-press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=214 "More striking is the relatively small minority of journalists who think of themselves as politically conservative (7% national, 12% local). As was the case a decade ago, the journalists as a group are much less conservative than the general public (33% conservative)." \_ Talk to people who actually work in journalism. Individual journalists have almost no say about what ultimately appears. This is almost always up to a publisher or producer or whomever the authority depending on the medium. \_ So far I have 2 links showing media bias. I'm still waiting for the one that "throughly debunks" media bias. -jrleek \_ those surveys are about how journalists self-identify, not about how they report. And the Pew report you give is very specifically about how bottom-line pressure is "seriously hurting" the quality of news coverage. And of course you've seen the FAIR report, which you're going to claim "comes from too far left". -tom \_ You're saying that the political leaning of the people who report the news doesn't effect how they report it? I admire your faith tom. And yes, when a communist tells me Clinton was a right-winger, I tend to think his opinion is too far left. (BTW, that's hyperbole) -jrleek \_ First of all, I don't think people are very good at reporting their political leaning; the FAIR report asks their position on specific issues and then compares that to the national average. Second, it should be obvious that the ownership of the news outlet has more control than the people who report it. -tom \_ It's all relative. How else to determine one's place on the political spectrum without comparing to other people? It isn't something that can be measured like the frequency of sound. \_ I respectfully submit that you don't know much about how publishing or the news media functions, jrleek. I know a couple of people that work in print journalism, which admittedly may differ from television media in many ways but not, I doubt, in this respect. Editors vet everything that goes into print, and editors in turn are under enormous pressure to follow general directives about content and editorial direction from publishers. People lose their jobs in the industry all the time over this. \_ I admit, I don't have much personal contact with journalists. My opinions are pretty much all circumstantial in reguard to the media. That is, all the news sources I see, SF Cron, NYT, CNN, etc. are left leaning. I've seen right leaning local newspapers before, but no national ones. -jrleek \_ The fact that you consider the NYT left-leaning speaks volumes about your bias, and little about theirs. \_ I like the NYT, mostly, but if you think it isn't left leaning you're either waaaaaay out in left field or just trolling. \_ Not to mention the William Randolph Hearst SF Chron. -tom \_ Ummm... ok. I guess I should point out that I'm refering to left-leaning against the national average, not the Berkeley average. -jrleek \_ Do you know anything about William Randolph Hearst? -tom \_ I know he's dead. \_ Tell us how dead guys control the media Tom! \_ That's Dead Rich White Males to you! \_ So I guessed you missed that whole thing where the Howell Raines-led NYT was basically out to get Bill Clinton in the '90s with their Whitewater coverage? \_ Sorry, yes. I wasn't reading the NYT regularly in High School. -jrleek \_ "Out to get" or simply reporting the biggest news story of the day? Should they have ignored the Clinton's criminal activity? \_ Whitewater criminal? What criminal behavior was Clinton convicted of in connection to Whitewater? \_ Are you suggesting that publishers personally edit each and every article that goes into, say, the New York Times every morning, injecting spin of their own particular flavor? Interesting. I'd always thought that the articles that go into, say, a daily newspaper were largely the work of their authors, with a little editing. The headline is written by someone else, but not the article. \_ The owners and editors lean conservative. And you bet that biases their newspapers. Are you trying to claim that GE, Westinghouse and MSNBC are "liberal"? I personally think that the Big Business owner bias and liberal reporter bias more or less cancel out. \_ Cancel out? The person writing the story is the most important part of it. There are tens of thousands of words printed in each paper everyday and you think some editors are rewriting everything to have a right slant? That's just nutty. \_ http://www.fair.org/extra/0405/npr-study.html Republicans outnumber Democrats 2:1 on NPR. \_ Conservative think tanks quoted more than liberal: http://www.fair.org/extra/0405/think-tank.html \_ I dunno, A lot of the think tank references I see are written poorly. That's a whole article on how we're all going to die from Global Warming, then a little blub at the end that says "Hertiage Foundation dude says that he doesn't think this is the case." \_ The Myth of The Liberal Media: http://csua.org/u/86s (Amazon) How corporations have taken over what used to once be a free and independent press corp. \_ The press has always been a business. This is just plain silly. When exactly was the media ever "independent"? \_ On the http://fair.org links: My concern about media bias is not so much the biases that I DO know - if they quote the Heritage Foundation or bring on a liberal commentator, I know what to expect. My concern is biases I can't see. What is the bias of the person who writes the news, and what is the bias of the person who edits it and decides what gets on the air? Consequently I find the third link (and also the Eric Alterman book) more compelling than the first two. \_ http://fair.org is a raving left-wing group. Just tiptoe through their archives and count the number of stories of media being too liberal. Good luck! \_ Barry Diller is one of Hillary's closest allies and biggest contributor. President of ABC advising Kerry on VP selection. The notion that coorporate leadership can't lean democrat is nonsense, look at campaign contributions. The media is based in New York and Hollywood, very left wing areas. Based on this it would be natural to expect to some bias. Couple that with the rich Jews it becomes even more obvious. As for Alterman, I've repeatedly heard him admit on CSPAN yes the media is biased, but, he then contrives some bizarre explanation why it doesn't matter. As for Fox, their prime time viewership is 2 million, compared to 30 million for the broadcast networks. \_ Corporate contributions can influence politicians of any party. The current administration seems to exhibit quite a lot of quid-pro-quo. \_ No one said it can't. It just that it doesn't. \_ Use motdedit, you quished 2 reponses. \_ Corporations contribute to *both* parties so that they can receive favors no matter who wins. Even Enron gave money to the Dems. Your analysis is spot on. The media is controlled mostly by rich, left-wing Jews who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Liberals go to journalism school. Conservatives go to business or law school. In addition to Diller there are Eisner and Geffen among others. \_ So you're saying David Geffen controls the news media? You are a funny man. \_ I didn't write this comment but I think its pretty obvious Jews control the media, and they are overwhelmingly leftists. \_ Media is not the only thing we control, peon. -- ilyas \_ Music and movies are definitely media that influence lots of people. Further, I named Geffen because he is an example of a big, rich, media owner who is also decidedly liberal. I have no idea why the left equates "corporations" with "conservative". \_ I don't equate the two; I think the media is corporate rather than conservative. -tom \_ What is the corporate position on social issues? \_ there is not a single corporate position, but generally, corporations will not take risky positions. -tom \_ In other words they won't lean too far left or too far right. That sounds right. So what's the beef? \_ Racist! Hate Israel, Love Jews! \_ Oh I get it! Jew bashing is cool as long as you're only bashing left wing Jews! \_ Most Jews are left wing, but I didn't see any bashing. \_ It is just a list of memos from the director of Fox News. Are you trying to claim that she made them up? |
2004/7/14-15 [Reference/Military, Recreation/Computer] UID:32279 Activity:kinda low |
7/14 A farewell to the Marine Corps, Colonel Wayne Shaw, USMC, Quantico, Virginia http://www.usna63.org/tradition/history/Farewell_Shaw.html \_ Great find. I love his 10 questions. |
2004/7/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:32280 Activity:high |
7/14 Any ideas on why Mozilla/Firefox/etc is so slow on OSX? Even Camino, "designed from the ground up for OSX," is really bad. \_ Slow? FF seems as fast as Safari to me. Load time is slower than Safari, but once it is loaded I can't really tell any difference. \_ Did you try resizing the browser window? That was where I noticed the big difference. I'm on a recent G4 Powerbook running 10.3.x. \_ I loaded the same http://amazon.com page in FF and Safari just now and tried resizing the page. Both FF and Safari seem to resize at about the same speed on my iBook G4 (800 MHz model). \_ Odd. Which OS version are you running? \_ 10.3.4. I have 640 mb of ram, maybe that is the difference? BTW, resizing isn't that fast, its just that they are both about the same speed. \_ Why is everything so slow in OSX? \_ Heh. Ever done a side by side comparison of OSX with any other GUI? Lynx doesn't count, nerdling. \_ OSX is sure slow, compared it to the previous Mac GUI, compared it to Win2K, compared it to WinXP, compared it to X on Solaris and Linux. OSX is just damn slow. \_ If you are running anything other than twm on Linux/Solaris, there is no way that I can buy your story that the GUI is faster. BTW, when they add features like print to pdf and Expose to X11, lets see how fast it is. |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:32281 Activity:kinda low |
7/14 Happy Bastille Day! \_ Tonight on Fox News: Some people say John Kerry, LOOKS FRENCH. \_ Lance even let them win this one. -John |
2004/7/14-15 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:32282 Activity:nil |
7/14 Well, that lifetime commitment didn't last long: link:www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/nation/9131961.htm \_ So by this standard, I guess Britney Spears' marriage and divorce invalidates heterosexual marriage. \_ I didn't say anything about what it means. You need to wash out your mind. \_ I think he's responding to the jackass in the article who said that "unnatural marriages" wouldn't last because they're about self-gratification instead of love. \_ Thank you. |
2004/7/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32283 Activity:nil |
7/14 So just out of curiousity, what drives the need to restore all the below drivel? I know, I know, censorship is bad, but really its just drivel. Why do you care? |
2004/7/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:32284 Activity:kinda low |
7/14 Another Nigerian scam-baiting. The twist is that the guy actually got some money out of the scammer. http://www.419eater.com/html/joe_eboh.htm \_ Dude, this site is hilarious! Thanks for posting; it made my morning. \_ Why are they called 419? \_ Section of the Nigerian criminal code that they violate (fraud). |
2004/7/14-15 [Consumer/Camera] UID:32285 Activity:moderate |
7/14 I miss B&H in NYC. Is there a good place to try out cameras in the bay area? \_ I'd recommend SF Discount Camera on Kearny, near Union Square in San Francisco. Incredibly helpful salesmen and a great selection. Beware you'll pay about $50 more on average than you would through say, Amazon, but then with Amazon you have no way to do a hands on comparison. \_ What about Looking Glass on Telegraph (a couple blocks south of Andronico's)? I've never bought a camera there but they have a great selection of other photography paraphernalia like film/paper/bags/tripods/even a darkroom. Their salespeople are super friendly and helpful. -- alice \-Looking Glass is sort of the Breads of India of camera stores. --psb \_ Dunno Breads of India. What do you mean? \_ They have a great selection of accessories, but last time I went there they have only one or two cameras on shelf. They can special-order but there's nothing you can try out. |
2004/7/14-15 [Reference/BayArea] UID:32286 Activity:high |
7/14 Can i buy fleshlight in berkeley/oakland? \_ Try that really scary "comics" store on Telegraph, just south of Dwight. Collectors Realm III. The area in front looks like The Android's Dungeon, but in reality they make almost all of their money by selling hardcore porn and associated crap. Just go through the back into the second area. They'll probably have what you're looking for. Sicko. \_ their web site says that the interior lining is silky soft just like the real thing, but the real thing has crevices and ridges, so how can they make such a claim? \_ What's "fleshlight"? --not cool enough to know \_ http://www.fleshlight.com not work safe. \_ there is always good vibrations \_ Make sure to get the chocolate butt model. |
2004/7/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:32287 Activity:high |
7/14 When did this place turn into Chronicles of the Elders of the Motd? \_ ? \_ cf below with "all the jews control the media" \_ since tom holub started to scare all the new blood \_ Shut up you warmongering plutocrat jew bastard. -John |
2004/7/14-15 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:32288 Activity:high |
7/14 ipod owners, http://www.apple.com/ipod/specs.html says it has Chinese. Does it just mean the menus are in Chinese? or can it display Chinese song names? Thanks. \_ I left mine at home but I remember being able to change the menus to various languages like French and Spanish. I think Chinese might be one of them. \_ My dad had a bunch of songs in his iPod in Chinese. Menus were in English. \_ everything will be in Chinese (unicode). The menu and the songs (when input in Chinese) will be displayed properly. Both simplifed & traditional supported \_ what kind of unicode transformation? utf-8? ucs-2? \_ FWIW, Persian/Arabic script didn't show up on my iPod even though iTunes displays the song titles correctly. \_ they are more complicated than Chinese. they tend to be the last thing be supported. \_ Chinese pop sounds like cats in heat anyway. Get some real music, like Britney. \_ I wouldn't say it's cats in heat, but I do think there is no variaty in Hong Kong pop. They all sound the same. After a variety in Hong Kong pop. They all sound the same. After a while you get bored. Taiwan pop seems to have a little more variaty. --- HK guy. variety. --- HK guy. [variety, not variaty. spelld] |
2004/7/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:32289 Activity:very high |
7/14 I bought several Intel GigE nics and one of them has a bad mac addr (all ff's). dmesg shows the card as detected, and proc/pci lists it, but ifconfig doesn't show an eth* entry for it. Does anyone know how I can set the mac addr so that I can use the card? (I'm using RH 9, but I can just as easily stick the card in a WinXP, FreeBSD or OpenBSD box). The card has a 82540 chip if that is of any use. tia. \_ I'm curious. Why don't you want to return the card? \_ maybe s/he's curious about this. Why do think OP doesn't want to return the card? \_ If I can get the card working, then I wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of getting a RMA and shipping it back and waiting for a new one. I'm planning on buying several dozen more of these cards in the future and in case I run into this problem again, I'd like to know if it is possible to fix it. \_ Return it. You've already had more hassle. You know that the others work, so this one is defective. Send it back and leave us alone. \_ Return it. You've already had more hassle. You know that the others work, so this one is defective. Send it back and leave us alone. \_ Some cards have the MAC address printed on them somewhere. \_ I know what the MAC address is supposed to be, I just need a way of manually setting it up in the eeprom of the card (linux says that the eeprom contains an invalid chksum, and the windows based card test utility from intel says that it can't read the eeprom) \_ Maybe that means the eeprom is bad? I think you're trying to hard. \_ FreeBSD allows you to set the MAC address. On bootup via /etc/start_if.fxp0 or you can do it manually. Either way: ifconfig fxp0 ether <mac address> Yours won't be fxp0, it'll be whatever. \_ Thanks, I'll give it a shot today. \_ It might work on your broken card, but I agree with the others who say you should RMA it. |
2004/7/14-15 [Reference/Military] UID:32290 Activity:very high |
7/14 F-16 Footage over fallujah http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1171674/posts \_ How do we know it's terrorists rather than innocent people who got blown into tiny bits of carbon? \_ fallujah is a city of terrorists and people sheltering terrorists. Who's innocent there? \_ Sheltering terrorists? If you knew a bunch of very violent people, can you honestly tell me you'd be brave (or foolhardy) enough to turn them in to the cops, knowing that their friends could come slit your throat in the night? It must be nice living in your bubble where moral superiority does not pose a danger to your personal safety. \_ I think it's also kind of Darwinian, if you're still in Fallujah after it's full of terrorists, and the Marines are itching to raze it to the ground.... \_ Couldn't you say the same thing about the whole Iraq? Are we offering a place to go? \_ As if you'd post a list on your front door of all the people you turned in? Arabs already learned with Arafat's PLO to do these things quietly or they'll get labelled as traitors and shot in the street. \_ Because we only use smart bombs \_ You could apply to be sent there as neutral observer of the UN. \_ Right, and killing people is normal in war. But are we supposed to applaud and cheer the vaporization of 20-40 people just like those who cheered the killing of just a few westerners? I know you haven't talked about cheering, but since the op is linking it through the Freepubic rather than the original url, I suppose he wants us to applaud and cheer like those freepers. Where is our moral superiority? Are you a moral relativist? \_ That's weird. Can they not hear the jets/missiles approaching? It looks like these guys are just calmly wandering around. \_ When you drop your precision-guided munition from 30,000 feet, maybe they didn't hear you. \_ No. They can't. That's what flying faster than the speed of sound is all about. \_ So if you fly faster than the speed of sound you make less noise? Or your bomb got there faster than the sound of your plane reached them? \_ If you fly faster than the speed of sound, nobody will hear your plane until after you've passed. If a bomb falls faster than the speed of sound, nobody will hear it coming until after it lands. In WWII, the V2 rockets could not be heard approaching, which made them such a good psychological weapon; in the middle of the night your house could just explode. Also, with rifle bullets, the bullet you won't hear coming is the one that hits you. \_ If you're orbiting the target, it's more likely for your sound to get there, than if you bomb straight in, right? \_ It's not that hard. If you're flying supersonic, people can't hear you until after you've passed. If you're flying circles over the target, then they can probably hear you, but that might not provide any good warning if they're always hearing planes flying overhead. |
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