7/10 People don't want to put their camera/film through the X-ray
machines at the airport because the film could get damaged. With
digital cameras, is there any reason to want to avoid the camera
doing through the X-ray machines at the airport?
\_ No. Also, I'm somewhat skeptical about the X-Ray/Film thing.
If the X-Rays were that powerful I wouldn't want to stand
next to the thing.
\_ obrepomanreference
\_ Well, even if x-rays don't ruin your photo's, they can still
cloud them. Especially, as you go thru more than one x-ray
machine during your vacation or business trip.
\_ depend upon the film too. If you use ISO 1600, you probably
want to ask the customs to hand-check the canister.
\_ Good luck. Security isn't too sympathetic these days.
\_ There's a federal regulation that you can read off of
the transportation agency website that says that you
are entitled to a hand check for any professional grade
films above certain ISO(maybe 800?). This is only in US,
btw. As for X-ray fogging films: *never* check any films
as they use more powerful x-ray on checked baggage, and
these WILL fog your film. The ones next to the security
checkpoint are weaker, and ISO400 films can usually go
through them about 4 times without any noticeable fogging.
slower films can go through them more. This is all for
any unprocessed films. So you may consider processing your
films before coming back from your trip if they're
important enough for you.
\_ Government staff, government wages, government quality.
\_ right. i'm sure they'd be much better if they made
minimum wage and had no benefits or job security.
Ever been to a walgreens?
\_ You get what you pay for. I don't pay walgreens
$50,000 a year in taxes. For what I pay the
government every year, every time I make a
purchase, every time I cross a bridge, and every
time I sneeze, I should get better service than
Walgreens. Have you ever paid $50,000 for service
and got government quality effort for it? There is
a reason why one of the Big Lies is "I'm from the
government and I'm here to help".
\_ That's a bogus argument. You are not entitled to
much better government service just because you
pay more taxes. The average American (a bad
example, I know) pays ~$6000 per year in taxes.
Considering all the social services, civic
infrastructure, and massive military, that's not
a terrible value.
\_ Please highlight where he says he should get
better service than someone who pays less
taxes? He is rightfully irritated that he
gets shitty government service period. The
point is that _someone_ is paying 50k in
taxes, and the govt. is not delivering.
\_ He never said it, but it was implied:
"I don't pay walgreens $50,000 a year in
taxes... ...I should get better service
than Walgreens..."
If it was only about shitty government
service, than saying he expects more for
$50,000 is irrelevant.
\_ Your film will be ruined if they are exposed to to light.
Would you start living in a darkroom form now on?
\_ You're aware of the difference between light, which can be
easily blocked by putting your film in an opaque container
and xrays which will pass through most common materials?
\_ I was asking about taking a digital camera through airport
security. Why all this talk about film? -op
\_ because your average sodan ignores the op's post and jumps
into a flame war without reading the rest of the thread.
now watch as your film post spawns a meta flame war about
motd flame wars...
\_ because it's a stupid question. X-ray machine barely does
damage on regular films, it shouldn't do any damage on digital
camera |