2004/6/28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:31034 Activity:insanely high |
6/28 New Iraqi leadership demonstrates intelligence -- arrange for transfer of sovereignty two days early, catching enemies off guard. State Department (Powell et al.) takes over from Pentagon. Say hello to four more years of Dubya! \_ Sounds like a total lack of confidence to me. I am not against the war, but this is defeatism at its best. Are we going to suddenly withdraw all the troops unilaterally to catch the enemy off guard too? \_ Transfering early shows a lack of confidence? It's defeatist? What are you smoking? Would you like to explain how this is anything even remotely negative for the US and new Iraqi goverment? \_ Chickening out on keeping it on the scheduled date is lack of confidence on one's ability to defend against the insurgence, especially when they're trying to make people believe that they can defeat the insurgence. \_ Handing over power early was a brilliant move to circumvent violence planned for the day of takeover and avoid the nastiness that might have ensued if they'd tried to delay. HOWEVER, troops are going to remain for quite a while, and they're going to continue to be targeted and killed. No love for the Bush reelection campaign. -!op \_ It sure looks like they're trying to cut-and-run early. \_ I would say the U.S. gave up on trying to do it all by themselves. \_ Why? So the new government can be blamed for attacks instead of the provisional one? Why would W profit from this? \_ Because people don't follow these things so closely, despite saying they're interested when polled. Easily spunnable. \_ This is what Iraqis have said they wanted all along, and they're getting it. Who knows what happens now. \_ "Mr. Khafaji's circle of friends, most in ankle-length dishdasha shirts, said their principal criticism of the US occupation was that the US hasn't been brutal enough with insurgents and criminals. They predicted that Allawi will get tough. "These murders are supposed to have their throats slit and be thrown into the river,'' says Kassem Fadel Hassan, the cafe owner. "Hopefully, we'll start to see that."" w00t! |
2004/6/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:31035 Activity:high |
6/28 I'm tired of people calling the LA Times the liberal newspaper (they're guilty of Ah-nold bashing, that's true, but he is clearly a groper) when the NY Times is the champ, and the Washington Post is running Kerry ads with polling data like this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/elections/2004/charting.html?nav=1b ... which lists registered voters, not likely voters, where Bush leads. \_ The liberal media? That's so 1993... \_ And 1973 and 1983 and 2003 and.... \_ Yeah GE, Westinghouse and NewsCorp are all so .... liberal??? \_ you forgot Disney, Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, and ClearChannel. |
2004/6/28 [Science] UID:31036 Activity:high |
6/28 our soldiers should be tagged so we can find them easily \_ and the enemies can find them easily too? \_ americans stick out like sore thumbs. better to put deep implants so they wont get beheaded \_ The enemies don't have the technology. This is a great idea, because it also allows us to find the people who abducted them. \_ The enemy might not have the technology to decode whatever data the device is transmitting, but does the enemy have the technology to detect that there is simply some radio transmission coming out of somewhere? \_ It depends, but I am referring to these thugs in Iraq. I doubt they do and if they do there is no reason for them to suspect it. Technically, they can probably just jam the transmission but if we do not advertise what we are doing they probably do not do this typically. If we announce this then we are stupid. |
2004/6/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Law/Court] UID:31037 Activity:insanely high |
6/28 Not quite unanimous: Three Supreme Court decisions today. 8-1, 6-3, 5-4. President does not get blank check for detaining U.S. citizens indefinitely without a legal hearing during wartime (8-1). Non-citizen detainees also have access to federal courts (6-3). Guantanamo is in U.S. jurisdiction. Padilla case rejected on technicality (should have filed in S. Carolina, not New York, since he is detained in Charleston) (5-4). \_ Sad that the Rheinquist court is the last bastion of sanity in the Federal govt. But three cheers for these decisions. \_ My opinion had been that it would have been unanimous against \_ Think of it as the court voting to preserve the authority of the court. \_ I think of it as the court voting to preserve the authority of the constitution. You remember what that is? \_ "The constitution? Oh, that thing." \_ My opinion had been that it was going to be unanimous against detaining U.S. citizens indefinitely without a legal hearing. Guess who the lone dissenter was? \_ What's odd is that Scalia and Thomas usually vote together...it had to be one of them, right? \_ If you say to yourself, Scalia prides himself on being the smartest dude on the Supreme Court and won't go into history books as clearly making the wrong decision -- what do you have left? \-Does anyone know what STEVENS J. wrote in the where he wrote a separate opinion? Also I was crossing my he wrote a separate opinion? I was also crossing my fingers that the Ct would be the "last bastion of sanity". I think it affirms their role in the checks and balance system against the executive power and i think the very idea of *anybody* should *never* get a day in *any* court is completely shocking to any lawyer and undermines the meta-principle of the "rule of law" rather than taking sides on any particular law. --psb \_ The process that gave Thomas a seat does damage to the "last bastion" ideal - particularly as a raft of judges are headed to the SC the same way. -- ulysses \_ This must also apply to O'Connor then? \_ What do you mean? Was there something particular about the way O'Conner was apppointed to the court or her voting patterns that you object to? \_ She was a Reagan judge. \- The SupCt isnt responsible for Thomas being there. The executive is. The OCONNOR comment \_ the legislative branch must take some share of the blame as well, for politi cizing the consent process. -crebbs \-i dont think "advise and consent" leaves them with much room. yeah i suppose it is too bad they had to go in for all the anita madness when they just should have said "you are too short to be on the ct". and i think if anything the executive cyntically used the black factor to put the legislature in an awkward position. if you decompartmentalize from just talking about thomas to the bork as well, i suppose you have a point. but that doesnt mean you float thomas to "get even" and it certainly doesnt make him well qualified. --psb \_ It's not exactly "to get even" (though...), It is simply a case of "hey, you played politic with someone who was qualified so here's one at least as conserv. but who is immune to that tactic. \- well really to "get even" the went with souter the stealth candidate who didnt have a long record like bork. and that sort of backfired. but nobody is saying DS isnt qualified to be there. --psb \_ C.T. was chosen also because he is immune to the type of character assassination that hurt Bork. If there had not been so much playing politics by the Leg. with exec. appointments I do not believe C.T. would have been nominated. -crebbs doesnt make any sense. Not only is OConnor super-well qualified to be on the Ct [Rhenquist was 1st in his law class at Stanford and OConnor was 3rd in that class] but arguably she is more influential than the chief because she is closer to the center. It is amazing how many of the most sig decisions have been written by her. See e.g. http://csua.org/u/7yq --psb \_ She *is* the swing vote, but she seems to favor pragmatism over principle too much for my taste. \_ I remember when I posted that the USSC would probably declare that it had jurisdiction over the Guantanimo detainees and was that it had jurisdiction over the Guantanamo detainees and was mocked for claiming this and especially mocked for using the qualifier "probably." Well, Right Wing Nutjob, I mock you back for being wrong and especially mock you for being such an idiot extremist that you only respect people who claim certaintly when they do not have it. Like the entire White House Administration, come to think of it. No wonder you are so lost. \_ Why does the Court hate America? \_ Why is it a "right wing nutjob" who you think was in favor of us upholding our own constitution? --conservative \_ Claiming that Bush is above the law is upholding the Constitution? Sorry a very conservative supreme court voted 6-3 against your very vocal and strenuous claim that Bush could do anything he wanted to in Gitmo. All your quotes from WH lawyers to naught. You and the WH are both way out on a limb and you don't even know it. \-this is quite a simplistic comment. her equal protection approach to in texas vs johnson is quite principled. part of the jobs of the USSC is to give practical advice lower courts can apply with some consistency, such as the lemon test. do you really have any idea what you are talking about. --psb \_ hun? url please. I went and read this case and do not see anything by her at all, let alone anything regarding "equal protection". -!principle boy \- sorry, my mistake. the case to look at is lawrence v texas, not tx v johnson [which was the flag burning case]. there are a lot of strange departures from "principle" in sup ct jurisprudence. it's not so simple as practical vs principle. like how to blanace sep powers, federalism, legis intent, article i powers, orig intent, stare decisis, process vs. substance, disparate impact ... see e.g. Benjamin Nathan Cardozo: Nature of the Judicial Process, A. Bickel: The Least Dangerous Branch etc. i assume that is the case you are asking about, not the "lemon test" case, which is lemon v. kurtzman interpreted by oconnor in various "establishment clause" cases like lynch v donnelly to define govt endorsement. --psb |
2004/6/28-29 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:31038 Activity:high |
6/28 Need a friendly auto mechanic or someone knowledgeable about cars in Silicon Valley. I have a crashed car and they unhooked the battery in the impound lot. I need to get the mileage for insurance and a couple of CDs out of the car. Can anyone recommend a person at reasonable cost(insurance co. will reimburst me for cost)? \_ I went to Fred's Wrench in Alameda a couple years ago after Midas told me I needed a new transmission. Fred drove around with me while I showed him all the weird noises, and told me the transmission was fine for the age of the car, and that the motor mounts needed replacement (which he did for 1/3 the price Midas quoted). \_ Can't you just go there and connect a battery to it? If you can't do it, I'll do it for $100... \_ get one of those cigarette-lighter attachment car starter things, hook that up and it should give the car enough power to give you an ODO reading and let you retrieve CD's. |
2004/6/28-29 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:31039 Activity:high |
6/28 New Apple 30inch LCD $3299, wow, I want one!! \_ That's a lot of pennies. \_ Don't forget the Mac-only $600 video card it requires. \_ Eh? I've seen Apple LCDs connected to Dells. \_ They say the 30" requires a dual-DVI GeForce 6800... |
2004/6/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:31040 Activity:insanely high |
6/28 I watched F911 and frankly I don't see anything controversial except its choice of targets. This movie does not stand out at all in the technics it employs to make its pointed criticism. OK, It does not compare to the artistically great but evil propaganda from the last century, nor is it for publication on Nature or Daedalus. It is about as wicked and biased as the all the mainstream network news, documentaries, or frontline exposes, i.e. the normal media you immerse yourself in and rave about on the motd, freerepublic or slashdot., perhaps even a tiny bit less so. If you have a problem with its fairness, you can't just cherry pick this one. You should disconnect yourself from TV, printed media, internet etc even when they are just picking on M$, EPA, or Bangladesh. On the other hand, if you hate F911 because you think strong criticism of our Leader is unpatriotic and challenge to the upper echelon of society is subversive, you can and should make your point directly without shame. \_ I disagree. I think Moore is qualitatively different from mainstream news. His vibe as entertainer reminds me of Limbaugh, only he uses film as his medium, not talk radio. -- ilyas \_ I disagree. I think Moore is qualitatively different from mainstream news. His vibe as entertainer reminds me of Limbaugh, only he uses film as his medium, not talk radio. -- ilyas \_ What is the big deal about this movie? The dude sounds like a huge retard who doesn't know jack about anything and just goes around mouthing off. Whatever. \_ The "big deal" seems to be created by the staunch right-wing who have never seen the movie (or anything by Michael Moore) but telling others that it is an un-American movie and that they shouldn't watch it. \_ Ad-hominem attack #2. \_ How the hell is this "ad-hominem"? \_ I was wondering that too -AH#1 \_ I don't care what movie people go and see. You want to pay $9 and see the movie, bully for you. Whatever. To me it doesn't look like a good movie and the comments the director makes make it sound like a terrible movie. But then again, maybe I'm not the best judge of such things since I only watch movies with the words 'Star Trek' in the title. \_ Well, I personally didn't like the movie myself and, like so many movies I've seen, wished I didn't pay $10 for it. But whether a movie's good or bad is a matter of opinion from people who've seen it. What I think is absured are all these people who haven't seen the movie and are telling others to boycott the movie and calling them unpatriotic otherwise. \_ Ad-hominem attack #1. \_ It's not ad-hominem since Moore is the director and also in the movie. \_ people, please stop putting a hyphen in ad hominem. do it for the children. \_ OMG, YOU HUGE RETARD, U DONT NO JACK, QUIT MOUTHING OFF!!!1 \_ Yes it is. You insulted MM without adressing any of the content of the movie. \_ Would it be better if he said "He seems like a huge/fat retard, speaking through a megaphone outside the capital" He's in the movie, so attacking him is attacking one of the characters/protaganists of the film. I vaguely " He's in the movie, so attacking him is attacking one of the characters/protaganists of the film. I vaguely enjoyed the film, but not really the parts that he was \_ Saying he made an ass of himself in front of the \_ the british calls it arse White House is a criticism of the movie. Just saying he's "a huge retard who doesn't know jack about \_ who's jack? anything" is a personal attack. If you had said "MM says foobar, which is wrong." that would be \_ what's MM? \_ what's foobar? a fair criticism. in. I don't like watching fat people in movies/TV. \_ Whatever. I've read speeches/interviews with this guy (about this and other movies). He has a very one sided view about stuff and passes it off as informed and objective. If he was honest about the fact that his movies and writing are anything but objective then he might not come off as such a huge jackass. \_ When did Moore ever say he was objective? As far as I know, he has always tried to push his agenda. \_ This is one of those things I don't need to see to know I won't like it. I heard enough about the Passion of Christ to know I wouldn't want to see that. I eventually saw Titanic but wished I hadn't. Really, MM is just about self glorification. In some ways, he is very much like Limbaugh. The difference I see is that I can pick up the phone and challenge Rush 5 days a week any time during his 2 to 4 hour show and put him on the spot and make him explain if he said something I disagree with or if he twisted something. I do not have that option with MM. I only have people like this to "talk" with about him: Boredcast Message from 'brain': Mon Jun 28 08:34:19 2004 if someone who is not a raging asshole sees that movie, I can pretty much gaurantee they will vote against Bush \_ Interesting. This is the usual trick of defending your opinon by taking an example of your opponents out of context (like when he is stoned or walling) or representativeness and ridicue it. This is something MM might been guilty, but see it is SO mainstream. context (like when he is stoned or walling, which is same) or representativeness and ridicule it. This is something MM might been guilty of, but see it is SO mainstream. \_ I indented your interruption bc it looks like a continue of the rest of my post. So, the wall log is there. What did I take out of context? What exactly is the context on the wall log that I have unfairly smeared brain or taken his post out of context? It's there. Maybe I'm blind or something. Please explain. As far as stoned or walling goes, I get the same replies on the motd and the wall is covered in that sort of noise. I picked the first one I saw related to the topic. I didn't dig for a special case. I didn't have to. It was said, that's who I have the opportunity to discuss anything with and I still can't chat with MM and I can still call Rush 5 days a week. Please explain my 'trick' and maybe answer some of my other questions and points as well. Thank you. --c \_ Um, perhaps becuase you WEREN'T discussing it with brian, and pulled his quote from wall to try to illustrate an impervious liberal veneer. If you had engaged him, on wall, or by email, you might have the chance to find that he is intelligent, reasonable, and possibly could give you something to think about on the subject. But you seem to like your blinders. --scotsman \_ I must be an asshole -- I am voting Nader. This brain fellow better be using some sort of hyperbole, because it sure sounds like he is mouthing off mindlessly on wall. -- ilyas \_ Why don't you go ask him? Something like: "Hi brain, I don't know you, but on wall today you sounded like you were mouthing off mindlessly. Were you using some sort of hyperbole?" \_ you'll notice I said "against Bush" ilyas. Not "for Kerry." You don't know me, so you don't know my politics. But you haven't asked. go ahead, ask me! I'm not a hostile person. most of the time. Unlike most people, I'm not offended that you don't agree with me. It's a free country, and it doesn't make you less of an American. My point with the movie is: regardless of your politics, it is pretty hard to see thepain of a mother who has lost her son to a war cometo grips with the realization that there may not have been a good reason for it. And this experience will make you ask yourself questions; perhaps questions you should have been asking yourself previously. To ignore the possibility of a new experience is a sign of intellectual and in this case moral weakness. Just think about it. -brain free country, and it doesn't make you less of an American. My point with the movie is: regardless of your politics, it is pretty hard to see the pain of a mother who has lost her son to a war come to grips with the realization that there may not have been a good reason for it. And this experience will make you ask yourself questions; perhaps questions you should have been asking yourself previously. To ignore the possibility of a new experience is a sign of intellectual and in this case moral weakness. Just think about it. -brain \_ Heh. I am voting for Nader because CA is not a battleground state, and because I wish to splinter the liberal vote further by encouraging Nader to run again. I sympathize with people (both American and otherwise) who were harmed by Bush's policies, but I think your conclusion on, for instance the worth of the war, seems a little premature. Even if Bush lied through his teeth about the reasons, the actual positive effects of the war (of a humanitarian nature, for example) is something neither you nor indeed the mother of a slain soldier should discount quite so readily. As for ignoring the possibility of a new experience, with all due respect to Mr. Moore, I do not consider his films an intellectual experience at all. I have plenty of intelligent liberal friends to argue with. -- ilyas \_ off topic I guess but I'm not totally convinced that Bush has zero chance here. anyway, I'll vote for Kerry just because I believe he's a better human being. I don't think the Iraq action itself should be the basis of voting. Bush bothers me across a lot of fronts independent of conservative/liberal politics. -IND voter \_ and what is my conclusion on the worth of the war? I have never even brought it up, and honestly it's not the reason I think Bush is a terrible leader. You need to understand that, at his core, Bush does not value your welfare, nor that of America, and that his policies, not just with regard to Iraq, are self-serving and evil. Look at the results of Leave No Child Behind, or what has happened to the FCC or EPA's policies. The Clear Skies Initiative. Even a little research will show you a larger picture than just Iraq. Not the ideology, I'm talking about the actual, measurable results. This is important stuff here, and unless you personally own a gigantic manufacturing or oil corporation you have personally not benefitted from any of these things. Do the math on the dividend tax cut- how much money did you save? How much money was saved by others, never to be circulated back into our economy? -brain \_ I find Brian often weighs in on things he has not given much thought to or is not especially knowledgeable about. In some cases I assume it is just immaturity, but in this case I think he is carried away by emotion. I've known him for a little while and I'm not a knee- jerk liberal. I think part of his problem is he gets all of his news from web sites and soundbite sources. But there are some niches he does seem knowledgeable. But they are sort of superficial subjects. \_ I'm guessing you are referring to the tax law discussion, in which I was shouted down for trying to save you fools a few thousand dollars. If someone shows me I am misinformed, I always apologise. Always. But I'm not going to argue with you on wall when I can tell you are not interested in discussion. While you guys snipe and rotin your cubes, other people are running around thousand dollars. If someone shows me I am misinformed, I always apologise. Always. But I'm not going to argue with you on wall when I can tell you are not interested in discussion. While you guys snipe and rot in your cubes, other people are running around the world accomplishing great things. So forgive me for voicing an opinion, or sharing a piece of very expensive information it cost me a great deal to obtain. Information that forgive me for voicing an opinion, or sharing a piece of very expensive information it cost me a great deal to obtain. Information that came from my corporate tax lawyer. -brain \_ It looks like someone made Brian cry. \_ nah it's cool. I enjoy spending your tax money. -brain \_ You'd have to, if you like Moore's movies with good conscience. \_ I'm not sure what you mean. Michael Moore is funded by tax dollars? \_ I agree with this point as well. The "conservative" poster has taken the wall of one user and generalized it to be the mindset of all liberals. This is not a convincing way to make an argument, and ironically makes the op look close-minded. Now then, what's the point of even trying to talk to some of you when disagreeing with you or your media heroes make me an asshole in your eyes? I don't think any of you are assholes simply for \_ It doesn't, and I never said that. Interesting that you didn't bring this up when I said it... No, what makes you an asshole is writing this Rush Limbaugh diatribe in which you ascribe all kinds of motives to a single portion of my conversation with Rand. Maybe O'Reilly actually... Limbaugh never cut his guests' microphone. -brain \_ It doesn't, and you know that's not what that wall meant. Interesting that you didn't bring this up when I said it... No, what makes you an asshole is writing this (anonymous) Rush Limbaugh diatribe in which you ascribe all kinds of motives to a single portion of my conversation with Rand. Maybe O'Reilly actually... Limbaugh never cut his guests' microphone. -brain disagreeing with me. I don't even think most of you are assholes. If you are an asshole, you know it and you're proud of it and I'm ok with that. But don't call me names because I don't like your hero or I disagree with your political philosophy. If I said the same as the above but turned it around you'd call me a right wing nutter and dig up your motd watch logs to find out who I was so you could give me some twink points or try to get me squished. As far as watching MM goes, I don't have the time or money to waste on things that get reviews like the above. --conservative \_ This is why I thought F911 was a weak movie. Contrary to brain's suggestion, I don't think it'll win over any conservative votes. At best (and I don't think it'll do this either), it might "energize the party base". \_ It doesn't have to do that stuff to not be a weak movie. I'll probably watch it at some point. I never watched Bowling just because the subject matter seemed too boring. I don't expect it to be a religious experience, but some insight and entertainment. \_ Why would I want to pay $9 and waste 2 hours to watch MORE crappy propaganda? Or even GOOD propaganda for that matter? \_ Or any movie. period. \_ You watch for the footage they don't show on CNN. The Emperor has no clothes, and we want to see that. ;-) \_ good point. You could probably get a bootleg, or sneak into the movie... or just go to a matinee! |
2004/6/28-29 [Recreation/Pets] UID:31041 Activity:kinda low |
6/28 Dog saves Toronto: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,123882,00.html \_ Why does the dog hate America? |
2004/6/28-29 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:31042 Activity:very high |
6/28 anyone else have problem with http://expedia.com's GIF/JPG loading? Can't see any pics. ok thx. \_ Works for me. \_ ok now works. Now, how do you leave a feedback for a hotel? |
2004/6/28 [Uncategorized] UID:31043 Activity:nil |
6/28 Help, timothym has locked the motd and can't get up! |
2004/6/28 [Consumer/CellPhone, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:31044 Activity:nil |
6/28 Can you type the following in less than 44 seconds with all punctuations correct? "The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human." Now try typing it on your cell phone. http://csua.org/u/7yw (Yahoo! News) |
2004/6/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:31045 Activity:nil |
6/28 Interesting non-partisan 1995 documentary gives some funny insight into political spin. Pretty large download for the mpegs though. http://www.illegal-art.org/video/popups/spin.html |
2004/6/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:31046 Activity:high |
6/28 Fahrenheit 9/11 is No. 1 at box office - Michael Moore's controversial Bush-bashing film has strongest opening ever for a documentary. http://money.cnn.com/2004/06/27/news/box_office.reut/index.htm \_ look at what it's up against. I'll be knocked down once the July 4th weekend blockbusters come out. \_ It might've already been knocked down, now that Iraqi sovereignty has been handed over. \_ what's news about this? Americans would rather see Wayans films than pay attention to the world around them? It's remarkable that a film with a tiny budget, that opened on less than 1000 screens was the #1 money earner for any weekend. Of course it can't compete with a big-budget movie on 3000 screens, but it doesn't need to, to become by far the most successful documentary ever. -tom \_ Tiny budget? What does he need a large budget for? To hire Andy Serkis + a team of CGI programmers to portray Bush? -- ilyas \_ I don't know what tom wants, but I do want to see this: http://csua.org/u/13a (Mad Magazine, old link) http://csua.org/u/7yt (related to above) \_ I never liked "Roger and Me" which made MM famous, and didn't watch his later films. I went to see F911 because others were footing the bill. It is way bettern then "Roger and Me" and definitely worth watching. I think people are boycotting it not because of high principle but because they are afraid, really afraid. \_ and it barely beats White Chicks! \_ hey, white chicks looked pretty funny from the previews! \_ I think Moore's a liar and a scumbag (not to mention anti-American and a flt slob), but this is a huge success for the opening and a fat slob), but this is a huge success for the opening weekend. Look at the per-screen totals and it's as big a hit as Return of the King. We'll see what it's staying power is, but MM is definitely the reigning king of hype. -emarkp \_ ^Moore^Bush \_ At worst, I can say Moore is a conspiracist, a Bush-hater, a hater of pro-Bush Americans, and fat -- but the footage he has collected is what interests me. I don't really care about the bin Laden - Saudi - Bush links or the make corporations rich theme, which seem ridiculous; or the ambushing, which is unfair. I do want to see Bush put in his place, since, while he is not a liar or a scumbag, IMO -- he is a dumbass. |
2004/6/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:31047 Activity:nil |
6/28 Has anyone had their car's air-conditioning system refitted to use the new (134A) refrigerant? What did it cost? |
2004/6/28-30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:31048 Activity:moderate |
6/28 Pop Quiz! A CBS News poll today (http://csua.org/u/7yz shows the following results. Q - The Bush administration's policies have made the U.S.: Safer from terrorism (53%), Less safe (28%), No effect (15%) among registered voters. A CNN poll from last week seemed to show the opposite result. Why the discrepancy? \- did the previous poll ask about "bush co policies" or "invading iraq" ... yes, erasing the taliban hurt al quedas training infrastructure, but i think bushco also has also given al queda their latest recruiptment poster in the hooded fellow --psb \_ Correct. The CNN poll question was: Do you think the war with Iraq has made the US safer -- or less safe -- from terrorism? Safer (37%), Less safe (55%), No change (6%). People appreciate that Southwest or United Airlines flights aren't blowing up, but they're irritated that there were no WMDs, with the prisoner abuse, dead Iraqis and GIs, and with the corresponding effect on America's credibility. \_ goes to show that the American people are smarter than your average motd troll? \_ All polls are push polls. Polling shows nothing but it does keep us amused until the real thing. \_ Using sub-sampling and not giving the MoE for that subsample, or even the sample size? Also, the Q is quite different. the CBS poll asked about "the bush admin's policies." The CNN poll asked about "the war in iraq." |
2004/6/28-30 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31049 Activity:insanely high |
6/28 What's a better 3D WW2 shooter game, Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty, or something else? \_ Medal of Honor. Very cool, very difficult D-Day Landing. Well, then it kinda gets repetitive, but there you go. BF1942 is best played multiplayer with lots of people, preferably not twinks. \_ Seconded. I really enjoy 1942 (loads of variety, not too twitchy) multiplayer, ith some clued people. I understand that for single-player, CoD is brilliant though. -John \_ Thirded. BF42 is pretty awesome with good teams. -eric \_ Fourthed. BF1942 also has the awesome expansion pack Desert Combat which is free and revolves around the first Gulf War (vaguely). There are better vehicles to pilot including choppers and an AC130 gunship. Also, consider BF:Vietnam where the terrain and tactics are more interesting. I say BF1942 has better graphics and gameplay than MoH. --jeffwong \_ Does anyone else think that turning genuine human sacrifice into a game is deeply disturbing? \_ nope. \_ Yup. Kids might get ideas, better ban it. -John \_ That is not what I mean. I don't think that these games are bad in and of themselves. It just seems to me that most people I've met treat these just like any other FPS and do not realize that real men fought and died at the battles that are depicted in the game. This I found somewhat disturbing. I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way. \_ They turn it into movies, why not games? By the way you just jumped from "deeply" to "somewhat" disturbing. \_ He's already getting used to the violence. \_ Guess you are right. \_ You mean like that Aztec ball game? \_ Don't forget the Call of Duty Russian missions. Those were great. |
2004/6/28-30 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:31050 Activity:moderate |
6/28 I read this today: "the gov. may try...hold terror suspects somewhere other than its military base in Cuba, where the court said legal rights apply." What determines where legal rights don't apply... war zones? \_ I'd speculate that the court would rule that prisoner's have access to the court anywhere under American control where providing that access would not put an undue burden on the military. So a brig on the front line, no, but a brig at a secure base, yes. \_ Well, given that a US court could indict Manuel Noriega in Panama guilty of drug offenses, and the US military could invade Panama (and kill lots of innocent people in the process). Seems like a court's jurisdiction has the whole world to play with, if it chooses, since a precedent has already been set. \_ Now at least we know why Bush wants to go to Mars. \_ You prefer what? Sitting on this little rock forever or until the sun grows cold? Leaving it to the future, take care of yourself now? We stand on the shoulders of giants and have a responsibility to the future to continue progress. |
2004/6/28-30 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:31051 Activity:moderate |
6/28 Looking for Macross Do You Remember Love, 0 on Kazaa. Where else can you download it from? \_ emule \_ What does the ", 0" on the end mean? Are you looking for both MDYRL and Macross Zero? \_ Sigh. Read the "0" as "zero" and parse as describing the number of results from Kazaa. \_ If you want Macross Zero it's probably easiest to goto http://www.animesuki.com and download it with bittorrent. |
2004/6/28-30 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:31052 Activity:moderate |
6/28 "Things were better under Saddam" - "Only criminals could say such a thing. The victims deserve better than this," Idrissi concludes. http://tinyurl.com/3d6fz \_ Watch "Control Room." Even Al Jazeera was saying that Saddam was no good. \_ only the UN says this cuz they are losing millions of dollars in the Oil for Food program \_ Heh, we shall see. Allawi is going to institute martial law. I expect he will eventually be setting himself up as dictator. \_ Not a chance. He doesn't have the power base for that. He'll either get elected properly in January or get shot. |
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