2004/6/22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30943 Activity:high |
6/22 Does anyone know of any publicly available distributed file transfer programs? This might be a program that would, e.g., allow you to copy files to one machine, and have that machine copy them to n other ones, which copy it to n other ones, and so forth. \_ Bittorrent + a few torrent grabbing scripts would probably work \_ cron + rsync/wget/etc. \_ Akamai. \_ I had something automatic in mind that's usable in the general case. BT, cron + whatever, and akamai don't really fit the bill. I'm talking more along the lines of something like what google might use to push files to many many machines. \_ rdist. |
2004/6/22 [Recreation/Food] UID:30944 Activity:very high |
6/22 Is Global a decent knife? I've been looking for a good knife for a while: http://csua.org/u/7ux \_ Tac-11 is a pretty good knife. Heh. -- ilyas \_ I can't believe someone erased my post about the only knife a man needs. You people are cold and vicious. \_ Believe it or not, I'm using Miracle Blade II right now ... They are really sharp, really cheap and can go into the dishwasher.... Yes, this is heresy, but try it out (cheap!): http://www.alltvstuff.com/mb1.html -eric \_ While I haven't used that particular knife, it looks like any other cheap stamped blade. These types of knives start out very sharp, but don't hold their edge well. The blade is also too flexible. You end up with a wobbly dull knife with a ragged blade; not very safe. Any knife can go through the dishwasher, but the reason good knives say not to is because they will bang into other things and get dull faster. \_ Globals are not all stamped. Its the alloy they use that lets it keep its edge. \_ I never said ANY Globals were stamped. I said it looks like all the "Chef Tony" knives are stamped. \_ some global knives are stamped, that's why they have a separate forged series that is heavier \_ Along those lines, how about someone telling us the scoop on Ron Popeil's latest infomercial set: http://www.popeilfamilystore.com/6star.html I've seen that infomercial a couple times now (well bits of it, there's something hypnotic about that guy) and it had me ready to buy, but I always figure these things are scams. \_ It's an $870 value! Yours today for only $39.99! \_ Wusthof! Wusthof Classic is the STANDARD! OK, now that I've gotten that out of the way: I've only used Global a little, but the ergonomic design seems quite good. As a new knife it was very nice. The big difference about Global is that their steel has a lot of vanadium in it. This makes the blades harder (and presumably more brittle). These knives are also honed to a sharper angle than most good knives. This makes them seem sharper. The reason most knives are honed to a wider angle is that a wider wedge holds its edge longer. Global knives, because of their harder alloy, can get away with the sharper honing. This extra hardness and sharpness comes at a price. These knives are very hard for most people to resharpen with a stone or steel. When the knives eventually need resharpening, you will probably have to take them to a professional. \_ Wusthof/Solingen is totally overpriced. They're good knives, but you can get equally good ones for half the money. Want a tip? Ask a chef. The knives are often their most prized possessions. -John \_ Agreed. -Wusthof guy \_ I've known two chefs and both used Wustof knives. I use them myself. I would consider Henckels. What knives are equally good for 50% of the cost? \_ Do you guys sharpen them yourself with a sharpening stone, or have it done professionally? And how often? \_ With a steel every few months, or right before a big cutting job. The steel corrects minor dulling of the blade. A professional uses a grinder and actually grinds off metal to create a new edge. You should hone reasonably often and take it to a grinder only rarely. \_ do you mean truing it on a steel? I took the knife skills class at Sur La Table (very useful, btw), and the chef suggested to true briefly every time you use. I've heard that you can use a sharpening stone instead of having it ground, but that you should do one or the other yearly if you use the knife often. I've had my Henckels for a few years and never done this, and was thinking I probably should, but wasn't sure which option to take (tempted to try the stone, but don't want to mess them up) \_ There are some forged Sabatier knives that are 80% as good for 30% of the cost. \_ They're fairly light, which might be good or bad depending on how you plan on using them. \_ Will they still be usable if I stab a guy in the head with them? \_ yes, you can still cut thru an aluminum can with it \_ o.O The guy's head can cut thru an aluminum can? Whoa. \_ I _love_ my global knives. I have owned and used Wusthof, Henkel, and Chicago Cutlery previously. Global kicks their butts. Global is fairly light, very sharp (I hear they have a special edge on them). They are an excellent value, imho. --chris \_ Just curious how one owns knives "previously"? They should last a lifetime. I bought my Wustof knives and I will never buy another knife again because there is no need. If they do break (possible, but unlikely) you can get them replaced for free. How have you gone through so many knives?! \_ One per skull? I don't think they're designed to penetrate solid bone like that and the replacement policy won't cover fraud or felonious use of device. \_ That actually brings up a good point -- once you've got the knife firmly lodged in a guy's skull, what's the best way to get it back out? Twisting or pulling? Or do you rock it out? Which way do you rock? \_ You brace your foot against his neck/shoulder and pull back with both hands if the knife handle is large enough or just one hand with smaller knives. \_ There are other companies also using the same alloy as Global without the contemporary one piece look. \_ I really like Global, but they're pretty light and some people like a knife that feels more solid when they hold it. - mikeym \_ I bought a block set of Henckel's Professional S. They look nice and work great. They've also held their edge well for a few years without needing sharpening (fairly light use). Individually, any good knife is pricey; in a set they're not too bad. The best piece of advice I've heard is: the best knife is the one you use. One that feels good in someone else's hand won't necessarily feel good in yours. Beyond that, Wusthoff, Henckels, and Global are all good bets. \_ Based on advice from the knife skills class and the book "kitchen confidential", I found that I only needed a very small subset of the "full block." Specifically, a good chef's knife, a good paring knife (I got two, a long and a short), and a z-offset serrated knife. The latter is *great* for cutting lots of misc items (tomato, bread, ...), more practical than a normal bread knife. Oh, and a truing steel, of course. \_ My block came with: 6" extra-tall chef's, 8" chef's, long slicer, paring, steel, 6 steak knives, block, bread knife, "utility" (short serrated), and a 6" slicer. I used every single one routinely except the utility. I could certainly get by w/ fewer, but I like having them. --dbushong |
2004/6/22 [Consumer/Audio] UID:30945 Activity:insanely high |
6/22 Mp3 players...opinions? iPod? iRiver? Rio? WHAT IS THE STANDARD? \_ If you own a recent BMW or MINI, get an iPod. They work with your steering wheel controls now. http://www.apple.com/ipod/bmw http://www.bmwusa.com/ipod http://www.ipodyourbmw.com \_ Thanks, this is awesome! --aaron \_ Hey that is pretty cool. I'll go buy a BMW now. \_ Unfortunately, it only works with bare-bones BMWs...if you have a nav system or premium audio (in some models) you are SOL. \_ You're not missing out on much without a Nav. Honda has some of the best Nav systems out there and even they have some ways to go. \_ This may be cool, but it's probably not worth getting a BMW for it. What I really want, and I see it happen in a few years, is audio dashboards that can take mass storage compliant devices such as CF, Memory stick, USB, etc. I can then just connect my ipod, or a CF card, and use it just like a CD from the dashboard. That'll be cool. Heck, even a DVD player that can read MP3 files stored on a DVD will be nice. 4.7GB per disk. Who needs ipod in the car? \_ Anyone with a nontrivial commute. All I want is a radio with a line-in jack; I'll hook up my ipod that way. \_ BMW offers a line-in jack in their 3-series. But I'm not sure I want to be navigating through an iPod menu while I'm driving. That's worse than sipping coffee and talking on your cell phone. \_ I agree, a standard line-in jack would be so nice. \_ Audio dashboard? Well, this BMW thing lets you a) power the ipod b) use the same ipod in your car and portable, no need to have a fancy car hard-disk system that only stays there c) just plain beats mp3s-on-cds, that are limited, bulkier, and don't have the playlist stuff. There are other ways to set this up, and obviously this isn't reason to buy a $30k car, but it's cool and uses the cd-changer interface. There are mp3-playing cd changers also but get with the program man. \_ I'd rather take a DVD than an IPOD to my car. Much lighter and easier to replace. The playlist can be and should be configured on the dash, much like radio, or burned on to the DVD. Ipod is like going through the tape interface to listen to CD in cars. \_ I'd rather not burn DVDs and replace them when I want to change playlists or add more stuff or swap dvds or configure stuff on the dash, or have discs cluttering the car. It may appear inelegant at first, but a hard drive system synced using a PC is the best and the ipod fits this perfectly. It's stupid that it can't be independent of sat. radio and nav. A DVD would be actually be fine for me too though. \_ Tape Walkman is the STANDARD! \_ Go away, proletarian pig dog. \_ Oh yeah, you're too cool for a walkman. \_ No. A 200W portable stereo on the shoulder is the standard. \_ VICTROLA! VICTROLA is the STANDARD! \_ E450 is the standard Enterprise class mp3 player. See the url from yesterday. \_ Dunno, that struck me more as a "my dick is bigger" type project. *shrug* \_ One of the reason to go with iRiver before was with how often they used to release updated firmwares with new features. But they've been pretty bad updating firmwares. I'm still waiting for unmanaged version with OGG support on my iFP395 that was supposed to come out back in January. I probably won't buy another iRiver again. \_ I won't necessarily count this as an advantage. Company that releases firmware every other week are usually pretty buggy, like the linksys crap. My Garmin/Netgear has far fewer firmware releases and is a much better product. \_ Most of iRiver's firmwares are fairly stable and bug-free with the exception of recording noise bug introduced in the USB-HD version of iFP players. \_ Why is rapid firmware updating a good thing in a consumer device? Why can't they get it right the first time? No one wants to update their CED every 2 weeks. I don't update my toaster, my TV, my alarm clock, fridge or BBQ grill. |
2004/6/22 [Uncategorized] UID:30946 Activity:nil |
6/22 Yermom's ping time: http://tinyurl.com/32zme (penny arcade) |
2004/6/22 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30947 Activity:nil |
6/22 What's gmail's tech support email? I cannot log in for more than 16 hours now, this is unacceptable. Thanks. Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds. \_ erase all google-related cookies. purge cache. retry. worked for me. \_ and if that fails: http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/request.py \_ I tried erasing all cookies/cache, and still happens on both mozilla/ie. I can't even visit the support page, because it requires a login, and I can't login. Shit. any ideas? \_ was this just after creating an account? try the above steps again, but also change your password (with the Forgot Your Password? link). i couldn't log in either all yesterday until i did this. \_ yes. that's very unacceptable for a service still in beta. \_ Fine, don't accept it. Go back to Hotmail. |
2004/6/22 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Security] UID:30948 Activity:high |
6/22 Does anyone here know anything about San Francisco Mercedes-Benz, specifically their service department? I've heard really bad things about the service guys at SFBMW, so I'm wondering if I should take my car to a dealer in another town. \_ You heard bad things so obviously you should take your car there! \_ No no. I heard bad things about SF BMW - really bad things from someone that worked at their service department, stuff involving forged service documentation etc... SF M-B might be wonderful but it got me thinking, so I thought I'd ask... \_ What do the two have in common other than being in SF?! \_ Nothing. He's just stoned or something. |
2004/6/22 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30949 Activity:high |
6/22 Simple mail question: How do I set up .forward to only forward mail that has passed my spamassassin filter? (I want a copy of my mail to go to my yahoo account) \_ Read up on procmail \_ set up procmail to stick all email flagged as spam in your spam folder on soda (or stick it in /dev/null) and have your last procmail rule be 'forward your mail to your yahoo account' \_ Got it, thanks! Procmail is sweet. \_ How can you have unix based email and not use procmail? \_ Was using it but had cut and paste a recipe together, finally took the time to read up on it some more \_ Excellent. The motd is a good place for procmail help if you're not asking RTFM questions. |
2004/6/22 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:30950 Activity:nil |
6/22 Back in the day NVidia released a new revision to the 45.x (or 46.x?) series drivers and some people said to keep the old version for some reason. Is there any reason to not upgrade to the 56.x series now? \_ Oh my god! You're not running the latest alpha drivers? |
2004/6/22 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:30951 Activity:very high |
6/22 Who the FUCK deleted my gmail question? \_ It was probably a retaliatory nuke to irritate whatever cocksucker has been censoring all the politics today. \_ probably a yahoo employee \_ Why take the effort to post this without recapping the q? --aaron \_ 1) it was answered by many people, 2) enough with gmail. this isn't the gmail chat forum or support site. \_ The motd isn't many thing, but are all discussed here. \_ When half the motd is about gmail, it's too much. This isn't the gmail support center. They should go host their own message boards or make an easier to find email link. |
2004/6/22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30952 Activity:high |
6/22 Is it possible for a girl to be 38DD (real) and not fat? How big is 38DD? Is that extraordinarily big, or just somewhat big? \_ 38" inches around is on the big side but if she wears it right or is just on the tall end of the scale she isn't necessary fat or even overweight looking. Here's a random page about Marylin Monroe with the studio numbers and her dress maker's numbers: http://www.marilynmonroepages.com/Amy You decide. DD means she's got big breasts on top of that 38 inch frame. If they're real they'll sag, if they're fake, well, no one wants fake once her bra comes off and you're looking a rock hard weirdola breast thing. \_ Ok i am clueless, can someone explain to me what all these number means?? \_ 38DD is really big. Reasonable to expect that 38DD chicks are either fat or are "packing." \_ What do you mean "packing"? \_ enhanced. \_ I found a fairly thin 34DD without to much effort: http://member.onemodelplace.com/member.cfm?ID=64967 \_ Username and password please? \_ I think it's possible with some great genes. Someone can be 6'2" with 38DD and not fat. If I recall correctly, US cup sizes go by AA, A, B, C, D, DD, ... So 38DD should be 38 inches measuring at the nipples and 32 inches (38 - 6) at just below the breasts. Don't know how 38DD real breasts look like, but here are some porn stars with DD real (supposedly) breasts: Mary Carey, Aria Giovanni (34DD), Jun Kusanagi (37DD). \_ No, the 38 is measured below the breasts. 38 means (38"+5") below the breasts, which means that's fat no matter what. \_ Really? Can you describe how the US measurements work? TIA. \_ Measure under breasts. That's the number (38, 34, etc). Then measure around across the nipples. The inches difference between two numbers = letter (I forget exactly what the scale is... something like 1" = A, 2" = B, etc) \_ Yep. The number has more to do with how big the girl is. The letter with how much larger the breasts are. 32D is bigger around than 38B. \_ Here we go: http://www.afraidtoask.com/breast/breastsize.html NSFW! \_ Only your breasts can save the motd! \_ I looooooooove boobies |
2004/6/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30953 Activity:nil |
6/22 This motd really deserves to be nuked - completely dour, geeky, and nothing the least bit funny. \_ Won't you please save us from ourselves!!! \_ Exhibit 1A of dour idiocy. \_ Why do you hate the CSUA? \_ We're not here for your amusement. Piss off. \_ I second that. Came to look for some entertainment but today's motd is more boring than work. \_ Then browse for pr0n and STFU. \_ you seem bored too. let's have hot gay sex together. \_ Is that you, kchang? \_ It's not very clever despite the author's pretensions: I'd say the odds are good. \_ Why don't you add something funny? \_ Why don't you nuke it then huh? TOO CHICKEN??!! |
2004/6/22 [Industry/Jobs] UID:30954 Activity:nil |
6/22 How's the job market looking these days? software engineers. \_ The job market has been white hot since January of this year for anyone who a) already has a job and b) has some skills. My last unemployed friend finally got a job last week after 2 years of fucking around not really looking. |
2004/6/22 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30955 Activity:very high |
6/22 Why aren't hate crime law considered anti-free speech? \_ Because you're convicted of the thing you did, and being punished for why you did it. \_ Because beating someone to death is still murder. If you did it while wearing a swastika and yelling Zieg Heil, then you get an extra dose of punishment for being an asshole. It's still murder. All speech is not free. You may not yell "fire!" in a crowded theatre, as you well know. I hope this wasn't a troll attempt. \_ or "bomb!" anywhere in crowded place especially airport. \_ shit! now you've done it! the black helicopters should be at your place right aboNO CARRIER~~!@~((~ \_ Assault as speech? If you're talking about the "why" being important, mens rea (your state of mind when committing a crime) is a long-established factor. For example, the "why" determines what kind of charge you get for a homicide. --aaron \_ Some people do consider them anti-free speech. \_ Insert white power website URL here. \_ Yeah, cuz only KKK folk don't agree with tha law... \_ No. It is too easy to knee jerk around and say hate speech should be a crime. The white power guys have the right to say hateful and racist and whatever things about other people. They do *not* have the right to say those things while they engage in other criminal activity. Free speech must be carefully tended. It must be provided to those with whom we disagree or find utterly vile and contemptible. Who needs free speech more than those who don't have power? As long as the stupid, the vicious, the mean, the ugly, and the racist haters have free speech, the rest of us are ok. Once they lose the right to express their hatred of others, watch out! Your rights will be next. \_ you're begging the question. -tom \_ No, he's not. Some "hate crime" laws regulate only speech. \_ He's begging the question because his assertion (that the most utterly vile and contemptible speech must be protected or else they'll come for you next!) is both unsupported by any argument and at odds with reality. -tom \_ I don't think that means what you think it means. http://www.datanation.com/fallacies/begging.htm \_ Sure, they can say whatever they like, as long they don't kill or maim someone because of their hate. See above in reference to "your state of mind when committing a crime." \- on a related note, you may wish to read about the notion of "group libel". the case to start with is beauharnais v. illinois. on hate speech, see RAV v. St. Paul [a more recent case and probably more relevant today and to this thread than B'harnais.]. In re: the KKK, see the Skokie march incident. I dont remember the name of the case. I seem to remember a lot of Jews "burned their ACLU card" over the ACLU position in that case. --psb \_ So rather than discuss the ACLU URL I posted, you simply delete it. On a discussion regarding free speech. Incredible. |
2004/6/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:30956 Activity:high |
6/22 What's the prupose of running for legged animals? Does walking very fast achieve the same purpose while avoiding the kinetic energy needed to jerk the body upward at every running step? \_ avoids getting eaten alive? \_ When legged animals run, they actually jump, i.e. propel themselves forward with every step. This is a much more efficient than walking quickly. -- ilyas \_ It's faster; I doubt it's more efficient in terms of long distance energy consumption. Especially carrying a load. \_ I believe it's both. You have to move your limbs much faster to match the running speed. Try it. See how quickly you get tired. You probably will not even be able to do it. -- ilyas \_ I'm not talking about speed but just efficiency... I could more easily walk with a pack across distance X than run, for large enough X. At least it seems that way, I know I feel pretty pooped after running but walking doesn't take much. \_ Running is mainly for two things: catching food and not getting caught. doesn't need to be efficient. How many animals have you seen run wherever they go? --scotsman \_ read ilyas' post... although of course, it's more efficient to run quickly than try to walk at high speed. So this discussion is pointless. \_ did walking very fast prevent your ancestors from being chased down and eaten by other legged animals? \_ I know it didn't. I'm trying to find an explanation. \_ since running != walking very fast, then obviously walking very fast doesn't achieve the same purpose. \_ case closed. thread marked for garbage collection. \_ who died and made you garbage man. \_ Why doesn't walking very fast achieve the same purpose then? \_ It costs more energy and you just don't have the muscles for it. Try walking 18MPH sometime. \_ Isn't this basically the same tradeoff between performance and efficiency that we have with cars? \_ There have been tests (horses and dogs on a treadmill) that map O2 consumption to gait, and at each transition (walk->trot, trot->lope, lope->gallop) there's a sharp decrease. Anybody have a URL for this? \_ http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/0950.htm . google. use it. \_ The proxy server's down, and I don't like using google with links/lynx. \_ get w3m \_ w3m has tabs and google search bar? \_ w3m has tabs. -dwc \_ you don't need tabs and a google search bar to do a simple google searhch and read one article. Stop being pissing on your shoes. Kids are such sissies today. In my day, we telnet $host 80 and GET /. \_ Wondering how your dates are getting away from you? \_ In that case walking very fast *does* achieve the same purpose. \_ Ever seen the 'race walking' or 'speed walking' or whatever they call it in the Olympics? Watch that for 10 seconds and you'll udnerstand. \_ In the Olympics? I thought only China has that as a sport event. \_ I think it's an Olympic event. I know it is a competitive event internationally. |
2004/6/22 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:30957 Activity:nil |
6/22 GCC macro question: If I create a macro that contains, say, __LINE__, will __LINE__ be set to the line at which my macro is used or the line at which it is #defined? \_ I think it'll be the line at which it is #defined. Oops, I just tried it out and it's actually the line it's used. Maybe the K&R book says something about this. I don't have one here. |
2004/6/22 [Uncategorized] UID:30958 Activity:nil |
6/22 Idle threads purged. \_ Thanks |
2004/6/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30959 Activity:high |
6/22 Bush says he is above the law in wartime: http://csua.org/u/7vs (yahoo news) \_ Should I even read this obvious troll from an unnamed site? \_ Basically, Bush said the Justice Department said that Al Qaeda/ Taliban don't legally qualify for Geneva Conventions protections, but he doesn't want to use this loophole. He also says that treatment should be "consistent with the principles of Geneva". \_ This "war on terror" is the most comfortable war the US has ever fought. We out gun the enemy and we out number the enemy. We kill 100 of them for every one of us that died. Yet, we think we need to bypass the Geneva Conventions to use torture. It makes me wonder what we will do when we have a real war. Yeah, we are always great at telling others to do things that we can't follow, BECAUSE WE GOT BIGGER GUNS, HAHA. \_ You know, if you listen to the constant whining of the press, it really doesn't seem like it's the most comfortable war. |
2004/6/22 [Uncategorized] UID:30960 Activity:nil |
6/22 BOOBIES!!! BOOBIES!!! (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) (.)(.) \_ 34C \_ 36D \_ ( . ) ( . ) \_ yermom? |
2004/6/22-23 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30961 Activity:nil |
6/22 How do I get rid of the header of a message in procmail? I want to take only the body of a message and save it to a file/folder. \_ Use ":0 b" at the beginning of the rule instead of just ":0". |
2004/6/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:30962 Activity:nil |
6/22 Toxic Pollution rose 5 Percent in 2002, first time since 1997. http://csua.org/u/7vu \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? |
2004/6/22 [Uncategorized] UID:30963 Activity:nil |
6/22 Unfairenheit 9/11: http://slate.msn.com/id/2102723 \_ Ahh yes, the Hitchens hatchet-job. You can practically hear the spittle flying as he wrote this. \_ Unintentional self-parody has a certain humor value. \_ I am not trying to dissuade anyone from reading Hitchens, but he is a very interesting man: a hybrid of neo-Marxist and neo- con. \_ The original Neocons were all lapsed Trotskyites. He is following in a long and well traveled path. |
3/15 |