2004/6/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30915 Activity:insanely high |
6/18 Kais Motd BETA now covers entries from 1993-1997 though it's very very spotty. I'll merge into the main line if I don't get any complaint for a week. If you know where a more comprehensive collection is please email me. You can find beta entries here: http://csua.com.beta Just add .beta at the end of the url -kchang \_ It's nice that you're archiving history and all but I don't see why you care so much. Is this some compensation response to getting your account restored after so long away? I just don't get it. It's only the motd. \_ Considering he's blocking people arbitrarily for perceived slights, he's rendered himself useless. --scotsman \_ It's his site. He can do what he wants with it, including blocking you or redirecting you to http://hustler.com. You have absolutely no right to access his website nor whine when he restricts you from it. \_ Except that it renders the archive completely untrustworthy, and thus nearly worthless. Public services such as this one rely on reputation, and if Kevin's going to be petty and vindictive (if that's the case) the archive should just be forgotten. -!scotsman \_ You actually trust anything on the net? I sometimes don't even trust the servers *I* run. I always assume the servers run by others are untrustworthy in every sense. How is his archive different from the rcs archives a few people run here and make publicly readable as far as trustworthy goes? They could easily edit things, change what people said or didn't say, etc. How would you know? And all of this becomes moot when you consider the source of kchang's data is the motd which is a publicly writable, and mostly pseudo-anonymous file. Why are you so concerned about the trustworthiness of the archiving of an untrustworthy shared text file? GIGO. Write your own and put it on the net if it bugs you so much. It's his hobby. No one is paying him to do any of this. I don't know the guy, I don't know why he got squished or why he was restored. The whole kchang motd archive is being taken way too seriously, IMHO. \_ Coding is my hobby. Costs me $0. \_ He wants to demonstrate he is a better programmer than Holub, of Twink Point fame. ~tom/bin/twink++.csh \_ twink++ is perl. twink. -tom \_ since when is tom a programmer? |
2004/6/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:30916 Activity:very high |
6/18 Rhiannon Alabano is a cutie in today's Chronicle/sfgate.com! Wish I went to the antioch costco. ok, back to reality. \_ Was there a url for this? \_ ??? \_ I'm not the OP, but go to http://sfgate.com, and see the article where there is a picture of this lady. That is Rhiannon. article is about median price of homes in the bay area. \_ Uh ok, I see an average looking skinny Asian chick in sloppy clothing and white socks in her kitchen unpacking glassware. OP needs to get out more. \_ She is positively below average. I regret wasting 10 secs. \_ Yeah but check out those socks! \_ I won't mind to fuck her at all!! \_ Yes, something is often better than nothing. \_ In this case, I'd take nothing. |
2004/6/19-20 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:30917 Activity:nil |
6/18 http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=490 w00t! (Ask Japan speaks about human trafficking) |
2004/6/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30918 Activity:very high |
6/18 Stuff like this always confuses me. Why do activists always preach to the choir? Shouldn't liberals demonstrate and put of flyers in, say, Bakersfield? Where they might actually be able to find people who don't agree with them? (And therefore convert them) http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/06/19/DDG7R781041.DTL \_ ok, now i'm confused. I thought you morons believed that liberals control all the media. doesn't that mean we have a *much* better way of telling the world about our evil agenda, which we force on the world every day? \_ hi troll! people in bakersfield don't read your newspapers or watch your tv news anchors. mostly, they either ignore it, shake their fists at it, or laugh at it. so, if you want to preach to the unconverted you have to go to them. bye troll! \_ so they don't watch any tv news or read any newspapers in your world? well, if that's true, why are you so concerned about the Liberal Media Conspiracy? What harm is it doing if no one ouside of the Evil Liberal cities like Jew York actualy watch the Commie News Network? Why not come up with a self-consistent set of paranoid delusions? \_ You score 2 points for selectively choosing which part of my post to reply to and at the same time putting words in my mouth. I never said they don't witness your media's drivel. Go re-read what I said and respond to that and we can try again, troll. \_ The great thing about the Liberal Media Conspiracy is that it provides a convenient bogeyman that can never be voted out of office. \_ So I went over to http://nytimes.com today to check out the apparently rather vicious review of Bill Clinton's new book. And what do I see on their site if not an advert from the Kerry campaign asking for 50 bucks. I've never seen any republican campaigns advertise there. Why do you suppose that would be? -- ilyas \_ We know that anyone who might donate to Bush is obviously either evil or stupid and all those red necks and hicks can't read anyway so it would be stupid to advertise in the NYT. The Republicans only collect money during Church services I'm told. \_ Because if liberals actually did that they'd realize how futile and naive their "cause" is. Reality bites. \_ Yeah, right. It's obviously soooo much better to be an apathetic cynical 'realist' like you. Get serious. \_ For the same reason they scream and protest when some knuckle draggers take some silly pictures of naked Iraqi dudes but don't say a peep about honest to god genocide in other countries. |
2004/6/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30919 Activity:very high |
6/18 scotsman, you seem to be pretty pissed about something. Is it because you can't see Kais Motd, or is it because you don't like http://hustler.com? If it's the latter, email me and I'll change it to a porn site of ***your choice*** -kchang \_ kchang. He is petty and vindictive so the CSUA doesn't have to be. \_ scotsman, maybe kchang is indeed a hypocrit or just plain weird, but look at it this way. No one is paying him anything and most people haven't even thanked him. By pointing out why he is a total jerkass in public, you're also making a big ass outa yourself. Even more importantly, by doing so you've closed all opportunities to get off of his blacklist. I was on the blacklist too but instead of making a big deal in public I emailed him nicely and and both of us got what we wanted. Now that opportunity is gone, just accept it and move on and go to another site. No one else is forcing you to see his site and no one is bitching about this. \_ Dude, you (or someone else) has posted this message half a dozen times now. If he didn't change his ways after the second or third time, I doubt a lengthier iteration #8 is going to make much difference. Accept this and stop wasting bits. \_ what kind of whacknut uses the motd to communicate one on one? just send a fucking email. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=30846 I think scotsman started it. \_ Kevin, it simply pains me to see someone who doesn't learn how to interact with people graciously as they move through life. You're a remarkably petty person, as far as your interactions with this group are concerned. I wish you well. --scotsman \_ No one is complaining about Kais Motd except you. Stop being a sourpuss and just accept that sometimes, people just don't like you. \_ life lesson #1, if you want something from someone, insults won't work. I wish you well as well. - motd spectator \_ Hey, you asshole. If you're going to selectively delete people's posts, at least delete the ENTIRE thing. \_ Hey kchang, you don't have to listen to this guy. However, you do need to evaluate how you got to the point in your life where you would be making the post that you just did. I mean, c'mon, it's a little weird. \_ I'm not sure if I should censure you as a hippocryte, I mean, ANYONE who posts on the motd is gonna be pretty wierd, or be frightened by the fact that kchang is even wierder than the average motd dinizen. On the other hand, I like Kais motd, it pretty much rocks, even if I can't understand his modivation. -jrleek \_ Posting on the motd is very slightly less weird than blogging which is so mainstream now it's cliche. -- ilyas \_ I'm pretty well-adjusted on average. I like posting to motd because I like arguing anonymously with a whole bunch of people of above average intelligence. I don't want to argue politics with friends. Anyway, the bottom line is that I hope kchang gets better. \_ Do you archive all the posts that show how pathetic you are, or do you censor those, kchang? \_ his FAQ says something about censorship. Oh wait, you can't see his site. Too bad. \- you could still see his site using lynx. |