2004/6/17 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:30854 Activity:high |
6/17 [continued LGPL thread] \_ Option 2 doesn't work, because you can't make an LGPL wrapper to a GPL'd library. The wrapper itself must be licensed under the GPL too. \_ This is not correct. You can create lgpl wrappers for gpl libraries. If you read the lgpl it allows you to dual license your code (gpl does not) so you can have the wrapper avail under gpl and lgpl which solves this problem. \_ The GPL does not prevent you from dual-licensing your *own* code. Dual-licensing doesn't apply here anyway. Your wrapper--by linking to the GPL'd library--is a derivative work. As a derivative work, the authors of the GPL'd library have partial ownership of it. You can't dual-license your wrapper without their permission. Hence, your wrapper must be *solely* GPL'd if distributed, and now you're back at square one. \_ Okay, I think I understand now. Please see below (... wasted a bunch of time ...) \_ Like I said on the original thread. The whole GPL thing is a big fucking mess. No one truly knows what is and is not a violation and can't and won't until a court settles it. In the meantime do what you think is the right thing and don't sweat it. IMO, distributing the gpl code & license with your project is perfectly ok. \_ Okay, I wasted a bunch of time reading about this. There seem to be two conflicting pov. The FSF pov is that if you use a gpl lib that doesn't contain the following exception: http://tinyurl.com/34y7o (gnu.org) then the resulting program must be gpl'ed. There is another pov which is that if your program dynamically links with the library then you can release your program under bsd w/o problems. The closest analogy I could find was that dynamic linking is like references in a book: w/o the source of the ref. you cannot understand the reference but the person making the ref. is not creating a "derivative work" simply by saying look in book a on pg x for a complete discussion. I have come to the conclusion that the GPL is stupid and that the only reasonable open src stuff is licensed under BSD or X/MIT. |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:30855 Activity:very high |
6/16 Arch liberal 9th Circuit topples Mojave desert cross (WWI veterans memorial) Why don't we redo the crosses at Normandy and Arlington while we are at it. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1155068/posts \_ We just swap out one God for another. \_ for the record, I'm an athiest jew and a liberal, and i think this is totally retarded. \_ for the record, I'm an atheist jew and a liberal, and i think this is totally retarded. [80 columnd, spellingd] \_ I'm a liberal atheist and I think it's wrong for the government to put up or maintain a religiously-themed monument, but I don't see the constitutional imperitive to remove one. \_ so are you anti-cristmass trees on the town green also? -laj \_ Christmas trees are pagan/secular. I'm anti-nativity scenes. \_ what about menorahs? \_ No. No general secular usage. Maybe in another generation they will be sufficiently stripped of religious meaning. \_ I hope not. Keep your christmas time sales crap to ruining your own culture. \_ Arlington doesn't have crosses. Oh. there is the Argonne cross. \_ Thanks for the chuckle. I love to watch the Freepers drool over themselves in anger. \_ It's better than watching them drool over themselves idly. |
2004/6/17 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30856 Activity:very high |
6/17 Is spamassassin broken?? I'm getting tons of German messages in my mailbox (yes, I have the proper .procmailrc set up). This is recent as of this week. \_ No, Spamassassin just sucks. But seriously, the german spam has taken a lot of antispam people by surprise. Run them through SA's Bayes filter. A few should do it. \_ SA caught the German spam for me. SA has worked great for me for years. I don't understand what the rest of you are doing to make SA not work. \_ Geben Sie ihr grosseres etwas! |
2004/6/17 [Reference/Law/Visa] UID:30857 Activity:moderate |
6/17 Oops! Good thing it was only the 575 F1 instead of the Enzo: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004272369,00.html |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30858 Activity:high |
6/17 Bush disputes the Arch liberal 9/11 commission findings: http://csua.org/u/7st \_ Presidents like this will destabilize the Middle East for years to come. \_ WDYHA? \_ Generations, damn it! And that's American credibility. Get the Big Lie right before you start telling it. |
2004/6/17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:30859 Activity:insanely high |
6/17 There's a car rental place near my house that has a sign: TULOY PO KAYO (spelling might be wrong, just going off of memory). What does this mean, and in what language? \_ Formal Tagalog for "Please come in." -elizp \_ why are Flip girls so hot? I met one in dance class and she had the most perfect butt and the cutest face. |
2004/6/17 [Reference/Military] UID:30860 Activity:very high |
6/17 Attn: Geordan. Your laser gun is almost ready. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996014 \_ You know what scares the hell out of me? Hand-gun sized stunners in the hands of serial killers, rapists, and the generally violent. \_ You know what scares the hell out of me? Hand-gun sized hand guns, knives, clubs, 2x4s with nails in them, and other sharp or blunt heavy objects in the hands of serial killers, rapists, and the generally violent. \_ You know what scares the hell out of me? Serial killers, rapists, and the generally violent. Outlaw violence! \_ When violence is outlawed, only outlaws will be violent. \_ We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And the generally violent. |
2004/6/17 [Reference/BayArea, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:30861 Activity:high |
6/17 Good grief. Anita Mui has been dead how long and I find out through a side reference in a Salon article. Was there any mention in the Bay Area (English language) papers? -- ulysses \_ Who is (was) she? Enlighten us please. \_ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0611315 For the casual Western fan, she was the store manager in Rumble in the Bronx, but that's a lot like saying Charleton Heston's this guy who did a bit part in that Wayne's World II movie. \_ Not that I heard. If you are interested in the HK entertainment circle and can't read Chinese, visit http://www.hkentreview.com If you are a regular, please leave a donation as the Canadian who runs the site is basically doing free translation for the rest of us. --jeffwong. |
2004/6/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30862 Activity:very high 50%like:30544 |
6/17 Who the hell is fucking up the motd? \_ Use TAB on the first line you idiot, or learn to indent. ;) \_ what's wrong with the motd? \_ It just happened again. Motdwatch shows a whole bunch of lines removed and then replaced with slightly different indentation. The whole process also destroys any recent additions, including those made with motdedit. \_ It's reiffin. He edits motd.public, then scp's his changed file. Overwrites a whole bunch of shit. \_ I don't scp anything. I'm merging multiple motds back together after others have munged each other's posts with other methods. Yes, squish the guy who is restoring all the posts that got destroyed by others and keeping the motd in one piece. Good idea. in one piece. Good idea. I'll use sdiff in the future to preserve your precious tabs. \_ how do you know it's him? \_ What a hoser, eh? \_ SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH! We haven't had a squishfest since the late 90s (it's FUN), let's start with reiffin. |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:30863 Activity:insanely high |
6/17 Dear John, I've decided to learn German. Why? The German population is the largest in Europe so maybe I can pick up more chicks. In addition, I get the added advantage of understanding the German spam and the History Channel. Now let me ask you this. What's the best way to learn German? I'd like to learn via audiotapes. Also, I'd like to listen to catchy German songs, like Das Ist Berlin, got recommendations? ok thx. \_ how would learning German be different from learning any other language? the greater the exposure, preferebly in the country with total immersion, the faster the learning curve. \_ 99 Luftbaloons! \_ God you people are old. \_ Ich bin ein Berlinner! \_ You prefer the Britney Spears version? \_ The original version in English is better. \_ The original version is German. Nena later released a version in English. \_ You should hear it in the original Klingon \_ Warum fragen Sie John? Und auf dem motd, no less? That truly is anonymous cowardness. Anyway, unless you're some kind of language genius you won't really learn it unless you immerse yourself in it for a while. You can at least have fun getting to an intermediate level. It's pretty close to English really, the only thing is the genderized article/pronoun stuff. \_ And: THE VERB MUST BE SECOND \_ Dude, the verb must be last. You haven't spoken german much. -- ilyas \_ Someone deleted my response, but you are showing your ignorance here: "Warum fragen Sie John?". Where is the verb (fragen)? The verb is almost always the second construct in a German sentence. \_ Mark Twain's take on german: http://www.crossmyt.com/hc/linghebr/awfgrmlg.html -- ilyas \_ er, both of these guys are referring to the, forgot what it's called but: I must go to school" becomes "i must to school go" in German. \_ "Must" is an auxiliary *verb* and it is *second*. \_ must is a noun too \_ Not in this context. \_ http://www.nextup.com/attnv.html The AT&T natural voices are really quite good: virtually everything that I read these days is piped through a text-to-speech program. I can only attest to the quality of the English voices, but they have voices for Spanish, French, German, and various English Accents |
2004/6/17 [Uncategorized] UID:30864 Activity:nil 66%like:33179 |
6/17 What happened to <DEAD>soar.berkeley.edu<DEAD> ? \_ Couldn't handle the load. Taken over by http://recipesource.com |
2004/6/17 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:30865 Activity:very high |
6/17 Anyone here still want a gmail account who hasn't gotten one yet? \_ Fuck gmail, I want pre-IPO stock. \_ I'll wait until it goes public. thanks. \_ yes \_ i have some spare invitations. post your email address if you want one \_ can I get one? -chiry \_ I want one too! -ecchang \_ Me, too! -jose \_ sorry, no mas... though I'll be happy to send you one if I get more invites tomorrow (been getting ~4/day) \_ Hey, add me to the list. -emarkp \_ I'd love to have one. -darin \_ So should I mail the invite to anonymous@csua ? \_ "Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We're sorry for the inconvenience." \_ Mine works fine. --person with account \_ Really? I just tried again and got the same thing. --newacct \_ Now working. I get "You don't have any mail! Our servers are feeling unloved." I am beginning to like it already! |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30866 Activity:very high |
6/17 What's up with William Hung? He sings like a retard, he looks like a retard, yet every now and then there's news coverage of him. Have we really sunk this low? \_ It's like the South Park where Timmy joins a rock band. \_ White folk like watching buck-toothed, effeminate, model-minority Asian men making comic asses of themselves. Hung's recording contract is a slap in the face of each and every genuinely talented Filipino American or Asian American pop music artist who can't get a contract b/c s/he isn't black, white, or JLo. -elizp \_ This reminds me of the time I was on campus right after Brandon Lee got killed in a set accident and these two Asian guys walking behind me were echoing each other, each assuring the other of the White Man's Conspiracy to demasculinise the Asian Male. They were certain that both Bruce and his son were murdered by the White Man as part of this huge conspiracy to keep the Asian Man down and in 'his place'. Get over it. There are plenty of people of other races who are talented and unknown. There are plenty of whites, black, and hot brown women with great asses that can't get contracts. It is as much about luck as anything else. \_ This is a nice theory. Check William Hung's fan pages, though and you will find the truth is not so simple. There are mostly white people but good representation from other ethnic categories as well. I, too, am curious why his fifteen minutes have run so long. \_ riiiight. so jlo and the other fucking RIAA-sponsored pre fab corporate clowns like the Spice Girls are all about talent, huh? the whole system is rotten. why point to the lack of untalented corporate whore asians in particular when all the system turns out is crap anyway? \_ I agree -- big labels suck, and indie labels start sucking once they discover they have to act like big-time labels/distributors to break even. -elizp \_ fine. so we agree. then what's the point of complaigning about the evil labels' attitude towards Asian talent, when they show complete contempt for the very concept of talent? it's like complaigning that your local mob boss isn't an equal opportunity employer. \_ You're my hero. Pinoy pride! --jsjacob \_ Yeah, it is so mean of those recording companies only giving recording contracts to the people who are most likely to have a large record buying audience. Pinoy power! \_ He's a buffoon. Americans like watching buffoons, especially the ones who think they're really stars. It's a character defect, yes, but this is not a symptom of anti-Asian sentiment. The absolute lack of any major Asian-American pop stars is the symptom you're looking for, and yes, it's a crime. \_ There are some like James Iha. The industry doesn't care what color you are if: 1) You are talented or 2) You can sell records. Yes, the former will still get you a record deal, although not on a pop label with pop exposure. \_ Good response. Haven't thought about it that way, thank you. \_ Hey, look, is it white people's fault that there are no hip Asian dudes? Asian dudes? The most we can come up with is some nerds-gone-bad story (Better Luck Tomorrow), and that just does not qualify. \_ Dumbshit, didn't you go to Berkeley? *EVERYTHING* is white people's fault. |
2004/6/17 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:30867 Activity:high |
6/17 So when will CSUA give us 1 or 2 GB of storage??!! ;) \_ Don't be stupid. \_ sarcasm-detector disabled? \_ modprobe: Can't locate module sarcasm-detector \_ more to the point, when is someone going to write gmailFS? \_ Agreed. This could be the next great p2p system. \_ When the CSUA gets a 4TB disk array. \_ http://gmail-is-too-creepy.com |
2004/6/17 [Uncategorized] UID:30868 Activity:very high |
6/17 I'm really really sick and tired of going through http://craigslist.org having to read 1/2 of the entries that say "female only". Shit. \_ Just tell them, I can be a female. \_ Looking for a lover or apt or job? \_ apartment. It's irritating to read a lot of crap then at the end you see "female only" \_ you're in CSUA and don't know about reversing a string? \_ "lyno elamef" ? |
2004/6/17 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:30869 Activity:very high |
6/17 For general purpose computing do you think a dual p3-700 with 100mhz bus is faster than a single p3-700 with 133 mhz bus? When would the single cpu be faster? \_ For most applications, the bus speed will not matter. So you are looking at 1 CPU versus 2 CPUs. You may not receive any benefit to 2 CPUs, but they will not hurt. So the dual is almost always going to be faster. The exception is if you are limited by the bus speed (lots of I/O) and even then 133 is not much faster than 100. \_ Bus speed helps for applications that access memory in large "stride". Having an extra CPU and not using it at all will actually slow the system down by 1-2% due to extra polling. \_ No, because the CPU will be used by the OS. Real benchmarks I have run show about a 10% gain on 2 CPUs even if there is just one non-threaded process running. The other CPU will never be 100% idle. \_ Sorry, I was refering to OSes which are not dual-cpu aware. \_ From op: I'll be using windows XP. Thanks. |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30870 Activity:insanely high |
6/17 I like that. SUV bomb kills at least 35 and wounds over 138 Iraqis waiting to sign up for the Iraqi army, and it's covered by LA Times, NY Times, and Washington Post prominently, but buried on http://cnn.com. \_ It's on the front page. \_ Before you post, why don't you go to at least one of the other web sites, and contrast it with the presentation on http://cnn.com. I said "buried on http://cnn.com", and that's exactly what I meant. \_ It's on the front page in 2 places, with one of those links in the top 3 stories. Your definition of 'buried' is fucked. \_ You like that there are a lot of dead people, or you like that an SUV helped kill people? \_ Bombs don't kill people. SUVs kill people! \_ troll. If you were Rush, people would still listen to you. \_ You're being obtuse. The PP was probably pointing out that the OP's conscious choice of words completely obscures the original point. That doesn't seem trollish at all. \_ Let's put it this way: Were you "confused" by the time you finished reading the second sentence? If you were, then I won't argue with you anymore. Yes, I'm talking to you, obtuse-boy. \_ *sigh* You're still being obtuse, but I guess that's your prerogative. Carry on. \_ I still don't see the point. Are you saying http://cnn.com is conservative or white-washing? Unless you're talking about FoxNews, such a conclusion is non-obvious and should be stated explicitly. Thanks. \_ If you don't know what's wrong, I'm certainly not going to tell you! |
2004/6/17 [Science/Physics] UID:30871 Activity:nil |
6/17 Atoms teleported: http://biz.yahoo.com/ft/040616/1087373056034_1.html |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30872 Activity:nil |
6/17 For those of you who felt that there was too much Reagan worshipping going on: http://www.jacksonhamiter.com/reagan \_ Server not found. \_ sorry, fixed |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:30873 Activity:high |
6/17 What do Taiwanese people have against Jackie Chan? \_ he's a male chauvinist pig \_ thanks for the fact filled url on that topic! \_ if you were a h07 42n ch1c u would already know! \_ because earlier he made a comment in Shanghai, saying that Taiwan's election in 2004 is "stupid." Taiwan government felt insulted, refused to issue license for this charity performance. \_ I have a Taiwanese friend who's hated him for more than a year. Is this 2004 election the only reason? \_ He married a famous Taiwanese actress, and she stopped making movies. Some people were annoyed about that. \_ I hate him because his movies promote Asian stereotypes, that they're short and ugly and that their accent & moves are hilarious hence should not be taken seriously -serious asian \_ Anyone who actually believes this is an idiot. For examples, see the "Hardboiled" newspaper around Berkeley. \_ white on the outside, yellow on the inside? \_ you care too much about what white people think, and thus allowed them to define you. you will never jump out of it that way. you will always be a wannabe. \_ no one is 'defining' him or anyone else. no one thinks Jackie Chan = Standard Asian Male. he's a comedy actor who does physical comedy and stunts. nothing more. \_ so what's your problem? \_ I think it's worth pointing out that Jackie Chan thinks of himself as a modern day Buster Keaton. He's studied Keaton's work, and apparently is a big fan. \_ urlP? \_ #t |
2004/6/17-18 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:30874 Activity:high |
6/17 Gmail has some pretty funky stuff going on. It appears to have automatic duplication removal, and aggressive loop detection. I sent a mail to my other account from gmail, which should forward back to gmail, I never got the email. I sent a mail to two of my email address that forwards to gmail, I only got one copy. Interesting.... \_ Or maybe gmail is just broken? It's beta, eh? \_ They might be filtering on SPF. Without an aware remailer, the forwards might get dropped. --scotsman \_ What's SPF? The forward works fine. It's only mail that I sent from gmail to my forwarded email address gets dropped. \_ "v=spf1 a:mproxy.gmail.com a:rproxy.gmail.com -all" They're publishing SPF; chances are they're filtering on it too. --dbushong |
2004/6/17-18 [Finance/CC, Finance/Investment] UID:30875 Activity:very high |
6/17 What's the catch with balance transfer offers? I got one that sounds really good, 1.99% for the life of the balance with no transfer fee. Is there any reason not to do this? \_ Ok, no, all this stuff below is wrong. I checked and the way most of these work is they require you to a) take out more money that card every month (some minimum which will vary), and b) any money you pay off goes towards the lower interest rate money first, the higher rate you're paying on money from (a) is going to be at 22% or something like that. So, over time you are quickly moving your money from 1.9% to 22% and paying on a larger 22% base every month until eventually you have nothing at the lower rate and everything at the 22% rate. READ and UNDERSTAND the contract before you do anything. I've yet to see one where you can win. If you want to do the math, you can get ahead for a short period of time and then pay off the whole thing when the scales tip against you but you'll have to get the math right and be really anal about dealing with this account. \_ Look, you are just wrong. I am doing this right now with my AmEx Blue Card and have been doing it for almost a year. I am pretty sure that the only "good" offers are made to current customers with good credit ratings, though. -bb \_ Ok, so what are the terms of your deal? They don't require a minimum transaction per time period and they let you pay off the higher rate first? \_ I just have to pay off the "minimum balance" every month. I guess that is not defined, so they could bump that up if they get sick of me having cheap money. There is no requirement to use the card, so I don't. \_ They're usually coupled with a clause where the low rate goes away if you ever miss or are late with a payment. And of course they still get to ream you on fees if you ever are late too. \_ Yes. However, if you are never late then this is not an issue. Go ahead and do it. Your current agreement has the same clauses, anyway. \_ Also, if you make any new charges, I imagine payments will be credited toward the transferred balance first; so you get nailed for the full 10-22% APR on new charges until you pay off the transfer. \_ No catch, really. I am doing this on a $10k balance. I actually got six months interest free to start out. Just make sure you don't miss any payments or use the card for anything else. [ non-compliant motd entry deleted ] |_ why do you hate america? \_ Why do you hate tabs? \_ They are depending on the laziness and stupidity of the masses. If you're smart and anal about it, you won't get screwed. READ and UNDERSTAND the fine print. \_ if people were smart, they wouldn't have credit card debt in the first place. \_ this is not a failure of intelligence. --psb \_ right. if you're smart (and have luck in the market) you can make money using cash advances from credit cards. the above low rate balance xfers make this possible. \_ what i meant by "this is not a failure of intelligence" is not that you should use the money smartly but that everyone knows paying cc interest rates is insane ... but some people are undisciplined. it's like saying "smoking is dumb". --psb \_ I knew a guy who did that during the boom. He got completely wiped out. I guess he wasn't smart enough. I know another guy from many years earlier when every knucklehead was investing in gold and silver. He bought silver at around $28 or so. It has never been that high since. He didn't do it on his credit cards. I met another guy last year who came in to do vendor tech support. He was once at a company that went public and his options were worth about $5m. Someone at the company told him he wasn't allowed to sell them unless the company wanted them. He didn't check with anyone else outside the company and lost his entire $5m of options (which is why he was doing onsite tech support). I've never done any of those things but there sure are a lot of stupid people out there.... \_Yes, Virginia, there really are stupid people... \_ Borrow $10k at guaranteed lifetime 1.9%. Invest in 10 yr (or 5 yr) government bonds paying 4.7%. Make $280/yr on the arbitrage. Why is this stupid? -bb \_ That won't work. The bonds don't pay out on a monthly basis, and your CC company will want monthly payments. \_ Sure it works, you think of it as buying a $10k 10 yr bond with $100/mo payments. But the interest from the bond makes a couple of payments a year for you. You have to have the spare cash lying around to be able to make the montly payment until the interest from the bond pays, admittedly. -bondboy \_ Put $10,000 into bonds of $100. Every 6 months cash out 1 bond and use that money to pay the interest for the next 6 months. Bonds only accrue interest every 6 months which is why you want a bond-size that covers 6 months of your interest. \_ Wow, you are even crazier than me! Did you actually buy 100 bonds, or is this just theoretical? -bondboy \_ Theoretical, but what's wrong with 100 bonds? \_ Transaction costs and just the sheer hassle of buying and keeping track of 100 bonds. If there was enough money involved, it would be worth it, but not for $100 bonds, imnsho. -bondboy \_ Bonds are all written down at the same time and placed in a safe-deposit box. Every 6 months you go to your bank to get and cash out a bond. Every month you write a check to the CC company. \- you know when you figure out how much you are making per hour of work, you have to take off the tax on the extra income. --psb There are no taxes on gov't bonds. Well no, Fed _/ taxes, at least. I see the appeal of not having to "float" the credit card payment, though. If I get bored enough at work today, I will try to work out the difference. I guess if you buy the bonds directly from the Treasury, this might work. It still ends up being a lot of work. Just doing it all online, buying the bonds via E*Trade, etc, is pretty simple. -bb \_ how can i learn to be a finance nerd like you guys? -moron with all assets in checking account \_ Is this a serious question? My g/f thinks I should go back and get a CPA, since I obviously enjoy this stuff more than my job as a sysadmin. -bb \_ yes, it's a serious question. \_ Read The Economist, Smartmoney and The WSJ. Smartmoney U (from their front door) is a great way to get started on learning things like what bond curves mean. -bb Start here: http://www.smartmoney.com/thebasics/?nav=DropTabs \_ Bonds are the safe option, but there are better investments to make. Anyway, it is easy to carry a CC balance and a 1.x% is makes sense to do so. Buy a car with it instead of an auto loan. Do home repairs instead of an equity loan. You may wonder why anyone would carry a CC balance, but the reality is that most people will never be debt-free. The key is cash flow. I'd gladly put millions of $$$ on my CC if I had that kind of limit and start a business, buy real estate, or whatever. The "debt is bad" mantra is for foolish Midwestern housewives who read Motley Fool and who spend 12 hours clipping coupons to save $5. Take whatever the bank will give you, because most of us will not save that kind of money (hundreds of thousands of $$$) easily and it can lead to opportunity. Obviously using the CC money for vacations and stereo equipment is stupid, but having a balance in itself is not. I know lots of people who started businesses on their CC. Think bigger than *bonds* Jesus! Those Midwestern wives would be excited about $280/year, though. \_ Yeah, maybe someday I will be in a position to start my own business or do something like that. But in the meantime, I am having fun and making money, while learning how to make this stuff work. -bb \_ At least you realized that assets - liabilities is more important than being debt-free. I don't care if I have $10 billion in debt if I have $100 billion in assets. Debt-free is just as idiotic as debt-laden. |
2004/6/17 [Uncategorized] UID:30876 Activity:high |
6/17 Is there an efficient command line program that splits tiff files (possibly multipage ones) into half along the middle and/or rotate them by a multiple of Pi/2? I am currently converting them to pnm and use pnm utilities but it is quite slow because of the conversion (but still faster than imagemagik). |
2004/6/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:30877 Activity:insanely high |
6/17 I realy just don't know what to say about this. http://www.caedefensefund.org \_ This will finally bring an end to degenerate "modern" art. \_ We can only hope... \_ I don't get it. As far as I can tell the people who wrote this page have no idea what the case is about. It might not have anything (directly) to do with the art. \_ So tell me, what is the case "about"? It seems obvious to me that the Justice Dept knows that this is no threat. Have they decided that art they don't like is terrorism now? \_ How would I know? I just said that the people closest to them don't know. Why would I? |
2004/6/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30878 Activity:very high |
6/17 How do these people go over the mail quota?? -rw-rw---- 1 caliban mail 17031116 Jun 17 15:59 caliban -rw-rw---- 1 adam mail 17063887 Jun 17 15:59 adam -rw-rw---- 1 muchandr mail 17104892 Jul 15 2003 muchandr -rw------- 1 phoy mail 17235821 Jun 17 12:42 phoy -rw------- 1 edmund mail 17260314 Jun 17 15:38 edmund -rw-rw---- 1 katster mail 17276627 Jun 17 15:51 katster -rw------- 1 andylei mail 17313471 Jun 17 08:56 andylei -rw------- 1 jlanse mail 17554493 Jun 17 14:33 jlanse -rw-rw---- 1 deschan mail 17571738 Jun 16 22:07 deschan -rw-rw---- 1 alanc mail 17586824 Jun 17 15:55 alanc -rw-rw---- 1 hankwong mail 17637250 Jun 17 15:30 hankwong -rw------- 1 mh mail 17686229 Jun 17 15:52 mh -rw------- 1 karthik csua 17699197 Jun 16 23:58 karthik -rw------- 1 hoangla mail 17775223 Jun 13 20:34 hoangla -rw-rw---- 1 blyon mail 17784451 Jun 17 15:15 blyon -rw------- 1 davecw mail 17915799 Jun 17 13:44 davecw -rw-rw---- 1 pad mail 18120443 Jun 17 15:44 pad -rw------- 1 dizzy mail 18153447 Jun 17 15:57 dizzy -rw------- 1 adr mail 18169838 Jun 17 15:59 adr -rw------- 1 conrad mail 18259689 Jun 17 15:17 conrad -rw-rw---- 1 marc mail 18391040 Jun 16 19:53 marc -rw------- 1 bob mail 18620381 Jun 17 14:49 bob -rw-rw---- 1 shieh mail 18759669 Jun 17 15:40 shieh -rw------- 1 mel mail 19134446 Jun 17 15:58 mel -rw-r--r-- 1 nivra csua 19247689 Mar 12 12:29 nivra -rw------- 1 philb mail 20225961 Jun 17 15:07 philb -rw------- 1 milesm mail 20487765 Jun 17 15:42 milesm -rw------- 1 uctt mail 20929716 Jun 17 15:46 uctt -rw-rw---- 1 niliu mail 20938180 Jun 17 15:59 niliu -rw------- 1 vlin mail 20938590 Jun 17 11:28 vlin -rw-rw---- 1 njh mail 27690498 Jun 17 15:54 njh -rw-rw---- 1 georgy mail 29240141 Jun 17 15:29 georgy -rw-rw---- 1 ajaffe mail 33219104 Jun 17 15:59 ajaffe \_ Hard quota is 20M A few of them have higher quotas for various reasons. Ask root. \_ Pact with Satan. \_ finger: satan: no such user \_ The greatest trick Satan ever accomplished was making people think he doesn't exist. \_ More importantly, why does nivra insist on making his mail spool world readable? \_ Cry for help. \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~nivra/Day_life.html \_ That was... odd. Maybe even NSFW. Although it's just text. \_ Someone send that to his wife. \_ Someone should probably tell him in case he didn't see this on motd. \_ It's mostly spam. \_ I'm tempted to make my mail world readable to see if motd'ers have enough free time to read my boring mail for fun. |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30879 Activity:high |
6/17 Dubya: "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and Al Qaeda, because there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda" Bubba: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ I did not take millions in campaign contributions from PRC in exchange for missile and nuclear weapons technology. WJC \_ Nonono, we're looking for REAL quotes, especially ones with "relations" involved. |
2004/6/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Academia/GradSchool, Computer/Theory] UID:30880 Activity:nil |
6/17 http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~nivra/Day_life.html Good stuff, read it before he deletes it! |
2004/6/17 [Uncategorized] UID:30881 Activity:nil |
6/17 Poll have at least one child: plan to have at least one child: plan on not having children: I'd also like to know how many you have or are planning to have, and at what age you started or are planning to start. |
3/15 |