2004/6/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30803 Activity:high |
6/14 While wall is dying, according to Kais Motd, the number of posts have been slowly increasing since 1998. See for yourself, 1998(1643) | 1999(1985) | 2000(3067) | 2001(3213) | 2002(3532) | 2003(4439). What are some factors that may contribute to this trend? \_ Wall was dead years ago. I sometimes scan the logs to see if anyone new has showed up but as soon as they say something one of the king-of-the-wall assholes doesn't like they get mobbed and never show again. Or worse, they get ignored as an intrusion. \_ Wall used to be full of assholes. Now it's full of assholes, and boring to boot. \_ Who sometimes 'descend' upon the motd and dump their wall hatched plans for world conquest upon us. Fortunately the wall logs let us check for that sort of thing before it goes too far and ruins the credibility of the wall around the world for generations! \_ When I was in sk00l, I had no time to wall. But now I'm a full-time sysadmin, I have all the time in the world to post to the motd! \_ From another full time sysadmin: kind of weird how there is always more than can be done to improve the system but since no one knows or cares as long as it isn't down, we end up with lots of free time and shitty systems except for the rare system outage which kills an hour or two. Since no one understands or cares I don't bother. Same for you? \_ what about ilyas? On some days the guy posts 1/2 of the responses and seems to have nothing to do even though he's in grad school \_ "Even" implies grads do actual work. \_ Hey, spy-program guy! Didn't I tell you ALL of the motd is me talking? What's with this 1/2 stuff? Report for your reprogramming, you are clearly still malfunctioning. -- ilyas \_ Bullshit. *I* have a spy program too and ilyas has _never_ posted to the motd, you fraud! \_ Dude, ilyas doesn't even EXIST. OF COURSE he's never posted to the motd. *sheesh* stupid freshman. \_ Pft! I know for a fact ilyas exists but doesn't post to the motd, but my motd spy ware assures me that you not only don't exist but your parents don't either! hah! take that you figment of my delusions! \_ Ilyas is John Galt. \_ But who is Ilyas? \_ John Galt. |
2004/6/15 [Consumer/Camera] UID:30804 Activity:nil |
6/14 Rolleiflex MiniDigi: http://www.rollei.jp/e/pd/MiniD.html \_ that is a cool little camera |
2004/6/15 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:30805 Activity:high |
6/15 The Olympic torch will be in LA tomorrow. I still have yet to find anything on the web telling me when and where to go to see it. http://www.torch2004.com/city_Los_Angeles.asp?la=2 is the best I can find. It only says rough neighborhoods and it doesn't say what time of day. Surely the media will be covering the torch relay, so presumably they know about the route from some press release. Where might I find such a press release? \_ http://hometown.aol.com/pinclubs/myhomepage/club.html |
2004/6/15 [Uncategorized] UID:30806 Activity:high |
6/14 How come we don't hear anything about Kerry's wife anymore? Did they finally get her stupid mouth under control? \_ Bwahahahahahaha! It's not even September yet! Don't mug yourself, lad! \_ Apparently she was just in the bay area. She was seen wearing a button that showed Rumsfeld and crew and said "asses of evil". |
2004/6/15-16 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30807 Activity:high |
6/14 I'm looking to purchase a firewire enclosuer online. NewEgg is \_ enclosure, or something French? out of stock for the one I want (Coolmax CD-309-FW). Any other recommendations for online hardware stores? \_ enclosure, or something French? \_ Wasn't FW invented by the French? Maybe he wants the real thing? \_ http://pricewatch.com \_ 3.5" hard drive, this one is USB 2.0 and FireWire. I got one last week and it works fine with my Hitachi 160 GB. Read the user reviews. 90% tooless, convenient to swap HDs if you want, reviews. 90% tool-less, convenient to swap HDs if you want, light-weight, no fan, and space efficient is nice. The one with the neon lights blocks the air vents. For me the main issue is that it uses a power brick. http://csua.org/u/702 \_ I am very happy with mine, and I coughed up the extra $3 for the neon lights. Its great for mood lighting my room. Its true about the air vents tho it hasn't gotten THAT hot. I have a 250gb drive in mine, and I like it way better than my other enclosure with a fan because that one gets pretty loud. I don't think you can get around having a power brick. \_ no power brick: See the pic for the coolmax. |
2004/6/15-16 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:30808 Activity:very high 50%like:30694 |
6/15 Firefox 0.9 is out: http://mozilla.org/products/firefox/releases/#download \_ What's the revision history of the project name? \_ Phoenix, Firebird, Firefox. \_ I've read a lot of bitching about the theme, but there really are some problems with this release. The new extension website isn't even rendering correctly; I can't get flash or shockwave installed, and a couple extensions I have installed (UserAgentSwitcher and BugMeNot) are giving me XUL problems. BugMeNot) are giving me XUL problems. Also, I can't install ANY other themes. Update: I was able to install a theme by downloading the theme to my desktop and then dragging it onto the theme manager. I also got flash installed after deleting my profile & install directory and then reinstalling. \_ thanks. I'll wait for next release :p \_ Bitching from people using a pre-1.0 release. The notes made it really fucking clear that this is a) beta software, b) that they had changed the system so that a lot of pre 0.9 extensions and themes won't work until re-written, and c) this is pre-1.0 beta software. Instead of bitching and telling people not to use it how about you do something useful like submitting a few nicely worded bug reports? When you walk on the bleeding edge you'll get burned. If you don't like that, then Microsoft has an industry standard browser available for free download. \_ Please simmer- I've been using this since 0.4 and I'm no stranger to odd upgrade issues. What I meant was merely that this upgrade has frustrated me more than I expected-- .7 & .8 were *perfect* upgrades, this one has not been. I understand that this version contains some major updates to the extension and theme formats, and I wiped my install and profile directories to accomodate. Just a heads-up. \_ I think the poster above is reasonable and kind to point out that .9 may be less stable/usable than .8. I consider this a public service announcement, not flame-bait. \_ Everyone using .8 *should* up to .9 and file bug reports. If you're not then why are you using beta software? \_ Because I don't have a day to spare right now to hack on my web browser if it hoses my system in some way... \_ After reading this post, I decided to be foolish and upgrade as well \_ I downgraded to 0.9rc1 due to all the problems with 0.9. I think that you might still be able to grab rc1 from the servers. If anyone needs it I can probably stick a copy of the macosx dmg in /tmp (temporarily). |
2004/6/15 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:30809 Activity:nil |
6/15 Hey cool! Yahoo Mail just upgraded to 10MB attachments and 100MB of storage free...guess antipicated competition from google is having an affect. Go go market forces! \_ Why do you hate the USSR? \_ effect, not affect - motd grammar daemon \_ affect is also a noun. \_ which makes even less sense here. The noun is effect. -!mgd \_ But not the one you want. |
2004/6/15 [ERROR, uid:30810, category id '18005#3' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30810 Activity:nil |
6/14 Here's that lying scumbag Drudge, of all people, trying to accuse the LAT of biased polling. Of course their poll had a lot more Democrats than Republicans. There are more of them around. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash5.htm \_http://www.blackpitchpress.com/duckhunt/33%20-%20matt%20drudge.mp3 |
2004/6/15-16 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30811 Activity:insanely high |
6/14 Even better than ketchup as vegetable, USDA declares that french fries are a vegetable! Or is that Freedom Vegetables? http://csua.org/u/7rs (yahoo news) \_ it's like the Ents took a long time to decide something obvious \_ Ketchup isn't a vegetable, it's a fruit. \_ Look, a fruit bat! \_ Eric the fruit bat? \_ The USDA never said ketchup was a vegetable but it's up there with Al Gore Invented The Internet jokes. \_ They were considering classifying it as a vegetable for school lunches. The fact that they even considered it is enough... \_ 'They' consider all sorts of stupid things. I'll bet you there are war plans on a dusty shelf in the pentagon somewhere for what to do when Britain turns against us, invades Florida and nukes the New York and Washington. Just because it was considered doesn't mean anything. You take your government way too seriously, IMO. \_ Uh, the point was/is that governments suffer from dilbertesque idiocy and lack common sense. I don't see how you could grok that I "take government too seriously" from that. Perhaps you are projecting... I think it's rather sad that our tax money is being wasted on studies such as "should ketchup be classified as a vegetable." Apparently you don't. Perhaps you'd like to pay for my share in all stupid studies, because I'd certainly like a refund on my tax dollar. \_ I think it's worse than sad. I think government is too big and too stupid. I think our taxes should be 10% at most and all the stupid programs, welfare, etc, should go away. I also think it's a hopeless cause. \_ read the cia's own account of the government conspiracy to conceal the existence of extraterrestrials--even in the absence of any such ETs existence: http://www.cia.gov/csi/studies/97unclass/ufo.html \_ Ok...? But what has this to do with ketchup, the USDA and Al Gore's inventions? \_ It's an example of government idiocy which may appear somewhat sinister, but is really just plain old idiocy. hence it supports what the post one level up was saying, which was why i posted it. \_ Ah, ok. Thanks. I'll check out the link when I get home. \_ But he DID!!!! Remember the information super-highway??? \_ Remember the Alamo! \_ Wrong. The Reagan administation did propose classifying ketchup as a vegetable until public outcry forced them to back down: http://mimi.essortment.com/historyketchup_rlju.htm \_ Why do you hate America? \_ Yes yes some idiot always has to bring up some bullshit. Move along. I was there. You were in diapers. \_ obBothWaysUpHillThroughTheSnow \_ Off topic, eh? I said you were ignorant, not that my life was harder. \_ wimp. we had to fight sabertooth tigers for our lunch and access to the modem pool. This being before fire, clubs or dsl. \_ tigers? you had tigers?! jeez, what kind of goddamn wet behind the ears punks are they letting in these days, anyway? \_ This is accepted fact. Stop with your blatant attempts at mythologizing. \_ Accepted fact among your "thank god he's dead, I'm going to rent Taxi Driver to celebrate" friends. The rest of us remember the truth. \_ Wow. You are truly deranged. http://www.fact-index.com/k/ke/ketchup.html \_ http://fact-index.com? uh huh. \_ Wrong. Of course, this is the "liberal Washington Post" so I am sure you will discount it: http://csua.org/u/7s6 \_ Discount it? Yes, but that's better than simply deleting it instantly which is what you do when I post links to back my statements. |
2004/6/15 [Recreation/Food] UID:30812 Activity:high |
6/14 How much does Noah's Bagel charge for a tiny portion of cream cheese nowadays? $3? $4? How about bagels? Still 50 cents? \_ Why do you hate capitalism? Buy your cheese somewhere else. |
2004/6/15-16 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:30813 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=5414783 Korean dumpling is rotten. This reminds me of the time when I bought a bottled Korean Ginseng drink and got a huge headache and bloody red eyes. I don't trust Korean made food anymore. \_ Try fresh ramen or the rice. That shit is really good. Also the quality of their tofu is excellent. Pulmone brand is my favorite. You can actually smell the freshness when you open the packaging. \_ Won't somebody PLEASE think of the SHIN RAMYUN! \_ Isn't all Korean food basically rotten? I thought that was part of the process (letting it ferment). \_ Bad troll, no kimchee. |
2004/6/15-16 [Consumer/Camera] UID:30814 Activity:high |
6/12 To whoever posted about the digital Rollei camera, my Dad: "what were they thinking of? That us old geezers have so much money we can't stand to keep any of it? The old Rollie's were good for a lot of things, but not particularly for portraits. It's like a little kid taking pictures of adults; lots of pictures of looking up nostrils. For a selling point, they missed a good one. The picture of the flag raising at IwoJima was taken with a Rollei." \_ I agree w/ your father. I think that it is strange that Rollei (of all companies) would come out with a "cute" camera. A decent digital camera w/ a CMOS sensor would be more what I would expect from them. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=30804 Long live Kais Motd! -kais motd #2 fan |
2004/6/15-16 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:30815 Activity:very high |
6/12 What is the difference between VIA6306 / VIA6307 1394 chipsets? \_ 1 \_ haha. What's the difference in capabilities or specification. \_ doesn't matter. You should get a Texas Instruments 1394 chipset instead. \_ any recommendation for a pci card that works with linux. |
2004/6/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:30816 Activity:high |
6/12 Do we have a CNET login? \_ http://www.bugmenot.com \_ yeah now that it was splashed everywhere bugmenot is just going to turn into a clearing house for accounts that *dont* work. |
2004/6/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30817 Activity:insanely high |
6/12 Fox News gives positive review to "Fahrenheit 9/11." Damn liberal media! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,122680,00.html \_ Damn liberal movie critics! Damn liberal movie goers! Damn liberal movie renters! Who else did I miss? \_ Damn liberal movie directors! Damn liberal movie distributors! Damn liberal people in damn liberal documentaries! \_ "Damn hippies" -S. Crothers. You forgot that. -- ulysses \_ It's called "Fair & Balanced". Fox isn't a conservative news outlet. They do shit like this all the time, you just ignore it in favor of the other stuff you don't agree with. \_ Sorry, I call bullshit. Editorial policy drives bias no matter how much is done to prevent it - hence rightward tilt in WSJ articles or leftward tilt in NYTimes articles. Truly "objective" reporting is an impossible fantasy, and striving for it usually does more to obscure the truth than to reveal it (i.e. "White House reports sky is green; some Democrats disagree"). Fox reporting oozes bias. \_ objective "reporting" a fantasy? ok, sure. reporting is crap anyway. the only media model i'll accept is a combination of original source material, like cspan, with a moderated comment forum, like slashdot. until we go to that model, the press will continue to undermine, not bolster our democracy. \_ HAHAHA! moderated comment forum! jeezus. And CSPAN isn't original source material, it's politicians blabbing. \_ Let me guess, you think CNN, MSNBC, ABC,CBS, LAT, are all centrist sources of information? \_ They are corporate sources of information. They will print whatever they thinks makes money. Let me guess, you buy into the "liberal media" myth? \_ LAT, NYT, WP do not apply -- these newspapers are driven at least equally by personalities as well as corporate profit. TV stations, it's debatable either way. \_ Let me guess, you buy into your own "corporate media" myth? The newsrooms and editors are predominately liberal. Why is that so hard to understand? \_ well, they are (1) corporations and (2) media, therefore: corporate media. What, you think they do this for free? \_ Since they control all information and they're mostly liberal, there is no competition so they can charge for their own version of the news. Only very recently has more centrist news been available which in the last ~5 years has over taken their leftist competitors in TV viewship, and radio listenership. AFAIK the newspapers are still left controlled. I'm not aware of any mass market printed news that isn't left biased. \_ It's not hard to understand, it's just untrue. \_ Uh, whatever. That's been checked a few times over the years. You're simply ignorant or lying. Don't bother coming here with one liner bullshit. \_ I bow to your superior 3-liner lying ignorance. \_ Sure, most reporters are liberal. Most owners are conservative. They kind of balance each other out, but when push comes to shove the owner fires the liberal reporter. \_ Reporters don't get fired unless they fake stories and even then it takes dozens of stories and years to come out. The owners are not vetting stories and you know it. The editors who are mostly on the left do it. How far do you think a reporter would get in the typical newsroom if he was known to be a registered Republican? His career would be dead and you know it. It does not balance out in any way in the general case. \_ "Fox isn't a conservative news outlet." So if you compare Fox to CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, would you say Fox is the "least liberal" of the aforementioned stations? \_ Good try. I would say CNN and the others are losing ratings share to Fox because they cater to the left, not the center where most people, by definition, live. \_ Are you insane? Are we watching the same stations? The same CNN that ran like a gajillion fawning non-news reports about Reagan last week? THAT is a liberal media outlet? I'd like some of what you're smoking, if you don't mind. \_ Reagan is not a good example. Every station wanted to out-do the other in pro-Reagan coverage; now he's dead, the liberals don't want to appear as if they are dancing on his grave. \_ Nice dodge. I suppose the coverage of the run-up to the Iraq war isn't a good example either, or anything else substantial? Nope, the boogeyman of the Liberal Media is still out there, never to be defeated! \_ Hey, all I said was that Reagan was not a good example. \_ Pre-war, everyone but whatshername in Ber/Oak was in favor of it. We didn't instantly find 100 tons of WMD (until it recently started showing up in other countries) so that makes them sycophants? How many times have you seen Kerry described as "arch-liberal, John Kerry, jr. Senator from Mass, under Ted Kennedy"? Never. How many times have you seen, "arch-conservative so-n-so, Senator from xyz"? All the fucking time because anyone who isn't a Democrat has a 50/50 chance of being tagged as an arch conservative. Or better yet, extreme or ultra conservative. You will *never* see an extreme ultra arch leftist like Kerry described that way. \_ You are confusing cause and effect. Fox *is* a conservative news outlet -- whether the cause is corporate profit, a vast right-wing conspiracy, the little green men in your pants, or all of the above -- the effect is still the same. \_ Fox provides left, right and center. You only see the right because you're blinded to how left the left really is. Left looks normal to you so only the right stands out for you. \_ Wow, you really need to look in the mirror and think about this statement. The center, as defined in this country is somewhere between the democrats and the republicans, and most mainstream media outlets run stories that give voice to both of the major parties. Those newspapers that endorse candidates endorse both republicans and democrats. In other words, they are centrist, at least to those not blinded by their right-wing prejudice. Fox news aligns itself with the extreme right wing of the republican party, and doesn't give any voice to the opposition. They only look "normal" to extremists like you. \_ Once William Hung's CD sold 100k copies, everything, including this, is possible. -- Coming soon -- flying pigs and hell freezing over. \_ I have to admit that I bought 99,998 of them. He bought one for his mom and this drunk dude picked up the other copy. \_ thank you, NERFAMC |
2004/6/15 [Recreation/Celebrity/WilliamHung] UID:30818 Activity:nil |
6/15 William Hung sells 100k copies, to launch 2nd album http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,271|88767|1|,00.html \_ In other news, mysterious black hooded figure on white horse seen sowing death and destruction across the land. \_ The Death of of Tastebuds? |
2004/6/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30819 Activity:insanely high |
6/12 Ronald Reagan Started a War That Rages Today ...explains today's political landscape http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/dhenninger/?id=110005205 \_ blue M&M, red M&M, they all wind up the same color in the end \_ You mean the money he gave to Saddam, or the money he gave to Osama? \_ I am a no fan of Reagan, but I want to point out that he is not the only person whose short-sighted policy has costed us. Example. USA's policy to lure USSR to declare war with Japan in WW2. We allowed USSR to occupy northeastern part of China (major arm factory, which they in turn arm the communist in China), as well as half of Korea. USSR declared war with Japan for *ONE DAY* without firing a single shot. \_ The USSR was far scarier than any terrorists around today. The mistake was not nabbing bin Laden in the 90s when he was right there for the taking and we didn't accept the offer. \_ In retrospect, the red scare was a hype. \_ In retrospect you either weren't there or you are simply blinded by your own agenda. Or perhaps you're one of the few people upset that the Soviet Union is no more. Did you shed a bitter tear the day the Wall came down? Were you happy the Clinton administration didn't pick up bin Laden when he was offered to them on a silver platter a few times? \_ I guess this is proof that hindsight isn't always 20/20. \_ it is sad that you haven't learned your lesson from history. Communism wasn't all that scary because there are two types of communism. There is the Soviet style communism expansion, and there is a chunk of countries choose communism over western european's imperialism. Of course you being a white imperalist never see this. But for your information, communism in Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, hosts of Southeastern Asian nations, and China in great extend, all belong to latter. Tragically, many policy makers in USA were as simple minded as you are, lump all communist country into one gigantic group. If you bothered with each nation's history and analyze the root of communism individually, there is no reason to panic as the way we did. \_ I vote this 'dumbass post of the week.' -- ilyas \- it's up there. --psb \_ They're all dictatorships. The USSR installed communism in eastern europe and effectively they were puppet states. Those people didn't want to be behind the "iron curtain". But that's what communism gets you, just dictatorship. You think North Korea's is in any way at all representative of the people there? Then there's China, see how it stagnated for decades until they started embracing the imperialist capitalist running dog economics. The power structure there currently lets China function in a reasonable way but it's corrupt and unrepresentative and keeps control of the press etc. just like any other self-serving dictator like Saddam would, comrade. \_ The other guy may or may not have learned any lessons from history, but goddamn -- you're almost completely ignorant of it...and severely prejudiced too. Thank you for your infusion of humor into the motd, chicom troll! \_ Ah yes, the old variation on the "there is more than one kind of communism and we're the 'good' kind" nonsense. It makes me just laugh when you put China in the non-expansionist column. I'm really not in the mood to get into it with chicom troll this late at night but anyone who passed a grade school history class should know better than your drivel. In any event, you're also off topic since it was a terrorism vs USSR comparison. No one gives a damn about China. |
2004/6/15-16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Recreation/Sports] UID:30820 Activity:insanely high |
6/12 My old HS history teacher used to tell us that the Roman Colliseums were built to detract citizens from real issues so that they will be content and not overthrow the emperor. Now that I'm grown up and know better, I think that is really stupid. I mean, we have football and basketball today but people are still pretty pissed about Bush and his policies. What do you guys think? \_ You are lacking one vital component in your reasoning, the shows at the Coliseum were free. Football and basketball are not free, and even TV broadcasts are increasingly not free (i.e. advent of PPV). Also, the shows at the coliseum were state sponsored, the NBA and NFL are privately sponsored. \_ The stadiums are usually locally sponsored. \_ you are a minority. Majority of people still think Iraq has helped the September 11th attack, and invading Iraq has everything to do with WMD and terrorism. \- hello, roman entertainment for the masses was motivated by expedient reasons and took the form of public games, subsidies drama, mime [mime was big] etc. while officially run by the aediles who were public officials, the $ was augmented by wealthy individuals [as opposed to now, when the public subsidizes the stadiums for the wealthy]. however after the fall of the republic, there was less reason for individuals to pretend to be public spirited. \- actually looking at some material this appears more complicated. i wont bore the "senate and the people of soda" but i wanted to leave a note for full disclosure and can discuss via email if anyone is interested. --psb it wouldnt get you elelcted consul and more power in the senate was not worth much. so later on, some of the events in the colosium did have a ticket system and women had to sit in the nosebleed seats. so you cannot generize between 2nd century b.c. and say the spectacles of the Neronic age. also outside rome, differnet parts of the empire were "into" different events ... like i think gladitorial games were more popular in the west than the eastern parts of the empire. it is sort of interesting that individuals figures in costests did develop reputations and the sort of had non-georgraphic teams and fans ... like these celebrities would appear on "sports merchandise". --psb \_ Your history teacher was pretty much correct. \_ you have never heard the expression "bread and circuses" [panem et circenses]? this is a troll, clearly. --psb \_ And Mr. Latin phrase arrives on schedule. \_ i resisted a discussion of the tribune of the people and roman land reform law with you plebians. --psb \_ your little roman era sports speech above was lengthy but lacked any serious detail that might show you have done more than watch a history channel episode. would you do a better job with roman land reform? \- One is speaking to a History Channel Audience here. It's reasonable to say something here is wrong. To say it is incomplete is silly. The large topic of the relations between the govt, the patrician class, and the urban underclass, the rural population etc is obviously something that changes over time as rome grows from a "city on the tiber" to "the ruler of the known world" and then changes form into an empire from a republic and cant possible addressed in depth here. if you want citations they can be provided via email. if anything is incomplete, it is your criticism which is largely content-free. --psb \_ TROOOOOOLLLLL!!!!! \_ Yeah, I built a cathedral in all my major cities and I have the Colosseum, but my cities are still all in disorder. \_ Build the "war on terrorism" minor wonder. People will be \_ Build the "war on terror" minor wonder. People will be forced to support the government no matter what. \_ I changed the government type to "Shadow" and it all worked itself out. If I get a riot, that population disappears. \_ Iain Banks' thriller _Complicity_ features a Civ-like game where you can "discover" the drug trade and get your counsellors hooked so they stop bugging you for reforms. \_ If you changed it to communist, it would have the same effect. \_ Kinda: all of the dissidents would be rounded up and then shipped out in equal numbers to all of your cities. It's kind of like congressional redistricting. \_ Stop using your Mech. Inf. to fight partisans and put them back in your cities where they can suppress unrest. |
2004/6/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30821 Activity:very high |
6/12 Since when did aaron become bitter about US, foreign policy, and everything associated with politics? -aaron #1 fan \_ why isnt everyone? too busy playing everquest? --psb \_ Progressquest >>> everquest! -- ilyas \_ why should they be? is it a big shock that not everyone shares your political philosophy and agenda? i guess its because we're all just stupid since you have so clearly articulated the loss of american credibility around the world for generations to come. stalin would be proud. \- just out of curiosity, what would it take for you to not supprt bush? i mean say he got a law passed saying all income above $1m year was not to be taxed? or say he decided to try disallow anybody from any muslim majority country to visit/immigrate to the US? or how about if he req'd a loyalty oath for any govt employee or said he would apply a juducal limits test on abortion for all fed jud appointtees. of how about if in the next 4 months 5000k us service people get killed in iraq. i dont think any of these will happen, but if any of these did happen, would you still support bush? btw, is there a single bush suppert who will sign his name? i'm not saying this invalidates you point, but it does seem odd. --psb \_ Sure, I ll sign my name. Obviously, I am not a Republican. I am not the guy you are replying to. -- ilyas \_ I've never seen him *not* bitter. Who cares anyway? \_ When Bush was (s)elected. \_ Bwahahaha! You are *still* bitter you got crushed in the recounts? All of them? Get over it. |
2004/6/15-16 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/IO, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30822 Activity:high |
6/15 Related question. Is there any harddrive enclosure that is powered by USB (so I don't need to drag an extra power cable)? \_ I have one for a laptop drive, but I suspect the power demands for a standard 3.5" drive are too high. \_ For a 2.5" notebook HDD, sure, almost all of them should do it. For a 3.5" HDD, no, USB doesn't provide enough power. Firewire can do it, but Wiebetech is the only manufacturer I know of who makes such enclosures, and they're very pricey. \_ That's not necessarily true. Certain USB ports on certain computers don't supply enough power to the USB port to run even a 2.5" hdd. This is the reasn why they include a keyboard adapter (draws power from the mouse/keyboard ps2 port). YMMV. Also, powered Firewire is only standard on Macs, on PCs it's hit/miss. \_ who makes 2.5" enclosure? \_ there are literally a dozen different ones that you can pickup at Fry's. I would guess there's at least 50 different manufacturers. \_ http://newegg.com, search "2.5 enclosure usb", or find the category |
2004/6/15-16 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30823 Activity:insanely high |
6/15 Diplomats / Senior military officers calls for a New Administration. http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1957691 \_ Why do diplomats / senior military official hate America? \_ NPR? You might as well post from the http://democraticunderground.com or the freepers. No one is going to eat this bait. \_ NPR != KPFA. NPR keeps getting pegged as some sort of leftist think-tank, but they do a damned good job of keeping the bias to a minimum on both sides. \_ Said the far-left liberal. \_ Sorry, you want my cousin, Lefty McLeft. I'm a moderate. \_ Really? Ever voted for anyone who wasn't a Democrat? \_ Certainly not your brother, Tighty Righty \_ Anything you and my brother do in the privacy of your own home is your business. \_ I find it really weird how all my ultra lefty friends who think the Chronicle is part of the VRWC all listen religiously to NPR as the source of all truth. It must be their lack of bias matching NPRs lack of bias I guess. \_ I think I'm what you might call a far-left liberal, and I think NPR is horribly biassed shit, mixed in with awful music. \_ national palestinian radio |
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