2004/6/11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30740 Activity:nil |
6/11 Fascist Putin takes side of Fascist Bush against Democrats on Iraq http://csua.org/u/7pd (news.yahoo.com) |
2004/6/11 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30741 Activity:very high |
6/11 What's your favorite live linux cd tool for console and network use? Does it have netcat, dd, and cmp? Slackware used to have a live cd Anybody know which one it is these days? (Has it been renamed SLAX) \_ KNOPPIX is your best solution. you can even install debian onto your hard drive with it. - danh |
2004/6/11 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30742 Activity:nil |
6/11 A moment of silence, please. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/06/11/five_years_ago \_ why is the death of a stupid dot-bomb interesting? |
2004/6/11 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30743 Activity:high |
6/11 What's the easiest way to inspect the last few bytes of a HDD? I want to see the data with something like hexdump. \_ dd? \_ The HDD is 10GB and I've got a 256MB RAMDISK to write to. I want to read just the last part of the disk. fdisk -l says the disk has 10248118272 bytes. Am I doing something wrong? dd if=/dev/hda of=./endfile skip=10248118000 \_ The argument 'skip' counts in blocks. You're skipping several terrabytes. \_ I'll try: dd if=/dev/hda of=./endfile skip=200158550 \_ I'll try: dd if=/dev/hda of=./endfile skip=20015850 Aah, that was a lot faster! THanks. |
2004/6/11 [Uncategorized] UID:30744 Activity:high |
6/11 This entry is not interesting. \_ Ceci n'est pas un motd. |
2004/6/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30745 Activity:insanely high |
6/11 poll, USA was safer before/after the fall of USSR: before: . after: \_ better question is if the USA was safer before the Muslim genocides in the 800s or after \_ There was the USA in the 800s? \_ why do you hate America? \_ Inhabited by pre-Americans. \_ This is just stupid. Was the USA safer when we and the USSR were pointing 30,000 nukes in each direction and willing to kill every human being on the planet or are we safer now that they're gone, the Russians are in the G8 and we have cordial chats with them about world affairs? New poll: is it better to live a long and happy life or a short painful miserable one? Duh. \_ myth: world was unsafe because of USSR fact: none of the nukes were actually used \_ fact: both sides had itchy trigger fingers. you're safer when one side ceases to exist and there's no one looking for an excuse to destroy the world. im stunned we're even having this discussion. \_ But after the fall of USSR, their nukes can now be easily stolen or purchased for the price of a BMW. So now we don't even know who has them. \_ Yes, but in this case, if ONE is used against us, it isn't clear who we can counter-strike against, and then suddenly we'll "find" lots of funds to go find the rest. \_ Exactly. It's the perception of ominous threat vs. reality. In reality, we are in far more danger now because the nukes can and will fall into the wrong hands now that there is no more than an anemic military watching the shop. I'm not saying the fall of the USSR was a bad thing, but this is not one of the reasons it was a good thing. The USSR did not want to use their nukes any more than the USA did. This cannot be said of some of the folks with access now. -- ulysses \_ Maybe, maybe, maybe, some terrorists will get a nuke, figure out how to use it, get it somewhere, and detonate it killing an entire city's worth of people. The other way the USSR and US were prepared to kill *everyone*. \_ Oh really? So there are thousands of ex-USSR nukes around now? Where does it say they're that easy to buy? \_ when USSR existed, 1/2 of the rogue country's frustrations and anger were directed at USSR. Now all are directed at USA. \_ I understand your probabilities argument but if it goes off in my city. I'll be too dead and glowing to carei how many other cities went at the same time. \_ another problem with his probabilities argument is that the ussr was brutal when it came to responses to arab terrorists. there was a kidnapping of some russians in the early 80s. the kgb sent the kidnapper his brother's ears and one of his balls in a gift wrapped box. the hostages were freed and no other russians were ever taken again until after the fall. \_ Except most of the terrorists (and mideast states) were funded by the KGB. \_ No, they were self funded on their own oil sales. The other arab states then funded terrorists around/in Israel. \_ Wow! KGB >>> CIA. KGB rule!!! \_ URL please? \_ What are the odds I can find you a URL from the early 80s? \_ I didn't want an URL from the 80s. I want an URL about that event in the 80s. \_ Good luck. The entirety of human history is not on the web. You have everything I remember about the situation. Go google for it for a few hours and let us know. |
2004/6/11 [Uncategorized] UID:30746 Activity:nil |
6/11 betel nut girls are pretty \_ What's that? \_ http://images.google.com/images?q=betel+nut+taiwan&ie=UTF-8&hl=en \_ Are they some kind of prostitutes? \_ how about the restaurant in SF of the same name? any hotties there? |
2004/6/11 [Reference/BayArea, Reference/RealEstate] UID:30747 Activity:high |
6/11 Is there still rent control in Berkeley and Oakland? Thanks. \_ Yes and no. There's rent control as long as the unit is being rented, but when the unit becomes vacant or the "original tennant" leaves, they can reset the rent however they like. \_ Yes in Berkeley and no in Oakland? \_ The above rules apply to both places. \_ In Oakland there is an exemption from rent control for 3 unit buildings or smaller that are owner occupied. There are probably some other exemptions, like for new construction, as well. \_ Berkeley has some similar exemptions too. \_ Oakland Rent Board: http://csua.org/u/7pv Berkeley Rent Board: http://csua.org/u/7pw |
2004/6/11-12 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:30748 Activity:very high |
6/11 The Olympic torch was be relayed through various US cities next week. I can't seem to find anything on the web showing exactly which streets or even parts of town that the torch will be relayed through in each city. Is this secret information, or am I just searching under the wrong key words? \_ http://www.torch2004.com \_ Do you think anyone has bothered to put this online? \_ no, of course not. never. they're too busy putting important information online, like how hot it is in some random city, or how a local boyscout troop helped an old lady cross the street, or the successes of online dating. \_ I would think it would be public info, and thus on-line. I mean the whole point is for people to watch the torch relay. Hard to do, if you don't know where to go to watch it. \_ The Olympics and the entire torch relay is just another capitalist western bushco driven plot to misdirect us and distract us from the real threat to world peace:them and the right wing controller media \_ thank you, NERFAMC \_ What's NERFAMC? \_ Not Even Remotely Funny Anonymous Motd Comic \_ It wasn't intended to be funny. Maybe that's why it wasn't, eh? Not everything here is for your amusement. Actually, nothing posted on the motd is for your entertainment. If you happen to be entertained along the way, it's a fluke. |
2004/6/11 [Uncategorized] UID:30749 Activity:high |
6/11 Is there a car model named "Symphony"? Which manufacturer is it? Thx. \_ 3... profit!! |
2004/6/11 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/Security] UID:30750 Activity:high |
6/11 I want to give my compile really high priority, in hopes of getting it to compile a little faster, so I ran : nice -20 make but all i got was the error: setpriority: Permission denied. help? \_ Only root can set a priority higher than default. \_ only root can raise priority, dude. \_ Dang. I need to get root on this box (my work box). There's all kinds of stuff that needs fixin' \_ If you have a dual-cpu or a P4 with HT you can try spawning more compile threads. \_ what else are you running on the box that would lead you to think that renicing will have an impact? \_ Actually the problem is I'm running Enterprise Linux 3 (Kernel 2.4), in which the VM sucks. Either way, I'm running a dual processor Xeon, but only about 2% of the processor time is being used. I thought I'd take a shot at raising priority, just because I knew I couldn't fix the problem without root access. (My sysadmin hasn't helped.) \_ if you're not CPU bound, nice won't change anything. \_ Let me guess, you have a big fat shitty 5400 rpm Maxtor? Probably sharing the IDE bus. \_ Sorry, it's a 15000 RPM Seagate Cheetah on Ultra SCSI. The probelm really is Linux. |
2004/6/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30751 Activity:insanely high |
6/11 Would any Dems or Reps disagree: RR > GB > GWB \_ I'd say GB > RR > GWB -liberal \_ I agree. GHWB was much more of a pragmatist, and much less of an ideologue than the other two. I didn't agree with a lot of his policies, but his presidency didn't fill me with terror. \_ The man was head of the friggin' CIA!! What the fuck is wrong with you? Pramatist? You mean the way it's ok to just fucking shoot someone in the head if you don't like their political philosophy?! \_ Yes, he was a republican and a cold warrior with cia roots, but he also understood the value of diplomacy. And on the economy, he said "no new taxes" but when it came down to it, he wasn't willing to bankrupt the country the way his half-witted son is doing. It may be largely subjective, but, like I said, as much as I disliked him and his party, he just didn't scare me like Bonzo or Dumbya. \_ So he was a vicious bastard, a killer, a thug, and he was the King VB,K,T for a few years before becoming President and you think that's ok because he raised taxes? You're nuts. \_ calm down. \_ I'm calm. You're praising a thug. \_ so how would you order the three? \_ GWB > RR > GB. GWB and RR never ordered anyone to be murdered. \_ I didn't agree with him, but I could respect his point of view and way of doing things. \_ In what way did he do things? What are you talking about? \_ at least GHWB saw some real action - got shot down by japanese plane. \_ GB , RR >> GWB -liberal \_ RR >>> GB + GWB - moderate \_ Has anybody else noticed that in the beginning of the last century we had 3 persidents with alliterative names? WW, CC and HH. Were alliterative baby names a fad in the mid 1800's? \_ You have discovered our secret! Now you must die! \_ RR > GWB > GB -conservative \_ agreed, except RR >>>>>> others -another conservative \_ Agreed. -- ilyas \_ what makes GWB > GB? \_ GB was a flip floppy wishy washy man that no one liked for good reason. GWB is nothing like his father. That makes him better than his father in this case. \_ Take away the propaganda, and what you're left with is left hand amputed > deaf > blind. The choices already suck. \_ More like lobotomy in the current case. \_ Yeah, he's a real dumbshit. So how is it that this dumbshit has control of all 3 branches of government? How much more stupid are your guys if they let him do this? \_ America wants small government and protection for the homeland. America thinks you need more guts than brains for this task. Think Kerry: brains (maybe), no guts. \_ He got elected during a time of peace. Security was low on the list and "homeland" wasn't in the vocabulary yet. \_ The economist article on Reagan was great. "Clearly the man was no intellectual. Yet surprisingly, he was the man for the job." Lenin was an intellectual. Sometimes I wonder if we need less intellectuals in govenment. -- ilyas \_ Did the economist fail to read Reagan's papers? Must be or they just had an axe to grind. \_ nah, lenin was an ideologue, just like RR and GB. \_ Lenin was an intellectual. \_ You would. \_ No one wants an "intellectual" as President, when you could have a "strong leader" instead. But, everyone wants an "intelligent" leader. Big difference. everyone wants an "intelligent" leader. Big difference. And even though I completely disagree, nearly all Republicans would say that Bush is intelligent. \_ No. I would say Bush is a somewhat above average "Joe" kind of guy who follows through on what he says. No one can pin the "wishy washy" label on the man. Sometimes in life it is better to just *do* something, even if it is the wrong thing than sit on your ass wondering what to do. Doing nothing is often the worst option. We call it 'leadership' when you decide *before* seeing the poll results what you're going to do. \_ But it's not so good when you decide without considering the long-term consequences. This kind of "leadership" is like that of the first lemming leading the others over a cliff. \_ I said "sometimes". And yes "sometimes" it is better to act immediately than ponder the longer term consequences becausing pausing to do so takes time during which things may get even worse than whatever your long term consequences were from the initial decision. It also means not going all wiggly when the rubber hits the road and things don't go perfectly. In real life they never do. A man who understands that has leadship potential. \_ Reagan "glazed over in meetings" and let his aides write all his speeches and make policy decisions. I'm not sure these are admirable leadership traits. The economic policy of huge tax cuts, increased spending, and increased payroll taxes makes little sense to me. If you believe in small government you should cut the services, not shovel the debt into the future. \_ Yes, it's true. You have discovered that he was suffering from Alzheimers in his last years. This may come as a shock to you, but the rest of us knew it at the time. \_ My officemate and I are TAing a class for my advisor. He basically lets us handle most of the decisions for the class, including grading, the kind of midterm to give, etc. Does this mean he is a bad teacher or not intelligent? Reagan's spending was mostly military, and I would say they were due to specific international circumstances at the time. His record wasn't perfect, but as The Economist noted, Reagan was a libertarian at heart. -- ilyas \_ You guys got everything all mixed up. Dubya is The Great Delegator. \_ I don't consider big tax-cut + big spending to be an example of leadership. It's the easy way out. It's just ignoring reality. Whatever Reagan was at heart he never consistently applied it to policy. From the article: "...spent much of his presidency compromising the free-market principles...", "one of the more protectionist American presidents". Add to that his lying about Iran-Contra. I don't think any of this points to strong principles. I consider Truman the greatest 20th century president by the way. That was a guy who had both capability and responsibility, who actually led rather than function as a figurehead. "The buck stops here." \_ lied about iran contra? next you'll say the actions in central america were evil. you know, freeing the people from the evil sandinistas? yeah much better to let that shit continue and allow the ussr to establish a base in our hemisphere. brilliant. \_ so it's ok for the president to knowingly break laws passed by Congress as well as U.N. sanctions, as long as it's for the noble cause of aiding guerilla death squads against a democratically-elected government and appeasing Iranian terrorists who were at war with Iraq who we supported. Brilliant! Oh and the lying, piff. \_ Break laws? Name the law. And yes it is absolutely ok for the President to ignore the UN. You're a bit confused about who was running Nicaragua at the time. You're aware that the now truly democratic governments that have been elected since then are all very pro-US and very very happy that the US saved them back then? We're talking here about governments elected by the now free Nicaraguan people. Free people who keep re-electing pro-democracy, pro-US governments? Maybe you think they'd prefer to get the sandinistas back or miss those butchers at all? They only miss their dead relatives killed by the illegal sandinista government. \_ sheesh, might wanna work on that signal to noise ratio re: nicaragua. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandinista And ignoring the U.N. is one thing. But when the United States happens to be signatory to international treaties including accepting the U.N. charter then it's not the president's prerog- ative to violate them. \_ Which propaganda is that? \_ Right-wing == corporate media propaganda Clinton-haters, Bush-lovers Left-wing == traditional liberal media Clinton-lovers, Bush-haters \_ So the right = propaganda, the left = goodness++? Okey! Glad you cleared that up in an unbiased and rational way. |
2004/6/11 [Health] UID:30752 Activity:high |
6/7 Deleting this post is futile. I will just keep trying. Here is a hypothetical question. You're a medic and you have 5 morphines. There are 10 wounded soldiers, 5 will die for sure and 5 will live for sure. All are suffering and are requesting for morphine. Should you give the morphine to those who are gonna die (so that they can die in peace) or should you give the morphine to those will will live? There's no right/wrong answer, I'm just looking for explanations and logic, thanks. \_ One utilitarian answer would give morphine to 5 soldiers who will live. Why: Assuming the total amount of suffering will be the same regardless of whether the soldier lives or dies, and assuming you can't 'split' morphine doses, the ones who live will have the memory of their suffering as additional sources of suffering. The ones who die will not. Thus to minimize suffering you should administer the morphine to ones who will live. -- ilyas \- the utilitarian approach here is subject to the cookie monster problem. it also would say "if it would make a racist hick sitting at home in west virginia less happy to know you are treating a black solider over a white soldier, you must factor in his displeasure". --psb \_ But which is worse, the memory of having endured great pain, or the memory of the cries of the dying? \_ I thought morphine was purely a comfort thing and, in fact, increases bleeding. If you're more likely to die with the morphine, why not give it to the ones already dying? \_ How long until the dieing die? How long until the wounded are no longer in pain or more morphine iis available? I'd minimize total duration of suffering. OTOH, if giving morphine to those will live will signifigant improve their outcome, they win. \- Why dont you read a book such as: Thomas Nagle: Equality and Partiality, http://csua.org/u/7pp BTW, Nagle was teaching at Berkeley last term. Dunno if he is still around. You need some ethical framework to talk about this intelligently and an anon MOTD discussion isnt a great format for this. There are lots of other recommendations if you are specific about what you are interested in. --psb \- One substantial comment: maybe there is no right answer, but there are certainly many many wrong answers. "I'd auction the morphine off to the 5 willing to pay the most" is probably not an "ethical allocation". --psb \_ how many bullets do we have to put the dying out of their misery? \_ Give them to your friends first, then to the people who sound like they're hurting the most. Those left out will certainly think this is fair. If your medical training tells you that some should have priority, that naturally competes with friendship. \_ if they're gonna die, let them die. Give the morphines to the ones who will live so that they can live to tell others what a great medic you are. -guy without morals \_ say f$# it and take the morphine yourself |
2004/6/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30753 Activity:moderate |
6/11 1985: Kerry Asks to Postpone Anti-satellite Weapons Test until After Reagan-Gorbachev Summit http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1152045/posts Why delete an article form the Wash. Post??? \_ Why post an article from 1985? Oh, yeah, because the Right has nothing stronger on Kerry than whether he toed the Gipper's line. God, I'm going to enjoy watching Kerry win. \_ It's called 'history'. The man has a ~20 year record in public office. You're saying we're only allowed to see him for his last 6 months or something? Next you'll be bitching about not getting URLs from the early 80s. \_ If that's what it is, link to that, not freeper garbage. Here's a real link to wash. post: (Robert G. Kaiser is communist?) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32927-2004Jun10.html "...Gorbachev brusquely dismissed the suggestion that Reagan had intimidated either him or the Soviet Union, or forced them to make concessions." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25142-2004Jun8.html Washington, D.C.: Your piece in the Post today was excellent. What do you believe Gorbachev is thinking when he reads this week's Economist or all of the other nonsense about how Reagan won the Cold War? Robert G. Kaiser: I haven't seen the Economist piece, but I think Gorbachev made clear his reaction to me: "That's not serious!" In my view it is profoundly insulting to Gorbachev, and to the citizens of the former Soviet empire, to give an American primary credit for what happened at the end of the 1980s in Eastern Europe. Every American president from Truman onward was vigilantly, and expensively, anti-communist and anti-Soviet. As Gorbachev pointed out, this cost us trillions of dollars. But it did help prevent any spread of communism beyond the borders of the empire Stalin created after World War II. Reagan's biggest historical advantage was to be on duty when the end came. But I am confident that my grandchildren will read that Gorbachev himself was the principal hero of this drama. \_ So if Carter, that simpering wimp was on duty when the USSR fell you really think we'd give him credit for it? No. Because he \_ No, of course you wouldn't. didn't do jack. Oh yeah, there was that great malaise speech and we tired yellow ribbons on trees and posts for the hostages he couldn't do a damned thing about. |
2004/6/11 [Transportation/Car] UID:30754 Activity:insanely high |
6/11 http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Central/06/11/cameraman.killed.ap/index.html sad, but what a coincidence. \_ Sherrif Dunning needs to get his ass runned over |
2004/6/11 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:30755 Activity:high |
6/11 What's the deal with RAM ratings these days? I tried putting in PC133 in a newer machine and it wouldn't boot. If I buy the PC3200 they're advertising on slickdeals, will that work even if my computer is rated at 2400? TIA. \_ Up till around PC150-166 the number meant the MHz of the bus. When DDR came around it stopped making sense. PC2100 is a 266MHz DDR RAM. PC2400 is 300MHz. Most of the time you can use faster-rated RAM, but there are no guarantees and mixing speeds is more likely to cause a problem. Also, PC600,PC800,PC1066 are all Rambus RAMs with the number directly telling the MHz. \_ DONT TEL ME U PUT A SDR DIMM INTO A DDR D1MM SLOT!!111 |
2004/6/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30756 Activity:nil |
6/11 Anybody know what's the story with all this new German spam? At least it is easy to filter. \_ Now that you have discovered the German spam we will have to kil you. \_ you deleted my post. Please use motdedit if you're not going to be careful. \_ do you have any idea what happened to the last guy that whined about his post and motdedit? |
2004/6/11-13 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30757 Activity:moderate |
6/11 Helpful for sodans: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.06/dating.html \_ wow, that was great, thanks for the link! :) (Married myself, but interesting to see what geeks out there are doing!!! Esp the 3rd and 4th guys...) \_ um, are you not happy with your marriage? \_ Pathetic, mostly. However, I know a widow who is about 60 but looks about 40. She is worth many million $$$. She paid $10K (!!!) to a dating service that screens people extensively (including interview with psychologist). One of her dates was on the board at Nike, so others must be signing up, too. There is money to be made here! It's so sad, though! \_ I'm the above person, and very happy with my marriage. And also very amused by the technical tricks used above to get dates. Never said I *needed* them myself, but VERY amused :) (In fact, forwarded the link to my wife, who also found it entertaining) \_ I'm not the above person. I'm very happy with my marriage. I sometimes check the personals to remind myself how fucking fantastic my wife is and how miserable I would be if I didn't have her. \_ Hmmm, so do most Sodans lack the requisite social skills for interpersonal relationships? I've met some XCFers before and they were definitely very shy. Some of the others are just a little bit weird (but hey, who isn't). However, it appears that most individuals that I've conversed with appear to be socially well adjusted, perhaps forest for the trees? \_ Yes. As expected. Many aren't, by definition. Perhaps. |
2004/6/11-12 [Reference/History] UID:30758 Activity:very high |
6/11 Troy poll, would you have preferred to see Greek gods/goddesses in the movie? yes: .. no: .. \_ Yes of course. They were an integral and active part of the Greek story. \_ The director said he'd decided to forgo the gods, yet Achilles' prowess clearly shows this to be a farce. Just bring back Burgess Meredith and get it over with. |
2004/6/11-7/12 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:30759 Activity:high |
6/11 German artillery, German artillery is the best! \_ Incorrect. Artillery was actually one of the few areas of weapons technology in which the Allies were superior in WWII -John \_ WWII where we learned that superiour numbers combined with \_ before or after the invention of proximty fuse fitted on artillery shell? \_ WWII where we learned that superior numbers combined with superior tactics could overwhelm superior technology even in a fortified position. It's the generals, stupid! \_ I heard that a lot from Confederate State of America. \_ You'll note that the Union started winning once they fired their shitty generals and got decent ones. Good generalship + lots + tech > good generalship. -John \_ It also helps that a leader who was no military genius would not try to micro-manage the war. Unwittingly, Hitler helped the Allies in defeating the Germany army. |
2004/6/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30761 Activity:nil 52%like:30770 |
6/11 Iraqi WMD shipped to the Netherlands: http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/breaking_1.html |
2004/6/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:30762 Activity:nil |
6/11 Rush should have listened to BDG: http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/news/politics/8902292.htm |
2004/6/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:30763 Activity:nil |
6/11 We're done with the morphine topic. No one else cares anymore. Let it go. Move on. Grow up. |
3/15 |