2004/6/10 [Uncategorized] UID:30713 Activity:nil |
6/10 how did people survive before toilet paper was invented? |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Health/Women] UID:30714 Activity:insanely high |
6/10 What did William Randolph Hearst, one of the most powerful man on earth during the early 1900s, see in Marion Davies? I mean, she's not particular pretty or anything, what exactly did he see in her? \_ One word: Rosebud. \_ I think she was quite beautiful. And supposedly she was very funny and charming. \_ To judge a partner only by looks is extraordinarily shallow. I don't know if Hearst was -- perhaps he satisfied any need for "pretty" women with mistresses, common for rich men. \_ But MARION was the mistress, at least at first, no? In any case, she stayed with him long after she herself had become independently wealthy ... so maybe they really just loved each other. \_ lame question, but back in the 20s-40s, pre-pill era, what the heck did they use for birth control? \_ Condoms have been around for centuries. \_ I'd think the world's most powerful man would prefer not using the condom because it feels so much better \_ Syphilis URL nutcase to thread... \_ I don't think he is the world's most powerful man, perhaps the most powerful man in his castle. \_ Withdrawal. \_ Have you ever actually... you know... with a girl... *talked* to one? And no, for-pay online sex-cam chat doesn't count. \_ Have you ever done the castle tour? According to the tour guides, they were very much in love with each other. \_ In the US maybe, not on earth you idiot. \_ http://www.zpub.com/sf/history/willh.html he hated Minorities and supported Hitler. \_ yes, which is another reason the myth of the liberal press is absurd. -tom \_ I finally figured out why we let you stay here. For the humor factor. Taken the right way you're actually a really funny guy. Sort of like the court jester or the class clown, you're always there with something wildly inappropriate, off topic, ridiculous, or just plain rude. I hope to see you around some more. The motd was making too much sense without you for the last few months. |
2004/6/10 [Recreation/Shopping, Recreation/Music] UID:30715 Activity:high |
6/10 Is there some easy and nonpermanent way to mute (lower the volume) an acoustic guitar? I suck and I don't want to bug my roommates. \_ my own solution: stuff a small rag under the strings between the bridge and the hole. Works well after midnight. \_ Palm mute (look it up), lighter pick, loosen wrist while strumming (lighter touch). You can probably shove cloth/clothing in the guitar if that doesn't make you uncomfortable. -- jsjacob \_ Fill the resonant chamber with cloth. \_ don't play at night. they'll still hear it. \_ unplugged electrical at night |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30716 Activity:nil |
6/9 When will it end? More documented accounts of brutal and inhumane treatment of prisons the likes of which the world has never seen before! This makes me so ashamed to be an American! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29649-2004Jun9.html \_ Come on, this is nothing new. To give a few examples: Manifest Destiny, 1800s, "give pox to Injun savages so that our settlers will be safe" Spanish War of 1812, "let's create a war for our story" 1940s, "let's lock up all Japs because they're all spies" 1700, "let's import niggers for the farmland" You still think that the Civil War was about freeing slaves? Think again. |
2004/6/10 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30717 Activity:very high |
6/9 I am in desperate need of a Stepford Wife. I've been married for a while and I'm not getting any, and she's getting fat and uglier by the day. -bmg \- why dont you begin to torment her. that may make you feel better and maybe you have nothing left to lose. --psb \_ if you still love her, then for better or worse (and perhaps a fling now and then). if not, then time to be a man and tell her it's over. \_ either, that, or it's time to take up golf! \_ wtf is a Stepford Wife? \_ http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/the_stepford_wives \_ oh man, this is like the http://realdoll.com in the 22nd century. Actually I don't know if the Stepford Wife is better or the Holodeck. Wait, the Holodeck is infinitely better cuz you can program a Harem. \_ you need to improve your movie knowledge foo. \_ This is a remake of a lame movie from the 70s. \_ Lame? Lame! Ok, yeah, lame. |
2004/6/10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30718 Activity:nil |
6/9 http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ilyas/problems/shortest_path -- ilyas |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30719 Activity:very high |
6/10 Hoping to draw parallels between our recently departed 40th president and the current one, the White House today revealed that George W. is known fondly among the staff and cabinet as "the Great Communicatator." The President was unavailable for comment. \_ exactly, Reagan is unavailable for comment as well. \_ CFR (Call For References) on this claim. -emarkp \_ Are you the type who reads The Onion and tries to verify the quotes? \_ it's supposed to be a joke. communicator unavailable for comment. ha ha. -tom \_ I guess this worked better out loud, but read it again. Imagine Bush trying to say "communicator" in public. Communicatator isn't a typo. \_ Dear god, is it possible to kill an already dead joke all over again? Good job, motd! Ha ha indeed. \_ Yeah once tom got on here trying to 'explain' to us unedjumikated plebes it was dead dead dead. After that it just didn't matter any more. |
2004/6/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30720 Activity:moderate |
6/9 Don't be obnoxious. \_ What is the airspeed velocity of a fullen laden motd? \_ What do you mean, motd.public or motd.official? \_ I don't know that... AAAAAAARGHHHHH!!!!! ... How do you know so much about motds? ... Well, you have to know these things when you're an alumnus \_ An African or a European motd? \_ mine was funnier |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30721 Activity:insanely high |
6/10 Why is Reagan credited with "winning the cold war"? Isn't it basically Gorbachev's doing? All Reagan did was quadruple our national debt. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/foreign/reagrus.htm http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/kbank/profiles/gorbachev \_ He is credited with it because he did. I laughed my ass off the other day when one of the complaints from some leftist blog was bitching that Reagan destoying the Soviet Union put an end to any hope for detente. Unreal. \_ In Soviet Russia, Cold War wins YOU!! \_ Well, Gorbachev himself credits Reagan with ending the cold war: http://csua.org/u/7om \_ He says "made a huge, possibly decisive, contribution to creating conditions for ending the Cold War". That's not the same. \_ Pretty close though. Within epsilon. \_ So Hitler made a huge, possibly decisive etc. for ending the Third Reich, by his various blunders. The conditions for ending aren't the ending. \_ Hilter didn't come out and say 3rd Reich is going away and I'm going to make it happen. Reagan said that he was going to bring about the end of Soviet communism and he put into place policies to that end. That is the difference. I know YOU don't care but I still felt like mentioning it. \_ Wow, talk about turning reality on its head. A good rhetorical attempt at twisting words to suit your agenda but silly when presented to an audience with more than 1 brain cell. \_ When the Soviet Union collapsed, I didn't hear anybody crediting Reagan. I heard credit going to the collapse of their economy. \_ And the entire intel community saying "Holy shit. We didn't expect that..." \_ Two words: Zero Option. Look them up. \_ USSR collapsed because Gorbachev was an idiot, really. Although his reforms that were meant to modernize the party and the economy, he accidentally unleashed forces that lead to the disolution of the soviet union. Today he might be writing in his memoirs that this was his original intention, but that's complete bs. The truth is that he was plain incompetent as a leader. His reforms, specially in the economic areas, usually didn't go beyond rhetoric. \_ His reforms led to greater freedom and the breakaway of the client states and so forth... whatever he intended, incompetent or not, this was basically his doing. He clearly intended moving towards more openness and reducing the command economy. \_ Well, the ussr had their own expensive vietnam going on in Afghanistan. They had to spend hugh sums on this war, and on continuing the cold war with the US increase in defense spending (modernizing and expanding), and SDI. The ussr couldn't keep up, financially - their old economy collapsed on itself. Reforms were the result which we all know didn't work out so well. So the Reagan administration's was able to end the cold war w/o firing a shot by outspending the ussr. Probably a good use of the money considering the alternative. \_ so why didn't China and North Korea collapse? They never kept up. it's just not that simple. \_ You said it yourself. They never kept up. The USSR was attempting to keep up and couldn't play that game. China and NK haven't tried and haven't kept up either. If China or NK was to engage in an all out WWIII style blood bath like the US & USSR were prepared to do for almost 50 years they were be crushed like bugs before it even started. If the same thing happened with the USSR, the odds are good that all human life on the planet would have been snuffed out. If China or NK tried to keep up they would collapse too. Why? Because our system, our culture, and our society are superior. \_ right... so if life would have been snuffed out anyway, USSR could have really cut back without any particular danger to their empire. So it seems to me the real difference is that under Gorby, the USSR failed to keep up the autocratic iron fist. China never let up. \_ no, they couldnt because eventually something like star wars would have worked and other tech advances would have made their land forces obsolete as well. if we had continued dumping billions into SW we might have a functional system today which would make their nukes useless, or useless enough. our modern land forces of today would have obliterated their forces of 25 years ago. I agree with the iron fist part, except: 1) the USSR had to do something, Gorby tried something and lost, 2) China has not kept up and can not stand up to the US today. China is not the US military equal the USSR once was. \_ exactly. liberlize economy first, but retain strong political control, like what putin is doing today. \_ It takes Leadership to cut taxes, recognize your enemies in the face of nuclear war, and spend on defense. (And defined in this way, as many Americans do, Democrats don't have Leadership.) \_ JFK? Reagan increased the total tax burden on the middle class btw. He cut income taxes and raised payroll taxes, shifting the overall tax burden down. Overall collections as a percentage of GDP changed only very slightly. \_ You need an unbiased URL to prove the first two sentences, and not from an opinion column. \_ Reagan DID lower income and corporate taxes but raise payroll taxes. It shoudlnt' be too hard for you to find a URL. -second opinion \_ Then find one. Your opinion is worth the bits it takes to print them. Probably less. \_ Look, I am not going to do your research for you. Taxes as a percentage of GDP is a prety easily obtained stat. Is the WSJ unbiased enough for you? http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/mhelprin/?id=65000365 http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/mhelprin/?id=65000365 \_ Dumbass. Yes, you, dumbass: First two sentences. That does not include "JFK?". The person who makes the unconventional claim must back it up. \_ The only reason it is "unconventional" to you is that you are economically uneducated. I do not have the time to educate you, that is something you have to do yourself. Here is more data: http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-taxgrowth.htm Look at Federal tax burden as a percentage of GDP in 1980 and 1989. \_ Are you JUST NOT FUCKING UNDERSTANDING? "First two sentences." \_ Okay, I see the confusion. You should have said second and third sentences. I will research this and get back to you. I am busy at work right now. \_ It is in this book: http://csua.org/u/7ol Look at the source of federal revenue through out the Reagan Era. The percentage amount from payroll taxes increases and from income decreases. Reagan raised payroll taxes numerous times. Here are CBO numbers: http://csua.org/u/7on Income tax dropped from 8.9 to 8.0 while Social Security went from 5.8 to 6.7, perfectedly offsetting the decrease. \_ and the ad hominem begins. conservatives lose! \_ Actually, I'm a Democrat, and I'm not thinking of switching. I just can't stand it when some liberal makes a claim far out of left field without some backup. Republicans think we're all idiots, and I'm not going to help them with that myth. \_ No, we don't think you're all idiots. If that were so we would've destroyed your entire movement decades ago. We think that many of you are well meaning but either confused or simply wrong and the rest are simply selfish to the point of being evil. I do appreciate you coming forward and trying to bring the level of debate above the usual "yoo teh suk!" that we see on the motd from the fringes and the echo chamber. --conservative \_ It takes Intelligence not to waste trillions on nukes and star wars and tax cuts while promising balanced budgets and accruing massive debts. Defined in this way, Republicans don't have Intelligence. \_ The same Americans would say that if we had Carter in there, we wouldn't have spent as much, the Soviets wouldn't have spent as much, and the Evil Empire would still be there. The same Americans would say the deficit-spending was money well spent, and without big government too. \_ Reagan also passed some of the biggest tax _increases_ of any President. \_ Do I have to continue this? The same Americans would say that raising taxes was necessary to support defense spending in the arms race with the Soviets, to keep Social Security solvent, and to not let the deficit go wildly out of countrol and to not let the deficit go wildly out of control (and it was wild) -- all worthwhile causes. \_ But wait, so its okay to raise taxes to pay for war and control the deficit?! Why can't we do that now?! \_ Because tax cuts stimulate the economy. Lowering taxes asctaually increases revenue! taxes actaually increases revenue! -- voodoo economist \_ Hehe, ok so you're saying that raising taxes stimulates the economy? That high taxes will increase revenue *over a period of time* and not just initially? That high taxes create private sector jobs? Okey, dokey! \_ Of course it is more complicated than that. Taxes spent in economically useful activity tends to grow the economy faster than when that activity doesn't happen or only happens at the whims of the market. Universal public education, paid for by taxpayers, has been shown to be a win by many diverse economies. I think universal healthcare is too, as demonstrated by countries like Canada, where they spend less as a percentage of GDP (by far) but get similar results. Tax money wasted stupidly or in fraud is always a drain on the economy. Compare The Netherlands vs USA economic growth rates over time to see that higher tax rates do not always strangle the economy. \_ So you're saying the command economy is better than the demand economy. I think the failure of the Soviet Union and now China moving to a demand economy buries that idea. Money siphoned off to the government can never be spent as efficiently as money spent directly in the private sector. What the government can do that the private sector can not is big public works projects that benefit everyone such as building/maintaing the highways, defense, dams, and other large projects that are unlikely to yield direct monetary benefit or are impossible for the private sector to deal with. Re: Netherlands. Uhm, yeah, let's compare a homogenous highly controlled tiny country that doesn't have a military or any of the other problems the US has as a large nation and only super power to the Netherlands(???). It isn't even worth discussing. How about you compare the US to some other country or group of high tax countries that can almost equal the US in some way? You know, the apples to apples thing? Try Germany, France, Britain, etc. combined. Netherlands? That's laughable. The mouse that roared. \_ Heh. In my current game of Victoria, I am playing as Netherlands. It's 1850s, I still control Indonesia, and I am rivalling the US for the #2 world power status (Britain is #1). Netherlands used to be powerful back in the days. Didn't they make Japan a satellite state at one point? -- ilyas \_ Those in favor of the war should pay more taxes. \_ That would be great! We could all choose what government services we want to pay for. I have no kids, so screw education! I also have no need for social security, medicare, or welfare, so I'm not paying for them either! I think you should run for office on that ticket. \_ Amen, brother! I'm totally in favor of us each only contributing as much as we take out! My taxes would drop from a total burden of just over 50% (fed, state, etc) to about 5%. \_ Sure. Make sure to vote for me. I'll be running as CSUA party in '08. \_ You're using CSUA account...that's part of education. As for social security, you'll need it unless you plan to die before 67. \_ I don't need the CSUA account, I'm paying way more in taxes for education than the value of a CSUA account. Do you really think you'll get back even a fraction of the money you put into social security now? Here's a hint: save money. \_ No but it's more for helping out those who need it. How do you like seeing those senior citizens sleeping out on your streets if there's no social security? Here's my hint: MAX out your 401k. Save money is not getting you anywhere. Same goes with welfare. No welfare means more bums in yoour neighborhood. or maybe you pay extra tax to have govt to deport them somewhere else or pay extra to move to richer place. It's totally your choice. \_ No welfare means fewer crack heads after they either get jobs or starve to death. I'll pay an extra 1% for funeral costs for the first year or two it takes to shake the garbage people out of the country. \_ But what if the crackheads decide to start burglarizing your house and carjacking you so they can afford to eat? Now you've been robbed and possibly shot and you then have to help pay the $50K per year to keep them in prison. \_ Prison? No, 2nd amendment. Anyway I think more highly of people than you do. Most will work if forced to. \_ It doesn't take much carjacking to eat. drug adicts rob to pay for their habit, not their dinner. (yet another legalization arg.) -phuqm \_ I have to disagree whether you need education or not. In someway you used the education fund already by having gone to public schools and UCB. Just because you don't need it now doesn't mean you got ripped off by the govt. Without this education fund, your parents would have paid a premium to get you educated. \_ Very little of your education costs go to teaching students. If this was a pure undergrad school most of us could easily afford it with a part time job. \_ I think you pay education not solely for yourself, but for a better society. Just imagine what's like to live in state with no public education. You'll end with so many kids on the streets doing random things. \_ Duh, that's what the second amendment is for. \_ Yeah, that is working out real well in places like Afghanistan and Congo. \_ They don't have the other body of laws or culture to support a non violent pro-gun culture. The Congo? Yes, when barbarians get weapons they kill each other. Big surprise. \_ You'll never know if you need welfare. \_ I'm hungry and cold. Send me your money. \_ We PRC Chinese made the USSR collapse. We kicked them out of the house and cozied up with Uncle Sam. Then we did a punitive expedition against Vietnam, after which the USSR sent huge amounts of money to their Vietnam lackey. USSR also had to deploy many divisions along the world longest land border. Not long after we punished the Vietnamese for being traitors, the USSR invaded Afghanistan in part to surround China, and got their butt kicked there. In conclusion, it is us who brought down the USSR. We rule. \_ Kind of true. If a large country was supporting Afghanistan/Iraq, I am sure the outcome would be different. Too bad the Soviet is too chicken to do what the US did to them in Afghanistan! \_ The Soviet? What is the Soviet? Whatever it is there isn't a the Soviet anymore. Perhaps that is why the Soviet didn't do anything about Iraq? \_ The USSR invaded Afghanistan for oil and a warm water port. Why would they want an even longer border with China? Not only is this not even "kind of true", it isn't even internally consistent. \_ Really? Then how come Afghanistan has neither a port or oil? They have invaded Afghanistan just to put another satelite country under their belt. I think that was the main point, though most Russians themslves don't know what was the point of this war. I have read somewhere that it was mostly Brezhnev's idea who after having recieved lots of literary awards for his WWII trilogy "Malaya Zemlia" imagined himself to be the world's greatest military commander and ordered the Afghanistan invasion right before his death. \_ Warm water port to a river? What for? \_ Uh, you're kidding right? Russia and then as the USSR has been trying to get a warm water port for _hundreds_ of years. \_ I just don't see how a river port is worth invading a country. \_ Yes, but their goal was to reach Mediterranean Sea, not the Indian Ocean. They were actually pretty close to reaching the Mediterranean but were prevented by the British and other allies of the Ottoman empire. \_ Why would they want a longer border? No, it's not that they want a longer border, it's just that the USSR likes to threaten and bully. That's what the USSR is about. Until it fell apart. Warm water port is just part of the whole picture. Mostly USSR wants to dominate the region, with help from friendlies like India and Iran. \_ So they conducted a 10 year war in Afghanistan just because they're mean? And a warm water port and a shitload of oil was secondary? Ok, yeah, that makes lots of sense. \_ they thought it's gonna be just a few months. countries that sent most aid to the mujahadeens: us, china, saudi arabia. china was poor and stingy. why would it send aid in this case? and no, there is no oil in afghanistan. ussr has plenty of oil, they don't need more oil. |
2004/6/10 [Uncategorized] UID:30722 Activity:high |
6/10 Best Aphex Twin album? \_ Arguable. A lot of people would say the "Richard D. James" album or maybe "I Care Because You Do." My vote is for "Selected Ambient Works 85-92", but its a little dated sounding. "Selected Ambient Works II" is rewarding but extremely difficult to get into if you're not familiar with minimalist composers like Arvo Part or Steve Reich. An album that a lot of people miss out on is "Classics," which is a collection of his early EPs and is really great if you're interested in his spastic hardcore techno roots (e.g. "Didgredoo") Also "26 Mixes For Cash" is great if you want to hear him do crazy shit to other people's pop music. \_ I don't like PM-drt much but I do like Glass. I've heard some \_ I don't like Part much but I do like Glass. I've heard some \_ name edited because people's editors were mangling the umlaut. of SAW and liked it. \_ Only SAW II is minimalist - the first SAW album is light "ambient" techno that has a very particular sound and vibe. The only thing that comes close to it in sound is Boards of Canada. \_ I forgot to mention, the Polygon Window album on Warp is excellent and some of his best work. Right up there with SAW 85-92. |
2004/6/10 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30723 Activity:nil 53%like:29972 |
6/10 What's a good place to buy the digital rebel body only? Can I get it for around $700? \_ Special mentioned on http://gotapex.com says OneCall is selling the kit with 18-35mm lens for $826 eith free 3-day FedEx shipping. |
2004/6/10 [Recreation/Media] UID:30724 Activity:very high |
6/10 Good lord. They are making a Dukes of Hazzard movie, starring Jessica Simpson. What's next, an A-Team movie? \_ Standard. They always go back to the previous generation to get movie ideas. It'll make a few bucks on nostalgia. Most of the A-Team crew is dead. It wouldn't be the same. \_ Dirk Benedict, dwight schultz, and mr. T are all alive. Not sure about George Peppard. So what are you talking about? \_ I thought Schultz was dead. Mr. T. wasn't in very good health the last I knew. I'm pretty sure Peppard is dead. \_ Gah, I also see they are making a Pink Panther remake with has been Steve Martin as Clouseau and Beyonce Knowles in a supporting role. Nothing is sacred. *barf* |
2004/6/10 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:30725 Activity:very high |
6/10 As time goes on I get more and more invitation tickets on http://gmail.com and I'm beginning to understand what they're doing. Their entire mail system is going to be based on referrals in order to keep track of user dependency graph and spammers, and if one guy invites too many spammers that guy will be taken off. Simple, yet brilliant. \_ so basically all the folks ebaying their invites may get screwed. \_ Why would spammers send spam through gmail? They have plenty of open relays at their disposal. \_ Damn you are a paranoid freak. |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30726 Activity:very high |
6/10 This keeps getting deleted, but nevermind. Global terrorism report being revised by State Department after Administration meddling. Revisions will show terrorism at highest level in 20 years, rather than lowest level in 34 years as originally stated. http://csua.org/u/7o4 (latimes via yahoo news) \_ Piffle. An LA Times story with unnamed sources critical of the Bush administratioN? What a surprise. Wait until the facts come out and then post it again. \_ You are way, way understating this. The poster, IMO, overstated somewhat. Let's just call it what it is. They are revising the report ... upward. And, a Washington Post story today: http://csua.org/u/7op This is where you say, "Liberal media ... bad!" \_ Its only true if Rush Limbaugh says so. \_ Rush never said you're an idiot, but it's still true. \_ I always laugh when people attack radio, tv, newspaper or other public figures they've never listened to, seen, read, etc. \_ I didn't cry "libural media"--I was criticizing a single paper. I don't trust the LA Times or the NY Times unless it's corroborated. And I don't trust unnamed sources. Oh, and I don't listen to Rush. \_ revise the report to go back to 900 AD and see how much terrorism the muslim world produced \_ RACIST! \_ Why do you hate history? \_ Include the Crusades then too. \_ Crusades was dark ages version of "War on Terror" |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30727 Activity:very high |
6/10 Ray Charles, RIP. Something tells me that he isn't going to get the travelling corpse treatment. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5182959 \_ Why would you expect the "travelling corpse treatment"? \_ Just in comparison to another recently deceased famous person. \_ You mean "former president" -- not just famous. \_ Elvin Jones and Steve Lacy have also recently passed away. :( \_ And (sadly) 99% of the world has never even heard of them. \_ who? \_ Which President was he? Slot machines? \_ Ronald Reagan, former two term President of the United States of America vs. Ray Charles. Hmm. I'll bet Ray doesn't get a marine drum roll, a ride of air force 1, a 21 gun salute or a state burial either. It must be Republikkkan racism. \_ Come on. The Reagan-mania over the last week has just been ridiculous. They're acting like a Saint died, or something. |
2004/6/10 [Reference/History, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30728 Activity:nil 66%like:30735 |
6/10 Hey Bush-haters: Go rent Spartan. The first 75% is pretty good. -Fellow Bush-hater \_ Is it better than Trojan? |
2004/6/10-11 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30729 Activity:high |
6/10 http://www.edatereview.com Avoid Yahoo Dating service at all cost please. \_ reasons? \_ http://personals.yahoo.com/us/personals-1040602678-538853 \_ read the reviews \_ what reviews? \_ what point are you trying to make with this particular ad? \_ Try craigslist instead. |
2004/6/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30730 Activity:insanely high |
6/10 Dear CSUA, newbies I invite you to join an elite forum called WALL. To enable it, just type "wall y". -wall God \_ And to contribute your own worthless effluvia, type "wallall" \_ If you were a god of anything, you'd know how to use a fucking comma. \_ Or, in a session type: tail -100 -f /csua/wall_log \_ Elite? You're kidding right? \_ The only thing the wall is good for is to give a few knuckleheads a place to blow off steam without mushing up the motd. The wall logs reveal the most bored people on the planet. Get jobs. \_ I think most of the people walling HAVE jobs and are at them. \_ Then they need to start earning their pay. Or are they on wall getting paid to chat so they can stick it to The Man? \_ No. Wall is for partha to give live play-by-play of cricket matches being held halfway around the world. \_ Or meaningless sports banter of any kind. \_ ~dbushong/bin/wallchat -h for the non-l33t. Be nice and use \ |
2004/6/10-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:30731 Activity:moderate |
6/10 Cal football games to be broadcast on the radio in SoCal. http://calbears.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/061004aaa.html \_ Not free. Not on Yahoo Sports, anyway. If you know of a way to get it for free, let me know. \_ It's about time. \_ You can listen to the games over the Internet, though. It used to be free. It might still be. \_ Might be hard to do while you're stuck on the 405. \_ Satellite. \_ Not free. Not on Yahoo Sports, anyway. If you know of a way to get it for free, let me know. |
2004/6/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:30732 Activity:very high |
6/10 Hi, what is "volatile function" in C (or is it C++)? Thanks. \_ They're used when writing vaporware. \_ I imagine it's a method that operates on a volatile object (?) \_ Uhm, no... that wouldn't make much sense, now, would it? I've never used or see someone use "volatile" in all the years that I've been coding C (it's been 15+ years now). According to K&R the volatile modifier is used only variables that supposedly could be modified outside of the executing program. In the years since the original K&R during ANSI meetings there has been some debate over what "volatile" actually means and there hasn't been a satisfactory answer. I've never heard of anyone using "volatile" on declaring a function, I'm not even sure if that would pass the compiler... -williamc \_ Wow, way to look like a fucking dumbass again. "Just because I've never seen volatile used means it, like, doesn't make sense, or something!" Here's a snippet from the C++ standard: "[Note: volatile is a hint to the implementation to avoid aggressive optimization involving the object because the value of the object might be changed by means undetectable by an implementation... In general, the semantics of volatile are intended to be the same in C++ as they are in C." And in C, the volatile type specifier generally denotes something like a memory-mapped IO address, so it's not some totally abstract theoretical thing. \_ Or a variable modified by a signal handler. \_ Google says that they are functions that can return control to some point other than where they were called from. \_ Uhm, that would be highly problematic.... -williamc \_ Uhm, you are an idiot. This is about as problematic as exceptions (that's exactly what they are designed to do). Now I am sure volatile isn't implementing exceptions in C, but your comment's ignorant regardless. \_ Actually, it would be highly problematic in a C program, because C doesn't implement exception handling. It's apparent that YOU have never done any C programming (no, this is not Java, and C++ exception handling is still pretty broken). In addition, you appear to fail to understand how exception handling is implemented in general. -williamc \_ Ok, let me try small words. Poster: "functions that can return control to some point other than where they were called from." You: "That [returning control in this way] would be highly problematic." Except this is NOT highly problematic because that's exactly what exceptions do. You are a moron. \_ It is nice to see people get hot and bothered and make fools out of themselves by flaming on a topic other than politics. Sir, I salute you for caring so much about typecast functions. \_ (Why) I oughta (knock) your block++ off;{!!;} \_ You've never heard of setjmp and longjmp? \_ youse guys are all cracka's! \_ have any of you ever kissed a girl?!? |
2004/6/10-11 [ERROR, uid:30733, category id '18005#11.77' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30733 Activity:very high |
6/10 Hmm. No Reagan bump for GWB in the polls. Not really surpsised, actually, since he only suffers by the comparison. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,122378,00.html \_ It's sick that you would even consider such a thing. \_ It must really burn the Right Wing Hate Machine to see Clinton tied in popularity with Bush. \_ As part of the VRWHMC, I assure you I don't care in the least about Clinton now that he's done. History will soon forget about him and that'll be that. \_ We'll see. I bet you'll care again when he is First Husband. \_ HAHHAHAHHAHAA!!! The most divisive woman in the country elected President? Is there a place I can bet money against that? \_ Actually, I bet there are some sodans who will bet you some hard cash. What odds are you willing to take? What do you say, guys/gals? \_ I would still put it at 2:1, but a distinct possibility. \_ Lay out some ground rules start with by what year and being VP and killing the P to get a promotion doesn't count. \_ You need to turn off your blinders, right-wing conspiracy man. \_ Uhm ok that was really witty. Perhaps you'd like to explain where I've gone blind and what about BC will make him some rememberable historical figure? What exactly is his legacy that he'll be remembered for in 50 years or even in 15? \_ Mr. Charisma Rhodes Scholar with the dot-com boom in one hand and a cigar with Monica in the other. Hardly forgettable! \_ 8 years of peace and prosperity make for a pretty good legacy. I would guess he will be in the good but not great tier of presidents. \_ There are other Presidents who lead in quiet times. Can you name any of them? For good or bad, BC is soon to be forgotten. He has no legacy. He solved no problems. He advanced nothing. He believed in nothing. The country didn't change, improve, win, lose, or really do much of anything during his tenure. I guess we had a boom/bust cycle, NASA continued to fall apart, Islamic terrorists hit the US on US soil for the first time, and a bunch of people's 401k's got demolished. Still, none of that is particularly note worthy in the historical sense. |
2004/6/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:30734 Activity:nil |
6/10 Has anyone tried SCons? (http://www.scons.org It's a newish build tool, looks pretty good. Opinions? |
2004/6/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30735 Activity:very high 66%like:30728 |
6/10 Hey Bush-haters: Go rent Spartan. The first 75% is pretty good. Oh right, it's not out until next Tuesday. Sorry. -Fellow Bush-hater \_ Put your money where your mouth is, just go shoot him. You'll almost certainly be caught and put in the looney bin for 15 years but isn't one man's short term sacrifice worth it to save the rest of the country and our credibility around the world for generations to come? \_ Sorry, I misinterpreted your msg originally, but suggesting assassination of POTUS, even jokingly, is bad news. No fuzz, pls. \_ Coward. The net is covered with rants about it. I've seen it on bumper stickers. If you *really* hated him and *really* thought he was going to destroy the world or at least this country, the only sane thing to do is kill him. \_ Two words: "president Cheney" \_ Oh please, y'all have been saying since day 1 that GWB is the greatest threat to world peace. Go do the right thing. So you don't like Cheney? So two of you will have to sacrifice yourselves. BFD. |
2004/6/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:30736 Activity:insanely high |
6/10 Is anyone else getting a considerable packet loss when logging into soda today? \_ No. \_ Yes, earlier. Not now. |
2004/6/10-11 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:30737 Activity:high |
6/10 There been a lot of advancement in automobile safety in the past 50 years, including safety glass, collapsible steering column, hard core soft shell design (Volve), 1 point seat belt, 3 point seat belt, airbag, side airbag, etc. How about motorcycles, what kind of motorcycle devices are available today? \_ Better helmets, synthetic water-proof clothing.... Doesn't make up for the growth of cars into land-tanks piloted by cell-phone-gabbers oblivious to the world :( \_ if you got the chance, go to Asia. Motorcycle riders *ARE* safety hazard themselves. \_ that's because of the absense of cars due to heavy city traffic and lack of parking -Taiwanese \_ no. It is the obscure traffic law. Car driver has "moral obgligation" to pay for damages/pain and suffering of motorcycle riders regardless whose fault is it. Thus, motorcycle riders has no incentive to obey traffic law. \_ your logic assumes that most people are willing to trade in pain and suffering, perhaps for life, for money. your logic is flawed. \_ I thought that it was because of the women in the juice stands distracting all of the drivers? (do they still have those? I remember seeing them back in 2000) \_ not juice, betal nuts: http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Asia/Taiwan/photo57647.htm http://taiwan.8m.net/betelnut.html \_ maybe they have those Robotech-like hard shell foam suits? Or airbags attached to the race suit? Do they have those? I actually wouldn't mind spending a forture on those. \_ Several motorcycle jacket manufacturers are offering integrated airbags into the jackets. Not mainstream yet, but probably where auto airbags were in the 80s: http://www.protairbag.com http://www.motoair.com |
2004/6/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30738 Activity:insanely high |
6/10 Why no one mentioned the fact that Reagan dump 10 billion dollars to support Islamic Extremist in Afghanstan, and GWB is now eating the bitter fruit? \_ carter started it \_ Why no one mention you have bad grammar like FOB? \_ because corporate media is utterly corrupted. \_ Because the first is not the direct cause of the second. You just skipped 12 years of history to make that leap of logic. \_ And FDR dumped 100 billion to help the Soviets. Why no one mention eating bitter fruit? \_ Becuase throughout our history we've almost never considered the long term consequences of almost any of our policy. \_ Yeah it would be better if the USSR was still around than a few rinky dink sand eaters. I grew up while the USSR was still very strong and I had a lot more fear of nuclear death than I do now of terrorism. I honestly didn't expect to live to see my 20th birthday when I was 10. I'm much older than that now. \_ Because given the choice between the big and the little evil, intelligent people go with the little one. |
2004/6/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:30739 Activity:high |
6/10 RIP Ray Charles. (The man deserves to last on the motd for more than six hours.) \_ What for? Did he advance the cause of liberalism? Did he advance the cause of USE LINUX? Did he advance the cause of RIDE BIKE? No. Fox did a lengthy piece on him tonight praising him as a patriot so we know he's an asshole. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ You know, 1-2 people die every second. And 2-3 babies pop out every second. I don't know how many folks are fucking every second but it's got to be a lot. \_ how many were conceived to Mr. Charles' tunes? |
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