2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic] UID:30657 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Rectum post brought back from the dead: Afghan man commenting on being given a rectal exam in front of female American soldiers: "We don't know if it's medical or if they were very proud of themselves," Mr. Shah said. "But if it was medical, why were they taking our clothes off in front of the women? We are Afghans, not Americans." link:tinyurl.com/3x86q Where did he get the impression American men like to have their rectums examined in front of women? And our nyt journalists took the liberty to add this comment: "While nudity as a disciplinary or coercive tool may be especially objectionable to Muslims, they are hardly the only victims of the practice. Soldiers in Nazi Germany paraded naked prisoners in daylight, ..." \_ Nope, no media bias here, nope. It is simply standard practice to compare anything that occurs during a Republican administration to Nazi Germany as often as possible. See how you are? \_ what do you mean how am I? \_ huh? I was myself pointing out the bias of the journalists above. however to generalize that to the whole media is like saying that your whole extended familiy are idiots simply because you are an idiot. \_ That's right, all conservatives are Nazis, and all liberals are pinko commies. You'd think that we'd've come up with more hip epithets in fifty years. \_ Where do foreigners get their ideas of America? High quality pr0n! \_ This explains so much. \_ Depends on how hot they are... And our nyt journalists took the liberty to add this comment: "While nudity as a disciplinary or coercive tool may be especially objectionable to Muslims, they are hardly the only victims of the practice. Soldiers in Nazi Germany paraded naked prisoners in daylight, ..." \_ So americans are a good as the nazis. that's just great. |
2004/6/8 [Uncategorized] UID:30658 Activity:nil |
6/7 Man falls 12 storeys and survives: http://csua.org/u/7n7 Can anyone confirm this? \_ Yes! I was totally there! |
2004/6/8 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:30659 Activity:nil |
6/7 In Band of Brothers this crazy yank runs towards the Germans, runs behind the Germans, hides behind a building, then comes back without getting shot at all. What the heck was he doing and what did he accomplish? |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30660 Activity:nil |
6/7 "By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations." -Haynes Johnson, from *Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years* |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30661 Activity:high |
6/7 So I guess its okay to play politics with Reagan's death if you're a Republican: http://csua.org/u/7n9 (latimes link) \_ Idiot troll and a liar. From your own link: '"Don't allow any of the commemorations to turn into a political rally," he advised. "If any Republican says at a memorial service that we should win one more for 'the Gipper' " paraphrasing Reagan's famous line from "Knute Rockne All American," in which he played Notre Dame football star George Gipp, "they're sunk." In fact, Gillespie and other Republican leaders have avoided that faux pas so far.' So no, it's not ok, they're not doing it, the LAT didn't say they are and you're a troll. Why should your crap stay on the motd any longer than the mislabeled freeper links? \_ Who's the idiot? You're quoting a CNN political analyst, not a GOP representative. Look elsewhere in the article. \_ You're the idiot. Quote something from elsewhere in the article you troll. \_ Fourth paragraph: "But unofficially, several Republican strategists said the nation's outpouring of nostalgia and respect for Reagan may have offered Bush an opportunity to improve his flagging popularity - if he can find a way to don the mantle of his well-loved predecessor." Of course nobody's going to say this directly ON THE RECORD. And then there's the quote later from Bush's campaign spokesman: "The life and example of Ronald Reagan reinforces how important conviction and determination are in a president," which is clearly directed at their opponent. Come on. Don't be a fucking tool. Its right in front of your face. \_ Most of the benifit the article speculates about is just a general side effect of Regan-nostalgia. Of course Bush is going to give a eulogy, are you suggesting he shouldn't? And of course he'll say nice things about Regan, and of course it will look good for the cameras. Are you suggesting he shouldn't? How do you think Bush should handle this to elminate any possible political misuse? -jrleek \_ He should avoid drawing false parallels between the fall of the Soviet Union and the invasion of Iraq. \_ It's already happened. Republicans have praised Reagan's accomplishments as the touchstone for the World's Only Superpower for the last decade while ignoring the bad stuff. Democrats couldn't dare attack the poor old man with Alzheimers' for fear of looking mean-spirited. Even now, all the Republican praise centers around the Reagan Myth, while the Democrats will praise his "style" and his "patriotism" never mentioning Iran-Contra, S&Ls, internal corruption, the deficit, brinksmanship, secret wars, etc... |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30662 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 This isn't meant to be a troll, but it may come across as one. I've been wondering why far left types like Micheal Moore will tell you that morallity is realitive, so terrorist are not evil, they just have a different morality, but Moore calls BUSHCO evil constantly. Huh? \_ I think you'd be hard pressed to find a quote of Moore calling Bush evil. In fact I'd be amazed if you could. \_ Relative Morality is the crutch of the atheist \_ Maybe we should add "WHY DO YOU SUPPORT TERRORISTS?" to one of the stupid things Republicans say about Democrats. \_ We Repukkklikans is all just st00pid!! Weze awl jus sez wut Rush sez us to say! Weze be so st00pid iz why yuze Dems runs da hole cun-tree nowz n fohevah n weze jus kin own-lee hopes y'awl lets us kepe lissenin too Rush evry dae!!! \_ He hasn't said anything of the sort about terrorists. Yay for the Straw Man! \_ WHY DO YOU SUPPORT TERRORISTS? \_ Just because you believe morality is relative doesn't mean you can't have your own moral code. I believe morality is relative, but because I have a personal moral code, there are people and things that I define as evil. \_ I have a question. Why bother defining evil at all, if you believe in relative morality? That seems like a needlessly judgemental attitude. Live and let live, and so on. -- ilyas \_ Relative morality just lets you make the easy choices in life and self justify them. \_ No. Relative morality != Fluid Morality. Relative morality means acknowledging that things considered bad in one culture might not be bad in another culture. For example, Jefferson owned slaves. Slavery is bad. Jefferson is not bad because what he did was considered normal in his time. Thus Jeffreson owning slaves does not make him evil, just not progressive. \_ I guess that makes sense. Making morality statements is only stupid if other people are making them. \_ It's only stupid to assume everyone shares your morality. Trying to hold everyone to your morality is just idealistic. \_ So Moore is stupid? \_ Where did he assume everyone shares his morality? \_ That's pretty much all he does. The statement "BushCo is evil" doesn't even make sense if he assumes no one else shares his morality. \_ See above. I'm pretty damn sure you couldn't find that statement out of his mouth. He portrays \_ Would calling Bush, Cheney, and Ashcroft "the real axis of evil" qualify? \_ Find me the quote. I believe you're actually misquoting Noam Chomsky \_ My fault. I was wrong. He didn't call them "the real axis of evil". His exact quote is "the Axis of Uber-Evil -- Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft --...". http://csua.org/u/7ns things that he sees as wrong. He doesn't call anyone evil. He calls on them to change, or on the voters to make the change for them. \_ I would read it as "I think BushCo is evil." and not as a stement of fact, but it's open to interpretation. \_ Don't bring facts into this. Bastard. He was feeling good about himself until you stepped up and poked a hole in his self esteem. |
2004/6/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:30663 Activity:very high |
6/8 To those who say all freeper links are trash, I really appreciated the D-Day freeper link a couple days ago. Freeper troll: If you post more interesting links that aren't just right-wing frothing, maybe people won't delete them. - liberal, not a censor. \_ I am also a non-censoring liberal who often reads the freeper links. I think the most annoying thing about the links is their lack of explanation when posted to the motd. Most freeper links are really just cut and pasted from some other source. Why not say "http://www.freerepublic.com/rightwingrant.html [reprint of editorial from LA times] or something? \_ I'd really like to see stuff of the form: "http://freerepublic.com/rant.html LA Times story on how $LIBERAL is a $ADJECTIVE $NOUN" rather than just "<DEAD>"<DEAD> which looks just like a spam URL. \_ See, if you're just going to repost an article from the LA Times, why not link directly to the LA Times? Post a link to the content, not a link to a link to the content. If you're trying to highlight the Freeper debate, then say so when you post your link to it. |
2004/6/8 [Computer/Theory] UID:30664 Activity:high |
6/8 50th anniversary of the death of Alan Turing: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/3781481.stm http://theregister.co.uk/2004/06/07/manchester_honours_turing \_ He's gay. WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ He was gay? I am disgusted. I am going to change major. \_ I heard there are even homosexuals in the Bay Area. You might want to transfer to another school. \_ consider the csua culture of ridiculing girlz to keep it an all-male institution. \_ Uh... ridiculing girls? what did I miss? |
2004/6/8 [Uncategorized] UID:30665 Activity:high |
6/7 Use a meaningful caption to your link. \_ and don't use tinyurl if the link takes less than 80 column \_ I think you meant 72 columns, counting the date\t |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30666 Activity:nil |
6/7 Hey I heard that Reagan is still here in CA for one dya only! Let's get a bunch of us to go down there and show how much we respect him. We can spit on his coffin. That'll show em! \_ A fellow alum called me and wanted us to follow him around the US. It's Reagan-palooza! I'd carry a big picture of him in front of the parade^H^H^H^H^H^Hfuneral procession, Chinese-style, and he'd throw out fake billion dollar bills with Reagan's face on them. Just like olde times! We'd even make concert-type tshirts. \_ Troll. \_ I dare you to do it, oops i forgot, you're a spineless liberal |
2004/6/8 [Recreation/Sports] UID:30667 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Ok, everyone here in the midwest hates the Lakers and want them to lose. How about people in the Bay Area? \_ I'm from the Bay Area and I think they're a bunch of ogres, rapists, and players who are full of themselves. \_ "Rooting for the Lakers is like rooting for the house in blackjack." \_ no, it's like rooting for the US in Iraq. \_ Uhm, what? \_ Why do you HATE America? \_ Uhm, what? \_ Why do YOU hate America? \_ Heh heh, yer dumb. Wanna be my valentine? \_ HATE IS THE STANDARD! USE AMERICA! \_ In Soviet Russia, AMERICA hates YOU! \_ The Lakers are the basketball personification of evil. -tom \_ Just like the United States is the nation-state personification of evil, right tom? |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30668 Activity:very high |
6/8 To the person who was asking about java finalizers... is it possible your finalize method has thrown an exception? also, i think finalizers are not guaranteed to run on objects that are in the heap when the program exits unless you call System.runFinalizersOnExit() somewhere in your program. \_ It's possible, I guess, although I don't think so. (I'm pretty sure I have exception checks on all the places I interact with the JVM). \_ Ok, the finalizer doesn't have an exception, but here's what the situation is: The finializer is called, which calls a native finalizer, which, after some C stuff, calls BACK into our java "destructor" function. (In this case, it doesn't do anything but print a message, it's a test.) Apparently that call back doesn't work. Could it be that this kind of behavior is not allowed? |
2004/6/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30669 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Stop censoring. You've just activated the 1 day nuke campaign. \_ nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke of perl... \_Wow, you're a jerk. -jrleek \_ Nice! \_Wow, you're a leek. -lrjeek \_ Man, if you're gonna skrew with my name do it right! -urgeek \_ Who the fuck do you think you're punishing? Just give up on your stupid temper-tantrum. \_ So, I guess this guy went away. |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30670 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 The very bottom of http://www.michaelmoore.com/index_real.php has a small article with the following paragraph: "When he was seven years old, Brandon Maxfield was accidentally shot in the face, becoming a permanent quadriplegic, completely paralyzed below the neck. The pistol that discharged while being unloaded was deliberately designed so that its safety had to first be moved from "Safe" to "Fire," making the trigger active and accidents more likely. I can't figure out what that last sentence is trying to say. Help? \_ That you can't unload the gun with the safety on, and that's a bad feature for a gun. \_ It's also a bad idea to point a gun at a 7 year while unloading it. \_ Agreed. In gun safety courses you're taught *never* to point a weapon at something you don't intend to shoot. Of course, young kids aren't typically sent through hunter safety courses anymore. \_ It doesn't say who was unloading the gun. It feels to me like the article leaves out details to obscure what actually happened. |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW] UID:30671 Activity:very high |
6/8 Need recommendation for web hosting that provides large disk space at reasonable prices. I'm currently with verio and they offer 200 megs of web/mail space for $24.95. I just signed up and cancelled http://speakeasy.net when I found out that their 1 gig quota is really for web storage and not for email or general purpose. speakeasy's mail quota is 15 megs. Are there other reliable medium/large companies? Thanks. \_ You do mean 24.95/month, right? I got in on a free offer from http://1and1.com, they have seemed decent, although they still have separation between mail and web space (50MB for the pop mail accounts) \_ Word of warning on 1and1. A friend and I are using them for hosting several sites, and they are really good as far as that goes. However, they seem to have developed a reputation for harboring spammers, and mail from 1and1 accounts is bounced by a LOT of mail daemons. |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30672 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Troll all you want but I spent 10 hours waiting to see Reagan. 5 hours to travel 4 miles. 5 hours in line. Starting at 12AM. \_ 6 hours total for me. 1 hour to travel, 5 hours in line. Started at 8PM. Was worth it. No cameras were allowed. -- ilyas \_ so was the coffin actually open? \_ Hell no, the man was 93 with Alzhiemer's. It's just a flag covered coffin. \_ Then what's the point of going?!?!? \_ The chicks! Reagan's corpse is a babe magnet. \_ so was it worth it? How did he look? Pics? \_ I still think he should be embalmed. \_ And placed next to Lenin's in the Kremlin. \_ No! Permanant display on the bridge of the USS Ronald Reagan. \_ With his hands epoxied to an old-school ship's wheel. \_ why not bike from tierra rejada rd & take esperance dr to the r. reagan library ? (just have to avoid the bullets...maybe..) \_ There seems to be something inherently wrong with riding a bike to pay last respect to Reagan. \_ Yeah, better to drive your H2 out to Humboldt and cut down an old-growth redwood tree in tribute. \_ Because Reagan had all those ties to the oil industry? What? |
2004/6/8 [Uncategorized] UID:30673 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Pistons in 4 \_ News at 11. \_ Kobe in for 20. (years) |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30674 Activity:high |
6/8 Does anyone know where I can read about Java Virtual Machine Thread internals, especially in connection with the JNI? I'm haveing a wierd bug where GC seems to be happening before finalization (which includes some native calls) can complete. -jrleek \_ JVM spec: http://csua.org/u/7nf -brain \_ "performance book" native section: http://csua.org/u/7ng -brain |
2004/6/8 [Uncategorized] UID:30675 Activity:insanely high 66%like:33439 |
6/8 Is anybody else as in love with TastyBite as I am? \_ that shit is nasty, you could probably do better yourself with a cookbook. \_ But I couldn't leave it in my drawer for a year. \_ mmm.... dal mahkani... \_ What's the best price you've found? \_ http://tastybite.com, you can buy a 6 pack for $2. With the coupon code ML30-E you can get 30% off on $30+ of the Ready Meals (which come with a spoon and microwave-safe bowl). -op \_ clarification. 6 pack for $2/pack. \- if you speak hindi, you can get them for a dollar. it is possible you have to be non white. they are a good basis, but they need to be augmented. \_ How and where, and where do I find a quick hindi course? \_ trader joe's |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:30676 Activity:moderate |
6/08 Does this look familiar to anyone? From apache2 error_log: File does not exist: srv/www/tomcat/base/webapps/MYDIRindex.jsp no matter how many "/"s i put on <DEAD>www.myserver.com/////index.jsp<DEAD> it still gives me this. What am i doing wrong? \_ isn't tomcat a stand-alone java application? Why would it be in the apache2 error_log. As for the ////////, do you really think a good webserver would let you go UP from the webroot, whether with / or .. (or encodings of both) \_ i'm using a connector (jk). As for the other, i'm not trying to transverse a directory. /// is treated just like "/" i'm just trying to make sure i get one in there. \_ Tomcat refusing to acknowledge the existence of a jsp or servlet is a very common problem and happens if any one of the 8 billion possible settings aren't exactly perfect. This is covered extensively in numerous FAQs (listing all of the possible causes is not in the purview of the motd) |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30677 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 BAHAHAHA. Go to http://www.somethingawful.com and scroll down for "The Ronald Reagan Rap." Sample verse: Laying flowers on the grave of the Waffen SS, Straight playing Jimmy Carter and cleanin up his mess, You're an old school shoota, Central America booty loota, Poppin collas and stabbin Y, Droppin' dollas on SDI. \_ boy that's funny \_ at least it showed some imagination unlike most of the venomous drivel going around the last few days. \_ Yawn, it's just Dubya-hate carrying over. I would guess most Reagan haters on soda just remember Iran-Contra, "I do not recall", deficit spending, and trickle-down, and assume it's mean-old-bastard neocon Reagan. Then again, I don't remember anything substantial to like about him. \_ Don't forget the Savings and Loans mess ("All in all, I think we've hit the jackpot," Reagan said as he deregulated the SnL industry), the HUD corruption scandal, EPA corruption, the Pentagon procurement scandals, etc. etc. \_ It could be that most of the Reagan mourners just miss the '80s. Don't forget your pastel jacket. |
2004/6/8 [Recreation/Media] UID:30678 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Movies where the sequel was better than the original \_ Road Warrior \_ definitely \_ thats not really fair. the original was filmed on a dime with a bunch of no names, including the lead at the time. \_ so what? I wasn't insulting Mad Max, I was saying Road Warrior is *better*. I think Road Warrior is one of the best movies ever. \_ Empire Strikes Back \_ Attack of the Clones (I thought it was better than Menace anyway. but I'm not sure Menace counts as an original for this purpose.) \_ I dunno, AotC was pretty freakin' bad. \_ TPM was worse. Lots of boredom and Jar Jar antics. AotC entertained me. \_ Shrek 2 \_ you are definitely kidding \_ nope. \_ I like Shrek 2 more. \_ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4999152 \_ T2: Judgement Day \_ I think you might be a couple of cans short of a six pack. \_ dumb fucking kid. \_ Nope, T1 was better. T2 had better special effects but had a lame slow section (desert), too preachy, annoying kid, a badd-a** T-800 saying lame things like "I cannot cry". T1 had Arnold in his true form, an evil robot willing to destroy anything in it's way. \_ Thinking of T2, does anyone remember how he shot the shotgun while riding the motorcycle? Which hand did he use? (Thought of this yesterday for some reason while riding my motorbike, and was wondering about the logistics of it - must have been the left hand, right? Would still need a hand on the throttle?) \_ some bigger bikes (cop bikes?) have a mechanical cruise control. \_ Godfather. BTW, this was a question asked in one of the Scream movies. \_ scream 2? \_ Aliens \_ apples oranges \_ ?? \_ ie, two completely different movies, one horror, one action \_ Aliens is still a sequel, and still better. \_ Blah, the second one is just your standard alien bug hunt. A waste of film. It had one or two good lines and the rest was trash. "Oh, look, a hundred more big alien bugs with drooling jaws running on ceiling, floor, and wall. Blast 'em. Next!" \_ as opposed to the hundreds of alien bug hunt movies that came before it, right? \_ agreed. previous poster is lame. Aliens is the standard bug hunt movie, and still the best, IMO. But now I feel like a total nerd- boy L053R by participating in this thread. \_ Kill Bill 2 \_ Me and several friends disagree completely. \_ But it really is just one (too) long movie. \_ KB2? Big yawner. It was just like the first except it had no real action, no cool moves, no cool lines, and took far too long for the closing credits to finally show up. Other than that it was a better movie. \_ I cheat: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GoodMovieSequels \_ Man, this page beat me on X-Men/X-Men 2 \_ Die Harder (Die Hard 2) \- this is a troll. Die Hard was an actually good action flic. Die hard 2 blew chunks. \_ what you really mean is Die Hard 3 blew chunks. \_ I'm not sure if you can call everything you disagree with a troll. \_ Oh, I'm pretty sure he can. \_ You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. \_ Die Hard is good, but Die Hard 2 is as good or better. \_ I may have been thinking of Die Hard 3. Which one was in an airport? If it was 3 then i don't remember 2. \_ I don't think the "better" judgment is generally valid. Die Hard was a classic, spawning lots of imitations (it's "Die Hard" on a $NOUN!). For me anyway Die Hard 2 wasn't nearly as memorable. Not that I love Die Hard. \- Passion of the Christ \_ There was a second one? When did I miss it? \_ Rush Hour 2 \_ Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer \_ Damn straight! \_ Toy Story 2 \_ Evil Dead 2 \_ Urotsukidoji 2: Legend of the Demon Womb \_ Naked Gun 2 1/2 \_ Wrath of Khan \_ KAAAAHHHHNNN! \_ Austin Powers \_ we're not talking about sequels that sucked more |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30679 Activity:very high |
6/8 Which search engines let you search for regex or at least symbols like '||' . right now i'm trying to search for how to do this: !#/bin/bash; if [ $? != 0 || $# != 2 ]; then hi \_ man test \_ Or, sillier, man [ \_ test did the trick, tnx. (though, shirley there must be a way to do it without) |
2004/6/8 [Uncategorized] UID:30680 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 Any recommendations on good, secure money belts for travelling? Thanks. \_ Custer Battles \_ how about a real answer? |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:30681 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 How does one, using trn, post on a newsgroup with a fake reply-to address? I just what to change it to jrleek@no.spam.soda.berkeley.edu or some such. \_ I am pretty sure you have to edit the source and recompile. \_ Pnews. Maybe you'll need to hack inews too. It's been ages since I've looked at rn. |
2004/6/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30682 Activity:high |
6/8 Where can I download the openAL drivers for Windows XP? |
2004/6/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30683 Activity:high |
6/8 Why doesn't Zogby have Bush winning California? http://www.zogby.com/News/ReadNews.dbm?ID=833 \_ Yeah, well he doesn't have Kerry winning Alaska either, but you'd have to smoke a solid pound of Matanuska Thunderfuck to think Kerry has a chance of winning Alaska. And no one gives a shit, which is really the point. \_ He's only considering states that are close, like Washington and Oregon. Bush has a whelk's chance in hell of winning California, so he's not even considering it. The same goes with Texas, except in the opposite sense. Notice that his poll is only conducted in certain states at the moment: http://www.zogby.com/features/features.dbm?ID=212 \_ Zogby is trying way too hard. Reputation go down. -a libural \_ Why don't we just let Zogby decide months in advance who the next President will be and save all that money and time on the whole election process, debates, etc? Since we know for a fact that Zogby can accurately predict elections with 100% accuracy, we no longer have need for the election process, right? |
2004/6/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30684 Activity:very high |
6/8 sodomize jrleek! \_ huh? |
2004/6/8 [Health/Disease/General] UID:30685 Activity:nil |
6/8 My company just moved to a new office. My coworker's cube is on the other side of the wall from a room with a giant transformer that powers a big part of the building. He found this out because his monitor was flickering like crazy and he couldn't work. Our IT guy said they would find a solution to get the monitor to work but he's freaking out and says he's worried about health risks from the EM Field so he moved to a different cube much farther away. My cube is about 6 feet from the transformer room (my monitor is fine, though), and I'm wondering if he's paranoid or if I should be worried too. I really like the location of my cube so I'd rather not move unless there's some basis for thinking there are health risks. Any advice? \_ I'd move. There are health risks, sure, look at ppl that live for long periods of time near transmission lines. prob doesn't make their TVs go haywire, and they still get cancer. \_ i've not seen any evidence for this and i've heard that there isn't any. got proof? \_ I'm not him, but personally I'd look at it as one of those better safe(r) than sorry things. I think some studies involving rodents and sustained high-energy exposure have indicated some kind of detriments. Let someone else sit next to the transformer if it's so safe. \_ Build a faraday cage around your cubie. \_ Anyone know if they're doing so with hybrid cars? \_ When you glow at night, what color do your limbs radiate? \_ Is there some instrument I can use to measure how strong the field is in a certain spot? I'd like to see how far away from the transformer I have to get before the measurement is "normal", and how much higher than "normal" my cube is. -op |
2004/6/8-9 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30686 Activity:moderate |
6/8 Anybody ever known of data getting extraced from a drive that has been zeroed out? \_ Does it count if I got 000000... back? \_ It can be done. When your disk drive does a write, it writes a rather wide path. By placing the platters into special machines, you can extract data from the fringes of the write path. This is why the DoD has released specs on write patterns useable to highly minimize such extraction. \_ I think the sequence of writes is something like: 11111111, 00000000, 11110000, 00001111, 11001100,00110011, 10101010, 01010101, which is kind of like micro-degaussing. \_ We had a pretty interesting joint presentation by Kroll and Guidance. I forget which one of the two it is, but one has fairly extensive labs for just this kind of recovery that they'll let you tour (at least in Germany) as a "potential customer". Anyway, I thought DoD just physically shredded all physical storage media after use as a matter of policy? Most of my bank clients so far have paid someone to do that for them. -John \_ Yup, it's possible. As the above poster said, you need to overwrite your data several times with various bit-patterns. Otherwise someone determined enough can use an electronic microscope or whatnot to determine what had been written there several generations of writes before. \_ http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/06/09/0151219 |
2004/6/8-9 [Recreation/Food] UID:30687 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 California roll poll: yum: .. yuck: .. \_ unagi: .. tastes like vagina: . \_ I love unagi, but then, I also love vagina. \_ tamago: overpriced piece of egg: .. \_ sanma: smells like rotten fish: . \_ uni is the best: . \_ As a gf once put it: I wanted you to eat that because it has the same texture as cum, and I wanted you to understand why I spit. \_ your gf has bad taste. granted these things may be an acquired taste. \_ Hey, some of us got snowballed instead. \_ Either you need to see a doctor or your gf is flawed. All of my gfs always said it doesn't taste like much of anything. \_ -4 Hit Points for poor reading comprehension. texture != taste: "...the same texture as cum,..." \_ Shrug. She's still flawed or you need to see a doctor because you're cumming something the texture of uni. \_ Sushi Ran spider roll: the fried head is great for grossing out Sausalito ex-hippies: . \_ saba: . |
2004/6/8-9 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30688 Activity:very high |
6/8 For those who worked in the large corporation (or currently working in a large corp. How do you guys managed such large amount of emails? Do you guys use some sort of sorting software (popfile?)? is there any open-source search engine that is designed for combing through standard unix email boxes? \_ GREP! \_ Ah, but is it the standard? \_ you mean find . -name "*.mbx" -exec grep [pattern] {} \; my problem with that is that in that -exec part, the grep -v's "-" is giving me trouble (along with other special characters) \- use xargs. welcome to the next level. --psb \_ how do you deal with spaces? \- NULL padding. for the original Q, also see e.g. agrep, glimpse etc. --psb \_ use mh. pick is your friend. |
3/15 |