2004/6/7 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:30642 Activity:nil |
6/5 I can't reach some sites from my company, including sameer's anonymizer. What are some good anonymizing sites I can use? Thanks. \_ I recommend setting up nph-proxy or something similar on your home machine. For added yuks, run it over OpenSSL and password protect it. -John |
2004/6/7 [Uncategorized] UID:30643 Activity:high |
6/5 Somehow a spammer got the email to our bugtracking program. Now one of the bugs in our program is "Make $1,000,000 with just $6." I find this somehow hilarious. \_ Status: Open Comment: Can anyone confirm this behavior? \_ probably an inside job/practical joke \_ Cute but really you should just block it from outside emails. |
2004/6/7 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:30645 Activity:high |
6/5 The virtues of gay marriage. Poor kid... WAR OVER BOY RAISED BY GAYS http://nypost.com/news/regionalnews/24903.htm \_ And the idea that the kid might be messed up by two 50-ish parents bitterly fighting for custody never occurred to anyone. As you said, poor kid. \_ I don't know, the main feeling I got from the article is that everyone involved is stupid. \_ It says right in the article, "The boy's problems may be partialy due to the stress betwen his parents." ALthough it doesn't state which parents. \_ I'm REALLY curious where he got the ideas to sexually molest his classmates. \_ How many 6 year-old kids have you been around? Kissing and grabbing other people's private parts are common behavioral problems for kids who are acting out. Ditto biting, kicking, and punching. The kid needs counselling, just like any kid whose parents are divorced or separated. \_ Admittedly, not many with divorced parents and behavioral problems. Most of my friends with kids are still married. \_ I thought 6 year olds running around kissing and grabbing at people was par for the course. Guess I grew up with some messed up kids. I also disagree that _every_ kid who has divorced/separated parents needs counseling.... \_ Good point. Let's put it this way: if your kid is acting out and seems uncommunicative and the only big stressor seems to be a divorce or separation, consider counselling. If your kid isn't acting out, talks to you about his/her feelings, and generally seems to be fine, you're probably all right. |
2004/6/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30646 Activity:insanely high |
6/5 Reagan's last words: "Vote for Dubya Bush" \_ I think we should embalm Reagan for public viewing forever. \_ The Mississippi River is now the Mississippi Reagan. \_ The "Star Wars" anti-missile laser system will be named the anti-missile Raygun system. \_ The Ronald Reagan Memorial Space Based Weapons Platform (Bonus g33k points for knowing what show that was featured on) \_ Can you at least wait until his body is in the ground before mocking his death? \_ No! Mocking continues for the next 100 years! \_ I believe OP is mocking the Karl Rove and Falwell types who want to make GWB seem a mystical religious figure. \_ Was this a B5 reference? \_ "If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all." \_ To nursing staff: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" \_ you know, if Reagan were the president who vouched for pre-emptive attack on Iraq, Syria, and N Korea, you'd be fine with that. Presidency is all about media relationships and charisma, and as long as he looks good in front of the camera (Kennedy, Reagan), you'd believe any bullshit he has to give. \_ The respect that all sides are treating Reagan with is very interesting, and very American I think. Its probably one of our traits I'm most proud of. An English friend was contrasting us with his culture, where if (for instance) Margeret Thatcher died there would probably be a good chunk of the population openly celebrating. Anyway, I'm no fan of Reagan or his policies, particularly his (non) response to the AIDS epidemic, but he DID go against a lot of nutty Republican hawks like Cheney and bargained with Gorby. For that he gets a lot of credit from me. \_ I know too many people who lived through the results of his policies in Latin America to have anything but bile for this man. On top of that, I remember my family struggling through the results of his domestic economic policies. \_ Gorby on Reagan: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/07/opinion/07GORB.html Having the leader of the opposing superpower write a elegy like this is not bad either. \_ All he ever wanted was the chance to be in a commercial for Pizza Hut. \_ I think the coverage is a bit TOO reverant. I was reading the Tri-Valley Herald, and amidst paragraphs lauding all the "good" things Reagan did was a one-line mention along the lines of "He was involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, which was a scheme to funnel aid to Central-American anti-communist forces." Absolutely no mention of the atrocities perpetuated by the "friends" we helped, including Saddam Hussein. \_ You don't see too many people writing shit like that because the man is dead. You aren't supposed to smear someone in their obituary. Show some class even if you can't show any respect. \_ Actually that does hinge on respect. You won't see fawning obituaries for Saddam. \_ One thing to watch out for is the "most popular president ever" meme which I've seen a lot of in the last couple of days. Apparently it was actually Clinton: link:csua.org/u/7mh (pollkatz chart) \_ The whole fatherly, reassuring presence of Reagan I think is the main reason people like him. 80's children have nostalgia for him. I think people liked Clinton a lot but the constant noise about the sexual scandal stuff and whitewater and whatever else republicans could carp about eroded the "dignity of the office" and all that. But it was the republicans' own dogged scandal-hunting that kept this stuff in the limelight. In any case I think it's what got Dubya into office. \_ Reagan won reelection by sweeping 49 states. It's not a surprise that many people respect him. \_ By all means, respect him. But it should also be mentioned that he did some Very Bad Things. \_ You had 93 years to mention the Very Bad Things he did. You can give a dead guy a break for a few days until after he's in the ground. \_ I won't tell you that Reagan was a bad or evil man, and I will absolutely agree that he did (for the most part) what he thought was best for the country, but we need to remember his foibles and misdeeds now before the cult of Reagan becomes irrevocably entrenched. He was a man, no more, no less. [edited by op to be less obnoxious, sorry] \_ Yeah! I hate Margret Thatcher for saving the British economy! \_ You blithering idiot. I didn't say anything about Thatcher, and neither did my friend. For all you know, he *loves* Thatcher. However, he's not an American, so he's able to consider the idea that others may have a *different* opinion than him. Sheesh. \_ Ha! Thanks, you gave a good laugh by assuming that was responding to you or your friend directly. You're silly. \_ Reagan's repeal of 70% tax cut for the rich-- totally Republican. While I disagree with a lot of his policies, I'm ok with that because he's such a handsome charismatic guy. Now Bush... has no charisma whatsoever. \_ Agreed wrt Bush's charisma. \_ Please don't overwrite posts. Use motdedit. \_ Bush has charisma. A *lot* of charisma. What he doesn't have is Reagan's speaking ability to the camera or large crowds. Everyone who has met him personally writes/says later how incredibly charming he is. I haven't met him so I can't say anything about that but yes his public speaking skills are very weak. \_ sorry, either you're so uncharismatic that you actually think he's charismatic, or you're just plain dumb. \_ Bush is charming to the citizens he meets, but charisma, he lacks. \_ I don't get the not smearing people when they are just dead part. If it is out of consideration for the family, I can understand. But in principle why is it ok to smear people when they are alive, and not when they are dead. Isn't it more important that what you said is the truth, or at least what you truly believe in? I prefer the Zorba the Greek approach: treating living people as more important that dead people. \_ I have no problem with critizing Regan, or any other dead person, in context. However, using news their death to tangent into cheap insults is pretty low. \_ Obviously a dogpile of critisism is not polite, but when it's a polarizing political figure who dies, fawning praise without any mention of his faults seems like little more than propaganda. \_ I agree. I haven't bothered to read the articles, they aren't worth my time. (But I'm reading the motd? Nevermind.) But really, is acting ghoulish on the motd really the correct response? |
2004/6/7 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:30647 Activity:nil |
6/5 We have Lifetime and Spike TV, why not have a Gay network too? http://csua.org/u/7mg Wierd. \_ One thing to remember is the "most popular president ever" meme which I've seen a lot of in the last couple of days. Apparently it was actually Clinton: link:csua.org/u/7mh (pollkatz chart) |
2004/6/7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:30648 Activity:moderate |
6/5 According to the International Association of Travel Professionals, the most annoying tourists are from: Nigeria, Israel, Switzerland (from Conde Nast). \_ and according all the polls around the world, the most annoying tourists are from US of A where their only hint of having any culture is eating and farting yogurt. |
2004/6/7 [Uncategorized] UID:30649 Activity:very high |
6/5 I dare you to use niggardly in a sentence. \_ You mean out loud? \_ That is a niggardly challenge. \_ ob racist. \_ You just did. \_ I kicked the arse of that niggardly white ape. \_ The niggard Willie Brown wants to increase the cigarette tax. |
2004/6/7 [Uncategorized] UID:30650 Activity:nil |
6/5 I wonder how many of the motd conservatives would be advocating quiet restraint if Carter had died? |
2004/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:30651 Activity:high |
6/7 Hey, http://latimes.com has a neat Flash map where you can click on states to assign electoral votes to Bush/Kerry. It looks like if Kerry loses Florida, he won't have a chance. If he wins Florida, he can't lose too many battleground states. Click on the map on the bottom right. It plays music when you hit 270 votes, though, so turn off your sound. I actually got it to 269-269, and something interesting pops up. \_ Ah, Florida, where election reform has gone... nowhere. \_ Sure it has! The Florida legislature banned recounts! Oh... right... \_ Kerry could win with Ohio, too. \_ True, I didn't notice all the undecideds in Ohio. \_ You guys dont have a clue about OH. It's gun country, thus Bush's. \_ They can dream. Don't take that away from them. They have so little else. \_ Lets face it, its all gonna end up in front of the Supreme Court again anyway... \_ What, before or after Dubya takes California in a landslide? \_ Its thinking like yours that will destabilize California for years to come! \_ Why do you hate California? \_ They said the recall campaign would never get enough names. Then they said the recall campaign would never kick out Davis. Then they said even if Davis gets kicked out, a Republican wouldn't win, especially with 2 big names splitting the Republican vote. Then they said even if the Republicans do win, it won't be Arnold, he's an actor, a Nazi, and not very smart. \_ The stupidity of the California Bush-landslide guy speaks for itself. \_ It does? I'm too dense to see it. Please explain in a few sentences using short words so a moron like me can understand why it is impossible and as you say stupid to think Bush can win CA. Thanks in advance for supplying any data, URLs, or facts to explain to me and others who might question your profound logic. \_ Point 1: "CA Bush-landslide guy" != "Bush-wins-CA guy". First guy == moron Second guy == optimistic (??) \_ Nah, they are both delusional. Bush is behind behind by 12 points in the latest Field Poll (including Nader on the ticket) and his popularity is at an all time low and falling. Why do you bother arguing with an obvious nutter? \_ Because polls go up and down and every which way. You would have been insane to bet a buck that Kerry was going to be the Dem candidate before his *surprise* win in Iowa. If you have nothing to say except the other guy is an obvious nutter then say nothing because you're still saying nothing this way, but you're also wasting precious bits. \_ It's not impossible. For example, following the democratic convention, Kerry could start publicly expressing a sexual attraction to prepubescent boys, or an admiration for Osama bin Laden. But, realistically, Gore won california by a huge margin, Kerry leads in the polls here by a huge margin, lots of people are bitter about the energy crisis, and given all of the above Bush will probably spend only a token amount of his time and money campaigning here (as he did in 2000). If you are willing to bet on Bush at odds of less than 10 to 1, I'm sure you will find plenty of takers. \_ tradebetx, which provides an online forum for betting on these things has Bush at 8:1 odds in California. For comparison Kerry is at 5:1 in Virginia and North Carolina and 8:1 in Georgia. \_ The only thing that matter is who shows up to the polls. Bush won't spend any time or money here but neither will Kerry. CA is just an ATM machine for both parties. How's it feel to get sucked dry no matter which side of the aisle you're on? \_ Bush I somehow won CA. Not to mention Reagan, Deukmejian, Pete Wilson twice, and Arnold govs. \_ If you can't see how California has changed since Wilson, you aren't paying attention. Arnold is a liberal, married to a Kennedy. \_ I think that one side or the other will win decisively enough that this will not happen. that this will not happen. This is a Pro Bush website and he projects the electoral vote to be Kerry 330, Bush 200: http://www.electionprojection.com \_ Nononononononononono! You can't say Bush/Kerry will win a state based on job approval ratings ("Is the country headed in the right direction?"). You must ONLY use "Who would you vote for today?" data; and if you want, you can use job approval ratings on undecided votes. This projection is FUCKING LAME. -libural \_ Sigh... I read your link, I'm not sure why, and no it doesn't say 330:200 but if it makes you feel better to pull random numbers (which you got wrong) out of context from 2 weeks ago then sure. He also says Bush has done worse in the numbers than he is now and he's done better than he is now. It's a long way from here to November. The dude can't even figure out how to use PayPal and you think he's got the election all figured out. Ok, whatever. \_ Did you see where he says Electoral Votes: Bush 201, Kerry 337? It is right at the top. Here is a Pro Kerry site that has it at 332:226 http://www.geocities.com/numbers_04 If it makes you feel any better, here is another that has Bush winning: http://www.presidentelect.org/e2004.html I personally think that it is "too early to tell." \_ Yes, that is what it says and you are an idiot who is unable to comprehend even simple English. Go to that URL. Look at the top of the page. See where it says Kerry 337 Bush 201? That is the projected electoral outcome. I rounded to the nearest 10 for morons like you. Nice job deleting the rest of my links. |
2004/6/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:30652 Activity:kinda low |
6/7 What's the origin of the "babe@csua"? (from the CSUA encyclopedia) \_ email them and ask. |
2004/6/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:30653 Activity:high |
6/7 What does it take to get an A- or better on History 7B during summer? I am trying to decide whether it's worth it to enroll in this class with a letter grade option. \_ Wow a real soda undergrad. \_ Don't startle him - he's out of his natural environment. \_ yeah, this is nifty. \_ I took that, uh, 17 years ago? Remember 1066. I didn't. |
2004/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30654 Activity:insanely high |
6/7 Was Starship Troopers 2 even in the theatres? \_ No, and it had a budget of roughly $6 million compared to the original's $100 mil. \_ Can't make it any worse. \_ Wow, it says the original oly made $65 mil. (So it lost about $35 mil) There IS some justice in the world. \_ enough justice to warrant a sequel. \_ Was that just theater tickets, or overall? \_ http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=starshiptroopers.htm \_ If the original had tried to be anything like the book it might have made money. They stole the title and the character names. The rest was bullshit. \_ Best review of original ever: http://postviews.editthispage.com/movieVideo/StarshipTroopers \_ it took a somewhat interesting book that had something interesting to say for its time, discarded the stuff which is no longer relevant for its shock value and filled it in with other stuff which is actually relevant to our current political climate. What is bullshit about that? \_ They took Heinlein's politics, turned it upside down and made a bad joke of it, and then fucked up the only other cool thing by ruining combat by turing the super nuke and flame thrower wielding heavy infantry into sub machine gun toting light infantry bug food who shouldn't have stood a hope in hell of surviving 2 minutes on any bug planet much less actually winning against them. Bullshit. Shall I go on? I'd have to dig up my copy to give you specific details but it's more of the same. Oh yeah, they also completely skipped the Skinnies. How long ago did you read the book? I re-read it a few months ago. \_ Best review of movie ever: http://csua.org/u/7n2 (independent review, humorous) \_ Heinlein's politics ARE a joke. His stories are 1950's sci-fi fanboy fantasies. They're fun if you are in your teens, but hardly great shakes. The only real disappointment of Starship Troopers was that Denise Richards didn't go topless. Now THAT is something Heinlien would have pushed for. \_ Hmm, service to one's country is a good thing... joke... with rights come resposibilities... joke earn voting rights by serving country... ok, yeah you're right, it's just a joke, we're doing so much better today with people selling their votes and corrupt money burdened politics. You should go re-read your Heinlein. It sounds like you read him in your teens and missed out on what he was really saying. You also completely ignored my point about the movie's silly version of combat and the complete loss of the Skinnies. Or maybe you're just a troll and never read his stuff at all and you're just taking the silly movie as what Heinlein really had to say and what his stories were like. \_ That goverment model has a name, fascism. The Italians tried this when WWI vets felt that only they deserved to run the government. In Heinlein, everyone puts out, women doubly so. Pure fanboy. Tossing mini-nukes around makes friendly fire so much more interesting. And irradiating planets where you hope to inhabit? Just a bad idea. The movie was tripe, feeding off Heinlien's good name and an entertaining read. But never confuse Heinlien with reality. |
2004/6/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30655 Activity:high |
6/7 ilyas, do you enjoy posting motd and writing responses to the very same thread? How long have you been doing this, and why? -caught ilyas doing just that \_ Yer smokin the crack... \_ hi crebbs! \_ really? I thought it was kchang \_ Uh, we all post to the motd and then response on the very same thread. Did you think posters were required by some phantom law to remain silent after posting? |
2004/6/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:30656 Activity:moderate |
6/7 Es Liebe Deutschland! \_ what are you trying to say? That doesn't parse quite right. \_ John, is that you? Which john are you on Soda? |
3/15 |