2004/6/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30620 Activity:nil |
6/5 Gunman goes on armored bulldozer rampage - http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Central/06/05/bulldozer.rampage/index.html [URL fixed] |
2004/6/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30621 Activity:moderate |
6/4 Bush looking increasingly Nixonian: http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_4636.shtml \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ So between complete utter bullshit and baloney, how seriously should I take this article? \_ I would guess, not very seriously. -op \_ If it was *anything* like that, people would be quitting left and right, top level advisors would all be gone and there'd be dozens of books out there all naming names. In 4 years we've seen very little in the way of leaks compared to most administrations and very few resignations and very few books instead of the dozens we should be seeing. I like a good ugly rumor as much as the next guy but there's no "there" there on this one. |
2004/6/5-6 [Recreation/Media] UID:30622 Activity:insanely high |
6/4 Harry Potter 3: SUCKED!!! I WANT MY MONEY BACK! \_ Hell, the first 2 sucked. why did you expect any more? Though, with a different director I will have to watch it. oh well... \_ while you're at it, I'll add to my list of movies that sucked and that I wanted $ back from, you're free to add to it: -The Passion \_ lol, you stupid, stupid moviegoer \_ I don't think you really understand. However bad TP was, HP3 was so much worse they simply don't belong on the same list. -Armageddon (dumb dumb dumb) \_ Man, I especially appreciated it when the asteroid, uhm, growled menacingly in every panoramic shot. That was an AWESOME touch. -Shrek 2 \_ Did anyone else hate the first Shrek? Am I the only one who found it an unenthusiastic attempt at parody steeped in treacle? -Tango Lesson. Worst of all time. -John \_ I'm sorry you didn't like it. I thought the cinematography was excellent, the kid actors were finally being directed well, and that the action scenes were well done and believable (well, for a movie about witches and wizards). Why did you think it sucked? \_ About 2-3 minutes from the end when things were wrapping up, I actually thought to myself in full English, "Oh! Hey, wait! Is it over? Where's the movie?" I kept waiting for the movie to start. 10 minutes later while discussing it with SO, I couldn't recall anything from shortly after he got back to school until the part near the end with the killer tree. I didn't think the kids acted any better but they didn't bother me in the earlier movies. Actually, Malfoy was worse, Harry was about the same which is to say bad, and the others were the same. I think the cinematography in the earlier ones gave a better sense of the awe and magic and mystery and all that of the magic school and stuff in general. It was rather bland here with a few random ghosts or this and that jammed in artificially. \_ you remind me of the people on Amazon who write nasty reviews of the 8th or 12th or whatever book of some series like the Myth books as if they're somehow different from the others and they're shocked. Dude, if you read books 1-7 of the Myth series, what the hell did you expect? Personally, I like all the Myth books, and all the Potter movies, and I'm man enough to admit it. \- the movies are made by differnt directors. i can certainly see them having a differnt flavor. --psb \_ Well, fair enough. Thanks for sharing. \_ Yep. You asked for a real answer so I provided. I still want my money back. The bastards. \_ Did you go ask for it back? If you did, you would have gotten it back. You're just a whiner. I asked for and got my money back for Matrix 2. \_ Dammit, you deserved to get your money back for M2. \_ How do you do that? Who do you ask? Do you have to bitch and whine a lot or do they just hand it over amiably? \_ if they have the impression that you are dangerously insane, there will be no argument. \_ I went back to the ticket window. I am sure you can ask for the manager, too. You don't have to explain. It's not worth it to them to argue. You may get a credit rather than cash, though. |
2004/6/5-6 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:30623 Activity:nil |
6/4 http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/27499971.html It takes a while to get funny, but then it does. |
2004/6/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30624 Activity:high |
6/5 Doesn't the party out of power usually have a VP chosen by this point or am I just delusional? It seems odd and a bit distracting that Kerry doesn't have a running mate yet. In theory, I thought the convention is supposed to be approving both nominees and in theory the VP is his own man, not the P's lackey. \_ i think the reason the current situation looks odd to you is that the presidential nominee is not generally known yet at this point. \_ Hmmm, possibly. I guess they're starting the election cycle earlier every time. Pretty soon they'll start campaigning more than 1 election in advance. :) --op \_ Seems normal to me. He's extending the drama. And, he's finally making headlines with some of his criticisms WHILE not appearing anti-American or political AND appearing statesmanlike. \_ Heh. Kerry is not statesmanlike. Kerry is a drip. \_ Shrug, works for me, and even a Republican could say he could be doing a LOT worse. (Gore? Dukakis? Dean?) \_ "John F. Kerry. He could be a LOT worse." \_ He would need to be that bad to be worse than Dubya. \_ It would be hard to be doing worse. He *should* be ahead by 10-15 points in all those so-called battle ground states but is break-even at best. The economy is improving, the Iraqi situation is calming down, and if there's another serious terrorist act on US soil, Kerry is forced to either 'support the President' or get accused of turning a serious security situation into election year politics. Hosed. \_ If you saw the CBS poll numbers, the Democrats have stayed at 80% support of Kerry for the last couple months. Republicans supported Bush at 91%, and dropped to 84% in one month. The small shifts have been from Bush losing Republican support, and the relatively fewer independent voters going with Kerry. I would have to disagree with you on Kerry's prospects too. The CIA director just resigned, and there are SCATHING reports coming out about WMD. Bush will not have this go away by election day. Iraq situation calming down? That's a fair opinion, but Rumsfeld also just warned of increased attacks near and after the handover. Terrorist attack handing it to Bush? Actually, my scenario is Kerry supports the President. Americans think, "If Bush can't stop terrorism, when this is the only thing the majority of Americans support him for today, then why not give Kerry a chance with a less bull-headed approach to international conflicts?" since, you know, the U.S. only has the UK as a real friend right now. People might remember when we had a lot of friends like Gulf War I or around 9/11. People might remember that the majority of Americans only supported attacking Iraq if Bush could get UN support. \_ Drama? There isn't any drama in it. There aren't even any real \_ If it's the same poll I saw that was registered voters, not likely voters. Polls at this point are just amusement anyway. It's a good thing Tenet was forced out. That allows the admin to say they are fixing the intel problem and takes care of those up-coming scathing reports which is why he resigned anyway. WMD doesn't have to go anywhere. If people cared about WMD Bush's numbers would be way lower. They keep finding just enough stuff to hint that there is more there. Rumfeld warning us in advance that we expect more violence around June 30 helps the admin if there is and helps if there isn't. If there is, they just say, "see? we said the desperate terrorists would try to stop a free iraq!" and if nothing happens they will claim the terrorists have been so weakened by the successful campaign to free iraq that they can't do anything to stop it. I think people understand that terrorism can't be stopped that easily. Many countries around the world, including the US, have been victims of terrorism for decades and it has been getting worse. The answer for many will be, "Bush kept them from attacking us since 9/11 until now almost 3 years later. It would've been worse with the other guy!" Look at how many Gore supporters wrote post-9/11 they were glad Bush won instead of Gore. And last on this sub-topic, most Americans don't see our foreign policy as bullheaded, IMO. This country is full of people with a kick-ass attitude, especially if it isn't their foot that has to go do it and like seeing us blow up other people. 'They all hate us, we know it, we send them all lots of money, they still hate us, fuck em, bomb em'. People won't remember or care about GW1. That's for political hacks and dirt diggers doing oppo-research to make hay. The typical American doesn't think well of the Europeans, the UN, or anything else. This is an isolationist country at heart. People are just as likely to remember, or not, that the UN did come to Iraq after we took over and left the moment they lost a few people in one bombing. That was a UN security foul-up btw. They ignored their own security people. \_ "Polls at this point are just amusement anyway." You're the one who brought up polls in the first place ("He *should* be ahead ..."). Hello? Tenet's out, but I think the damage will still be significant up to election day. And I remind you again: The majority of Americans supported an attack only if we could get UN support. This has been shown poll after poll. You haven't disputed this. \_ I love how people on the motd always assume followup posts that agree with this op on some point must be the op. -jrleek \_ There's a difference between supporting the attack 18 months ago with(out) UN support and seeing the UN dilly dally about and then being where we are now or will be in 6 months during an election. Current polls are roughly even as to how well Iraq is going and if it was a good idea or not. In fact, current polls run at about the same level as likely voters from each party, so really all the pro/con Iraq polls are showing is party support for each candidate. As far as polls themselves go, they *are* only for amusement at this point *but* we have nothing else to use to judge across the nation how each is doing. It's just mental masturbation but it feels oh so good! \_ drama? There isn't any drama in it. There aren't even any real names floating around. I think the above is correct that election cycles are starting/ending sooner than I'm used to. --op \_ If he picks a boring VP candidate now, he'll look stale. He's waiting for the right time where a VP candidate selection would bring the most press, whatever situation that might be. |
2004/6/5-6 [Reference/History/WW2] UID:30625 Activity:kinda low |
6/5 Happy D-Day Normandy Omaha Beach Carnage Landing Day! Do you personally know of anyone (grandpa, great grandpa, etc) who participated on D-Day? \_ It was roughly 7,000 dead on the first day alone. \_ No, but I visited all the battlefields in Normandy a few years ago. It's absolutely horrific--you stand on the bluffs above Omaha and wonder who could survive that. At Point du Hoc there's a huge pit you can go down into (ca. 15-20 feet deep) before you realize it's from a single 16" shell. None of the documentaries I've seen do it justice. -John \_ thanks for sharing this with us. Can you tell us more? Do you have a personal blog/picture/documentary you can share with us online? Thanks. |
2004/6/5-6 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:30626 Activity:moderate |
6/5 Fire Fox browser question from new ff user: Mozilla has a 'stay in memory' fast load option. I can't find it in FF. Does it exist? Thanks! \_ Nope. One of the many things I like better about full Moz. The argument (I believe) is the FF startup is fast enough so you don't need it... But I like instant, not just faster. \_ Too bad FF has the stupid feature of paging everything out of memory if you leave it minimized for too long. Ugh. \_ Talk to your OS vendor. \_ Moz on Windows does this too. I've waited 45 seconds+ for my window to become responsive again, particularly after playing a movie or running some random java apps. I really need more memory. |
2004/6/5-6 [Computer/SW] UID:30627 Activity:nil |
6/5 I'm trying to convert a text file to a pbm (for sending as a fax) I want to use a big font. For the font file, pbmtext needs either a BDF font or a PBM file. Anybody know where I can get a BDF font? |
2004/6/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30628 Activity:high |
6/5 Ronald Reagan dead at 93. RIP. \_ Only the good die young. \_ dumbass. \_ Only the young die young. \_ rude comments deleted. he's an ex-president. show some respect. he's dead. let him rip. |
2004/6/5-6 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer] UID:30629 Activity:high |
6/5 What's wrong with me? I went to /. and clicked on the ThinkGeek link, and almost everything on that page I wanted to buy. /- that's not what she said! \_ You've been measured and found wanting. You're a geek and they've got your number. It all looks like completely useless crap to me. \_ oh come on, you know you want a binary Clock. And yeah, the swiss memory USB stick looks like crap but as soon as they come out with a leatherman one, i'm there. -jk \_ ok you got me, i was drooling over the binary clock. \_ I must be a nerd's nerd, because the way their binary clock displays the time seems really stupid to me. I mean you read time as "twelve fifty-seven" not "one two five seven", so why'd they make 4 banks of displays for the digits? why not two with more bits? \_ back in my day, we had one bit binary clocks that rolled over once a year, and we liked it. \_ also, I prefer reading binaries from left to right. \_ agreed. the binary clock is dumb. |
2004/6/5 [Reference/Military] UID:30630 Activity:nil 55%like:30640 |
6/5 Live Free Or Die: How Many More Carl Dregas? and more on the bull dozer guy in Co. |
2004/6/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30631 Activity:nil |
6/5 RIP Ronald Reagan \_ It's bedtime for Bonzo. \__ Oh smart comment. And what have you done in your life up until this point? Help throw down communist regimes? Or trying to build a new one here? \_ Been in a movie with a chimp. At this rate, I'll be President in no time. How about you? \_ Heh, you are a credit to your political wing. -- ilyas \_ When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd, And the great star early droop'd in the western sky in the night, I mourn'd, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring. |
2004/6/5-6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:30632 Activity:high |
6/5 http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=486 This jsut gets better and better. Min Ji, the S. Korean who is quoted as saying "Something like that would never happen in S. Korea" claims she was misquoted! (Check the comments below) \_ she's not bad looking... \_ That's funny and a little sad. The J-press has been known to misquote, however, so it's not that surprising. Then again, is it just me or is her English a lot more natural in her comments? Hmmmm. \_ it's not just u. I noticed it too. \_ Only the Japanese press misquotes? \_ Of course not. Don't be silly. The J-press is just rather more notorious for it. \_ From the page: "We (readers) have to remember that these are not the words of the respondants, but translations (or mistranslations), and context may also be missing. The accuracy is now in serious question, and not just for Min Ji. |
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