2004/6/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30590 Activity:low |
6/4 How does one get the reference count of a Java object in Java? (Or in the JNI) |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:30591 Activity:very high |
6/4 How did Asians and Pacific Islanders get in the same "racial grouping?" There's no cultural connection at all. \_ They're all colored folk, duh! \_ Read a book. Race is based on genetics not how you party. \_ Ok, then give me a reasonably strong genetic link between Pasific Islanders, Indians, and Japanese. Oh, and where do guys like Aboriginies fit in? They're black but not african. \_ Australia and the Pacific islands were all settled by people from southeast Asia. \_ He was trying to make a point and you had to bring some trivial and easy to find facts into this. WTF is wrong with you? Why are you taking away his right to hate? \_ Sheesh, so was North America, what aren't Native Americans considered asians? Heck, if you're gonna argue about origins, we all came from Africa. \_ NA aren't asian because they go too far back to that link and due to isolation have become a distinct people not just on a grand scale but between major tribal groups. The Navajo of today has very little in common with his Asian ancestor of 5k to 10k years ago. Origins count but drift due to time and isolation creates new races. If you really want to be that way about it, there is no such thing as race. Humans like to classify things even if they are artificial. However, since we know from medical research that difference races react differently to different drugs and other procedures there really are different races which most believed formed after the out-of-Africa event or time period. \_ If you are really interested in race, there is a good SciAm article on it recently, that is well worth reading. I think I was able to find a non-pay link to the text at one point. i'll see if i can dig it up. -phuqm http://www.srcf.ucam.org/medsoc/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1 |
2004/6/4 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:30592 Activity:nil |
6/4 MacOS X Screensaver Passwd lock security issue: Vulnerability: http://tinyurl.com/2ghmz (macosxhints.com) Workaround: http://tinyurl.com/2muab (macosxhints.com) |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:30593 Activity:high |
6/3 there are talks among inner hispanic circles like mesa to use the muslim tactic of breeding out existing societies to take control of california then succeed from the union. Like muslims they will want to claim an independent state. they estimate it will take 20 years. \_ we will bury you! take control of california then succeed from the union. Like muslims they will want to claim an independent state. they estimate it will take 20 years. \_ ^succeed^secede \_ Did it occur to any of them that they're gonna need an army to secede, and gang-bangers do not an army make? \_ In 20 years, California may be Hispanic, but in 20 years, all those new Hispanics will be Americanized. \_ US needs to make Mexico its 51st state, and get it over already. \_ What's an "inner hispanic circle"? Since when did MESA represent anything more than some racist nutbags? Are they passing fliers out to hispanic women asking them to breed for the cause? And even if the state went 99% hispanic, why would any significant number of those people want to secede from the US? This line of thinking is just ugly racism. Summary of thought: someone who is hispanic authomatically hates all non-hispanics and loves all hispanics and automatically thinks just like we do only because they're hispanic. \_ RACIST! |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:30594 Activity:very high |
6/3 ilias, do you take pride in everything that's Russian? Do you feel proud of Tchaikovsky, Barishnikov, and other Russians? \_ The 'clever young russian' thing I wrote earlier is a paraphrase of Martin Davis' quote. Davis conjectured that Hilbert's 10th problem will be solved by a clever young russian. His conjecture was proven true in 1970 by Yuri Matyasevich (who was 22 at the time, and obviously very clever). -- ilyas \_ IN SOVIET RUSSIA, NATION PROUD OF YOU!!! \_ Or borscht? \_ I love borscht! I also take great pride in op's spelling of my 5 letter login. -- ilyas \_ Do you take pride in vodka? \_ I take my vodka with pride. --erikred \_ I love borscht as well. And I'm not Russian. -emarkp \_ Or Bolshevism? \_ Ilyas is a big fan of the Russian custom of administering beatings to lusers. Sign your posts! to lusers. Sign your posts! -idiot \_ both Russians above are homosexuals. You got a point? \_ Baryshnikov is not a homosexual, although you might have to wonder about someone who slept with Liza Minnelli. \_ How come all the russian girls are so hot compared to american girls? |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:30595 Activity:nil |
6/4 Question for the anti-Taiwan independence crowd. Didn't China cede Taiwan to Japan in the treaty of Shimonoseki? -- ilyas \_ China tried ceding Taiwan, but Taiwan declared indepen- dence before the Japanese invaded Taiwan, then Japan ceded Taiwan back to China after WWII. Weird. That's why Taiwan should declare independence. We have superior US made weapons that will kick China arse. Some association of US companies in Taiwan put out an advertisement in some Taiwan newspaper last weekend warning Taiwan government to negotiate direct shipping, flight, etc. to PRC, or US companies will all be dumping Taiwan soon. Those traitors! Taiwan will soon be spending another US$18 billion to buy weapons. Greedy Americans overcharges Taiwan by an arm and a leg for the weapons since no one else sells to Taiwan. Those bastards! But hey, those are some cool toys to play with. I was personally aboard one of the Knox class destroyers when it was down in Long Beach during handover training after it was bought by Taiwan. That was one outdated warship. We need a few Aegis boats instead. Please sell us a few. PRC commies recently been unofficially publishing list of Taiwan actresses and singers and stars who are pro-independence. Heard that president Ah Bian recently had trouble inviting any of these money grubbing actresses and singers and stars to his functions. Those PRC commie bastard bullies! \_ yea but article 4 of the Treaty of Peace between China and Japan states that: It is recognised that all treaties, conventions, and agreements concluded before 9 December 1941 between Japan and China have become null and void as a consequence of the war. |
2004/6/4 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30596 Activity:very high |
6/4 Bush gives the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the Pope? I don't get it. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE CIA? \_ It's just a stupid PR stunt. \- jesus told him to do it. \_ Bush got the advice from the CIA? \_ Answering my own post, I guess this is Bush's way of saying "Sorry" to Europe, with the nice side effect of boosting Latino and religious-minded support! \_ Yeah, crazy that a government leader could show respect for a religious leader. \_ Bush gives Pope medal. Pope disses Bush on "deplorable events". It's kind of absurd. \_ Does The Pope hate our freedom? \_ He also dissed same-sex marriage and abortion rights. \_ It is absurd, because Bush isn't Catholic. Not being a Catholic is heresy and in the old days they'd burn you in heaps. This policy is currently "in abeyance". In any case Bush is excommunicated. \_ deplorable is in association with the Abu Prison. Demos and Republicans both are upset with the incidents at the prison. \_ Bush gives Pope medal. Pope disses Bush on Abu Ghraib / War. It's kind of absurd. \_ Here is the actual statement by the Pope. It seems balanced and reasonable: http://tinyurl.com/252u4 \_ "a Vatican spokesman said the two were in agreement about the situation in Iraq" http://tinyurl.com/39zdw |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:30597 Activity:high |
6/4 Religious leaders write open letter to Congress opposing amendment banning gay marriage. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/04/politics/04gay.html \_ I like that last bit: "the amendment would define marriage in civil law, not religious ritual" but would use religion as a basis for the morality supporting the amendment. \_ You should look up the word 'morality'. \_ Do you think the President knows the difference? \_ mo-ral-i-ty, n. 1. The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct. 2. A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct. 3. Virtuous conduct. It's wholly possible to have a morality not based on religion. \_ Of course, there is no amendment proposed to ban gay marriage. And having the Episcopalians (who recently consecrated an openly gay Bishop) on in this group isn't exactly any different than having Planned Parenthood object to a ban on partial-birth abortion. |
2004/6/4 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30598 Activity:high |
6/4 Fuck Enron, Fuck Bush! Bush is Capitalist Scumbag at its best, yeah, let the market work it out, hehe. \_ huh? \_ http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/us_enron_justice \_ Too late. They fucked us first. \_ How are you linking Bush to Enron? He didn't help them when they asked for it. Ken Lay is *not* the Sec'y of Energy, etc. Most of the abuses happened when Clinton was president and they got nailed during Bush's administration. \_ Because obviously EVERYTHING bad is Bush's fault, and everything good comes from Democrates. Sheesh, some people are so small minded. \_ which obvious logical fallacy is this chump trying to poop into our discourse? 2 points for a correct answer. -aaron \_ straw man? \_ coming from a self proclaimed troll and who gets infuriated, like a little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar, when he's caught outright making shit up, you're in position to be critical of others here. \_ Enron was Bush's number one campaign contributor. Enron helped write the American energy policies, in meetings that are still being kept secret from the American public. The most severe damage to California's economy from the power outages happened on Bush's watch. California asked the Bush appointed FERC to implement energy caps, which they refused to do. Need I go on? \_ Enron was NOT the #1 campaign contributor (I know the Enron yuks said that on the tape, but they were incorrect). How do you know they helped write energy policies--last I checked the meetings are STILL secret, and congress still hasn't passed Bush's energy bill. As for caps, conservatives are against them in general. \_ http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/contrib.asp?Ind=E&Cycle=2000 We know that Enron attended the energy meeting hearings. The notes of those meetings are being kept from the public. Did you honestly not know this, or are you being disingenuous? http://www.publicintegrity.org/bop2004/report.aspx?aid=220 \_ Are you obtuse? His energy policy wasn't passed. It doesn't matter if the only thing to come out of the meetings was a plan to actively fuck CA and divert Iraqi war funds into Ken Lay's pocket. Nothing came of any of it. \_ Uh, yeah. The energy bill currently in Congress has not passed. That's just a portion of the administration's policy. \_ Your link shows Enron at the top of the list in the energy industry, not overall. I know that Enron-related people were in the meeting, but neither you nor I know what was said. Keep using that tin-foil hat. \_ Don't need it. The SC will pry it open soon enough. \_ Did you look at the publicintegrity link? Enron was Bush's number one lifetime contributor in 2000. Until very recently, they were still number 1. So let's see, we know that Bush met with his number one lifetime contributor in the midst of the CA energy crises. We know he has sued to keep the notes from that meeting public. We know he appointed Enron executives to his cabinet. Yet you still maintain that Bush has "no links to Enron." Keep dreaming, bub. \_http://www.opensecrets.org/2000elect/contrib/P00003335.htm \_ http://www.publicintegrity.org/bop2004/candidate.aspx?cid=1&act=cp |
2004/6/4 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:30599 Activity:very high |
6/4 http://www.japantoday.com Schoolgirl killer got angry at being called goody two shoes. Wow, guess she proved HER wrong, huh? \_ Maybe Michael Moore can make a movie called Blogging for Okubo in which he can blame the lack of social welfare, the legacy of Japanese Imperialism, and Japanese fear of the Black Man on this. \_ Oh, even better. The first girls reponse is just RAD. -jrleek http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=486 \_ LOL. Yeah, they don't have a problem with violence and the Internet in South Korea: http://csua.org/u/7l7 (Time Magazine article) \_ I agree. Most of the Koreans I know are self righteous and arrogant and the the Korean girl in japantoday proves just that. \_ w00t! \_ Did nobody else catch THIS gem: TOKYO -- Disaster management minister Kiichi Inoue suggested Friday that women's social advancement is to blame for a recent murder case in which an 11-year-old girl admitted to killing her classmate at a primary school in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture. "It seems to show that assertive women are increasing," the 72-year-old Inoue told a press conference, referring to the Sasebo case. "It must be the first such case involving a girl," he said. "The gap between men and women appears to be have been narrowing recently." \_ japanese are weird. I mean I am a sick person, but some of those japanese fetishes are sickening even for me. I think japanese lost their mojo after defeat by us militarily and economically. that screwed up their brains, and they couldn't find a reason to exist. they then become weird. \_ I think most of east asia would prefer they make tentacle porn over being invaded repeatedly \_ Dude, I don't think the Japanese needed any help getting weird, I think they managed that all on their own LONG before WWII. \_ they were not weird before WWII. they were just barbaric. and militaristic. now they are weird. \_ they were weird before. And that "barbarism" was a stable feudalism for thousands of years- they had a centralized currency before they had a central government. \_ which is kinda cool if you're a minter, but not if you don't want someone whacking off your head with a big sword for standing in the wrong guy's shadow. \_ Alright, so the Japanese specialize in bukkake and the Germans specialize in shit eating porn. Both make great cars but also do weird things. Something about the Axis I tell ya. \_ the Axis is just a symptom... both cultures were characterized by an inferiority complex that could only be remedied by taking over their continent. \_ I used to think they were awfully weird too. The underwear in the vending booths, bizarro porn, Takeshi's Castle, and super strange cartoons. But then you think, hey, we watch a cartoon with a sponge that wears pants. Every culture is weird in its own way. \_ we don't have bukkake and shit eating porn. \_ Uhm, yes we do -- it's just not publicized by American otaku to the same degree. And learn how to post to motd correctly. \_ A sponge isn't weird in that sense. It's just absurd. Anthropomorphic household items are common in cartoons. |
2004/6/4 [Politics, Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Science] UID:30600 Activity:kinda low |
6/4 another power outage? \_ Not campuswide-- uclink and kalx were unaffected. \_ nope, try again: soda> uptime 10:56AM up 41 days, 16:31, 150 users, load averages: 7.28, 5.09, 3.08 \_ Those sounds... could be imitated! --Thufir |
2004/6/4 [Uncategorized] UID:30601 Activity:nil |
6/4 Pew questionnaire: "What's more important... Everyone free to pursue goals w/out govt. interference _or_ Govt. guarantee that no one is in need?" Talk about a false dichotomy. |
2004/6/4 [Uncategorized] UID:30602 Activity:moderate |
6/4 How long has school been out? We're seeing a lot more undergrads with too much time on their hands on the motd these days. \_ Unlike those with jobs who have too much time all year round. \_ Touche'! |
2004/6/4 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:30603 Activity:low |
6/4 The Seventh Antual ICFP Programming Contest begins! http://www.cis.upenn.edu/proj/plclub/contest/task.php |
2004/6/4 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:30604 Activity:very high |
6/4 I'm not sure I can handle 4 more years of this sort of mishandling of the economy: http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=71000001&refer=home&sid=a_I6S1CQ9YE8 http://news.myway.com/top/article/id/44113|top|06-04-2004::08:45|reuters.html \_ Does anyone know if they succeeded in recategorizing burger flipping jobs as manufacturing? \_ Do you have anything that says these aren't real jobs? No, you don't. You're just a hater and wish the whole country would take a huge dive solely for the purpose of getting your guy in office. You put your party above the country and you suck. \_ Wow. Would you compare a $5.50/hr job at McDs favorably with a $35k/yr+benefits manufacturing job? If you can honestly say yes, you're an idiot. Also, reread what I asked. This was an actual proposal from BLS. I asked if it had gone through. Cut it with the knee-jerking. \_ Do you have a single thing that says the new jobs are $5.5/hr jobs? The rest is a red herring. \_ Did I say I did? I asked a question which was directly related, and you proceeded to spew. One of the main points in the report were that manufacturing gains were strong. If that proposal became policy, this could have a direct impact to the discussion, but as you don't have an answer to my question, stick a cork in it. \_ More McJobs! Greater rich-poor gap! Quick, pretend Iraq didn't happen! \_ McJobs? You have something that says these aren't real jobs or you're just mouthing off like the partisan hack that you are? \_ Yeah, let's get those jobs based on nothing that we had 5 years ago. \_ We need a strong president who will keep the economy and job market from changing! \_ More stable unjobs! \_ Economic policies take years to have any effect. The economy for the past few years has been fueled by debt, especially with mortgage refinancing being a major factor in freeing up money. I personally don't blame Bush for the crummy economy and I think it's disingenous to do so. But I think it's naive to assume it was his handling that helped or that his current policy won't be destabilizing in the future. Also note that the government has expanded since 9/11 and government expansion tends to help the economy. --jeffwong \_ Economic policies take years to have any effect. The economy for the past few years has been fueled by debt, especially with mortgage refinancing being a major factor in freeing up money. I personally don't blame Bush for the crummy economy and I think it's disingenous to do so. But I think it's naive to assume it was his handling that helped or that his current policy won't be destabilizing in the future. Also note that the government has expanded since 9/11 and government expansion tends to help the economy. --jeffwong [formatd] \_ Oh, come on! Don't bring reality into this. We all know that President have little to do with the economic ups and downs of their term in office but we need this so we can say how Clinton was great and Bush sucks. |
2004/6/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30605 Activity:moderate |
6/4 Please don't nuke the motd. \_ I don't think that was an intentional nuke, but someone's editor freaking because /TMP IS FULL!!!! \_ It looks like some version of motdedit is writing temp files there instead of maybe /csua/tmp. Bad idea? Also mconst has a bunch of pngs in there. \_ /csua/tmp fills up more often than /tmp \_ But doesn't start to take down basic shell commands and mail programs. |
2004/6/4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:30607 Activity:nil |
6/4 Dog eats master: http://forums.macnn.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=215407 |
2004/6/4 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30608 Activity:nil |
6/4 Computers might lead to autism: http://arstechnica.com/news/posts/1086361542.html http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/06/04/1086203610297.html |
2004/6/4 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:30609 Activity:nil |
6/4 pr0n more popular than google: http://money.cnn.com/2004/06/04/technology/porn_search.reut/index.htm |
2004/6/4 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:30610 Activity:nil |
6/4 Awesome! (But notice the lame quote by an "animal rights activist" at the end of the article) http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/5/prweb128904.htm \_ obviously fake. come on. \_ Which part, the bear killing, the quote, or all of it? \_ all of it. -tom |
2004/6/4 [Uncategorized] UID:30611 Activity:nil 66%like:30767 |
6/4 Zero bytes? Restored. |
2004/6/4-6 [Consumer/Audio] UID:30612 Activity:moderate |
6/4 What is the purpose of the iPod dock that comes with the 20 and 40GB models? Is it entirely so that your iPod can stand up when its transferring songs, or is it aimed at something else? (Clarification: what does it do that the regular cord doesn't do?) \_ AFAIK it includes a couple of extra options like input/output jacks of one sort or the other that don't come standard with the regular cable. \_ Doesn't it charge the iPod too? \_ The cable that comes with the 15 iPod charges already through FireWire. / i use it to plug into my stero directly. its cool to be able to select your mix and then just drop it in and let the music bump. |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:30613 Activity:nil |
6/4 Hong Kong Vigil Remembers Tiananmen Square Killings http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/04/international/asia/04CND-HONG.html?hp "Hong Kong should become the foundation for Chinese people to pursue democracy" ... In an action certain to anger Beijing further, activists here have distributed flyers to mainland tourists this year for the first time, urging them to attend the candlelight vigil. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/040604/481/xvy10606041302 |
2004/6/4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30614 Activity:nil |
6/4 CNN: "Thousands march in Rome against Iraq war" Actually that's "hundreds of thousands". |
2004/6/4 [Health/Disease/General] UID:30615 Activity:nil |
6/4 Want to get buff? Stop drinking soy: http://www.t-mag.com/articles/185soy.html http://getbuf.com/articles/soyestrogen.shtml |
2004/6/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30616 Activity:moderate |
6/4 M$ Japan cancels development of True Fantasy Live Online: http://csua.org/u/7li (Wired) Rumor has it that the game featured a virtual version of Windows that never crashed and was invulnerable to malware, but testers refused the scenario as simply too unrealistic. \_ speaking of which: my XP laptop crashes everytime it tries to access the CDrom after it has been running for a while. (so, i can restart and use the cd/dvd but if i've had it on for a while already and try, it is sure to crash). It seems to happen whenever it spins up, even though i have disabled autoplay. Any suggestions besides getting real os? \_ you could try booting knoppix to see if it works there. check out the ide controller settings. does it just lock up? \_ yeah, locks up, can't move mouse curser, suck. \_ heat problem? \_ why the correlation witht the DVD player? \_ CD drives get really hot when they spin up. Try using the CD for a while, and then feel that part of the case. \_ I was only guessing it is heat but it is kind of weird that rebooting will 'fix' it. If I'm right then it's something weird like the heat causes some bits of on-board cache or other non-ROM to get corrupted and rebooting flushes/reloads that memory. If it isn't heat, then it is some driver bug with a memory leak that is corrupting it's own memory space and maybe whatever else it can get to nearby in the kernel. I don't remember what execution layer things like cd drivers run at in windows. I consider forgetting things like that a sign of good mental health. |
2004/6/4 [Health/Women] UID:30617 Activity:high |
6/4 "If 50 percent of the people applying for the job of store manager are women, we will work to make sure that 50 percent of the people receiving those jobs are women," Scott said. "My bonus next year could decline by as much as 15 percent if I don't live up to my diversity goals." http://csua.org/u/7lh \_ Uh, what about other variables, like qualifications? The object of discrimination lawsuits is to prove there exists a _direct causal link_ between gender and hiring. -- ilyas \_ You do know that quotas are illegal in any government-funded institution? I also realize that Wal-Mart is private sector, so the law requires something different, perhaps just as you've described. \_ I believe what I've described had to be proven in the infamous Berkeley discrimination suit. There was an added twist -- if you looked at overall statistics, men were more likely to be admitted than women, but in each specific department, the opposite was true. If that seems odd to you, you are not alone. Statisticans call that 'the Simpson paradox.' -- ilyas \_ So, do you know that quotas are illegal in any government-funded institution? This was also a result of the infamous Berkeley discrimination suit. \_ It's good quotas are illegal, but there are effectively quotas in most government jobs. Just look at a picture of NASA folk working on the shuttle some time, and put people in gender and race bins, and compare to frequencies in the US population. -- ilyas \_ A private-sector quota system! At Wal-Mart! \_ The big Boss giveth, and the big Boss can taketh away. \_ If 50% of the applicants are morons, half of the hires will be morons! \_ Wrong! At Wal-mart, ALL the hires will be morons, regaurdless! |
2004/6/4-6 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:30618 Activity:very high |
6/4 Dear motd, after watching the History Channel, D-Day week specials I've developed a fetish/dream where I'm dressed up like a US soldier and after liberating the German people I start to have lots of sex with gorgeous young German women and I yell out "take that you Nazi pussy!". Should I get help? \_ Yes, you are delusional. There are no gorgeous German women. \_ s/German/French/g \_ Actually that's pretty much what happened. After VE day, the American soldiers were tromping all over Europe fucking, stealing, and black marketing their way through post war Europe. It was a good time to be an American soldier. There's plenty of material both written and on the web what post war Europe was like. It wasn't pretty. \_ Oh you mean compared to the legions of panzers knocking down your shed, your village being herded into the church and burned because little Billy took a potshot at Hans the Friendly Nazi, being denounced and sent to Auschwitz because after 50 years your Polack neighbors decide they don't much like Jews after all, or being nailed to a barn door by a gang of Soviet thugs because your last name is Schmidt? To the victors belong the spoiled young frauleins. -John \_ Are you trying to make some sort of Nazi/Hussein comparison? Just because Hussein killed more of his own people every 6 weeks than have died since day 1 of GW2 and the average citizen has more food, electricity and cleaner water than ever before does not excuse forcing a few guys to pile up in a naked pyramid last November 8th or making them wear women's panties on their head. It is an atrocity of the same level as 9/11. Soros, Citizen-Leader of the Free World, said almost exactly that the other day. So there you have it. Americans are like the Soviets and Nazis and the Iraqis are like the Nazi victims (except for the evil Jew, death to them). \_ yea, but there is already enough whining by the Jews over the past 50 years, and we already know the soviets are thugs and out for revenge for what the Germans did to them. We need to hear more about American thugs. \_ Yeah, fuck the Jews. They just turned out to be a bunch of baby killers who all go into the army to kill old women in their sleep and shoot completely innocent civilians just going about their own business and trying to get by under the yoke of oppression! I think the PLO as a whole should win the Nobel Peace Prize this year with a close runner up for Al Qaeda. The only good Jew is a right Jew, runner up for Al Qaeda. The only good Jew is a dead Jew, right brother? \_ "Fuck the Jews, they never vote for us anyway." -James Baker III \_ Yeah, who wants the baby killer vote anyway? \_ These constant "fuck the jews" comments which are obviously posted by someone who, if not actually jewish, is at least rabidly pro-Israel in a pathetic attempt to paint anyone who opposes you as racist are really some of the most disgusting strawman arguments I have ever seen. \_ You almost had it but then it slipped away from you by the end. I believe that in time you'll get it. If you were around longer or had your eyes or your heart open a little more you would see it was just a bunch of real quotes from real people that have been posted to the motd over the years. Think about that for a while. That's the real thing, baby. There is no need to make it up when it's all around. |
2004/6/4-5 [Finance/Banking] UID:30619 Activity:high |
6/4 Loan experts. What are the difference between the two scenarios? 1. borrow 100k at 6% for 30 years, pay off 50k immediately 2. borrow 50k at 6% for 30 years. According to my loan program, I pay quite bit more in 1. but shouldn't the two be the same? ie, in 1, the interest also starts pretty much with 50k principle.. what causes the difference? Thanks. \_ Your 50k must be 50k of the principle--that is 50k + 1st month interest + same principle as loan 2. \_ As above says, but also make sure your loan doesn't have any pre-payment penalties and as they say make sure your 50k is going to principle, not interest. Then it becomes the same. Almost. You'll end up paying a few days interest on that 50k. \_ If this is a mortgage - like loan, some have origination "points" or fee structures based on the principal amount. nitpick: principal not principle. |
3/15 |