Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:June:02 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30536 Activity:insanely high
6/1     The Carter doctrine was such an unparalled success Kerry
        wants to do it all over again:
        Kerry's Plan: Ban U.S. Weapons to Stop WMD Threat
        \_ what a bunch of distorting crap. all bush can do is smear,
           because he can't run on his record. hey, what's the worst
           kerry could do, go to war based on the lies of an iranian
           spy and blow $300bn, our credibility, our int'l goodwill,
           and thousands of lives? yeah, that would suck. --aaron
           \_ So aaron, how is that rabid liberalism working out at google?
              Does google even hire conservatives?
           \_ What Bush has accomplished towards limiting the proliferation
              of WMD is phenomenal; the battle against militant Islam has been
              relocated to the Middle East where our military can kill
              all the jihadis.  What is your policy for shifting foreign
              policy from a Cold War paradigm?  Oh that's
              right you, like all the leftist appeasers, don't have one.
              You rather pay lip service and kick the can down the road for
              someone else to clean up.
              \_ LIAR!
           \_ Nonononono, that's "American credibility around the world has
              been destroyed for generations!!!"  And the official Iraqi $$$
              is currently $120B give or take a few $B.  Not that that's a
              small number on its own but you're so far off from reality that
              your credibility around the world has been destroyed for
              generations!  If you need to lie and make up numbers to make your
              point, you don't have one.  Get it next time, "American
              credibility around the world has been destroyed for generations!"
              Like Partha said on the wall, you must repeat it until it
              becomes the new truth, just like in the old Soviet Russia.
                      \- just out of curiosity are you counting the $700m
                         funded by congress for afgansitan xferred to iraq?
                         also what fraction of the $25bn the administration
                         refused to separately earmark between afgansitan and
                         iraq are you counting? the troop levels are around
                         an order of mag higher in iraq. finally, i mentioned
                         that cheney and the other chieckenhawks should
                         continuously be referred to in that light. finally,
                         the whole idea of the importance of labelling issues
                         is inspired by frank luntz, the chief labeller of the
                         GoP. it seems only reasonable for the demos demos to
                         play the "abortion card" on their apathetic
                         constitutency. surely that is more valid than "if
                         we elected kerry, osama will end up in the lincoln
                         bdrm" --psb
                         \_ On money numbers since the rest is off topic and
                            uninteresting:  I'll grant *all* your numbers.  The
                            $300b is still off by more than a factor of 2 and
                            thus makes the whole message look like the made up
                            bullshit it is.  Get the facts straight first and
                            then try to forcefeed your agenda.
                            \- while i try to be conservative with numbers
                               [i think it is fair to use $200bn, i usually
                               say "cost $100bn, 800 us combat deaths, 25k
                               us casualties, 10k iraqi deaths vs lies on
                               WMD"], does it really matter whether it is
                               $300bn or $200bn? i'm not defensing sloppy use
                               of statistics, but do you really change your
                               mind based on this number?--psb
                \_ if you think Iraq is going to end up costing us less
                   than several trillion or you actually think we are
                   ever 'leaving' Iraq, you are deluded.
                            \_ maybe he is just projecting into the not
                               too distant future for a conservative
                               guestimate of the final total cost?
              \_ Nah, they didn't destroy American credibility, just the
                 dumb and dumber Bush regime credibility.  huh huh.
              \_ yea 120 bn no biggie, just a small fraction of the 400 bn
                 budget deficit.  huh huh.
                 \_ It's Beavis! -- beavis #1 fan
                    \- Butthead said "I am really cool Beavis, but I cannot
                       predict the future." Which makes Butthead smarter than
                       the NeoCons. --psb
              \_ So I am curious what your point is here. Are you claiming
                 that American credibility has been enhanced?
                 \_ My point is that there is no such thing as 'credibility'.
                    In international affairs there is only power and will.
                 \_ I think he's trying to say "... destroyed for generations"
                    is an exaggeration.
                       \- point worth raising ... and that is why BUSH must
                          be voted out. if neither rumsfeld nor BUSH is axed
                          than that essentially gives them a "mandate" in the
                          eyes of the world. --psb
                          \_ Yes, and so what?  Why does it matter what the
                             Europeans think?  They have their goals, the US
                             has other goals.  Sometimes those goals conflict
                             and their rabidly left press kicks us in the
                             teeth for it.  This isn't Europe.
                             \- because if you are trying to get NATO to help
                                out in iraq it matters. --psb
                                \_ NATO?  NATO isn't the world.  NATO is an
                                   alliance of EU/US military powers formed for
                                   the sole purpose of holding back the
                                   Soviets.  I don't think NATO should even
                                   exist.  It's a Cold War relic along with the
                                   rest of the trappings such as huge US bases
                                   in Germany, etc.  Close them down, end NATO.
                                   Who else do we need to care about and why?
                                   \- ok i will try to make this my last
                                      commit: i suppose you are unaware that
                                      bush is going to istanbul at the end
                                      of the month for a nato summit where
                                      nato involvement in iraq will be the
                                      main topic? are you the same person/
                                      idiot asking about europe? that question
                                      i answered. if you want to talk about the
                                      rest of the world, look at 6party talks
                                      w.r.t. north korrea. --psb
                                      \_ I'm aware.  I think it's a mistake.
                                         Just because Bush does it doesn't mean
                                         I'm blindly in favor of it.  Do you
                                         blindly favor anything the opposition
                                         party puts forth or does?  The 6 party
                                         talks have achieved nothing.
                    \_ Clearly he hasn't traveled abroad lately.
                    \_ Time will tell. I suspect you are right, but if
                       America continues on the imperialism and conquest
                       course laid out by the PNAC, he will have been right.
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30537 Activity:very high
6/1     young MOTDers (and all young Americans): I fear for you:,2763,1228331,00.html
        Summary: THere are two congressional bills, both approved
        and sitting in committee, to reinstate the draft as early
        as June 15, 2005. No college deferment or sanctuary in
        Canada this time.
        \_ Nice way to ignore context.  The draft is *not* being reinstated.
           Maybe if we all vote for Kerry, there won't be another Vietnam
           and we won't need a draft because Kerry's plans for Iraq are just
           like Bush's except they require more troops.
           \_ How is the military going to deal with its manpower shortage?
              I think the draft is coming back no matter who is elected.
              The military is already drawing heavily into the Reserves
              and has even started tapping the IRR. Last time I checked
              there was still a Stop Loss order in effect. That is pretty
              much everything they can do short of a draft.
              \_ We can start by closing bases in former NATO ally countries.
                 Then we can get out of places like Kosovo/Bosnia/Former
                 Yugoslavia.  6-9 months later we can leave Iraq and then
                 \- there are only a few 1000 troops in bosnia. bush said to
                    the european coalition "we went in together and we'll
                    leave together". mr. resolve has already said the us
                    will be unilaterally pulling out. do you read any news
                    at all or does ti cut into your xbox/ps2 time? try leaving
                    the the news on instead of the p0rn channel in the
                    background. --psb
                    \_ nice personal attack after ignoring the parts of my
                       post that you couldn't refute.  way to go, genius!
                       how many #1 Fans do you have now?  you can't be psb.
                       he just isn't that stupid.
                       \-i lack the ability to explain "why isolantionism
                           is a not a simple choice for the us" in 100words
                           or less. however youir posited a number of facts
                           clearly suggesting you are unaware of the underlying
                           state of affairs which i did answer. yes i am
                           accusing you personally of ignorance. --psb
              \_ Everything?  Why not just pack up in places our troops are
                 doing nothing?  The Soviet Union is dead.  Let's stop
                 pretending we need NATO and NATO bases in Europe.  Why are you
                 so hellbent on expanding the size of the armed forces?  I'm
                 staunchly conservative and I'm honestly shocked that I'm the
                 only one on the heavily liberal motd that would mention this
                 obvious (to me, anyway) option.
        \_ The chances of getting drafted will be small. Do the math.
           The Army only needs, at most, a few hundred thousand troops.
           There are 20M Americans in the 18-23 cohort. So your chances
           of getting drafted couldn't be much more than 1%.
           \_ But those chances are not random: the military is very
              fond of those with computer skills.
              \_ Yeah, but getting drafted for computer skills is better than
                 being drafted to patrol the streets of Iraq.
              \_ But the draft starts with the youngest first, and it's a
                 proven fact that the motd is composed of old farts.
                 \_ Yet another discussion revolving around the time honored
                    geek motto: "If its not happening to me, fuck em."
                    \- the vietnam era draft was much more avoidable for
                       the upper middle class than the brad draft during ww2.
                       congressmen dont want their kids drafted so there will
                       be lots of loopholes if anything like the draft came
                       back ... which it wont. --psb
                       \- if you are interested in "american and the imperial
                          will" [my phrase] read Niall Ferguson's book
                          Colossus --psb
2004/6/2 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30538 Activity:moderate
6/1     Just like we told you at the time, Enron deliberately
        withheld energy to drive up prices and cause outages in CA:
        \_ obWDYHA?
        \_ Uh, yeah?  Everyone knew that.
2004/6/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran] UID:30539 Activity:high
6/2     Chalabi has got to be one of the greatest spies in modern history.
        Single-handedly brought down Iran's arch enemy Saddam by making
        use of the dumb and dumber Bush regime, another supposed enemy
        of Iran, gave Iran a strong foothood in Iraq, made BUSH CO waste
        120 billion and counting, weakened US economy, destroyed US
        international reputation, damaged its alliances, tied up US
        military, exposed its limitations, and wasted the invaluable US
        breaking of the Iran communication encryption code, and he
        still gets to walk and speak freely, lambasting the Coalition,
        and asking US to "let my people go!" like a modern day Moses.
        \_ What proof is there that Chalabi sold us out?  Which U.S. government
           entity is directing the blame?
           \_ hahaha, see how brilliant chalabi is?  the victim can't
              even admit being sold out because it is too embarrassing.
           \_ I see it's Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz that cut off his $340K/month
              Pentagon stipend last month.  Iran is also saying that although
              they talk to Chalabi a lot, they never received any confidential
              information from him.  Chalabi also said on May 23 that the CIA
              is out to get him on the intercept question.
2004/6/2 [Uncategorized] UID:30540 Activity:nil
6/2     an issue some computer geeks can get behind, be they freepers
        or america haters:
2004/6/2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30541 Activity:very high
6/2     Some lameass deleted the dating thread, but this is still great
        Ratio of single men to single women in Santa Clara county is nearly
        even, contrary to popular belief: 102 to 100.  That is nothing compared
        to, say, parts of Colorado or Nevada.
        \_ And that's not good methodology ... my grandmother is 90, widowed,
           and lives in San Jose, and got counted in that survey. Much more
           accurate is number of never-been-married women of age 18-45.
           \_ Why never-been-married? Just currently-not-married is fine.
              I have a friend who is 32 and his wife died in an accident.
              He's been married, but he sure as hell should count as
        \_ and count the number of women who were brought over from India,
           not yet married but will be within 2 years.
        \_ Los Angeles, 92 men to 100 women, yay!               -not ilyas
           \_ *cry*
        \_ East Coast in general has a lighter color than West Coast.
           What accounts for this? For example, Nevada is very dark, but
           New England is very light.
           \_ WHY DO YOU LOVE AMERICA?
        \_ I hear in terms of young, available women, San Jose is definitely
           not the right place -- where you want to go is Boston or New York
                \_ uh, NO DUH!!! Even though statistics shows favourably
                   most of the numbers show Indian ladies and or FOB Chinese
                   girls (I have nothing against them) that I am personally
                   not attracted to.
                   \_ hey, idiot, I am refuting the primary thread
           South Carolina has +20% trailers. Is that where the KKK
           headquarter is located?
        \_ The ratio is better than it looks in SF because many of the
           single guys are actually gay.
           \_ Oh this is the funniest motd posting I've seen today!!
              \_ Why is this funny???
           \_ Unfortunately, so are the women.
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30542 Activity:nil
6/2     Killer Schoolgirl!
        \_ Is her name Go Go Yubari?
2004/6/2 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:30543 Activity:nil
6/2     Does anyone know the English name or the phone number of the Chinese
        restaurant in the western side of Richmond District in SF whose Chinese
        name translates to "second wife's great soup"?  TIA.
2004/6/2 [Uncategorized] UID:30544 Activity:nil 50%like:30862
6/2     Okay, which merge program is fucking the motd up today?
2004/6/2 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:30545 Activity:nil
6/2     I'm curious about ideas for computer naming schemes.  Please suggest
        a few.
        Roman/Greek Gods
        Alcoholic Drinks
        Famous Scholars
        Body Parts
        Porn Stars
        \_ Only if you have loads of cash for harassment lawsuits.
           \_ Maybe it's his home computers.
              \- ucb cs or eecs had a number of p0rn star named workstations.
                 i dont recall which research group. --psb
        Starship names from Star Trek
        Famous disasters
        TV Shows
        Just name them after the type of machine. Best way to do it since
        then you don't have stupid shit like "oh, is Styx supposed to be the
        Athlon XP box running BSD or the Sun Blade 1500"? If you have a large
        room of similar type of machines name them in an approximate grid-like
        fashion, i.e. "box-1-7".
                \_ hear hear!!!                 -tired sysadm
        \_ My ex-company used chemical elements.  They even tried to match
           element names or symbols with the engineers' names.  However, when
           the elemens ran out, they had to use particle names.  --- yuen
        \_ soda users
        \_ It is silly to call them "sun1-sun[x]". Some hardware is around
           so long that it changes forms many times. Soda itself is one
           example. Also, using a numeric scheme inevitably some of the
           numbers go away and you get weird shit like a room that has
           sun1, sun5, sun6, and sun20 in it. What if soda had been called
        \_ Use the respective root passwords.
2004/6/2 [Uncategorized] UID:30546 Activity:very high
6/2     psb, I've deleted and/or interrupted your posts as a punishment
        for your rudeness. I will continue to do so until you publicly
        apologize and stop interrupting responses.
                  \- look you jackass, when someone writes a 10line post
                     i locate and indent my reply to indicate what
                        \_ you used to interrupt me like this.
                     specific matter i man repling to. now i am being
                     url, write 80 col, merge edits etc. --psb
        \_ what do you mean he is interrupting responses?  I don't see
           it at all.
                \_ he's behaving well today, but he's been as ass for the
                   past 3 years.
        \_ Just because Partha's rude doesn't mean you should piss in the pool.
        \_ I don't think you know who Partha is.
           \_ But today's motd looks like good and evil psb are doing combat!
              -- evil psb #1 fan.
              \_ Does Bengali refer to people from Bangladesh?  Are they
                 predominately Hindi?  Is Partha an evil Hindi deity?
        \_ Why do you even care about mean and rude people? Ignore them.
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic] UID:30547 Activity:nil
6/1     young MOTDers (and all young Americans): I fear for you:
           and we won't need a draft because Kerry's plans for Iraq are just
           like Bush's except they require more troops.
           \_ How is the military going to deal with its manpower shortage?
              I think the draft is coming back no matter who is elected.
              The military is already drawing heavily into the Reserves
              and has even started tapping the IRR. Last time I checked
              there was still a Stop Loss order in effect. That is pretty
              much everything they can do short of a draft.
              \_ We can start by closing bases in former NATO ally countries.
                 Then we can get out of places like Kosovo/Bosnia/Former
                 Yugoslavia.  6-9 months later we can leave Iraq and then
                 \- there are only a few 1000 troops in bosnia. bush said to
                    the european coalition "we went in together and we'll
                    leave together". mr. resolve has already said the us
                    will be unilaterally pulling out. do you read any news
                    at all or does ti cut into your xbox/ps2 time? try leaving
                    the the news on instead of the p0rn channel in the
                    background. --psb
                    \_ nice personal attack after ignoring the parts of my
                       post that you couldn't refute.  way to go, genius!
                       how many #1 Fans do you have now?  you can't be psb.
                       he just isn't that stupid.
                       \-i lack the ability to explain "why isolantionism
                           is a not a simple choice for the us" in 100words
                           or less. however youir posited a number of facts
                           clearly suggesting you are unaware of the underlying
                           state of affairs which i did answer. yes i am
                           accusing you personally of ignorance. --psb
              \_ Everything?  Why not just pack up in places our troops are
                 doing nothing?  The Soviet Union is dead.  Let's stop
                 pretending we need NATO and NATO bases in Europe.  Why are you
                 so hellbent on expanding the size of the armed forces?  I'm
                 staunchly conservative and I'm honestly shocked that I'm the
                 only one on the heavily liberal motd that would mention this
                 obvious (to me, anyway) option.
                 \_ Yeah, I agree with you on the NATO bases issue. But the
                    real problem has to do with the fact that you don't want
                    to keep your troops "on station" in Iraq 100% of the
                    time. Especially with the increasingly professionalized
                    military, you need to pull these guys out and let them
                    have some rest. Right now about 50% of the combat troops
                    are in Iraq. Pulling the ones resting from Germany back
                    to the States is not going to change how much downtime
                    they need. It will save some money though.
        \_ The chances of getting drafted will be small. Do the math.
           The Army only needs, at most, a few hundred thousand troops.
           There are 20M Americans in the 18-23 cohort. So your chances
           of getting drafted couldn't be much more than 1%.
           \_ But those chances are not random: the military is very
              fond of those with computer skills.
              \_ Yeah, but getting drafted for computer skills is better than
                 being drafted to patrol the streets of Iraq.
              \_ But the draft starts with the youngest first, and it's a
                 proven fact that the motd is composed of old farts.
                 \_ Yet another discussion revolving around the time honored
                    geek motto: "If its not happening to me, fuck em."
                    \- the vietnam era draft was much more avoidable for
                       the upper middle class than the brad draft during ww2.
                       congressmen dont want their kids drafted so there will
                       be lots of loopholes if anything like the draft came
                       back ... which it wont. --psb
                       \- if you are interested in "american and the imperial
                          will" [my phrase] read Niall Ferguson's book
                          Colossus --psb
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30548 Activity:high
6/2     The woman in the Drudge-created Kerry intern "scandal" tells her
        story: (new york metro link)
        \_ I was going to say "Yeah, now that she's had plenty of time to
           work out a consistent story."  But she's so supid and vapid,
           and the story's not all that consistent anyhow, it's hard to
           believe it's not real.
           \_ You really are blind, aren't you?  BClinton killed 324 people
              while Hillary took pictures, right?
           \_ The last time a President was fooling around with an intern
              in the White House my stock portfolio was looking a lot better.
              I say "bring it on!"
              \_ If you think there is some correlation between the two
                 you deserve your losses.
                 \_ Maybe a strong market helps the president get head.
                 \_ If you think these are serious comments, you need to
                    watch less Fox News.
                 \_ Why do you hate blowjobs?
                 \_ How else do you think the stocks had risen so high without
                    all the "rise, baby, rise." during those intimate moments
                    in the White House?
                    \_ So, you're saying we should have elected Bob Dole?
                       (He advertised Viagra for a while)
        \_ The Right Wing Hate machine will do and say anything in their
           effort to hold onto power. Does this suprise you in some way?
           \_ RACIST!  Whoops, wrong hate machine. COMMIE!
           \_ Actually, I think its pretty much just the Stupid Lazy
              Reporting Machine.  There's a quote near the end of the article
              which puts it pretty well: "I am struck by the pitiful state
              of political reporting, which is dominated by the unholy
              alliance of opposition research and its latest tool,
              the Internet."
        \_ Can someone send this to Drudge for posting?
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30549 Activity:insanely high
6/2     Ok, what's so special about the Scott Peterson's case? Why do we
        keep hearing about it on the news? People gets killed everyday
        and no one gives a shit about it on the news. Why Scott
        Peterson? Is it because it's a crime in a rich white
          \_ I've been wondering this myself for a long time.
        \_ richmond is rich and white?
           \_ Richmond was just where he dumped the body.
        \_ Dear god, you're a callous little bastard, aren't you?
        \_ All the little details make it very soap opera worthy.
           \_ Plus, she was photogenic and pregnant.
              \_ Isn't that what I said?
                 \_ No.
        \_ Laci Peterson was Hispanic. Rich, maybe or not, but not white.
           \_ So, have you seen Laci's family on TV?
           \_ "Latinos can be of any race." This one happened to be white.
        \_ Why do you hate Scott?
2004/6/2 [Transportation/Car, Reference/Law/Court] UID:30550 Activity:nil
6/2     To you sceptics out there... after 1.5 years, I finally got paid
        from San Diego Unified School District. They deducted his paycheck
        till it's all paid for. The court is slow (takes several months to
        schedule, delay, serve, receive, and what not), but it works. Justice
        is slow, but there is justice after all.
        \_ So, how much are you getting, over how many months?  Does it
           cover the damage to your car in the original accident?
           What were the total costs of bringing the suit (not including
           the value of your time)?
           \_ Damage was $1700. I spend $300 on a private investigator (did
              I tell you he's very very clever and evasive?) I'm getting
              $2000 total, and he ended up paying for the PI. As for how long,
              I got the full amount 1 month after I served the Wage Withhold
              Order. That is amazing considering that he only gets paid
              $1600 a month, so I guess they deducted his future earnings
              or something, I don't know. The judge didn't reimburse me for
              mileage driving to the court house (took at least 8 trips to
              get forms, etc etc), pictures ($20), photocopy of documents
              ($5), parking meter, numerous phone calls, and misc fees
              which I did itemize but the judge didn't take them. -op
              \_ Maybe he had a retirement fund you got to raid?
           \_ oh, I forgot to say that I had the Sheriff serve the
              Wage Withhold Order to a department called "San Diego Unified
              School District, Department of Court Orders and Wage Earning
              Withhold". So, yeah, I guess they deal with scums all
              the time.                                         -op
                \_ one last thing to add. After getting the paycheck I no
                   longer have this hatred for Vietnamese people        -op
                   \_ ob the driver was Vietnamese?
        \_ What, no opening for a class-warfare flame-fest?
2004/6/2 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:30551 Activity:high
6/2     I'm curious about ideas for computer naming schemes.  Please suggest
        a few.
        Fish (Freshwater and Saltwater)
           I used "happy delivery" on my mail server, and adventure on my
           laptop for example. - pst
        Roman/Greek Gods
                \_ We've used norse gods as well
        Alcoholic Drinks
        Full House cast members
        \_ That invites the regretable mary-kate and ashley
        Famous Scholars
        Body Parts
        \_ uvula!
        Starship names from Star Trek
        Famous disasters
        TV Shows
        Sherlock Holmes characters
        Japanese Monsters
        State Capitals << Major Cities around the world
        \_ Please stop deleting people's suggestions -op
        Porn Stars
        \_ Only if you have loads of cash for harassment lawsuits.
           \_ Maybe it's his home computers.
              \- ucb cs or eecs had a number of p0rn star named workstations.
                 i dont recall which research group. --psb
                 \_ maybe the one doing vision research on pr0n images?
        \_ Just name them after the type of machine. Best way to do it since
           then you don't have stupid shit like "oh, is Styx supposed to be the
           Athlon XP box running BSD or the Sun Blade 1500"?If you have a large
           room of similar type of machines name them in an approximate
           grid-like fashion, i.e. "box-1-7".
           \_ Ugh, no.  This is horrible.  "Hey, Bob, can you log into
              hba742db-prod1 and let me know if it's down?"  Kill me now.
              \_ but everybody knows what smvcjg01 is!
           \_ We usually have two names for a system, the real name
              (something like u60-s9-[rack]-[room]-[bldg]-[sys num])
              and a human friendly c-name. This lets people refer to
              systems by name and you can always get the real name
              (hence the hw, os and location) using dig.
              \_ Who is the poor SOB who has to change the name when it
                 moves to a new rack/room/building? Ridiculous!
           \_ hear hear!!!                      -tired sysadm
        \_ My ex-company used chemical elements.  They even tried to match
           element names or symbols with the engineers' names.  However, when
           the elemens ran out, they had to use particle names.  --- yuen
           \_ How many machine names do you need and what is the function of
              the machines and their type [OS]?
        \_ We used to use the following convention:
           Famous scientists and mathematicians for SGIs workstations
           Star Trek characters and ships for Sun workstations
           Greek/Roman Philosophers for SGI/Sun servers
           Rivers for routers and other network systems
        \_ Lord of the Rings characters, you'll never run out.
           \_ although not particularly original, this wins.
        \_ Members of the Bush administration..
        \_ I use famous conquerors and sites along the silkroad
           eg. attila, genghis, gobi, talas, samarkand
        \_ Put a name sticker on each case. for ATX cases, use
           the square-inch case-badge area for the name-tag.
        \_ Popes!
           or Roman Emperors.
           Those guys went on for quite a while. Names get a bit long though.
           or Roman Emperors.
2004/6/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30552 Activity:high
6/2     How do I pass in a PrintWriter object and get back StringBuffer?
        I'd like to pass in an argument of type PrintWriter and have the
        output save to my StringBuffer (instead of System.out/err). Thanks.
        \_ Dude, figure this shit out yourself.  This is either homework or
           work, and the question isn't complicated either way.
           \_ I was just about to provide code samples, but I think you're
              right.  Teach 'em to fish and all that...
        \_ Scan through the javadoc for the package
        \_ Damn... what would they be asking if classes were still in C or,
           god forbid, vax assembly?  I thought java was supposed to make it
           so easy even people like this can write it?
           \_ If you ask me, Java got rid of pointers and the associated
              memory bashing, and the library is a lot bigger (hard to
              remember the function names).  Of course, you also have C++,
              which combines the worst of both worlds. ;-)
2004/6/2 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:30553 Activity:high
6/2     NetFlix rental queue, is it just pure sql to store it or do they
        use a "priority queue" for each member?
        \_ does this mean anything?
        \_ priority queues do exist already. They're called
        relational databases, so they use pure sql
        \_ they store member info in the database, but when it
        comes time to ship they probably build a "priority queue"
        data structure and figure out what the customer wants
        then update the database. So you need both
        \_ it's all real-time, whenever you update your priority
        on NetFlix's queue, your priorities get renumbered starting
        with 1, 2, .etc. ie: if you put 3, 4, they get reset to 1,2
        there, this indicates some business logic which utilizes
        a priority queue before they write back to the database.
        \_ but if multiple people vy for the same titles, NetFlix will give
           priority to those who rent less frequently.
           \_ just add more business rules, yes
2004/6/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30554 Activity:very high
6/2     Watch Bush asnwer unrehearsed questions on Iraq.
        \_ There was this interview with Bush about the 9/11 commission
           where he was interested to see what the commission said about
           our intelligence services.  In his own words, he said,
           "I look forward to seeing the intelligence and the looks."
           \_ "I voted for it before I voted against it".  You can find stupid
              quotes and bad speeches from any politician.  It's just easier
              to make fun of the other guy's politician and ignore or excuse
              the stupidity your own spews out.
              \_ I'm amazed that the right has clung on to this.  Most people
                 can understand the distinction between procedural and final
                 \_ It wasn't procedural.  He proposed an amendment to roll
                    back tax cuts to cover the $87 billion.  The amendment
                    failed, so he voted against the bill.  This was on the
                    supplemental appropriations bill.
                 \_ See?  That's exactly what I mean.  You guy always has an
                    excuse while the other guy is always an idiot.  Thank you
                    for making my point in response to my point.  Perfect.
                    \_ But what would you do if Bush *really was* an idiot?
        \_ Does this really need to be said?
           "I look forward to seeing the intelligence and the looks."
                == stupidity
           "I voted for it before I voted against it"
                == maneuvering
           If you measure by quality and quantity of quotes, Bush is far
           stupider, than Kerry maneuvers.
           It is also quite clear that George Bush II is worse than Dan Quayle.
                 \_ See?  That's exactly what I mean.  You guy always has an
                    excuse while the other guy is always an idiot.  Thank you
                    for making my point in response to my point.  Perfect.
                    \_ Don't you get it?  Republicans prefer a stupid guy
                       who will lower taxes, to a maneuvering guy who will
                       raise taxes.
                       \_ I do too. -- ilyas
           \_ Watch the video - he gives an excellent press conference.
              \_ I did.  The prepared speech is fine; most people only see
                 that.  The Q&A session showed he has a very hard time
                 responding to reporter's questions.  Unfortunately, most
                 people don't see Bush's Q&A sessions.
                 \_ Okay then we see something completely opposite.
                    \_ I'm guessing you think he isn't the most eloquent
                       person, but he's honest and direct.  Is that accurate?
                       \_ he recognizes his limitations, has vision, and
                          is not egomaniac.  I think he has wisdom and
                          conviction, though unrefined.  Were he 10-15 years
                          older I think he could have been as good as
                          Reagan.  Eloquence is superfluous.
                          \_ I'm guessing what you value in Bush, from highest
                             to lowest, is:
                             wisdom, conviction, has vision
                              > recognizes his limitations, not egomaniac
                              >> eloquence
                             Is this accurate?
                             \_ I suppose ... That said he's too liberal and
                                has too many establishment ties and the
                                accompanying corruption.  I think Bush I was
                                a mistake - CIA officials should be prohibited
                                from other branches of government.  Obviously
                                he is the lesser of evils compared to Kerry,
                                Gore, and Clinton (or most any dem).
                                \_ Sigh, I basically completely agree with
                                   this guy.
2004/6/2 [Computer/Networking] UID:30555 Activity:nil
6/2     My new favorite bug.    F5's BigIP 4.5.9:

        "Using the IP address  (CR31104)

        If you add a pool with a member node with the IP address, when the address and port select a virtual server
        on the local system, it causes the BIG-IP system to panic and the
        configuration to be deleted. The issue occurs only when the address
        and service numbers are and 80 respectively. If you
        want to avoid this issue, we recommend that you do not assign the IP
        address to nodes on the BIG-IP system."
2004/6/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:30556 Activity:low
6/2     What does the second number in binocular specs mean: 10x25
        \_ Diameter of the objective lens in mm
2004/6/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30557 Activity:very high
6/2     Fahrenheit 9/11 trailer out.
        -motd censor (bush #1 fan)
        \_ may be the most important film of this decade, opens 6/25 --darin
        \_ I'll make a point not to see it.  Hes a flatulent slob.
           \_ yes.  it is important to see the propaganda early so one can
              refute it at the water cooler, motd, etc, when the ignorant
              try to quote it as fact.  i had to help a friend detox after
              bowling for columbine but she made it with some patient help.
              now she's an informed citizen who casts her votes on facts, not
              distorted half truths, faked interviews that never happened,
              and lines ripped out of context from multiple public speeches
              sewn back together to say something entirely different.
                \_ what did michael moore lie about?
                   \_ links all over the motd and google.
              \_ Ya know, it's different in other parts of the country -
                 sitting here in your comfortable Safe San Francisco Home;
                 you can nitpick about various little things, but try living
                 in Lumberton, Miss or Beldoc, SC.  Ever seen a real lynching?
                 My girlfriend has.  Sometimes movies like this need to be
                 made - to get at least one voice of dissent out.
                 \_ ok thats nice and it has what to do with Moore's lies?
                    \_ it's ok to lie if it's for a good cause?
                       \_ Does the act of lying hurt anyone?
                          \_ Someone's always hurt.  The question is how
                             many people are hurt and how many people are
                       \_ it's not really a lie, is it?  just the difference
                          between one interpretation of events versus another.
                    \_ Bush lies all the time, but for *his* causes.
                       \_ Does one man's lies excuse another's?
              \_ Link?
                    \_ Man, this link is seriously short on Vague hints
                       and shadowy references.
                    \_ Useful, thanks --darin
                    \_ In the interests of reading both sides, Moore rebuts:
                       And Hardy re-rebuts:
                       \_ I'm no fan of Michael Moore and there must be better
                          rebuttals. This guy is nit-picking.
                          \_ His rebuttal also requires that you didn't read
                             the transcript of Heston's speech, which Moore
                             wisely includes.  You can call someone a liar as
                             much as you want, but for god's sake, at least
                             TRY to back it up.
                             \_ What are you talking about?  He links to
                                the speech too.  I think Mike's rebuttal
                                is pretty sad.  He doesn't bother with the
                                stronger points at all.  Nor does he deal
                                with the fact that taking people's
                                statements out of context isn't honest.
                                \_ Small nitpick: Hardy says there was no
                                   rally.  Moore points to a transcript of
                                   Heston's speech at the rally. Wtf?
                                   Also, Hardy says that Moore took Heston's
                                   words out of context, but Moore's tran-
                                   script of Heston's speech has the words
                                   as Moore portrayed them in the movie,
                                   including phrases Hardy explicitly accuses
                                   Moore of leaving out.
                                   \_ First Nitpick: Read more carefully.
                                      Hardy says the annual "rally" was
                                      almost entirely canceled except the
                                      voters meeting that is required by
                                      state law.  (Which is where the
                                      speech was given.)
                                      I'm not sure what you're
                                      saying on the second one.  Moore's
                                      transcript of the speech posted on
                                      the website is NOT entirely in the
                                      movie, only about 4 sentances are.
              \_ Yawn.  Make a website refuting the movie, then post the URL.
                 Vague hints and shadowy references do not a credible review
                 \_ oh my God! you're cluesles, this is old. columbine movie
                    was whacked!! ahaha and now you think F 9/11 is not?
                    sorry ass
                    \_ OMG WTF! U = TEH GAY!
                 \_ You're kidding, right?  This has been covered to death.
                    No one who can read and has a browser or ever touched a
                    printed newspaper thinks Moore is honest.
                    \_ Thanks to whoever posted the links above.  That was
                       much more helpful than this hyperbolic assurance.
                       \_ The links above were already there when I posted
                          that this is a done and dead "we all know he's a
                          liar" issue.  I've never posted a link proving the
                          sky is blue but I'm sure we could both find one if
                          it mattered.  Michael Moore doesn't matter.
                          \_ You sure are spending alot of time worrying
                             about something that doesn't matter.
                 \_ Clarification: I'm talking about F9/11, not Columbine.
2004/6/2-3 [Recreation/Shopping] UID:30558 Activity:very high
        On the one hand, I'll miss seeing other men's daughters walking
        around half naked, on the other hand, most men;s daughters are fat
        and ugly so it sort of balances out.
        \_ Thank heavens
        \_ I've actually heard this complaint a lot from women.  It's
           actually difficult to find decent fat lady clothes.
        \_ Half-naked is nice. Hip huggers are nasty no matter who or what.
           \_ Move somewhere where most girls have waists.  -John
              \_ the *original* hip huggers (early 70s) were nice; they
                 accentuated the hips and butt.  The current low riders are
                 cut to square off the butt--they look bad on virtually
                 everyone.  -tom
        \_ Did you not see the part where they say the bitch is a Roman Cath?
           Most RC's have really stupid hangups about their bodies.
           - Recovering Jesuit
           \_ Yes and what does that have to do with the price of tea?  She
              isn't the one with the problem.  She's a little girl who doesn't
              want to walk around looking like a $5 Oakland street corner
              hooker.  That makes her a bitch?  No.  That makes her a decent
              human being who isn't willing to knuckle under to the queers
              and old bitter lesbians who run the fashion industry who all
              hate women.  More power to her.
2004/6/2-3 [Reference/Military] UID:30559 Activity:very high
6/2     I don't understand the military at all. What's the difference
        between the army, marine, ranger, green beret, and all these other
        units? When/how are they deployed, used, etc?
        \_ One last bit on the rangers before this gets deleted:  when we
           nabbed noriega, the rangers were *not* assigned to take the airport
           (some other branch did it) and they were *really* pissed off about
           it.  Pissed off enough that it leaked to the public.  ;-)
        \_ Cliffs notes:
           Army:  Biggest (tanks, APCs, infantry, engineers)
             Army Special Forces:  Green Berets, Rangers
           Navy:  Ships
           Air Force:  Planes
           Marines:  Smaller than Army, amphibious assaults
           \_ Marines are a part of the Navy.  Another way of looking at it:
              \_ Marines are quite distinct from Navy.  Call a jarhead a sailor
                 and he'll clock you.  They're often transported on Navy
                 vessels, however.
              Army: You learn to hide behind bushes
              Navy: You learn sensors, guidance systems, electronics, reactors
              Air: You learn missiles, radar, planes/jets
              Marines: You learn to kill people
              Rangers/Green Berets/Seals/etc: You learn to kill people well
              \_ ok, so what's the difference between the rangers, berets,
                 the seals? What can one do well that the other can't?
                 What do they specialize and what/who determines which unit
                 is used?
                 \_ There are lots of Rangers.  There are fewer Green Berets.
                    There are even fewer SEALs.
                 \_ More specifically, SEALs specialize in REALLY
                    amphibious attacks.  (Swimming into places carring
                    gear).  Rangers and Green Berets (I think) specilize
                    inair drops.  Rangers can go on to become Green Berets
                    and Delta Force.  They all specialize in tight, quick
                    operations, and killing a whole lot of people.
                 \_ SEALs are Navy. Green Berets are Army. Rangers are also
                    Army. Green Berets are essentially commandos; Rangers
                    are closer to what infantry does. There's also Army's Delta
                    Force, which does counterterrorism ops.
                    \_ SEALS, Rangers, Army Special Forces (aka Green Berets)
                       fall under the U.S. Special Operations Command. Up
                       until recently the Marines were not a part of this.
                       Each unit has their strengths and weaknesses. OP needs
                       to be more specific. [formatd]
                 \_ Since none of you apparently has a clue what the Rangers
                    do, their one true specialty is doing air drops on enemy
                    aiports and taking them over so we can use them.  They
                    obviously do lots of other stuff as well and are better
                    trained and have higher standards than regular infantry
                    but they're generally younger than the special forces guys
                    in the GB and most SEALs, thus less experienced.  I still
                    wouldn't want to fight a regular army infantry in an
                    alley because they'll kill you just a dead, they'll just
                    do it louder and you might see it coming.  Someone
                    mentioned Delta Force which is an anti-terrorist hit
                    squad trained to do things like kill all the terrorists
                    that took over a plane without killing any hostages.
                    \_ 1SOF-D defers to SEALs DEVGRU for maritime CT. They
                       both do VIP protection also.
                    \_ Green Beret's are used a lot as teachers. Think "School
                       of the America's". Rangers, elite fighting force, but
                       not considered as elite as green beret's. Seals, the
                       elite amphibious fighting force of the navy - may be
                       the best conditioned of all (carrying logs in sand,
                       lots of swimming, etc). Marines, they pave the way
                       for the army - tough hombres. Delta Force, elite-of-
                       the-elite (weren't they a secret force for a while?)
                       for special missions. Army, well, think G.I. Joe.
                       \_ don't they still deny the Delta Force's existence?
                          \_ No, they just deny Lou Gossett Jr.'s existence.
        \_ The navy has a very large budget compared to the rest because they
           have pretty insane toys.  They also have lots of bin software from
           3rd party peepz that is mostly unchecked for sec. holes.
        \_ Army: Specializing in land warfare.
             Green Berets: Generic Army special forces term
             Rangers: Long range recon/patrol and air drops. "Quick, light"
                rapid deploy infantry.
             Delta: Special covert ops. Close-combat specialists.
           Navy: Specialization in blue/green water operations.
             Marines: Initially used for sea/harbor/base ops (capture/security).
                Expanded duty as "light, fast" deploy units. Fewer heavy pieces
                (tanks/artillery) than Army.
               Force Recon: Prep landings for Marines. Minor special ops.
             SEALS: Special ops (Intel/Covert/Small ops), specialization in sea
                based ops.
           Air Force: Specialization in air operations.
             Pararescuemen: Land recovery and rescue experts
             Combat Controllers: Coordinate air ops for Rangers/Marines.
           Coast Guard: Specialization in brown water operations (part of the
              Dept. of Transportation).
             Swimmers: Sea rescue experts
             \_ Accountants: give Afghan soldiers $100 bills to clear caves.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:June:02 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>