2004/6/1 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:30518 Activity:very high |
6/1 hmm, the thread got deleted before I could admit I was wrong. Japan *did* offer to "surrender" before the dropping of the bombs. On the condition that they maintain sovereignty. The eventual surrender, was, though, still conditioned on the continued titular reign of the emperor. -phuqm \_ Once the bombs fell, and Stalin decided he wanted a piece of the pie, Japan just surrendered. The Emperor was kept because the Americans thought keeping him would ease the occupation. -- ilyas \_ I agree that the Americans thought it may be advantageous to keep him, that doesn't change the fact that it was a requested and accepted condition. -phuqm \_ http://www.law.ou.edu/hist/japsurr.html Search for 'unconditional'. -- ilyas \_ I may possibly be unduly stretching the idea of "conditional", but (see the other link) it does still appear to me that they asked for it, and if they did, and we implicitely accepted this condition (even if we would have allowed it anyway), then it is conditional regardless of how many times the surrender document signed by some general says "unconditional". The roads are called "highways" in the legal code However if you say that it is legal for you to ride your bicycle on the highways, I will still argue with you. -phuqm \_ It was not requested. The idea of surrender was so out there for most members of the public (although not for several of the Jap cabinet, like PM Suzuki)--you have to remember that the Emperor's voice had not even been heard in public for years before a recording of his reading the surrender was played on Japanese radio. It barely occurred to anyone that the Emperor might not be around at some point. MacArthur saw it as a wise move to use some parts of the Japanese authority structure to ease occupation. -John \_ This is untrue. The japanese were beseeching the Russians to change sides until the last days of the war. The Japanese Imperial Army was almost completely intact in Indochina with several army groups. \_ phuqm, please post a link or reference for your belif. I have never read anything that suggested the Japanese unconditional surrender was really conditioned on the continuation of the Emperor, although I have read the opposite several times. Link? -jrleek \_ This is untrue. The japanese were beseeching the Russians to change sides until the last days of the war. The Japanese Imperial Army was almost completely intact in Indochina with several army groups. \_ This is from your link: "...the Emperor must be left on the Imperial Throne. The Allies replied that the Emperor would be subject to the Allied Occupation Commander." Now, i'm well aware that it was called an "unconditional surrender" (and was before i typed the above), but the above is a CONDITION that that was requested and accepted. The fact that he was subject to the Allied Command is irrelevant to my point accept that it ACKNOWLEDGES the fact that the position WILL continue to exist (the condition). --Having read Ilyas' link, though, i'd have to say that my postion is weaker than that article makes out, the only support being an explicit reference to "The authority of the Emperor" (which again is assumed in the legal document, as it is being put down). -phuqm \_ Really, the problem is that this isn't a reasonable debate. Go read any comprehensive history of the Japanese Occupation. It's very clear the MacAurthur had the power to remove the emperor, he just descided not to. The effect was similar though, the emperor was demoted from divine to amusing tradition. Hence the nearly completely secular Japan we have today. -jrleek \_ if they removed the Emperor the Japanese would have fought to the very last man, and the entire country would have been a giant graveyard. My great- grandmother was trained with all her fellow villagers with bamboo spears to fight the American invaders, because they were sure the Americans were going to come into the country raping and pillaging. -brain \_ uh, are you a mix? you sure don't look like a Nip. -pro atomic bomb man \_ I'm not exactly sure about how it would have come about, but I think any removal would have been well after the surrender. That would make it seem a bit late for the bamboo spears. Especially since the Emperor was responsible for the surrender. That site mentions that there was an attempted coup to keep fighting, but I think the regular people would have gone with the emperor. That is, no bamboo spears. Plus, the Americans came bearing food... -jrleek \_ people have the "power" to break many agreements they make, or laws enacted. That has little relevance to this arg. -phuqm \_ So, basically you believe there was some kind of secret deal made with Emperor that has been kept so secret for the last 60 years you're the only one who knows about it? In that case, I guess you're right. I can't argue with that. -jrleek \_ wasn't emperor just an amusing figure head through long periods of japan's history? wasn't shogun the guy with real power? even during ww2, emperor only has limited power, right? \_ Somewhat correct. Even when the Emperor had no actual power (under the Tokugawa Shogunate), he was respected as the divine son of Heaven. The rallying cry of the Meiji Restoration (which removed the Shogunate from power) was the renewed respect for the authority of the Emperor. After the Meiji Restoration, the Emperor was perceived as the beloved father-figure and leader of all Japan, even though the actual running of the war was done by Tojo and his upper level circle of officers. The repudiation of the policies of that inner circle is what allows the Emperor to both admit culpability (and mortality) while still remaining Emperor. \_ That's what the emperor wanted the world to believe when he surrendered. \_ the ww2 emperor does have some power, more so than the emperors under say tokugawa shogunate, but even his power is rather limited. \_ the emperor is an important figurehead- he is directly decended from gods. To maintain a valid claim to power, you have to have the emperor still alive. What the Meiji Restoration was about was the emperor siezing back his power from the shogun, with the backing of some of the larger houses and the merchants who would directly benefit from the new reforms he hadin mind. -brain |
2004/6/1 [Reference/History/WW2] UID:30519 Activity:nil |
6/2 You've got just over an hour to be patriotic then it's back to hating America in the morning. Thank you. Good night. \_ Actually Memorial day is about those who have died fighting in wars-- justified or not--waged by our country. Patriotism has nothing to do with it. \_ sick bastard, you celebrate warring and not what the soldiers fought for? many vets are upset that they feel everything they died for in wwII is going to waste on scum like you \_ God bless the WW2 Veterans for fighting to preserve Democracy, to save the Jews, and to create wonderful games like Battlefield 1942, Medal of Honor, and other great 3D shooter games. |
2004/6/1 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:30520 Activity:nil |
6/1 Mozilla firefox: Mozilla has the option to make animated gifs not animated. I can't see the same option in Mozilla's Firefox. Is it hidden somewhere? I like using it except for that one thing. The web is too animated. Thanks! \_ Try the URL about:config and see if it has the setting there... \_ image.animation_mode -> none was what I was looking for. Thanks! |
2004/6/1 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:30521 Activity:high |
6/1 Energy from the gulf stream: http://www.floridahydro.com/Technology.htm \_ So, it doesn't get all gunked up over time? \_ it probably would - this would be a scaleability issue. \_ It would depend on the surface coating and rotation speed. |
2004/6/1 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30522 Activity:high |
6/1 Clear Channel really is the Great Satan. Hard to summarize, but basically they're shutting down a perfectly good company making a perfectly great product (live CDs of the concert you just saw, purchased at a kiosk right after the show) by abusing the US Patent Office. Go go invisible hand! http://csua.org/u/7je (rollingstone.com link) \_ obWDYHA? \_ Save Howie!!! \_ "As soon as I came out against Bush, that's when my rights to free speech were taken away. It had nothing to do with indecency," Howard Stern said on March 19, 2004. \_ Um, that's nice'n'all, but what does that have to do with the DiscLive patent issue? \_ Nothing, but it is more evidence that Clear Channel is the Great Satan. \_ What idiotic thing does the patent cover? \_ The patent is here: http://csua.org/u/7jg (patent office link) From what I can tell from perusing it, the patent appears to be on any process that does the following: 1) Record audio digitally 2) Manually divide stream into "tracks" as it is streamed in 3) When finished, send the tracks to multiple CD burners. |
2004/6/1-2 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:30523 Activity:very high |
6/1 100 most naturally beautiful women of all time: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/05/31/1085855500521.html \_ why "naturally"? Is there unnatural beauty? \_ Liv Tyler #2? something is whack \_ And Kate Moss at #13. sigh.. \_ And Alicia Silverstone on the list at all!? \_ Of all the token Asians to include, Lucy Liu?! \_ Well, she is one Asian that doesn't need photoshopping. \_ Because that wouldn't help? \_ Um, the list was about _naturally beautiful_ wome...oh wait. Never mind. This is soda. None of you have ever actually _seen_ a woman in the flesh. \_ Not a naturally beautiful one, anyway. \_ Lucy Liu looks like naturally beautiful man. -tom \_ Aaron looks like naturally beautiful man. -tom \_ So when was the last time you were with a beautiful woman tom? Prostitutes don't count... \_ The fact that you think prostitutes are natually beautiful says a lot. -tom \_ You should talk with the sodans who visit .jp's fabulous "soapland". \_ WHIFFFFFFF!!! \_ I'd pay $50 to get you a prostitute, naturally beautiful or not, just so you'd grow up and mellow. Or at least just stfu for 5 minutes other than cries of, "what are those bumps on your chest?! is it contagious!? and why don't you have a peepee?! aaacccckkkk!" \_ thank you, NERFAMC. \_ I always thought she looked like a snake \_ this is the sad state of american media... beauty:popular::lucy liu:william hung - what a cute couple!!!!!! \_ I hate these fucking titles. So fucking arrogant. Of all time? Give me a fucking break. More like for the past 50 years and US only. The world != Hollywood \_ you did see that it was an Australian site, right? \_ My god, you're right! The world _does_ = Hollywood! \_ Dude, australians are nothing more than extremely stupid brits with suntans.-lior |
2004/6/1-2 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:30524 Activity:low |
6/1 Argh! I accidently hit double-bucky-kill-XEmacs. Is there some magical incantation to make it open up the 20-some-odd files I was editing? (I don't need to recover lost data). \_ How about this? Find the last .saves-xxxxx file in your home dir, run "grep -v # ~/.saves-xxxxx", then somehow pass the resulting lines as arguments to the elisp function (find-file ......). \- no but you can plan for the future. there are a few packages to save your emacs state. look around the elisp archive or the emacs sources newsgroup or the emaccs wiki. --psb |
2004/6/1 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30525 Activity:high |
6/1 Christopher Hitchens on CSPAN - ardent defender of Iraq war. Admits he's no longer a socialist. rtsp://video.c-span.org/15days/wj060104_hitchens.rm \_ What do you get when you combine the world saving idiocy of the left with violent tendencies of the right? \_ the biggest killers of the 20th century were all leftists. \_ Hitler is leftist? Uh, yeah. \_ NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Nationl Social German Workers Party. His political platform was socialist. He was considered 'rightist' by other Communists because he did not believe a Communist Revolution was necessary to implement socialism / communism. \_ Oh BS. You are going to tell us next Robespierre was a modern progenitor of the Republican Party because he called himself a Republican. Did Hitler believe in giving ownership of the means of production to the workers? No. Doh! I have just been trolled... \_ Then please dispute this: A Little Secret About the Nazis http://russp.org/nazis.htm \_ How can I hope to dispute with a man who brings up universal free education as proof of evil? \_ The article addresses the Nazi's political ideology - factually refute it or don't waste my time. \_ The capitalists have starved to death far more people than the communists, but since no one person is in charge, the blame is diffuse. How many have died because there no profit to be made in keeping them alive? \_ this is your reply - capitalism is evil? Spoken like a true red-diaper baby. Move to North Korea twit. \_ I notice you didn't answer the question. \_ Because it is a stupid question. Where/ who are you talking about? \_ I answered this already, but you wrote over my changes. See below for most of it. \_ What is this supposed to mean? This seems to be all accusation and no substance. Are you claiming African famine is all the fault of capitalists, or what? \_ Since the European colonialists set the conditions in place for the famines and then did nothing once they occurred, even though they clearly had the power to stop them, yes, I believe they are the ones primarily responsible. If you are going to (quite rightly, I feel) pin 1920s famine on Stalins collectivization of the Kulaks, you should lay blame on the head of the Western European colonialists where it properly lies as well. \_ When you get into real extremes, the difference between "right" and "left" is pretty much academic. Tyranny is tyranny. \- it is commonly claimed that what is important is structure [in this case extremeism] and ideology more or less dis- solves. in other words fascism and communism end up looking pretty similar as totalitaian systems. while this is partly true, it's not true across the board. see e.g. "anatomy of fascism" by r. paxton. you can seach motd archive for more on this well trop topic. --psb |
2004/6/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30526 Activity:nil |
6/1 Heya Windows experts, I have a Windows 2000 box that I'd like all is't ports to be closed. I do not need it to be listening for any connections, and it's on an open WiFi network. Is there a way (whithout buying windows firewall software) to close all the ports on the Windows 2000 computer? \_ How about free firewall software like ZoneAlarm? -John \_ Thanks, I didn't know that software was free. (Too bad Windows doesn't have an option to close all ports! ) --op \_ You'll get a good start on it by going through your services (admin tools->services) and turning off everything unnecessary. On windows, the problem is that a lot of different, potentially vulnerable shit uses the rpc/dcom ports, so it's not the actual udp/tcp ports themselves causing trouble. -John \_ or try Kerio Personal Firewall 2.5. |
2004/6/1 [Recreation/Pets] UID:30527 Activity:high |
6/1 Why are so many CSUAers *really* into their cats? \_ ob-substitute-for-pussy? \_ They are? Examples please? \_ Kittens: Dang They're Cute! \_ What kind of "into"? Physically? \_ Mod +5 Troll! You win! \_ They are tasty with barbeque sauce. |
2004/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30528 Activity:high |
6/1 "CNN - Government lawyers told the Supreme Court on Wednesday that the president has the legal authority to detain and interrogate suspected terrorists indefinitely without charging them regardless of whether they are arrested overseas or in the United States." Is this one easy or what? This should be a unanimous ruling. And if you have to ask, yes, unanimous AGAINST the power. Otherwise we might as well start calling him King George II of the United States of America. We even have Scalia saying that the president's commander in chief status "doesn't mean that he has power to do whatever it takes to win the war." \_ I thought he already is. If he wants to do something, just utter the "terrorist" word and no one will say otherwise. It's the magic word to get things done, like communism. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ WHY DO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE? \_ Because there's nothing to like about it! \_ When are you leaving and for where? \_ You want to capture the TERRORIST or not!! \_ TERRORIST have no rights! \_ You sound suspiciously like a terrorist to me. \_ Why do you hate TERRORISM? \_ What's that? Terror-ism? Terrorgasm? Bush only uses "Terror". We are at war with an emotion. \_ Yes, Jeff. \_ Bush has the supreme court in his back pocket. He'll get what he wants. \_ I'm going to say this will be unanimous, and that this is the case the conservative justices will point to to show that they're not in Bush's back pocket. \_ I'll say 7-2. Scalia will write a convoluted dissent and Thomas will say "me too." \_ Why do you hate black people? How long have you hated black people? \_ Clarence Thomas is black? I thought the NAACP revoked his membership. \_ It's not what's on the outside, it's what's on the Coke can that counts. \_ FOUR MORE YEARS! |
2004/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30529 Activity:low |
6/1 Is the story background in "Law and Order - Criminal Intent" related to the original LaO and LaO SVU? I've seen some characters appearing in both LaO and LaO SVU, but I've never seen that in Lao CI. Thanks. --- guy getting addicted \_ They're all L&O shows, and they all take place in Manhattan. Are you surprised that there are occasionally some common characters? What do you mean "story background"? \_ No, but I'm surprised that LaO CI has no characters from the other two series, and vice versa. |
2004/6/1-2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30530 Activity:insanely high |
6/1 Why the hell did I pick this major? No girls!! No girls!! \_ You want chicks? Transfer to univ. of south carolina or UF or someplace in the south and get yer dumb trophy wife wannabee. Don't worry, she's only there for her MRS degree.-lior \_ I'm sure the people in english or psych are thinking "Why the hell did I pick this major? No jobs!! No jobs!!" \_ You mean english, psych, eecs, or cs. \_ Not to start a flamewar, but teachers are getting hired at a prodigious rate now. But trust me, having a lot grrls in your major is no guarantee-- and when they discover Virginia Woolf, well, a guy's chances dwindle rapidly. \-who's afraid of virginia woolf? --psb \_ Any guy with a healthy libido and an eye on a female English Major. \_ hahahha fucking the ultra feminist wanna-be dykes was *the* best part of being in college. the only thing I miss about being married is no longer watching dykes suck my cock right after they spout off whatever garbage some prof/ta put in their head that afternoon. best part of being in college. the only thing I miss about it being married now is no longer watching dykes suck my cock right after they spout off whatever garbage some prof/ta put in their head that afternoon. \_ Why do you hate women? \_ if you can't meet people outside of your major you don't deserve to get laid \_ ratio was close to 50/50 about 10 yrs back. \_ It's not about numbers, but quality. That aside, I only met one girl in my major and one in a related major. The rest of the girls I met weren't in my major at all but lived in my dorm/co-op or were friends of people I met. \_ not everyone sees this as a disadvantage \_ I never did. Girls are just another distraction when I'm working. Girls are for not working time. Down hormones! \_ now or never. it'll never be the same once you leave school. find the time to get laid. \_ Don't you have to take at least some classes outside of your major? I suggest to join some student group (other than CSUA) if you want to meet new people. \_ I met exactly zero girls in my major. I mean *zero*. I mean not met as in I didn't even get a name. I went to bed with some chick almost every night my entire college career. How? I talked to girls. Every girl I saw that I was attracted to, I walked up and said hi. Berkeley girls are easy. If you're not getting laid in college.... \_ That might be so, but I find it even easier to meet women in my 30s. \_ What do you do such that you meet so many young women? The women are as willing as always, but so many are married by that time that the odds are small. I hear it gets better after 40 when women start to think they are old and fat, even when they aren't. \_ I am a dotcommie, I live in San Francisco, I go to parties. I hated Silicon Valley, mostly because of crappy ratio. |
2004/6/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:30531 Activity:nil |
6/1 How do these people stay on csua for days without being logged out? I already unset autologout!! \_ screen |
2004/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30532 Activity:high |
6/1 Poll: 1. Do you think Scott Peterson killed his wife? Yes : .,_+/*. No : 2. Do you think he will be convicted in court? Yes : +*. No : .,+/ |
2004/6/1-2 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30533 Activity:high 57%like:34808 |
6/1 Why do I get the feeling Scott Peterson's trial will turn out to be just like the Simpson's? Is the guy rich too? \_ No weapon found, no clear cause of death, no witnesses. Tried to run. Circumstantial case. \_ The glove does not fit! \_ Next time when you plan to kill and bury someone, make sure you buy a pair of gloves of the wrong size. Did the police bother to test the inside of the gloves for OJ's DNA? \_ in the famous demo, oj was wearing a thin plastic glove under the ill fitting leather glove. try wearing your gloves with saran wrap on next time, they won't fit either \_ First I've heard of this, Link? \_ Instead of a wronged black community supporting the defendant, we have wronged angry white males. Both groups think their guy is guilty, but also think the evidence is not sufficient. \_ I think he did it, I think the evidence is insufficient, I think he'll go to prison for it, I think he should go to prison for it, I think he'll go to prison for it for the wrong reason. Justice isn't perfect but as long as the guilty get punished, even if for the wrong reasons it's headed in the right direction. -awm \_ The American justice systems, much like everything else, are for the rich and the true scumbag. If you are rich, you can hire a good enough lawyer and you can get away with anything. If you are true scumbag, like those black mother fuckers in Oakland, then you can get away with pretty fuckers in Oakland, then you can get away with pretty [much] everything too, because the law is so protective of the supposedly innocent that it basically can't touch you. It is the middle class that gets fucked up. It is so fucked up, that when we deal with terrorists, we need to drop all these bullshit and deal with them the correct way. If we deal with criminals the way we deal with terrorists, a lot less innocent lives will be killed by criminals that the \_ fewer law fails to bring to justice. If our justice system is so fucking great, then deal with terrorists the same way. \_ Wow, nice little rant. Did you lose $50 in small claims court or something? I'm certain my experience with the legal system is much worse than yours (since it continues on after 5 years and isn't even half over) but I'm not that frothing and bitter about it. Get laid, get drunk, get over it. \_ I am the Law! Put down your weapons and prepare to be Judged! \_ Great comic. Shitty movie. Too bad they ruined it. \_ You know that guy who spray painted a bus in Singapore? He'll never spray paint a bus in Singapore in his life again, and will surely spray paint more buses in the US while chanting "God Bless America!!" \_ It wasn't a bus. It was several people's personal vehicles, but we get the idea. \_ This is a crock. Poor get totally shafted by the justice system. \_ Then why does the system fails to clean up Oakland? East Palo Alto? \_ I don't know but the answer is not because the poor don't get punished for crime. California has a larger percentage of its population locked up than any place on earth. Talk to a DA or PD or any criminal lawyer and ask them about justice and the poor. \_ Shafting poor != cleaning up crime. |
2004/6/1-2 [Computer/Rants] UID:30534 Activity:very high |
6/1 What's the average bi-monthly Berkeley EBMOD bill for an appartment with two people living in it? \_ I'm guessing lower than yours. \_ you get bi-monthly bills? \_ I got EBMUD (water bill) bi-monthly (every 2 months) -!op \_ By the way, does anyone know why EBMUD asends me newsletter to my home address in Fremont, even though Fremont is served by ACWD and I've never been a EBMUD customer elsewhere? |
2004/6/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:30535 Activity:kinda low 61%like:34936 |
6/1 MacHeads: Half-life for the Mac??? http://www.dealtime.com/xPR-Half_Life_Platinum_Edition_2 \_ Don't buy a mac for the games. You get only the top 10 sellers which aren't always the better games and you get them 6-18 months later. |
3/15 |