2004/5/27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30442 Activity:very high |
5/26 Best side scroller game... EVER. http://www.emogame.com/bushgame.html - pst \_ w00t! \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ WHY DO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE? \_ Did you miss the link yesterday about hate and politics? \_ not work-safe. \_ Wow. A Bush bashing link on the motd. What a shock. \_ Here's a nickle kid. Buy yourself a sense of humor. \_ Quite similar to the movie comming out today in this respect: goes to extremes making stuff up in order to bash right wing politics. \_ Was the game ALSO written by Art Bell? \_ See now, why don't you put up a website listing all of the made-up stuff instead of just whining about it? \_ obGoogle. It's all over and you wouldn't care anyway. \_ Funny, this is what I found: link:csua.org/u/7hi \_ Ok, and? |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30443 Activity:nil |
5/26 how come fstat always shows motd.public being loaded with "r" status when it's obviously locked for write? \_ That's just another aspect of the VRWC to censor your motd edit rights and freedoms. \_ those bastards! |
2004/5/27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30444 Activity:very high |
5/26 Politically motivated threat warnings? http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/27/politics/27terror.html "' ... There's no real new intelligence, and a lot of this has been out there already,' said one administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity." \_ Yet another BushCo conspiracy to destroy American credibility around the world for generations to come! So, if something blew up and 10,000 people got killed would you be the first one here screaming that they didn't warn us? And then next you'll say they warn us too much and you're 'terrorist alert weary'. \_ General warnings count for shit, even if something does happen. What matters is that they take the right precautions to keep security tight. If they know of a specific threat, then by all means warn us and take precautions, but just saying "something bad might happen" is no better than fear-mongering. \_ Rice got smashed for the last time when they had non specific warnings and they didn't tell the world. Now they tell the world about non-specific warnings and you bitch about it. \_ Well, there's no new information. They haven't raised the threat level. Why all the sudden warnings? Don't be such a tool. \_ Because Memorial Day is traditionally the kickoff for the summer vacation season. And the suspicion is that there might be an attack during the summer vacation season. Didn't you see how Condi Rice got hammered for not doing anything after the memo a month before 9/11 with no new or specific information? information? -emarkp \_ But are they doing anything that they wouldn't be doing anyway, besides trying to make big headlines that essentially say, "WATCH OUT! BAD MUSLIMS! FEAR!" The Condi threat memo is a nice attempt at a dodge, but doesn't relate to this case at all. \_ Uh, if they were doing anything different, you probably wouldn't know about it. And how is the threat memo a dodge? As I read it, the administration is getting criticized for saying anything now, but would get criticized later if they didn't say anything now. -emarkp \_ It's just the "I hate Bush no matter what" contingent on the prowl. There's no point in talking with them. \_ Read the polls lately? Looked around? Bush isn't exactly Mr. Popularity these days. \_ Are you the same person who was whining about lack of substance above? Either you're here to disucss things seriously or you're here to fuck around, make noise, and tell us all (again) how much you hate Bush. You can't have it both ways. And you totally ducked what emarkp had to say. \_ Bush's strongest support comes from anti-terrorism. If there's a successful attack and he didn't sound some warning, that will take away from his #1 strength. Can't let that happen. Wouldn't be prudent. Raising the terror threat level costs money. If there's no attack, or god-forbid the attack occurs after the threat level is lowered, then this again takes away from his #1 strength. \_ I have credible evidence that the Administration will attack John Kerry in the near future. \_ You think they'll send Ashcroft out with a bat to a Kerry campaign stop and whack in his knees? \_ They outsource that type of thing. \_ I have no details of where or when they intend to attack, but I think it's important that the American public be reminded of how serious this is. \_ That ice skater chick survived to get a silver medal. John Kerry will ski again! |
2004/5/27 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:30445 Activity:high |
5/26 Does anyone know anything about the Unbreakable Autolock? It's like a Club that fits on your brake pedal. I can't find any user reviews online (like on amazon, epinions, etc). Thanks. \_ If you have a car that's so expensive that you're worried about it being stolen then it's probably already got some kind of immobilizer chip built in. \_ Not at all. It's a low-price car, one that's very easy to break into. I know all these anti-theft devices can be broken, but I just want a cheap, easy deterrent. \_ Um, not only expensive cars get stolen. Hondas, especially in California, are among the most cars stolen. \_ Camrys and Tauruses are in the top 5 or 10 most frequently stolen cars. I don't think the OP's concerns are unreasonable. \_ They are in the top 5 most numerous cars, which is why they are most stolen. \_ I think it has more to do with ease of entry, etc. These cars are pretty renowned for being very easy to break into. I don't think this contradicts my earlier point, though. http://money.cnn.com/2004/02/27/pf/autos/nicb_most_stolen None of these are particularly 'expensive' or likely to have elaborate anti-theft electronics. \_ I think the statistics is how many stolen per 1000 cars. \_ No. If you want those statistics then look here: http://www.iihs.org/news_releases/2003/pr082103_hldi.htm Camry doesn't even make the list. \_ Tauruses? No fucking way. I've parked mine in the worst neighrborhoods and industrial back alleys for 7 years and the worst thing that happened is some dipshit used it for a shelf and scratched the hood in a campus parking lot. I *wish* someone would have stolen it when the replacement value was higher. \_ See above link. \_ Reading the link didn't help me get my Taurus stolen about 4 years ago. I considered leaving the keys in and walking away but I'm not that unethical. \_ There's a wider world outside your skull and limited experience, you know. \_ you're an idiot. i just wanted my car stolen. \_ AutoLock - about $60 (pro version), the older version is about $30 I think somewhere someone was still able to break it, however it is very hard to. Get it at Kragen. \_ thanks. -op |
2004/5/27-28 [Health/Sleeping] UID:30446 Activity:very high |
5/27 Hey MOTD, I was thinking about buying a mattress for my apartment, but I don't know anything about them. Anyone have any useful advice for me? Anyone ever heard of Stearns&Foster? TIA. \_ I have no idea about how healthy/bad they are for you, but try a good quality futon--I love mine. -John \_ Unless your back is exceptionally snooty or sensitive, mattress selection isn't as important as commercials make it out to be. Just go based on price, since big-name (e.g. Sealy) mattresses can get expensive. As a starting point look at what mattress you're sleeping on right now and look into buying another. I'm actually using an Ikea mattress, which was very inexpensive, and surprisingly good quality. And comfortable. \_ I'm happy sleeping on the floor, a hard bench, a couch or yermom's lap but getting the right matress is critical to good long term sleep. Try it in ths store. Snuggle up, enjoy it. Make sure it feels really good because you'll be sleeping on it for a few years and so will your lover(s). \_ The Tempurpedic matresses are really nice. I just can't see spending the (what is it, $3,000, $5,000?) money for it. \_ What's life long chronic back pain worth to you? \_ As a $500 mattress does the job almost as well, the question is moot. \_ That's what I thought until I got a real matress. The question is neither moot not moo. Get a good matress and avoid mad cows. \_ Moo? WTF? \_ Yes. Moo. What about it? \_ ______ < Moo. > ------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || \_ See how happy this cow is? He has a quality matress. \_ Is she your wife? Is your wife a happy cow? \_ Yermom's lap. |
2004/5/27 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30447 Activity:insanely high |
5/27 Is there any way to get around the WinXP registration requirement, besides re-installing every now and then? Has anyone tried this: set the CMOS date to Year 2010 or so, install XP, then set the date back to today. Would that work? \_ Why don't you just get the corp edition and enter in a volume license key? \_ Won't that eat up one license count from my company? How does volume licensing work? \_ So download a license generator and generate new keys. \_ There are real bona-fide cracks, but this is not the place for them \_ Install XP inside a vm, take a snapshot after the install, then revert when necessary (assumes you just want for testing purposes; if you actually want to use XP as your base OS, consider buying it). \_ Any free vm out there that runs on top of NT? If I install XP inside a vm on top of NT, will the XP apps be able to use USB ports? The reason I want to switch to XP is that I can't use the USB ports on my NT machine. \_ Free? You pirated XP, why don't you pirate the VM, too? \_ Because I don't have access to a legit copy of vm. \_ Uh yeah... so why not pirate that, too? You're already asking how to violate the MS license. Why not violate the VM one as well? \_ And if you did buy XP Pro and don't want the hassle of activation, go the Corporate Ed. route. |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30448 Activity:nil |
5/26 Favorite classical composer? \_ Chopin \_ Bach \_ Vivaldi |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30449 Activity:nil |
5/26 How much of a carcinogen is Red 40? |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30450 Activity:nil |
5/26 Theories as to why psb interrupts other posts: boosts up his ego: . thinks people are stupid: . inherited from his rude Bengali genes: needs to know 'what is cheeseboard': . |
2004/5/27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30451 Activity:insanely high 75%like:30462 |
5/27 how many people are using motdedit2 now? using : . not using: ...... \_ better question, why are you/are you not using motdedit2? \_ I predict motdedit2 will win in a landslide! |
2004/5/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30452 Activity:insanely high |
5/27 New evidence of a link between Iraq and al Qaeda. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110005133 \_ Mommy, why does the WSJ want me to reigister? \_ csuamotd@csua.berkeley.edu \_ As if the WSJ editorial page had any fucking credibility. \_ Thank you. \_ Funny, I find that nothing that disagrees with me has any credibility either. \_ The WSJ has really gone downhill since Jan or so. Remember the whole Kerry intern disinformation campaign? WSJ was part of it. In general, they have become very partisan. Read The Economist if you want pro Free Market opinions without the Republican Party slant. \_ Yeah. Anyone remember Vince Foster's suicide note? \_ Kerry was fucking some hot chick. Nothing wrong with that. He has a life long history of womanizing. It didn't hurt Clinton any. Women voted for him in droves. Kerry should revel in it. It makes him much more human than his endless drumbeat about his very short Vietnam stay and his endless speachifying. It isn't disinformation if it's true. I think it can only help his campaign. \_ Is there any way to get the LA or NY Times w/o the democaratic party slant? \_ Easy: Don't just read the LA/NY Times. Try BBC, CBC, and some of the east Asian online mags. \_ East asian magizines? The Korean newspapers I read have plenty of party slant... -jrleek \_ Not really. Read lots of stuff, read between lines. Apply brain. Most importantly look for what they *don't* say because that's where they hide their a lot of their bias. For example, are we still losing 2-5 soldiers per day in Iraq? Is the power and water situation stable? Are kids going to school? Are people eating? How many people there are looking forward to their first real vote in their entire lives? How many of Sadr's men were killed by anti-Sadr Iraqis? If Sadr and friends have 10,000 people total, doesn't that mean there are still ~26 million others who haven't taken up arms against us? Why hasn't the Shia/Sunni war broken out? Why haven't the Kurds broken away from Turkey? Why does nothing good ever seem to get reported about anything going on in Iraq? Is it true that there is nothing at all good happening there? If it bleeds, it leads. Welcome to American 'journalism'. \_ Americans want news about how we'll be leaving a nice democracy in Iraq, and no more American deaths. Americans also want to hear any news about why this won't be coming soon. \_ Christian Science Monitor is a great source, without any discernable partisanship. There is probably no replacement for the Washington Post, alas. The Week is good if you only have time to spend two hrs/week on news. Yeah, if you have time, read everything and make up your own mind, but I don't have time for that. \_ The CSM? It's run by evil Xtians! And the WAPO is run by the Moonies! \_ No, the washington post is a decent paper. The washington times is run by the moonies, and it's a total rag. \_ If Bush or Condi say something about it, maybe I'll start paying attention. In the mean time, it's just Republican catnip. \_ Catnip? Yes, all registered (R)'s get a free subscription to the WSJ. It's a better written paper than the NYT which has a rather poor track record for clean reporting these last few years and those are just the ones we know about. \_ (1) "The New York Times publicly took itself to task for its pre-Iraq war coverage, admitting it was taken in by spurious information from Iraqi exiles with their own agenda to oust Saddam Hussein." - May 26 (2) The WSJ published the name of a juror in the trial against the Tyco exec. I've read about WSJ's excuse. (3) Republican catnip. Circumstantial evidence is what circumstantial does. Look what it did to Bush. The weight of credibility lies on him now. I'm going to wait for him to support the next claim, since everyone is now watching him carefully, since he has no one left to blame (already blamed the CIA, already blamed Chalabi, who's left?). \_ Is this that whole thing from the wall about repeating the "American credibility is destroyed for generations!" until it becomes 'truth' Soviet style? You need to be more \_^Soviet^Bush consistent if you're going to put over the Big Lie on everyone. You don't post that crap nearly enough to get the rest of your audience repeating it. \_ Do you have any idea how bad the image of America is overseas right now? Do you ever leave the country? Read polls? I dunno about the generations bit, but Bush has destroyed American credibility overseas. \_ Given that America is as powerful as the next 20 countries put together, perhaps a better question is, what credibility do the overseas have with us? \_ Wow, talk about missing the point. \_ Nuke the rest of the world and we won't have any credibility problems. Fuck the foreigners! \_ Alas, no, I am not the person who posted about credibility earlier. I am still waiting for you to dispute my points. |
2004/5/27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30453 Activity:very high |
5/27 Track Kerry's Position on Iraq http://www.georgewbush.com/kerryoniraq \_ They really need something like this for Bush: Mission Accomplished! Mission not accomplished! Baathists out. Baathists in. Will significantly reduce troops in a year. More troops longer. WMD. WMD program. No WMD or WMD program. Chalabi's the next president. Chalabi is a crook. Eliminate all militias. Negotiate with Sadr militia. Gitmoize Iraq. Iraq is not Gitmo. There is an al Qaeda link (Dick). - There is no al Qaeda link (George). - Well, now they're all here anyway. \_ Shut the fuck up you piece of shit! \_ With debate skills like yours, Bush will win California in a landslide! \_ Why do you hate America? \_ Why do you hate white people? \_ w00t! \_ I find it humorous that with all of Bush's faults, the best dirt that they can come up with is that he *gasp* flip-flops! \_ I find it humorous that with all of ______'s faults, the best dirt that they come up with is that he *gasp* flip-flops! \_ If ____ were Kerry his faults would be more than mere flip floppery but that's the easiest and most amusing charge to level. I voted for flip flopping before I voted against flip flopping! \_ Right, why argue policy or substantive issues when you can just make up easy shit? \_ "I HATE BUSHCO BECUZ DEYRE EEEVVVIILL!!" When you're ready to keep your personal hatred to yourself and argue those substantive issues I'm here. -real consrvtv \_ Nice strawman. The only one frothing here is you. [restored, censors and smashers can go fuck off] \_ I never froth. I'm just voting for things before I vote against them. You have *never* seen the word "hate" come out of my keyboard unless it was referring to someone else's use or state of emotion. There are very few things in the world worthy of true hatred. Politicians aren't worth the energy it would take to hate them especially since all you can really do about them in the end is vote against them and that's not enough to satisfy the deep hatred I've seen others express. Have a nice day! :-) \_ You have a limited understanding of politics if you believe that all you can do is vote. I have helped put laws on the ballot that were then passed, raised thousands of dollars for my favored candidates, lobbied my legislators and changed at least a few other voters minds on the way. Don't diminish your own power like that. |
2004/5/27-28 [Industry/Jobs] UID:30454 Activity:very high |
5/27 For that $70k coder who was going to ask for a raise. Did you do it? how did it go? \_ got outsourced! \_LOL, you sob! \_ did it, but review is delayed until end of 4th quarter. put my resume out and got quite a few responses so far sticking at job until i find something, they will counter offer only when I will leave, not giving notice because they fire tons of people without notice. \_ yep look around, lots of oppertunities out there now. I also went and talked to my VP of Eng, it is delayed until mid next month. I think I'll put my resume out as well because if he's sincere, he should at least give me a good faith offer. \_ You should give notice but not until you find a new job. Why would you let them know you were looking before you actually got a new job? My God, are Cal people really this unprepared for life in the real world? Cal needs a class on how to get by in the real world. Notice means, "I already have a new job, I'm not interested in your counter offer, I hate your guts but I'm giving you two worthless weeks of slacking and short hours so you can't ruin my good name by saying I walked out with no notice". \_ hahah, I like that. better yet, just give a day notice because I ain't coming back. when I got laid off, I didn't get two weeks of pay. it sucks to be the last one to be laid off. people got laid off during the first round got six month of paid. Even the guy that was fired also got some severance. in the real world, you'll just know how to whine and complain to the the money. :) \_ No matter how your job sucks, exercise noblesse oblige and \-you have an odd notion of noblesse oblige --psb, exer- cising dictionary oblige don't burn bridges. Word gets around, and the world is small--and even if 9/10 of your colleagues are shit, you may find yourself working with the tenth someday, and want to leave him with a good impression. Just give notice, smile, say thank you, and leave. -John \_ Maybe he actually wanted to stay at the current job as long as his pay is raised. So he threatened to leave by giving the notice that he's looking for a job elsewhere. \_ Good managers know that once someone gives notice they're gone. A raise granted under those conditions won't keep the employee around for more than 6 months. If he wants a raise he should ask for a raise and then when he doesn't get one they have no reason to waste his time with a fake counter. There's also the risk that they'll give him the raise he wants and then replace his ass 3 weeks later since they know he's going to quit in 6 months anyway *and* that other job is now gone so he's fucked. Get new job, quit old job, move on like a professional, forget about them. \_ I didnt tell them I am looking. i told them I'll wait for the review to come. In the meantime I will look for a job and when I do find one, leave without 2 weeks notice. \_ Give the 2 weeks. I just quit the worst job I ever had but I gave the 2 weeks. I slacked off, got paid for it, and they can't tell their manager buddies in other companies that I walked without notice. It's a very small industry. Do yourself a favor. No matter how much you hate them, give the two weeks. Slack off, come in late, leave early, take long lunches, accomplish nothing, but get those two weeks officially on the books. \_ will do, going fishing during lunch \_ As long as you were officially there on the books and didn't walk out in a no-notice huff, fishing, fucking, or anything else during your 3 hour lunch is the way to go. \_ If the alternative is doing violence to your boss, walk out in a huff. Better to be known as someone who quits without giving notice that someone who assaults his supervisors. \_ How about, returning to your desk calmly, writing a two-weeks-notice letter, and giving that to him the next day? \_ That would be too mature a response for some motd people. ;-) I agree with you in concept but I still think there's no reason to walk in a huff. If things are *that* bad you have a lawsuit. \_ Yeah, but you *really* don't want to get a reputation as a guy who sues his employer. \_ Nope, take the two weeks and walk. |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30455 Activity:nil |
5/27 I hereby declare that all pro-kchang and pro-rap/hip-hop posts are trolls and will be treated accordingly. -motd cop \_ Yo that's whack! \_ W0W UR S0 K00l! |
2004/5/27-28 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30456 Activity:moderate |
5/27 Spammer sentenced to 3.5 to 7 years. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=5278816 \_ Yay! Does he get a free ass raping? Maybe he needs some m'ed'is(in3 40r mak-in(g h}i{s pe-ep&pee bi^gg$er! \_ Wasn't that the idiot who couldn't even make any money off his crappy identity theft/spamming scheme? \_ perhaps a better sentence would be to make them stay in jail until they've read every single email they ever sent out. \_ that's not harsh enough. |
2004/5/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:30457 Activity:high |
5/27 Someone made a comment about the current U.S. death rate in Iraq. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/world/0401/chart.iraq.fatalities/frameset.exclude.html \_ Most interesting link: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/world/0401/chart.iraq.fatalities/content.2004.html \_ Yeah, I don't understand. Casualities have fallen, so why is Bush's leadership being unfairly attacked? -strawman (?) \_ going way up, and then going down some, is not "falling". unless you mean like how losing 2 million jobs and then adding 300K is "adding jobs" |
2004/5/27 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:30458 Activity:high |
5/27 MacOS X Mail complains about soda's certificate when connecting over SSL. Is there a way to silence it? Is there a public x509 certificate around here? The stuff in /etc/ssl/certs isn't readable by anyone but root. -jeffwong \_ There's a way to get Mail to suppress the warning... sorry, but I don't remember what it is off the top of my head. \_ public part of the cert is always obtainable. -dwc use openssl s_client -connect hostname:port \_ What is the complaint it gives? \_ when Mail.app complains , go to the "option" button. You will see a little icon looking like a certificate. Control-drag the certificate icon out to the Deskto(or other file location). Install the certificate in KeyChain.app (I suppose OS X looks through the KeyChain if the CA can't be found). It is all in Help.app -tyf |
2004/5/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30459 Activity:high |
5/27 Not that it will probably work out that way, but a hypothetical Kerry/McCain presidential ticket beats Bush 54-39% in polls. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/26/opinion/polls/main619786.shtml \_ Bush is burnt toast, but please don't tell the motd freepers that: they might get disheartened and stop posting, which would make my days that much less amusing. \_ Uhm yeah. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a freeper. I'm sure you find it easier to smear the opposition with labels instead of engage in anything resembling honest debate. Or you can just keep up the smear campaign and preach to the choir. \_ d00d, 91% of Republicans supported Bush a month ago. Now only 84% of Republicans support Bush. You won't be running out of Republicans anytime soon. \_ In a close race, losing 7% of your constituents in a single month is pretty bad. \_ I'm so freaking out! I need to go back to the freeper site to get a dose! Or I'll have to visit Rush's site and see him on the 24x7 cam to assure myself I'm ok! Or I could just chill like the rest of the 'red states' and laugh at how Kerry is *supposed to be up 15 points in all those battle ground states but is either tied or losing. \_ Not according to Zogby. \_ Bush/Powell 2004 - Powell/Rice 2008 \_ Powell + (anybody *other* than Bush/Cheney) would win easily. \_ What's all this Powell stuff? I thought we decided Powell was just the token minority on the Bush team and sold out his principles when he outright lied to the UN about WMD? I'm confused. Who are we supposed to hate today? \_ Who's smearing the oppostition with labels and not engaging in honest debate now? |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30460 Activity:nil |
5/27 Why was the Hunter Thompson thing and the Racial Slur dictionary erased? F*** censorship! \_ Did it have anything to do with linux or bike riding? |
2004/5/27-28 [Recreation/Media] UID:30461 Activity:nil |
5/27 For simpsons nerds: http://www.csupomona.edu/~jelerma/springfield/index.html |
2004/5/27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30462 Activity:nil 75%like:30451 |
5/27 how many people are using motdedit2 now? using : . not using: ....... \_ better question, why are you/are you not using motdedit2? \_ Because emacs already warns me when I'm about to overwrite someone else's post. \_ Same for vi. \_ ok, so what do you do, back out and try again? \_ I don't do this, but it's easy to yank the change + reload \_ Yes. (emacs guy) \_ yes. (other editor guy) \_ I predict motdedit2 will win in a landslide! \_ Where is this mythical software located? |
2004/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:30463 Activity:nil |
5/27 Can't I go through one fucking day without hearing everyone at work talk about last night's American Idol results. \_ I'm not a fan of the show, but she *is* talanted. \_ How many times did you call? I couldn't get in! \_ I didn't hear anyone at my workplace talking about it. \_ hear hear \_ How do they work out voting with different time zones? |
2004/5/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Military] UID:30464 Activity:high |
5/27 vote to lift the Assault weapons ban http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/South/05/09/gun.control.rally.ap/index.html \_ Or, alternately, to extend it. \_ Why extend it? In what way does it help? -- ilyas \_ I think poster is pointing that it could go either way. half-empty versus half-full. \_ I was just curious what the arguments are for extending the ban, now that it's been in effect for a while, and we are in a position to see how well it did. -- ilyas |
3/15 |