2004/5/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30335 Activity:high |
5/20 In Java, how does a class instantiate an inner class that belongs to another class? \_ You don't. \_ I remember "new OuterClass.InnerClass()" working. |
2004/5/21 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30336 Activity:very high |
5/21 Bomb Canada: http://tinyurl.com/32jdo (canada.com/national post) \_ If we're nice to the terrorists, they'll be nice back! It's just because we're so mean that they attack! \_ I think we should negotiate with the terrorists. Surely their demands are reasonable and can be accomadated. \_ I agree with both of the above. If we just let them kill all the Jews, give them back Spain, build new Wahabi schools to educate more of their children, and all either convert or kill ourselves, they'll stop attacking us. \_ I think Bush and Osama need to get together for some tantric yoga. \_ Just think of how much more we could have gotten done in the war on terror if we hadn't listened to Chalabi. |
2004/5/21 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Consumer/Audio] UID:30337 Activity:insanely high |
5/21 Why apple has an iPod division: http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20040520.html \_ silly speculation. -tom \_ How's that kool-aid tasting? \_ I own a Mac, but I certainly haven't drunk the kool-aid. Apple has significant challenges going forward, and the biggest one is that they are still massively reliant on the desktop hardware business; getting rid of it is not really possible. -tom \_ Because the iPod makes them lots of money. Duh. \_ This from the same guy who has zip understanding of MMORPGs but wrote a column on their economies. |
2004/5/21 [Health/Disease/General] UID:30338 Activity:very high |
5/21 Soda might cause cancer: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99995002 \_ Everything causes cancer when you give a rat 50,000 times in a day the amount a human would consume in a lifetime. \_ Not to say that there aren't problems with how this type of research is done... but they actually do need to give rats many times the human daily dosage of a substance to compensate for the more active rat metabolism. \_ Does 50,000 x 365 x 70 human sized doses per rat per day sound right to you? \_ then delete my username and account ASAP please \_ Heck, I knew that. Spending 36 hours straight in a basment with 40 computers CAN'T be good for you. \_ Log off now! |
2004/5/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:30339 Activity:insanely high |
5/21 For those not subscribed to http://ucb.org.csua: From: jvarga@csua.berkeley.edu (Jeffrey Varga) Subject: CSUA T-Shirts are in! Yes, CSUA T-Shirts are now officially in! If you sent me an email requesting to reserve one, I most likely emailed you individually. If I did not email you back, I have not reserved one for you and your email has been eaten! For everyone else, buy your vintige CSUA cheap knockoff T-Shirts for the low-low price of only $12. Buy now, and for only $0.25 you can get fruity crack! Yay! jvarga [has gone nuts from finals] http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~jvarga/images/CSUA-Final---Front.png http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~jvarga/images/CSUA-Final---Back.png \_ Question: is there any reason the CSUA doesn't have a cafepress store for these t-shirts? I'd be interested in one except I'm an alumnus and nowhere near Berkeley. \_ cafepress doesn't offer black t-shirts, for one thing. \_ RACIST! \_ RAPIST! \_ what? \_ whatever happened to the price list design shirt that was going to be on cafepress? \_ Me too. Is there a way to buy one if I live 2000 miles away? |
2004/5/21 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:30340 Activity:insanely high |
2/21 I just upgraded a very old PIII to an AthlonXP. I used the cheapest CPU and a rather cheapie MB with only 256 megs of RAM (I just wanted to do something with the extra box and drives I had lying around.) It seems to run a LOT faster than my laptops running a Celeron 1.5 gigahertz with 256 megs of RAM and seems comparable with a 3.2 gigahertz P4 laptop with 512 RAM I have on loan from the company I work for. It's especially noticable when running stuff like 3D games (I'm not a gamer so the stuff I run is 3 years old). I stuck in a cheapie Radeon 9600 and it seems to run a lot faster and smoother than even the higher rated laptop (which has a mobile Radeon builtin). Has anyone had similar experiences before? Do laptops really suck that much vs. desktops? The memory and the drive I suppose really do affect performance (I turned off cpu throttling on the mobiles but it didn't make much difference). \_ You're looking at a few things here. 1) the bus speed on the laptops is probably dirt. 2) celerons suck. 3) mobile video is always "teh suk!". mobile video vs desktop: even when it has the same model # is never as good as the desktop version. they cut out extra performance bits and often lower the clock to save power and heat. 4) laptop video is lcd and probably set to a lower refresh rate than your desktop default on a crt. 5) the bus speed and ram on your desktop is also probably set lower than desktop. 6) the laptops probably have some power saving mode on which is keeping your cpu from burning itself up and not telling you. this is all in no particular order, btw, and without knowing more about your particular setup it could be any or none of these. -amc \_ oh yeah, the hard drives in laptops are usually slower, too. -amc your particular setup it could be any or none of these. \_ I am a EE idoit, so, forgive me. Does LCD has "refresh rate" as well? For CRTs, I can literally see the electron guns and imagine it sweeping back and forth 60 times a second. \_ Systems have refresh rates that determine how often updates are sent to the monitor. Refresh rates for LCD monitors usually don't mean too much, though; there's no electron gun for LCDs, so there's no flicker, which is usually why people want high refresh rates in the first place. LCD monitors do have response times though, which is the amount of time it takes for a pixel to completely change states. A high response time leads to ghosting. \_ In effect, yes. The on/off time for an lcd pixel can be mostly equated to the refresh time on a crt. \_ I have an Alienware 51-m laptop (for work). It has a 3.2 GHz HT CPU, 1 GB RAM and a 7200 RPM drive, Mobility Radeon 9600. It's just as good as a desktop (with the possible exception of the video--I have a Radeon 9800 at work, so I can't easily compare it to the Mobility). It also has a 8.8 Amp-Hr battery and 160 W power supply, and weighs 10 lbs. But it's a pleasure to use. |
2004/5/21 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30341 Activity:kinda low |
5/21 In the following procmail example (found on a procmail help page), is there any reason for the extra ':' on the first line. What file is being locked? Even if one of the actions were writing to a file, wouldn't it be sufficient to just have the extra ':' right before that particular command, and NOT before the '{'? :0: # forward jokes to my wossamatta u. account * ^From.*bob * ^Subject:.*(joke|funny) { :0 c ! rocky@wossamatta.edu :0 | lpr -Pacsps } |
2004/5/21 [Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:30342 Activity:high 55%like:30347 |
5/21 Bill Cosby gets it. NAACP Mfume and Shaw do not. http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/ny-flmid3811870may21,0,7539165,print.story?coll=ny-entertainment-headlines \_ What a shock. A self-made millionaire understands real life, but leaders of a group motivated to maintain victimhood dosen't. \_ I don't think Bill gets it, I think he is being arrogant. Everyone has their own way of talking in the right setting. You don't talk the same around your parents, as you do your friends, or at work. There's nothing wrong with slang in the right setting. Besides, once slang is accepted in the mainstream it no longer sounds ghetto. Take for instance, "it's all good". 10 years ago you'd never hear White professionals utter that, but now it's quite common. Cosby needs to get off of his high-horse, he sounds like a sell-out. \_ Slang is fine at home but not in business. I don't care if people speak pidgin, ebonics, English, Spanish or Martian at home. But use standard English if you want to interact with the rest of US society. \_ White people have white trash who we make fun of. If you make fun of black trash it's racism. Hoookay... (Or in this case, since Cosby is black he's an Uncle Tom) \_ AP's version of the evening differs from NewsDay and WorldNetDaily. Quelle shock! http://csua.org/u/7eb \_ Neither account claims to be comprehensive. This is new? \_ Tell us another one, Unka Tom! |
2004/5/21 [Recreation/Humor, Politics/Domestic] UID:30343 Activity:very high |
5/21 http://csua.org/u/7ef Aren't Right Wingers funny when they make fun of dead peace activists? \_ Aren't peace activists funny when they do something stupid and die? \_ no, actually, that's not funny at all. \_ I'm waiting for some self-identifying conservative to disavow this one the way I disavow myself from Ted Rall's frequent idiocy. I suspect it won't happen, actually. -- ulysses \_ I'm taken aback by the uproar considering most leftists are also Darwinists. \_ You are a liberal? \_ That depends on who's asking. -- ulysses \_ I'm not sure what to disavow here. This is tasteless and not funny. One the other hand, it's just a crappy cartoon in a University rag. It's not nationally syndicated, who cares? BTW, yes, I'm right wing, and I think what she did was stupid. Doesn't mean I don't think this comic is too. |
2004/5/21 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:30344 Activity:nil |
5/21 How do I configure Mozilla to use outlook when I click on an email address? It keeps insisting launching it's own mail program!! \_ it's clearly smarter than you are. \_ This is one of the big failings of Mozilla. Use Firefox instead. \_ I looked this up a few months ago. It wasn't worth the trouble. I got a new job instead. Good luck! |
2004/5/21-22 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:30345 Activity:very high |
5/21 I was not a CS major and never took the compiler class. What is a good book to help me write a compiler? And what about interpreter? Do they basically involve the same issues except code generation and optimization? \_ Use the book by Robert Mak, called "Writing Interpreters and Compilers in C++." It's a practical, hands-on "lab" type book which doesn't get bogged down in too much theory. It's a lot of book to go through, but if you pace yourself and follow the examples you'll have a good, practical knowledge about writing interpreters and compilers. I would avoid theory books such as the Dragon book since from what you've indicated you probably want practice over theory, (I doubt you're planning to write the next ocaml or haskel or some other junk language that will never see the light of day...) Also, compilers and interpreters are no longer written in the sense that you think of. Nowadays people use metainterpreters/compilers to build stuff like this (i.e. lex and yacc). \_ Oh God!!! Here we go with everyone responding about how great the dragon book and CLR are. \_ Let me be the first to say what a piece of crap the dragon book was (is). It's written so badly it often took me 5-6 reads to understand a paragraph, often requiring me to diagram what the author was writing. The book seems to go to great lengths to avoid clear examples too, which makes it more fun. \_ agree, this book uses the most cryptic English ever. \_ You should take basic CS classes before reading the compiler book. Otherwise it'll be easy to get lost. Do you know regular/push-down and other Chomsky-hierarchy shit? If not you better get to know them before you get into compilers. \_ agree on basic CS courses, I dunno what chom-whatever was, and I still got thru this course. you basically need to know data structures and be reasonably decent at programming. \_ I took CS164 (w/ Hilfinger, no less) but by the time I graduated, I totally forgot most of the stuff I learned. What are some actual applications of writing a lexer/parser as opposed to taking something off the shelf or just putting together a very simple language that is easily parsed by Perl? \_ None whatsoever, since it's already been proven that current languages (C, Pascal, scheme, lisp, forth or any fully functional ALGOG type language) are as powerful as langauges can get. In other words all modern computer programming languages are essentially equivalent and it is impossible to write a more functional language than what is already out there. The people who are trying to invent new languages are merely wasting time and are essentially arguing about style rather than substance. --williamc \_ Not exactly. Though programming languages that are Turing Complete are equally powerful, some are more expressive than others -- this is something you can quantify using a model like Denotational Semantics. \- if you think the dragon book is confusing, have you tried reading anything by Christopher Strachey? --psb \_ That's true, certain languages are definitely more apt at doing certain things than others (i.e. you can do things in Perl much more quickly than in C or Java and vice versa). However, the point is that there isn't anything that really requires another language that isn't already out there. We've been at OOP for what, the past 20-30 years? Pattern programming has never really taken off except in very fundemental class design. So what's really left to "invent" in a new language? If you argue for better parralleism for MPAs I'd say we had languages like that with Modula 2/3. --wllliamc \_ One idea I was toying with was separating 'object' from 'data structure' in the language. The language library provides mathematical objects for you to use: (graphs, sets, trees, etc), and changes the implementation (at compile time) depending on how they are used, in the same way that databases do query optimization. I don't think this has been done yet. I think the field of 'improving tools' for programmers and people representing knowledge is wide open. -- ilyas \_ The Self virtual machine will change the machine code implementation of your data structure depending on how it is used. And in a prototype-based language, like Self, it's pretty easy to define interfaces that change behavior as you use them. \_ I think what I want is for the compiler to do this, not the programmer. Say if you use a set but only iterate over it, an array will do, but if you do random access, you want a hashtable. A compiler can figure these things out, and substitute the right data structure, while a programmer can think about properties of sets themselves. It's cool that self does this, but I wonder if it does 'complexity analysis' to figure out what data struct to use like "this set is accessed randomly a linear number of times, so we want a data struct which supports random access in constant time", and so on. These are the kinds of decisions a programmer makes, and it would neat if occasionally the compiler could take over this job. -- ilyas Actually, looking back, I think part of the reason I don't remember anything is that I took it with Hilfnger and was too busy deciphering his project specs and doing the projects and not busy enough learning the theory and applications... but at least I can still pick up something like the Java or JVM spec and understand it. \_ Manycompiler/interpreters are for some very specialized language. \_ Many compiler/interpreters are for some very specialized language. It only has one application, and you might not even recognize it as a programming language. |
2004/5/21 [Health/Disease/General] UID:30346 Activity:nil |
5/21 I have been get some mails that just contains just a short paragraph claiming I have sent them emails with viruses, which I of course did not. Is it really somebody forged emails with my email address? The hostnames of those who send me the complaint do not seem legitimate either, but if they were spam, what are they trying to sell if their messages contain no solicitation nor ad? \_ These fake virus emails usually have an attachment which they claim is the thing you sent them but is really a virus. Just delete. |
2004/5/21 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:30347 Activity:high 55%like:30342 |
5/21 Bill Cosby gets it. NAACP Mfume and Shaw do not. http://csua.org/u/7ee [newsday.com]> (shortened) \_ What a shock. A self-made millionaire understands real life,but leaders of a group motivated to maintain victimhood dosen't. \_ I don't think Bill gets it, I think he is being arrogant. Everyone has their own way of talking in the right setting. You don't talk the same around your parents, as you do your friends, or at work. There's nothing wrong with slang in the right setting. Besides, once slang is accepted in the mainstream it no longer sounds ghetto. Take for instance, "it's all good". 10 years ago you'd never hear White professionals utter that, but now it's quite common. Cosby needs to get offof his high-horse, he sounds like a sell-out. \_ Slang is fine at home but not in business. I don't care if people speak pidgin, ebonics, English, Spanish or Martian at home. But use standard English if you want to interact withthe rest of US society. \_ Business is not some monolithic White Republican thing. Is black slang appropriate if you are a rap A&R person? Of course. \_ White people have white trash who we make fun of. If you make fun of black trash it's racism. Hoookay... (Or in this case, since Cosby is black he's an Uncle Tom) \_ If you're black and you make fun of black trash it's ok. Generally, it's tacky to poke fun at race if it's not your own. \_ I'd say it's tacky (but fun) to make fun of your own race but it's mean-spirited and possibly racist to make fun of a different race. \_ AP's version of the evening differs from NewsDay and WorldNetDaily. Quelle shock! http://csua.org/u/7eb \_ Neither account claims to be comprehensive. This is new? \_ you're right, it's not new that NewsDay takes quotes out of context in a pathetic attempt to push their own agenda. Hey, you want to post another link to an ice flow study as "proof" against global warming? -tom \_ The AP version is shorter and has clearly cut out or mischaracterized the less "PC" Cosby lines. You've got it all back asswards, as usual. \_ Tell us another one, Unka Tom! |
2004/5/21 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:30348 Activity:very high |
5/21 My boss's new black BMW got keyed recently along the length of the car. He tried to buff it out, but the scratch is still there. Any recommendations? Thanks. No, I didn't do it. \_ are you the world's biggest sycophant? why do you even care? \_ Comprehensive insurance. My car got keyed and I paid $50 out-of- pocket. $100 and $150 are more common of more expensive cars. \_ Bad suggestion. Your insurance will go up. Don't file frivolous claims. \_ That's what comprehensive insurance is for.. it includes minor theft / vandalism and isn't supposed to count towards your premium going up. They aren't allowed to hike your premiums for these things. BTW, this also includes things like cracks in your windshield from rocks on the freeway \_ My premium didn't go up. Claims against comprehensive (because they're committed by acts of vandalism or acts of God) don't increase your premium. Check with your insurance. \_ "If God lived on Earth, people would knock out all His windows." -- Yiddish saying \_ Anything under $500 or so should not increase your premium. But most comprehensive come with a deductible that you have to pay out of your pocket. If you have $250 or $500 deductible, not worth it. \_ Mine was over $500 and it didn't increase my premium. The point is that it wasn't your fault and was completely out of your control. In that case, it should not count against you as it would if you were simply a bad driver. $250-$500 deductibles are pretty steep. I've never seen them that high although it would be plausible. \- Helo I dont think you understadn moral hazard. Anyway, if you file a lot of claims, it may suggest you somehow more expensive to insure ... whether that is because you live/work/park in a bad area, have a nasty bumper sticker that pisses off people and gets your car keyed, whether you have a stalker or neighbor who hates you. Unless an insurance co is regulated against using filed claimed as signals, it probably makes sense for things like this to have an effect on primiums. --psb \_ You must be paying high premium. How often do you claim for comprehensive? \_ Not really. I only filed once because some asshole who deserves to be gang-raped in San Quinton keyed my mid 90's car. \_ If you hadn't blocked his driveway, he wouldn't have keyed your car. \_ I had a $100 deductible on my comprehensive (I don't have comprehensive any more). Came in handy when a rock cracked our windshield (and the windshield cost $900 to replace). \_ Do you drive a BMW or sports car? \_ If your boss drives a BMW, he/she must have money pay for such minor damages. Why even trying to waste your precious time to even find a cheap way to fix it. \_ because he's the one who keyed it \_ Loser #1: No one likes wasting money, even BMW drivers. Loser #2: I didn't do it. \_ Loser #3: ass kisser. \_ Oh yes, I see now how this discussion has evolved. \_ BMW drivers have hearts and souls, too. And sometimes not\ so snobby as to think "$500 is nothing." --chris \_ It's actually amazing what misconceptions people have of BMW as being an expensive car. Relatively speaking, a 3-series actually costs less than those monsterous SUVs and even many sedans that look cheap (Subaru STi, Evo, G35, Lexus, etc.). \_ X5 \_ My 3 series was over $40K. Lexus, G35, and such were almost $10K cheaper. It is expensive for what it is. By the way, keeping a low deductible is a waste of money. Get one with $500 or $1000 and use it only when you need it. \_ Lexus and G35 are pieces of crap. Just because they're $10K cheaper doesn't mean it's a good value. You should have bought a used 5-series for the same money. -chris \_ That's actually true. Edmunds uses to concept of true-cost-of-ownership which factors in things like mileage, depreciation, and maintainance costs. BMWs have free maintainance for the first 3 years. They hold their value pretty well and they're pretty fuel efficient. Their lame SUVs, on the other hand, are a different story. \_ I think Lexus is a better car and my next car might well be a Lexus. Also, if I wanted a 5 series I would've gotten a 5 series. I didn't want a 5 series. \_ Latest issue of Consumer Reports shows that reliability for Mercedes & BMW is in the dumps. Japanese luxury cars don't have that problem. \_ Yep. My neighbor has a Mercedes and a Volvo. His next car? Toyota Avalon. He's sick of the problems and his last Toyota had none. \_ most of that is about trim pieces and such, as opposed to costly mechanical stuff, but yeah. \_ Look at it this way. I have had all 4 power window regulators replaced under warranty at $400 each. When the warranty goes out that is not a cheap repair. Add in the time I wasted with my car in the shop and the frustration (one broke on my way to a concert and I had to go back home to switch cars!) and it sucks! My Honda hasn't had one regulator replaced yet in TWICE the time! \_ Well the 3 series price range is huge, the base ones are retail 28K, invoice under 26. There are quite a lot of cars in the 30-40K range that people don't get this attitude over (Ford Explorer). High end brands just each have connotations about what kind of people own them. But for some reason Audi and Acura and even Lexus I think don't have that brand image. Probably because it wasn't until the 90's that they really got in the game. |
2004/5/21 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30349 Activity:high |
5/21 Bravo Pelosi! You have more balls than most politicians. Fuck Bush! \_ all balls , no brains. Her answer on her way to win the war on terrorism: "Education" \_ On the left, this passes for political rumination. \_ On the right, this passes for terrorism. \_ wewt! \_ Also more money (richest woman in congress). Also more plastic surgery (okay, that's speculation). \_ Wait, how many women are there in congress? And how rich is she? \_ This kind of talk puts American lives at risk! \_ http://politicalresources.com/You_Asked/Richest.htm Amend that to one of the richest people in congress. \_ what does that have to do with anything? \_ No less than the op. \_ uh, what? \_ Lest we omit that 8 of the top richest congresscritters are also Dem. \_ "The San Francisco/Boston Democrats led by John Kerry have now adopted 'Blame America First' as their official policy," RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie said..." Why does Pelosi hate America?? I'm George Bush, and I approved this message. |
2004/5/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:30350 Activity:high |
5/21 http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=1885406&nav=EyAzNJKP Man, don't go golfing in Florida. (Actually gator bites car) \_ There was a 8 foot gator in the pool of my grandparent's neighbors in Boca. \_ Never live in a town called "Rat Mouth" \_ Tell that to the jews who have taken over. |
2004/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/HateGroups] UID:30351 Activity:insanely high |
5/21 http://www.billymilano.com/ChapelleShow-Black_White_Supremecist.wmv black white supremacist video \_ rofl :) \_ not funny at all. \_ i have to agree... concept wasn't too bad but that was boring. forced and overlong, plus... racism isn't funny. \_ RACIST! \_ RAPIST! \_ BIKE RIDER! \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ MASS GRAVES? \_ OUTRAGED BY OUTRAGE! \_ SUV IS THE STANDARD! |
2004/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30352 Activity:nil |
5/21 http://csua.org/u/7ej (ABC News) 30-year-old Abu Ghraib sysadmin Sgt. Provance stripped of his security clearance and told he may face prosecution because his comments were "not in the national interest." He was probably smacked because: "Provance said when Fay interviewed him, the general seemed interested only in the military police, not the interrogators, and seemed to discourage him from testifying", making Maj. Gen. Fay (who has been assigned by the Pentagon to look into MI's role in the abuse) look really bad. \_ If you're a sysadmin you'd better be at least a Major. Sergeants get paid peanuts. They got what they paid for. |
2004/5/21-22 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30353 Activity:nil |
5/21 What is the proper way to spin down a an IDE disk in a FireWire enclosure in Linux? hdparm (the ATA/IDE tool) or scsi-spin? The Firewire device shows up as SCSI in /dev/sda/ |
2004/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30354 Activity:insanely high |
5/21 More and more pics and videos from Iraq. Some at the washingtonpost. \_ Is there some reason I'd WANT to see more gruesome pictures? \_ Why, as explained by a Washington Post editor: http://csua.org/u/7ek \_ Not compelling to me. \_ Well, now you know, at least. \_ Expect ongoing politicizing of the images slowly leaked out by the media until the election. And people wonder why the left is accused of treason. \_ You should raed the above URL, first. Then you can come back and call the liberal left treasonous. I don't care. \_ You should read the above URL, first. Then you can come back and call the liberal left treasonous. There's nothing I don't like more than an uninformed Bush supporter. \_ Uhm, I think we all know bad shit happened to some Iraqis in US custody. Is it necessary to see all 1000 photos and 17 videos spread out over every 3 days between now and the election? No, it is not. I mostly support the original revealing of what was going on. I do not support the politically motivated trickling we're now seeing. \_ Well you should care, because the media is trying to recreate Vietnam all over again. Its disgusting and treasonous. Please explain to me how I am uninformed. I am waiting to be enlightened, please deign to do so!!! \_ Do you agree with suspending our obligations in the Geneva Conventions? \_ Like this section: "..shall encourage the practice of intellectual, educational, and recreational pursuits, sports and games amongst prisoners"? A combatant is someone in the military service of a country that wears a uniform with a fixed distinctive insignia, openly carries a weapon, obeys the laws of war and answers to a chain of command. American military forces diligently follow these rules. Terrorists that the American military is fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq do not. Even under the Geneva Convention, spies, saboteurs, terrorists and criminals may be tried and punished (up to death). So in conclusion there are no "obligations". \- fine. if there are no obligations than "the media" has no obligations not to publish these. in addition to looking backwards toward the "obligations" how about considering the "repurcussions". do you think it would be better if the non-american press covered this and the us press was silent? \_ Yes obviously the policies should be reconsidered but that does not necessitate invoking Geneva. What I am speaking to is the use of this by the media as a political tool to bludgeon the President and by extension the effort in Iraq. What will happen is the media will continue to leak photos until the election in an effort to recreate Vietnam. Its disgusting, transparent, and treasonous. I would gladly trade a Bush loss and Iraq victory. The Dems have decided to do anything to win, country be damned. \- arent you conflating "the dems" and "the press". let me ask you this: if corporations can take out ads and write checks to parties and congresspersons, why cant editorial boards express their opinions? what change to the status quo are you recommending. it's not like BUSH CO is saying "lets wait for the legal process to work" ... they are certainly promoting their "few bad apples" position. you know the 1st amd doesnt just apply to rep senators from oaklahoma. \_ dems = the press. whats the problem with that statement? \_ No problem with editorial boards. To pretend the media has no left bias is patently absurd. So you trot out the totemic evil of the GOP - the corporations - igoring the largest constuencies of the Dems, trial lawyers and unions. Unlike the left, I have no delusions about politicians who 'care' for the little guy. I operate from simple principles extolled by the founders: government is inherentely evil. \_I hold it to be self-evident that you're a fucking idiot. \_ Lawyers gave more money to Bush than Gore, and corporations gave an order of magnitude more money to republicans than unions gave to democrats. -tom \_ source? I don't think you know what you are talking about. \_ http://opensecrets.org works. Labor has given $90m in each of the last 2 election cycles. Add up the corporate sectors and the order of magnitude claim holds true. The site groups lawyers and lobyists, but on http://www.opensecrets.org/2000elect/sector/AllCands.htm his claim again holds true. --scotsman \_ Then how is it that the Bush and Kerry campaigns have roughlt the same amount of money when you add in proxy groups such as http://moveon.org? Got math? \- making hay out of something like does BUSH go to his daughters graduation is silly and probably deperate partisanship. The AbuG Show is not a "vast leftwing conspiracy". Maybe the legit press has a leftwing bias but the right uses media as a means too, eg. the fake press reports. if you cant tell the difference between the WP and partisan hacks, you are simply not use- ful to talk to. The WP editor above is hardly Michael Moore. Why dont you also add "all the climate scientists are leftwing freaks, as are development economists and most law profs." \_ Well, yes, that would be true. They mostly are. \_ Which is directly opposite of what Rumsfeld has stated this week. You don't keep up all that well do you... \_ To clarify on what this person just said, Rumsfeld's subordinate said that the Geneva Conventions apply to Iraq (but not Guantanomo). \_ They are bowing to political expendiency. You can read it yourself, article 4 is very clear: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/91.htm \_ So, have you read the URL yet? \_ Why don't all of you understand? The geneva conventions applies to America only to the extent it protects our soldiers, because we are the good guys. Why we are acting on order of God and punishing the bad guys, it does not apply to us. \_ Not hard core enough to me. \_ Why do you bother writing sarcastic nonsense like this? You're not going to get a real response that will further debate in any real way. Does it make you feel good to spit in the wind? It's just you and the echos when you go off all frothy. |
2004/5/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:30355 Activity:moderate |
5/21 Anybody know what happened to the .ORG name servers? \_ They've been fucking up for weeks. Last I saw, they stopped passing AA flags with top level requests. |
2004/5/21 [Transportation/Car] UID:30356 Activity:nil |
5/21 Two related questions: Is there any program or method that allows you to scan in an image, and then separate the image into its different components/shapes (i.e. if a picture of a car was scanned it, it would then separate out the tires, body, etc, and give each one a handle that could then be moved around, scaled, etc)? Second, is there any relatively inexpensive Windows program that allows you to do simple animation? Thanks. \_ write one \_ This is vision-complete, which is AI-complete. There are some papers on solving some small versions of this problem. -- ilyas \_ Thanks, but I'm looking for simple software out there already (if they even exist) to help someone who wants to create some animation. \_ If you find such a program, let me know please, I have some uses for such a program myself. -- ilyas \_ closest you can get in non-research sw is "magic wand" |
2004/5/21-22 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30357 Activity:nil |
5/21 Sen. Inhofe: Taxpayer Funded Radicals Unethical http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/5/21/144238.shtml Federal Grants Awarded to Environmental NGOs, 1997 -2001 http://www.sovereignty.net/p/ngo/ngochart.shtml |
2004/5/21-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30358 Activity:nil |
5/21 What is a good windows program for reducing the size (in pixels) of all the jpegs in a particular directory? Irfanview does exactly this for an individual jpeg, but I have to do each one manually. I would like to reduce the physical size of 1000 pictures to, say, 40% of original size, all in one, or even a few, keystrokes. \_ ImageMagick mogrify (I don't know if it does windows) \_ I think the poster asked for a "windoz" program. JPEG Resizer: http://software.virtualzone.de/resizer \_ Thanks! \_ Irfanview does this too. File > Batch > Set Advanced Options > Resize |
2004/5/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30359 Activity:high |
5/21 Yep, and there it is... motdedit + motdedit2 + self righteous morons over writing other people's edits "because those other people didn't use motdedit like me so it's ok!" and now the motd is an unreadable fucking mess. Can anyone explain to me how all this shit is better than when people just edited the damned thing directly or merged new edits with their own copy as necessary? I don't understand how anyone can think this current situation is better than before we had all these scripts. \_ OP here to clarify: I'm saying broken pseudo revision control has resulted in a far bigger and unreadable mess than when the only rc was people kindly manually merging recent changes back in. Now we have a bunch of pricks who don't bother because they used some script or other method that they have self determined to be the one true way and thus 1) are still blowing away other people's edits, 2) don't feel guilty about it, 3) even worse they feel self righteously proper destroying other people's edit. The various motdedit scripts also have the problem of mis-merging shit back in. There are bad merges. There are things that *should* have been deleted (due to age, etc) that get restored, there are partial dupes of threads within other threads. Motdedit has problems we've all seen. Motdedit2 simply has different problems. I don't want the cowardly censors deleting my shit but I also don't want it munged or mis-restored either. Why can't we all just get along? It just isn't that hard. Technology will not solve this problem. It's a people problem, not a scripting cleverness problem. --op \_ I don't understand how anyone who has ever worked on shared files can think that having no revision control is better than having revision control. \_ I think the guy is saying that no revision control is better than broken revision control. \- this is not a technology problem. the problem is the people who delete stuff they dont want to see, or people too lazy to merge stuff. i use emacs to edit the motd and if i get a warning the file has changed, i revery and yank my changes back in. i dont need to use something like motdedit. you cant prevent the write over problem and continue to allow people to "expire" article and anonymity ... at the moment it is expensive to de-anonymize and only possible in the case of automated hosage. i think that is fine. --psb \_ it's not at all expensive to de-anonymize. You put the file under CVS. Problem solved. (incidentally, you just blew away one of my posts) -tom \-i dont think so. i dont think you follow how the emacs saving works.--psb \_ For some reason tom's real paranoid about people nuking his posts... probably because he does this so often himself. -- ilyas \_ tom? blowing away other people's posts? how can that be? it seems impossible that such an open minded, intelligent, educated, and all around good guy would do such a hypocritical and horrid thing. anonymously, no doubt. ;-) \- i mean to de-anonymize under the current state of affairs ... where you have to look at lastcomm or idle times and correlate. i think it is maybe useful to have this be expensive. --psb \_ just to clarify what motdedit2 does. It NEVER deletes anything. It NEVER overwrites other people's post. It NEVER clobbers. Period. It will ALWAYS guarantee that motd will either be of the same size, or more. Kapeesh?? -kchang \- cat >> also never deletes anything. the point is that there are other tools to edit the motd that do delete things and people will use them if they are not prevented from doing so [say by some suid/sgid thing ... not that i am lobbying for that].--psb \_ ah yes, but motdedit2 has a "restore&merge" feature that you can run from time to time that'll 1) ensure that your entry is never deleted 2) ensure that NEW entries are never deleted 3) easy to use with one command line -kchang |
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